The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, January 12, 1906, Image 6

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    X X
is the only weekly paper that has a special
department for this subject The first of a
series of articles on
is now appearing in the WEEKLY INTER
OCEAN and will continue for several
months They are prepared by Mr Wallace
E Sherlock an acknowledged authority on
subjects pertaining to the preservation and
restoration of soils
This department is in addition to the
VETERINARY HOME and -other depart
ments making the WEEKLY INTER
OCEAN the leading farm home and news
paper in the United States
Subscription Price
100 per year
Subscribe at once and do not miss a single
article on Soils and Soil Culture
I In Combination
with the
4 Only 105
e I
To have a happy home
you should have children
They are great happy home
makers If a weak woman
you can be made strong
enough to hear healthy chil
dren with little pain or dis
comfort to yourselfby taking
A Tonic for Women
It will ease all your pain reduce
Inflammation cure Ieucorrhea
whites falling womb ovarian
trouble disordered menses back
ache headache etc and make
childbirth natural and easy Try it
At all dealers in medicines in
5100 bottles
Is my baby girl now two weeks
old writes Mrs J Priest of Web
ster City Iowa She is a fine
healthy babe and we are both doing
nicely I am still taking Cardui
and wc jj not be without it in
the houseiir
jty4a4 c
rTnr i m u J u ii j ii inn hi ibbbm ib r n wmBFacamt
Bocky Mountain Tea Nuggets
A Busy Hedioine for Busy People
Brings Golden Health aad Eenewod Vigor
A s vciflc for Constipation Indigestion Live
and Kidney Troubles Pimples Eczemi Impure
Blood Bid Breath Siiurrish Bowels Headache
and Backache Its Rocky Mountain Tea in tab
let form a cent- a box Genuine made by
Holustrr Drug Company Madison Wis
HarneSS Best Made
California Oak Leather
No 1 Trimmings
First Class Workmen
Look for trade mark
Ask Your Dealer 9
Department of the Interior laud oilice at Lin
coln Nebraska December 20 1905 Notice is
hereby given that the following named settler
lias filed notice of his intention to make final
proof in support of his claim and that said
proor will bo made before register and receiver
at Lincoln Nebraska on Januarv 27 1906 viz
Thomas McQuay filed D S No 314 for the
northeast quarter of the southeast quarter aud
lot 2 section 25 and the northwest quarter of
the southwest quarter and southwest quarter
of the northwest quarter of section 24 towuship
3 north range 29 west of the Gth P M He
name the following witnesses to prove his con
tinuous residence upon and cultivation of said
land viz Isaac J Starbuck of McCook Neb
Jacob Harshbergr of McCook Nebraska Will
iam Hyatt of McCook Nebraska Richard John
ston of McCook Nebraska
W A Green Register
The west half of the southwest quarter of
section 20 and the west half of the northwest
quarter of section 29 in town 2 north rango 29
west of the Gtli Principal Meridian and The
Cheshire Provident Institution will take notice
that on the 26th day of December 1905 Edward
B Cowles plaintiff filed his petition in the
district court of Red Willow county Nebraska
tho object and prayer of which are to foreclose
a tax lien upon the above described land for the
taxes for the years 1S97 1S93 1S99 1900 1901 and
1902 That there is due to plaintiff at the time
of filing said petition the sum of SS210 for tho
payment of which sum together with costs ac
cruing interest and attorneys fee plaintiff
prays a decree of foreclosure and a sale of said
land Yon are required to answer said petition
on or before the 5th day of February 1906
Edwahd B Cowles Plaiutiff
Depredations of Tax Corotco
CitiZdio ti ilciuxuu and adioininer
counties of Texas are in a state of ter
ror because of the depredations of
coyotes which are killing scores of
cattle Worse than that the slinking
brutes are spreading hydrophobia
amig the stock A man living in Til
den was bitten by an infected colt and
died in a few days Ways and means
of getting rid of the pests are being
We have
for rent
5100 per Year and Up
First National Bank
McCook Nebraska
A Slnfimlnr Story About n Chnptcr In
TIe Virginians
Many American readers of Thack
eray have wondered how he was able
to write so graphic and correct an ac
count of George Warringtons escape
from Fort Duquesne and his journey
through the wilderness to the banks
of the rotomac as Thackeray had
never seen the magnificent valley
-through which his gallant hero fled aft
er his daring escape It will be a sur
prise to many people to hear that
Thackeray didnt write the chapter at
all but that the well known author
John P Kennedy did This is the
Btory as Colonel John IT B Latrohe
used to tell It
Kennedy was at a dinner In London
witli Thackeray Anthony Trollope
Wilkle Collins and other celebrities
The dinner was over and the guests
were settling down to the wine and
cigars when Thackeray always at his
best upon a jovial occasion like the
present who was entertaining the com
pany with his wit and satire suddenly
stopped and looking at his watch ex
claimed Gentlemen I must leave
you I have promised the printer a
chapter of the Virginians tomorrow
morning and I havent written a line
of It yet I hate to go but I must
The printer is inexorable So wishing
you all another meeting when I can
be longer with you I bid you a good
Thackeray had almost reached the
door when Kennedy called him back
and said
Perhaps I can write the chapter
for you What are you going to de
The great novelist seemed a little
astonished at this bold proposition but
as he was a perfect man of the world
he was too polite to say what he
Kennedy you are extremely kind
and gladly would I let you write tho
chapter for me for I hate to leave a
jolly party in the midst of the fun
Then dont all the company cried
Stay with us and let Mr Kennedy
write the proposed chapter
I am half a mind to let you do it
just for the fun of the thing It is a
chapter chiefly of description giving
an account of George Warringtons
escape from Fort Duquesne and his
journey to the Potomac
If thats what you are writing
about I can do it for I know every
foot of the ground
All right then said Thackeray
resuming his seat at the board Let
me have it early tomorrow morning
Mr Kennedy withdrew and going
to his hotel wrote the fourth chapter
of the second volume of The Vir
ginians and thus it happened that
George Warringtons narrative of his
flight was so accurate as to the topog
raphy of the country through which ho
EnRlunds First Direct Tax
The first direct tax that was imposed
In England was borne by the people in
the reign of Ethelred the Unready A
D 091 It was called so that money
could be raised wherewith to purchase
peace from the Danes who at that
period were overrunning England but
this tax defeated its own object inas
much as it incited the Danes who well
knew that they would be bought off at
any cost to fresh depredations which
resulted in the receipt as bribes of
134000 pounds of silver
The levying of the tax was more
over open to great abuse for although
no man was liable for more than one
annual payment of twelvepence per
hide of land wherever money was
known to exist it was demanded by
the kings officers and ability to pay
once was regarded as ability to pay
again Thus were many even of the
richest landowners reduced to poverty
This tax was abolished by Edward
the Confessor but revived by William
I and formed part of the revenue of
the crown till suppressed by Stephen
A D 1136
Londons Lord Mayor
The lord mayor of London is a very
important personage In his own prov
ince he takes precedence of all the
royal family he has the right of access
to the king whenever he chooses the
coveted entree at levees and drawing
rooms and the privilege of driving di
rect into the ambassadors court at St
James He has the badges of royalty
the scepter the swords of justice and
mercy and the mace attached to his
office is a privy councilor of the king
receives the Tower passAVord signed by
the sovereign fs custodian of the city
gates a very honorary office in these
days and has the uncontrolled conserv
ancy of the Thames from Rochester to
Oxford He controls the city purse
has many valuable appointments in his
gift and is of course chief magistrate
of the city These are but a few of the
lord mayors dignities and privileges
but they will give some idea of his im
An Offer of Marriage
The leading paper in a provincial
town recently published the following
matrimonial advertisement
A young lady of enormous wealth
who is prepared to pay off all the debts
of her Intended husband desires to
form the acquaintance of a respectable
young gentleman with a view to matri
mony Each reply to be accompanied
by a photo of the sender and addressed
tc J P at the office of this paper
The delicate hand which drew up
the above lines and thereby secured
a very large number of offers belonged
to no less a personage than Herr Irzig
Schlaucheles who had lately opened a
clothing establishment In the town By
means of the photos sent in he was
enabled to ascertain which of his would
be customers were in the habit of leav
ing their debts unpaid From the Ger
XHlZXXU iTiTywytwa F
A Coinlc Opera Star and Her Ardent
The marital troubles of William E
Corey president of the steel trust have
been attributed In pnrt to his friend
ship for the beautiful comic opera star
Mabelle Gilman but Mr Corey denies
with emphasis that his acquaintance
with the young lady furnishes any
ground for the separation which his
wife is said to be seeking from him
Miss Gilman is considered one of the
most beautiful and fascinating women
of the stage and though her career is
a brief one she has won much popu
larity both In America and Europe It
was while playing In London about
four years ago that her charms made
a deep impression upon the young and
susceptible crown prince of Siam Maha
Vajiravudh There followed a corre
spondence between the two Some time
afterward the letters of the prince
found their way into the columns of
the newspapers He usually addressed
her as Tcherno Okaya Sparkling
Eyes In one poem he declared
Ah love if only thou wort born princess
Or else myself were only something less
Than that which I am now of rank so
Oh then we two mlsht know such happi
If thou sweetheart wert not Just what
thou art
And I not what I am wed never part
But fate alas has placed a gulf twixt us
Yet we know well eacli has the others
Had this affair of hearts ended in
Miss Gilman becoming the spouse of
the crown prince she might in time
have become queen of Siam and in
that event her adventures might easily
have outrivaled those through which
she has passed in comic opera roles
Unique Institution of the City of Mon
roe inl It Popularity
A novel feast is to be served on the
evening of Dec 2S in tho state armory
in the city of Monroe Mich It is the
third annual muskrat feast held under
the auspices of the Monroe Yacht club
Many residents of this part of
v a
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r f JMX LrAfHA
JiWl rf2i
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v Ar b fj fjrt
gan are descendants of French Cana
dians and the muskrat was regarded
by the ancestors of these citizens as a
great dainty Muskrats are found in
plenty in the marshes at the head of
Lake Erie and the question of eating
them has thus been handed down Wil
liam C Sterling first commodore of the
Monroe Yacht club suggested the Idea
of an annual muskrat banquet The
fame of the feast has now gone abroad
and this year Monroes rat feast as
it has been styled will attract diners
from hundreds of miles away Five
thousand muskrats will be caught
slaughtered and dellciously cooked to
assuage the appetites of those who
yearn to taste the flesh of this habitant
of the swamp
Remarlcable Experience
Satan nnd Ills Inipn
One of the most curious and unac
countable of the mediaeval French leg
ends Is that of Jacques Itonbommc and
his remarkable experience with Satan
and his imps According to the story
Bouhomme was the only poor man in
the community where he lived and in
order to put himself on a financial foot
ing which would give him a social
standing among his neighbors ho sold
himself to the devil Before the devil
came to close the bargain and take
poor Jacques to the realm of lire and
brimstone Jesus and Peter wandered
that way in disguise Jacques enter
tained the visitors in royal style seat
ing Jesus in Ills best chair and pluck
ing all the ripe cherries on his single
tree to help make out a frugal dinner
for the wayfarers Peter continually
urged Jacques to seek salvation en
treaties to which the hardened French
man paid but little attention
When the strangers were ready to
pursue their journey Jesus frankly
told his host that he had no 11101103 to
pay for the dinner but that he would
grant three wishes Jacques who
had for some days been heartily sick
of his bargain with Satan asked that
whoever should afterward sit in the
chair where Jesus had sat might not
be able to arise therefrom until he
Jacques should so will The second
wish was to the effect that whoever
might climb his single cherry tree
might remain there until requested to
come down The third wish was that
whosoever or whatsoever should enter
his purse might not leave against the
will of the owner
When Satan came to claim Jacques
he was given the chair in which Jesus
had sat and was of course held as
fast by the spell as though he had
been caught in a mammoth steel trap
When the imps came they were enticed
to climb the cherry tree and immedi
ately they too were prisoners of the
wily Jacques Finally Lucifer Beelze
bub and all the minor officers of hell
came to look after their chief and the
imps Jacques with purse in hand
met them at the door and persuaded
one after another to dive Into its cav
ernous depths in search of gold no
then closed the purse and in full view
of the helpless Satan and the tree im
prisoned imps pounded it flat on the
stone threshold Finally when the
second officers of the infernal regions
were flattened out of all semblance to
imperial imps of darkness Satan call
ed from the chair entreating Jacques to
desist and promising a quittance from
his obligations Upon this assurance
Jacques released the whole infernal
tribe and since that time thej have
all been ashamed to appear to men as
they formerly did so frequently
Execntinpr Political Ilivals
In tho reign of Charles II the names
of Whig and Tory were used for
the two parties which we now call
Liberal and Conservative
So strong was the hostility between
the parties that when the king sum
moned his third parliament 1GS1 he
was afraid for it to meet in London
which was very Whiggish and he con
vened it at Oxford where Toryism was
strong The Whig members alarmed
at this rode into Oxfoitl armed with
In the reaction which followed this
display of force prominent Whigs were
prosecuted on the evidence of perjured
informers and many of them suffered
death The Earl of Shaftesbury the
Whig leader was accused of high trea
son but was acquitted In fact no
Tory juries would convict a Tory and
where the Whigs predominated no jury
would convict a Whig At last things
reached such a climax that leading
Whigs in despair formed a plan to
compel the king to summon a free par
liament but they were accused of high
treason and some of their leaders were
executed London Saturday Iteview
Teniperatnrc of the Human Body
It is remarkable what slight varia
tion there is iu the temperature of the
healthy human body The normal tem
perature is 9GG and it is a fraction
less than this one or two hours after
midnight while the maximum tem
perature occurs from one to two hours
after the noon hour The ingestion of
food fasting exercise all are factors
in slightly varying the temperature
The great peculiarity about the tem
perature of man is its evenness under
all conditions Heat or cold causes but
slight variation and in man less than
in any other animal In extremes that
would be fatal to man- animals man
can endure and enjoy good health un
der those circumstances We read of
arctic voyagers enduring a tempera
ture ranging from SO degrees to 90 de
grees and even 102 degrees below zero
while on the other hand in the tropics
during the greater part of the year the
temperature ranges from 10G degrees
to 110 degrees above and yet men en
joy health in such varying tempera
Ancient Salt Currency
In various countries anciently and in
some eastern ones down to the present
time salt has been recognized as a me
dium of exchange Cosmas speaks of
a salt currency as being in use In the
heart of Africa in the sixth century
Marco Polo in his work Concerning
the Kingdoms and Marvels of the
East written in the thirteenth cen
tury tells us the Tibetans had none of
the great khans paper money but usJ
salt Instead Their small change was
made thus They had salt which they
boiled and set in a mold flat below
and round above and every piece from
the mold weighed half a pound Qn
these molds the princes mark was set
and none but the royal officers special-
ly appointed was permitted to make it
Eighty of these molds were reckoned
to be equal to a saggio of fine gold
ymber an
earn Filler
-1 r ri
Iron Lead and Sewer Pipe Brass
Goods Pumps an Boiler Trimmings
Estimates Furnished Fe Base
ment of the Postoffice Buiidmp
ike Walsh
and EGGS
Old Rubber Copper and Brass
Highest Market Price Paid in Cash
New location just uoro s in l Wnlsh
hiuldiiiK I
cCook - Nebraska
Trade Marks
Coryrihts c
Anyone sending a sketch nnd description may
quickly ascertain our opinion frcu whether an
Invention is probably patcntnblo fomniunica
tionsBtrictlycontltlcntlnl HANDBOOK on Patents
sent free Oldest agency for sccurmir patents
Patents taken through Jlunn Co receive
special notice wlthont charge la tho
Scientific Jfmerican
A handsomely Illustrated weekly Ijirccst cir
culation of any scieutltlc Journal Term 3 a
year four months 1 Sold by ull newsdealer
MUNN Co3GBroadwKevvYork
Branch Offlco G25 F SU WashlUKton 1 C
Dr O G Reynolds
Rooms 19 20 liurr Ulock
Surgery and Gynecology
Ptaw fata S- UnCOlll M
Of Chicago
Aleopathy Homeopathy
Electric and General
will by request visit professionally
At Palmer Hotel
Hours l p m to 9 p m
Returning- every four weeks Consult
her while the opportunity is at hand
DR CALDWELL limits Iier practice to tho
s pecial treatment of liort t of tho eye ear
nose throat linis female diseases iliaeaMjs of
children and all chronic nervous ami tursical
diseases of a curable nature Early consump
tion bronchial catarrah chronic
catarrh headache constipation stomach and
bowel troublesrheumati ini neuralgia sciatica
Britihtis disease kidnej dizziness nervousness
indigestion obe ity interrupted nutrition
slow grow th in children and all
in adults deformities club feet curvature
of the spine of tho brain paraljsis
epilepsj heart dropsy suellimj of tho
strieture open -ores juin m the bones
granular onlarjremeuts aud all long tending
diseases properlj treated
Pimples blotches eruptions liver spots fall
ing of the hair bad complexion eczema throat
ulcers bone pains bladder trouble3weak back
burning urine passing urine too often The
effects of constitutional sickness or the taking
of too much injurious medicine receives search
ing treatment prompt relief and a cure for life
Diseases of women irregular menstruation
falling of the womb bearing down pains fo
male displacements lack of sexual tone Leu
corrhea sterility or barrenness consult Dr
Caldwell nnd she will show them the causo o
their trouble and the way to become cured
and enlarged glands treated with the subcutan
eous injection method absolutely without pain
and without the loss of a drop of blood is one
of her own discoveries and is really the most
scientific and certainly sure method of this ad
vanced age Dr Caldwell has practiced her
profession in some ol tho largest hospitals
throughout the country She has lately opened
an office in Omaha Nebraska where 8ho will
spend a portion pf each week treating her many
patients No incurable cases accepted for
treatment Consultation examination and ad
vice one dollar to those interested
Omaha Nebraska Chicago Illinois
Address all letter to 105 Bee Building Omaha