The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, December 29, 1905, Image 3

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Jf There is no specific for
consumption Fresh air ex
ercise nourishing food and
Scotts Emulsion will come
pretty near curing it if there
is anything to build on Mil
lions of people throughout the
world are living and in good
health on one lung
From time immemorial the
doctors prescribed cod liver
oil for consumption Of
course the patient could not
take it in its old form hence
it did very little good They
can take
and tolerate it for a long
time There is no oil not
excepting butter so easily
digested and absorbed by the
system as cod liver oil in the
form of Scotts Emulsion
and that is the reason it is so
helpful in consumption where
its use must be continuous
j We will send
sample free
J Be sure that this
picture in the form of
a label is on the wrap
per of every bottle of
Emulsion you buy
Scott Bowne
409 Pearl Street
New York
50c and gl all druggist
you a
A Guaranteed Cure For Piles
Itching Blind Bleeding or Protrud
ing Piles Druggists refund money if
Pazo Ointment fails to cure any case
no matter of how long standing in 6 tol4
days First application gives ease and
rest 50c If your druggist hasnt it
send 50c in stamps and it will be for
warded postpaid by Paris Medicine Co
St Louis Mo
Hollisters Rocky Mountain Tea is
simply liquid electricity It goes to
every part of your body bringing new
blood strength and new vigor It makes
you well and keeps you well 35 cents
L W McConnell
Good reading cheap may be secured
from The Tribune clubbing list
iflf I AiS3Pti
Safe Always reliable radlcnask Druggist foi
Cold metallic boxes sealed with blue ribbon
Take no other ReftiNe daneeroun atibntl
tationsand imitations Buyof your Druggist
or send in stamps for Particular Testi
lnonlaU and llelief for Aniies in Utter
by return Mail 10000 Testimonials Sold by
all Druggists
2100 Madison Square PIIUUL P4
Mention thl dadbiw
The best of every
thing in his line at
the most reasonable
prices is Harsh s
motto He wants
your trade and
hopes by merit to
keep it
The Butcher
Phone 12
Career of Tom Mnnnon Author of A
Corner In Women
Tom Mnsson whose new book A
Corner In Women and Other Follies
Is one of the entertaining books of the
year is the managing editor of Life
He Is a native of Connecticut is nearly
forty years of age and has been writ
ing humorous satirical and philosoph
ical verse and prose for at least two
decades His father was a sea captain
and the first ten years of his life were
spent at sea Then he undertook to be
a business man and displayed much
aptitude for such a career but love of
literary work lured him to try his hand
at authorship He compromised some
what by developing into one of the
most systematic hardworking and
businesslike literary men In America
He does everything by the watch
works so many hours a day whether
he feels inspired or not and in this re
spect somewhat resembles the late An
thony Trollope who enjoyed telling a
story about a shoemaker he knew
This man when he went to work in
variably placed a bit of shoemakers
was on his bench and sat down on it
Every time he felt inclined to cease
pegging away and started to get up the
wax held him down thus reminding
him that industry was what was need
ed In this world And genius said
Trollope is only another name for
shoemakers wax
Mr Masson resides in Glen Ridge
N J is a member of the board of edu
cation has a wife and three children
and has run an automobile for a year
or two without breaking his neck In
A Corner In Women a great trust
magnate named Morgfeller kidnaps all
the women in New York and the re
sulting complications are very amus
Detroit Man nnd Image He Set Up In
His Yard
A few centuries ago Herman Menz
who has erected a statue of Satan in
his front yard in Detroit would have
been burned at the stake By making
a martyr of the old gentleman who can
find nothing better to worship than his
Satanic majesty the authorities would
have raised him to an importance he
is not now likely to receive His statue
of the devil has been treated for the
most part as a harmless sculptural
freak though when it was first un
veiled and was seen to be draped in
American flags the indignation aroused
by such a use of the emblem of civic
liberty was such that the old man de
cided to remove the flags and leave
only a ribbon of red white and blue
around Old Nicks neck The church
- rrm
people of Detroit agreed that Menz and
his devil would prove but a nine days
wonder and that the incident was not
worth treating seriously The small
boys of the vicinity however soon dis
covered that Satan made an excellent
target for stones and other missiles
and to protect it from injury or de
struction the police had to guard it
Menz is an infidel and comes of a
family of Infidels He was born in Ger
many has lived in this country for
over a score of years and is a stone
mason He built with his own hands the
house In which he and his family live
and adorned it with queer heads The
monument which has created such a
sensation is fourteen feet high and the
evil one is represented standing behind
a sort of pulpit with his tail coiled
archly over his shoulder Menz charges
visitors an admission fee of 10 cents
per capita-
The Work Ahead
Coming Congress
opening of congress gives tho
country a new topic of discus
sion and signs are not lacking
that the coming session will bo
In many respects a lively one Although
the Republicans have a large majority
In both branches of congress there Is a
prospect that matters will come up for
consideration upon which the members
of the majority party are not wholly
agreed so that there will be a chance
for the development of new factional
alignments and unprecedented political
situations New issues have recently
come to the front In respect to which
party lines have not been strictly
drawn Among the topics which will
be uppermost in debate will be railroad
rate legislation the work of construct
ing the Panama canal federal supervi
sion of Insurance companies tariff re
vision limitation of representation
from southern states on account of al
leged suppression of the colored vote
admission of new states and matters
connected with the Insular possessions
of the United States The leading place
will be taken by the subject of railroad
rate legislation The house of repre
sentatives passed a bill on this subject
last winter but the senate adjourned
without taking action on It This being
a new congress the matter must be
taken up again from the beginning and
It is the plan of the advocates of rail
road rate legislation in the house to
pass a new bill on the same lines as
that of the last session but somewhat
more explicit They hope to get this
bill through early in the season and
thus give the senate no excuse for in
action on the ground of insufficient
time to consider the matter
The Fifty ninth congress is composed
largely of old members old that is to
say in the sense of having already seen
congressional service There are 38G
men in the house of representatives
and 290 of these or 75 per cent have
occupied seats in the chamber before
The percentage in the last congress
was 60 Fifteen states are represented
in the Fifty ninth congress by the same
men who represented them in the Fifty
eighth congress Among the new men
in the senate are James A Hemenway
of Indiana Frank B Brandegee of
Connecticut and Robert Marion La Fol
lette of Wisconsin Mr Hemenway
took the seat vacated by Senator Fair
banks when he became vice president
The new member from Indiana is re
garded as one of the ablest legislators
at Washington and has the advantage
of a long antl busy service in the house
of representatives to aid him in becom
ing a leading figure among the senators
Senator Brandegee who succeeds the
late Senator Orville H Piatt has also
served in the house He has the dis
tinction of being the youngest member
of the new senate and as he has quite
a reputation as an orator is expected
to become a figure on the floor of the
senate chamber Another new senator
from New England Is W Murray
Speaker Cannon is likely to be the
same dominant figure In the house of
representatives of the Fifty ninth con
gress that he was in the Fifty eighth
Though he prefers to be considered an
easy boss his rule over the house is
none the less firm He often carries
his points without creating any ill feel
ing because of his love of humor and
command of wit and homely Illustra
tions One of the questions on which
Speaker Cannon differs from some of
his Republican colleagues Is that of
the tjfriff He does not believe In re
vision I am not in favor of hanging
the country up by the tail was the
way he put it in referring to the sub
ject recently Asked to explain his
ideas on this head more fully he de
scribed the disturbances to industry
which he thought would follow any ef
forts In the direction of tariff revision
and added We used to swing dogs
by the tail when we were boys It
must have been a very uncomfortable
sensation for the dog It would be just
as uncomfortable a sensation for this
great country and by Jove I am not
one to sit quietly by and see It at
A new member of the house who at
the same time is an old member Is Gen
eral J Warren Kelfer once speaker
who after years of absence has been
returned to congress from Ohio
Brand Whltlock Who Inherits the
Late Mayor Jones Mantle
Ohio like Indiana bids fair to be
come famous for the number of Its au
thors in politics One of these Is tho
mayor elect of Toledo Brand Whlt
lock who is aiding Mayor Tom John
son to round up the reform sentiment
of the Buckeye State In the conference
of mayors elect called at Cleveland
Mr Whltlock Is the author of The
Thirteenth District Her Infinite Va
riety and other stories and he Is the
man upon whom the mantle of Golden
Rule Jones has fallen He was born
at Urbana In 1809 and Is the son of a
minister the Rev Ellas D Whltlock
He studied law at Springfield 111 and
there got an insight into politics The
political atmosphere In which he found
himself at the Illinois state capital was
responsible for his turning aside from
the practice of law upon his entrance
to the bar and engaging in newspaper
work instead In which he won a repu
tation as a writer on political subjects
He took up story writing In connection
with journalism and it was in this way
that he brought out in 1901 his most
famous work The Thirteenth Dis
trict a stirring novel of politics
A few years ago Mr Whitlock en
tered upon the practice of the legal pro
fession in Toledo His Interest in the
kind of politics represented by the late
Mayor Samuel M Jones led him to
support that successful reformer with
enthusiasm He was one of the most
trusted friends of the Golden Rule
mayor When the latter died the cor
poration and machine politicians sup
posed that the rule of the Golden Rule
in Toledo was at an end and stocks of
public service corporations took a boom
But Toledo had learned well the les
sons taught by the dead mayor and In
the last election the novel writing law
yer who had been nominated on a
Golden Rule platform rallied the Inde
pendents to his support and was swept
into office by a large majority
American Yonnjr Woman Who Paint
ed Empress Dowager of China
Miss Katherlne Carl whose book
With the Empress Dowager has jusi
been issued by the Century company
is an American artist formerly resident
in Paris but now the tenant of a New
York studio She won special fame
through her portraits of the Chinese
dowager empress Tsl An and was for
eleven months a resident of the im
perial palace in Peking It was in this
way she came to obtain the knowledge
of Chinese customs and character and
of the imperial family which she has
embodied in her book Miss Carl was
born in New Orleans spent her early
years in Memphis and eighteen years
ago accompanied her mother to Paris
where she studied under the best artists
Several years ago Miss Carl went to
China to visit a brother She met
Colonel Edwin H Conger then the
American minister and his wife and
they introduced her to the dowager
empress who had learned of her re
markable artistic gifts and decided to
sit to her for a portrait The artist
during her residence in the palace was
attended by a large retinue of serv
ants and for almost a year Tsl An
gave her a sitting nearly every day
She painted several pictures of the
Iron willed old lady who is the real
ruler of China and one of them show
ed the dowager empress in costume of
Btate and sitting upon the throne This
Was sent to the St Louis fair
and Ars
W2EJ3t s
- J A -
ova Ttng
A few Fine Ladies Furs left
for New Years gifts
Only a limited number of Mens Boys
and Youths Overcoats left to be
sold at a great reduction
Open evenings
Free to Indies Bring this coupon to the Ideal
properly filled out by the lady
of the house and receive free a Fine Shell Souvenir
R F D No
The IDEAL 5 10c STORE M L Rishel Prop
Opposite Postoffice McCook
To Cure a Cold in One Day
Take laxative bromo quinine tablets
All druggists refund the money if it fails
to cure E W Groves signature is on
each box 25c
In the county court of Red Willow county
State of Nebraska In tho matter of tho estate
of Anthony Droll deceased To all interested
in tho estate of Anthony Droll late of said
county deceased You aro hereby notified that
on tho 28th day of Novomber 1905 Edward
Droll filed a petition in the county court of
said county for his appointment as administra
tor of the estate of Anthony Droll late of said
county deceased and that tho same will be
heard in the county court room in the city of
McCook in said county on the 6th day of Janu
ary 1906at two oclock pm Itisfurtherorder
ed that notice of said heariner be given to all
parties interested in said estate by the publica
tion of this notice for threo successive weeks in
tho McCook Tkibune a newspaper printed
published and circulating in said county
Dated this 16th day of December 1XK
seal Frank Moore County Judge
To Nels J Johnson C H Lane Alfa CSeeley
and Henry Wykoff and to all whom it may con
cern The commissioners appointed to locate a
road commencing at tho northeast corner of
section seventeen 17 town one 1 range
twenty nine 29 and running thenco tvo 2
miles west on section line between sections
eight 8 and seventeen 17 and seven 7 and
eighteen 18 town one lj range twenty nine
29 and terminating at the north west corner
of section eighteen 18 town one 1 range
twenty nine 29 said road to be sixty six 66
feet wide have reported in favor of tho estab
lishment thereof as follows Commencing at
tho northeast corner of section eighteen 18
town ono 1 range twenty -nine 29 west 6th
p m and running thence west on section line
between sections seven 7 and eighteen 18
town one 1 range twenty nine 29 to the
north west corner of section eighteen IS
said town and range and terminating thereat
said road to be sixty six 66 feet wide and all
objections thereto or claims for damages must
be liled in tue couuti clerk s ouico on or neJoro
noon of the 2nd day of February A D 190S or
said road will be established without reference
E J WiLCOXCounty Clerk
0Y M
The above will cheerfully
be paid in lawful money
of the United States by the
undersigned proprietors of
Dr Pierces Golden Med
ical Discovery if they can
not show the oritrinal
ture of the individual volunteering- the tes
timonial below and also of every testimo
nial among- the thousands which they are
constantly publishing attesting the superior
curative properties of their several medi
cines and thus proving the genuineness
and reliability of all the multitude of testi
monials volunteered by grateful people in
their behalf
Worlds Dispensary Medical Asso
ciation Proprietors Buffalo N Y
THE REASOX There is no medicine
equal to Dr Pierces Golden Medical Dis
covery for purifying the blood It carries
off the poisons which contaminate the life
fluid It increases the activity of the
blood making glands and gives the body
an increased supply of pure body building
blood It builds up the body with sound
healthy flesh instead of flabby fat pro
motes the appetite feeds the nerves and
so gives to weak nervous people vitality
and vigor
About a year ago I had a very bad cough
and feared it would run into consumption
writes Hon Geo W Lynch of 27 Mason Street
Worcester Mass When a severe attack of
coughing would come on vomiting would set in
Matter accumulated in nose and my tonsils
were irritated After reading of the wonderful
cures resulting from Dr Pierces Golden Med
ical Discovery began to use it with some doubts
as to the good it would do me I am frank to
say But after I had used one bottle I noticed
quite a change for the better Ordered five more
bottles and before I had used them all the cure
was complete There is not now a trace of
cough or cold in my system and my health is
To gain knowledge of your own body in
sickness and health send for the Peoples
Common Sense Medical Adviser A book
of 1008 pages Send 21 cents in stamps for
gaper covered or 31 stamps for cloth
ound copy Address Dr R V Pierce 663
Main Street Buffalo N Y
The new magazines aro coming Re
member wo have a new rule for loaning
them after five new ones have been re
ceived ono may be loaned for two days
only but after the next number comes
thoy may be taken for two weeks tho
same as a book
Adventures of Philip by William
M Thackeray Discursive containing
several lino scenes and a beautiful
charactfir in the Little Sister the
womanly and loving friend of tho hero
History of Henry Esmond Esq
written by himself The English humor
ist of the eighteenth century Tho Four
Georges and Charity and humor by
William M Thackeray
History of Pendennis aims at pres
enting the young man of the time with
out flattery and without extenuation as
Fielding had presented Tom Jones Sati
ric humorous exposure of many shams
and vanities
Vanity Fair by William M Thack
eray A picture of society embracing a
vast variety of characters and interests
the object being to depict mankind with
all its faults and meannesses without
idealization or romance Mingled trag
edy passion and comedy Period
second decade of 19th centuryAn epoch
making work in the history of English
realism Becky Sharp -the Crawleys
Major Dobbin Amelia and the wonder
ful picture of the battle of Waterloo are
immortal These books may be found
at the Public Library
The following magazines are wantsd
at the library Everybodys Magazines
Year 1902 Jan March April May and
July 1903 March and September 1904
Library hours Mornings from 1030
to 12 oclock afternoons from 130 to C
oclock evenings from 7 to 9- oclock
Sunday afternoon 2 to 5 oclock
Ida McCarl Librarian
Real Estate Transters
The following real estate filings have
been made in the county clerks oiiice
since last Thursday evening
T H Barnes to T Colling wd to lot 17
blk 7 Willow Grove 50 00-
WAStahletal to A L StuliI to
swqr 12-2-26 2000 00-
H Hoffman Sr to H Hoffman Jr wd
to w hf nw qr w hf s v qr 23-2-23 10U 00
K T Forbes to L H Corwin wd to lot
9 blk 5 2nd McCook 1000 Ott
E L Means to F J Schumacher wd to
undhf int in 500 0O
Gertrude Dewey to B W Peterson deed
to se qr nw qr and e hi sw qr W and
ne qr nw qr 31-2-30 Kto
Genevieve Conner to H Q Tirrill wd to
lot 3 blk 22 1st McCook
A Lincoln to J L Bamhart vd to lot 1
blkSlBartley 25 00
G W Jones to JLBarnhart qcd to lots
2and3blk31 Bartley 60 OO
J F Cordeal to Rose E Bayles wd to
lots 7 and 8 blk 1 1st add McCook 1400 00
United States to L W Critser pat to e
hfnwqr 30-2-29
United States to J Raisch pat to w hf
nw qr 14 and s hf ne
United States to H A Critser pat to ne
qr sw qr and n hf e qr 30 n hf so qr 30
and nwqr swqr 29-2-29
Take advantage of The Tribunes ex
traordinary subscription offer found on
second page of tbi3 issue