The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, April 20, 1906, Image 4

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    lis il4oij
Largest Circulation in Red Willow Co
Subscription 1 a Year in Advance
District Convention D of II
No meeting of D of II Tuesday
Tbo following is the program of the
fifth district convention Degree of Ilon
orto bo held in McConnells Hall April
25 and 20
April 25 at 10 a m call to order
registering of members and committee
2 p m piano solo Clam Anton
Welcome nddress Mrs A P Welles
Responso Mary A Latky Grand
Chief of Honor
Paper by Delegate from Republican
Paper by Delegato from Imperial
Paper by Delegato from Holbrook
Question box or school of instruction
8 p m reception
Piano solo Mrs W B Mills
Violin solo Hazel Hare
Reading Mrs A P Welles
Duet Misses Bessie and Carrie Pet
Refreshments All invited Admis
sion 10 cts
The program for the 26th will consist
of muicpapersdiscufasions and election
ot officers The regular meeting of the
McCook lodge will be held the evening
of the 2Gth Special invitation is px
tended to members who livo in the
country to take advantage of the after
noon sessions All members are wel
Christian Sunaay school at IPand
Christian Endeavor at il oclock every
Sunday morning All are welcome
Catholic Order of services Mass
8 a m Mass and sermon 1000 a m
Evening service at 8 oclock Sunday
school 230 p m Every Sunday
J J Loughran Pastor
Methodist Sunday school at 10 am
Sermons at 11 am and 8 pm Class at
12 Junior League at 3 Epworth League
at 7 Brotherhood meeting at 4 for
men Next week Passion week will be
observed beginning Tuesday night All
plan to attend
M B Carman Pastor
Congregational Sunday school at
10 am Preaching at 11 am and 8 pm
Christian Endeavor at 7 p m led by
Cuthiu Kandel Prayer meeting every
Wednesday at 8 p m All are invited to
attend these services
Gko B Hawkes Pastor
Baptist Sunday school at 10 a m
Preaching at 11 a m and 8 p m B Y
P U at 7 p in Evening subject
The San Francisco Disaster and What
it Teaches The special meetings will
continue until next Wednesday evening
The Young Peoples Society was reor
ganized last Sunday evening with the
best of prospects for the future If you
are not a member or regular attendent
of any Young Peoples Society you are
invited to meet with us A cordial invi
tation is extended to the public to at
tend our services
A A Holmes Pastor
Low Rates to California
San Francisco or Los Angeles and re
turn S5000
Via Portland SG250 Liberal stopover
privileges allowed
For particulars call at tickec office
G S Scott Agent
W G Jones repairs cook stovesheat
ers and cleans gasoline stoves Work
guaranteed Phone red 306 or box
595 McCook Neb tf
Aid For Friscos Suffering and Distressed
In response to the timely suggestion of Governor Mickey a call
is hereby made for the citizens of McCook to assemble in the Mc
Cook Commercial club rooms this evening for the purpose of taking
prompt- and generous action in the matter of McCook rendering aid
to the suffering and sorely distressed people of San Francisco who
have just passed through the most appalling catastrophe in Ameri
can history by earthquake and fire
H P Waite Mayor
McCook Nebraska April 20 i9o6
Resume of Death and Damage by Wednesdays
Earthquake and Fire in California
San Francisco Calif April 19 Special to Denver Post The
situation is growing worse hourly It may be summarized as follows
Dead San Francisco estimated 1000 to 2000
Dead inmates of insane asylum at Agnews 275 v
Dead San Jose 65 r
Dead Santa Rosa 300
Dead other points 150 injured 3000 to 5000
Homeless in San Francisco 150000 r
Property loss San Francisco 200000000
Area burned San Francisco ten square miles comprising 130
city blocks
Hotels destroyed 18 newspapers 3 telegraph and telephone
offices wiped out 3 City placed under martial law Fire sweep
ing city
Entire residence district destroyed up as far as the new Fair
mont hotel on top of Nob hill California street between Powell and
Mason streets all gone
Loss in other cities 20000000
Doings of the Odd Fellows
The Odd Fellows recently met and
decided to meet regularly and make
McCook Lodge No 137 one of the best
in South western JNeorasKa oince
then they have met regularly and taken
steps to recover lost ground The meet
ings hat been well attended and work
has been progressing nicely John
Schloich was elected degree captain and
and has been getting tho team in work
and expect to confer the initiatory degree
on one candidate Friday April 27th
A few of the team members went to
Iudianola Tuesday the 10th and helped
to confer the initiatory first and second
degrees on candidates and they report
Indianola lodge in a prosperous condi
tion and all report a good time
All members are requested to meet
with them on Friday evenings
For Sale
A limited amount of ttul arb pie
plant roots or setts of superior kind
good strong set3 that aro sure to grow if
fairly taken care of at taree cents each
35 cents per dozen or 5 JL0 per hundred
Leave orders with J A Wilcox Son
and DeGroff Co McCook or George
Short and John Puckett Indianola
Neb or call at my farm 9 miles north
east of McCook on the Willow
A R Clark
Bound duplicate receipt books three
receipts to the page for sale at The
Tribune office
Cream in sealed 10c an 20c bottles
or sale at Marshs meat market
this month of
Granite Ware
Ideal Prices
at the
The Ideal Bargain Depot
P S Dont think Granite Ware their
only hobby They have other bargains
Death of Grandma Shepherd
Mrs James Shepherd died on Tuesday
of last week in her 84th year Funeral
services were held in tho Methodist
church last Thursday afternoon Rev
W F Satchell in charge after which
interment was made in the Riverview
cemetery The services drew tho pres
ence of many friends from the country
and city to honor the memory of one of
the pioneer settlers of the Osburn neigh
borhood in Frontier county the early
home of the Shepherd family
Mary Lyon was born December loth
1822 Died April 11th 1906 Deceased
was united in marriage with James
Shepherd August irth 187 To them
were born seven bojs and three girls
seven of the ten children surviving
Departed was a life long member of the
Methodist church
For Sale 15 milch cows fresh
Call at residence old Lawson dwelling
McCook Nebraska 1 13 2ts
Thos OJRoukke
Flaked Wheat Food
Cooks rn in minutes
never tire of
It is the only form in which
wheat food should be given
to young
children be
cause it is
entirely free
from the
outer husk
or irritating
fibre Con
tains all the life giving salts
In two pound packages Sealed to protect Its
purity and flavor Airjrood grocers
Tood to work on is food to live on M
II A man works to live He must live Nj
Sa He does both better on XS
I 0 need a Biscuit I
lm the soda cracker that contains in the fflh
5fi most properly balanced proportions a ryli
k greater amount of nutriment than any
rf food made from flour Hi
When the Evidence of Gliont Stiulccil
t to Hun Men
The testimony of a ghost would not
now count for much in a court of In
but the day has been when It has
sufficed to hang a man There was a
ghostly accuser in a case with which
the readers of Scott are familiar Soon
dfter the 45 an English soldier wan
dering near Braemar met a violent
death Years passed and then came a
story of a communication from another
A farm servant declared that in the
night a spirit had appeared to him de
claring itself to be the ghost of the
soldier whose bones it is said lay
still imburied The Highlander must
see to their decent interment and
have the murderers two men named
brought to justice The highlander
promised but did not keep his word
and a second and third time the spirit
appeared and upbraided him for his
breach of faith Alarmed at last and
no longer daring to delay the man
called a companion and went to the
spot which the spirit had indicated
and there found the bones of tho mur
dered warrior concealed fn a moorland
tract called the hill of Christie
The story of the highlander came to
the ears of an anti Jacobite who caus
ed tho matter to be brought to trial
before the court of judiciary Edin
burgh There the tale was corroborat
ed by a woman who had seen a naked
figure enter the place on the night
spoken of by the man It was an ago
of superstition in a district more than
commonly given to superstition and
the jury seemed disposed to find the
two men charged guilty of the nrurder
but it happened that the principal wit
ness spoke only Gaelic Now said
the counsel for the defense in what
language did the ghost speak In
as good Gaelic as I ever heard in Loch
aber was the reply Pretty good for
the ghost of an English soldier said
counsel and that question and com
ment saved the necks of the men at the
bar The jury could believe In a ghost
but not in an English ghost speaking
Gaelic London Standard
How Abilene Came to Be Selected by
Mrs Hersey
Abilene was named by the wife of
the founder of the town T F Ilersey
With her husband she had come to
central Kansas in the spring of 1S37
They lived in a log house on the west
side of Mud creek and were the first
settlers on the town site although no
town then existed nor was there one
until 1SG0 Then C II Thompson who
had moved to the county from Leaven
worth bought from the Kansas Pa
cific Railway company a tract east of
Herseys and laid out a town
When it came to the naming of the I
future city Mr Thompson went to
Hersey and asked him to suggest a
No was the reply let my wife
do it She is a great reader
Mrs Hersey was a graduate of a
seminary in the east and her little
library which she carried with her in
her wanderings was one of the tics
that bound her to the girlhood life She
was a devout Methodist and know her
Bible from cover to cover When
she was asked to name the town she
turned to the New Testament for sug
gestion There in the third chapter of
Luke first verse she found this Now
in the fifteenth year of the reign of
Tiberius Caesar Pontius Pjlate being
goeruor of Judaea and Lysanias
the tetrarch of Abilene
Call the town Abilene said she
It means City of the Plains and that
exactly describes the location
So Abilene it was and in the fight
for the county seat wherein it contest
ed with Newport Smoky Hill and Un
ion City all long since passed away
good fortune attended it and the new
town became the county capital for
the 37S dwellers then in Dickinson
county Kansas City Star
Fleslimakin Food
Cream gruel according to an emi
nent English authority is the ideal
nourishment for thin folk A teacupful
taken at night immediately before re
tiring is said to give marvelous results
To be at its best it must be perfectly
made then thinned with sweet cream
Taken in that condition and warm it
is agreeable as well as fattening and
produces just that sense of satisfied
hunger essential to ideal rest It is
claimed that perseverance in the treat
ment yields such apparent results that
the cheeks can be seen to expand from
day to day
The Pepper Vine
The pepper vine grows best in a
wooded valley where there is plenty of
moisture and abundant foliage to pro
tect it from the heat of the sun It is
given a rude sort of cultivation The
growers plant it keeping the grass
from its roots and when the tree near
which It is planted has no lower
branches strings or poles are placed In
proper position to enable the vine to
climb the tree It needs no further at
Yes my dear I believe in transmi
gration of souls I may be a brute in
my next life
Wouldnt that be discouraging or
dont you care for a change Hous
ton Post
In Plain Words
What asked the judge was the
cause of the altercation
I didnt see anny yer honor but it
was him callin me a liar that shtarted
the fight Chicago Record Herald
The Bengal canal 900 miles in length
is the longest artificial water course In
the world
r jl V
The QUEEN QUALITY shoes for spring and summer
come in a profusion of shapes and materials The always
popular and serviceable black VICI KID the superb leather
GUN METAL the beautiful PATENT LEATHER and
the dainty CANVAS TIES all are shown in great variety
And Such iOxfords
New ideas new methods and new shapes galore Graceful
sloping toes easy swinging lines ample curves and with all
the fine details perfected to such an extent that they are
given the individuality and character of the highest priced
made-to-order footwear
Now is the time to choose while
our assortments are complete
rrT7T7flrr iW mm
iff H ii 6
iimf -- 111 111 1 nTTTm nii n i iif
7 ii
e t
ford Time
We can and will be pleased to show you a full line of
Babies Childrens Misses andS Ladies
7 But
y Slippers and OxfordTiesJ
in WhitejCaniasKidPatentLeatherTansin welts hand
turnedhigh low and spring heel Not the extreme toe or
priceJbut a line carefully selected for style fit and comfort
rr Dont Iforget5 lhatjwealways carry the LOW COMFORT
andDANCINGiPUMPS If you are a customer of ours
wefwilllbeclad to take careofyour footwear Nailing and
sewingjalways gratis
2SEN5 aS - -
Only One Dollar the Year
The Farmers Mutual
Insurance Company
The Cheapest and Most Reliable in the State
Owned operated and controlled by farmers entirely
Over 54000000 in force 5 1417 1 1 losses paid in 1905
Phone Ash
Local Agent
f1 toTi y