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About The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 26, 1906)
f i i A TWENTY FOURTH YEAR DISTRICT COURT PROCEEDINGS EQUITY Homo Savings bank vs W AStewart and H T Church Jury returned ver dict for defendant Motion for new trial overruled forty days allowed to prepare bill of exceptions Elizaboth Fletcher vs E S Thomp son et al Salo confirmed and deed ordered E C McKay vs Frank S Curry Sale confirmed and deed ordered Ida E Miller vs John M Bradford Continued William T Honton vs William A Adams Continued In thn matter of Noble E Simington real estate C E guardian ad litem of ton insane Ihe application of for lieenso to sell Eldrod appointed Noblo E Edward B Cjwlen vs Cheshire Prov ident Institution Continued appeal John II Grannis vs Frank II Strout Judgment for plaintiff for 5400 Acme Harvester Co vs Frank S Schoonover Continued James Harris vs E W McAninch Appeal dismissed C L Hawkins vs D E Ewing De fendant allowed thirty days to plead Case continued DIVORCES Mary J Volkor vs Ferdinand Volker Continued Alice Murray vs John Murray Con tinued MISCELLANEOUS Allen C Clyde vs Mitchell Clyde suit on note Continued Albert Guy vs C B Q R R Co damage Continued W R Starr vs R A Watkins suit on note Verdict in favor of plaintiff against Defendant Watkin j for 80 and against Defendant Griggs for 10030 In the matter of the application of Melissa Porter guardian of Edward N Pelton minor for license to sell real estate License to sell real estate State of Nebraska vs John Stump Defendant plead guilty to crime of forg ery sentenced to two and one half years in penitentiary Author and Lecturer Dr John Merritte Driver lectures on a great variety of subjects all indicative of his wide travels and extensive learn ing The Anglo Saxon and the future Rulership of the World Ultimate America Happy Days in the Sunny South these titles a few out of many aro sufficiently indicative of the breadth of territory and knowledge covered by his lectures East and west north and south past and present all are included in his numerous addresses And his books are no less vivid aLd intensel descriptive Samson and Shylock Nepenthe Songs of the Soul and Purple Peaks Remote his most recent and probably his best book all show the man of letters who has travelled and seen much and has ab sorbed what he saw and learned only that he might give it out to others Clint Hamilton Lumber Co The Clint Hamilton Lumber Co in corporated has purchased 100 feet front two lots on the corner of the block just east of the National hotel and will at once begin the work of providing an office and plant for handling lumber building materials of all kinds and coal The father Chas W Hamilton is presi dent and son Clint Hamilton is secretary- treasurer of the company Both gentle men are new citizens among us coming here from Garden City Kansas The Proof of the Pudding Well you know it is not in chewing the string This holds good in meats as well as in puddings The B M meat market guarantees you the best the market affo ds in the meat line in any and all kinds of meats They throw in liberal and courteous treatment and prompt delivery You will find the market at the old stand first door south of the Walsh block We bespeak a liber al portion of your patronage during the new year David Magner Prop Profitable and Entertaining A splendid audience enjoyed Rev Morans lecture Monday evening in the opera house on Success the General Welfare While in point of eloquence and logical arrangement the lecture may have fallen short of highest expectations of some it was wholesome earnest with an ideal high and true and the evening was profitable and entertaining withal REAL ESTATE AND COLLECTIONS If you wish to sell list quick If you wish to buy call quick I have bargains you want quick Call and see they are going quick Office with J E Kelley A G Bump Many of tho fanners of Red Willow county are readers of the Iowa Home stead of Des MoinesIowaand believers in the gospel of scientific practical agri culture To all these and many others it will be interesting to know that the Homestead increased its circulation in the year of 1905 from 60000 to over 75000 a gain of over 25 per cent Of this vast number of farmers over 50000 are resi dents of Iowa making it a powerful ad vertising medium to reach the agricul tural interests of tho Hawkeye state while large numbers are citizens of Illi nois Nebraska and neighboring states The Homestead is edited by men who live on and operate their own farms which gives their doctrines greater value than the writingsof mere theorists The foremost experts in agriculture live stock breeding horticulture dairying and all the various branches of husband ry in the Middle West are contributors for the Homestead The McCook Tri gone would be glad to see the circula tion of the Homestead still further in creased in this vicinitv and will take pleasure in forwarding your subscrip tion on request J t MOVEMENTS OF THE PEOPLE L R CLyDE is at Excelsior Springs Mo for a short while Mrs L R Clyde is visiting in Albu querque New Mexico Peter Rheinheimer of Oxford was a city visitor last Friday and Saturday Mrs J C Marshall is visiting her sister Mrs N B Bush in Almona Kan sas Mr and Mrs J R Pence are proud parents of a nine pound daughter this week Frank Moore was up frsm Indianola Moudayand heard the lecture by Father Moran Mr and Mrs Albert Styer of Dan bury were up to the countys capital Wednesday Mrs G A Conrad has been eniovine a visitfrom her mother Mrs Alex Arm strong from Iowa Miss Ida Bloom returned to Denver on No 13 yesterday after a visit of ten days with friends here Mrs Alex Armstrong departed on Friday last for North Platte to visit a daughter to return here later M Leach the Lincoln architect was here Monday atd Tuesday meetsng with the board over library building plans etc Thad Shehherd came up from Fair bury Friday night last and has been spending part of the week here visiting old time friends Mrs E J Bull of Boulder Colo who has been visiting over on the Beaver was in town Wednesday on her way back to Colorado Miss Harris who has long been a guest of Col and Mrs W E Corwin at Lakewood ranche departed for New York close of last week D C Benedict of Culbertson was a city visitor Wednesday lie expects soon to change his residence having rented the well known Benedict farm Harmon Teompson formerly of our city is now a member of the McCook colony in Seattle Wash and pleased with his new surroundings and prospects Bishop Bonacum was up from Lincoln Tuesday and while here disposed of Egan Park addition owned by the Cath olic church William Lewis being the purchaser Rev L H Shumate former pastor of McCook Methodist church now presid ing elder of North Platte district was a guest of RevjjMJB Carman Tuesday between trains Henry Voge of Red Willow precinct who has been visiting in Stakendorf Germany for a number of monthson is his way home expecting to arrive here early in February Guy Battershall who fractured his leg about two weeks since in getting off of train 12 at Red Willow while the train was n motion is now able to be about with the assistance of crutches Miss Viva Phelan was happily sur prised at her home last Friday evening by a company of young friends The evening was spent in dancing and play ing games Light refreshments were served Frank Dillon departed on 6 Tuesday for Pekin III where he has been living for the past 10 or 15 years He was made delightedly voluble by his recent visit to McCook and surrounding coun ty whose improvement was a revelation to him jmiss addie UOAN was tne gracious hostess at the Tuesday evening Awl Osian convocation this week It was a special the gathering going down the corridors of time as aCrazy Par ty As the title implies decorations and characteristics were such as would naturally attract tho attention of the commission and the merriment was quite infectious and hilarious and with al one of the memorable sessions of the famous Awls CITY CHURCH ANNOUNCEMENTS Catholic Order of services Mass 8 a m Mass and sermon 1000 a m Evening service at 8 oclock Sunday school 230 p m Every Sunday J J Loughran Pastor Congregational Sunday school at 10 am Preaching at 11 am and 730 pm Christian Endeavor at 630 Pray er at S pm Music under the leaderhisp of Miss Budlong All cordially invited Geo B Hawkes Pastor Episcopal Services in St Albans church as follows Every Sunday in the month Sunday school at 10 oclock am Morning prayer at 11 a m and evening prayer and sermon at 8 The third Sun day in the month Holy Communion at 730 a m All are welcome E R Earle Rector Methodist Sunday school at 10 am Sermons 11 and 745 Class at 12 Junior League at 3 Epworth League at 630 Subject of morningsermon Use of the Tongue Evening subject Amuse ments from the Standpoint of Purity The young and pleasure ly vers especially invited to this service Prayer meeting on Wednesday evening at eight oclock Union mass temperance and law enforce ment meeting at Congregational church on Wednesday evening January 31st JVi JB Carman Pastor From Now On Having made arrangements with a practical harnessmaker in an eastern town I will from now on have hand made harness on hand at all times of the very best selected stock It will be to your advantage to call and investigate before buying W T Coleman 100 far scarfs for sons clearing sale t 69 cents build a brick between the office Regular Council Session The municipal fathers were in regu lar sessiou Monday evening with the mayor clerk attorney and Councilmen Ward Custer and Lawritson present Following bills were allowed and or dered paid W T Coleman general fund 19 37 V O Fizter occupation fund 6 00 W T Coleman cemetery fund 3 40 J S LeIIew general fund 5 00 Enos Rishel was granted a permit 6 24x60 feet in dimensions post office and Tribune Application of Zint and McClain for permit to build a brick just west of T A Wilcox Sons store was referred to the building committe Building is to be 50x80 feet Ordinance No 122 was passed taking the west half of block No 16 and block No 9 out of the fire limit Ordinance No 121 was passed It provides a way to borrow money to con struct or aid in construction of the main sower in the system of sewerage adopted by the city of McCook by issuing bonds and to create a sinking fund topa inter est thereon and the bonds when due A petition was presented by citizens of McCook praying that an election be called to submit the proposition to issue bonds of McCook in the sum of 10000 for the purpose of constructing the main sower in the McCook sewer system A resolution was adopted and passed by the council to this effect The city treasurers report was read and placed on file The A Popular Minister minister and lecturer Dr John Merritte Driver was ordained an elder in the Methodist Episcopal church in 1887 and served as pastor in various places in Illinois Indiana Minnesota and Massachusetts from that time until 1902 when he was called to the famous Peoples Church of Chicago where he remained until lately Succeeding such men as Dr H W Thomas and Frank Cranehe has been fully able to follow in his footsteps and the audiences which thronged to hear him every Sunday morning were perhaps the largest drawn by any minister in that great city of Chicago Recently however he has given up his church there in favor of the breader claims of the lyceum and has since been devoting himself to the needs of the world at large Circle Olflcers Elected The ladies of the Circle held their an nual election of officers on Friday Jan 19th with the following result President Kate I Dutton Senior Vice President Ellen LeHew Junior Vice President Lorinda Miller L uuupiuiu n ui aim ik uenj Treasurer Verniee Franklin Secretary Laura E Starr Conductor Mary Walker Guard Estella Fitch Assistant Conductor Mary Long Assistant Guard Agnes Rodstrom Organist Mabel M Kimmell The officers elect will be installed on Friday February 16th promptly at 2 30 in the afternoon Dont forget the date Wanted A reliable person for McCook and surrounding country to represent the National Life Insurance Co of Chicago Liberal contract to right party 12 22 tf C E H E Brown General Agents Holdrege Nebraska For Sale or Rent 15 acres mile from high school building 13 acres in cultivation Com fortable bouse good chicken house and well Possession given March 1st 1906 C F Babcock McMillens Specialties Laxative Cold Cure Cough Cure Headache Cure Little Liver Pills Cream Lotion Out-Of-Order Livers Sluggish livers livers that have gone to sleep livers that need stirring up are all restored to good working order Mc Connells Little Liver pills relieve bili ous headaches and sick stomachs 25c Bradford Williams Tuesday evening at the parsonage Rev M B Carman officiated at the marriage of John M Bradford and Mrs Ellen Williams They will make their home in West McCook Horses for Sale One hundred head of draft and driv ing horses for sale Frank Stillman McCook Neb Dwelling for Sale A five room dwelling with fine shade and fruit trees Inquire of C A Ward Best prints Thompsons made are 5c yard at Shavers Self shavers can secure every article they require for shaving at McConnells Full assortment Fine goods Best apron Thompsons check ginghams 5c yard First Call for Dinner The ladies of the Methodist church will hold their annual dinner in connec tion with a bazar in the basement of the church on their usual date Febru ary 22 225 fur scarfs 169 Thompsons clearing sale Mens 5 overcoats for 339 Thomp sons clearing sale The Clauss Shears are sold by W T Coleman and every pair guaranteed Dwelling For Sale The Peter Carty residence near Catholic church See Ed Fitzgerald for particulars lt Obituary After an illness of about four weeks Rev William Suess died at his homo in CreteNeb January 20 1906 Mr Suess was born in Graben Baden Germany August 28 1841 He came to the United States in 1867 and located at Decorah Iowa where he was united in marriage to Kathrina Bartb April 27 1868 He came to Nebraska and was ordained as a Congregational minister at Crete Neb in 1874 and located on bis farm in Olive Branch precinct where he organized the Olive Branch church remaining as their pastor until 1885 when he moved to Mc Cook Neb and engaged in the mission ary work of the German Congregational church From here ho moved to Hern donKansasin 1889 and in 1895returned to his home farm at Olive Branch and took charge of his former church at this place Two years ago he moved to Crete Neb intending to retire from the active work in the ministery but his love and ambition for the cause of Christ kept him a laborer in Gods vine yard until his Father called him home to receive his reward A number of churches in Nebraska and Western Kansas have been built by the efforts of Mr Suess and stand as monuments to his faithfnl work for his Master Mr Suess made many warm friends wherever ho resided He was a kind and loving companion and father and his children have only words of praise for their father who will be sadly missed by them He leaves to mourn his loss his loving companion Kathrina two sons Louis of McCook Neb and William who is at home five daughters Louise Schwab and Lydia Drath of Herndon Kans Mary Thier and Maggie Moserof Kramer Neb and Hannah at home one brother and one sister in Ger many The funeral services were held in the German Congregational church at Crete Neb January 22 1906 conducted by Rev Hilkerbaumer of Friend Neb and Rev Lich of Lincoln and Rev Stammer of Crete assisted by the German choir of Friend Neb and the English quar tette of Crete He was laid to rest in Riverside cemetery Peace to his ashes Temperance Mass Meeting There will be a temperance mass meet ing under the auspices of the Anti-Saloon League at the Congregational church on next Wednesday evening January 31 at 8 p m Good music has been secured and the meeting will be ad dressed by a number of speakers repre senting various city interests This meeting is open to all and all are urged to attend and show their support of the work Souvenir Postal Cards Tho McCook Souvenir Postals Cards printed by The Tribune are on sale at The Post Office Lobby L W McConnells The Tribune Office Other designs are in preparation Ever Fresh Candy Stocks Brisk trade keeps our candy fresh Continuous shipments keeps our assort ments full We carry only high grade candies L WMcConnell Druggist For Sale Kershon oats about 100 bushels to sell in five or ten bushel lots for sale at fifty cents a bushel J A Brinton Mc Cook Neb R F D No 2 Telephone Notice Parties who are not now subscribers who wish telephones please make ar rangements ht the office as soon as pos sible C I Hall Manager Soaps Our toilet soap stock includes all the advertised and many other fine soaps All odors all prices L W McConnell Druggist For Sale One bay mare 11 years old and two bay colts coming 2 and 3 years old In quire of F L Fraley Cedar Bluffs Kas 450 wool blankets for 3 69 Thomp sons clearing sale Mens S1500 silk lined overcoats for 999 Thompsons clearing sale RAILROAD NEWS tfmi C J McElroy is a new machinist in the backshop A B Chaney a machine shop em ploye has resigned Fireman G W Wilson who recently resigned intends to return to his home in Maine G FVanArsdol is a member of the re lief and is recuperating in Oxford visit ing relatives Oshea Kunkel has been transferred to Denver and Clerk Smith of that place comes to McCook Engineer L S Viersen has returned to work after an absence on vacation in California of six weeks Engineer Barney Lewis who has been on the sicklist for several months re turned to work Monday getting his old run on the McCook Imperial line The burning of a bridge out west Thursday morning delayed No 2 about three hours and this morning a broken wheel on a freight car at Pineo laid No 2 out abont five hours The Tribune understands that C T Watsoncar distributer expects to short ly retire from the railroad service to be a farmer and with the farmers stand locating on the home place near Lafay ette Indiana about March 1st Motive power is receiving attention now since traffic has fallen off a large force being employed in both roundhouse and backshop Slight repairs are being uteibmte MCCOOK RED WILLOW COUNTY NEBRASKA FRIDAY EVENING JANUARY 26 1906 MINOR ITEMS OF NEWS McConnell for drugs Bread mixers at W T Colemans McConnells Balsam cures coughr it McMillens Cough Curo is right Try 500 fur scarfs for 369 clearing sale Thompsons S325 ladies jacket for 199 uu a uiutiring saie Ladies 10 coats and jackets for 699 Thompsons clearing salo Good sideboard for sale cheap In quire at this office 1 26 2ts You must remember thnt W T Cole man handles the B P S paints Childrens white bear skin coats for 2 99 at Thompsons clearing sale Cream in sealed 10c an I 20c bottles for sale at Marshs meat market 750 ladies coats and jackets for 499 Thompsons clearing sale Fine stationery school tablets ink slates etc at McMillens Drug Store Genuine Vicugna flannelette 9c a yard clearing salo price at Thompsons Removed Dr Kays office is now over Pades furniture store Phone 98 Try McConnells Liquid Smoke Noth so nice for preserving your meat for sum mers use The Fortnightly devotees of Terpsi chore were in regular performance Fri day evening Mens 375 plush and slicker lined duck coats now 209 in Thompsons clearing salo Coughs that are hard are quickly loosened and ConnelsBalsam 25c to shako off cured by Mc- For Sale My residence property on Main street two blocks north of tho park Price low Terms easy C T Watson Tho Wheeler Wilson machine has a rotary motion ball bearing and is tho lightest running machine in the world Sold by W T Coleman W G Jones repairs and cleans cook stoves heaters and gasoline stoves Work guaranteed Phone red 306 or box 595 McCook Neb tf Wanted Bright honest young man from McCook Neb to prepare for pay ing position in Goverment Mail Service Box One Cedar Rapids If you have not a sewing machine call at W T Colemans and see the Wheeler Wilson It is three times the value of any other Sews one third faster one third easier aud one third better You cant do better anywhere on earth than at Marshs meat market in any article usually for sale in an up-to-date market dust try nim Variety auaitv price treatment all guaranteed In his new location just across the street from his old place in the P Walsh building Mike Walsh wants to see you if you have poultry eggs etc for sale He will pay you tho best cash market price for them For rent Three farms near McCook If you want to sell your farms list them with me 1 have the buyers J Fletcher Immigration Agent Burlington Route Bartley Nebraska Thelaies of St Patricks Catholic church will serve a firstclass supper in the Odd Fellows hall over the Model shoe store Saturday February 3rd Price 25 cents They will also have aprons and various fancy articles on sale A cordial invitation is extended to all Good homes are wanted for destitute and orphan children of all ages by the Child Saving Institute 1806 Ohio St Omaha From 40 to 60 constantly on hand Over 300 passing through the institute during tne year If interested write for application blanks inclosing stamp for postage Farming and stock raising are each year rising to a higher stage of develop ment in Red Willow county and tho year 1906 opens with a betteroutlookfor the various interests of the farm than any of its predecessors Old fogy methods are giving way to modern ways of doing things and plowing seeding cultivation and harvesting are conduct ed on well defined principles insuring greater success Breeders are improv ing their live stock and giving more in telligent care to its selection feeding and marketing The largo circulation of The Homestead of Des Moines Iowa among our progressive farmers has been a help in bringing about this desirable change Its able editorals written by practical farmers who live on their own farms its special contributions by ex perts and its valuable departments ren der it almost indispensable to the farm er and stockman who desire to keen abreast of the times We have made arrangements for clubbing this excellent farm journal with The McCook Tri- bpne at a verv reasonable rate and will take pleasure in forwarding subscriptions on request Call your and leave your order the next time you are in town Bean Supper and Entertainment The supper and entertainment tender ed by the ladies of the circle in behalf of the old soldiers in the Methodist church Thursday evening was successful up to highest expectations The ladies cleared about 6000 from their liberal patron acre The literarv mtiir nrnrram wiq made on Nos 1803 1959 145 1754 1S02 meritorious and pleasing There was a 703 1239 and others this week brief camp fire at the close 4 Vj 7 NUMBER 35 No 1 CITIZENS ENTERTAINMENT COURSE A lecture by JOHN MERRITTE DRIVER Opera IIouso MONDAY JANUARY 29 19C6 830 p m DrDriver is the popular successor of Frank Crano at tho famous Peoples Church in the very heart of Chicago He is an author and traveler as well as an eloquent speakor and will happily entor tain and instruct his audience Hon W know him pleasure in those who courses J Bryan says 1 personally I take commending him to aro arranging lecture Reserved seats will bo checked off at McConnells Wednesday January 24 700 p m salo begins following morning What Fred Emerson Brooks Says John Merritteo Driver is a Jehu and he drives six good horses Tho leaders are Grace and Diction tho swing horses aro Pathos and Humoik the wheelers are Eloquence and Power Fly in his whirling and glittering chariot as I have done and you will bo delighted Driver is apt alert eloquent and a royal fellow Everything in drugs McConnell Potatoes wanted at National hotel McConnells Balsam cures coughs nest table oil cloth 15c yd Thomp sons Oil heaters of all kinds at mans W T Best carpet warp on spools 21 cents at Thompsons 150 fur scarfs clearing sale 99c Thompsons Fresh butterof best quality at Marshs meat market 475 ladies jackets for 299 Thomp sons clearing sale Sewing machine needles of all kinds at W T Colemans 375 wool blankets for 299 sons clearing sale Use McMillens Cream Lotion for chapped face and hands 175 wool mixed blankets for 119 Thompsons clearing sale 200 six pound wool mixed blankets for 139 Thompson s clearing sale Second hand organ good as now for sale at the 5 and 10c store Paymentsl For Sale Small house and barn and one lot Cheap See S D McCain Wouldnt that corn cure window dis play at McCounells drug store emanci pate your corns Cooking utensils something the house wife needs every day of her life Can be bought at W T Colemans House For Sale House second street east of Main and third house north from Dennison street lt M rs Jos Menard Bissell sweepers have won a distinct reputation for strength durability ease of running and their perfect sweeping qualities See W T Coleman Having just received a very large in voice of whips I can satisfy anybody in a whip from the cheapest to the highest grade made W T Coleman Drop a card to box 595 and the Mc Cook Stove and Range Repair Co vvill give your repairs prompt and careful at tention Repairs for every stove made Examinations free of charge You can depend upon it every time the quality of meat you get at Marshs market Always the best and no high er than the cheaper kinds Xo need to experiment just remember tho reliable Remember you will find Mike Walsh just across the street from his old loca tion ready to buy your poultry eggs old rubber copper brass at tho highest cash market price The prices of The Thompson D G Co are not butter and egg prices they are not credit prices they are cash prices which explains how they can be and why they are so low A trial will con vince Those Dempster gasoline engines that W T Coleman has been selling for pumping are a fine article in every re spect They are a Nebraska product made on honor and are just the thing for pumping and grinding Last Tuesday night the Anti Saloon League completed its organization at the Congregational church and discussed plans for aggressive work in the future All who are in sympathy with the fight for temperance and morality are asked to become members of this organization XL