The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, April 20, 1906, Image 6

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To Feed
xr the animals belonging to them wo
offer n lino line of
High Grade Flour and Feed
Tho quality of the feed stuffs we hi II
commends itself to particular people
IS very pound of flour and everv peck of
jgruin is in prime condition Get our
prices They touch the pocket lightly
You feel like the life giving current
tho minute jou take it A gentle sooth
ing warmth fills the nerves and blood
with life Its a r al pleasure to take
Hollisters Rocky Mountain Tea 35
cents tea or tablets L WMcConnell
Take advautiige of The Triiiunes ex
traordinary subscription offer found on
eighth page of this issue
That the roots of many native plants
growing wild in our American forests
possess remarkable properties for tho cure
of human maladies is well proven Even
tho untutored Indian had learned tho
squaw to get well as soon as possible that
sne mignt oo tne worK and let him hunt
Therefore he dug papoose root for her
Tor that was their great remedy for fe
taale weaknesses Dr Pierce uses the
same root called Blue Cohosh in his
Favorite Prescription skillfully com
bined with other agents that make it
more effective than any other medicine in
curing all the various weaknesses and
painful derangements peculiar to women
can be greatly increased by giving
special care to the health of every
animal and fowl on the farm
Sick poultry sheep cattle hogs
horses etc depend on their livers
to keep them well
Black Draoi
Stock and Poultry
keeps their livers working and
therefore keeps them well
Black Draught Stock and Poul
try Medicine Is a pure natural
vegetable blood purifier and acts
by regulating the stomach liver
and bowels
It prevents and cures Hog Chol
era Colic Dis
temptr Coughs Colds Constipa
tion Fever Loss of Appetite
Wasting Away and all the com
mon stock diseases
It is a perfect medicine for
eral farm use Try it
Price 25c for a large can at
all 6tvgist and dealers
Story of John Oxenford a Once Fn
tnoum London Character
John Oxenford was for years the
leading theatrical critic of London
Mr Oxenford was troubled with n seri
ous bronchial nffection which occa
sionally disturbed the audience for he
refused to give up his beloved theater
although desperately ill A certuln ris
ing young actor was very anxious to
obtain Oxenfords valuable opinion on
his work and the tender hearted old
gentleman literally left his bed and
came down to the theater on a bitter
cold night to do a good action to a
clever youngster In the middle of one
of the actors finest scenes on came the
cough from the Oxenford box It con
tinued so long that It unnerved the
actor and he came to a dead stop To
the surprise of everybody he advanced
to the front and said Ladles and gen
tlemen I am sorry to say that unless
the old gentleman with the Irritating
cough retires temporarily from the
theater I really cannot go on I forget
everything It Is painful so to address
you but I am powerless In the matter
and place myself In your hands
The disturbance at once ceased and
the box was empty When the cur
tain fell a friend rushed around and
breathless said to the distressed actor
Do you know what you have done
Do you know who it was that you turn
ed out of the box I neither know
nor care was the reply Why It
was John Oxenford The actor was
paralyzed but he got his good notice nil
the same The veteran critic went
home coughing to praise the young
actor who had turned him out
The Rules by Which the Different
Point Are Valued
The average man is greatly puzzled
to find one dog awarded a first prize
and another which to him appears to
be quite as fine a specimen awarded
no prize at all A man who knows the
relative values of the different points
in all breeds of dogs is a veritable
walking encyclopedia
Generally speaking the best dog is
one which comes nearest the standard
of requirements for its own particular
breed about 25 per cent of the points
being usually awarded for fine head
proportions an equal number for legs
and feet a similar number for body
and color and the rest for symmetry
In the Dalmatian for instance thirty
points are given for color and mark-
taught tho early settlers their uses The mgs whiIe bead ees and ears have
jnuiau never liKeu worK so no wanted ins umy uneeu uiu uuimog on tne oiner
hand has forty five for head and ears
while coat and color amount to but five
points the collie has twenty five for
coat color being immaterial and twenty-five
for head and ears
The St Bernard has forty for head
and ears and five each for coat and
color The Pomeranian has but fifteen
t - - - z --
afflicted Ul uuau auu ears y iive points go
Many women have been saved I
from the oneratintr table and the sur
geons knife by the timely use of Doctor
Pierces Favorite Prescription Tender
ness over the lower polvic region with
backache spells of dizziness faintness
bearing down pains or distress should not
go unheeded A course of Favorite Pre
scription will work marvelous benefit
in all such cases and generally effect a
permanent cure if persisted in for a rea
sonable length of time The Favorite
Prescription is a harmless agent being
wholly prepared from native medicinal
roots without a drop of alcohol in its
make up whereas all other medicines
put up for sale through druggists for
Womans peculiar ailmonts contain large
quantities of spirituous liquors which
4ire very harmfulj especially to delicate
Women Favorite Prescription con
tains neither alcohol nor harmful habit
forming drugs All its ingredients are
printed on eacli bottle wrapper It is a
powerful invigorating tonic imparting
health and strength in particular to the
organs distinctly feminine For weak
and sickly women who are worn out
or debilitated especially for women who
work in store office or school room who
sit at the typewriter or sewing machine
or bear heavy household burdens and for
nursing mothers Dr Pierces Favorite
Prescription will prove a priceless benefit
because of its health - restoring and
strength giving power
For constipation the true scientific
1C Vr Pin rzla Tlnoca Drtllo
ilild harmless yet sure
ing for coat color and tail Avith fifteen
for appearance It may be set down as
governing in all breeds of dogs that
whatever is the typical feature of that
breed is the feature upon which stress
is laid in the allotment of points
The Ants Cow
The aphis one of the most widely
distributed species of insects known to
the entomologists is sometimes re
ferred to as the ants cow The aphis
actually gives milk although the crea
ture itself Is so small that it is esti
mated to weigh but the one one-thousandth
of a grain Out of the back of
the aphis project two hollow tubes
These connect with ducts in the body
which secrete a sweet liquid When
the tubes are touched the liquid exudes
in small drops The ants know this
and they make a regular business of
tickling the tubes of the little aphis to
make her give down her milk The
ant Is very fond of this saccharine food
and will milk a hundred aphides in
the course of an hour
Why He Resigned
The French Baron Rothschild once
had in his service a valet named Al
phonse first class but an acknowl
edged red This valet obtained per
mission once a week to attend the
meetings of his Socialist lodge Sud
denly the baron noticed that Alphonse
no longer desired this off night and in
quiring into the cause was informed
that the valets late Socialist colleagues
had worked out a calculation that if
all the wealth of France were divided
equally per capita each individual
would be the possessor of 2000 francs
Monsieur said Alphonse with dig
nity I resigned I have 5000 francs
Henpecked Husbands
Henpecked husbands are found even
in India A writer says To live as I
have done in a Hindoo house especial
ly when the real house mistress is a
masterful and deeply religious widow
who is grandmother to the babies and
mother to their parents is no longer to
wonder at the absolute terror with
which men speak of the strl achchar
For the men of India are poor souls
the most henpecked in the world
Too Much Heart
And you rejected him
I did
He has the reputation of being a
large hearted man
Thats the trouble with him He is
too large hearted He can love half a
dozen women at the same time
Domestic Finance
Mrs Knicker Can you get money
from your husband Mrs Bocker No
By the time Ive paid the cook for a
good dinner before I ask him Im just
even Harpers Bazar
Music Is the prophecy of what life Is
to be the rainbow of promise translat
ed out of seeing Into hearing Mrs L
M Child
Short Stories
About People
I Wjdr yf ss ss Hi 1
as treasurer
of the Republican
national committee
received campaign
contributions from
the New York Life
Insurance compa
ny is the latest
financier to get Into
a controversy with
the former
tlve agent of that company Andrew
Hamilton The disagreement pertains
to the question whether Mr Hamilton
did or did not turn over the sum of
75000 to Mr Bliss on behalf of the
New York Life to be used for the elec
tion of the Republican national ticket
In 1S90 Mr Bliss has been promi
nent In Republican politics for years
and was treasurer of the national com
mittee of that party In four presiden
tial campaigns It has been said that
his case illustrates the saying that the
office should seek the man rather than
the man the office for though offices
have been urged upon him on numer
ous occasions he has only once served
In a post of a public character That
was when he was for a short time sec
retary of the Interior in the cabinet of
President McKiuley Mr Bliss was
born in Fall River Mass in 1833 He
has been a merchant in New York for
twenty five years
James Kelr Hardie leader of the
powerful Labor party In the British
house of commons Is a remarkable
character He worked in Scotch coal
mines from the time he was seven
years old until he reached the age of
twenty f our He learned to write short
hand as a young man not by attending
a business college or working with pen
and paper after hours but by scratch
ing on the walls of
the coal mine the
mysterious looking
characters of ste
nography He did
not become a short
hand reporter but
his present position
as leader of the La
bor party is more
influential than he
dreamed of possess
ing in his early
manhood Hardie
continues to wear
In parliament his costers cap and sack
coat the costume which so shocked tho
sticklers for the traditional usages of
the house when he first entered it Ono
day about that time he was proceeding
to the parliament library to consult a
book when he found his way gently
but firmly barred by a policeman who
Are you working here mate
Yes replied Mr Hardie who was
attired in his usual democratic style
cloth cap and all
On the roof
No on the floor
The roof of the house was being re
paired and as the policeman was not
quite sure about the floor repairs ho
allowed Hardie to pass
Owing to his simple way of dressing
Mr Hardie was once placed in an awk
ward position while traveling in Bel
gium He was arrested on suspicion of
being connected with an anarchist
who had just been seized on tho
charge of attempting the life of King
Leopold Hardie had difficulty in con
vincing the police that he was a mem
ber of the British parliament
Representative Oscar W Gillespie of
Texas whose resolution asking for in
formation concerning the community
of interests of the Pennsylvania Balti
more and Ohio and other railroads was
recently passed came to congress the
first time on the toss of a coin He is
from the Twelfth district and first
served In the Fifty eighth congress
There were three candidates for the
nomination Several thouand ballots
were taken Finally it was decided to
break the deadlock by the toss of a
coin The third man was eliminated on
the first toss and Gillespie won tho
second toss and the nomination
Mme Lillian Nordica who narrowly
escaped serious injury by the premature
falling of a heavy curtain at the Met
ropolitan Opera House New York re
cently Is a prima donna who possesses
much presence of mind On this occa
sion she was so near the curtain that
It struck a bouquet from her hand and
bruised her fingers but she retained
her composure and
helped to avert a
panic in the audi
ence It was only a
few weeks before
this that the great
soprano had won
admiration for her
coolness when a fire
broke out on the
Metropolitan stage
while she was sing
utttatt nordica ing Brunehild in
Gotterdammerung She stamped out
the fames as she kept on singing and
when her skirts caught fire subdued
the threatening elements without so
much as a tremor in her voice
Mme Nordica once sang at a concert
in a town in Texas Among the crowd
in the concert room was a cowboy
who during the evening sat spellbound
as he listened to Nordicas notes When
her last song was finished and she was
wrapping up to return to her lodging
it was discovered that her overshoes
had been forgotten The cowboy Im
mediately offered to go for them and
brought them one at a time Mme
Nordlca thanked him graciously and
expressed regret that he should have
had so much trouble Not at all
madam said the admiring youth I
only wish you were a centlped The
singer asserts that this was the pret
tiest compliment ever paid to her
Clarence S Darrow of Chicago has
been counsel in many famous labor
cases and now he is to be one of the
lawyers who will conduct the defense
of the men Indicted on the charge of
murdering ex Governor Steunenberg of
Idaho The accused men are officials
of the Western Federation of Miners
Mr Darrow was the legal adviser of
Eugene V Debs In the great railway
strike of about ten years ago and ho
was counsel for the
miners In the pro
ceedings before the
anthracite coal
strike commission in
1902 Mayor Dunne
of Chicago appoint
ed him special coun
sel for the city to
aid in the solution
of the traction cla hence s
Iem He is noted now
as a brilliant lawyer and an eloquent
speaker and Is also widely known as
a writer One of his books Resist
Not Evil champions the ideas of Tol
stoi Another Farmington is a nov
el which describes country life and
rural characters in days gone by when
there were but few links between the
life of the city and that of the coun
try Mr Darrow Is forty nine years
old and a native of Ohio He started
out in his profession as a railroad at
torney but his sympathies soon car
ried him In an opposite direction One
of the feats of his career was his sum
ming up of the miners case before the
strike commission when he spoke for
two days without notes and without
manifesting fatigue
Representative Ollie James of Ken
tucky was explaining how any Re
publican senator who voted against the
railway rate regulation bill was like
a Kentucky negro and his wife
Shut up woman Is a mighty
good min to slam yo In yo face the
husband said
Do it do It yo black gum nigger
do it answered the wife but if yo
does I sutnly can hyar yo a sayin
Good mawniu jedge yo honor in
de mawnln
Thats the way with those Repub
lican senators They would like to
beat up the rate bill but if they do
they know they will be saying the next
morning Good morning Mr Presi
dent I plead not guilty
Senator James P Taliaferro of Flori
da who recently had an altercation
with William Nelson Cromwell the
lawyer at a hearing on Panama canal
affairs before the senate committee on
interoceanic canals was a successful
senator j p
business man be
fore he entered pol
itics In Florida he
is known as our
business senator
His work In con
gress has largely
been along lines
connected with
commercial or In
dustrial matters
He was born in
Orange Va in 1S47
and educated at the
school of William
Dinwiddle at
Greenwood which he left in 1SG4 to
enlist in the Confederate service He
followed the fortunes of the Confed
eracy until the close of the war and
shortly afterward removed to Florida
and engaged In the lumber business
He lived in lumber camps and went
through all the hardships Incident to
life away from the centers of civiliza
tion One of his achievements at
Washington was an enactment which
put on the pension list about 1700 vet
erans of the Seminole war
Andrew Hamilton famous as the leg
islative agent of the New York Life
Insurance company created a sensa
tion when in his recent speech in Al
bany before the Armstrong committee
he referred to some one prominent in
the New York Life as the Pecksniff
of three administrations who thinks
he is the Talleyrand of the present
one the confidant of the Beers scandal
and the author of the Beers pension
When asked by an
interviewer if he
meant to refer to
William B Horn
blower he replied
that it was a good
guess Mr Horn
blower is counsel
for the New York
Life Insurance com
pany and has occu
pied that post un
der three presidents
Beers McCall and
Orr He has been
counsel for the New York Central
Railroad company and also for other
large corporations His name was
much in the public prints thirteen
years ago at the time he was nominat
ed to the bench of the United States
supreme court by President Cleveland
Mr Hornblower had opposed the pres
idential aspirations of David B Hill in
the so called snap convention of 1S92
and was a leader In the gathering of
Democrats which followed and which
was known as the anti snap conven
tion About a year later when Mr
Cleveland who In the meantime had
been inaugurated for the second time
sent the name of Mr Hornblower to
the senate as a member of the supreme
court Senators Hill and Murphy op
posed his confirmation and his name
was finally withdrawn Mr Horn
blower is fifty five years of age and
is a graduate of Princeton university
Relic of Old CnntontH Prevailing la
the Sprcewnld
One of the most Interesting regions
in the old fatherland is tho so called
Spreewald the forest of tho Spree
situated not far from the German cap
ital in the province of Brandenburg
Each village Is a little Venice every
house a little island and these islets
are couuected by bridges sufficiently
raised to allow boats to pass under
them Most of the houses with their
barns and stables rest on piles and
there Is generally a strip of artificial
terra firm a either in front or at tho
rear of every building By means of
these land strips and of tho bridges
the slender land communication Is kept
throughout the district but most of the
business and amusement are carried
on through tho canals which not only
form the main highways but penetrate
and cross and recross the whole re
gion It is on these lagoons that all
traffic is conducted In boats during
the period from spring when the last
vestiges of frost and Ice are disappear
ing until the end of autumn You see
the letter carrier shoot up and down
the canals performing his duties In his
frail craft the police glide leisurely
along the banks watching everything
going on peasants bring the products
of their toil to the nearest towns chil
dren go to and from school young
mothers dressed in their Sunday
clothes are rowed to church carrying
In their arms a small queer looking
bundle from which two large eyes in
a tiny face stare at the stranger in
wonderment baby is going to be bap
tized an important moment with this
strongly religious people Technical
World Magazine
The Events That 3Iny Be Crowded
Into a Feiv Seconds
The duration of a dream is so seldom
accurately measured that a story pub
lished in the St Louis Medical Record
is worth repeating
The writer a doctor was seized with
an uncontrollable drowsiness during a
call and was struggling to keep awake
when he was asked by his companion
How long may you stay In B His
answer which came promptly enough
was That depends on the Western
Union and catching himself he ex
plained that he was expecting a tele
gram In fact however his answer re
lated to the facts of a dream which
had been sandwiched between the two
parts of the sentence
After hearing the words How long
the doctor had dozed off dreamed that
after long and tedious experiments he
had invented a wonderful apparatus
for holding telegraph poles in a ver
tical position nuu negouaieu wiui ine
postal company for its sale but unsuc
cessfully and had finally gone to the
authorities of the other company
They in the dream told him they were
considering a German invention for
the same purpose and the dreamer
crossed the ocean to examine the rival
device returned explained the differ
ences to the intending purchaser and
was writing a reply when he woke in
time to hear the end of his companions
The events of the dream had appar
ently consumed months yet the actual
time that elapsed was merely that re
quired for uttering about four short
Precedent For Governess
Albert VII archduke of Austria
married Isabella Clara Eugenie in
fanta of Spain who brought to him as
dowry the sovereignty of the Low Coun
tries etc When Philip IV of Spain
ascended the throne in 1G21 he took
from his aunt the sovereignty of the
Low Countries but left her the title of
governess Her husband died soon aft
er whereon she took the veil though
still retaining the reins of government
She died at Brussels in 1633 aged sixty-six
Here there Is precedent for the
use of the word governess when a lady
holds the post London Notes and
Paid For the Opinion
Shortly after Chief Justice Purley of
the court of appeals of New Hamp
shire had retired from the bench and
resumed the practice of his profession
a man called on him to get his opinion
in a certain matter After stating his
case clearly he said Well judge what
do you think of my case The judge
promptly replied I think you are a
scoundrel How much do I owe you
for that opinion inquired the client
Ten dollars demanded the judge
The fee was promptly paid
Kbodeains Largest Xugget
Weighing 21G2 ounces a gold nugget
which measures five and a half inches
in length and three inches in width
was recently found near Bulawayo It
is believed to be the largest yet found
in Rhodesia and is now in the British
South Africa companys museum at 2
London Wall buildings E C London
The Woman ol It
Mother impatiently You have been
very naughty today Juanita I shall
have to tell your father when he comes
home Juanita aged seven Thats
the woman of it You never can keep
anything to yourself
The Determining Factor
Helen Sometimes I like waltzing
and sometimes I do not Ethel It de
pends on your mood Helen It de
pends on my partner New York
Of all persecutions that of calumny
Is the most intolerable Hazlitt
J M Rupp
P O Box 131 McCook Nobrajka
and Surgeon
Office Resident 52J Main Avonno Office and
Residence phone 53 Calls answered night or
Registered Graduate
Oflteo over McConnoHs Drun Store
Telephones Office 160 remclouco 131
Former location Atlanta Georgia
Fairbury Hanchett
This is a warranted and guaran
teed windmill nothing better in
the market Write or call on Mr
Rail hofnro hnvinrr
Wf -
Plumber an
earn Fitter
Iron Lead and Sewer Pipe Brass
Goods Pumps an Boiler Trimmings
estimates rurmsned rree base
ment of the Postoffice
Mike Walsh
and EGGS
Old Rufther Copper ana Brass
Highest Market Price Paid in Cash
Now location just across street in P Walsh
I HcCook - Nebraska
Trade Marks
Copyrights e
Anyone sending a sketch and description may
quickly ascertain our opinion free whether an -
Invention Is probably patentable Communica
tions strictly confldentfal HANDBOOK on Patenta
sent free Oldest apency for seennntr patents
Patents taken through Munn Co receive
tpicial notice without charge In tho
Scientific mmnm
A handsomely Illustrated weekly I ireest cir
culation of any scientific Journal Terms 13 a
year four monthi fL Sold by all newsdealers
MUNN Go36Boad New York
Branch Office 625 F EU Washington D C
1 A 1 1 X
U 1
We handle only TEIE BEST and
it is ALL SCREENED All or
ders big and little receive our
Every thing in the Building Ma
terial line and grades that will
please the most exacting