The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, January 12, 1906, Image 1

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City Council Proceedings
Tho city council was in rogulnr session
Monday evening with tho mayor clork
attorney and Councilmen Ward Ryan
and Lawritson present
Bills as follows were allowed and
ordered puid
Lincoln Land Co 125 00
McCook Electric Light Co ill 40
JohnEketodt 41 40
F II Hillings 1 08
Thomas Buno CO 00
GW Billings 48 12
R H Dawson 1 00
C II Mocker 300 00
JohnT Lollew 80
John E Molund 3 81
JE Ludwick 5 35
W A Gold 6 00
Two sets of bills of the raembors of tho
firo companies were also allowed and
ordered paid total 73
Application of Kendlen Stevens for
billiard hall permit was ganted
Eeport of police judge for December
was read and referred to city attorney
Chief of polices report was read and
ordered on file
C H Meeker submitted his report
with specifications for a sewer system
for McCook
An ordinance was then passed adopting
a system of sewerage for tho city of Mc
Bill of C II Meeker of 8300 for mak
ing surveys profiles specificatians etc
for a sower system was allowed and
ordered paid out of the road fund of the
Ovster supper and entertainment on
Tuesday nightat the Methodist church
The Brotherhood of St Paul will serve
oysters from 530 to 730 A high class
literary program will be given in audito
rium from 8 to 9 From 9 to 10 oysters
will be served in the dining room and a
social will be held in Brotherhood room
Oysters 25c Entertainment 25c Both
Piano and organ duetTacie DcLongClara Anton
Vocal solo ElsIe Campbell
leading Miss Gertrude Storer
Violin solo Mr Uoswcll Cutler
Vocal trio MrsTlioniasMiss Rudloni MissStorer
Heading Supt G II Thomas
Clarinet solo Mr John Gaarde
Vocal solo Mrs A P Uonnot
Mrs A P Welles
At Methodist church Jan 16 35c
A Dancing Party
Miss Leah Pennell was hostess at a
dancing party last week Tuesday in
Maccabee hall About 11 oclock a
dainty luncheon was served at the Pen
nell home concluding a pleasure-affording
evening The guests were Tacie
DeLong Clara Anton Elsie Campbell
-Viva Phelan Hazel Merle Mildred
lWrv TCt hel Morrissey Leah Pennell
Floyd Stayner William Morris Arthur
Pronger Galen Perry Lester Mitchell
John Burnett Ralph Boswortb Rod
burn Simmons
The Proof of the Pudding
Well you know it is not in chewing
the string This holds good in meats as
well as in puddings The B M meat
market guarantees you the best the
market affords in the meat line in any
and all kinds of meats They throw in
liberal and courteous treatment and
prompt delivery Yon will find the
market at the old stand first door south
of the Walsh block We bespeak a liber
al portion of your patronage during the
new year David Magner Prop
Ladles Circle Meeting
The Ladies Circle of the G A R will
meet the first and third Fridays of each
month at 230 in the Odd Fellows hall
Every member is requested to be present
at the next meeting Friday Jan 19th
as there is business of importance to
transact A short program xteireau
ments served
Kate I Dutton Secretary
Cash Prices Save You Money
In this weeks Tribune you will find
a list of a few articles that J A Wil
cox Son are selling and saving you
however only a
money on These are
few of the many articles they are cutt
ing the prices on Their whole stock
is involved in the cut Just try them
Cut prices begin on next Monday Jan
uary 15th
If you wish to sell list quick
If vou wish to buy call quick
I have bargains you want quick
Call and see they are going quick
Office with J E Kelley
A G Bump
Best npron check ginghams five cents
a yard Thompsons
Mro Him TCillinrrs has returned from
Geo Woods spent Sunday with his
Rolla DeMay returned to his school
last week
Mrs Carrie Shepherd of McCook is
here visiting
Mr Boyer of Cedar Bluffs is here
visiting his cousin
Mr Cribben and E M Woods are
under the doctors care
Mrs Millie Billings went to McCook
Sunday to visit relatives
E B Stilgebouer is putting up ice
It is about 16 inches thick
Mrs George is going to have a store
built in Herndon and move there
Mrs Minniear who was on the sick
list with pneumonia is convalescent
Charles Hess is going to build a new
house 26x26 Wm Eifert has the con
Mrs Daniel Reeves died at her home
north of town Monday morning of
stomach trouble Funeral was held
A W Utter is home
L R IIileman is up from St Joseph
Miss Anna Craig is assisting in the
local exchange office for a while
Mrs J M Trammell has been visit
ing Oxford relatives this week
Ed B itzgerald is building a cottage
on tho corner north of his residence
Mrs W D Burnett arrived home
Tuesday from visiting her sister in Lin
MissLizaueth Beach succeeds Mrs
Ira J Clark as teacher in tho McCook
Miss Bessie Beam of Deweese Ne
braska is a guest of McCook frionds
this week
Louis Suess arrived home last night
from Crete His fathers condition is
not serious
Thomas Saul of Geneva tho steam
thresherman was in the city Thursday
on business
WT Coleman and Fred Lepper drove
over to Lebanon Wednesday on a mat
ter of business
Miss Leah Pennell returned Sun
day to Lincoln where she is attending
a convent school
William Bertram arrived from Okla
homa close of last week on a visit to
his former home
Louis Suess was called down to Crete
Monday morning by the news of the
illness of his father
Miss Grace McMillan of the Hold
rcge telephone office is working in the
McCook exchange for a few days
MissJEdith Ford has reentered the
McCook schools after attending school
for a few months in Illinois Onarga
Hugh A Jennett of Streator 111 a
cousin of Mrs C J Ryan was hereearly
in the week looking after his land inter
ests in this part of the state
Mr and Mrs W E Calhoun of Wil
son ville were town visitors Saturday
last guests of relatives They also spent
a brief while with Indianola relatives
during their stay in the county
Mrs H H Tartsch entertained a
company of young people Monday of
last week New Year in honor of Elsie
Campbell Ethel Morrissey Leah Pen
nell and Hazel Merle At seven oclock
a five course dinner was served and the
remainder of the joyous occasion was
pnssed in gameB etc
Roy Rolfe Dead
A telegram from Newport Rhode Is
land Wednesday afternoon announced
the death at 1230 of Roy Rolfe son of
Mr and Mrs F J Roife of our city
Roy a few months since enlisted in
the navy and was located at Newport
R I where an epidemic of cerebro
spinal meningitis prevails A few days
ago he was taken down with the fatal
malady soon became unconscious and
passed away as above noted The prog
ress of the disease was so rapid that it
was not possible for any member of the
family to be at his bedside at the last
It is expected that the body will be
brought home for interment
Roy spent a number of years in Mc
Cook covering the high school work up
to the 12th grade Previous to his en
listment in the navy his ambition for
some time prior he was engaged in sev
eral newspaper enterprises at Alma
Culbertson etc
His sudden and sad death comes as a
crushing blow to his parents and will be
keenly regretted by his former school
maes and friends here Mr and Mrs
Rolfe and family hayo the tenderest and
profoundest sympathy of this entire
community in the death of their son
From Now On
made arrangements
Having with a
practical harnessmaker in an eastern
town I will from now on have hand
made harness on hand at all times of
the very best selected stock It will be
to your advantage to call and investigate
before buying W T Coleman
Business Meeting-
The annual meeting of the Congrega
tional church will be held next Wednes
day January 17 at 8 pm All members
are expected to be present
Geo B Hawkes Pistor
Catholic Order of services Mass
8 a m Mass and sermon 1000 a m
Evening service at 8 oclock Sunday
school 230 p m Every Sunday
J J Loughran Pastor
Methodist Sunday school at 10 am
Sermons 11 and 800 Class at 12 Junior
Tpnrriio at 3 Enworth Lcaeue at 630
Song service at 745 Subject of evening
sermon The Sins of McCook Prayer
meeting on Wednesday evening at eight
oclock M B Carman Pastor
Congregational Sunday school at
10 a m Preaching ssrvices at 11 a m
and 730 p m Christian Endeavor at
630 Prayer meeting every Wednesday
at 8 p m All are cordially inyit d to
these services T
Geo B Hawkes Pastor
Episcopal Services in St Albans
church as follows Every Sunday in the
month Sunday school at 10 oclock am
Morning prayer at 11 a m and evening
prayer and sermon at 8 The third Sun
day in the month Holy Communion at
730 a m All are welcome
E R Earle Rector
Wanted Bright honest young man
from McCook Neb to prepare for pay
ing position in Goverment Mail Service
Box One Ueaar napias
Keep on hand a bottle of McConnells
Balsam That cough that is coming is
sorely afraid of it
Be sure and remember that January
16th is when the oyster supper and en
tertainment are to be given at the Meth
odist church
The Rural Free Deliveries
The report of the rural free deliveries
for the past quarter shows that during
the past three months No 1 delivered 20
registers and 13071 letters and papers
etc During the same period he collect
ed 6 registers 117 money order applica
tions and 1811 letters papers etc Mak
ing a total collected aud delivered on
route 1 of 26 registers 117 money orders
and 14882 letters papers and etc
On route No 2 the deliveries wore 8
registers 7966 letters papers etc The
collections were 5 registers 22 money
orders 1312 letters papers etc Mak
ing a total of deliveries and collections
13 registers 22 money orders 9278 let
ters papers etc
The grand total of delivered articles
is 28 registers 21037 letters papers etc
of collected articles 11 registers 139
money ordar applications 3123 letters
papers etc
Palmer Hotel Billiard Room
The latest provision- made by the
management of the New Palmer hotel
for the entertainment of its guests is the
billiard room just fully equipped and
opened adjoining the main office on the
west with a communicating door be
tween Three pool and one billiard
table have been installed together with
all other needed accessories The room
has been repapered and painted and a
new hardwood floor laid Every effort
has been made to provide an up-to-date
billiard room which will receive the
same careful and thoughtful manage
ment which has made that hostelrie
popular and successful Kendlen
Stevens seem to be determined to leave
nothing undone when the matter of
catering to the comfort and entertain
ment of their patrons is involved
Father Morans Lecture
The lecture by Rev F T Moran of
Cleveland Ohio Monday January 22d
on Success is certain to please the
audience which will gather to hear him
The Kenton Ohio Register speaks of
him in this way
Before a large and thoroughly appre
ciative audience Rev Francis T Moran
delivered his lecture last evening There
was just enough wit to it to enhance its
value Tho reverend gentleman has a
commanding presence and a magnetic
bearing and his eloquent words reached
his hearers with grace and ease
New Choir and Hymn Books
A new choir has been organized at the
Congregational church under leadership
of Miss Budlong who will take charge
next Sunday The new hymn books are
here and will also be used
The evening service will open with a
song service after which the pastor will
preach from the subject The Boyhood
of Jesus All invited
Corsets and Girdles
American Beauties in the new 1906
spring styles just received 50 cents 8100
and 200 Money back after four weeks
actual wear if dissatisfied Sold only
by The Thompson D G Co
A reliable person for McCook and
surrounding country to represent the
Nnrinnal Tjife Insurance Co of Chicaeo
Liberal contract to right party 12 22 tf
J Hi ifc 11 J 15ROWN uenerai Agents
Holdrege Nebraska
McMillens Specialties
Laxative Cold Cure
Cough Cure
Headache Cure
Little Liver Pills
Cream Lotion
The large quantity of candy we sell
enables us to always have a fresh supply
L W McConnell Druggist
Horses for Sale
One hundred head of draft and driv
ing horses for sale
Frank Stillman McCook Neb
Felled seams these hot water bottles
last many years
L W McConnell Druggist
Dwelling- for Sale
A five room dwelling with fine shade
and fruit trees Inquire of
C A Ward
land Wanted
At the very best figure that you will
sell for L H Lindemann
Very best table
yard Thompsons
oil cloth 15 cents a
Childrens coats and jackets
150 to 750 Thompsons
Over 200 dress skirts to choose
at S200 to 750 Alterations
We fill every one of our quinine cap
sules by hand They are uniformly with
out fault McConnell Druggist
Acts 1716 will be the text for the ser
mon by the pastor at Merhodist church
next Sunday evening Everybody cor
dially invited
For rent Three farms near McCook
If you want to sell your farms list them
with me I have the buyers
J Fletcher
Immigration Agent Burlington Route
Bartley Nebraska
In his new location just across the
street from his old place in the P
Walsh building Mike Walsh wants to
see you if you have poultry eggs etc
for sale He will pay you the best cash
market price for them
Good homes are wanted for destitute
and orphan children of all ages by the
Child Saving Institute 1806 Ohio St
Omaha From 40 to 60 constantly on
hand Over 300 passing through the
institute during tne year If interested
write for application blanks inclosing
stamp for postage
Another Old Settler Gone
In tho death of Joseph A Snyder
last Thursday evening another old and
esteemed citizen joins the great silent
majority Stricken with pneumonia
several weeks since a relapse followed
and a complication of diseases and in
cidental old age proved fatal when indi
cations were more encouraging for re
Services were conauotea in tneiuotno
dist church Sunday afternoon at 215
by Rev M B Carman large audience of
sympathizing friends from country and
city attending
There were a number of beautiful
floral tributes
Services at the grave in Longview
cemetery wore in charge of the Masons
who buried the departed brother with
the impressive and solemn ritual of the
great order
Joseph A Snyder was born in Mes
kerk Baden Germany November 1st
1836 He came to America in 1848
locating in Ohio In 1857 he was uni
ted in marriage with Miss Katherine
Rahm To them were born three sons
and five daughters A year after their
marriage they moved to Leavenworth
Kansas In 1861 they moved to Denver
Colo making that city their home for
ten years after which they moved to
Syracuse Nebraska During their
residence in Syracuse Nebdeath called
two of their sons away Johnnie and
Charlie aged two and five years From
Syracuse they moved to York Nebraska
and in 1889 they became residents of
Red Willow county where he lived on
his farm just north of the city until his
death last Thursday evening January
4th 1906 at about 715 oclock
Deceased became a member of the
Methodist church of this city several
years ago during the pastorate of Rev
Badcon and passed away in the confi
dence of his reward Ilis was an indus
trious lifesquare dealing and honorable
and he had the esteem of all who knew
him during his many years among us
The companion who is left and the
children all have the teudor sympathy
of numerous friends in their bereave
ment and loss
Departed is survived by his stricken
widow son William an engineer of
Herington Kansas five daughters Mrs
Anna Case of Syracuse Nebraska Mrs
Lena Bisbee of Seattle Wash Mrs
Catherine Carmichael of Denver Colo
Mrs Josie McClure of McCook Neb
and Mrs Ella Cole of McCook Neb
all of whom save Mrs Case being pres
ent at the death of the aged father
We are most truly grateful and thank
ful to all the kind friends and especially
to Rev M B Carman and Mr William
Hammell for their assistance and sym
pathy during the illness of our dear one
and after his death and will ever hold
you in the most grateful remembrance
Mrs J A Snyder and Family
Death of Miss Kate Cottom
Miss Kate Cottom passed away Mon
day afternoon in this city after an ill
ness with consumption of some length
Deceased came here last summer from
Chillicothe Iowa hoping this climate
would stay the progress of the dread
disease which as the sequel proves had
already placed its fatal seal upon the de
Services were conducted at the home
Wednesday afternoon by Rev M B
Carman of the Methodist chnrch and
interment followed in Riverview ceme
tery of this city
Themembeisof the bereaved family
are remembered in much sympathy by
many in this city who have attempted
to make lighter their burden and sorrow
Mary Katherine Cottom was born
in Tyrone Fayette county Penna Feb
ruary 24th 1876 With her parents she
came to Omaha Nebraska when but
nine years of age Here in 1893 the
mother died In the early 90s the family
moved to Ottumwa Iowa A year ago
with relatives she spent the winter in
Texas Last August with her sister
Tnnnin she came to McCook for her
health Monday afternoon January
15th 1806 she was taken with a violent
hemorrhage aud passed to her last rest
Miss Cottom was a member of the Metho
dist church joining in her early girl
hood and ever remaining a devoted and
active member as long as her health
permitted She has gone on to her re
During the long illness of our dear one
in this city we have to remember many
acts of helpfulness kindness and sym
pathy and we are grateful for them be
yond words to express
Albert uottom and r amily
of every description are here to make the
patient more comfortable and to assist
the doctor in nis worK uonc iorget
L W McConnell Druggist
Very best dress prints five cents a yard
Greasy applications make hair grow
on the face No grease in McConnells
Fragrant Lotion
Mrs Sarah Bolles commenced
inor nrrnin Mondav after a two
IV W liv
0 0 -
Mr and Mrs Frank Lytle returned
last Monday from their visit at Alma
and Friend
Rev J II Kerr was home a short
time Monday He reports quite an in
terest in the meetings at Spring Creek
Mrs Maude Harrison took up her
school work again Monday morning
Miss Edith Howlet is doing her house
Mrs Atkinson who has been visiting
her daughter Mrs Fred Lakin returned
last Friday to her home at Maxwell
Boys two piece and three piece suits
McConnell for drugs
Bread mixers at W T Colemans
McConnells Balsam cures coughs
McMillens Cough Cure i3 right Try
Good yarn fascinators 25 centsThomp
Boys overcoats 14 years and up 450
McMillen has now
dolls See them
Ladies good warm
100 Thompsons
a nice display of
fleeced wrappers
Ladies long coats 500 8750 1000
1250 1500 Thompsons
Cream in sealed 10c
for sale at Marshs meat
Fine stationery school tablets ink
slates etc at McMillens Drug Store
Two milk cows for sale
1 5 2ts R B Archibald
Removed Dr Kays office is now
over Pades furniture store Phone 98
The Harding Creamery Co will pay
25 cents for first grade cream and 21
cents for second grade for the first half
of January W T Coleman agent
The famous Wheeler Wilson ball
bearing with rotary shuttle sows one
third faster than any other sowing
machine made W T Coleman sells
Remembor you will find Mike Walsh
just across the street from his old loca
tion ready to buy your poultry eggs
old rubber copper brass at tho highest
cash market prico
You cant do better anywhere on earth
than at Marshs meat market in any
article usually for sale in ac up-to-date
market Just try him Variety quality
price treatment all guaranteed
Remember the lectures January 22
and 29 and attend them by all means
Let all the people of McCook who be
lieve in tho higher and better things
make it a special effort to be out on
these dates
Deputy County Assessors
County Assessor Charles Skalla has
made known his deputies who are as
Alliance Wm Stewart Indianola
Beaver Ed Eno Danbury
Bondville Wm Karp Sr Indianola
Box Elder WmBSexson Box Elder
Coleman Jacob Betz McCook
Danbury W V Miller Danbury
Driftwood Chas T Eller McCook
East Valley W F Miller Bartley
Fritsch Chas M Goben Indianola
Gerver ChasMLofton Cedar Bluffs
Grant A M Benjamin Banksville
Indianola Geo Burt Indianola
Lebanon Chas F Waterman Leb
Missouri Ridge Chas Boos Indian
North Valley Frank Rahnfield Cam
Perry Chas II Harman McCook
Red Willow Peter J Colling Indian
Tyrone Ernest Pearson Lebanon
Valley Grange T A Endsley Mc
Willow Grove S B McLean
Adopt the Cash System
We have determined to adopt the
Cash System commencing with Jan
uary 15th 1906
In doing so we recognize the fact that
this action will not be altogether pleas
ing to those who are perfectly good and
in the habit of paying their account
but wo propose to make the prices so
low that even these friends and custo
mers will be happy to comply with our
cash system and thus save tnemselves
good money
Hoping by fair and square treatment
and by making irresistible prices that
will save you money to merit your con
tinued patronage and good will we re
main Yours truly
J A Wilcox Son
McCook Neb Jan 5th 1906
Anticeptically pure are all our surgical
dressings The Red Cross is our stand
ard L W McConnell Druggist
William Baumbachs brother returned
to Buffalo N Y last Thursday after a
fine visit here
Carl Schlutsmeier had his left hand
badly cut last Thursday while engaged
in butchering
Mrs George Gowing who spent the
holidays with Mrs LJ Burtless has re
turned to her home in Lincoln
J I Lee has completed putting up ice
for the coming season having filled all
three of his houses with a fine product
Mr Wallenburg and family of DeWitt
returned home last Thursday He is
a brother of Mrs Mike Esch whom
they have been visiting
There was a dance and 3upper at Nel
son Downs home last Thursday in
honor of Miss Maude Hughes whose
birthday was celebrated
EH Doan has a fine hog ranch on
No 1 just east of Fred Randals place
There are 30 acres in alfalfa on the
ranch of fine condition The entire
ranch of SO acres is fenced and cross
fenced with wire netting They have a
granary and machine shed well cistern
and windmill on the place and a dwelling-house
is contemplated There are
now about 150 hogs on tho ranch 40 of
them ready for market Between
Christmas and New lear lo females in
creased the herd 85 It is quite a model
SI 25 81 75 52 50 3 50 500 and 600 of economy as well as in arrangement
miJaAna J M Hickerson is the man in charge
No 3
a lecture by
of Cleveland Ohio
Subject Success
Opera house Monday January 22
830 p in
Thero is probably no more success
ful lecturer now before
the public
From the Akron Ohio Beacon
Journal There was something
remarkablo about Rev Francis T
Morans lecture at tho Grand opera
house Tuesday night romarkable
not only for tho thought expressed
and the manner of delivery but
for the fact that nearly a thousand
people faced tho worBt storm of
the winter in order that they
might hear him The splendid
audience must have ploased tho
learned priest Fow are tho men
the announcement of whoso names
would have on such a night drawn
a corporals guard from comfort
able firesides and yet tho house
was well filled and had tho night
been pleasant there can be no
question but that there would
have been an overflow meeting
Of tho lecturo it may be said that
it was one of the best given in this
city for many years
Holders of season tickets secure
reserved seats at McConnells
Wednesday January 17 730 p
m Sale following day
No 4 in Course
A lecturo by
Pastor Peoples church Chicago
Opera House
These two lectures will be tho
very best numbers in the course
Each man is known to bo good
Everything in drugs McConnell
McConnells Balsam cures coughs
Dance at the skating rink on January
Oil heaters of all kinds at W T Cole
Mens half wool sox 13 cents a pair
Fresh butterof best quality at Marshs
meat market
Mens heavy long cloth ulsters 500
Sewing machine needles of all kinds
at W T Colemans
Childrens sleeping garments 35 and 50
cents Thompsons
Use McMillens Cream Lotion for
chapped face and hands
Very best 2 bushel seamless grain
bags 18o cents Thompsons
Tho Elite black mercerized petti
coats the adjustable band 150 to 3
Be happy while you live and get one
of those roasters and carving sets at W
T Colemans
Our Detroit furs are bright and right
Scarfs muffs cravats 4-in-hands setts
from 100 to 1250 Thompsons
Cooking utensils something the house
wife needs every day of her life
Can be bought at W T Colemans
Boys bring alt the smooth killed
rabbits you can also fur skins to The
Gurney Poultry Folks who will pay
you top prices
Bissell sweepers have won a distinct
reputation for strength durability ease
of running and their perfect sweeping
qualities See W T Coleman
Having just received a very large in
voice of whips I can satisfy anybody in
a whip from the cheapest to the highest
jjrade made W T Coleman
Stand straight up for McCook just
twice attend the great lectures January
22 and 29 Let us be patriotic for tho
real McCook ad the real things of life
The womans missionary society of
the Congregational church will meet
with Mrs 11 M Tyler on Wednesday
afternoon Jauuary 17th at three oclock
Drop a card to box 595 and the Mc
Cook Stove and Range Repair Co will
give your repairs prompt and careful at
tention Repairs for every stove made
Examinations free of charge
You can depend upon it every time
the quality of meat you get at Marshs
market Always the best and no high
er than the cheaper kinds No need to
experiment just remember the reliable
Those Dempster gasoline engines that
W T Coleman has been selling for
pumping are a fine article in every re
spect They are a Nebraska product
made on honor and are just the thing
for pumping and grinding
We put the county to sleep under our
Izzerhome made bed comforts More
sold by far this season than ever before
We are absolutely headquarters on all
bedding ready made sheets and pillow
slips blankets white quilts and bed
comforts Thompsons