The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, January 12, 1906, Image 2
OOOO0OOdOOOOOOOOOOK 6 2 r 4Sr V FRANKLIN President A C EBERT Cashier W B WOLFE Vice President V FRANKLIN thei CITIZENS BANK OF McCOOK NEB DIRECTORS r W B WOLFE b4bSSV W WW to be customer of the XT S L Pleasure New Brick Meat Market They keep a full asssorment of all kinds of meats They treat you so well and so fairly deal with you so squarely that you want to come back Just try it once Phone 95 k Main Avenue J Paid Up Capital 50000 Surplus 4000 A 0 EBERT 6 OlOOOKOOOC l i PAUL P ANTON J WQQl fyGSto ifMnMimmtimiig1 aBggMMw 1 1 - - p rmJJ lliiJLUEJMWII1 ia A P300 LOAN with the McCook Co operative Building Savings Association can be paid off in monthly payments of 1252 If you are paying more you pay too much We can mature your loan on smaller monthly payments and less money in the aggregate than any comepting associa tion Call on the secretary who will explain our system Office in First National Bank McCook Building Savings Association The McCook Tribune Only One Dollar the year Phonography is so simple as to be readily of ordinary capacity and she learned by any one public benefits to be derived from it arc incalcu lable John Bright the Bcnn Pitman System ef Phonography - Reporting Style For particulars write STAYNER Shorthand Schoo McCook Neb i - Dr E O Valine l PHONE 190 I Office over Bee Hive DENTIST Ayers Pills Ayers Pills Ayers Pills Ayers Pills Keep saying this over and over again The best laxative MSS Want your moustache or beard BUCKINGHAMS DYE a beautiful brown or rich ulack Use run ck of duuuuists onEpHALL4coNAsinjAsH Stokes Grocery PHONE 30 CITIZENS BANK BLOCK BTCOOK NEB PIJSSIM PUNSTERS A DEFINITION OF THE FORMER AND EXAMPLES OF THE LATTER Some Specimens of the Better Clann of What In Called the Lowest Form of Wit A Brilliant Coterie of Brit ish IunMteru Is the pun a legitimate form of wltr Some people think not and Dr John son said that a man who would make a pun would pick a pocket But the fact Is that the general objection to puns is because of their frequent lack of wit that Is to say it is directed to bad puns We do not want to discuss bad puns or even to hear them The point Is whether good puns are admis sible as legitimate and commendable expressions of humor It is of no use to say like Sydney Smith that puns ought to be in bad repute and al though one finds an incorrigible pun steroften it is true an incorrigible bore in every little circlet of social life one does not find the race of pick pockets to be increasing alarmingly in numbers It is probable that there are a few even in these days of culture capable of appreciating the profound witti cism which De Quincey discovered in the jests for Avhich poor JElius Lamia was put to death by Domitian If we want to argue the legitimacy of puns we are obliged to fall back on the old discussion as to the difference between wit and humor The defini tions are legional of course but not one of them is wholly satisfactory Knowledge comes and wisdom lin gers Tennyson says and perhaps we might found upon this a parody with some approach to truth that wit spar kles and humor permeates But there is little profit to be got in analysis of this kind What is funny isnt neces sarily witty but what is funny must have in it or suggested by it some of the essence of humor Thus Charles Lamb was not so far wrong when he said that the most farfetched and startling puns are the best The familiar inquiry Is it true that the first apple was eaten by the first pair Is farfetched but one cannot deny the humor of it Again in the conundrum Why is blind mans buff like sympathy Because it is a fellow feeling for a fellow creature there is a direct application which is also un questionably humorous Then as an other example of a pun which is ab surdly apparent there was Douglas Jerrolds remark about a man to whom he had repeatedly written in vain for some money I have written him said Jerrold to an acquaintance but got nothing Strange said the other for he is a man full of kindness Yes rejoined Jerrold unremitting kindness A pun which requires explanation in brackets is indeed simply intolerable The Oxford scholar who meeting a porter carrying a hare through the streets asked Prithee friend is that thy own hare or a wig required no commentator Nor did Tom Hood who when all is said and done re mains the prince of British punsters He puns as naturally as he laughs A babe can see the point of his jokes and the crustiest dry as dust cannot resist tli em Theodore Hook is thought by many to be equal to Hood as a punster but Hook was labored and slow in compar ison There is an impromptu air about Hoods puns which is incomparable and an unexpectedness even when you are looking for them that is delicious Frederick Locker once or twice seemed to have Hoods unconscious ease as thus Ho cannot be complete In aught Who is not humorously prone A man without a merry thought Can hardly have a funny bone John Hill Burton relates a legal joke which to the legal mind has all the charm of a pun One day a bailiff serving a writ had been compelled by the defendant to swallow the docu ment In a state of great agitation and anger the officer rushed into the court over which Lord Norbury was presid ing to complain of the indignity He was met by the expression of his lord ships hope that the writ was not re turnable in this court Bret Harte by the way was not usu ally regarded as a professional wit and yet among the good things which cling to ones memory is the couplet in the Heathen Chinee Concealed in his nails which were taper What is common in tapers thats wax Somebody has written a parody in which a candidate for examination even beats the record of the Mongolian Concealed in his palms which were spa cious What is common in palms and thats dates Speaking of palms recalls the fa mous pun of the bishop of Oxford who when asked by a lady why he was nicknamed Soapy Sam replied Be cause madam I am always getting in to hot water and always coming out with clean hands Perhaps it may be said that some of these examples are not true puns But a pun is not necessarily a twisting of spelling and a contortion of syllables as the writers of burlesque and com ic papers seem to think It Is play upon words and to be really entitled to be considered witty should play both upon the sound and the sense if possi ble London Tit Bits The Home The home is the cornerstone and bul wark of the state and everything which tend3 to keep alive and renew its influence and associations should be cherished and encouraged Cincinnati Enquirer PnirnlnRr n Banlc Book The pawning of the wedding ring ha become a pathetic commonplace tc those who are familiar with polio court and coroners court stories 01 with the private petitions for help ol the deserving and undeserving poor But we confess that with the West minster magistrate we have nevei heard before of pawning bank books Yet on expert pawnbrokers evidence elicited by police inquiry it is found that this Is not at all an unusual prac tice In the vast majority of cases ll would seem to bo a simpler matter tc draw on the bank account rather thaij borrow on the strength of it from tin pawnshop But one of the unfortunate possibilities of the practice is revealed in the particular case mentioned ai Westminster A picture frame maker wishing to withdraw 3 from the bank could not find his bank book and then learned that his wife had been putting the book in and out of pawn for eighl years having borrowed 7 10s on it the first time and of course she had been paying Interest on her various transactions London Pall Mall Ga zette ItobiiiHOii Criinoc Kcouomist When the average boy spends the de lighted hours of Imaginative youth iE devouring the pages of Robinson Cru soe be has like most people of more mature years no idea that he is perus ing a work of profound philosophy written by one of the greatest politica thinkers of the English speaking race Taken Avith a knowledge of the facts of the career of De Foe Robinson Crusoe can properly be considered a story intended to illustrate the heavy burden of trouble placed upon any sin gle individual isolated from his fellows and compelled to maintain his exist ence Avithout their aid The tale shows in an inimitable Avay Iioav all civilized men are interdependent Regarded from this point of vieA the author ol the most -widely read Avork of fictioc ever Avritten becomes an object of par ticular interest to all thinkers upon politics William N Hill M D ir Watsons Magazine To Pouml Words When the roputability of punning is under discussion it is Avell to bear in mind that the very name of the jesl confesses to a degree of atrocity Tc pun according to the London Chron icle is to pound words to beat them Into forced conditions so the philolo gists believe He would pun thee iutc shivers Avith his fist says Thersites in Troilus and Cressida meaning physical pounding Pun Is not a slipshod development of pound bul its original form the Anglo Saxon vert being punian and pun or poun having developed a final d just as soun became sound and as the illiterate turn goAvn into goAvnd Curiously enough pun and pound have no connection with punching a mans head Avhich is simply punish ing contracted or Avith punching a ticket Avhich goes back to the Latin pungere to prick or puncture Sir Humphry Davy Sir Humphry Davy married a widow as peculiar as himself His pet affec tation AA as a lack of time He was al ways in a hurry He pretended thai he had no leisure to dress himself and when a change of linen became neces sary he simply put one shirt over an- other until he was knoAAn to have on five or six shirts at a time Of course he could not wear this amount of ap parel Avithout appreciably increasing his size and his friends not in the se cret Avere sometimes surprised to see him fall off in apparent weight twenty pounds in a day His wifes great anx iety was to keep him fit for company but as he did not care a fig for com pany she had no easy task and domes tic discord was a common thing Ancient Cnps The cups of the Assyrians closely resembled our saucers Every noble man and gentleman had his own cup and cup bearer the latter of whom always accompanied him to a feast carrying before him the cup of gold silver crystal or marble which his master only used on state occasions Saucers for cups were introduced in the latter part of the eighteenth cen tury and at first were greatly ridicul ed the persons who employed them be ing said not to be able to drink with out having two cups Two Different Slattern I cannot understand sir why yoi permit your daughter to sue me foi breach of promise You remember tha you Avere bitterly opposed to our en gagement because I wasnt good enough for her and would disgrace th family Young man that was sentiment this is business Selecting Jntlgcs Dr Franklin thought that judges ought to be appointed by lawyers for added the shrewd man in Scotland where this practice prevails they al AAays select the ablest member of th profession in order to get rid of bin and share his practice among them selves A Pointer Two thieves were breaking into i door when the master of the house hearing them looked out of the win dow and said Friends come a little later We are not yet in bed Hu mor of Spain DangeronH Aphorism Bachelor Talk Is cheap Benedict For goodness sake dont advertise il as a bargain while my wife is around Brooklyn Life To do what we can by our ballots and influence to secure good is to wort with God Philipps Brooks W H ACKERMAN Real Estate Loans and Insurance Room 6 Walsh Block McCook Nebraska Large list of FARMS and RANCHES for sale in Southwestern Nebraska Farms rented and taxes paid for non residents Consult or write me if you have lands to sell or want to buy aiiMatiurY4 T They Give SATISFACTION B M HIGH PATENT UP TODATEfHIGH PATENT BUFFALOjHIGH PATENT Famous Kearney Mills This famous flour is sold by PAUL P ANTON to an increasing number of satisfied patrons Try a sack Youll be satisfied Jg2E5TCg3gE3WPJFESg IMKJgFaWgiOK ONLY rsgrga bmawtHfci w FIVE CENTS MORE than the price of the McCOOK TRIBUNE secures it and the Weekly Inter Ocean Both for One Year THE WEEKLY INTER OCEAN is the only weekly paper published by a Chicago daily and is the leading news farm and home paper of the West Improved and strengthened by the addition of many new features Enlarged farm garden and dairy departments Reliable and practical veter inary department Home Health Club Health and Beauty Hints The most com plete household page Styles for all ages The best Boys and Girls page offered by any paper Queer problems and puzzles Chess and checker columns Best Fiction The International Sunday School Lesson Full and complete market reports The McCook Tribune regular price ioo a year The Weekly Inter Ocean 100 a year Both for only 105 a year This extra dinary offer is made to secure NEW SUBSCRIBERS but old subscribers can take advantage of it by paying their sub scriptions one year in advance Editor 7B RmmBF m o rs a Gold m n Bay ggsyjtfiiHiBiisa Nome Qmm iripinTWo oa BcZo 23ea The MGook Tribune 100 per Year YOU WOULD DO WELL TO SEE J M Rupp FOR ALL KINDS OF Bpjftf VVOPk P O Bos 131 McCook Nebraska H P SUTTON JIcCOOK X JEWELER MUSICAL GOODS NEBRASKA r 1 i