m ffje jfcCmifc PM By F M KIMMELL Largest Circulation in Red Willow Co Subscription 1 a Year in Advance Program and Basket Dinner Wednesday March 7th about 11 oclock in tho forenoon patrons of the district and visitors from the adjoining district and from McCook began to by tho buggy loads bringing with them dish pans and pails filled with all good things to eat prepared by tho matrons of the neighborhood who are noted for knowing how to prepare toodies A welj prearpd program was rendered toy pqe pupils of jfcbo school Then fol Jqwpdfhp pagt fp wfcjch fljd and young ilia anipjlo juries After vhiA lv teacher and young folks passed ft i0UIe hours in games of various kinds on the school ground while tho matrons did the dishes keeping time with chatting and Jaughing after which they ad journed until the nest time Thus Miss Irene Catheart closed a Successful term of school in district No i6 She was kind and lady likft yet firm in dealing with the pupils joining them in all their games in the school house and on the grounds thus knowing all that transpired both in and about the school house M ay her future career as a teacher be as successful as her be ginning was the wish of hter many f Hends in this vicinity Communicated An Early Resident of McCook Following brief mention of tho de cease of a former McCookite then known as Miss Mattie Anderson is taken from the Union Labor Journal of Bakorsfield California Mrs Mattie Kier wife of Grant A Kier proprietor of the Opera Cafe died at Los Angeles Monday February 19th Mrs Kier had been an invalid for several years and her condition had grown such during the last year that she bad been removed to a sanitarium at Los Angeles for treatment Reports as to MrsKiers health for the past several weeks have stated that her condition was critical Mr Kier has the sympathy of a large circle of friends in his bereavement Real Estate Transfers The following real estate filings have been made in the county clerks office since last Thursday evening W H Lanning to C F Lolin deed to e - hf sw qr w hf se qr 24-1-29 700 00 I Cromwell to J S Daffer wd to w hf nw qr 15 bw qr sw qr 10 se qr so qr 9-1-25 7200 00 E E Smith to C S Easton wd to se qr nw qr and lots 3 4 and 56-4-26 2700 00 L Gregory to A D Skinner wd to s hf ne qr and nw qr no qr aud no qr nw qr 44 27 2500 00 L H Carothors et al to F E Carothers qcd to w hf so qr 13-4-30 250 00 United States to A Decker pat to se qr 24-1-26 United States to E St Germain pat to swqr 34-2-30 Walter Bentley Ball Walter Bentley Ball as well as Mrs Gates the head of the Lulu Tyler Gates Company of which he is now a member is quite capable of giving a full even ings entertainment alone In fact he has travelled by himself to some extent giving lecture song recitals of folk lore his three subjects being Folk Songs of the South and West Folks Songs of all Nations and Ballads of Bobby Burns Mr Ball has for some seasons Deen at tne nead or nis own company but is now helping to make the Gates Company what it is Didnt Like Her lingo All the way from McCook Nebraska came a party of eight farmers to see the Divine Sarah Attired in long fur coats boots and an air of the country they created no little attention as they filed into the Auditorium Gee whiz Bill exclaimed one who seemed to be the leader of the party after the performance was over that was a fine show wasnt it Yes exclaimed the disgusted Bill but why the h 1 did she want to go and talk in that Dago lingo for The Proof of the Pudding Well you know it is not in chewing the string This holds good in meats as well as in puddings The B M meat market guarantees you the best the market affords in the meat line in any and all kinds of meats They throw in liberal and courteous treatment and prompt delivery You will find the market at the old stand first door south of the Walsh block We bespeak a liber al portion of your patronage during the new year David Magner Prop February Mortgage Record The mortgage record of Red Willow county for the month of E ebruary is as follows Real estate filings 5425120 releases 83270845 Town filings 13 56801 releases SS99787 Chattel fil ings 1795088 releases S2664365 Wanted A reliable person for McCook and surrounding country to represent the National Life Insurance Co of Chicago Liberal contract to right party GJE H E Brown General Agents Holdrege Nebraska Teiepnone Notice Parties who are not now subscribers who wishtelephones please make ar rangements ht the office as soon as pos sible CKI Hall Manager INDIANOLA Charles Collings child is quite sick this week Dont mention the first and second days of March Rhody Jones marketed seven loads of hogs Monday Mr Clark the horse buyer was in town Monday Gilbert Rankin took a trip over to Danbury last Monday Frank Lackey visited friends in In dianola a few days ago Walter Andrews of McCook was in town one day this week Butler Jones returned from his trip oast Friday of last week A H Bell purchased a piano last week and will rafile it off John G Ervin and son Elmer were Indianola visitors Sunday J W Dutcher received a fine Jack hom Missouri last Sunday Foot JavJs Jrove down t0 Bartlev Sunday to see his bes tiit Joe Broomfield came down fiOm Mc Cook Sunday to see the folks James Malleck shipped a carload of cattle to Kansas City Sunday night his regular trip Four carloads of immigrant house hold goods arrived at this pfeceSunday Grandma ItUaSell is very sick We did not learn the nature of her sickness Miss Katie Keohlin is in Danburythis week visiting her friend Mrs G Plum mer Miss Mamie Mann did not go to her school last Friday on account of the storm Mrs Peter Gillen living southwest of town is quite seriously ill with lung trouble Wni Porter left Tuesday with his household goods for his new home near Haigler Carl Korns and Orin Cramer started for the green fields of California Tues day night Mrs W Porter is in the eastern part of the state for a short visit with friends and relatives Miss Lelia Fiddler was an Indianola visitor last week the guest of Miss Bertha Walker Mrs Flowers and daughter Martha returned to her home north of town after a visit in town Miss May Hileman has returned to McCook after a few days visit with Mrs Flora Simmons Misses Dora Mabel and Katie Porter left on No 5 Tuesday night for their home at Haigler S Bastians two boys George and Homer of Danbury visited their uncle Mart last week George Henderson now occupies a part of the old brick building known as the Baxter block Doctor Minnick is now very cosily es tablished in his new suite of rooms in the Day building John Strunk has moved his family into the Bishop house just south of the Methodist church Vansickle and his gang were in town this week doing a little housecleaning along railroad lines Loten Duckworth and family have rented their farm near Havana and have come to town to live W Broomfield and family living five miles south of town drove in and spent Sunday with the old folks Andy Malleck drew the lucky number on the Arabian saddle horse that was raffled off by John McClung Lewis B Elmer has moved to town He will assist his father in his work of putting down cement walks etc G W Short whom we reported sick last week is better but will be confined to the house for several days yet Miss Minnie Mann gave a party to her class Monday evening of last week The children had an enjoyable time John Balding has bought out the Shaffer restaurant He took possession and commenced business Saturday J W Dutcher returned from Iowa to Missouri Saturday morning where he had been on a visit for a week or two John G Ervin was in town Wednes day He is preparing to build a resi dence on the farm he bought recently Mr Pickett of the North Side loaded up his goods this week and set sail for Michigan where heexpects to live in the future Mr Isbel the sign painter is in town this week doing the show windows in fine style He sure is a good one as his work shows Professor Zoho alias Marquis the hypnotist gave an exhibition of his skill at the opera house Tuesday and Wed nesday nights Mrs McFee and two children of Kan ona Kansas came over to Indianola Monday and took No 2 Tuesday morn ing for Ogalalla where she goes to visit a sister A poor unfortunate fell from No 14 Sunday night and presented a sorry ap pearance next morning as he appeared at the depot Kind hands bandaged his wounds procured him a pass and he was sent on his way rejoicing Charley Colling Ollie Colling and Joe Carmichael hauled tho household goods of Mr Jacobs out to the Hassel place in Frontier county Sunday 1W G Shephard of Cambridge is im proving his place in South Indianola by the erection of a new barn Report says he will build a house soon Francis Clambaroski living in Frontier county was in town fore part of tho week making arrangements for his trip to England which he proposes to take soon John Broomfield returned from his trip north Saturday morning While changing cars at some station east of here he slipped and fell some way and was quite badly hurt He walks with great difficulty and finds the use of crutches necessary PERU NORMAL NOTES New annual catalogue is out The annual band concert will be given March 10 Y M and Y W C A gave a sacred musical in chapel last Sisday Prof Hervitt has organized a for rlnSS mpfhnrlQ in nrhinrr Charley McCQlIjm of hartley md o to Indianola Sundayt J Miss Woods Professor1 of Lafin went to her home in Lincoln Thursday where she will visit un til Monday Miss Maria Machin a native Porto Rican in the Normal has organized a class for those who wish to learn Spanish Work was resumed on the new library February 28 It will con tinue under a force of from ten to twenty men until the building is completed Delegates returned ftom Fre mont convention reporting a fine meeting The quartet did itself justice and has been asked to sing at the sectional Y M C meet ing in Beatrice in the near future This week under the supervi sion of Miss Ellis a class was organized for the purpose of study ing some of the worlds famous pictures The work will include the history and development of Christain art beginning back in the catacombs at Rome continu ing through the centuries and cul minating with the American Ait Hard Lines For Bachelors Koreas tlie wrong place for bache lors said a traveler Bachelors In Korea are considered as children and have only childrens privileges You a Korean bachelor get thirsty You en ter a rest house and call for palm wine The pretty little amber colored wait ress says Married No says you Heraus then says she And out you go unslaked You want to vote but they wont let you if you are not married You apply for a job somewhere How many children have you s the first question youre asked And as soon as you say youre un married they laugh in your face to think that you should presume to apply for work anywhere Where Babies Swim I spend my winters in Samoa said a traveler It is always summer there There the babies swim Can you imagine a quainter a more charm ing sight than a host of babies none over two years old laughing and crowing and swimming like fish In pools of clear sea water You will see this sight in Samoa Samoan women believe sea baths benefit babies and in that equable climate they bathe their little ones daily the year around The youngsters soon learn to swim They can swim before they can walk And to see these pretty brown babies swim ming in the sea is well worth a 5000 mile trip to Samoa Philadelphia Proof of Democracy Ma teacher was tellin us that we should all be on a e quality in our schoolroom Nobody should feel any bettern anybody else Thats right George Say ma can I go to school today without washin my face None of the rest of em washes theirs Cleveland Plain Dealec A Cut Artery A quick witted woman stopped the flow from a cut artery in the leg by putting the foot in three inches of flour in a large jar and packing flour to the top of the jar beating the flour down with a piece of stove wood Souvenir Postal Cards The McCook Souvenir Postal Cards printed by The Tribune are on sale at The Ideal Store The Tribune Office L W McConnells The Post Office Lobby Ten different views printed Other designs are in preparation Price Two for five cents Good reading cheap may bo secured from The Tribune clubbing list BEGGS BLOOD PURIFIER CURES catarrh of the stomach HAS VIEWS OF HIS OWN Senator Patterson and Ilia Santo Do mlntfo Speech The speech recently made In the sen ate by the junior member from Colo rado Thomas M Patterson in support of he policies of President Roosevelt created something of a sensation owing to the fact that Senator Patterson has been a Democrat all his life except for a short time during which he acted with the Peoples party The senator disagrees with the president on the subject of the Philippines and the wwfifafr t -v yttfwi 1 SENAT06 THOUA IT tATTEItSON statehood bill now before congress but on most other questions supports him and so stated in this speech lie was flayed by his party associates after ward for his course in not agreeing to the caucus action of the Democrats on the Santo Domingo treaty and for in troducing a resolution remonstiating ngalnst foreign treaties being made the subject of action by senators in cau cus The agitation created in the sen ate was something like that which oc curred when the senator was a y6mig lawyer defending a man iiamed Mc Laughlin who was charged with mur der The testimony of Mrs McCarthy of Vinegar Hill was damaging to Mc Laughlin and on cross examination Patterson made her contradict herself repeatedly At last he asked a question Intended to totally discredit her as a witness MIsther Patterson she said very deliberately yez are simply calculated to create confusion Senator Patterson was born in 1S40 In County Carlow Ireland but has lived In America since childhood He worked in a printing office and also as a watchmaker and jeweler studied at De Pauw university and Wabash col lege entered the bar in 1872 and began his Colorado career in Denver He was the last delegate In congress from the territory of Colorado and was elected a representative in congress from the state In 1S7G He succeeded the late Edward O Wolcott In the senate in 1901 The senator Is proprietor of the Rocky Mountain News and Denver Times LINCOLN FARM ASSOCIATION Project For the Preservation of the Martyr Presidents Birthplace The Kentucky farm upon which Abraham Lincoln was born and upon which the first four years of his life were spent has been purchased by Rob ert J Collier and a Lincoln Farm as sociation has been organized with Gov ernor Joseph W Folk of Missouri as president for the purpose of developing i v f - 1 LINCOLN FARM the farm into a national park The na tlons new Mount Vernon covers 110 acres and Is situated two miles from Hodgenville in the heart of Kentucky The association is endeavoring to raise an endowment fund the sole purpose of which is to make this historic spot a national shrine of patriotism and civic inspiration The treasurer of the association is Clarence H Mackay of New York city president of the Postal Telegraph and Cable company The log cabin in which Lincoln wn1 born will be restored to its old site the famous rock spring will be cleaned and protected and a monument and a museum will be erected During his boyhood Lincoln often swam and fished in another creek some miles from the first Lincoln farm and on one occasion he narrowly es caped drowning While attempting to coon across the stream by swinging over on a sycamore tree he lost his hold tumbled Into deep water and would have perished but for a boy companion who plunged In and res cued the future preserver of the Union r ffiyii JLIi - -- it5jafjeerl nrrt WL For Ladies Wear Extra large sizes in Dress Skirts all kinds McCooks New To Cure a Cold In One Day Take laxative bromo quinine tablets All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure E W Groves signature is on each bos 25c Keep the little ones healthy and happy Their tender sensitive bodies require gentle healing remedies Hollisters Kocky Mountain Tea will keep them strong and well 3o cents tea or tablets L W McConnell r 4- 4 Ladies Any size in Misses Dress Skirts All the latest styles and pretty colors Pretty Cravenette Dress Skirts in the most popular shades A new line of beautiful stylish Shirt Waists i uii T T ilJLf I f PAINT 4 and Elegant embroidered linen Shirt Waist Patterns Daintiest and the prettiest ever Long Kimonos We have just received a full line of summer underwear nicer styles and better quality than we have ever had Come in and be convinced John Grannis i l APER and STORE 1 will be opened up ready for business MONDAY March 12 with the most completelme of Wall Pa per Paints Glass etc ever shown in southwest Nebraska Every pattern is up-to-date and every roll of paper is new I will have some of the best painters and paper hangers in the west who will be ready for work Wednesday the 14th WALKER First Door North of Suttons Jewelry Store XOOK McCook Market Quotations Corrected Friday afternoon Corn c 27 Wheat 1 57 Oats 25 Rye 40 Barley 25 Hogs 5 50 Eggs 12 Good Butter 20 SEWER BIDS Sealed proposals will be received by tho cit clerk for the city of McCook Nebraska uutil eight oclock p m April 2nd 1S00 and opened immediately thereafter for tho construction of 2700 of twelve inch 3000 of fifteen inch and 1320 feet of eight inch main sower including eighteen manholes in the citj of McCook Plan profiles and specification mar be seen at the office of the city clerk or at C II Meekers oflice at the court house All proposals must be made out on blanks that will be furnished to tho bid der by tho city clerk on application A certified check for 500must accompany each proposal The city council reserves the right to reject any and all bids W A Middleton seal City Clerk Bound duplicate receipt books three receipts to the page for sale at The Triblwe office We know what all good doc tors think of Ayers Cherry Pectoral Ask your own tor and find out He will tell e rry you how it quiets the tickling throat heals the inflamed lungs and controls the hardest of coughs wyern C Pectoral is well known In fnfiff e tn U u the beit medicine in the world for coughs and colds katie Peterson ri 25c50csioo A fQr Iwrtl Sifr Hard Coughs hasten Ayer s Pms at bedtimoWm recovery Cently laxative i r - I- I