The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, March 16, 1906, Image 7
8 Y ft t V i n the chapel m fwm gJmjmm JT LJ ff1lfli MM Jms MuBBRfr JtrX mr j I T Ik 45 -V L A joint meeting of Y M and Y W C A was held in the cnapel last Sunday at which time the Fremont delegates gave their reports of the convention At the Southern Association held at Beatrice April 4 5 6 the following members of the Normal faculty appear on the program Bronell Beck Sear son Mrs Crawford and Miss Goshen Also the male quartette give an evenings entertainment Trr TTT Jrrrrr oys Get In Iiie o make monevi A Whn1l ormir f iaH uiiiii ui uuva air - making all the money thev want vf n - t selling TH JM TURD A Y EVENING POST a few hours a week after srhnnl 2PWR it isnt luck it isnt that they any brighter than you it is mat they have are isnt any better chances than you They just took hold of the work heartily and found that making money came lots easier than they expected Most every- DOdy who sees THE POST wants it And what we want you to do is to show THE POST to the people in your town to pet them to let you deliver it every week In a few weeks youll have a regular list of cus tomers and be making money steadilv ffityk You dont need a cent to start in We yffigti 3end ten copies of THE POST free Sell tSP mesc at 5c the copy and that furnishes all mtT the money you need to buy further suoolies Sit down now and write us a letter that vou want to rPt c ivi mane money ana well send you everything you need to start An education at any business college in country free to boys who sell a certain number of copies 250 in Extra Cash Frizes Each Month to Boys Who Bo Good Work THE CURTIS PUBLISHING COMPANY 425 Arch St Philadelphia rcKU 1NUKJHAL INUTES j Lady Shalott given by the Prof Bronell was called to SirJs chorus assisted bv Afr Rome N Y last week by theNetteton and MrsWhitneckwas death ol nis only brother Percy Adams a member of last years class has been reelected at Oxford by the Board of Educa tion at an increased salary of 100 Miss Raulon State Normal librarian was elected secretary of the library section of the N E A 1 at the late Louisville convention Miss Mae Alderson late of the Senior class at Peru now a teach er in the Prescott school at Lin coln visited here Saturday and Sunday Sunday March 4 closed the as- a delightful success The girls not only did themselves justice but showed much of Mr Huetts hard work and ability The Basket Ball girls returned from their trip feeling fine They were royally received and enter tained at the four places they played At York and Kearnev they carried off the laurels and teJt had they not been playing under such difficulties they could have done the same thing at Grand Island and the University The State Normal School at Peru has secured the services of uudiiou yearoi y m and Y W Superintendent C G Pearse of C A A musical program from Milwank pp Wis w o car t i 4 u Ol IIGO UI uiu two societies was rendered in lectures on School Supervision to be delivered during the sum mer school Superintendent Pearse organiezd the Trans Mis sissippi school of superintendence j which met with such great favor and which was the first school of its kind in the United States The Trans MississiDDi snhonl was ment foi all the States of the Trans Missippi region The school of supervision at Peru will be especially for Principals and Superintendents of Nebraska The school is exceedingly fortu nate to get the help of Soda Crackers and tendeni Pearse this yeat as he plans to hold the school of Su perintendence next year at Mil waukee or some point farther east Dr Ludden president of the Board of Education was down from Lincoln last week He met the students for a short talk Friday at 1115 at which time he announced the formal opeuintr of the new chapel which will be Wednesday March 14 at 830 a m Saturday evening in the chapel occurred the annual band concert Though a stormy night the house was full For almost two hours the audience listened as if spell bound to the inspiring music The band was at its best and showed these months of practice it has had under Prof Huett DANBURY aim o o vjranam is still very poorly Elvin Woods is completing a new house on his farm Mrs S W Stilgebouer Sr is under the doctors care W A Stone visited in Wilson- ville Saturday and Sunday Miss Liddie Chaffert visited in Bartley a few days last week Geo and Homer Bastian visit ed in Indianola a few days last week Mr Buzzy has moved into the house that Rea Oman moved out of last week Dan Cashen his house that Mr Van Pelt has moved into he purchased of Several of the parties that have bought land arrived with their goods Tuesday S H Stilgebouer and family visited in hartley Friday Satur day and Sunday Lindsay Burbridge returned from Colorado Friday after an absence of six years B B Duckworth of Indianola attended the funeral of MrsPueltz last week He remained over here a few days visiting friends I I k V - m - - J J j 1 octigciit lb putting m a gasoline engine and fixtures for J L Sims and in the future the JNews press will be run by chine power anything you choose milk for instance or alone At every meal or for a munch between meals when you feel the need of an appetizing bite to fill up a vacant corner in the morning when you wake hungry or at night just before going to bed Soda crackers are so light and easily digested that they make a perfect food at times when you could not think of eating anything else But as in all other things there is a difference in sod crackers the superlative being Uneeda Biscuit a soda cracker so scientifically baked that all the nutri tive qualities of the wheat are retained and developed a soda cracker in which all the original goodness is preserved for you NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY ma- Souvenir Postal Cards The McCook Souvenir Postal Cards printed by The Tribune are on sale at The Ideal Store The Tribune Office L W McConnells The Post Office Lobby Ten different views printed Other designs are in preparation Price Two for five cents Take advantage of The Tribunes ex traordinary subscription offer found on eighth page of this issue niNrnclt and in Father Lord Dutferin used to tell the follow tng story about his mother ami nu rnell My mother was among the first oi Disraelis acquaintances to recognize his great ability and she saw a gvir deal of him when at Mrs Xovuu when he was a young man about town She did not see very much of him after he had once entered his upon po litical career Here however is a lit tle anecdote which is very characteris tic ami amusing My mother had a ereai admiration for the Curios ies of Literature and was anxious to malu the acquaintance of Disraelis but there was a difficulty about this as at tne moment he was not on gjod terms with his father However he appeared one day with his father in tow As soon as they were both seated Disraeli turned around and looking at his father as if he were a piece of ornamental china said to my mother Madam I have brought you my father I have become reconciled to my father on two condi tions The first was that he should come to see you and the second that lie should pay my debts IJoiIiikt SardlneM When sardines In tens of thousands reacli the factory they are cleaned by long rows of women with short knives and go for two hours into the salt vats They next have a bath of sea water in coarse baskets under a pump and are put to dry in the open on wire racks till they begin to shrivel when they are taken to the tanks of boiling oil Into one of these each rack la plunged for a moment or two and then set aside to drip after which the fish tn snlnrifnrl onl loll -ii j tne solderer to be sealed and when this is completed a hole is punched in the lid to let out any imprisoned air and closed at once with solder As a final stage the tins are placed in a huge iron crate and lowered into tanks of boiling water when they will ex plode if any air is still shut in Those en cases for exportation Pupj rns Book Early writers made use of linen or I cotton fabrics of skins and even of scales of fishes for writing For a long period papyrus was used the book being made In rolls being about one and one half feet wide and sometimes fifty feet long Papyrus was a flag or bulrush growing eight or ten feet high found In the marshes of Egypt from its inner pith the form of paper called papyrus was made Papyrus sheets were neatly joined attached to a stick and rolled upon it whence we have our word volume from the i xjhuu voivere to roll The titles were written on tags attached to the sticks or inscribed on the outside of the rolls The rolls were kept in round wooden boxes resembling the old fashioned bandboxes and could easily be carried about Shoe Superstitions The Chinese value a nair of hnnta which have been worn by an upright magistrate and the custom of wishing a friend a happy foot Is still ob served all through Europe The putting of the left shoe on the right foot put ting It on uneven or crosswise burst ing the latch or tie lacing It wrong or losing a button are all bad signs A Yorkshire man will SDlt In his rlthf Atmoflphere That Intoxicates Visitors to the great wine cellars of Spain says tbe Journal of Inebriety sometimes suffer from symptoms of alcoholic Intoxication In some of these places it is said as much as half an ounce of absolute alcohol is found In five or six cubic feet of air In London and on the continent barkeepers who work In badly ventilated saloons are practically drunkards without ing any liquor Prussian and Frenph Ilo rr They Lost Her Why did your cook leave so sud denly She baked two cakes last Saturday one for us and one to take to her mar ried sister When she wasnt looking I exchanged them and took for our own use the one she had Intended to give Away American Queen Undecided I say Maud said Mamie did vou see Mrs Jinkies new vase Yes Isnt it perfectly horrid I dont know yet I havent found out whether it is modern and perfectly horrid or antique and perfectly lovely Schooner of the Desert Johnny said the teacher what Is a dromedary Johnny did not know uuc itaipu am I know he said proudly A dromedary Is a two masted camel Pride ill nature and want of sense are the three great sources of III man ners Swift OiMWftt J JT l J1I UMT A Considerate Jiidcn A Kentucky congressman tells of a considerate judge in his state who passed sentence on a man convicted of murder The Judge said Mr Dodson the jury says vou are guilty of murder and the law savs vou are to be hanged it Is my wish that jou anu an your friends on the river know that it is not I who condemns you It Is the jury and the law Mr Dodson At what time sir would you like to be hanged The prisoner made answer that It was a matter of Indifference to him and that he was prepared to be swung off at any time The Judge continued Mr Dodson It Is a serious matter to be hanged It cant happen to a man but once in life unless the rope should break before the neck is broken and you had better take all the time vou can But since it makes no difference to you you may hang four weeks from today at 12 noon but you mav have a good dinner first The First Astor and the Poet John Jacob Astor and his son rigid I v attended to business In the same oJlice a little one storv imtifimrr i street just east of Broadway Their constant companion there was Fit Greene Halleck Marco Bozzarls Hal leek Halleck became a clerk for Astor In 1S32 and worked seventeen vpmi s The employment he himself said was not profitable but permanent Asto warned him when he began not to talk to any one of ids wealth The two men became great friends Halleck spent months with his patron at his countrv seat and became one of the trustees of the Astor library The poet frequently rallied the old man nn hia mni All AT 4 A t i u 1WV1 taiuiuny in uu I iiy jir stor ne j tisiur ue would sav if I uwa wmcii are nueu up with oil i Had 200 a year and was sure of it 1 The box now passes to the hands of would bo content Tim great ioi owner took him at his word and in his will much to the amusement of bohe mian New York left Halleck an an nuity of 200 Burton J Ilendriek in McClures The House of Common A speaker In the house of rommnna that stand this test are packed in wood- Qs to address the most chillintr nerve destroying audience in the world Even such a cool headed seasoned ora tor as John Bright once said toward the end of his career too I suppose I ought to be ashamed of myself but the fact Is that I never rise In the honso without a trembling at the knees and a secret wish that somebody else would catch the speakers eye and enable me to sit down again And Disraeli who boasted that he had no nerves declar ed The blare of trumpets a thou sand lookers on have induced men to lead a forlorn hope Ambition and ones constituents have induced men 10 ao a far more desperate thing speak in the house of commons Lon don Mall Golnpr to Bed In India Going to bed in India is a vorv dif ferent process from going to bed at home To begin with It is a far less formal process There is in the hot season no shutting of the door no cutting yourself oT from the outer world no going upstairs and finally no getting into bed You merely lie down on your bed which with its bedding is so simple as to be worth ucouiiumg jne oeu Is a wooden frame with a webbing laced across it and each bed has a thin cotton mat tress Over this one sheet is spread and two pillows go to each bed bolsters not beim used Thnrn ii shoe before putting It on when going I Some People do not even have the mattress preferring tlm w itijjyuiLtiiiL uuamtjss 10 onng iuck ana been known to hang her boots out of the window on St Valentines night for love luck mninoco np o - - j v vjj vt n many an English girl has i IJiece or nne matting Crimen Aprnlnnt Anfmnln The cooks of today wrote Yuan Mel a Chinese author of the nineteenth century think nothing of ralxinsr In one soup the meat of chicken duck pig and goose But these chickens ducks pigs and geese have doubtless souls and these souls will most certainly file plaints In the next world of tbe way they have been treated in this A good cook will use plenty of different dish es Each article of food will be made to exhibit Its own characteristics while eucu maue uisn will be characterized by one dominant flavor Then the pal- authorities force all estnhllshmrmtc ate of tlje gormand will resnnmi rc iti where spirits are sold to thorouchlv out freak and tbe flowers of the soul ventilate the premises twice a day blossom forth A Mnn of Nerve Myrtilla said the old gentleman sharply that young man you had in the parlor last night is dull of comnrc hension All I had to do was cough when the other chaps remained too late and they would take the hint and de part Did this one say anything when I coughed last night Yes replied the beautiful daugh ter he said tbe next time he called he I was going to bring you a bottle of cough sirup Newark News 1 Point Jiot Well Tnlcen Mrs Jenner Lee Ondego I dont see why they call It grand opera when its in English It isnt grand opera when you can understand what the singers are saying Mrs Selldom Holme Why bless you von n derstand them any better when they sing in English than when they sing in Italian Chicago Tribune Such Is Life Its a hard struggle to conduct ones business without plenty of capital observed the man with the ingrowin chin Youre right agreed the man with the mange nose If a fellow lmcnf I got plenty of backing he has to do a oc or siuestepping St Louis Repub lic The Womens Clnbs British husband rpc mvic ns clubs with amusement as places where women eat strange meals and put up with discomforts which would not be tolerated for an hour in a mans club says the Illustrated London News A Centlped See that man Well sir he landed In this country with bare feet and now hes got millions Gee whiz He must be a regular Fniiadelphla Ledger Wasted Sj nipnthy Kind Lady Heres a nickel But Tvhat are you crying for little boy Little Boy I aint cryln Dis is me regular face Hartford Courant I dr e j oo Ofllco Jjnomv I niid 7 fwtmil floor Ioatollico Huilclii I m DENTIST mo m Rooms a nuil 5 Widxl JJIk McCook C II Uotle C K KLiitt Co Alt BOYLE ELDRED ATTOKNKYS at Iaw Loiik Ii tiiro 4J McCook Net JOHN E KELLEV ATTORKEY AT LAW and BONDED AE STRALTEH MCCOOK NKHRAhhA Slgeiit of Lincoln LiiimI Co umlot McCook Wutor Works Oflicu in Iostollic huUtliiic L H LINDEMANn Real Estate Insurance Iliono si UIIico over McMilldub ilniK tor JWoOOOK NKHHASKA Write JAKE BETZ McCook Neb for terms on Auctioneering He will do your work right KOLLISTERS Socfcy Ftankr1 Tea Sunsets A Busy Uediaice for Easy rtoplo Ericja Golden llcIth ind Roamed Vigor i iCJc fr Constipitinn i IlKo itlon Live Breah Sim ish Dowels Ileailacho and Hnckarijo Its K ky Tea in tab- Hollisteu Dnoa Company 31 ulison Wis r OLDEN NUGGETS FOR SALLOW PEOPLE NEW BARBER SHOP NEWLY FUIHflSHEn AND FIKST CLASS IN EVEKY WAY Roar of First Natl Hank Earl Murray Joe Hight CONTRA GTOR and BUILDER Farm Buildings a Specialty SATISFACTION GUARANTEED McCook Neb j - - r 1L WWr lEELING LIYEK JLS4EKJ General Repair Shops BICYCLES GUNS SEWING MA CHINKS ETC GASOLINE STCVES REPAIRED ON SHORT NOTICE Twn llnnrQ nacf nf TlfiT cr J j JlcCook Xehratka 1tTTTT - TMs Morning TAKE A Gc Laxative I And petizer seLrr7 U1 sAWta yjuarar amoerlain si 3JC S mi- - m n iCoEgh Remedy ne Uiuldrens Favorite CURES Coughs Colds Croup and Whooping Cough This remedy is famoo for lta cure over m1 ari of the cIrlUzed -oriel It cm always bo depended upon It contalni no opium or othor harmful drug and may bo Given as confidently to a baby aa to an adult f rice 2o ccs Large Size 50 eta 1 RtarfLrii jmjn u tf