The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, February 09, 1906, Image 1

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They Never Strike
There ia one clas9 of laborers who
never strike and seldom complain Thoy
get up at iive oclock in the morning
and do not go back to bed until tun or
eleven at night They work without
ceasing the whole of that time and re
ceive no other emolument than food and
the plainest clothing They understand
something of every branch of economy
and labor from finance to cooking
Though harassed by a hundred respon
sibilites though driven and worried
though reproached and looked down up
on they never revolt and they cannot
organize for their own protection Not
even sickness releases them from their
posts No sacrifice is deemed too groat
for them to make and no incompetency
in any branch of their work is excused
No essays or books or poems are written
in tribute to their steadfastness They
die in the harness and are supplanted as
quickly as may bo These are the house
keeping wives of the laboring men If
these women had the time to rest which
their husbands spend in dram shops and
dissipation and if they had the money to
apend which their husbands squander
on liquor and tobacco they would bright
en their homes with comfort and sun
shine rear their children in respectabil
ityand cause lifes desert to rejoice
and blossom like the garden of theLord
Christian Sunday school at 10 and
Christian Endeavor at 11 oclock every
Sunday morning All are welcome
Catholic Order of services Mass
S a m Mass and sermon 1000 a m
Evening service at 8 oclock Sunday
school 230 p m Every Sunday
J J Loughran Pastor
Congregational Sunday school at
10 am Preaching at 11 am and 8 pm
Christian Endeavor at 7 pm led by Miss
JDora Oyster Subject How to Con
quer Temptations
Geo B Hawkes Pastor
Episcopal Services in St Albans
church as follows Every Sunday in the
month Sunday school at 10 oclock am
Morning prayer at 11 a m and evening
prayer and sermon at 8 The thirdSun
3ay in the month Holy Communion at
730 a m All are welcome
E R Earle Rector
Methodist Sunday school at 10 am
Sermon at 745 p m Junior League at
3 Epworth League at 630 Abraham
Lincoln Birthday service at night Spec
ial patriotic sermon music and decora
tions No service in the morning Pray
er meeting on Wednesday evening at
eight oclock Everybody invited
M B Carman Pastor
Real Estate Transfers
The following real estate filings have
been made in the county clerks office
since last Thursday evening
il A Vanderveer to J W Schaumburg
wd to nw qr and e hf sw qr 8-3-27 5400 00
W Knopo to J Naher wd to e bf so qr
and s hf se qr 6 28 and n bf nw qr 7-2-28 2000 00
Lincoln Land Co to Pres Cb Leb wd
to lot 10 blk 10 Lebanon
E M Bigelow Kef to J C Hammond
rd to nwqr 35-2-30 800 00
W Lea to Geo Wyrick qcd to sw qr 29-
4 27 1000 00
Bridget A Harrison to J C Dolan wd
to lot 6 blk 18 Indianola 500 00
Bd Ch Ext to L E Nog wd to lot 1 2
blk 1 Goodrich add 40 00
A W Utter to J Houlihan wd to ne qr
15-E-29 2500 00
J J Eller to Cath Snyder wd to lots 4
and 8 blk 10 2nd McCook 1050 00
Lucy Wyns to A C Holcomb wd to lots
20 to 24 blk 37 Indianola
Mary E Foss to N B Rutherford wd to
swqr 23-3-26 2000 00
Nettie B Moore to H G Phelps wd to
lots 1 and 2 blk 30 2nd McCook 3000 00
21 J Cone to I L Converse wd to lot
10 blk 10 1st McCook 1050 50
K Glover to B F Bowen wd to se qr
se qr 10 and w hf ne qr no qr 15-4-29 1600 00
J Biever to E Benjamin qcd to lot 5
blk312nd McCook 1 00
C Colling to J Plasmyero wd to lot 5
blk 31 2nd McCook 950 00
If you wish to sell list quick
If you wish to buy call quick
I have bargains you want quick
Call and see they are going quick
Office with J E Kelley
A G Bump
aupcro Valentines
Fancy card mounts boxed creations
and even the maligned comic are
ready for you in endless profusion See
L W McConnell Druggi9t
Horses for Sale
One hundred head of draft and driv
ing horses for sale
Frank Stillman McCook Neb
FdlFsized gingham aprons 20 cents at
Fifty stylfs fancy dress ginghams just
received 9 cents Thompsons
Miss Hazel Hare is homo from Chi
E J Kates was up from Lincoln over
Clarence Stokes is home from Lin
coln on a visit
Miss Ellen Anderson is visiting Mrs
R A Hagberg
Mr and Mrs Harry McGillin are
city visitors this week
Mrs Maurice Griffin is quite sick
with an attack of fever
Dr J D Hare has gone to Fresno
Calif on a visit to relatives
Mrs E R Earle is visiting with her
folks in Arapahoe this week
George Elberts youngest child has
been very ill for the past week or two
Miss Ruby Hall of Stratton was in
town close of last week visiting friends
Dr W E McDivitt is back from
visit of several weeks at his old home in
Mrs Clara Harbison of Fort Mor
gan Colo is here to assist in caring for
Dr Gage
C A Leach went to Chicago Monday
night and expects to be gone all week
on business
E F Caffrey was a guest of Frank
Real closing days of last week He is
on his way to Colorado
Miss Ruby Fitzgerald accompanied
the Misses Cavanaugh home to Hold
rege on a visit Thursday
Miss Ida McCarl librarian of city
library was off duty a day or two this
week with an attack of grip
A R Stewart a brother of B H
Stewart The Tribunes foreman is here
from Columbus Ohio on a visit
O G Vahue and nephew Robert Va
hue arrived from Allegan Mich this
week and will remain until March
J E Cobbey the Beatrice judge and
lawyer was in the city Wednesday morn
ing while up the valley on business
Miss Edna Yarger of the postoffice
force has been ill all week and confined
to home with a severe attack of grip
Charles Merle and iamily moved
this week into the Tartsch property
lately purchased by Mrs Adele Phelan
Mrs M BLACKLiN of Albert Lea
Minn arrived in the city close of last
week and is visiting her sister Mrs E
M Bigelow
Hugh W Cole came in from Geneseo
Illinois Tuesday night and will be here
a week or two on business and to meet
oldtime friends
Mr and Mrs John McAdams of
Sedalia Mo are in the city guests of
his brother James to remain until over
the coming Sunday
Mr and Mrs Walter Sayers are
here from Des Moines Iowa on a visit
to their relatives Mrs Agusta Anton
and Mrs L W Stayner
Mr and Mrs JHGrannis returnpd
last Friday night from Chicago where
they went to make spring and summer
purchases of merchandise
A W Hunt Oscar Kronstedt and
John Johnson all of Wilsonville are
here to attend the meeting of St John
commandery this evening
W S Morlan went in to Lincoln
Monday night to appear before the
Tuesdays session of the state supreme
court in a case he had in hand
Mrs C W Bronson returned last
Friday night from visiting her ailing
motner up in uunay county xne
mothers health is very precarious
Misses Florence and Loretta Cav
anaugh of uoldrege arrived in the city
last Friday night and have been the
guests of Ed Fitzgeralds family this
Miss Helen Burns arrived from Ster
ling Colo close of last week and ex
pects to remain the rest of the winter
to enjoy the privilgees of our excellent
school system
Miss Genevieve Feeny of the New
Idea Millinery Co departed close of
last week for Chicago to be absent
some time making purchases of spring
and summer styles of millinery
Rev J W Hickey departed for his
home Foxboro Mass last Tuesday
morning after a very happy visit of a
few days with former friends and parish
ioners The reverend gentleman had
the pleasure of celebrating high mass
Sunday morning at 10 30 oclock it be
ing the first time the priest has sung
high mass for several years
Bread mixers at W T Colemans
New white
at Thompsons
waists just received
When the Skin Chaps
use McConnells Fragrant Lotion as a
never disappointing healing and soften
ing application for chapped or cracked
skin and lips
rv25 n r y ji
Death of an Old Settler
Danbury Nob Feb 4 J E Dolph
who last Wednesday underwent what
was deemed a successful operation suf
fered a relapse aud passed awayThurs
day evening at 1030 p m His funeral
yesterday at 100 p m was perhapsthe
largest ever witnessed in this section
Mr Dolph has been a resident ofthjs
county living on his farm onBniile
west of town for thjrty four years hav
ing been one of the pioneer settlers For
fifteen yetjrs he had been a sufferer with
a knee crippled by a corn knife cut and
had undergone several operations which
gave only temporary relief The am
putation of the limb was necessitated at
this time and strong hopes were enter
tained that he would survive the opera
tion A wife and twelve children sur
vive him inLcoln Journal
At Home to Many
Rev and Mrs George B Hawkes
wore at home to a houseful of parish
ioners and friends at the Congregational
parsonage last Friday evening and an
evening of social pleasure wasthe result
The central feature of entertainment
was the anatomical guessing contest
Refreshments were served
A number of vocal and instrumental
selections by guests enlivened the occa
sion which aimed successfully at being
sociably informal
Largest in Southwestern Neoraska
This week F S Wilcox purchased
the entire Hatfield herd of Herefords
numbering 39 head including Shade
land 7th This gives Mr Wilcox doubt
less the largest number of registered
Herefords in South western Nebraska
or a total of 81 head This splendid
herd of registered animals is being kept
by Mr Wilcox on his Driftwood ranch
known as Glendalo Ranch
Superintendent Eaton Here
C L Eaton superintendent of Mc
Cook division of the Burlington was in
the city yesterday visiting at head
quarters Mr Eaton says that a great
deal of business is moving over his di
vision and that railroading out there
has not been in the least interfered with
by the weather Wednesday mornings
Lincoln Journal
A Successful Project
The enterprise in the bands of the
Catholic ladies last Saturday in Gan
schow hall over the Model Shoe Store
was a splendid financial success They
served a fine dinner and supper and
sold fancy and useful articles candies
etc clearing in the neighborhood of
Visit from the D G W M
The members of Eureka chapter O of
the Star entertained Deputy Grand
Worthy Matron Mrs Hill of Alma last
Friday at their regular session of the
lodge and order There were two initia
tions and a splendid feast thereafter
We desire to thank onr friends and
neighbors who so kindly assisted us
during the illness and burial of our be
loved wife and mother
AL Miller and Family
Indianola Neb Feb 6th 1906
A reliable person for McCook and
surrounding country to represent the
National Life Insurance Co of Chicago
Liberal contract to right party
C E H E Brown General Agents
Holdrege Nebraska
McMillens Specialties
Laxative Cold Cure
Cough Cure
Headache Cure
Little Liver Pills
Cream Lotion
Souvenir Postal Cards
The McCook Souvenir Postals Cards
printed by The Tribune are on sale at
The Post Office Lobby
L W McConnells
The Tribune Office
Other designs are in preparation
House for Sale or Rent
If you have a house for sale or rent
call up 157 and give the best price and
terms possible with description I have
a good list of people who want to rent
and buy Lindemann
Your Favorite Odor
in perfume What is it Large well
chosen perfume assortment
L W McConnell Druggist
5 to 140 Acres
in Egan park Only half mile to school
For prices and terms see
Dwelling tor Sale
A five room dwelling with fine shade
and fruit trees Inquire of
C A Ward
Tinted pearl buttons in nine shades at
iflW rfSTTftiiiif Jsw
Death of Mrs Mary A Walters
MrsMary A Walters of near Hiawa
tha Dundy county passed away on
Wednesday of this week at her farm
homo Hiawatha after a long illness
whjch culminated fatally in dropsy The
-remains were brought to this city last
night and the fuueral and burial will
occur this afternoon Rov Earle will
conduct the services at the Episcopal
church and burial will be made in Long
view cemetery
Deceased is Mrs C W Bronsons
mother and was a resident of McCook
for -a number of years Many friends
here- will deeply sympathize with the
memhers of the family in this sorrow
and bereavement Mrs Walters was
born in Ireland but has for many years
beeD a resident of Nebraska
The Proof of the Pudding
Well you know it is not in chewing
the string This holds good in meats as
well as in puddings The B M meat
market guarantees you the best the
market affords in the meat line in any
and all kinds of meats They throw in
liberal and courteous treatment and
prompt delivery Yon will find the
market at the old stand first door south
of the Walsh block We bespeak a liber
al portion of your patronage during the
new year David Magner Prop
Talk About Fun
The Epworth League will give a
Valentine Social andBasket -Supper
Friday Feb 16th Every lady must
bring a basket supper for two which
willbe sold to the highest bidder Bring
a -valentine for the free valentine box
You will havo an enjoyable evening
January Mortgage Record
The record of filings and releases of
mortgages for January is as follows
Farm filings S2614000 releases 21
81004 City and town filings S51600C
releases 13974 50 Chattel filings 24
48276 releases 3009771
Telephone Notice
Parties who are not now subscribers
who wish telephones please make ar
rangements ht the office as soon as pos
sible C I Hall Manager
Best carpet warp on spools 21 cents at
Mrs Musgrave is visiting relatives
near Friend Neb
Mrs S S Billings visited friends in
Cedar Bluffs this week
Miss Phillips is back teaching her
room after a -weeks vacation
Little Pauline Gliem has been on the
sick list but is now convalescent
Mrs Sina Smith of Wilsonville came
up Saturday returning Tuesday
Mrs Millie Billings went to McCook
Wednesdayto visit friends and relatives
MrsEva George departed or Atwood
where she will live in the future Tues
E E Hayes has his cellar dug for his
new house which he expects to build
Mr Gardners son of Fremont visited
with the former the first part of this
E M Woods has sold his place to
some man from Iowa Consideration
Mr and Mrs Al Bodwell and Will
Halsey of Lebanon Neb attended the
funeral Saturday
Mr and Mis Hutchison of Atwood
visited at the home of Dr Robinson
Friday and Saturday
Charlie Graham returned to his home
in California after a short visit with
friends and relatives
A few young people of Danbury at
tended church at the Miller school
house last Sunday night
Finley Scarrow formerly of this
place has purchased land near Rawlins
Wyoming and is going to farm
Miss Lydia Stilgebouer returned to
her home in Shelbyville 111 after a
short visit with relatives and friends in
this place
Miss Morris returned to her home
Friday Feb 2 in Imperial Neb to at
tend the wedding of her sister which
will occur sometime this week She
will return Feb 11 Miss Reynolds of
Indianola is teaching her room this
Jene Dolph died Thursday night
about 36 hours after an operation per
formed by Dr Green of Beaver City
who was having his left leg amputated
between nip and knee The funeral was
preached Saturday by Rev Gardner
The remains were laid to rest in the
Danbury cemetry His funeral proces
sion was one of the largest ones ever
seen around Danbury He is one of
seven who have been early settlers on
the Beaver valley Jene and Joe Dolph
Burnett aud Jessie Ashton W T Hen
ton and his brother and Sam Missner
Jene is the second one to die
McConnell for drugs
McMilleus Cough Cure is right Try
Valentines for everybody at McCon
Miss Harrison nurse 408 McFarland
Mens new spring worsted suits 10 at
New plaid and changeable ribbons just
in Thompsons
200 pieces of best
cents at Thompsons
prints made five
The city park trees are being barbered
to their improvement
Use McMillens Cream
chapped face and hands
Lotion for
Best two bushel seamless grain bags
19 cents at Thompsons
New embroideries for corset covers
just received at Thompsons
Good sideboard for sale cheap
quire at this office
You must remember that W T Cole
man handles tho B P S paints
Cream in sealed 10c an 20c bottles
for sale at Marshs meat markot
Childrens tucked and edged muslin
drawers 15 cents at Thompsons
Fine stationery school tablets ink
slates etc at McMillens Drug Store
removed ur lvays onico is now
over Pades furniture store Phone 98
Certainly its cash cash is what
does it in our own peculiar way at
The members of the graduating class
held a dance and social in Ganschow
hall lastevenipg
New muslin corset covers drawers
gowns and skirts just received and show
ing at Thompsons
Enos Rishel has een excavating this
week for his new brick building north
of The Tribune office
All good colors in silk gloves with
patent double finger tips for 50 cents
just received at Thompsons
New wash fabrics including all thn
mercerized novelties and staples of the
coming season just opened and selling at
The Wheeler Wilson machine has a
rotary motion ball bearing and is the
lightest running machine in the world
Sold by W T Coleman
W G Jones repairs cook stovesheat
ers and cleans gasoline stoves Work
guaranteed Phone red 306 or box
595 McCook Neb tf
Wanted Bright honest young man
from McOoolc Neb to prepare for pay
ing position in Goverment Mail Service
Box One Cedar Rapids
The Womans Missionary society of
the Congregational church will meet
with Mrs J J Curran Wednesday
February 14 at 3 oclock All ladies
are cordially invited
If you have not a sewing machine call
at W T Colemans and see the Wheeler
Wilson It is three times the value of
any other Sews one third faster one-
third easier and one third better
You cant do better anywhere on earth
than at Marshs meat market in any
article usuallyfor sale in an up-to-date
market Just try him Variety quality
price treatment all guaranteed
In his new location just across the
street from his old place in the p
Walsh building Mike Walsh wants to
see you if you have poultry eggs etc
for sale He will pay you tho best cash
markot price for them
For rent Three farms near McCook
If you want to sell your farms list them
with me I havo the buyers
J Fletcher
Immigration Agent Burlington Route
Bnrtley Nebraska
From Now On
iiiivujy maue arrangements witn a
practical harnessmaker in an eastern
town I will from now on have hand
made harness on hand at all times of
the very best selected stock It will be
to your advantage to call and investigate
before buying W T Coleman
What a Man Likes to Do He Does Best
We like to fill prescriptions Liking
and taking an intense interest and pride
in our work it naturally follows that we
never shrink any part of it that we try
hard to make our prescription work ex
cel at every point
L W McConnell Druggist
Beautiful fancy funny
L W McConnell Druggist
Best table oil cloth fifteen cents at
Everything in drugs McConnell
McConnells Balsam cures coughs
Oil hoaiors of all kinds at W T Colo
Best apron
check ginghams 5c at
Fresh butterof best quality atMarsh3
meat market
Now line of mens fancy dress shirts
at Thompsons
Now Dresden and Persian ribbons just
in Thompsons
Sewing machine needles of all kinds
at W T Colemans
Heavy 200 wool mixed blankets for
139 at Thompsons
Tho Clauss Shears are sold by W T
Coleman and every pair guaranteed
Wanted Nice room by tidy young
man holding clerical position Box 44
Ten shades in tho beautiful half wool
opera crepe just received 20 cents at
Ladies long sleeved vests in light
weight at 25c and 35c just recoived at
Alex Bergeron will be in McCook on
his usual tuning trip tho first part of
Ladies fabric gloves with two pearl
clasps for 35 cents just received in all
good colors at Thompsons
Cooking utensils something thehouso
wife needs every day of her life
Can be bought at W T Colemans
Zero weather to a few below Monday
morning followed tho cold wave of Sat
urday night and Sunday Tho coldest
of this winter so far
Bissell sweepers have won a distinct
reputation for strength durability ease
of running and their perfect sweeping
qualities See W T Coleman
Having just received a very large in
voice of whips I can satisfy anybody in
a whip from the cheapest to the highest
grade made W T Coleman
The Tribune learns with regret that
B F Wilson lost eleven head of horses
this week one night by tho unknown
malady now afflicting horses in this vi
You can depend upon it every time
the quality of meat you get at Marshs
markot Always the besfc and no high
er than tho cheaper kinds No need to
experiment just remember the reliable
Remember you will find Mike Walsh
just across the street from his old loca
tion ready to buy your poultry eggs
old rubber copper brass at tho highest
cash market price
The Anti Saloon League held a session
in the Congregational church Tuesday
evening for the purpose of electing offi
cers and organizing for future work for
temperance law enforcement and civic
Those Dempster gasoline engines that
W T Coleman has been selling for
pumping are a fine article in every re
spect They are a Nebraska product
made on honor and are just the thing
for pumping and grinding
Cherokee Kid gave an exhibition of
riding bucking etc last Saturday
afternoon in the ball park before a fair
and appreciative audience Tho Kid
is an expert in horseback riding of the
cowboy sort using three different horses
during his strenuous exhibition
Good homes are wanted for destitute
and orphan children of all ages by tho
Child Saving Institute 1S06 Ohio St
Omaha From 40 to CO constantly on
hand Over 300 passing through tho
institute during tne year If interested
write for application blanks inclosing
stamp for postage
A statistician has estimated that if
one good grain were added to each ear
of corn grown in one of the statej of tho
corn belt it would add 200000 to tho
yearly product of the state If instead
of one grain a dozen were added or if
a whole ear were added to each hill the
grain would be correspondingly greater
running into the millions in the latter
case Not only in corn but in all the
products of the farm including live
stock improvement is the watchword of
the times A single county like Red
Willow would be largely enriched by
adopting the best methods in any
agricultural or live stock line of work
as many of our farmers are already doing
A good agricultural paper like The
Homestead of Des Moines Iowa set
ting forth each week the best methods
of increasing the size and value of the
farmers output is a boon to any com
munity The Tribune has completed
clubbing arrangements with this excel
lent farm journal and will be glad to
forward your subscription for it