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About The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936 | View Entire Issue (May 4, 1906)
K - M ifr i pj V 5 V y r J V H -v - y - v H V kJj CL TWENTY -FOURTH YEAR k Sewer Bid Accepted City council mot in adjourned session Hast Friday evening with full board present Ten sower bids were found on file with the city clerk Following resolution was adopted Whereas the bid of F S Dobson is the lowest and best bid towit as per proposal 8 inch pipe 53c 12 inch pipe 63e 15 inch pipe 83c 15 inch cast iron 3ipo 8150 brick manholes 46 con crote manholes 175 por foot Therefore bo it resolved that the city council accept his bid and award ihim the contract to construct the sewer and that the mayor and clerk bo author ized to sign a contract on behalf of tho city and that tho bond of tho said con tractor be and tho samo is fixed at 5000 to bo appioved by the mayor Druggist permit was granted L W McConnoll Billiard hall licenses wore granted iBurnett Benjamin and Kendlen Stevens A plumbers license was granted John Hunt The purchase was authorized of 500 feet of Royal Brand of fire hose at 37 cents per foot Council adjourned to meet on Monday evening April 30th 190G at 8 oclock No sessions of the council was held on -Monday evening quorum lacking Wedding Bells Samuel McGoadon of Wauneta and tMiss Viva L Denny of Palisade came down to tho city Wednesday evoning of this week and woro united in mar Tinge at the Congregational parsonage by Rev G B Hawkes Mr Gooden is a prosperous farmer of that vicinity They were attended by a party of frionds from their vicinity Charles McCullum of Bartley and Miss Dora B Porter of Indianola wore married by Rev M B Carman at the Methodist parsonage Thursday even ing May 3rd at 9 oclock The young -friends took No 13 this morning for Colorado on a short wedding trip They will make their home in Bartley Notice To My Friends and Patrons - On account of sickness I am unavoid ably called away from McCook and will therefor have to discontinue my Veterinery Practice for at least a short tinie For the benefit of those wishing o correspond with me while absent my address will be Mountain Grove Mo Hoping to be able to soon return lam Very respectfully War B Hoag Touched Marlon Neighborhood A personal word from Marion states that that neighborhood was shaken up pretty lively on Monday afternoon by the storm The tenant house of M V tNiisson was blown down the dwellings of Jesse Smith and Joe Sanders suffered a like fate Numerous damages to windmills and smaller buildings are re ported No injuries are noted Dr B Trubvasser the eye specialist of Kansas City is in McCook Headquarters at the office of Dr Z L Kay If you are in need of properly fitted glasses call and see him Examination free If not convenient to call notify Dr Trubvasser and he will call at your home CIZY CHURCH ANNOUNCEMENTS Christian Sunday school at 10 and Christian Endeavor at 11 oclock every Sunday morning All are welcome Catholic Order of services Mass S a m Mass and sermon 1000 a m Evening service at 8 oclock Sunday school 230 p m Every Sunday J J Loughran Pastor Baptist Sunday school at 10 a m Preaching at 11 a m and 8 p m Young Peoples meeting at 7 m led by Miss Hurley You are invited to wor ship with us A A Holmes Pastor Congregational Sunday school at 10 am Preaching at 11 am and 8 pm by pastor Christian Endeavor at 7 p m Prayer meeting every Wednesday evening at 8 Text for morning services next Sunday In that day shall there be upon the bells of the horses Holy unto JehovahZac 1420 All are cord ially invited to attend these services Geo B Hawkes Pastor Methodist Sunday school at 10 am Xiesson Matt 1324 30 36 43 Sermon -Gods Estimate of Man at 11 a m Class at 12 led by Judge Moore Junior League at 3 Brotherhood of St Paul at 4 EpworthLeagueat7 SermonCourt ship Marriage and Divorce at 8 Good music Prayer meeting Wednesday night at at 8 Sunday school and preach ing in South McCook next Sunday M B Carman Pastor MOVEMENTS OF THE PEOPLE J K C McKay is absent in Missouri on a visU E J Kates was up from Lincoln over Sunday C II STENNETThas moved his family to Holdrego -Miss Bessie Jagger is with Mrs W M Weidonhoimer Ed Purdy is preparing to build him a home in South McCook Mrs G II Thomas is in Harvard Mr Thomas mother is ailing Mrs Lillian Pitney and children are visiting her brother C II Boyle II II Berry is adding an upper story to his residence on Main avenue i L r 15abcock returned to tne sani tarium in Lincoln Tuesday night P A Welles of South Omaha was in McCook Saturdayon business matters County Attorney Eldred went over to Lebanon Monday on business of the law L D Vanderhoof has purchased the C E Pope residence on north Main avenue Mr and Mrs J D Giest loft on No 6 Tuesday night for Holdrege whero they will live Mrs N B Bush of Almena Kansas is a guest of her parents Mr and Mrs F D Burgess Mrs H II KmGSBORY of Peoria Illinois is here on a visit to McCook relatives and friends Dr C LFahnestock returned home last Friday from a flying trip to St Louis and other points Mr and Mrs C L Allen of Tren ton were guests of Mr and Mrs H G Phelps first of the week W L Sutherland returned Tues day night from Seneca Kan after a few days visit there among friends Mrs Roy Smith is in tho city on her way home to Denver from Iowa and is a guest of Mr and Mrs Henry Smith C D Ritchie is in Lincoln this week in the care of oculist one of his eyes requiring expert attention and skill Mr and Mrs I M Beardslee spent a day or two in the city this week on their way to Colorado for the summer Dr W E McDiviTTisin LThcoln in attendance upon tho State Medical As sociation convention and visiting the home folks Mrs Rachel Erwin and daughter Mrs Winnie Stoddard Williams arrived from New York state the first of the week to remain some time Dr and Mrs F W Eskey of Proph etstown 111 were brief guests of C H Boyle and family first of the week on their way to San Francisco Calif Mrs H P Sutton has returned from her Chicago visit Among other mat ters she secured plans for a new resid ence which will bo of the concrete block construction Mrs F W Hawksworth and mother Mrs Hobson came up from Lincoln on No 3 Saturday night on a visit of a few days They returned home on No 12 Wednesday morning Mr and Mrs J A Wilcox were pas sengers on No 3 Tuesday night for their western trip of a number of weeks They will visit in Colorado Idaho California and Washington J W Hupp arrived in the city Mon day on No 1 from a business trip east He spent Wednesday looking after some business affairs in Lebanon and took his departure yesterday for his home in Seattle Wash Miss Edna M Barr has the tenderest sympathy of her many McCook friends in the sad and sudden death of a mar ried sister in Colorado last Saturday She left at onco for Lincoln to join her parents Interment was made at Hold rege Mr and Mrs Henry Oesau of New Holstein Wis are guests of Mr and MrsCFred Padewho is a brother in law of Mr OesaTi Mr and Mrs Oesau are homeward bound from spending six months visiting in California Mr Oesau has farmed for 58 years in Wis consin and this is the first visit he has made in that time Rev A A Holmes had word last week from a brother in San Francisco in unique form announcing the fact that he is safe and living off the bounty of friends The highly prized message came in the form of a soiled and some what mutilated piece of paper torn from a small pocket memorandum book There was no envelope or stamp But it came through O K just the same in three days A Flrst Class Plumber John Hunt of the new plumbing es tablishment has secured the services of a first class plumber this week Best of work guaranteed The Proof of the Pudding Well you know it is not in chewing the string This holds good in meats as well as in puddings The B M meat market guarantees you the best the market affords in the meat line in any and all kinds of meats They throw in liberal and courteous treatment and prompt delivery You will find the market at the old stand first door south of the Walsh block We bespeak a liber al portion of your patronage during the new year David Magner Prop Death of Baby Dlnnell Ethel Olive the nine-months-old J daughter of Mr and Mrs Arthur Din- nell of South McCook died on Monday of this week Services of a brief char acter were hold at the home of J M Huet in Southeast McCook Tuesday afternoon by Rev M B Carman burial following in Longview cemetery The parents have much sympathy of friends in thoir bereavement High School Alumni Meet There was a meeting of the members of the McCook high school alumni Thursday evening when tho following officers were elected President R J Gunn secretary Laura LcMillen treas urer Bessie Beam executive committee members John Rice and Minnie Row ell The alumni doings this year will be held June 1st Michael Devoe Dies at Lebanon R W Devoe received word this week of the death of his aged grandfather Michael Devoe of Lebanon Deceased was born January 17tb 1807 Died April 28th 1906 Funeral occurred at Lebanon on the 28th Michael Devoe camo to Lebanon in 18S0 Death caused by old age there being practically no sickness Pure Mixed Paint uo you want an absolutely pure paint with a guarantee that we stand back of Then get the Lincoln A P Paint It will not pay you to get a chea paint not even 50 cents a gallon less Now is the best time to paint Come n and let us figure with you A McMillen Druggist Here For Today From May 3rd to May 12th Strauss Bros Chicago master tailors have sent us their entire line of woolens in the piece for this occasion only Call at our store and have your measure skillfully taken Leave you measure for future referenceif not ready to make you selec tion today Special prices DrAMOND The Laboring Mans Friend Perfumes that show refinement Nothing is hard er to accomplish than to get the oxact perfume to fit your personality Per haps you dont dote on any certain kind Then come in and let us help you in selecting one We carry all the best brands and odors L W McConnell Druggist Notice of Estray Strayed from my farm about nine miles southwest of McCook or or about March 29th one iron gray two year old colt has white spot on forehead and I silver tail A E French Culbertson Neb Hello There Everybody save up and be ready to go to tho good dinner at the Methodist church Saturday May 19th given by the Epworth League The Baby Found It Ed Jeffries baby found the lye can a few days since and as a result has a very sore mouth Nothing serious Wool Wanted Diamond pays the highest market price for wool Call at the store for sacks and twine Fred E Bortfield piano tuner of Red Cloud will be in McCook in a short time in the line of his business Largest line of suitcases 8200 to 8800 Thompsons Ready made gingham aprons 20c Thompsons China silks from 30c to 50c Thomp sons McConnells Balsam cures coughs McConnell for drugs -- nOWMAqMMB A Talk Wlih The Painter Why are Pattons Sun Proof Paints being used by all the painters and arch itects in tho east Because it is an hon est and strictly pure lead zinc and oil paint It is made from pure white load a very small per centnge of zinc and half riw and half boiled linseed oil and turpentine dryer It is the only paint with and using boiled linseed oil manu factured Its covering and spreading powers as well as its lasting qualities can not be equalled Sold only by C L Walker tho Painter Fifth District Convention D oML The annual convention Degree of Honor A O U W of tho Fifth dis trict ofNebraska heldlnJVIcCook April 25 20 was fairly well attended and of considerable interest This was the first of Bix conventions to be hold fh Nehriska7this year and nearlyTJYery lodge in the -district was represented tssiasssS The excellent address of welcome by Mrs A P Welles was met with a strong and practical response by Grand Chief of Honor Mrs Marv A Latkv who was preebnr during the sessions Numerous topics of interest camo up for discussion during tho convention among them the Open Door and tho adoption of a resolution formihg a Re serve Fund The reception Wednesday evening tendered tho delegates and their friends was largely attended and as measurably enjoyed At the close of tho sessions Thursday evening the committeo on courtesy sub mitted tho following resolutiors which wore adopted Be It Resolved That we tender our thanks to the receptiou committeo for its untiring efforts to meet all trains and assign places of entertainment to all de legates 2nd To the ladies who so kindly en tertained us in their homes 3rd To each of thedistrict officers who labored so faithfully to make this convention a success 4th To each and evary momber of McCook lodge who in any way whatso everlhelpedrtoanake thisonvention s pleasure long to bejemembered Postponed Until June 11906 We have received a number of in quiries as to whether this market was going to handle eggs on a candled basis on the 1st of May as given out by this paper some time ago The matter had slipped the writters memory or we would have stated before that the rule to handle eggs on a candled basis had been postponed until June 1st as all the markets east had postponed action until that date Shippers who have written on the subject state that they are in favor of the rule Colo Price Current otrNgTwi Notice of Estray Came to my farm known as the old Sharp farm in Coleman precinctabout March 1st 1906 a dark bay mare aged about four years and weighs about 1000 pounds Unless claimed by the owner and expenses paid etc the ani mal will be sold as required bylaw DeWitt Griffiths All Kinds of Stationery We carry a largo and varied line of fine bos stationery Just the kind that speaks for refinement and good taste The latest tints and textures in various sizes with envelopes to match L W McConnell Druggist Wanted A reliable person for McCook and surrounding country to represent the National Life Insurance Co of Chicago Liberal contract to right party C E H E Brown General Agents Holdrege Nebraska A Word of Gratitude We wish to express our heartfelt thanks to all who were so kind to us during the sickness and death of our be loved wife and mother WH Wilson and Family Alfalfa Seed for Sale We have home grown recleaned al falfa seed at 850 per bushel free on board cars Humboldt Neb Send usyour orders G W BcrrrRFiELD Co Humboldt Neb Telephone Notice Parties who are not now subscribers who wish telephones please make ar rangements ht the office as soon as pos sible C I Hall Manager Tooth Care We have all the necessaries for brush ing and cleaning the teeth and harden ing the gums Let us supply your tooth powder L WMcCoNNELLDruggist The ladies of the Dorcas society of the Congregational church will give a trip around the world on Friday even ing May 18th 6 big red or blue handkerchiefs for 25c Thompsons McConnells Balsam cures cough p rtbtttie McCOOK RED WILLOW COUNTY iHEBRASKA FRIDAY EVENING MAtf 4 1906 1 MINOR ITEMS OF NEWS McConnell for Wall Paper McMillen Prescription Druggist Best table oil cloth Do Thompsons Ladies calico wrappors 39c Thomp sons McConnells Fragrant Lotion for chap ped hands H P Waito Co sell tho Alaska re frigerators Simpsons and Amoricnn prints 5c Thompsons Mens new worsted 13 50 Thompsons suits 8G50 to For chapped hands and faco use Mc Millens Crenm Lotion Wanted A girl for general house work Apply to Mrs George Scott Ladies summer fabric gloves up to size 9 for larger hands at Thompsons McConnells Fragrant Lotion on your face before retiring makes softflkin 25c Ladies silk gloves with double finger tips in black white and colors at Thom sons Pattons Sun Proof Paints can bo bought from the new Wall Paper and Paint Store only More than 400 dress skirts to from at Thompsons 200 to Alternations free select 700 McConnell sells the Sherwin Williams Paints Tho purest and best Let us figure your paint bill Some very nice one room patterns both for large and small rooms at the Wall Paper and Paint Store You can buy varnish all kinds fillers and paints in any size cans you like at the Wall Paper and Paint Store The best is always the cheapest when it comes to garden hose Try the Whirlpool F D Burgess Latest styles colorings and ideas car ried out by Foldon Wimer painters and paper hangers See advertisement Take our advice buy a package of Lightning Corn Cure and walk with ease I ice 10c L W McConnell Druggist of household good Inquire at residence on east Denrson street corner of Melvin Mrs Ben Strine - When wanting a garden hose get the old reliable 5 ply Whirlpool with a record of five years actual wear F D Burgess Miss Bessie Ottopolic announces that she is prepared to do sewing out by the day at 125 per day Or will take work homo - Seventeen persons united with the Congregational church last Sunday morning fifteen by confession and two by letter y You can bave buttons like your die if you will bring some of the cloth to us Our new button machine doeB the rest Tbompqons W G Jones repairs cook stovesheat ers and cleans gasoline stoves Work guaranteed Phone red 306 or box 595 McCook Neb tf Remember you will find Mike Waish just across the street from his old loca tion ready to buy your poultry eggs old rubber copper brass at tho highest cash market price You cant do better anywhere on earth than at Marshs meat market in any article usually for sale in ac up-to-date market Just try him Variety quality price treatment all guaranteed You can depend upon it every time the quality of meat you get at Marshs market Always the best and no high er than tho cheaper kinds No need to experiment just remember the reliable The Farmers Mutual Insurance Co of Nebraska has written more insurance in the last ten years than any other com pany doing business in the state J W Burtles3 Agent McCook Neb Let us show you wall papers and make suggestions in regard to papering No obligation to buy will be incurred We can paper any room in your house with exclusive patterns L W McConnell Druggist Tennis enthusiasts are at it early this season Several courts are doing busi ness north of E S Waites residence already Promises are bright for some lively games during the season and of a tournament later In his new location just across the street from his old place in the P Walsh building Mike Walsh wants to see you if you have poultry eggs etc for sale He will pay you the best cash market price for them H - nv NUMBER 49 Try McMillen s Cough cure Plonty 5c muslin at Thompsons Everything in drugH McConnoll Lot The Trihunk b your printing Turkish towels 1 for 25eTbompsons Best apron check ginghams 5c Thomp sons Best spooled carpet warp 21c and 23c Thompsons Fresh buttorof best quality at Mnreha meat markot Mons summer balbriggan union suits at Thompsons A moskoag lG oz seamless 2 bu bags 19c Thompsons Dr Kays odico is now ono door north of Commercial hotel Phono 97 Tho very newest in bolts and hnnd bags are to bo seen at Thompsons Folden Wimer papor hangers and painters Phonos black 202 and red 213 Ladies extra size gauzo union suits and separato garments at Thompsons Ladies gauzo union suits nnd separ ato garments in all grades at Thomp sons Garden hose nnd fixtures of the best grades constantly in stock F D Burgess Wo have tho best paper hanger in tho west in our employ at the Wall Paper and Paint Store Our garden hoso comes to us direct from tho manufacturers and is guaran teed - F D Burgess A largo assortment of Novelty Souve nir Postal Cards at McMillens Drug Store Consult Folden Wimer about your painting and paper hanging Work guaranteed Wanted 8 experienced sewing girls I will pay good wages Madam Tuttle New Walsh Bldg Large stock of garden hoso to select from both and Inch Ouly best grades kept in stock F D Burgess 2 Our stock of New Wall Paper is now comnlc Latest designs newest color jgs and right prices A McMillen Druggist Try By Lo Talcum Powder The purest smoothest and best toilet talcum powder mrdo 25 cents L W McConnell Druggist For Sale 15 milch cow3 fresh Call at residence old Lawson dwelling McCook Nebraska 1 13 4ts Thos ORourke Cash Received on Account Charge Paid Out and other cash register printed supplies at The Triijcne office All the latest tiles ingrain3 crepes moires uper and lower thirds Floral designs and stripes at the new Wall and Paint Store WjJl the Normahtes kiadJv tell cheir tLS ta - The There will hi i Dorcas society V of tho church at Mrs Hieniau ConSregational afternoon May lOtj at23Lr Thursday The Farmers Mual Insurance y Nebraska has carnal farm insurance cheaper the past ten Years than any other company doing business in the state J W Burtless ASent McCook Nth Parties wishing to have The Trirune print their sale bills can have the copy prepared by bringing the description of the articles they have to offer for sale to this office There will be no charge for preparing the copy and thebills will be promptly and accurately printed at a moderato cost Good homes are wanted for destitute and orphan children of all ages by tho Child Saving Institute 1S0G Ohio St Omaha From 40 to GO constantly on hand Over 300 passing through tho institute during the year If interested write for application blanks inclosing stamp for postage An exchange says In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth the editor then the liberal advertiser which was all good Tho next day it snowed and He created the man who does not believe in advertising and another who does not take the home paper And the devil got into tho moulding room and created the man who takes the paper for several years and fails to pay for it After he had completed that sorry job and having a few lumps left he created the excuse of a man who settles his subscription by instructing the postmaster to mark hi3 paper refused Of-