The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, February 02, 1906, Image 5

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Xargest Circulation in Red Willow Co
Subscription 1 a Yea in Advance
Official Paper of Redwillow County
A W Campbell is visiting this
week with his son near Osburn
Charles Foye built an addition
to T M Campbells granary last
Mr and Mrs F G Lytle visit
ed with Mr and Mrs Chas Mas
ters last Sunday
Fern the little daughter of Mr
and Mrs A T Wilson is quite
sick with bronchitis
W B Sexson attended the
funeral of his grandmother at
Holbrook last Thursday
The proceeds of the basket sup
per at the church last Friday
night were twelve dollars and a
Rev Kerr closed his meetings
at Spring Creek last Sunday
evening There were twelve con
Fred Carter threshed cane and
millet latter part of last week for
George Shields V F Satchell
and S C King This week he
threshed for J K Gordon and F
G Lytle
South Box Elder is having
quite a boom 46 new houses in
Bolles addition the past two
months A few choice lots for
sale Inquire of Frank Lytle the
realestate man
Mr and Mrs N Boyce old set
tlers of this neighborhood expects
to leave soon to take possession
of a farm in Kansas Last Mon
day evening about seventy five of
their friends gave them a farewell
party A very enjoyable time
was reported
W S Fitch has built a large
granary and has stored away all
of his grain
Bill Little is now completing a
barn of the modern type on the
Ferguson ranch
John Burtless and McDonald
have been looking over the school
house anticipating some repairs
Mrs Howe Smith of McCook
was the guest of Mrs CHJacobs
Tuesday of this week
Marsh Wilcox are feeding a
bunch of cattle on beet tops pur
chased of Henry Brening on the
Fahreinbruck place
G H Rowland who has had a
siege of pneumonia received a
check drawn on relief fund from
the Conserative Life Insurance
Co This is evidence of their in
The sugar beet growers associ
ation will meet in the Fitch school
house on Feb 3rd 730 p m
for the purpose of the completion
of a contract under which to con
solidate the Republican Valley
under one head
J W Randal gave a farewell
party to the neighbors and friends
of this vicinity Wednesday even
ing the feature of amusement was
dancing and games All report
a good time departing with one
regret and that was that they
were losing a good citizen and
neighbor Mr Randal will move
onto their place in Gerver pre
cinct as soon as their buildings
are completed
Frank Coleman went down to
Cambridge on Wednesday
Miss Mary Williams of Perry
spent Saturday night with Maude
Mr and Mrs W M Sharp
Mr and Mrs Bandyand Mr
Griffiths went down to Cambridge
Maude Coleman was to have a
months visit to the homefolks
At the end of two weeks she re
ceived a letter to return to St
Paul at once
When Maude Coleman started
for St Paul Minn last Tuesday
morning she got to McCook as
the train pulled in but the ticket
office was locked and the train
pulled out before she could get a
ticket and get her trunk checked
mwimirwi - - - i MMaMnmMKBwnmHV
Charlie Rincks little baby has
been quite sick but is better now
Mrs Eva Randel is about well
again having had a tussle with
Mrs Lon Miller has been very
ill He has been in Missouri and
just got back
Mrs Rozell Mrs Smiths
mother is visiting her Mr Rozell
will come later
Mr Bellair expects the plaster
ers this week when they can go
on their own place
Mr Whitmore is putting up ice
The winter has been so mild the
ice is not as thick as we generally
put up
Mrs Clark looks much improv
ed by her visit to her daughter in
Kansas It helps all us women
to stop work and take a rest
Small Animals Often Travel on
BucUh of Large Oncx
It has often beeu asked Low small
and -weak birds manage to fly such
enormous distances when migrating
As a rule however small birds that
have come very far across the sea
have not flown but have been blowu
over during Violent gales and many ol
them arrive on land in a half dead
In fair weather small birds make
long journeys successfully over con
siderable tracts of oceanbut the rea
son is that they are carried on the
backs of the larger ones When pass
ing an autumn in Crete a writer as
serts that he distinctly heard the twit
tering of small birds when flocks of
sand cranes were passing overhead ou
their way to southern shores On an
other occasion when firing a gun he
saw three small birds rise from the
flock and disappear again among the
cranes A native priest assured him
that they came over from Europe
with them while it has been found
that small birds never before seen in
certain parts have been brought thith
er at times of migration
Another cause is that small birds do
not make their journeys in one flight
They generally rest during the day
searching for food and thus proceed
to their destination by easy stages
A Bethlehem Industry Which Is Five
Hundred Years Old
The chief industry of Bethlehem of
Judaea is that of the mother-of-pearl
The shells are brought from the Red
sea and in the hands of native artisans
are polished and carved the larger into
elaborate designs The smaller lire cut
up for rosaries and crosses The work
is all done by hand and the methods
are amazingly primitive to a spectator
from the home of steam and electric
power But the results are extraordi
nary The largest shell we saw was
carved in scenes from the birth of
Christ the agony in the garden and
the crucifixion and had the general ef
fect of delicate frostwork Under the
magnifying glass every detail was seen
to be perfect in outline and in finish
It was exueuted to order for a wealthy
American and was to cost 160
About loO people make a living by
this industry which is 000 years old
In the shops the workmen sit upon the
floor their benches in front of them
The air is full of whitish dust and tho
light admitted by the single window
and the open door is so dim that tho
exquisite tracery of the wrought shells
is a mystery even before the visitor
notes how few simple and crude are
the instruments employed Marion
Harland in Lippincotts
He Is More Diuiprerons Than the One
Who BluNterw
The bad man of genuine sort rarely
looked the part assigned to him in the
popular imagination The long haired
blusterer adorned with a dialect that
never was spoken serves very well in
eastern fiction about the west but that
is not the real thing The most danger
ous man was apt to be quiet and
smooth spoken When an antagonist
blustered and threatened the most
dangerous bad man only felt rising in
his own soul keen and stern that
strange exultation which often comes
with combat for the man naturally
brave A western officer of established
reputation once said to me while speak
ing of a personal difficulty into which
he had been forced I hadnt been in
anything of that sort for years and I
wished I was out of it Then I said to
myself Is it true that you are getting
old and have lost your nerve Then
all at once the old feeling came over
me and I was just like I used to be I
felt calm and happy and I laughed aft
er that I jerked my gun and shoved
It into his stomach He put up his
hands and apologized I will give you
a hundred dollars now he said if
you will tell me where you got that
gun I suppose I was a trifle quick
for him St Louis Post Dispatch
Jimson Now you wouldnt marry
me would you Miss Sears Most cer
tainly not But why do you ask such a
question Jimson Just to decide a bet
Let no man think lightly of good
Baying in his heart it will not benefit
me Even by thefalllng of water drope
water pot Is filled Buddha
88 t iSMHOF
A Quartet
Of Governors
succeeded Rob
ert M La Follette
as governor of Wis
consin when the lat
ter took his seat in
the United States
senate has had a
very striking ca
reer About thirty
four years ago a
boy of eighteen
landed at Castle Garden carrying all
his worldly possessions done up in a
bundle and slung from a stick over his
shoulder In Norway the faraway land
from whence he came the only educa
tion he had received was from re
ligious teachers who traveled from
farm to farm At the age of eleven he
had learned by heart the three books
that were used He reached Madison
Wis penniless and friendless and in
debt for the money that paid his pas
sage to America He worked on a
farm learned the tailors trade be
came clerk in a store and five years
after landing opened one of his own at
Soldiers Grove Crawford county In
1802 he made his bow in politics and
entered the legislature where he in
troduced bills taxing corporations Ke
was elected state treasurer in 1898 and
lieutenant governor in 1902 being re
elected in 1904 His fellow citizens of
Scandinavian extraction call him
Yim and his rise in life has not in
creased the proportion of his head
Governor Beckham of Kentucky who
Is charged by Senator Blackburn with
opening his letters came to the execu
tive chair owing to the assassination
of Governor Goebel in 1900 He ran
for lieutenant governor on the ticket
with Goebel in 1899 and was only
thirty years old when Goebels death
occasioned his in
duction into the
higher office De
spite his youth the
people of the state
decided to keep
him at the head of
the commonwealth
when he was named
for governor in 1903
and his present term
will not expire un
til 1907 The gov
ernorship may be
said to run in his
family His full name is John Crepps
Wickliffe Beckham and the Wickliffe
was put in his name in honor of Gov
ernor Charles A Wickliffe of Ken
tucky his mothers father His moth
ers brother Robert C Wickliffe was
governor of Louisiana so that she
could describe herself as daughter of
a governor sister of a governor and
mother of a governor- Governor Beck
ham does not drink or even smoke He
is independent and fearless and once
faced and broke up an angry mob
which was bent on lynching a negro
Philadelphia recentlv is one nf tho shape of a
rhe Hoard of Ireclonn Metal That In
Secreted In India
It would be an immense benefit to all
mankind If the stores of gold held by
Individuals In India could be made
available for general use Ever since
the dawn of history that country has
been gathering gold and hiding it away
Treasures of almost incalculable value
are possessed by many Indian princes
When the maharajah of Burdwau died
the stock of gold and silver left by hini
was so large that no member of tho
family could make an accurate esti
mate of it A report made to the Brit
ish government by a secret agent stat
ed that on the estate of the defunct po
tentate were a number of treasure
houses one of them containing three
rooms The largest of these three
rooms was forty eight feet long and
was filled with ornaments of gold and
silver plates and cups washing bowls
Jugs and so forth all of precious met
als The other two rooms were full of
bags and boxes of gold mohurs and
silver rupees The door of this and
other treasure houses had been bricked
up for nobody knows how long
These valuables according to an an
cient custom were in the custody of
the maharajahs wife the vaults being
attached to her apartments but none
of them was allowed to be onenctl save
In the presence of the master One
vault was filled with ornaments belong
ing to different gods of the famll5 The
natives of India commonly bury their
hoards and among the poorer classes
a favorite hiding place is a hole dug
beneath the bed Disused wells are
sometimes employed for the same pur
pose It is undoubtedly a fact that
very many hoards thus deposited are
lost forever Gold is also valued on re
ligious grounds The gods take up
great quantities of gold silver and
precious stones The temples contain
vast amounts of the yellow and white
metals The habit of hoarding seems
to have been induced by ages of mis
government during which oppression
and violence were rife No feeling of
safety existing it was natural that the
natives should adopt the practice of re
ducing their wealth to a concentrated
J shape and hiding it Brooklyn Eagle
Governor Frank R Gooding of Idaho
whose daughter christened the battle
ship Idaho when it was launched In
The day after you meet the average
man he asks you to take sides
Flattery has a pretty bad name but
it gets better returns than disagree
able candor
Of this you may be sure that the
black sheep in every family was once
the most petted lamb
When a baby cries in its fathers
arms he discovers that it is crying be
cause it wants to go to you
A man never knows until he has
fallen into a hole how many paths he
might have taken to avoid it
When two men get their pencils
mixed ever notice how jealously the
owner of the longer pencil insists on
getting his own back
Time flies so rapidly that it seems
only a few months from the time a
boy is crying for a jumping jack until
he is paying for it Atchison Globe
Frog Eprs Curiosities
Frogs eggs are laid before they real
ly become eggs in the true sense of
that word They are always laid under
water and when first deposited are cov
ered with a sort of envelope in the
thin membrane In this
gest sheep ranchers in the world own- j shape they are very small but as soon
ing about 75000 of as ty come in contact with the water
these animals
When he and his
wife and daughter
journeyed to Phila
delphia for the
launching cere
mony they were ac
companied by a
party among the
members of which
was Colonel W G
Hunter of the gov
ernors staff The
latter is mayor of
Frozen Dog Ida and an editor of Its
leading paper called the Howling Wolf
In apologizing for the absence of an
other of the papers editors popularly
known as Grizzly Pete Colonel Hun
ter said
Its too bad about Pete He wanted
to come east with us but Pete you
know is chairman of the Frozen Dog
vigilance committee and theres a
stranger in our midst
One of the most interesting of the
group of western governors represent
ing social and political reform Is Al
bert B Cummins who has just been
criticising the provisions of Senator
Dollivers railway rate bill Governor
Cummins was pointed out at the Re
publican national convention of 1900 as
the handsomest man on the platform
and the first time he ran for governor
of Iowa his opponents called him
Handsome Albert and the Des
Moines Apollo hoping to beat him
but it only made him more votes Gov
ernor Cummins
from the outset of
his political career
has been making is
sues and bringing
his party associates
around to his way
of thinking He
started as a cor
poration lawyer
but has won his
fame as a corpora
tion fighter He
bucked prohibition
when the majority
of his party in Iowa favored It and his
party associates have now come around
to his point of view He took a stand
for tariff revision and reciprocity and
Is still fighting on that line and his po
sition as an advocate of curbing the rail
roads by rate regulation Is well known
they rapidly absorb that element and
in so doing go through a queer transfor
mation The thin membrane contain
ing the little seedlike eggs is quickly
changed into great lumps of a clear
jelly like substance each section joined
to the other the whole forming a string
from a few inches to several feet in
length On the inside of each of these
lumps of jells1 the eggs come to perfec
tion and in due course of time add
their quota to the frog population of
the world
Costly Competitions
When a new cathedral or a new col
lege is to be built it is well that archi
tects should compete for it for then
other things being equal the best man
gets the job and the best possible kind
of building is assured Few persons
though realize what it costs an archi
tect to enter a competition They do
not understand the time and labor that
must be devoted to the design the esti
mates etc There is one firm of archi
tects in this city that spent 2500 last
year on a single competition This firm
entered ten competitions altogether
winning four of them and the total cost
to it was 7000 Philadelphia Bulletin
A TiKlit IUngr
To remove a tight ring from the fin
ger take a long thread of silk and put
one end under the ring and draw it
through several inches holding it with
the thumb in the palm of the hand
Then wind the long end of the silk
tightly round the finger down to the
nail Take hold of the short end of
the silk and holding it toward the fin
ger unwind it and the silk pressing
against the ring will Avithdraw it
Time Limit Fixed
Jane hasnt that young man gone
He is just going papa
Yes papa
In precisely sixty seconds you will
say lie has just gone
Yes papa Cleveland Plain Dealer
Medical Etiquette
Medical etiquette Instead of being
kept up as people so often imagine in
the Interests of the doctors Is main
tained In the interests of the public
It Is they not the doctors who would
suffer most were it done away with
London Spectator
Large assortment of
Shirt Waists
ji atfrom75C to 100
New EmbroideriesEmbroidered
Shirt Waist Patterns
All kinds of new
LacxS very pretty All Over Laces
luslin Underwear
John Grannis
Mr Grahams son is here visit
Mr and Mrs Phillips of Indian
ola are here visiting
Mrs Lute Wiggins died Fri
day with a cancer of the mouth
At the school entertainment
Saturdav nieht thev took in
G B Morgan is having his
tenant house painted and a well
put down
Three cases of small pox are
reported about eight miles south
of Lebanon
Dr Robinson is having a fine
porch added onto the south side
of his house
Mrs Bussy returned to her old
home in Bussy Iowa after a
short visit here
Ami Teel of Indianola was in
town Monday looking after some
insurance business
Misses Alta McCarty Minnie
Nelson and Ruth Waugh of Leb
anon visited our schools Monday
A Garten was called to Iowa
on the account of his brothers
illness He is expected to die at
any moment
June Dolph is having a fine
cave made 20x60 It is floored
walled and arched with brick and
then cemented
Miss Grace Phillips is unable to
teach school this week on ac
count of her sickness Mrs Eva
Grovert of Indianola is taking her
B B Smiley shipped four car
loads of hogs to St Joe and J L
Newman one car E B Stilge
bouer went with them to purchase t
his spring stock
J L Sims and E S Byfield
have bought the Indianola Re
porter Mr Byfield will run it
He has won many friends during
his stay with us and what is our
loss is Indianolas gain
Nothing like knowing whats goingon
We keep you posted locally but The
Weekly Inter Ocean gives the news of
all the world By our special arrange
ment you can secure both papers for
one full year for the very low rate of
Mrs Amos Thomas is sick
Mrs Mary Nicjiols has been
quite sick
Mrs Wm R Pennington has
another bad attack of sickness
At the Welborn sale last week
one span of horses sold for 3 1 7
Mr Chas Bonham and baby
returned from Missouri Friday
Born to Mr and Mrs Isaac C
Koons January 26 a ten pound
John Myersis building a resi
dence just north of the old Sam
Kinkaid residence
Mr and Mrs D A Waterman
visited part of the week with
John Lyons near Oberlin Kas
Frank Horton sold his farming
tools etc and has moved into a
new house in Danbury He will
work at the barber trade
Those attending the play given
by the Danbury school last Sat
urday evening report a good time
and speak highly of the perform
Carl Morgan was injured com
ing home from Danbury Satur
day night His horse stumbled
and fell on him but he is recover-
ing nicely
it A 5H
For coughs colds bronchitis
asthma weak throats weak
lungs consumption take
Ayers Cherry Pectoral
Always keep a bottle of it in
the house We have been
saying this for 60 3rears and
so have the doctors
I have used Avars Cherry Pectoral in my
family for 40 yearn It1
in the world I know for U throat and lung
Mils J K 3TOCCB08S WiUbam Man
2SC 50c5I00 J CATER CO
All dniccists r Lowell Mass
The Lungs
Daily action of the bowels is neces
sary Aid nature with Ayers Pills