apr - f
- t -
N Costenborcer vs Frank Carruth
objections filed to confirmation of sale
Union Stock Yards Nntionnl Bank of
South Omaha vs W F Evorist et al
Alfred Hadell Tr vs The McCook
Loan Trust Co continued
Geo E Waldo vs Charles S Squires
et al continued
In the matter of the application of W
S Fitch guardian of the estate of Ed
ward L Nettleton insane for license to
sell real estate dismissed
Harry W Graves vs Thomas Camp
boll Jr et al erroneously on docket
Milton i Hammond vs James O
Hammond sale confirmed and deed
Byron B Barrett vs Ruby Ellen Quig
ley et al erroneously on docket
Vocances Franklin vs The City of VIc
Cook continued
E C Clark va C B Q It R Co
continued Plaintiff allowed thirty days
to file petition
Henry T Church vs C B Q R R
Co motion for security or costs con
fessed Defendant allowed thirty days
to plead plaintiff givon statutory time
to reply
Anna Lee vs William Lee continued
Thomas C Kelley vs Viola Kelley
John F Kenyon vs Viola KenyonJ
order allowing defendant 825 temporary
Elias II Doan vs J S McBrayor et
al appeal dismissed
Edward Curlee vs Advance Thresher
Co motion for additional security on ap
peal bond confessed Leave to furnish
additional security instanter
Jennie Gudgel vs Josie Petty motion
for security for costs confessed Thirty
days to give security
Lee I Culbertson vs C B Q R R
Co motion for security for costs con
fessed and plaintiff allowed thirty days
to give security
State of Nebraaka vs Bert Young
leave to indorse means for additional
witness on information
State of Nebraska vs Edward Curlee
information filed and served Motion to
quash information overruled Motion
for change of venue overruled Defend
ant arraigned in open court and plead
not guilty Motion for continuance by
defendant sustained
State of Nebraska vs Edward Curlee
information filed and served Motion
to quash information overruled Motion
for change of venue overruled
Jacob Lerch vs Matthew G Shackel
ton and Erank Fritsch suit on bond
J I Case Threshing Machine Co vs
Hari Meyers and Frank H Bongers
suit on note leave to amend answer in
Lizzie Cashen vs The Security Life
Insurance Co action on contract set
tled and dismissed at plaintiffs costs
Lorenzo W Billingsley and Robert J
Green vs Roy E Dutton suit on ac
count motion to separately state and
number causes of action overruled De
fendant excepts Thirty days to answer
or demurrer
Hattie Deveny vs Frank Stillman re
plevin dismissed
Acme Harvester Co vs Edward Cur
lee suit for an accounting erroneously
on docket
James F Fry vs Geo W Bowden
decree satisfied and tax deed cancelled
Stella M Allen administrator of the
estate of James PAllen deceased vs C
B Q R R Co judgment against de
fendant for 81000 and plaintiff to pay
J Howell Moore to J A Brown order
to supply joined entry
The Proof of the Pudding
Well you know it is not in chewing
the string This holds good in meats as
well as in puddings The B M meat
market guarantees you the best the
market affords in the meat line in any
and all kinds of meats They throw in
liberal and courteous treatment and
prompt delivery Yon will find the
market at the old stand first door south
of the Walsh block We bespeak a liber
al portion of your patronage during the
new year David Magner Prop
For Safe Keeping
Arthur J Clark a young married man
from Frontier county was brought here
close of last week and is now in the
county jail and will be in charge of
Sheriff Peterson until the session of the
March term of district court for Frontier
county He is held on the serious
charge of attempted rape
Cash Prices Save You Money
In this weeks Tribune you will find
a list of a few articles that J A Wil
cox Son are selling and saving you
money on These are however only a
few of the many articles they are cutt
ing the prices on Their whole stock
is involved in the cut Just try them
Cut prices begin on next Monday Jan
uary loth
If you wish to sell list quick
If you wish to buy call quick
I have bargains you want quick
Call and see they are going quick
Office with J E Kelley
A G Bump
Its A Fact
McConnells Concentrated Smoke is
the best preparation for preserving
either fresh or salt meats It gives the
meat a good flavor keeps it solid and
preserves it for any length of time 25c
A good medicine No cure no pay
50 percent to agents Write to Boston
Herb Co 416 Missouri building Kan
sas City Mo It
Will Rolfe has decided to remain at
Mrs Louis Suess went down to Crete
this morning
Nick Colling of Indianola was up
Tuesday on business matters
Mrs Frank Kendlen visited Celestine
and took in Ben Hurin LincolnMon
T W Benjamin of Oberlin Kansas
was in the city Saturday on some es
tate business
C F Lehn returned home Wednes
day night from his trip to the west and
northwest of a few weeks
Mr and Mrs R M Douglass wel
comed a fine daughter into the home
Tuesday morning of this week
Mrs Frank Stillman and G D Still
man attended a birthday party and visit
ed friends atStratton this week
Mrs Harry E Rogers has returned
from her visit of several weeks in Gales
burg 111 where she was called by her
mothers illness
Charlie Beardslee of Cripple Creek
Colorado son of Mr and Mrs I M
Beardslee of our city has been very ill
for the past week or so
Louis Suess was recalled to Crete
Sunday by the continued illness of his
father who although not considered
worse requires attention and care
Dr and Mrs C Fahnestock en
roll themselves in the anti race suicide
club this week Its an eight pound
daughter born Wednesday evening
J W Parks and Mrs Emerson Han
son departed Wednesday night for New
Mexico on a visit to a daughter and
sister They will be gone several weeks
A J Loomis of Red Willow departed
on Monday night of this week for Bloom
ingdale Mich on a visit to his mother
and to look after some farm interests
there -
Frank Dillon is here from Pekin 111
looking after his real estate interests
His surprise is half delight as he notes
the marked improvement in town and
J H Chaddock of Lincoln will be in
McCook next Tuesday January 23rd
regarding a cottage planned for Mrs C
M Bailey and on other matters now on
hand in this city
Mr and MrsRufus Carlton received
a visit from the stork in Sacramento
Calif last Thursday and the latest
word is that Jimmie is doing finely
with a good 93 s pound start of the world
J C Acheson Saturday morning
last on No 2 accompanied his broth
er to Kansas just south of Hardy Neb
where he goes to visit his aged mother
The brother has been visiting him here
on the farm
J S LeHew went down to Lincoln
Monday morning on No 12 to assist
Mr Foss of Crete in the case of James
McAdams vs The City of McCook
damages which came up in the supreme
court Tuesday
Mrs H A Beale went down to Lin
coln Tuesday to visit her sister Mrs
Parks to meet her sister Mrs Hire of
Chicago and to take in the famous
Ben Hur Mrs Hire will return here
with her and make a visit
Mrs Knud Stangland Sr Miss
Kerslin and Jimmie departed Monday
night for Los Angeles California to be
absent some time on account of Jims
health which it is hoped the balmy
atmosphere of Southern California will
quickly and permanently mend
Catholic Order of services Mass
8 a m Mass and sermon 1000 a m
Evening service at 8 oclock Sunday
school 230 p m Every Sunday
J J Loughran Pastor
Episcopal Services in St Albans
church as follows Every Sunday in the
month Sunday school at 10 oclock am
Morning prayer at 11 a m and evening
prayer and sermon at 8 The third Sun
day in the month Holy Communion at
730 a m All are welcome
E R Earle Rector
Congregational Sunday school at
10 a m Preaching services at 11 a m
and 730 p m Christian Endeavor at
630 Prayer meeting every Wednesday
at 8 p m Music under the direction of
Miss Budlong Song service in the even
ing All are cordially invited to these
services Geo B Hawkes Pastor
Methodist Sunday school at 10 am
Sermons 11 and 745 Class at 12 Junior
League at 3 Epworth League at 630
Subject of evening sermon Temper
ance Prayer meeting on Wednesday
evening at eight oclock Sunday school
in South McCook every Sunday
M B Carman Pastor
From Now On
Having made arrangements with a
practical harnessmaker in an eastern
town I will from now on have hand
made harness on hand at all times of
the very best selected stock It will be
to your advantage to call and investigate
before buying W T Coleman
No Half way Method
Just in the niche of time for many
wise buyers will be found the sensation
al clearing prices on cloaks furs and
other twinter goods offered by The
Thompson D G Co on the fourth page
of this paper Read now
Poultry Wanted
at the Gurney Poultry Cos
Wanted Bright honest young man
from McCook Neb to prepare for pay
ing position in Goverment Mail Service
Box One Cedar Rapids
Bean Supper for the Vets
The ladies of the circle will give a
bean supper for the old soldiers next
Thursday evening January 25 in the
M E church
Following is the meuu prepared for
the occasion
Roast chicken with cranberry sauce
Roast beef with brown gravy
Roast pork Baked beans
Creamed potatoes Potato salad
Cabbage salad
Pickles Jelly Celery
White bread Brown bread
Cakes Doughnuts
Fruit salad
Tea Coffee
There will also be a good program and
a camp fire All for 25 cents This
comes but once in the year and it is
hoped the public will liberally patronize
the circle and old soldiers
Annual Church Meeting-
The annual meeting of the Congrega
tional church was held Wednesday eve
ning at the church The reports showed
the church in good financial and spirit
ual condition The treasurer reported
all bills paid and a good balance on
The following officers were elected
Deacon R D Rodgers trustee T F
Rowell treasurer Albert McMillen
clerk T B Campbell Sunday school
superintendent RD Rodgers organist
Miss Lillie Campbell members of stand
ing committees Mrs Louis SuessMrs
W M Stoner Mrs L R Hileman
usher Arthur Randel
Change of Management
First of the week the management of
the Commercial hotel passed from Mrs
Mildred J Campbell to Mrs Z L Kay
Mrs Campbell departed on Tuesday
night for Lincoln where she will visit
briefly before going to Texas to live
When the improvements to the hotel
shall be completed and affairs all arrang
ed and in smooth working order it is ex
pected the old Commercial under Mrs
Kays management will quickly resume
its oldtime popularity and prosperity
Goth Engels Wedding
Adolf Goth of our city and Miss
Susie Engels of Red Cloud were united
in marriage at Red Cloud Monday
January 15th They will go to house
keeping in the Clapp residence recently
vacated by Julian Andrew Congrat
A reliable person for McCook and
surrounding country to represent the
National Life Insurance Co of Chicago
Liberal contract to right party 12 22 tf
C E H E Brown General Agents
Holdrege Nebraska
For Sale or Rent
acres 2 mile from high
building 13 acres in cultivation Com
fortable house good chicken house and
well Possession given March 1st 1906
C F Babcock
Parties interested in cloaks furs
blankets and other winter goods will
read with attention the real slaughter of
prices in The Thompson Dry Good3 Cos
advertisement on editorial page of this
McMillens Specialties
Laxative Cold Cure
Cough Cure
Headache Cure
Little Liver Pills
Cream Lotion
The Gillette
Always keen ready and adjusted It
is a pleasure to Bhave your self with this
safety razor
L W McConnell Druggist
Horses for Sale
One hudred head of draft and driv
ing horses for sale
Frank Stillman McCook Neb
Dwelling for Sale
A five room dwelling with fine shade
and fruit trees Inquire of
C A Ward
For rent Three farms near McCook
If you want to sell your farms list them
with me I have the buyers
J Fletcher
Immigration Agent Burlington Route
Bartley Nebraska
Our latest Fiction has been put on
a seven day list That is it will be loan
ed for seven days only if kept any longer
than that length of time a fine of one
cent a day must be paid one of these
books cannot be renewed
The school donated about one hun
dred and fifty books to the library and
we are very grateful to them
We are sending boxes of books out to
the country schools ten books in each
box we have sent three and as soon as
wo can get the boxes made will send
more if the country school teachers who
want a box will please call at the library
and leave your name I will put you on
the list and givo you one as soon as I
I have advertised for many numbers
of magazines wanted at the library but
as yet have not received any of them I
wish you would notice closely the num
bers wanted and if you have any of them
and can spare them let me know and I
will gladly send for them
The following numbers of the Argosy
are wanted
1901 Jan May June and Oct
1902 All but March Sept and Oct
1303 All but JanFebr MafchApril
and September
1904 Jan and December
Library hours Mornings from 1030
to 12 oclock afternoons from 1 30 to 6
oclock evenings from 7 to 9 oclock
Sunday afternoon 2 to 5 oclock
Ida McCarl Librarian
Burial of LeRoy F Rolfe
The remains of LeRoy F Rolfe arrived
from Newport R I Monday on No 1
and after brief funeral services at the
home the body was interred in River
view cemetery near the soldiers monu
ment same afternoon Due naval
honors had been paid the deceased in
impressive services at the barracks
Wednesday of last week at two oclock
in the afternoon
LeRoy F Rolfe was born near El
wood Gosper county Nebraska July
16th 1886 He came to McCook with
his parents on January 24th 1896 He
enlisted in the navy at Omaha Nebras
ka November 1st 1905 and was sent to
the U S naval training station at New
port R I where he died of cerebro
spinal meningitis January 101906 aged
19 years 5 months 25 days The ser
vices at the home Monday afternoon
were conducted by Rev M B Carman
of the Methodist church and attended
by quite a number of sympathizing
friends of the family
The remains were shipped homo by
special permission from the government
During the two months Roy was in
quarantine on the Coaster Harbor Is
land in Narragansett Bay near Newport
R 1 ho wrote homo many loving and
oncouraging letters while his comrades
were dying about him all typical of the
loving and tender hearted son he was
We are thankful Leyond the power of
words to express to the many dear
friends for their kindness and sympathy
fn the hour of our bereavement and loss
by the death of our dear son and brother
Me and MrsF J Rolfe and Family
After Alleged Forger
Sheriff Peterson left on 14 Wednes
day night for St Louis after John
Stump a young man who is wanted by
the authorities for alleged uttering of
forged checks on John F Helm of Red
Willow for whom Stump worked during
the past season Stump is held by the
St Louis police and consents to come to
Nebraska without requisition
Prosperous Bond Social
bond social in the Methodist
church Tuesday evening was of the
usual prosperous and enjoyable sort
characteristic of the Methodist endeav
ors They enjoyed a large patronage
and provided a liberal and worthful pro
gram and menu
Fire Sale at Diamonds
Dont miss this opportunity of secur
ing bargains in shoes clothing shirts
waists Everything we are selling at
below cost
Telephone Notice
Parties who are not now subscribers
who wish telephones please make ar
rangements ht the office as soon as pos
sible C I Hall Manager
Engineer McBrides wife is quite ill
J C Durham of Carthage Mo is in
the city guest of his son H E Durham
Good homes are wanted for destitute
and orphan children of all ages by the
Child Saving Institute 1806 Ohio St
Omaha From 40 to 60 constantly on
hand Over 300 passing through the
institute during tne year If interested
write for application blanks inclosing
stamp for postage
The city authorities had an extra
policeman on duty Monday night pay
day and the police judge was busy un
til three oclock Tuesday morning try
ing plain drunks ngnts etc wnat
fools these mortals be that they must
squander their hard earned money at
once in drink and general meanness
W W Walton representative of the
famous Patterson Sargent Co manu
facturers of B P S Paints and Nisoron
Varnishes was in the city yesterday
and appointed W T Coleman agent
for McCook and this section of the
state Snortly the company will have a
costumed lady here to demonstrate the
great virtues of their marvelous China
The Tribune sincerely hopes the
people of McCook will give the Moran
and Driver lectures a large hearing
Father Moran comes next Monday the
22nd We vouch for him Dr Drivers
date is the 29th We have the word of
several who have heard him on different
occasions They go the limit in his
praise The meat of the entertainment
course is in the two leeturas Hear
them both Not for
sake but your own
the committees
Mike Esch is hauling material to build
an addition to his house
Mrs G A Roedel returned home from
Lincoln hospital Thursday
A daughter was born to Mr and Mrs
C A Wasson January 2nd
Miss Kate Evertson returned home
Saturday after a weeks visit in Cam
Corn shellerKns been hummiug quite
steadily n Be idvillo precinct this last
Fernando Kennedy threshed cane and
kafir corn for a number of his neighbors
at Fred Troesterss Tuesday
Miss Roxie Byfield having resigned
her position in Fich school is now teach
ing a three months term in the Spauld
ing school
There was a surprise party at Will
Broomfields Saturday evening in
honor of Nettie Endsley teacher North
Star school About forty were present
and report a good time
The beet growers of South Side held
a meeting at Fitch school house Satur
day night and transacted business also
elected officers They report good things
being done to advance sugar beet grow
Another meeting will be held Jan
McConnell for drugs
Bread mixers at W T Colemans
McCounells Balsam cures coughr
McMillens Cough Cure is right Try
For Rent Furnished room
heat Inquire at this office
Cream in sealed 10c an 1 20c bottles
for sale at Marshs meat market
Fine stationery school tablets ink
slates etc at McMillens Drug Store
Removed Dr Kays office is now
over Pades furniture store Phone 9S
The famous Wheeler Wilson ball
bearing with rotary shuttle sows one
third faster than any other sowing
machine made W T Coleman sells
You cant do better anywhere on earth
than at Marshs meat market in any
article usually for sale in an up-to-date
market Just try him Variety quality
price treatment all guaranteed
For nil kinds of strains pains and
aches few things give quicker relief than
a good Plaster Ours are fresh and full
of strength
L W McConnell Druggist
Adopt the Cash System
We have determined to adopt the
Cash System commencing with Jan
uary 15th 1906
In doing so we recognize the fact that
this action will not bo altogether pleas
ing to those who are perfectly good and
in tne habit of paying their accounts
but we propose to make the prices so
low that even these friends and custo
mers will be happy to comply with our
cash system and thus save themselves
good money
Hoping by fair and square treatment
and by making irresistible prices that
will save you money to merit your con
tinued patronage and good will we re
main Yours truly
J A Wilcox Son
McCook Neb Jan 5th 1900
Corns Hurt
The reason why so many people suffer
torture from corns is because they have
never tried McConnells Lightning Com
Kirby is on the sick list this
J A Curlee
this week
was in Bartley one day
Jinks Fletcher is painting Mr Carpa
hrns houseand barn
Drs Hathorn and Brown were Indian
ola visitors Wednesday
Prof Calvins music class numbers
over seventy and more will begin soon
The Clark lecture at the ME church
Tuesday evening was hardly worth the
Mrs Ed Curlee is up from Lincoln
visiting her parents Mr and Mrs Z Mc
Mrs Sam Walking was an over Sun
day visitor with her mother Mrs Jennie
Charlie McCollum has moved his
harness shop into the Jack DeAmond
Mrs Oliver Bentley has gone to Mis
souri to reside with her parents Mr and
Mrs Ogg
H L Brown and family were visitors
at Indianola Sunday with Mrand Mrs
Bernard Hillers
Mr and Mrs Will Sheets were down
from Indianola Sunday visiting Mr
and Mrs Ira Sheets
Ed Curlee stopped over hereono day
on his way from Lincoln to McCook
where he is attending court
Elmer Oxley was in town Sunday
having his eye dressed It is now be
lieved he will recover his sight
Phillip Lemasters and wife from Hoi
brook are hero visiting the families of
W W Lemasters and Phillip Voiles
J E Wilson was a caller here Tues
day He is now located in Bennett
Neb where he will preach for this
Seventeen loads of hog3 were brought
in from Frontier county Monday For
some months Bartley has been the best
market for corn and hogs in the county
Oliver Bush assaulted John Clouse
last Saturday without cause or provo
cation He was promptly arrested and
fined by Squire Mathews which he paid
Agent Purvis is now located in his
new office at the station and will soon
move his family into the room above
It is the wish of all that they may not
again suffer loss from fire or other cause
is working for J K
Frank Wilson is working for Fred La
W B Sexson is hauling grain to Mc
The meerings at the school house clos
ed last Sunday night
R H Harrison returned last week
from his visit in Illinois
George Younger started his feed grind
er last Wednesday morning
A T Wilson A W and T M Camp
bell are hauling corn to Mr Stillman
Nathan Tubbs is entertaining an
uncle and sister from Kansas this week
Floyd the little son of Mr and Mrs
F G Lytle has been very sick but is
now getting along nioely
AT tf
No i
n lecture by
of Cleveland Ohio
Subject Success
Opera houso Monday January 22
830 p m
There is probably no raoro success
ful lecturer now boforo
the public
From the Akron Ohio Beacon
Journal Thero was something
remarkable about Rev Francis T
Morans lecture at tho Grand opera
house Tuesday night remarkable
not only for tho thought expressed
and tho manner of delivery but
for the fact that nearly a thousand
people faced tho worst storm of
tho winter in order that they
might hear him Tho splendid
audience must have pleased tho
learned priest Few are tho men
the announcement of whoso names
would have on such a night drawn
a corporals guard from comfort
able firesides and yet tho house
was well filled and had tho night
been pleasant thoro can bo no
question but that there would
have beon an oyerflow meoting
Of tho lecture it may bo said that
it was one of tho best given in this
city for many years
No 4 in Course
A lecture by
Pastor Peoples church Chicago
Opera House
These two lectures will bo tho
very best numbers in tho course
Each man is known to bo good
Holders of season tickets secure
reserved seats at McConnells
Wednesday January 24 700 p
m Sale following day
Everything in drugs McConnell
McConnells Balsam cures coughs
- Oil heaters of ail kinds at W T Cole
Fresh butter of best quality at Marshs
meat market
The stork has had his busy week
sign out this week
Sewing machine needles of all kinds
at W T Colemans
Use McMillens Cisam
chapped face and hands
Lotion for
Be happy while you live and get one
of those roasters and carving sets at W
T Colemans
Cooking utensils something the houso
wife needs every day of her life
Can be bought at W T Colemans
That All Gone Feeling isnt laziness
its impure blood You need our sarsa
parilla L W McConnell Druggist
Mrs Schobel and Mrs Moore will
give a Dorcas Kensington at tho homo
of Mrs Schobel next Thursday after
noon at 230 oclock
Any Old Place But Home seems to
be a more popular song with some Mc
Cook boys than Home Sweet Home
And mores the pity
Boys bring all the smooth killed
rabbits you can also fur skins to Tho
Gurney Poultry Folks who will pay
you top prices
Lost Pair of rimless gold bowed
eyeglasses in case with name of II P
Sutton stamped on same Reward for
return to Mrs F D Burgess
Bissell sweepers have won a distinct
reputation for strength durability ease
of running and their perfect sweeping
qualities See W T Coleman
When RevCarman took off the lid
last Sunday evening in his sermon on
The Sins of McCook nono present
failed to catch the escaping odor
Having just received a very large in
voice of whips I can satisfy anybody in
a whip from the cheapest to the highest
grade made W T Coleman
It will be especially worth while for
Tribune readers to note tho change of
prices in Wilcox Sons advertisement
this issue Some articles cut deeper
than ever
Drop a card to box 595 and the Mc
Cook Stove and Range Repair Co will
give your repairs prompt and careful at
tention Repairs for every stove made
Examinations free of charge
You can depend apon it every time
the quality of meat you get at Marshs
market Always the best and no high
er than tho cheaper kinds No need to
experiment just remember the reliable
Remember you will find Mike Walsh
just across the street from his old loca
tion ready to buy your poultry eggs
old rubber copper brass at tho highest
cash market price
Those Dempster gasoline engines that
W T Coleman has been Eelling for
pumping are a fine article in every re
spect They are a Nebraska product
made on honor and are just the thing
for pumping and grinding
- J