The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, December 29, 1905, Image 4

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largest Circulation in Red Willow Co
Subscription 1 a Year in Advance
Official Paper of Redwillow County
Charlie MANDEiisoNtho Burlingtons
post prandial artist should follow the
advice of that wise man Oh that mine
enemy would write a letter and stay
out of the letter writing business him
self Or write a better one than his re
cent effusion which was a remainder of
sophomoric days and college society
A Studied Slight
She How that woman we just pass
ed does hate me
He She looked pleasant enough
She Thats all done for effect but
If you noticed she never turned to take
in my new suit and hat Detroit
Fren Press
Dnst nt Sea
Great quantities of dust collect on
the decks of vessels at sea no matter
if they are swept twice or thrice a day
Most of It too is found on sailing ves
sels The Inference is that the sails
act as dust collectors arresting tha
particles which drift in the air
e Sure t Use
Cream l Tartar
Baking FwieF
d made with
baking powder carries alum
to tlie stomach unchanged
Scientists have positively
demonstrated this and that
such food is partly indi
gestible and unhealthful
Yes we dont blame him Been
buying the kind thats no good
and now that he has found our
place hes overjoyed
Our Feed Band Wagon
is where everybody who wants
feed is getting it Now is the
time to get in as were going to
do like others and have a grand
clearance sale Better feed at
lower prices you never saw
are experienced by
ci re urns tances
The man with a
comfortable bank
account looks bet
ter than the man
without one He
has no lines of
worry or anxiety
He knows his mon
ey is safe
offers many ad
vantages besides
freedom from all
worry It is a good
place to have an ac
count How easy
it is to start one
You can learn by
Artrr r
i i fc
Ben franklin
aiN 17 1700 was a red let
ter day in the history of the
United States for that day wit
nessed the birth of Benjamin
Franklin printer scientist philosopher
and statesman The bicentenary of
Franklins birth will be celebrated In
many parts of the world In Paris
where he represented the colonies dur
ing the Revolutionary struggle the day
will be fittingly observed and in con
nection with the exercises a statue of
Franklin by the American sculptor
John J Boyle will be unveiled near
the house in Passy where he lived
when the minister of the young repub
lic to France In Boston where he
was born in New York where he fail
ed to find employment and in Phila
delphia with which his career is chief
ly identified there will also be ceremo
nies iu recognition of the significance
of the day In the famous city whose
name signifies that in which Franklin
firmly believed brotherly love the
most elaborate of these exercises will
be held They will be under the direc
tion of the American Philosophical so
ciety which Franklin himself founded
in 1744 and both the state and the fed
eral government will take part in
Franklin was one of seventeen chil
dren and his father a Boston tallow
maker was not blessed with wealth
so that he did uot have any special ad
vantages of birth He had few oppor
tunities as a boy to excel in scholar
ship for he had only two years school
ing and then went to work to help his
narent in molding candles It was an
eventful day for the printing trade and
journalism when the young Franklin
was released from making candles and
set to printing as an apprentice to his
brother James This brother owned a
newspaper and the boy Ben got some
experience in helping him run it but
he aud James did not get along very
well and the boy started out to seek
his fortune Landing in New York he
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sought for employment but without
success and journeying on reached
Philadelphia with but a dollar in his
pocket But success crowned his ca
reer in Philadelphia ere many years
had fled One of his most successful
as well as famous enterprises was the
Poor Richards Almanac the first
number of which he published when he
was twenty six and which at once be
came popular He continued publish
ing this almanac for twenty five years
It was translated into all the languages
of Europe and its quaint sayings have
become household words For many
years he published the Philadelphia
Gazette He organized the first pub
lic library iu Philadelphia and estab
lished the academy which has devel
oped into the University of Pennsyl
vania The art of printing is in his
debt to an immeasurable degree
In 174S Fnanklin sold his paper his
almanac and his printing plant He
was then only forty two but he had
accumulated what in those days was
considered a fortune and as the af
fairs of his countrymen demanded his
attention he determined to have no
impediments in the way of his render
ing zealous public service For a pe
riod of over forty years thereafter he
was almost continuously occupied in
the cause of his country- Prior to the
Revolution he represented the interests
of his own colony of Pennsylvania and
sometimes other colonies at the British
court he participated in the drawing
up of the Declaration of Independence
of which he was one of the signers
and he spent some of the most impor
tant years of his life pleading the cause
of the colonies at the court of France
With what success he pleaded is
known to all His inventions and dis
coveries gave him a high place in the
world of science and learning and he
is recognized today as the father of
electrical science He might have made
a great deal of wealth out of his in
ventions but he did not worship the
almighty dollar and valued money
only as It contributed to the enjoyment
of comforts and refinements Though
so versatile and accomplished he was
content to be known simply as a print
er and when he died In 1790 the fol
lowing epitaph which he wrote him
self was placed upon his tombstone
The body of Benjamin Franklin printer
like the cover of an old book Its contents
torn out and stripped of its lettering and
gliding lies here food for worms But
the -work shall not be lost for it will as
he believed appear once more in a new
and more elegant edition revised and cor
rected by the Author
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Copuriaht 1905 bu Eaile Hooker Eaton
Jg g
The Chinaman a flipflap turned
Eorgot the Golden Rule
And jabbered things he never learned
In Melcan Sunday school
Said Slim She goes a bit too swift
And dont steer none too straight
But you can bet with such a lift
The papers wont be late
An engine off the rails
He said and yet Id rather cut
That out it sometimes fails
He threw his papers off and jumped
To limbs above held fast
The auto rushed ahead and bumped
And that bump was its last
HREE hundred days plus sixty four
Of every year we get
The editor corrals the floor
And keeps it too you bet
But once a year he yields to me
To tell some things I know
And now Ive warned you all you see
I think Ill let her go
One day a carrier Slim McDade
Got funny from the heat
Said he The paper carrying trade
Has wore out both my feet
If I just had a honk machine
To rest my feet awhile
Id tank up well with gasoline
And spread the news in style
ropiu3 yOSiKBw
The corner turned there came to view
A sight that did Slim good
For near the curb and vacant too
A puffing auto stood
Its mine I saw it first he cried
A smile chased off his frown
And then he nimbly hopped inside
And threw his papers down
He cried What chump blew out the gas
This smell is far from funny
Its like some one in Gladdens class
Was burnin tainted money
With clumsy hands he fumbled round
Said he What makes her trek
The auto gave a sudden bound
That nearly snapped his neck
Then like a lubber far from land
And new to Neptunes gear
He seised the wheel with unskilled hand
And did his best to steer
Along the road he honking flew
His course quite like a Z
He came within an incli or two
Of climbing up a tree
A Thomas cat that dodged about
In vain was yeowling hurled
End over end and flattened out
Against a hard old world
A poodle dog as black as tar
And yearning to be fed
Came rushing out to bite the car
But bit the dust instead
A pensive cow that tempted fate
And turned to watch the pup
Was quickly made to demonstrate
That beef was going up
A Chinese laundry cart flew high
And busted as it rose
And every tree that stood near by
Put on some underclothes
No town on earth can sport her mate
Just hear her puff and buzz
I didnt know before how great
These choochoo wagons wuz
No wonder rich folks wears a smile
As they plows through the streets
Theres somethin doin all the while
And how it rests the feet
A circus band came round the curve
And Slim felt quite dismayed
Said he If I dont keep my nerve
Ill pi the hull parade
He bumped against a sacred calf
And then upset a clown
He barked the shins of one giraffe
And knocked another down
Though followed by the wild west Sioux
Eight bulldogs and a cop
Slim shook them off and onward flew
He simply couldnt stop
And that was why he saw with pain
That others might do tossing
racing with a train
For he was
Straight toward a railroad crossing
Its quite the rage to try to
Slim dropped with perspiration wet
And quite as white as chalk
It rests the feet he said and yet
I think rd ruther walk
Now wasnt Slim McDade a peach
Thats all Ive got to say
Except just this I hope youll each
Remember ME today
HiM Advocacy of Reciprocity and
Conrovery With Prewldent
Henry M Whitney of Boston who
has become Involved in a controversy
with President Roosevelt In connec
tion with the question of reciprocity Is
a brother of the late William C Whit
ney secretary of the navy under Pres
ident Cleveland He was the Demo
cratic candidate for lieutenant govern
or of Massachusetts in the recent cam
paign aud ran ahead of his ticket Mr
Whitney has for years been conspicu
ous in his advocacy of the policy of
reciprocity especially reciprocity with
Canada This issue cut quite a figure
in the recent campaign in the old Bay
State and while Curtis Guild Jr the
Republican candidate for governor
who favors conservative revision of
the tariff was elected by about 23001
plurality his running mate on the tick-
et Eben S Draper received less than
2000 plurality on the face of the re
turns The Democrats decided to con
test his election and endeavor to have
their candidate Mr Whitney seated
About a year and a half ago Mr
Whitney was empowered by a mass
meeting in Fanueil hall to appoint a
committee of 100 to lead a fight for
reciprocity with Canada Thirty thou
sand business men of Massachusetts
signed resolutions in favor of the reci
procity propaganda Later Mr Whit
ney headed a delegation which appear
ed before President Roosevelt at
Washington In the recent campaign
hf referred to Mr Roosevelts remarks
on this occasion and the president has
said that Mr Whitneys statements
misrepresented him
Mr Whitney was born in Conway
Maps in 1S41 He was educated in
the public schools of Conway and at
the Williston academy at Easthamp
ton He began his business career in
a bank engaged afterward in the ship
ping business and in 1SS9 went into
rapid transit operations in Boston He
introduced electric traction and was
instrumental in the consolidation of
Bosioiis traction lines into one sys
torn He is now identified with nu
merous large corporate interests in
New England Mr Whitney is mar
ried and has several children Thomas
W Lawson in speaking of the Mas
sachusetts legislature in Everybodys
Magazine said in a recent article that
Mr Whitney had the reputation of
carrying that body in his waistcoat
An Interesting anil Significant Siclt
In n Shipyard
The use of compressed air in connec
tion with mechanical operations has
served to minimize labor In many
hitherto tedious processes Shipbuild
ing is one of the occupations in which
the compressed air method of apply
ing force ha worked wonder In the
old days most of the work in building
a ship whether for merchant use or for
warfare was done by hand Hatchets
and adzes were in constant employ
ment where now steam and compress
ed air do the trick with a minimum of
expenditure of human strength
It is interesting to watch a work
man take a compressed air drill and
make a hole in a thick steel plate that
would withstand the attack of a heavy
shell An air compressor produces air
under a pressure from one pound to
the square inch up to 3000 pounds or
more The usual working pressure
ranges from 50 to 100 pounds per
square inch Saws riveters and other
tools are also operated by compressed
t5he Struggle to
Railway Rates I
HE contest over the question of
railroad rates overtops In in
terest everything else up for
discussion In the present con
gress and bids fair to be the most ex
citing of any struggle witnessed in
some time In the national halls of legis
lation The battle may be said to have
begun last winter to have been con
tinued during the recess of congress in
the newspapers and on the rostrum
and now to be joined again where the
contest must be fought out nt tlie na
tional capital itself The administra
tion plan for a body vested with pow
ers to make fair rates won a victory
last winter In the house of representa
tives where the bill bearing the names
of Congressman Esch of Wisconsin
and Congressman Townsend of Michi
gan passed by a large majority Demo
crats uniting with Republicans In its
support and only a few scattering votes
being cast against it When it went to
the senate it encountered obstacles too
great to be overcome at that time and
the Fifty eighth congress went out of
existence without enacting Into law
this most important measure During
the summer the friends of railway rate
reform rallied their forces and the rail
roads and the interests allied with them
did the same During the interval be
tween the expiration of the Fif ty eighth
congress and the assembling of the
Fifty ninth the senate committee on
interstate commerce held sessions and
took testimony the interstate com
merce commission made investigations
with a view of aiding in the solution
of the problem and the subject was
discussed In the press on the plattorm
of Chautauqua assemblies and at other
public gatherings
As the Esch Townsend measure did
not become law the matter must be
taken up anew from the beginning and
the assembling of the Fiftj nintli con
gress found the friends of railway rate
reform eager to proceed with the en
actment of the new bill Messrs
Esch and Townsend are again the
presidents field marshals In the lower
branch of congress
In the senate the course of railway
rate reform is beset with greater
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cles now as it was in the previous ses
sion owing to the strength of the rail
way element in that body A bill has
been prepared with the aid of the in
terstate commerce commission which
is said to represent the ideas of the
administration as to the kind of a law
which would prove effective Senator
Foraker who has all along opposed
the presidents idea of giving rate mak
ing powers to the interstate commerce
commission has prepared a bill ex
pressing his own ideas of a conserva
tive measure on this subject He is
one of the members of the senate In
terstate commerce committee which
has charge of bills on the subject of
railway rates The other members are
Stephen B Elkins of West Virginia
Shelby M Cullom of Illinois Nelson
W Aldrich of Rhode Island John Kean
of New Jersey Jonathan P Dolliver
of Iowa Moses E Clapp of Minnesota
Joseph H Millard of Nebraska Benja
min R Tillman of South Carolina An
selm J McLaurin of Mississippi Ed
ward W Carmack of Tennessee Mur
phy J Foster of Louisiana and Francis
G Newlands of Nevada Senator El
kins is chairman and he made his for
tune largely through railroads and is
counted as in sympathy with their side
of the question The foremost antago
nist of railway rate legislation in the
senate however is Senator Aldrich of
Rhode Island who for years has been
the mainstay of corporation influence in
the upper branch of congress Lincoln
Steffens the magazine writer whose
investigations of the system have
been carried on in many states has de
voted much attention to the operations
of Senator Aldrich who he says owns
Rhode Island The senator is the father-in-law
of John D Rockefeller Jr
he stands close to H n Rogers vice
president of the Standard Oil company
and is an all powerful factor in the
circles of high finance Senator Al
drich is sixty four years old he hai
been in politics for thirty five years
and has risen from alderman to sena
tor He entered the house of repre
sentatives in 1S79 and was promoted to
the senate in 1SS1 He Is an expert In
all matters relating to finance and has
for years been chairman of the senate
finance committee Though past three
score the senator is well preserved
and athletic and devotes much time to
golf He has a private course on his
Providence estate and it has some
times been claimed that he is the cham
pion golf player of congress
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