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About The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 19, 1906)
t to be customer of the x TLHmwin1iif ic crt eimnli ac tn he rpnoilv learned by any one of ordinary capactty and the public benefits to be derived from it are incalcu lable John Bright In the Bnn Pitman System cf Phonography Reporting Style AJlJrmJLJL For particulars write itt wi rrrMffnrrriwatfrf8llw3gEateilfca V FRANKLIK President A C EBERT Cashier W B WOLFE Vice President THE CITIZENS BANK OF McCOOK NEB Paid Up Capital 50000 Surplus 4000 V FRANKLIN DIRECTORS W B WOLFE A C EBERT kVV6tVWV9 Its a Pleasure New Brick Meat Market They keep a full asssorment of all kinds of meats They treat you so well and so fairly deal with you so squarely that you want to come back Just try it once Phone 95 Main Avenue PAUL P ANTON WSbWWWWW1l WWWf LOAN with the McCook Co operative Building Savings Association can be paid off in d a go monthly payments of y8 If you are paying more you pay too much We can mature your loan on smaller monthly payments and less money in the aggregate than any comepting associa tion Call on the secretary who will explain our system Office in First National Bank McCook Building Savings Association The McCook Tribune Only One Dollar the year Aforcl yv -v x STAYNERS Siiorfhand School McCook Neb I Dr E O Valine PHONE 190 Office over Bee Hive DENTIST VEGETABLE SICILIAN Hair Renewer A high class preparation for the hair Keeps the hair soft and glossy and prevents splitting at the ends Cures dandruff and olnroiro rpcfnrpc rrmr tr rtmir hoip If joar drejt ent roppW jw tend Jl00 to Ultvajro l voivsi wj wuju l J K P HALLi CO Swlun N U Stokes Grocery PHONE 30 CITIZENS BANK BLOCK BTCOOK NEB gagHtftMWfryw People Who Are Talked Abotit I NTEREST naturally attaches to the appointment of Herbert John Gladstone to a poet In the new Liberal cabinet of Great Britain on account of his being a Hon of the Grand Old Man Mr Gladstone Is as signed to the position of secretary of state for home affairs Once referred to as young Mr Gladstone youth Is no longer one of his possessions for he Is fifty four years Y4tfgg HERBERT GLAD STONE house of beautiful of age He was for n time a college pro fessor but for n quarter of a cen tury has been in parliament He is modest and able While he kept in the rear during his fathers life he has come to the front since the ex-premiers death and In 1809 became Liber al whip in the commons He married the Dorothy Paget daughter of Sir Richard Horner Paget a descend ant of the John Horner of Henry VIILs time who is Immortalized in the rhyme about Little Jack Horner The Christmas pie of the rhyme was sent to the king by the abbot of Glas tonbury Horner was the bearer and the plum he took from it was a deed to a manor with which he laid the foundation of the greatness of his family The latest thing in insurance is to take out a policy on ones fingers In the case of a musician especially one whose livelihood depends on skill in playing an Instrument finger insurance is quite an important matter How Important Jan Kubelik the famous Bo hemian violinist considers It may be judged from the fact that before start ing on his present American tour he took out a policy of 50000 on his fin gers This Is at the rate of 5000 a digit The Insurance was obtained In London The policy provides that should Kubeliks fingers be temporarily injured so thathe misses any performances he Is to be paid 2000 JAX KUBELIK for every nonappearance up to twenty five If twenty five performances are missed then the tour is to be consid ered closed and the face value of the policy Is to be turned over to the vio linists manager The insurance com pany insists that the violinist take ex tra good care of his precious fingers and he usually wears gloves that look like muffs Hugh A DIusmore who had an al tercation with Governor Jefferson Da vis of Arkansas at Fayetteville a short time ago In which he Is reported to have drawn a pistol on the executive of his state has been United States minister to Korea and representative In congress He Is a supporter of Unit- ed States Senator Berry between quarrel has arisen It was In connec tion with tho quar lli HUGH A DINS1IORE rel between the gov ernor and the sen ator that the pistol episode is said to have occurred Mr DInsmore was born In Benton county Ark in 1S50 edu cated In the public schools and in 1874 was admitted to the bar He was for two terms a prosecuting attor ney of the Fourth judicial district was a presidential elector served three years as minister to Korea and twelve years in congress During the last ses sion a prosperous looking individual walked up to the main door of tho house of representatives one day pull ed a card from a leather case and said to one of the doorkeepers Give this to Congressman Dinsmore of Arkansas please Yas sah replied the doorkeeper disappearing behind the swinging doors that lead to the floor of the house In a moment he returned and said Mr Dfnsmo Is not on the flo Hes gone out and wont come back no mo You may And him In room fo foty fo George E Ide president of the Home Life Insurance company and also presi dent and director of the Larchmont Na tional bank gave some testimony fore the Armstrong committee which excited no little surprise Though the head of an insurance company he said that he carried no Insurance on his life either In his own or any other company He also said that unlike the big three companies of the insurance world tho Home Life had never had a so call ed yellow dog fund for Influenc ing Insurance leg islation or for any QEOEQE E IDE Blmllar purpose but he admitted that some officers of the company had been given to the practice known In Insur ance parlance as rebating HAIR AND They Have PInyed Important Purls In the WorldH History In centuries past the human hair played an Important part In all judicial proceedings Those that were permit ted to wear beard and hair had rights that could not be claimed by the shorn and shaved When men made oath they touched their beard and hair and women placed the finger tips of tho right hand on their tresses Servants were obliged to have their hair cut and if a freedman went into slavery he had to divest himself of his hirsute adornments An adult adopted by foster parents was obliged to have his beard shaved and the shaving of beard and hair was a punishment In flicted on criftilnals The jurisprudence of our ancestors dealt with punishment by skin and hair for small offenses and by neck and hand for greater crimes There has always been more or less superstition about hair Great strength was Implied by it and wizards and witches knew of concoctions of hair by which they poisoned enemies Cats hair was especially named in the cate gory of poisonous hairs and even at the beginning of the seventeenth cen tury Paulus Zacchlas a famous physi cian writes of the virulent poison of the hair of cats Among civilized people such supersti tious beliefs have gone out of existence and only Malays give their enemies tiger hairs in broth to kill them THE HUMAN RIBS Man Has Twelve Pair and Woman Has JuHt the Suine A man who had been sick said he was so thin he could count his ribs When I heard this statement I asked How many did you count He was unable to answer Several friends were standing by and the query was put to them Not a man could tell the num ber of his ribs One bright chap said in all seriousness that a woman has one more rib than a man because man lost one in the fashioning of woman And do you know this belief is com mon Suddenly spring the question on any acquaintance you may happen to meet in the days journeying Unless he be a medical man he will in all prob ability be unable to answer It is an anatomical fact that man has twelve pairs of ribs and woman the same number The four short ribs two on each side are the free ribs and In all probability Eve was made of one of these A man could manage to struggle through life without his free ribs and I have no doubt that ere long some corset manufacturer will require woman to have hers removed in order to lengthen her waist and to reduce its girth To break a few of the asternal ribs ten altogether is nothing to break some of the sternal fourteen in number ones is far more serious New York Press MASCULINE DIMPLES They Are Not Always Appreciated hy Their Owners Dimples are just as common among men as among women says a New York beauty doctor only they dont show off to such good advantage Beard and mustache combine to hide their charm Anyhow men are not proud of dimples They consider them a sign of effeminacy Now that smooth faces are the fashion the man with a dimple in cheek or chin Is hard put to whom and Governor Davis a political j it to hide that beauty mark In his ex- tremlty he seeks relief from me What can I do with these confound ed dimples he asks Take em out I advise Can you do It he asks Sure says I All right says he go ahead Then I begin treatment In the past year I have removed sets of dimples from mens faces that any woman of their acquaintance would have paid 100 for All men with money to spend patronize the beauty doctor more shamelessly than they used to but of all the miracles they wish performed there is none they insist upon so stout ly as the removal of dimples Ex change Watches on Board Ship Onboard all ships a series of watches are established so that work is shared equally among the sailors To aid this object also the crews are divided into two divisions starboard and port A ships day commences at noon and there are seven watches The watch which Is on duty in the forenoon one day has the afternoon next day and the men who have four hours rest one night have eight hours the next This is the reason for having dog watches which are made by dividing the hours between 4 p m and 8 p m into two Rheumatism and Tnn The discovery of a remedy for rheu matism by means of tan was acci dentally made by a tanner of Ulm Wurttemberg One day he fell into one of his own vats and as no one was near he had to remain in the tanning liquid for over half an hour When rescued he found it Is said that his rheumatism had entirely left him He then turned doctor and treated by means of a system called electrotanno therapia Jfo Quitting Marryat You dont believe in di vorce then Mugley No sir Ive got too much sportin blood Marryat What has that to do with it Mugley I believe in a fight to the finish Phila delphia Press A Womans Way EdithWhat luck did you have In the last race Maud None at all I back ed all the horses with a pretty name but I didnt find the winner Illustrat ed Bits i W H ACKERMAN Real Estate Loans and Insurance Room 6 Walsh Block McCook Nebraska Large list of FARMS and RANCHES for sale in Southwestern Nebraska Farms rented and taxes paid for non residents Consult or write me if you have lands to sell or want to buy They Give SATISFACTION B M HIGH PATENT PATENT BUFFALOIHIGH PATENT Famous Kearney Mills This famous flour is sold by PAUL P ANTON to an increasing number of satisfied g patrons Try a sack Youll be satisfied ONLY FIVE CENTS MORE than the price of the McCOOK TRIBUNE secures if and the Weekly Inter Ocean Both for One Year THE WEEKLY INTER OCEAN is the only weekly paper published by a Chicago daily and is the leading news farm and home paper of the West Improved and strengthened by the addition of many new features Enlarged farm garden and dairy departments Reliable and practical veter inary department Home Health Club Health and Beauty Hints The most com plete household page Styles for all ages The best Boys and Girls page offered by any paper Queer problems and puzzles Chess and checker columns Best Fiction The International Sunday School Lesson Full and complete market reports The McCook Tribune regular price 100 a year The Weekly Inter Ocean Both for only j0bt The MGeok 100 a year 105 a year This extra dinary offer is made to secure NEW SUBSCRIBERS but old subscribers can take advantage of it by paying their sub scriptions one year in advance Editor Always Remsukber the Fal I axative Hpm ftui Cores a Cold m One Bay Grip m pj vs a Bos gSs Nme Two Tribune SLOG per Year YOU WOULD DO WELL TO SEE J M Rupp FOR ALL KINDS OF Rp fcfc 0 P O Box 131 McCook Nebraska H P SUTTON MCCOOK V JEWELER MUSICAL GOODS NEBRASKA r v 3b rt