The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, April 20, 1906, Image 7

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Wh v7 iiW 11 1P BL sirs
dP Cream
The Snint Joi ppli Loan and Trust Com
pany a corporation incorporated under the
laws of the state of Missouri and R e
becca Walrath defendants will take no
tice that on the fourteenth day of April
1906 William G McBrayor plaintiff
herein filed his petition in tho district court of
Ked Willow county Nebraska against sain ao
fendants the object and prayer of which are to
quiet titla of tho plaintiff in and to the north
east quarter of section twenty two township
three north range thirty in Red Willow Coun
ty Nebraska and to secure a docreo cancelling
and to satisfy of record the mortgages on said
land execnto by one Adam Walrath and wife
Rebecca Warath to the Saint Joseph Loan
and Trust Company and recorded in Book 13
on page 412 and in Rook 13 on page 416 of the
mortgage records of said county and to ex
clude the defendants from any andall title caim
iien or interest in said premises or any part
Vheroof You are required to answer said peti
tion ou or before the 28th day of Mav 1906
Dated April 12 1906 William G McBrayek
4-20-4 ts Plaintiff
By Boyle Eldred His Attorneys
State of Nebraska Red Willow county ss At
a county court held at tho county court room
in and for said county April 9th A D 1906
Present J C Moore county judge In the
matter of the estate of Augu Droll deceased
On reading and filing the petition of Edward
Droll praying that tho instrument filed on the
9th day of April 190S and purporting to be tho
last will and testament of the said deceased
may be proved approved probated allowed
and recorded as the last will nd testament of
the said August Droll decea id and that the
execution of said instrument may be commit
ted and the administration of said estate may
be granted to Edward Droll as executor Ord
ered that Monday May 7th A D 1906 at one
oclock p m is assigned for hearing said pe
tition when all persons interested in said mat
ter may appear at a county court to be held in
and for said County and show cause why the
prayer of petitioner should not be granted and
that notico of the pendency of said petition and
the hearing thereof be given to all persons in
terested in said matter by publishing a copy of
this order in the McCook Tribune a weekly
newspaper printed in said county for three suc
cessive weeks prior to said day of hearing
A true copy J C Mooee County Judge
Dr Prices Baking Powder supplies
a pure wholesome leavening agent
which makes the biscuit and cake of
highest healthf ulness at medium cost f
and protects the food from alum which
is the greatest dietary danger of the day
Note Alum baking powders are sold at ten
to twenty five cents a pound or a cent an
ounce but they render the food partially
indigestible and uuhealthful
By virtue of an order of sale issued from tho
district court of Red Willow county Nebraska
under a decree in an actiou wherein Edward B
Cowles is plaintiff and Alvin Brown et al de
fendants to mo directed and delivered I shall
offer at public sale and sell to the highest bid
dor for cash at the east door of the court house
in McCook Rod Willow countv Nebraska on
the 23rd day of April 1906 at tho hour of oue
oclock p in the following described real es
tate to wit Tho east half of tho northwest
quarter of section fourteen in township one
north of range thirty west of tho Gth P M in
Red Willow county Nebraska
Dated this 21st day of March 1906 3-23-fits
H I Petehson Shoriff
J E Kelley attorney for plaintiff
By virtue of an order of sale issued from the
district court of Red Willow county Nebraska
under a decree in an action wherein Edward B
Cowles is plaintiff and F C Eaton et al are
defendants to mo directed and delivered I
shall offor at public salo and sell to tho highest
bidder for ca h at the east door of the court
hou e in McCook Red Willow county Nebras
ka on the 23rd day of April 1906 at the hour of
one oclock p m the following described real
estate to wit The northwest quarter of sec
tion five in township four north of range
thirty west of the 6tli p m in Red Willow
county Nebraska
Dated this 21st day of March 1906
H I Peterson Sheriff
J E Kelley attorney for plaintiff
Iudianola Nebraska April 6 1906
Notice is hereby given that A L Haley has
filed in the city clerks office of the city of In
dianola Nebraska his petition for a license to
sell malt spirituous and vinous liquors in a
building on lot 21 block 39 second ward orig
inal city of Indianoln Jrom May 1 1906 to April
30 1907 A L Haley Applicant
Barber Shop
Bath Booms Rear Citizens bank
kYou Can
m J
j McCook Nobrnska March 1000
Notice in hereby given thnt L W McCoumdl
has filed in the city clerks oflice his bond and
petition for a druggists permit to sell malt
spirituous uud vinous liquors in the building on
lot 7 blk 21 oricinal town in the second ward
of the city of McCook from May 1 1900 to April
30 1907 L W McConnkll Applicunt
McCook Nebraska March 30 1901
Notice is hereby given that Louis Fleis climan
lias filed in tho city clerks ollico his bond and
petition for a licenso to sell malt spirituous
and vinous liquors in the building on lot 13
I block 27 first ward original town of McCook
I Nebraska from May 1 1906 to April 30 1907
Louis Fleiscuhan Applicant
McCook Nebraska March 30 1906
Notice is hereby civen that Patrick Walsh has
filed in tho city clerks ofiico his bond and
titiou for a license to sell malt tuimunns anu
vinous liquors in the building on lot 1 block 21
second ward original town of McCook Nebras
ka from MRy 1 1906 to April 30 1907
Patbick Walsh Applicant
McCook Nebraska March 30 1906
Notico is hrreby given that William Lewis
has filed in the city clerks ofiico his bond and
petition for a license to bell malt tpirituous
and vinous liquors in tho building at No 103
Main avenue original town in iho llr t ward of
tho city of McCook from May 1 1906 to April
301907 William Lewis Applicant
McCouk Nebraska March 31 1906
Notico is hereby given that Heudrick Lath
rop a firm composed of E W Hendnck and
Walter Lathrop have filed in tho city clerks
ofiico their bond and petition forn licuns o to
sell malt spirituous and vinous liquors in the
Doyle building on lot 9 block 22 original Mc
Cook in tho first ward of the city of McCook
from May 1 191 6 to April 30 1907
Henduick Lathuoi Applicants
McCook Nebraska March 30th 1906
Notico is hereby given that Fred Rriihn has
tiled in the city clerk 8 olhce his bond and peti
tion for a licenso to sell malt spirituous and
vinous liquors in tho building on lots 1 2 and 3
block 30 original town of McCook Nebraska
from May 1 1906 to April 30 1907
Fred Bruhn Applicant
McCook Nebraska April 6th 1906
Notico is hereby given that Cljdo Brothers a
firm composed of Lovell R Clyde and Mitchell
U Clyde have filed iu the city clerks ollico
their bond aud petition for a license to f ell
malt spirituous and vinous liquors iu their
building on lot9 block 21 original town second
ward of city of McCook Nebrabka from May 1
1906 to April SO 1907 4-6-3 ts
Clyde Brothers Applicants
Danbury Nebraska April 6 1906
Notico is hereby given that Dan Cashen has
filed in the village clerks ofiico of tho village of
Danbury Nebraska his petition for a license to
sell malt spirituous and vinous liquors in a
building on lot block on Main street in
said village from May 1st 1906 to April 30 1907
Dan Cashen Applicant
McCook Nebraska April 6 1906
Notice is herebv given that Alonzo Cone has
filed in the city clerks ofiico bis bond and peti
tion for a druggists permit to sell malt spirit
uous and vinous liquors on lot 11 block 16 orig
inal town second ward of city of McCook from
May 1 1900 to April 30 1907
Alonzo Cone Applicant
McCook Nebraska April 6 1906
Notice is hereby given that A McMillcn has
filed iu the city clerks office his bond aud peti
tion for a druggists permit to sell malt spirit
uous and vinous liquors in the building on lot
21 hlock 22 original town first ward of the city
of McCook Nebraska from May 1 1906 to April
30 1907 A McMillen Applicant
Notico it- hereby giveii to the qualified elect
ors of The School District of McCook also
known as School District Number Soveuteenu
Red Willow county iu tho State of Nebnmka
that upon the written requestor at least one
third of tho qualified voters of said school dist
rict and two thirds of members of tho Board of
Education of said school district requeoting
ond consenting thr reto an election will be hold
at tho usual place of voting in i aid School Dist
rict to wit Tho basement of tho Commercial
hotel iu the first ward iu the Citvof McCrok
and in the hose house in the tecoiil ward in said
City of McCook on tho first day of May A D
1906 between the hours of niuo oclock a in
aud seven oclock p in on said day for tho pur
pose of voting on tho following proposition
which is hereby submitted to the qualified elec
tors of said School District
IShBll the Board of Education of The School
District of McCook in Red Willow county iu
the State of Nebraska issue tho bonds of said
School District in the sum of thirty six thous
and dollars for the purposo of building and
furnishing a school house for said School Dist
rict Said bonds to bo of tlio denomination of
five hundred dollars each dated on tho first
day of July A D 1906 and to bear interest at
tho rate of not over four and one half per cent
per annum interest payable semi annually on
tho first day of January and July of oach jear
until paid interest and principal to bo payable
to bearer at tho Fiscal Agency of the State of
Nebraska iu the city ofNow York Said bonds
to be offered iu tho ocen market and sold to the
highest bidder for not less than par value of
each dollar Coupons shall be attached to j
each of said bondsfor each semi annuul install- j
iuuubui luiereHU which guiu coupon aumi uu
signed by the President and secretary of said
board All of said bonds shall mature ou tho
first day of July A D 1926 aud interest begin
to run ou the first day of July A D 1906 Pro
vided thit should t aid bonds or any part of
them bo sold subsequent to their ditto tho
amount of interest then duo shall be endorsed
as a credit upoti the coupons first duo on said
bonds Said bonds to bo numbered consecutive
ly from one to seventj two and issued in three
series Series one shall consist of thesaid bonds
numbered oue to twenty four inclusive and
may be redeemed by said School Disttirt at any
timo after the first day of July A D 1911
Series two shall consist of tho said bonds nam 1
bored twonty ilve to forty eight inclusive and
may be redeemed by said School District at
any time after tin- flr t day of Jiilv A D 1916
Series three shall toiisiscof ihosaid boiidsnum
bered forty nun to seventy two inclusive and
may bo redeemed bv said School District at any t
time after the first day of July A D 1921 Said
bonds shall be signed bi tho President and
counser sigin d bv tin of said board
Shall there he levied annually upon all tho
taxable propert in said school DUtnct a tax
in a dition to all other taxes sufficient to pay
the interest on said bonds as it accrue- and to
create a sinking fund to pay said hotnl3 when
they may become duo
Said proposition as submitted on the ballots
to be
FOR tho Proposition to Issue School Dist
rict Bonds and Tax
AGAINST tho Proposition to Issue School
District Bonds and Tax
Submitted and authorized by tho Board f
Education of The School District of McCook
also known as School District Number Seven
teen1 in Red Willow county in tho statoof Ne
braska this fifth day of April A D 1906
The Board of Education of the
School District of McCook in
Red Willow County in the State
of Nebraska
Attest C W Barnes By E II Doan
Secretary Presideut
Joe Hight
Farm Buildings a Specialty
McCook Neb
Art lr he Ton
An American city once asked Mao
Monnles the sculptor to enter a deslji
for army and navy groups for a uol
dlers and sailors monument lie de
clined to compete Then the commis
sion was tendered to him outright lie
submitted sketches of his Idea for tho
groups The committee in charge of
the monument wrote him asking
How many tons of granite do you In
tend to use In the base UIs reply
was If you are in the business of
buying granite you may use as much
as you want oue ton or 100000 tons
I am an artist and I never yet heard
of art being bought by the pound
The question was dropped until the
contract for the commission was
drawn When Mr MacMounles re
ceived It he discovered in It a clause
providing that In case the bronzes were
ever thrown down from their base by
any cause whatever and any person
or property should be injured he and
his heirs forever should be liable for
the damage sustained He returned
the contract without comment unsign
ed When the committee wrote him
asking the reason his brief reply was
Your lawyers are too sharp Worlds
How Coirnrda Were Punished
Many of the devices by which mili
tary Indifference to life has been ma
tured and sustained are curious In
ancient Athens the public temples
were closed to those who refused mili
tary service who deserted their ranks
or lost their bucklers while a law con
strained such offenders to sit for tlireo
days In the public forum dressed In
the garments of women Many a Spar
tan mother would stab her son who
came back alive from a defeat and
such a man if he escaped his mother
was debarred not only from public of
fices but from marriage exposed to tho
blows of all who chose to strike him
compelled to dress In mean clothing
and to wear his beard negligently
trimmed In the same way a horse
soldier who fled or lost his shield or re
ceived a wound In any save the front
part of the body was by law prevented
from ever afterward appearing in pub
The Saturnalia
The saturnalia was a midwinter
feast of the Romans In honor of Sat
urn beginning on Dec 17 On this oc
casion great license was given to every
one to do what he pleased and even
the slaves were permitted much liberty
of speech and action All work was
suspended the houses and temples
were decorated congratulations were
exchanged and presents sent as with
us at Christmas
In some South American tribes the
women draw the front teeth
ng ns an ornament the black gap thus
a year
We make this remarkable offer to our old and new subscribers to give them
AH we ask is that in every case your subscription must be prepaid to or beyond December 31 1906
r liffyTOt
Ready For
is th man who
No mutter about
lifes Ntruglos so
lonj as ht pickets
his camp with
dollars saved No
midnight attack
nor morning as
sault has terror for
htm he just mar
ches to victory un
der tho bnnner
dollars snvod
nnd rhoitiemy ro
Its nohlo to die
fur ones country
But its more com
fortable to live if
you own a bank
book Get one to
day from
McCook Nebraska
S9AKont of Lincoln Land Co and of McCook
Wator Works Ollico in PostoHice building
Rocky fentain Tea Nuggets
A Bubv Hediciao for Emy People
Brings Golden Health and Reaowed Vigor
A pacific for Cinsti vMnn In MpOitlon Live
and Kidney Trouble 1i nple Impure
Blood Bad Breath Sitirisb BoweK Ileadacho
aud Backache tab
let form SS cnti n Ux i tio made by
Holubter Dnuu Compa -v 31 1 is i Wis
McCook Neb for terms on
He will do your work right
lfct -
General Repair Shops
Two doors east of DeG Miffs Store
McCook Nebraska
We want every one of our subscribers paid up to the end of the year so we have selected the stock and farm weekly that we think will be likely to please most of them The price of the TwentiethCCentury
Farmer is 100 per year and its a big dollars vorth24 to 48 pages each week full of good sense and good reading
Thomas F Sturgess one of the best posted men on matters
relating to western agriculture and live stock as well as hav
ing a rare faculty of gathering together a list of eminent- con
tributors and a strong staff of department editors
W Harvey associate editor of The Twentieth Century Farm
er He has had much practical experience as a stock breeder
and feeder He was for many years editor of The Nebraska
Farmer and is a member of the Nebraska State Board of
FEEDS AND FEEDING No feature has been or can
be of greater value to our readers than the Department of
Feeds and Feeding under Prof H R Smith of the Univer
sity of Nebraska Prof Smith grew into the feeding business
on his fathers farm in Michigan From the feed yard he
went to Michigan Agricultural College to study the technical
side of feeds and feeding He spent a year each at the Wis
consin and Missouri Agricultural Colleges The knowledge
thus gained has been put in practice at the Nebraska Agricul
tural College where he has attained a national reputation by
winning championship honors at the International Live Stock
Show This department is for Twentieth Century Farmer
readers who are urged to ask questions on feeds and feeding
inary Department is given the free services of Dr H L
Ramaccotti a professional veterinarian of the foremost rank
When anything goes wrong with the stock each subscriber is
not only privileged but urged to write about it to The
Twentieth Century Farmer Questions are always answered
Some Notable Contributors and Regular Departments
filled with matter from prominent dairy men located in dif
ferent sections of our territory Among these are Prof AL
Haecker Nebraska University Prof O Erf Kansas Experi
ment Station and Alson Secor of Iowa
WEEKLY MARKETS are edited by A C Davenport
the commercial editor of The Omaha Daily Bee a recogniz
ed authority on the subject
POULTRY This deparment is very popular and is con
ducted by Ida M Shepler a practical poultry woman
ORCHARD AND GARDEN is in charge of M JWragg
who was a judge in the Pomological Department of the St
Louis Exposition Mr Wragg has made a study of horti
cultural conditions throughout the entire territory from the
Mississippi to the Rocky Mountains Inquiries from subscri
bers are answered from a practical standpoint
Such well known men in the live sto c -world as F D
Coburn who was Chief of Live Stock Department at the St
Louis Worlds Fair C R Thomas Superintendent Royal
Live Stock Show W J Kennedy Prof of Animal Husban
dry Iowa Agricultural College A T Peters Veterinarian of
Nebraska Experiment Station and others write special articles
on live stock problems
James Wilson Secretary of Agriculture is an occasional
Among some of the prominent men who write about the
orchard and garden are
Charles E Bessey the Nebraska State Botanist a man
of world wide reputation
Theodore Williams the great western orchardist whoT
has produced remarkable new practical varieties of fruits
C S Harrison who has made a study of trees for west
ern use
The seed question is discussed by such men as Thos L
Lyon of the Nebraska Experiment Station A Carleton
Cerealist of the Department of Agricultural and others Irri
gation by F H Newell Chief of the Irrigation service DH
Anderson of the Irrigation Age These are only a few of the
subjects and men
Twentieth Century Farmer receives letters from its readers
nearly every day praising Frank G Carpenters Letters of
Travel In simplicity of language and vivid descriptive writ
ing Mr Carpenter is not excelled by any present day writer
of travel
William Jennings Bryan who is on a tour around the
world is writing a series of letters about his travels which
appear each week
FOR THE FAMILY CIRCLE The purpose of the
Home and Fireside and Young Folks Departments edited
by Mrs Isabel Richey is to furnish good wholesome enter
taining and instructive family reading for the women youth
and children Mrs Richey is a woman whose heart lies close
to farm scenes and interests she is a farmers wife yet a
woman of much literary note having been chosen to write
the ode at the recent unveiling of the monument to the late J
Sterling Morton
The Twentieth Century Farmer and the McCook Tribune SSSZ BOTH for SI 00
This Offer Must be Taken Advantage of BEFORE APRIL 30 1906 Send in your subscription NOW to the McCook Tribune