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About The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936 | View Entire Issue (March 2, 1906)
fc y ft f ty tit F fes TWENTY FOURTH YEAR fie REVERSED REMANDED Supreme Court Reverses Itself and the District Court SUIT IS TO BE RE TRIED There Have Been Already Two Trials In the District Court and Two Su preme Court Decisions A decision of more than passing inte rest to the city of McCook was rendered by tho supremo court of the state of Nebraska nt its sitting close of last week when a reversal was recorded by the court in the case of James McAdams versues Tho City of McCook for dam ages the case being carried up to the higher court by the city which lost its case in the trial in district court This case has had quite a checkered career Its first appearance in district court was October 1901 but it did not come to trial until October term 1902 when the city won the suit The case went up to the supreme court and was reversed and remanded for retrial The second trial in the court below occurred in the October 1904 term when the plaintiff James McAdams was given the verdict by the jury The city appealed from this decision again to the supreme court Close of last week the court above reversing itself and the last -verdict from the district court remand ing the case to the district court for re trial Mrs C V Rundle Dead After a brief illness following child birth Mrs C V Rundle passed away Thursday morning The remains will be shipped tonight on No 14 to Rock port Mo for burial A husband and three small children survive They have profoundest sympathy in this great sorrow and bereavement Mr Rundel is most grateful for every assistance and kindness shown during the brief illness and after the death of his beloved wife Good Farm for Sale Good farm in Dundy county for sale Contains 137 acres of unimproved land suitable for farming cattle and sheep range Is located half mile west of Parks P O on the Republican river bottom bordering on the river Land is level sandy loam soil Price 81200 per acre Route 4 John Crowley Edinboro Pa From Now On Having made arrangements with a practical harnessmaker in an eastern town I will from now on have hand made harness on hand at all times of the very best selected stock It will be to your advantage to call and investigate before buying V7 T Coleman Wanted A reliable person for McCook and surrounding country to represent the National Life Insurance Co of Chicago Liberal contract to right party C E H E Brown General Agents Holdrege Nebraska For a Sewer District A petition is already in circulation asking for the formation of a sewer dist rict embracing blocks Nos 28 21 16 9 4 original McCook blocks Nos 19 10 5 first addition and blocks Nos 12 7 second addition tt A Large Eagle Killed H J Schamel of Valley Grange pre cinct reports killing a large eagle of un known species close of last week in his neighborhood The big bird was 12 feet and 8 inches tip to tip of wings REAL ESTATE AND COLLECTIONS If you wish to sell list quick If you wish to buy call quick I have bargains you want quick Call and see they are going quick Office with J E Kelley A fG Bump DRESS GOODS ITEMS Full lines of Batistes Panamas Crav enettes Cashmeres Sicillians Lans downs black and colored Mohairs and opera crepes are now to be found at Thompsons Smoking Time Now is the time to preserve your meat for the Bummers use Get the hfist results and save time and labor by using McConneirs Liquid Smoke 25c We sell all the best grade silkalines for 12c yd and showing a fine line just in Thompsons jfood reading cheap may be secured from The Tribune clubbing list Best Calicoes 5c yd at Thomp sons Bread mixers at W T Colemans MOVEMENTS OF THE PEOPLE J W Corner is hero from Iowa on business Sam Young was up from JJBartley Thursday Percy E Ludlow is now in San Francisco Miss Ora McElvain entertained the Awl Os Tuesdny night Mrs W V Gage spent a part of the week visiting in Denver Rev Harry Shepherd is visiting rel atives in East McCook F M Rathbun camo out from Omaha Tuesday night on a short visit Skinny Harper of the Union Fuel Co Omaha is a city visitor on busi ness Charlie Kelley is up from the state university for a few days with thehomo olks Rev M B Carman is down at Hend ley assisting in a revival meeting this week Mrs L D Gockley of Holbrook is a guest of her daughter Mrs J C Pred more Mrs Harry Conover of Livingston Montana is in the city guest of Mrs Roy Zint C S Ferris has been out from Chero kee Iowa on business since some time last week H L Goodenberger and N J John son were over from Marion Monday on matters of business H E Durham has just completed a neat and convenient barn on his North Monroe street property MissVergie Ludwick attended the funeral of Grandmother Ludwick in Lincoln tore part of week Judge Orr and Reporter Cordeal have been over at Stockville this week holding court for Frontier county Mrs Mary Campbell Mrs Albert Barnett and Mrs Adele Phelan saw Divine Sarah in Omaha Tuesday night Harry Crouch who has been carry ing the McCook Quick mail has quit the service and expects to go to New York state Mrs W J Krauter and Iva of Den ver have been visiting the mothers parents Judge and Mrs J S LeHew this week H C Clapp returned Wednesday nitrht from his trip to Chicago St Louis and other points buying spring and summer goods George E Thompson leaves tomor row for Chicago and other markets to give the finishing touches to his spring trade preparations Charlie Beardslee departed on 13 Wednesday for Colorado rie has been here for several weeks recuperating from an attack of pneumonia J A Clark was taken over to Stock ville Monday for trial He had been kept in the Red Willow county jail awaiting sitting of district court Mrs Belle Stephenson of Oberlin Kansas was in the city a day or two this week She left yesterday for Ster ling Colo where she will make her home John Hunt engineer for years at the McCook water works has determined to embark in business for himself and in due time will open up a plumbing estab lishment in our city Mrs W M Weidenhamer and Mr Weidenhamers mother from Galesburg 111 here on a visit wsnt up to Den ver on 13 Tuesday on a visit in the Queen City of the Plains of a few days Harry S SpauldinG of Tornngton Wyoming arrived in the city Thursday night of last week and has beeh spend ing the week here visiting oldtime friends and exhibiting the lustre of that elegant tan O W DeWald of the Trenton Reg ister was in town over Wednesday night on his way home from the state press association meeting in Lincoln He re ports the largest attended meeting in the associations history and a great meet ing TiAWRKNCE Casten was down from Cheyenne Wyoming close of last and early days of the present week He re ports the McCook colony as prospering and contented at Cheyenne He also briefly visited his brother George at Arapahoe while on his return home House for Sale or Rent If you have a bouse for sale or rent call up 157 and give the best price and terms possible with description I have a good list of people who want to rent and buy Lindemann Tomorrow and every day Lightning Corn Cure is only 10 cts a bottle A sure cure for corns L W McConnell Druggist Death Claimed Little Ones Congressman and Mrs Norris have the tender sympathy of friends in their recent bereavement which is briefly noted by a special telegram from Wash ington to the Lincoln Daily Star in the following language Washington Feb 26 Representa tive Norris was able to attend Congress today Monday the condition of Mrs Norris having improved Thursday night Mrs Norria gave birth to twin boys who died within a few hours Their bodies were cremated The ashes will be buried at McCook later The Provi dence hospital physicians say that Mrs Norris will recover The Tribune learns later that Mrs Norris is progressing satisfactorily toward recovery Methodist Church Anniversary Monday March 5th will be the first anniversary of the dedication of the new church An informal social time is be ing arranged to which all donors and their families and all friends of the church with the members of the church and their families are invited Rnnnrts bv the building committee trustees and pastor as to the cost of the church and progress of the same will be read Light refreshments will be served and a good social time had all absolutely free The Proof of the Pudding Well you know it is not in cnewing the string This holds good in meats as well as in puddings The B M meat market guarantees you the best the market affords in the meat line in any and all kinds of meats They throw in liberal and courteous treatment and prompt delivery You will find the market at the old stand first door south of the Walsh block We bespeak a liber al portion of your patronage during the T v H 1J new year jjaviu iuaumk iiu Married On Sunday Feb 25th 1906 at the home of the brides parents near Pali sade Neb Miss Viola Corner and Mr Clarence Wales of Coleman precinct were united in holy wedlock The groom is the son of H B Wales a prominent farmer of Coleman precinct seven miles north west of McCook Neb The happy couple will move on a farm three miles west of Palisade owned by J W Corner the father of the bride M S Satchell House Hold Gcods For Sale Following articles as good as new Must be sold at once Call at house Book case 4 Rockers Refrigerator Dining room table Majestic steel range 6 Dining room chairs Soft coal heating stove Bed room sets complete and many other things including a large assortment of books C T Watson Grandmother Ludwick Dead The death of the late J H Ludwicks mother is thus briefly noted in the Lin coln Daily Star of Thursday morning March 1st The funeral of MrsElizabeth Ludwick will be held at 230 oclock tomorrow afternoon at the home of her daughter Mrs Helen TrowbridgeH6 South Twenty-seventh street Burial will be in Wyuka cemetery Dwelling for Sale A five room dwelling with fine shade and fruit trees Inquire of C A Ward Horses for Sale One hundred head of draft and driv ing horses for sale Frank Stillman McCook Neb There is evidently more or less gamb ling going on in the city though appa rently no regular establishments are flourishing Private rooms are being utilized in some instances At any rate opportunities are not lacking those disposed to lose their money credit and character I S Johnson will hold a public sale Thursday March 8th on the Utter farm four miles northeast of McCook of stock farm implements and other articles Usual terms of sale H H Berry auctioneer Wallace Hymer died in Lockesburg Arkansas Monday of acute appendici tis He was a nephew of David Magner of our city where he formerly lived New stocks turnovers and fancy col lars just received at Thompsons al ways the largest line Very large line of new laces lace sets and Allover laces just received Thomp sons Plenty unbleached muslin 5c at Thompsons Everything in drugs McConnell V OVER THREE TO ONE The Sewer Bonds Carry by a Vote of 323 to 94 A NEW ERA FOR McCOOK indicates a Publlc Snlrltedness Out Which Cities are Built and En terprise Encouraged The special election held on Tuesday to vote on the proposition to bond Mc Cook in the sum of 810000 for the pur pose of constructing a main sewer was somewhat of a surprise to all concerned To its friends and promoters that the result was so decisive to its opponents that the negative vote was so small Of the 419 votes cast 325 were in fa vor of the proposition and 91 against over three to one This is very encouraging and satisfac tory proving the enterprising public spiritednass of the majority of the citi zens of McCook without which no city can hope to progress and advance along material lines or in fact any other line The numerous requests for informa tion about the proposed bond issue from financial sources indicate clearly that no difficulty will be encountered in dis posing of the bonds at par or at a fair premium This result ushers in for McCook a new era Charming Hospitality Mr and Mrs J E Kelley dispensed a charming and liberal hospitality to a large company of friends last evening at their home on corner Dakota and Monroe at a high five card party A three course dinner was served at seven oclock with tasteful accessories Mrs W B Mills presided at the piano during the refreshments After dinner there was a brief artistic music program Mrs G H Thomas sang a solo to a piano violin accompani ment Miss Hazel Hare played two violin numbers and Miss Elsie Campbell sang a solo All were keenly appreci ated In the serving the following young people- assisted Misses Elsie Aster Bessie Bosworth Hazel Hare and Lettie Knipple and Messrs R J Gunn Coy Burnett and Charlie Kelley There was a bouquet of violets on each guests plate and large bouquets of red carnations were handsome dining room and parlor decorations Mrs G H Thomas and Mr P E Potter won the honors and Mrs VV E DeWitt and DrH J Pratt the booby prizes Details will be repeated tonight with change of guest list Association Strongly Organized The McCook Driving Park association has organized with the following officers and board of directors President A Barnett Vice President W R Starr Secretary C B Gray Treasurer E J Wilcox Directors J E Kelley William Lewis R J Gunn W Y Johnson and S D McClain Work on the track survey and con struction of buildings is now progressing C B Gray is in charge of the buildings and W Y Johnston has the supenn tendency of the track under his care Twenty four stalls are being built and an amphitheatre a well is being put down and altogether there is an air of activity down there which augurs well for the season of 1906 Souvenir Postal Cards The McCook Souvenir Postal Cards printed by The Tribune are on sale at The Ideal Store The Tribune Office L W McConnells The Post Office Lobby Ten different views printed Other designs are in preparation Price Two for five cents Loomis Black Wedding County Judge J C Moore afficiated at the wedding of Andrew JLoomis and Mrs Lovina Black two esteemed long residents of the Red Willow country The Tribunes congratulations go with those of their many friends and ac quaintances in Red Willow county 5 to 140 Acres in Egan park Only half mile to school For prices and terms see C F BABCOCKMcCook Neb Remnant Bargains A nice selection of one room remnant patterns of wall paper at special prices McMillen Druggist Quarter Section For Sale 15 miles north of McCook 110 acres in cultivation Price 1500 Hans Hansen Box Elder Best apron check ginghams 5c yd Thompsons McConnells Balsam cures coughs McCOOK RED WILLOW COUNTY NEBRASKA FRIDAY EVENING MARCH 2 1906 01 MINOR ITEMS OF NEWS McConnell for drugs McMillen Prescription Druggist Let The Tribune do your printing Best table oil cloth 15c yd Thomp sons New corset Thompsons cover embroideries New belts in all the good styles juBt reed Thompsons For chapped hands and face use Mo- Millens Cream Lotion Cream in sealed 10c an- 20c bottles for sale at Marshs meat market Removed Dr Kays office is now over Pades furniture store Phone 98 A handsome quality of Peau de Soie black dress silk for 79c at Thompsons Our new lines of wash fabrics are now almost complete 5c to 35c Thomp sons Butchers linen 35c and Butchers cotton 15c for Shirtwaists and suits Thompsons Ladies long sleeved gauze vests for 25c and 35c at Thompsons Gauze underwear now in McConnells Sarsaparilla is the blood architect for the whole system It builds rich red blood Dr E O Vahue has been ill tho past week but expects to be able to be in his office Monday morning Cooking utensils something the house wife needs every day of her life Can be bought at W T Colemans The Lenten season began with Ash Wednesday February 28th which will bring Easter Sunday on April 15th Choice Barred Plymouth Rock Cock erels for sale cheap Mrs John W Burtless Ash 1351 phono 27 2ts The Wheeler Wilson machine has a rotary motion ball bearing and is the lightest running machine in the world Sold by W T Coleman Wanted Bright honest young man from McCook Neb to prepare for pay ing position n Goverment Mail Service Box One Cedar Rapids Having just received a very large in voice of whips I can satisfy anybody in a whip from the cheapest to the highest crade made W T Coleman You cant do better anywhere on earth than at Marshs meat market in any article usually for sale in ac up-to-date market Just try him Variety quality price treatment all guaranteed Stout or slim ladies short or tall all get a perfect fit in the Elite adjust able band underskirts If you want your dress skirt to fit and look right wear the Elite petticoats Sold only at Thompsons Please remember the rule no gard eningnot even raking of yards by the ladies without one of Thompsons sun bonnets as a preserver of the complex ion and a keeper of stray locks All kinds and prices In his new location just across the street from his old place in the P Walsh building Mike Walsh wants to see you if you have poultry eggs etc for sale He will pay you the best cash market price for them For rent Three farms near McCook If you want to sell your farms list them with me I have the buyers J Fletcher Immigration Agent Burlington Route Bartley Nebraska Parties wishing to have The Tribune print their sale bills can have the copy prepared by bringing the description of the articles they have to offer for sale to this office There will be no charge for preparing the copy and the bills will be promptly and accurately printed at a inoderato cost Disinfectant and Lice Killer for chicken houses and hog pens 85c per gallon Satisfaction guaranteed McMillen Druggist Telephone Notice Parties who are not now subscribers who wish telephones pleaBe make ar rangements ht the office as soon as pos sible C I Hall Manager Here Is Skin Comfort A smooth comfortable skin in March is something that McConnells Fragrant rr rn rrivixj Tt keeDS the skin from chaps at all seusons Axt Says Rot a hahv in vour home Then you should know what a complete list of ba by things we bell Talcumpuffsereams pacifiers foods etc All these comforts for the littlo ones L W McConnell Druggist t NUMBER 4a Try McMillens Cough euro McConnells Balsam euros coughs Oil heaters of all kinds at W T Cole mans Fresh butter of best quality at Marshs meat markot Superior drills are the host H P Co sell them Sewing machino noodles of all kinds at W T Colemans Mens New Spring Worsted suits 1000 Thompsons 50 Styles now dross Ginghams now opened at 9c at Thompsons You must remember that W T Cole man handles the B P S paints Ready made pillow slips 25o pair Sheets 60 cents each Thompsons The Clauss Shears are sold by W T Coleman and every pair guaranteed Boys very tasty Norfolk suits 200 8225 S300 S350 just received at Thompsons We make tho necessary alterations on all our skirts without extra charge 75 styles Thompsons II P Waito Co have oponed up a large stock of fresh new garden soeds both in bulk and packages If you need a wagon this spring dont forget that the Mitchell is the best and that H P Waite Co sell it Cash Received on Account Charge Paid Out and other cash register printed supplies at The Tribune office A regular meeting of the Dorcas society will bo held at the home of Mrs Edwin Waito Thursday March 8th at 230 Beautifully trimmed and finished aro tho new whito shirt waists nt Thomp sons Also black and colored ones 50c to 8675 W G Jones repairs cook stovesheat ers and cleans gasoline stoves Work cruaranteed Phone red 306 or box 595 McCook Neb tf Bissell sweepers have won a distinct reputation for strength durability ease of running and their perfect sweeping qualities See W T Coleman For Sale Lot 11 block 15 original town McCook Sold cheap if taken at Once WAHLfJU15TDKUS Hastings Neb Our new lace curtainB are ready to run tho rod right in and can be hung in 2 minutes A beautiful line to select from at attractive prices Thompsons Horses eor Sale One black draft horse weight 1200 lbs one bay mare a good driver weight 900 lb3 At my barn on North Manchester Ave J C Moore Remember you will find Mike Waish just across the street from his old loca tion ready to buy your poultry eggs old rubber copper brass at the highest cash market price If you have not a sewing machine call at W T Colemans and see the Wheeler Wilson 1 1 is three times the value of any other Sews one third faster one third easier and one third better H P Waite Co have on hand some of the best gang and sulky plows made They also have some good discs harrows and drills Call on them for any thing needed for spring work on tho farm You can depend upon it every time the quality of meat you get at Marshs market Always the best and no high er than tho cheaper kinds No need to experiment just remember the reliable Those Dempster gasoline engines that W T Coleman has been selling for pumping aro a fine article in every re spect They aro a Nebraska product made on honor and are just the thing for pumping and grinding Here Are Some Snaps 250 acres im proved for 83100 Eight quarter sec tions at 82400 each Also have listed several thousand acres of alfalfa farm ing and grazing land all in territory ad joining Holbrook Phillipon Ambler Holbrook Nebraska American Beauty Corsets are what they appear to be the best So uni formly do they please that the maker3 back them with this guaranty Mon ey back after four weeks actual wear if dissatisfied The new Spring Stylo now received at Thompsons Exclu sive Agents Good homes are wanted for destitute aud orphan children of all ages by the Child Saving Institute 1806 Ohio St Omaha From 40 to 60 constantly on hand Over 300 passing through the institute during tne year If interested write for application blanks inclosing stamp for postage fi