The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, January 12, 1906, Image 4

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Largest Circulation in Red Willow Co
Subscription 1 a Year in Advance
Official Paper of Redwillow County
Real Estate Transfers
The following real estate filings have
been made in the county clerks ollice
- since Inst Thursday evening
C Beck to Sarah Real wd to lots 7 and
8 block 23 1st McCook 1850 00
-G W Jones to Ash Caraway wd to 1-1-70 50 00
If A Grimes to C H Wallace wd to no
qr 8W qr nnd n Iif so qr 30 7 and uw qr
8v qr 29-2-29 1000 00
C II Wnllaco to E Y Steward wd to
ne qr sw qr and n hf so qr 30 7 and nw
qrswqr 29-2-29 1 00
E Y Stoward to A C Tnrpin wd to no
qr sw qr ad n hf so qr 30 7 and nw qr
swqr 29-2-29 4000 00
United States to C Beck pat to w hf nw
qrand w hf sw qr 31-2-27
J H Bennett to W E Hart wd to lot G
blk 24 McCook 1000 00
A P Welles to G B Berry wd to lots 5
Cnnd 7 blk S McCook 1200 00
A Loring to J II Mitchell wd to n hf
lot 10 blk24 McCook 650 00
M Morris to J J Sams wd to sw qr blk
15 Indianola 50 00
jMnry Tines to W Taylor wd to lot lblk
30 Indianola 25 00
L J Furrow to II G Torrill wd to sw
qr so qr 24-3-30
C A Gagoby to J Ho win ml gwd to s hf
nw qrand n hfswqr 1-1-30 90 00
Boyle Eldrcd tp E 1 Currier wd to
1600 00
E D Currier to Martha Hrotherton wd
to no qr 3-42-30 2200 00
C S Thompson to F Thompson qcd to
swqr 29-4-28 1000 00
E Numan to II Fisker wd to o hf sw qr
and soqr 7-2-28 3200 00
F B Browulow to T J Pa to qcd to nw
1 00
W Rugor to S J Ryan wd to se qr sw
qrGand neqrnwqr 7-3-27 800 00
II I Donnelly to E M Pennington wd
to so qr 1700 00
J Ky te to L M Welborn wd to no qr 35-
1 26 1500 00
S J Ryan to F T Walker wd to se qr
swqrG and neqrnwqr 7-3-27 2400 00
P E Bentloy to G Bentley wd to s nf
so qr and nw qr so qr and s hf s w qr no
2000 00
G Unger to J Ungor wd to sw or 22-2-2 1000 00
C H Bixler to E C Britt wd to lot 4
blk 9 2nd McCook
S Kennedy to H C Shouso wd to lot
22 blk 2SIndianola 100 00
S Kennedy to H C Shouso wd to lots
23 and 24 blk 29 Indianola 100 Oo
United States to W H Towno pat to s
hf nwqr n hfswqr 1-1-30
United States to W Johnson pat to e hf
nw qr 25-2-26
Switch Off Using
Poor Flour
Use whats good
and lieal thier
Its cheaper
Its cheaper be
cause indigestion and doctors
bills dont go with it Its health
ier because it builds up and stim
ulates the system
Pure Flour
the pride of any household is the
flour we ask you to buy A bag
or barrell of it will convince you
of its superiority Try it
TMs Moriuni
A Gertie Laxative
Registered Geaddatk
Oflico over McConnells Drug Store
Telephone Office 160 residence 131
Former location Atlanta Georgia
r - Ji
rf i1
t IlivrllJ
av mtv
f H M
- - w A
tWj Vv ht
jxrtar Powder
fTn or phos
atlc acid
An ordinanco to provide a system of sewerage
for tin city of McCook Red Willow county Ne
braska prescribing tho manner of organizing
sewer districts tho construction of district
sewors and the assessment and levy of special
taxes to pay for construction thereof Be it or
dained by the mayor and council of the city of
Tho mayor and city couucil having ordered
that a survey bo made with estimates and cal
culations necessary for the establishment of a
tewerage system for tho city of McCook Ne
braska together with tho costs of labor and
material for the construction of the main and
principal sewer and having employed C H
Meeker a special city engineer for that purpose
and such special engineer having made such
survey and estimate a report of which ho has
submitted to tho city council and is now on file
in tho ollice of tho city clerk including survoys
maps plans specifications profiles and esti
mates which are incorporated into nnd are
made a part of tho record in tho city clerks
That the complete system of soworago con
tained in tho surveys maps profiles plans
specifications and estimates submitted by CH
Moekcr special engineer be and tho same aro
hereby adopted by tho city of McCook
The main or principal sewerage that will bo
built bv the city of McCook will begin at the
alley west of Alcr arland street on North Rail
road street running thence east on North Rail
road street to the intersection of Manhattan
street thence south along tho county road to
the Republican river Also on Dovor street
beginning at the intersection in the alley be
tween Main Avenue and Marshall street run
ning thence east along Dover street to tho inter
section in tho alley between Monroe and Mon
mouth streets also on Dudley street commenc
ing at tho intersection of tho alley between
Monroe and Monmouth streets running thence
east along Dudley street to tho intersection of
the alley between Monmouth and Melvin
Sewer districts may be organized and lateral
or district sewers may be constructed upon a
petition therefor purporting to bo signed by
tho owners of at least one half of tho real estate
in such district subject to assessment therefor
as shown by the deed records of Red Willow
county and presented to the city council which
if regular shall bo allowed whenever a petition
for any such sewer has been allowed by tho city
council of the city of McCook Tho city engi
neer or assistant engineer is hereby authorized
to draw plans and specifications of tho said
sewer and make an estimate of the cost thoreof
and submit them to the city council Tho city
clork shall at once advertise for bids for tho
construction of said sewor in accordance with
said plans and specifications reserving tho
right to reject any and all bids providing if
any such bids shall be made by a responsible
bidder and is within the estimate of the city
engineer the contract shall be awarded to the
lowest of said bidders provided shat should
there bo no responsible bidder or all bids aro
rejected tho city shall re advertise
Special taxos may be lovied by the mayor and
council of the city of McCook for tho purpose
of constructing lateral or district sowers within
the city of McCook Such taxes to be levied on
the real estate lying and being within tho sew
erage districts in which such sewer or drain
may be situated to the extent of the benefits to
such property to be determined by tho council
sitting as a board of equalization after notice
of such sitting shall have been published for at
least three consecutive weeks in some newspap
er published in such city In cases where the
council sittinc as such board of eaualization
shall find such benefits to be equal and uniform
such levy may bo according to the front foot of
tho lots of real estate within such sewerage
districts or according to such other rule as tho
council sitting as a board of equalization may
adopt for the distribution of adjustment of
such cost upon the lots or real estate in such
districts benefited bj such hnprovementand aU
taxes or assessments made for sewerage or
drainage purposes shall be collected in the
same manner as other taxes of the city of Mc
Cook are collected When sowers are construct
ed and any assessment to cover the cost thereof
shall be declared void or doubts exist as to the
validity of such assessment the mayor and
council for the purpose of paying the cost of
such improvement aro hereby authorized and
empowered to make a re assessment of such
cos ts on tho lots or real estate lying and being
within the sewerage district in which any such
sewer may bo situated to the extent of the ben
efits of such property by reason of such improve
ment and such re assessment shall bo mado
substantially in the manner provided for mak
ing original assessments of like nature as hero
in provided and any sums which may havo
been paid toward such improvements upon any
lots or real estate included in such re-assess
ment shall be applied under tho direction of
tho council to the credit of tho persons and
property on account of which the samo was
oaid and in case the credit shall excoed the
sum re assessed ngainst such persons and prop
erty as herein provided for the council shall
cause such excess with lawful interest to be re
funded to the party that made payment thereof
and tho taxes so re assessed and not paid under
a prior assessment shall be collected and en
forced in tho samo manneras other taxes of the
such city and shall be subject to the same pen
alty provided tho entire cost of constructing
any such lateral or sewer shall bo assessed
against the abutting property owner and tho
same shall bo levied as soon as the cost thereof
shall be ascertained Whenever such special
taxies aro levied the city clerk shall forthwith
deliver certified copy of such resolution to coun
ty clerk who shall place tho samo upon tho
tax list to be collected tho same way as other
city taxes Provided that any sewer district
that lias been constructed may be enlarged nnd
extended in the samo manner and the samo pro
ceedings hnd as is herein required for tho for
mation and construction of sewer districts
This ordinance to tako effect and bo in force
from and after its passage approval and publi
Passed and approved this 8th day of January
1906 seal H P Waite Mayor
W A Middleton City Clerk
In the county court of Red Willow county
State of Nebraska State of Nebraska Ked
Willow county ss In the matter of the estate
of Anthony Droll deceased I J C Mooro
county judge of said county in said state here
by notify all persons having claims and de
mands against tho estate of Anthony Droll de
ceased that J hae appointed the 4th day of Au
gust 1906 for the examination and adjustment
of said claims and demands as provided by law
at the county court room in McCook in said
county at two oclock of said day All persons
so interested in said estate will appear at said
time and place nnd duly present their said
claims and demands in the manner required by
law or show causo for not so doing and in
case any of said claims shall not be presented
by the 2nd day of August 1906 tho samo shall
be forever barred It is further ordered that
notice of the time limited for tho filing of
claims and tho time and place for hearing same
bo given by four consecutive publications iu
The McCook Tribune a newspaper printed
published and circulating in said county
Given under my hand and seal of tho county
court this 6th day of January 1306 112 4ts
seal J C Moore County Judge
Commissioners Proceedings
McCook Nob December 28 1905
Tho board of county commissioners mot pur
suant to adjournment Present D A Water
man Samuol Promor and C B Gray county
commissioners C E Eldred county attorney
and E J Wilcox county clerk
Minutes of previous mooting wero read and
On motion tho resignation of F P Eno as
county assessor was accepted
On motion Charles Skalla was appointed
county assessor to fill vacancy
The following official bonds wero examined
and on motion approved
Joseph C Moore county judgo
Charles H Meeker surveyor
Martin Morris justice of tho peace Fritsch
J B Goreley amo Tyrone precinct
C C Smith samo Gervor precinct
Ed Hethcoto samo Beaver precinct
Jamos E Ryan samo Indianola precinct
Henry II Berry samo Willow Grove precinct
Thomas Burge constable Willow Grovo pre
Charles Weintz constable Willow Grovo pre
Frank Jennings ovorseor road district No 1
W S Fitch same district No 9
C G Wilhelm same district No 16
W V Miller same district No 17
John Droll same district No 19
A M Benjamin samo district No 25
Peter Gillen samo district No 22
II J Hall samo district No 32
William M Sharp same district No IIS
Annual settlements of tho following overseor
of highways wero oxnmined and on motion tho
clork was instructed to draw certificates on the
road districts in payment thoreof as follows
GoorgeW Dillon districts 30 00
C N Smith district 20 HO 00
G O Longneckor district 5 30 00
I HHarrison district 6 30 00
WSFitch districtO 30 00
Josoph Boos district 22 30 00
Charles Masters district 31 30 00
H J Hall districts 30 00
E Oxley district 36 30 00
Alex Brown district43 30 00
Tho following claims wore audited and allow
ed and clerk was instructed to draw warrants
on tho county general fund levy of 1905 as fol
L W McConnell supplies 13 55
State Journal Co supplies 8 00
F M Kimmell supplies 87 35
The McCook Tribune printing 37 10
MJ Campbell board prisoners 35 00
R B Campbell salary as physician 3rd
quarter 18 75
J MBrown samo 18 75
E J Wilcox salary quarter and
oflico expense 87 90
J E Kelloy premium on treasurers
bond 189 00
Flora B Quick 4th quarter salary and
office expense 284 31
Albert Guy mdse for paupers 13 50
N J TJerling same 57 93
C G Coglizor work and material 10 50
R M Osborn jailors fees 54 00
W C Bullard car of coal 132 00
And on tho county road fund levy of 1905 as
Wm Rinck road work 3 00
Chas Millor samo 3 00
Wm Meyers same 3 00
Alfred Rnndelsame 9 CO
Walton Randel same 9 00
G O Longneeker samo 6 00
C B Fowlor samo t 3 00
John Morosic same 3 00
James Williams same 3 00
Alex Brown samo 6 00
Joseph Boos samo 6 00
On motion tho board adjourned to meet De
cember 29th 1905
D A Waterman Chairman
Attest E J Wilcox County Clerk
McCook Neb Dec 29th 1905
The county commissioners met pursuaut to
adjournment present D A Waterman Samuel
Premer and C B Gray county commissioners
C E Eldred county attorney and E JWilcox
county clerk
Tho minutes of previous meeting were read
and approved
Tho following claims were audited and allow
ed and clerk was instructed to draw warrants
on the county general fund levy of 1905 in pay
ment thereof as follows
Frank Moore fees State vs Curlee 71 32
D A Waterman services as couuty com
missioner 24 70
Samuel Premer same 10 25
C B Gray same 12 00
On motion tho board commenced tho examiua
tion of the accounts of h J Wilcox county
clork and continued the same throughout tho
On motion board adjourned to meet January
2nd 1906 D A Waterman Chairman
Attest E J Wilcox County Clerk
McCook Neb January 2 1906
The board of county commissioners met pur
suant to adjournment present D A Waterman
Samuel Premer and C B Gray county commis
sioners C E Eldred county attorney and E
J Wilcox county clerk
Tho following ollicial bonds were examined
and on motion approved
F M Pennington justice of tho peaco for
Lebanon precinct
George B Cooper road overseer district No
J S LeHew justico of the peaco for Willow
Grove precinct
J S Modrell overseer road district No 7
The board having mado a careful examination
of tho accounts of E J Wilcoxfind the follow
ing to bo a true and correct statement of all
fees received and disbursed by him from Janu
ary 5th 1905 to January 3rd 1906 both inclu
Total fees received 3013 10
Paid county clerk
Paid deputy clerk
Paid assistants
Excess fees paid county treas
1500 00
700 00
400 00
413 00
3013 10 3013 10
The minutes of previous meeting were read
and approved
On motion board adjourned to meet January
3rd 1906 D A Waterman Chairman
Attest E J Wilcox County Clerk
McCook Neb January 3 1906
The board of county commissioners met pur
suant to adjournment present D A Waterman
Samuel Premer and C B Gray county commis
sioners CE Eldred county attorney and JS
J Wilcox county clerk
The minutes of previous meeting were read
and approved
On motion the board commenced the exami
nation of the accounts of Ben G Gossard county
treasurer and continued same throughout the
The board having mado a careful examination
of the accounts of A C Crabtree sheriff find
that ho has received in fees from the 5th day of
January 1905 to the 3rd of January 1906 both
inclusive the sum of 55155
The board having made a can fal examination
of the accounts of R W Devoe clerk of the
district court find that ho has received in fees
from tho 5th day of January 1905to the 3rd day
of January 1906 both inclusive the sum of
The board having made a carcfuloxamination
of tho accounts of Frank Mooro county judge
find that hn has recelvod as fees from tho 5th
day of January 1905 to the 3rd day of January
1906 both inclusive 18759
On motion board adjourned to meet January
4 1906 D A Waterman Chnirmun
Attest E J Wilcox Couuty Clork
McCook Neb Jununry 4th 1906
The board of county commissioners mot pur
suaut to adjournment prosent Samuol Preinor
C B Gray nnd F S Lofton county commis
sioners C Eldred county attorney and E
J Wilcox couuty clerk
Tho minutes of previous mooting wore read
and approved
On motion board continued tho examination
of tho accounts of Bon G Gossard through the
day Samdel Premkr Chairman
Attest E J Wilcox county clerk
McCook Nob Jan 5th 1906
Tho board of county commissioners mot pur
suant to adjournment prosent Snmuol Premer
C B Gray and F S Lofton county commis
sioners C E Eldred county attorney and E
J Wilcox county clork
Tho minutes of previous meeting were read
and approved t
The clork having advertised that the board
would recoive sealed bids for furnishing tho
various couuty oilicers with books blanks and
stationery for the year 1906 the board on motion
proceeded to open and examino tho bids on file
and after duo consideration find the bid of L
W McConnell to be tho lowest and best on
stationery and tho Statu Journal Co on printed
blanks and blank books On motion tho con
tract for furnishing stationery was 1st to L
McConnell nnd printed blanks and blank books
to the State Journnl Company
On motion the following banks wore desig
nated as county depositories First National
Bank McCook Citizens Bank McCook Stato
Bank of Indianola Stato Bank of BartloyState
Bank of Lebanon and Bank of Danbury
On motion tho appointment of Geo B Berry
deputy county clerk was confirmed
The following depository bonds wero examin
ed and on motion approved Citizens Bank of
McCook Bank of Danbury and Stato Bank of
The following official bonds wero examined
and on motion approved
Geo B Berry deputy county clerk
M L Scarrow overseer road district No 42
James Donnelly oveeer road district No 4
The annual reports of J S LeHew and II 11
Berry justices of tho peaco of Willow Grove
precinct wore examined approved ando dered
placed on file
Tho semi annual report of institute fund was
examined approved and ordered placed on file
Tho following claims were audited and allow
ed and on motion clerk was instructed to draw
warrants on the county general fund in payment
thoreof as follows
Bartley lntor Ocean supplies 3 13 25
Lon Cone Bro wall paper 14 65
C L Fahnestock fees dipsomaniac
case of Olcott fc Lackey 13 00
J E Kelley same 3 00
Tom Uurge same 5 85
R W Dovoesamo 6 75
O M Knipple samo 2 00
Joseph Warner samo 2 00
G WBillings samo 2 00
R M 03born same 2 00
H H Berrysamo 2 00
R W Devoe 4th quarters salary 50 00
Tom Burge conveying Olcott and Lack
ey to Lincoln 14 52
RM Osborn jailors fee and board pris
oners 42 00
McCook Water Works water tas 1st
McCook Electric Light Co lights
Andrew Phillips salary for December
R M Osbornboard and car fare prison
C E Eldred salary 4th quarter
Geo Elbert hanging paper
H H Berry justico fees
E J Wilcox carfare pauper
Frank Moore office expense
E G Caino Co coal
Barnett Lumber Co coal
D A Waterman commissioner sorvices
15 00
9 80
25 00
2 18
200 00
15 00
5 30
1 55
2 50
12 00
24 00
Samuel Premer samo 20 50
C B Gray samo 12 00
F S Lofton samo 13 25
And on the county bridge fund levy of 1905 as
Barnett Lumber Co lumber 53 35
Barnett Lumber Co lumber 6 85
John Ekstedt bridge work 1 60
I N Hortonsame - 6 00
Wm Rinck same 2 00
A J Lohr samo 5 00
Henry Hosterworth same 8 00
Alex Brown samo 13 75
W S Andrns same claimed 5250 al
lowed 22 50
J R Neol Sou lumber 37 65
S A Austin same 127 10
E G Caine same 6 15
And on the county road fund levy of 1905
C L Markwad road work 1200
Tho annual settlement of F AHodgkin over
seer road district No 12 was examined and on
motion clerk was instructed to draw a certifi
cate on the road district for 2700
On motion board adjourned sine dio
Attest E J Wilcox Samuel Premhr
County Clerk Chairman
McCook Nebraska January 9 1900
The board of county commissioners met pur
suant to adjournment present Samuel Premer
C B Gray and F S Lofton county commis
sioners C E Eldred county attorney and E
J Wilcox county clerk
The minutes of previous meeting read and ap
On motion the following deputy assessors
named by the couuty assessor were confirmed
Alliance Wm Stewart
Beaver Ed Eno
Bondville Wm Karp Sr
Box Elder W B Sexson
Coleman Jacob Betz
Danbury W V Miller
Driftwood Chas T Eller
East Valley W F Miller
Fritsch C M Goben
Gerver Chas M Lofton
Crant A M Benjamin
Indianola Geo Burt
Lebanon C F Waterman
Missouri Ridge Chas Boos
North Valley Frank Rahnfield
Perry Chas H Harman
Red Willow P J Colling
Tyrone Ernest Pearson
Valley Grange T A Endsloy
Willow Grove S B McLean
On motion R W Devoe was appointed as
deputy county assessor for tho ensuing year
Petitions of the various county officers asking
for deputy hiro for the year 1906 wero read and
considered and on motion granted fixing theJ
number and compensation as follows
BenG Gossard one deputy 700 00
EJ Wilcox one deputy 700 00
Extra clerk hire if any be needed 400 00
On motion tho clerk was allowed 30000 per
annum to bo paid quarterly for performing tho
duties of clerk to the board of county commis
sioners and attending to tho business of the
On motion tho clork was instructed to adver
tise for sealed bids for printing delinquent tax
libt commissioners proceedings and legal
notices All bids to be filed with tho county
clerk on or before February 4th 1C06
On motion W H Smith of Indianola was ap 1
sgffisriyryrTSF jrrifrsraPifr
pointed a member of tho soldiers relief com
On motion tho salary of the county superin
tendent for the eusuiug year was fixed at 1000
In tho matter of tho necessary excuses dur
ing the year on motion tho estimate for the
same 1906 was fixed as follows
County goneral fund 18000 00
County bridge fund 9000 00
County road fund 5000 50
Soldiers relief fund 500 00
Willow Grove precinct bonds 1100 00
North Valley precinct bond 3f0 00
Bartley village bond 500 00
McCook city bond MX 00
School district bonds 9000 00
The following official bonds were examined
and on motion approved
Flora B Quick county superintendent
RM Osborn deputy county sheriff
Fred Unger justico of the peace Bondville
On motion the appointment of R M Osborn
deputy county sheriff was approved
The annual report of tho soldiers relief com
mission was examined approved and ordered
placed on file
The board having made a careful examination
of tho accounts of Ben G Gossard county
treasurer find that he has received ns fees from
January 6 1905 to January 3 1906 both inclu
Fees and commissions 2309 36
Paid deputy COO 00
Paid county treasurer 1709 36
2309 00 2309 00
The following claims were audited and allow
ed and on motion tho clork was instructed to
draw warrants on tho county general fund levy
of 1905 in payment thereof as follows
C L DeGroff Co mdsofof paupers 6 CO
C L DeGroffifcCosame 33 44
Mrs Julia A Allen board and care of
Rundell 22 00
R M Osborn drayagecoal 13 95
F B Duckworth drugs for pauper 1 10
State Journal Co blank books 69 50
Samuel Premer commissioner services 11 50
C B Graysamo 3 00
F S Lofton same 4 25
On motion board adjourned to meet February
7th 1906 Samuel Premer Chairman
Attest E J Wilcox County Clerk
estimate of expenses of red willow county
for 1906
County general fund 18000 00
Bridge fund 9000 00
Roadfund 5000 00
Soldiers relief 70 00
Willow Grove precinct bonds 1100 00
North Valley precinct bond 300 00
Bartley village bonds 500 00
McCook City bond 800 00
School district bonds 9000 00
E J Wilcox County Clerk
In the county court within and for Red Wil
low county Nebraska January 9th 1900 In
the matter of tho estate of Mary A OCounell
deceased To the creditors of said estate You
are hereby notified that I will sit at the county
court room in McCook in said county on the
12th day of July 1906 at the hour of nine oclock
a m to examine all claims against said estate
with a view to their adjustment and allowance
The time limited for the presentation of claims
against said estate is six months from the 9th
day of January A D 1506 and the time limited
for the payments of debts is one year from said
9th day of January 1906
Witness my hand and the seal of said county
court this 9th day of January 1906 1-12-4 ts
seal J C Moore County Judge
New Invoice
J H Grannis
Dry Goods
Notions Groceries
- kfi
We handle only THE BEST and
it is ALL SCREENED All or
ders big and little receive our
Everything in the Building Ma
terial line and grades that will
please the most exacting
V 1 1 T T
Notice is hereby given that the county com
missioners of Red Willow county will receive
sealed bids for the printing of commissioners
proceedings legal notices and delinquent taxes
for tho year 1906 parties receiving contract to
furnish good and sufficient bond for tho faith
ful performance of said contract Said bids to
be filed with the county clerk on or before noon
February 5th 1906 and to bo endorsed thereon
Bids for county printing for the year 1906 The
commissioners reserve the right to reject any
and all bids
Dated this 9th day of January 1906
E J Wilcox County Clork
ii i irrffiqrop3n3Bav
1 Dont try
x cines L
I record it
I Co
cheap cough I
xet the best Avers
Pectoral What a
has sixty years of
cures Ask your doctor if
he doesnt use it for coughs
colds bronchitis and all
throat and lung troubles
I have found that Ayers Cherry Pectoral
is the be t medicine I can prescribe for bron
chitis influenza couchs and hard colds
M HD Ithaca X T
McWc I 00 j c ayer m
AH dniiririsM r IjiwelL Miu
1 ll lOr TPmn iiiiiiTiiiiu
correct any tendency to constipa
tion with small dosesof Ayers Puis