The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, January 05, 1906, Image 7
it ri im i i 1 V i m Mmrfi v SI I 111 The Food Value of a Soda Cracker To Cure a Cold la One Day Take laxative bromo quinine tablets All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure E W Groves signature is on each box 25c Take advantage of The Tribunes ex traordinary subscription offer found on second page of this issue For the best of all kinds of Build ing Materials Steam and Domestic Coals see i C Bn Phone No i You have heard that some foods furnish fat other foods make muscle and still others are tissue building and heat forming You know that most foods have one or more of these elements but do you know that no food contains them all in such properly balanced proportions as a good soda cracker The United States Government report shows that soda crackers contain less water are richer in the muscle and fat elements and have a much higher per cent of the tissue building and heat forming properties than any article of food made from flour v That is why Uneeda Biscuit should form an important part of every meal They represent the superlative of the soda cracker all their goodness and nourishment being brought from the oven to you in a package that is proof against air moisture and dust the price being too small to mention art Try Carney Egg NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY PUBLIC LAND SALE United States Land Oflice Lincoln Nebrae ka Notice is hereby given that in pursuance of instructions from the commissioner of the gen eral land oflice under authority vested in him by section 2455 U S Rev Stat as amended by the act of congress approved February 2G 1895 we will proceed to offer at public sale on the 16th day of January next at two oclock p m at this oflico the following tract of laud tq wit South west quarter northeast quarter flection 7 township 1 north range 29 west 6th P M Any ana all persons claiming adver ely the above described lands are advied to file their claims in this oflico on or before the day above designated for -the commencement of said tale otherwise their rights will bo forfeited Dated December 5 1905 W A Green Register Alva E Kennakd Receiver Boyle Eldred attorneys 12S 5ts NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of the Interior land office at Lin coln Nebraska December 20 1905 Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim and that said proof will be made before register and receiver at Lincoln Nebra ka on Januarv 27 1906 viz Thomas McQuay vhn filed D S No 314 for the northeast qunrter of the southeast quarter and lot 2 suction 23 and the northwest quarter of the southwest quarter and southwebt quarter of the northwest quarter of section 24 towuship 3 north range 29 west of tho 6th P M Ho names thejnllowing witnesses to prove his con tinuous residence upon and cultivation of said land viz Isaac J Starbuck of McCook Neb Jacob Harshborgnr of McCook Nebraska Will iam Hyatt of McCook Nebraska Richard John ston of McCook Nebraska W A Giieen Register NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE OF TAX LIEN The southwest quarter of section 4 in town 1 north range M west of the 6th Principal Mer idian and Charles N Keith will take nonce that on the lSth day of December 1S35 Edward B Cowlos plaintiff filed his petition in the district court of Red Willow county Nebraska the object and prajer of which are to foreclose a tax purchasers lien upon the above described land for tho taxes for the years 1895 1896 1897 1S9S 189919001901 and 1902 That there was due plaintiff at the time of filing said petition the sum of 10660 for the payment of which sum together with costs accruing interest and at torneys fee plaintiff prays a decree of foreclos ure of said tax lien and a sale of said premises You are required to answer said petition on or before tho 5th day of February 1906 Edwahd B Cowles Plaintiff rLJM1fmMiilBJUAAl9am is more dangerous to your life than the drink cocaine of morphine habits for it soon ends in Consumption Pneumonia and Death Save yourself from these awful results of Coughs and Colds by taking KING Sitting by My Wifes Bed writes F G Huntley of Oaklanden Ind I read about Dr Kings New Discovery She had got a frightful chronic cough which three doctors failed to relieve After taking two hottles she was perfectly cured and today she is well and strong Price 50c and 100 All One Dose Gives Relief RECOMMENDED GUARANTEED AND SOLD BY in VSr PUBLICATION NOTICE Elba W Graves Mrs Elba W Graves first name unknown wife of Elba W Graves Ports Wilson E P Bowman first namo unknown Mrs E P Bowman first name unknown wife of E P Bowman Charlos B Brown and Mrs Charles B Brown first name unknown wife of Charles B Brown defendants will take notice that Zara A Wilson has filed her petition in the district court of Red Willow county Nebraska againt the above named de fendants the object and prayer of which are to foreclose a certain mortgage executed and de livered by the defendant Elba W Graves to the defendant Ports Wilson on tho northwest quarter of the northwest quarter and lots one and two of section eight and lot seven of section five all in township throe north rango twenty six west of tho sixth principal meridian in said county and state to securo the payment of ono certain promissory note for the sum of 3100000 duo October 1st 1897 dated July 20th 1897 and drawing interest at tho rate of seven per cent per annum from tho 20th day of July 1897 said note and mortgage havo been duly assigned to this plaintiff und said plaintiff is now the own er and holder of tho same Thero is now due this plaintiff on said promissory note and mort gage the sum of 100000 with interest theroon at the rate of seven per cent per annum from the 20th day of July 1897 Said plaintiff prays for a decree that said defendants be required to pay tho same or that the said land bo sold to satisfy the amount due said plaintiff with inter est and costs of suit You are requiied to an swer said petition on or before Monday tho9th day of January 1906 Dated this 19th day of Docembor A D 1905 Zaka A WiLbON Plaintiff W S Morlan her attorney NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the county court within and for Red Wil low county Nebraska December 26 1905 In the matter of the estate of Edward L Nettleton deceased To the creditors of said estate You are hereby notified that I will sit at tho county court room in McCook in said county on tho 30th day of June 1906 at ten oclock in the fore noon to receive and examine all claims against said estate with a view to their adjustment and allowance The time limited for tho presentation of claims against said estate is ix months from tho 26th day of December 1915 and the time limited for payment of dobts is one year from said 26th day of December 1905 Witness my hand and tho senl of said county court this 26th day of December 1905 seal Feank Moore County Judgo Bolo Eldred attorneys NOTICE OF HEARING In the county court of Red Willow county State of Nebraska In tho matter of the estate of Antjony Droll deceased To all interested in tho estate of Anthony Droll late of said county deceased Yon are hereby notified that on tho 26th day of November 1905 Edward Droll filed a petition in tho county court of stid county for his appointment as administra tor of the estate of Anthony Droll late of said county deceased and that the samo will bo heard in tho county court room in the city of McCook in said county on the 6th day of Janu ary 1906at two oclock p m It is further order ed that notico of said hcaing bo given to all parties interested in said estate by tlu publica tion of this notice for three successive weeks in the McCook Tribune a newspar r printed published and circulating in said county Dated this 16th day of December If K 12-22- 3ts iseal Frank Moore Countj Judge NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE OF TAX LIEN The west half of tho northwest quarter and the west half of the southwest quarter of sec tion 80 in town 3 north ranso 30 west of the 6th principal meridian and Sylvester llinowill tako notice that on the 26th day of December 1 j5 Edward B Cowles plaintiff filed his pe tition in tho district court of Red Willow coun ty Nebraska the object and prajer of which are to foreclose a tax purchasers lion upon tho above doscribed land for tho taxes for tho years 1 1 VT and 1903 That there was due to plaintiff at the time of filing said petition the sum of 3711 for the payment of which sum to gether with costs accruing intorest and attorn eys fee plaintiff prays a decree of forecloauie of said tax lien and a sale of said land You are required to answer said petition on or before the 5tti day of February 1906 12-29-4 ts Edwakd B Cowles Plaintiff NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE OF TAX LIEC The west half of tho southwest quarter of section 20 and the west half of the nortliwe t quarter of section 29 in town 2 north range 2t west of the Ctli Principal Meridian and The i Cheshire Provident Institution will take notice that on tho 26th day of December 1905 Edward I If Cowles plaintm tiled his petition in tho district court of Red Willow county Nebraska the objpet and prayer of which aro to foreclose a tax lien upon the above described land for the taxes for tho years 1S97 1S93 1S99 1900 1901 and 1902 That there is due to plaintiff at the time of filing said petition the sum of CS210 for the payment of which sum together with costs ac cruing interest and attorneys fee plaintiff prays a decree oi loreciosuro and a salo of said land You are required to answer said petition on or before tho 5th day of February 1C06 Edwakd B Cowles Plaintiff r UL gg gf iStSI McCook Tribune 1 the Year ToOhw a Cold in On Day Zzssu 1 I Take Laxative BrOU Qwmne Tablets fJ J evwy I I Seven Million boxes sold in past 13 months TMs SlgBiatnre Xgl DOS 25C J I aamimas Problem A SEA LEVEL Or a Lock Canal W k JOIfK i MKTTtNS the important AMONG portant sub jects with which the congress that has Just opened will huve to deal is that of the Puuamu canal Whether it it will be a sea level canal or a canal with locks is yet au open question If the latter plan be adopted th n the question of how high abov S a leel it shall be remains to be faxbueA Yuen there is the plan of M XftUMKl Varilla who advocates a strtiit if IPiama to divide the west ern continent like another Bosporus and which he declares would be the best and- eventually the cheapest water way threvgh the isthmus His idea is that the cinal should first be construct ed with a summit level 130 feet above tho sea and with dams and locks This he thinks coiKd be done in about four years and the canal could be opened to commerce It would then be making money and while ships went on their way the process of lowering the level to the sea could go on until there was a ship canal from the Atlantic to the Pacific forty five feet deep and 500 feet wide It is conceded by the advocates of a sea level canal that it will require much more time and money for its con struction than a lock canal would The estimated cost of such a waterway is 230000000 and the time in which it could be constructed is put at fifteen years The advisory board of engineers has reported in favor of this plan and its decision was reached by a vote in which eight stood for the sea level plan and five for the lock canal The five engineers who voted for a lock canal will submit a minority report and the president will lay the two reports be fore the canal commission and tho chief engineer of the canal for consid eration The foreign members of the advisory board were all for a sea level canal but in the minds of five out of the eight American engineers the ad vantages of such a canal were not suf ficient to outweigh the delay involved The appropriation of G0000000 which congress made at the time it was decided to go ahead and build a canal at Panama has now been ex pended Of this 40000000 went to THEODORE P SHOKTS pay the French claims The sum of 10000000 went to the republic of Panama and much of the remaining 10000000 has been spent in surreys in the purchase of supplies In work in Culebra cut and in sanitation Secre tary Taft and a party of congressmen made a trip to the isthmus to inspect the progress of the enterprise last spring Theodore P Shonts has be come chairman of the commission and John P Stevens has succeeded John n Wallace ast chief engineer Consid erable work has been done In the Cule bra cut where the Freuch started work under De Lesseps This has to be done whether a sea level or a lock canal is dug for the way must be cut through a mountain range and though the ca nal crosses this range at its lowest point the hills in the neighborhood are over 300 feet above sea level Large and perplexing as are the engi neering problems in connection with the enterprise they are hardly so dis couraging as the problem of labor In timately connected with this subject is that of sanitation for it Is evident that if the death rate of those working on the project is high its cost will be pro portionately great The native work men are very lazy It is suggested that the best results could be accomplished with negroes from the southern states If they could be persuaded to emigrate in sufficient numbers but just there lies the difficulty Although the em ployment of Ital ians Hungarians and Poles in large numbers has been urged it is a ques tion whether they could long withstand the climate and the present chief engi neer Is understood to be in favor of having the canal secretary w h dug by Chinese coo taft les To niaije the men at present employed in the en terprise as common laborers better contented with their lot the commission not long since contrived to Import a cargo of wives and sweethearts The first shipload came from Martinique And the women were welcomed by the American families and employed as Jooks and general servants until they ecured husbands Through Thick and Thin If monarchs have often permitted themselves th Indulgence of making puns the fact has not been recorded In the pages of history One pun how ever Is assigned to King Frederick William IV of Prussia It Is said that on the occasion of a court ball ho wns standing near the middle of the dance hall in conversa tion with an exceedingly thin ambas sador In the haste and excitement of a fiery galop a lieutenant of the hussars danced with his partner be tween the monarch and the person whom he was addressing and then seeing what he had done he began to stammer abject apologies and explana tions Oh that was nothing replied the king with a nearty laugh A hussar must go without fear through thick and thin A whimsical glance from his own portly figure to that of the slender am bassador accompanied this answer and the hussar felt himself not only par doned but Invited to share in tho kings laugh Servlnjj PlHh Fish is dainty food Practice is need ed in serving it Lightness of touch and dexterity of management are nec essary to keep the delicate flakes in tact It requires some skill to rip the skin and lay it back and sever tho head and tail with neatness and dis patch These three articles must nev er leave the platter They belong to the cat The choicest morsel of any white fish is the cheek It Is not good form to cut through a fish Begin at the tail and throw aside the skin Be gin at the head to serve cutting to the backbone When the meat on that side Is helped turn the fish and help the other side in the same way If there is roe a part should be served each per son Boiling is the nicest way to cook and the easiest way to serve fish Dress the edge of the platter with hard egg and sliced lemon tomato and beets An Ivory Mat Many people have never even heard of such a thing and it Is not to be wondered at for these mats are ex ceedingly rare and it Ib said by those who know that only three of these beautiful curiosities exist in the whole world The one we now write about is the largest one made It measures 8 by 4 feet and though made in a small hill state in the north of India has an almost Greek design for Its border It was only used on state occasions when the rajah sat on it to sign Important documents The original cost of the mat Is fabulous for 0400 pounds of ivory were used in Its manufacture The fin est strips of ivory must have been tak en off the tusks as the mat is as flex ible as a woven stuff and beautifully fine London Graphic Sea Water nnd Cold The delusion that sea water does not glre cold Is accountable for much harm A chill may be caught by wetting from sea water as quickly as by wetting from any other water There Is a certain stimulation to the skin from salt no doubt but that does not pre vent chills from indiscriminate ex posure to wetting by salt water and chills are fertile causes of Illness Chill to the lower part of the body Is always dangerous to any one It is much more so to a child than to a grown person though many people seem to think the reverse is the case Sandys Wnrninfr A volunteer sham fight took place in England During the retreat a Scotch volunteer In scrambling through some bushes stuck fast in a hedge One of the advancing foe seeing the situation for a joke came toward the unfortu nate volunteer at full charge with his bayonet fixed and a ferocious look on his face The poor fellow In the hedge seeing the threatening aspect of af fairs bawled out at the top of his voice Haud on you Idiot Dinna you ken Its only In fun Mother Iilveseya Well In the grounds of Llvesey Hall near Blackburn there Is a spring called Mother LIveseys well The curious thing about this well is that the water only flows during nine months of the year and is quite dry during the other three months June July and Au gusthowever wet the weather may be The water a ys commences to flow on the same ate each year and never freezes even during the hardest frost Leeds England News Like a MIrucle The age of miracles has gone de clared the cynic No it hasnt said the woman My husband told me this morning that he noticed I was wearing last seasons hat and gave me money to buy a new one Baltimore American Heredity Oh hubby dear what do you think are the first words our baby will say gurgled Mrs Matron Well If she takes after you they will probably be This is a nice time to come home said the brute Portland Telegraph Very Much Happier A boy reading the verse And those who live in cottages are happier than those who sit on thrones startled the crowd by reading thus And those who live In cottages are happier than those who sit on thorns Human fatnre That fellow Spinks has excellent judgment What makes you think so Why er hes always asking my opinion about things Louisville Courier-Journal Alaskas canned salmon output Is es timated this year at 10000000 DB i in 4i DENTIST wiokb us Office ItooniH 3 nud 5 Waleh Hlk McCook C H Botle C E Eldrkd Co Alt J BOYLE ELDRED Attorneys at Law Long Distance Phono 44 Rooms 1 and 7 second lloor Postollico liuilding NEW BARBER SHOP NEWLY FLKNISHKIl AND PIKST CLASS IN EVEKY WAY Rear of First Natl Hank Earl Murray McCook Neb L H LINDEMANN Real Estate Insurance Phono V3 Oflico ovor McMilleus drug store McCOOK NKUKASKA JOHN E KELLEY ATT0ENEY AT LAW and BONDED ABSTEACTEB McCook Nehraska 3gout of Lincoln Land Co and of McCooi Water Works Oflico in Postollico building DR H M IRELAND Osteopathic Physician Kelloy Ofiieo BIdg Phono No 13 McCOOK NEB Consultation freo 8 t tr Joe hight CONTRACTOR and BUILDER Farm Buildings a Specialty SATISFACTION ttlAUAJsTfcKD McCook Neb GCFahrenbryek I Genera Repair Shops RI CYCLES GUKS SEWING MA CHINKS ETC GASOLINE STCVES REPAIRED ON SHORT NOTICE Two doors eat of DeG Miffs Store McCook Nebrabka TVT I jChamberlainsj i Cough Remedy The Childrens Favorite CURES Coughs Colds Croup and Whooping Cough This remed yis 1 ainoui for its cures over alnrgo part of tho civilized -world It can always bo depended upon It contnics no opium or other harmful drUR and may ba given as confidently to a baby ns to an adult Price 25 cts Largo Size 50 cts iixsx2vtasi feMy n i WE GUARANTEE To Prevent Hog Cholera From appearing on your farm Be prudent this year and pre vent a repetition of the losses of previous years Call and See Us and Get aWritten Guarntee THfUjlM uSECT ofraiMJ ininn 1 V WSh OAL A1 of tfW S v IfcSTIMOMAL Delmont S D Dec 17 1902 I used L K for lioj cholera and it was all right It cured my hoes- I had three sick ones and they all cot well and done tine I also nsed it for chicken lice and mites and it is all yon claim for it Itisthe onlyJIedicine forhoR cholera I think Gotlieb Jeeke Harrington Neb Dec 11 1902 I am using Liquid Koal and am well pleased with it I am snre I saved mjr hogs with it last year and am going to keep it in stock all the time as it is the best thiug I ever had on the place for everything it is intended for Itia good for chicken cholera lice on stock insects of all kinds it will destroy ail kinds F W Woman JAHES CAIN Mannfactured by tho National Medical Com pany Sheldon Icw