The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, March 23, 1906, Image 4

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Largest Circulation in Red Willow Co
Subscription 1 a Year in Advance
The Iowa house of reprosonattives by
a vote of 48 to 12 has passed
ination bill which is intended to oust
the Standard Oil Cofrom Iowa or compel
the company to revise its mothods of
doing business
The Iowa effort to secure a two cent
faro bill like the Ohio measure has been
temporarily retarded by the house com
mittee on railroads and commerce in
that state this week voting to kill the
proposed measure The Burlington
Reserve is a pretty stiff proposition
but the Iowa people will be supreme yet
S W Nebraska District Teachers
The next annual meeting of the South
west Nebraska District Teachers asso
ciation will bo held in Arapahoe Friday
and Saturday March 3th and 31st
The program on our table gives evidence
that the sessions will bo worthful
On the special list are such numbers
as William Ilawley Smith Dr E A
Ross Rev Robert P Carson State
Supt J L McBrien
McCook teachers and others are well
represented on the program with music
numbers both vocal and instrumental
While to Supt Thomas fnlte the debate
Debating or Athletics Which and
the response to the address of welcome
Miss Quick county supt will handle
the topic What Professional Work
May Justly be Required of Teachers
Tho Burlington has mude the usual
one and one third rate and will stop No
13 Friday morning and No 14 Satur
day night to accommodate the teacheis
Christian Endeavor Entertainment
Ma Sweet under Endeavor au
spices held the entertained attention of
a fair audience in the Congregational
church last Friday elening Mrs Geo
B Hawkes had the title role and her
seven daughters were programmed as
Ariminty Aun Ruth Wiebe
Betsy Belinda Dora Oyster
Caroline Cordolia fQ Edith Waite
Dorothy Delilah Jcwlns Rachael Gregg
Elizabeth Eliza Lillie Campbell
Francis Felony Helen Burns
Gloriana Gadabout Bessie Rowell
Ma Sweefis a big bunch of fun and
the actors tilled the bill to the large
amusement of the audience
After the program the members of
the committee served ice cream and
cake in the church parlor to a fair pat
ronage for the benefit of the music fund
of the church
A World Wide Convention
The Inter Conference Missionary con
vention of the Methodist church to be
held in Omaha April 3 5 is expected to
attract 1200 regularly accredited dele
gates and as many more visitors Many
of the great missionary bishops will be
present men from all over the world
It is expected to be a great gathering
Acre Tracts
Alfalfa Sugar Beets Garden Tracts
On First Bottom within one
mile of the round house will
be on the market on easy
APRIL ist 1906
Call at the office for particulars
J E Kelley A G Bump
Next door to postoffice
jt a a -- fj - - - 1
i f
Red Letter Day for the A 0 U W
Monday marked another red letter
day for the members of McCook lodge
No 61 A O U Wand incidentally for
tho ladies of the Degree of Honor Up
on this occasion the lodge was honored
with a visit from the grand master work
man Hon O J VanDyke the grand re
corder Silas R Barton and Hon A
Galusha secretary of state and a mem
ber of the grand finance committee and
JH Bennett of Omaha a former towns
man and at present a member of the
grand finance committee
During the day a class of 45 new mem
bers was initiated into the membership
of tho local lodge and later on in the
evening there were 8peechesmusic etc
in the Methodist church
A brief but hearty welcome was ac
corded the visitors by Rev Carman
Secretary of State Galusha Grand Re
corder Barton and J H Bennett each
made brief speeches Grand Master
Workman VanDyke was principal orator
of the evening and he very eloquently
and masterfully set forth the merits of
the great order of which he is the head
Later in the evening he concluded with
an exemplication of the superb screen
work of tho order with the aid of a fine
lantern and other essential appliancos
The music by the Pythian orchestra
of nine instruments was keenly appreci
The ladies of the Degree of Honor
served an oyster supper in the church
basement during the evening meeting
with quite liberal patronage
Will Admit Social Members
Mis3 Ella Mark state commander of
Nebraska Maccabees spent part of last
week in the city in the interest of that
order meeting with the local lodge
Thursday evening in regular session
Among other matters determined by the
lodge which is now making a special
effort to revive a waning interest was a
I decision to admit social members into
the lodge again Refreshments and a
social time were also had in honor of
the visiting state commander
Souvenir Postal Cards
The McCook Souvenir Postal Cards
printed by The Tribune are on sale at
The Ideal Store
The Tribune Office
L W McConnells
The Post Office Lobby
Ten different views printed
Other designs are in preparation
Price Two for five cents
The American Federation of Labor is
organizing farm laborers unions in all
parts of the United States and has re
cently extended its efforts to Porto Rico
These unions will seek to regulate hourr
wages and conditions of labor and if the
movement shall be permanent and suc
cessful will lead to important changes
in all the industries connected with agri
culture The farmers of this section are
naturally interested in such questions
and desirous of securing information on
the subject as well as learning how they
will be affected by the change The
Iowa Homestead of Des Moines Iowa
will publish in any early issue an article
on this general subject which every
farmer in Red Willow county should
read and digest as well as the many
valuable articles on every other phase of
farm life and work which are constantly
appearing in The Iowa Homestead We
have made arrangements for a very low
clubbing rate for this excellent farm
paper The next time you are in town
call at the McCook Tribune office and
let us arrange to send you both papers
for a year
Parties wishing to have The Tribune
print their sale bills can have the copy
prepared by bringing the description of
the articles they have to offer for sale to
this office There will be no charge for
preparing the copy and thebills will be
promptly and accurately printed at a
moderate cost
In his new location just across the
street from his old place in the P
Walsh building Mike Walsh wants to
see you if you have poultry eggs etc
for sale He will pay you the best cash
market price for them
Bound duplicate receipt books three
receipts to the page for sale at The
Tribune office
Every Night
Preaching fcy
Rev P A Sharpe
MMaMa sac
eMMai a iT m
TIic Throne of Thunder
Mungo Mam Lobeb the throne or
place of thunder as the natives call it
the peak of Kameruns as the whites
call it is the highest point on the west
ern side of the African continent The
first view the voyager gets of it who
coming from the northward has been
wasting for weeks along low shores
and up the stagnant rivers fringed
with maiferovo swamp is a thing no
man can er forget Suddenly right
lip out of the sea the great mountain
rises to its 137G0 feet while close at
hand to westward towers the lovely
Island mass of Fernando Po to Its
10190 feet and great as is Its first
charm every time you see it It becomes
greater although it Is never the same
Five times I have been in tho beautiful
bay at its foot and have never seen It
twice alike Sometimes It Is wreathed
with indigo black tornado clouds some
times crested with snow sometimes
standing out hard and clear as though
made of metal and sometimes softly
gorgeous with green gold purple and
pink vapors tinted by the sunset
London Mail
A Tryinf Reform
A Presbyterian clergyman of New
York with two popular daughters has
discovered a new way to end the vis
its of their beaus at a seemly hour a
plan which might appeal to lay fami
lies as well For a number of years
it has been a custom of this good man
to hold evening worship after supper
always concluding the prayers with a
short discourse Things went very
well until the daughters began to re
ceive the attentions of young men and
begged off or stole away to make their
evening toilets Then the minister
changed the devotional hour until 10
in the evening This reform created
an upheaval but the father insisted
and at the stroke of 10 the visiting
young men are now left one alterna
tiveeither to leave or join with the
family In prayer and it has proved a
severe test of their devotion for the
daughters when those not prayerfully
inclined stick it out sermon and all
New York World
The Good Fellow
The treasurer of a church temper
ance society told at a temperance meet
ing a dramatic story
A woman entered the barroom he
said and advanced quietly to her
husband who sat drinking with three
other men She placed a covered dish
on the table and said
Thiukin yed be too busy to come
home to supper Jack Ive fetched it to
you here
And she departed
The man laughed awkwardly He
invited his friends to share the meal
with him Then he removed the cover
from the dish
The dish was empty It contained
a slip of paper that said
I hope you will enjoy your supper
It is the same as your wife and chil
dren have at home Life
Coffee Tea
Coffee tea is the common beverage
of the natives of Java and Sumatra
When required for infusion the coffee
leaves are gathered fresh from the
trees and are dried in a pan over a
slow fire until they are light brown
They are then put into a teapot boiling
water is poured over them and the in
fusion Is drunk with milk and sugar
It seems the general opinion that cof
fee should come in contact with metal
as little as possible The Viennese peo
ple prefer a glass bottle to a canister
for storing and Brazilians use earth
enware In preference to a metal pot
for making
Antelopes Choose the Open
The antelope lives always In open
country unlike members of the deer
family which invariably prefer a
thick dense forest They cannot be
driven into timber cover or thickets
of brush but will literally turn about
and run over a pursuer if necessary
rather than be forced into cover If
they are ever obliged to pass by or
through such places for food and wa
ter they take a great deal of time to
do so as if they were determined to
see everything that could be seen en
route H H Cross in Century
The Great Lakes
Lake Superior is the deepest of the
great lakes showing by soundings
1008 feet in at least one place Mich
igan stands second with 100 feet less
Huron and Ontario are about 750 in
the deepest parts while Lake Erie is
but 204 Vast areas of Lake Erie will
not show a depth exceeding SO feet
The bottom of Lake Michigan is 400
feet above sea level
An Oiltl Verdict
A jury in Lindsey Lincolnshire Eng
land after being out some time on a
case of alleged false pretenses return
ed to court and said We cant bring
him In guilty and dont like to say he
is not guilty They were sent back
and In fifteen minutes reached this ver
dict We find him guilty but not with
intent The prisoner was discharged
Mamma said five-year-old Margie
Ill make a bargain with you
What kind of a bargain dear ask
ed her mother
If youll give me a penny every day
to buy candy with replied the small
diplomat Ill not tell any one you
have false teeth
The One to Be Flensed
No said Peckham we never have
boiled ham at our house any more
Why replied Newitt I thought
you were very fond of it
So I am but my wifes pet dog
wont eat it at all Philadelphia
One is never weary of life One Is
only tired of oneself Carmen Svlva
Career of 3Inn AVlio In Hacking the
War Axuliint Town Topic
Peter Fenelou Collier senior propri
etor of Colliers Weekly has come Into
special prominence In consequence of
the proceedings Instituted at the In
stance of his publication against the
proprietor of Town Topics Colonel W
D Mann Mr Collier returned re
cently from a European trip and an
nounced that he had come back to as
sist in the war against Town Topics
He declared that Colliers Weekly hud
spent 73000 In this campaign and
counted it money well spent
Mr Collier Is an Interesting figure
In the worlds of business and of soci
ety for he is prominent in both IIo
was born In Carlow Ireland and
studied for the priesthood as a young
man Instead of taking orders how
ever he married won phenomenal suc
cess in this country as a publisher and
has achieved a reputation as a hunts
man almost as wide as his fame ia
the field of journalism He learned 1o
ride to the hounds in Ireland and In
this country has long been one of tho
best riders of the famous Meadow
brook Hunt club of Long Island which
recently conferred upon him the honor
of master of foxhounds In speaking
of why he is so fond of the hunt Mr
Collier once said
When I took up fox hunting in this
country my health was poor I couldnt
sleep Even now I work so hard that
I find I must have some recreation that
will make me forget my business for
get my work I have found out that I
can do more work in two hours when
I am well than I can in six hours when
I am under the weather Now there
is nothing that keeps me fit like the
hunt and the outdoor life that it brings
me I come down to my office at 730
every morning and I work on a rush till
noon dictating forty or more letters
and looking after the hundreds of de
tails that must be attended to Then in
the afternoon I am out with the horses
and the hounds At night I have the let
ters at my home and look over and
sign them If more workers In the big
cities would follow some such system
as this there would be fewer old men
in business
One Built For Rnsniu Is Equipped
With n Rnpiu KIre Gnu
The latest in machines for warfare is
an automobile which will carry a can
non The makers of motor vehicles
have for some time been directing their
attention to the manufacture of what
might be termed horseless gun car
riages propelled by petrol motors in
the same way as the motor vehicles
used for business and pleasure The
illustration shows a new war auto
made recently for the Russian govern
ment which a French journal says is
an advance on anything hitherto pro
duced Thirty six similar machines
t - - lJrSS f m
1 1 1 11 J
will be made for use in Russia and
while they may not be needed for a
foreign war at present it can readily
be seen that such death dealimr ve
hicles might be used by the govern
ment to advantage in fighting enemies
at home Those who operate the war
auto are well protected from assault
by the bullet proof plates with which
the carriage is covered These plates
are of steel and they present a strong
resistance to rille balls The car is
equipped with a rapid fire gun which
can be turned in all directions and is
capable of discharging 500 balls a
minute The motor of the car has from
twenty five to thirty horsepower and
the carriage can make a speed of twen
ty miles an hour on the level despite
the weight of its bullet proof plating
another lot of the latest silk
McCook Market Quotations
Corrected Friday afternoon
Corn 27
Wheat 60
Oats 25
Eye 40
Barley 25
Hogs 3 75
Eggs 12
GoodButter 20
Real Estate Transiers
The following real estate filings have
been made in the county clerks ollice
since last Thursday evening
G Plumleigh to V Franklin wd to nw
qr 15-2-30
J H Mitchell to R Glidden wd to n lif
lot 10 blk 24 McCook 012 50
F Yering to G Gocken wd to nw qr 14-
2 28 2200 00
B J Beery to N Thomas wd to nw qr
Powell Nillson to WSAndrus deed to
lot 10 blk 5Marion 100 00
W H Goodenborger et al to W S An-
drus wd to lots 13 and 14 blk GMarion 100 00
J A Robinson to H Mojer wd to n hf
30-2-27 6000 00
J H Theobalt to J S Theobalt wd to
und V- no qr 18 and e hf e hf 19-4-26 2350 00
Sjsie Vanderhoff to C B Gray wd to
und Jiut lot 11 and 12 blk 26 1st Mc
Cook 650 00
L A Fitch to C B Gray wd to und y
in lots 11 and 12 blk 26 1st McCook 650 00
Bank of Bartley to L Jennings qcd to
Iotl0blk39 Bartley 100
J WDolan to J Pycha wd to nw qr 26-
3 26 1000 00
H C Rider to L M Best wd to lot 13
blk 24 Riverview 20 00
LincolnfLand Co to S JBest wd to lot
5 blk74th McCook 125 00
D F Hupp to C E Thomas wd to se qr
29-1-26 4000 00
D Brown to J W McClung gwd to lot
16 blk 22 Indianola 50 00
G B Morgan to J W Clifton se qr 30-1-
27 250000
J W nupp to D F Hupp wd to sw qr
sw qr 27 and s hf sw qr and nw qr nw
qr 34 and e hf ne qr 33-2-27 3000 00
H S McGowan to R B Campbell wd
to nw qr 22-1-26 2500 00
J W Hupp to F Bruning wd to sw qr
J W Hupp to D F Hupp wd to so qr
29-1-26 3200 00
J E Perdue to P Dietz wd to nw qr 15-
4 26 2500 00
M Coflln to J Kogio wd to no qr 11-2-
26 200000
Y A DeMay to W K Eifert wd to s hf
so qr 19-1-27 1200 00
W H Eifert to J A McGuiro wd to pt
nw qr so qr and s hf se qr 19-1-27 1500 00
W N Minniear to W A Minniear qcd
to o hf nw qr and pt nw qr no qr 1 00
C W Johnson to H A Graham wd to
ehf 2200 00
H A Graham to W A Minniear o hf w
hf 14-1-2
W A Minniear to II A Graham wd to
ptneqrand pt 5113 00
C F Bock to H T Casford wd to n hf
shf 10-3-26 4JO0 00
C L Brown to J Smethurst gwd to sw
qr 32 and se qr 31-1-30 3200 00
W Trenchard to N P and ECarver wd
3200 00
C Webber to G S Durbin wd to lots 7
and 8 C Esther Park 113 00
C E Haywood to J E Harvey wd to o
hf se qr and nw qr se qr pc sw qr se qr
ured summer goods LINENS in
the fashionable polka dot pattern
and prettily flowered TISSUE
Do not miss seeing our line of
we guarantee to be the most styl
ish and popular of materials
perfect dreams and you should
see them before buying an Easter
TERNS are marvels of quality
and coloring
0 Elaborate TRIMMINGS to
match any material you desire
John Qrannis
United States to C A Howard pat to
sw qr se qr 19 and xr Jxf no qr 30-1-27
United States to A J Chawmer pat to
e hf w hf 24-4-27
C A Easton to Jennie Walton wd to
3200 00
M C Hapjnsrsett so J Kennedy wd to
swqr 4-3-27 4000 00
McCook Loan Trust Co to T P
Bales wd to lots 1 to 6 blk 8 Browns
Park 125 OO
H Kornhaus to J A and YV F
han wd to ne qr 7-4-26 3000 00
Mary Kornhaus to J A and W F
ahan wd to ne qr 12-4-27 3000 00
J K Pfrjo to E E Thompson wd to pt
se qr nw qr 18-3-27
E Kemp to M Colling wd to nw qr 14-3-
23 3500 00
S X Cox to J M Trammell gwd lot 4
blk 2 1st McCsok 1250 CO
A P Bod well to W Schmid wd to lots 1
and 2 blk 1 Bodwells add 253 00
Lincoln Land Co to W Smith wd to
lots 1 and 2 blk 3 Lebanon 200 00
Lincoln Land Co to H Holt wd to lot
17 blk 6 Lebanon 60 00
Lincoln Land Co to C A Burgess wd
to lot 4 blk 8 Lebanon 65 CO
C A Burgess to W A Gray wd to lot 3
and s hf 4 blk 8 Lebanon 700 00
C A Burgess to M F Burgess Iwd to e
hf of iot4 blk 8 Lobanon 33 00
C E Shipman to J DParrott wd to no
1000 00
C E Shipman to J D Parrott wd to ne
qr so qr 23-2-26 1000 CO
C E Shipman to E J Parrott wd to w
hf and e qr se qr 23-2-26 3000 0
Lincoln Land Co to W Schmid wd to
pt so qr sw qr 17-1-26 230 00
United States to O P Bell pat to lot 4
9-3-27 v
D P Clouse to G WBillings wd to lots
3 and 4 blk 9 Danbury ofjQ qq
R L Wheeler to G R Havens qcd to 0
hfneqr 19-1-23 400 CO
Advertised Letters
The following letters were advertised
by McCook postofiice March 22 06
Bolton J F
Beattie C C
Coleman Sadie E
DoLong W E
Dillon Fred
Dillon Thos
Finnell M A
Frissell P II
Garbar John
Howe G II
Hess J F
Merrick Chester
Mains J
Mareatte E J
Pierce Mrs Frank
Steustrum C
Sieton Chas
Steveson K
Whittinshill Omer
Wa ratal Emmel
Walker C A
When calling for these letters please
say they were advertised
F M Kimmell Postmaster
Relieved by an Operation
John LeHew who was compelled a -week
ago last Thursday to take his bed
on account of an injured leg was
ed upon Monday and temporarily re
lieved of much pain and a large accu
mulation of spoiled tissue and fluid
The right leg is involved at the knee
but it is hoped that the member will not
ue stm although that is feared
Let The Tribune do your printing
tURES catarrh of the stomach
9 n