The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, March 30, 1906, Image 8

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1 Another
Not Gossip or Hearsay
Until Saturday night April 7th
we will sell all those silk taffetas
now displayed in our north win
dow at
35c Per Yard
These are not 85c cjocor 100 Silks but they are
silks which sell the world over for 50 60 and
even 75c per yard You cannot make money
any easier than by securing some of these sensa
tional bargains for
Petticoats Drop Skirts
Linings Waists or
Shirt Waists Suits
Lace Curtains
All patterns and prices Our new spring
assortment presents values in lace cur
tains that have neverbefore been offered
in McCook Come and look over our
complete line before you buy It will
pay you well DONT FAIL to look
over our stock of
Ladies Dress Skirts Summer Dress Goods
Fancy Ribbons
Muslin Underwear
Silk Petticoats
Mercerized Petticoats
Gingham Petticoats etc
I New Walsh Block Phone 56 - McCook
A brother of SyJvwstr Wyniore nnd
his family left hereMondiiy evening for
Portland Ore
Perry Premer came in fiom Lincoln
Saturday and visited with his father
and family over Sunday
n E
flfl EA
- iuuiniimiFi
Mrs W P Burns and Miss Hazel are
visiting her daughter Mrs S C Dragoo
at Friend Neb
Mrs Nelson Downs and family took
supper at Mrs VV P Burns ono day
last week
Mr and Mrs L Duckworth of j S3 NGilia wiah inaW1 RmnRStrni
anola visited in Bartley Saturday and j term of schoo at Aah CrPekt Jast Fri
Sunday with Mr Minnick and wife
Mrs Duckworth is Mrs Minnicks
F W Miller will turn over the
post office to S W Clark Saturday
evening after mail closes and Mr Clark
will move it across the street
Mr Miller and daughter Maude have
been careful and obliging attendants
upon their duties We feel sure Mr
Clark will do well and we do not ask
him to du betUT than Mr Miller and
his assistant have done
Henry McKean has a child sick with
the measles
Mr Meeker was down from McCoak
last week surveying in town and vicin
The nominees for towu officers to bo
elected next Tuesday are A F Mc
Cord A J Dodd and H E Athey
trustees for two years Ira Sheets and
F G Stilgebouer trustees for two
years They are all good men
Henry Butherus is putting up a new
windmill and pump
The jubilee singers held forth to a
crowded house in the M E church Sat
urday night
While sons of A L Cochran and D
Evans were out hunting last Saturday
the former accidentally shot the Evans
boy who is slowly recovering
Guy Curke and wife were visitors
here over Sunday returning to their
home at Holbrook Monday on 12
Mr Kliesick is putting up a good
W W Lemasters is improving his
home by an addition to his house
Frank Jennings was at McCook on
business Monday
Lyman Jennings went to Lincoln last
week to visit a while with his daughter
Mrs Rollings
The Ladies Aid Society made ar
rangements to improve the interior of
the Christian church
John Hardy is hauling out lumber for
a large barn
Geo Wheeler is hauling lumber to
build a house on the Talcott farm
Cash Receive 011 Account
Charge Paid Out and other cash
register printed suppliesat The Tribune
day and returned to her home at Doug
lass Otoe county Nob the next day
She made many warm friends while
among us who express the wish that
she may return for the next school
Fred Adams has moved onto the place
recently vacated by G If Rowland a
part of the Fitch farm
August Bahr had his pump up thre
days this weak for repairs
Percy Catlett of Bartley has purchas
ed a half sectiou near Colonel W E
Corwins Lakewood ranche and will
occupy it at once
W N Rogers left Wednesday night
to complete arrangements fnr his joint
sale at that place April 18th Experts
who have seen his herd recently claim
he has the tiniest bunch they ever saw
go into a sale
J B Smith has returned from Du
buque county Iowa where ho has been
visiting with his parents
The patrons of school district 41 sur
prised the teacher Miss Ethel Middle
ton Friday it being the last day of
school The ladies brought plenty of
1 good things to eat and a splendid time
was enjoyed by all The pupils of the
school made Miss Middleton a nice
present She gave good satisfaction as
a teacher
Will Proctor has moved to his farm
which he purchased of Fred Carter
J S Modrell is soon to start the erec
tion of a new house
Tom Chamberlain now drives the
finest pair of high steppers on the road
Jessie Doyle and sister and Miss Roxa
Byfield were visiting at D C Shaws
and Martin Kennedys Sunday
Fred Carter and family have moved
to their new home east of McCook Be
fore leaving their new home their neigh
bors gave them a happy surprise at D
C Shaws
Geo Henderson is now living north of
the Willow We all welcome George
and family and most especially Grand
ma Carter back to this neighborhood
Two brothers of Mrs D C Shaw
have bought farms and will be residents
of Red W illow County
All Groceries S
Than Any House Can and Give Credit
We do not cut prices on a few
articles to get your trade but
Sell All Goods Cheaper Than Ever
J A Wilcox
ass Shorthorns
25c Can Baking Powder 20c
80 ounce Can Baking Powder 65c
Lemons per dozen 2 5C
XXXX Coffee per pound 15c
Sugar higher but give 17 pounds 100
Walter Bakers Cocoa per box 25c
Bulk Cocoanut per pound 20c
J T and Standard Navy Tobacco 35c
Horse Shoe and Star Tobacco 45c
Dr Prices Breakfast Food 10c
Cut Prices On All Can Goods and Groceries
5 pound package oat meal 20c
Rock Salt per ton 1800
U J I Tea best Jap Tea in the world 60c
2 Cans of Pears 25c
Only One Dollar the Year
W H McLemore the well known Short Horn breeder of Central Iowa with headquarters now at Kearney
Nebraska will sell at Public Auction at the BLUE FRONT LIVERY BARN McCook Nebraska 40 big
growthy Bulls and 5 Cows and Heifers of breeding age
We trust that all stockmen and stock farmers will realize the full significance of this good offering and
lend it their presence on day of sale
to go through the ring without reserve Selected from the best herds in Iowa and flissouri and the offering as
a whole is believed to be the best to occur anywhere in the state this season 40 Bulls ranging in age from
12 to 30 months with from two to seven Scotch Tops carrying as good pedigrees as you can find in the Herd
Books heavy boned low down blocky kind
Catalogue is being prepared with a view to giving all the information possible
These cattle will all be recorded in the American Short Horn Herd Book and a certified copy will be furn
ished with each animal sold
Also on the same day the Kentucky Jack Co located at Kearney Nebraska will sell 5 Registered Jacks
from 4 to 6 years old to the highest bidder with a sale guarantee
TPTTHi Q YE1 CAT1 2 percent discount for cash S months time with approved security drawing lO dptp
AJLi rfciHO UJD O AJUJCj interest V Franklin of the Citizens Bank of McCook Nebraska will clerk the si
All cattle sold at this sale will be cared for for one day following sale and will be loaded on cars as directed
For catalogue of Short Horns and Jacks address
Col Z S BRANSON of Lincoln Neb
CoLHrH BERRY of McCook Neb
W M McLEMORE Prop Kearney Nei