The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, December 22, 1905, Image 5

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Time Card
McCook Neb
No G Central Timo 1155pm
iluU tl Ol
12 800 am
U 9r5pM
No 1 Mountain Time 120Gp m
3 11pm
1 937 AM
No 17C arrives Mountain Time 540 P M
No 175 departs G45a m
Sleeping dining and reclining cliair cars
teats free on through trains Tickets Fold
and baKgacro checked to any point in the United
States or Canada
For information timo tables maps and tick
et call on or write George Scott Asrent Mc
Cook Nebraska or J Francis General Passen
cor Agent Omaha Nebraska
Jamos Williams has gone to Auburn
The freight congestion from Akron
west is pretty severe
A car broke down just west of Akron
last Friday night and delayed traffic a
few hours
It wont look home like about the
round house for some timo without
Lloyd Jennings has quit merchandis
ing and is now clerking for the night
foreman iD the round house
George Whittaker arrived home Sun
day from his visit to relatives in Chey
enne and returned to work Monday
T A Erb of Akron Colo was in
town Monday on business connected
with his boarding train in this neighbor
One of the new balance compounds
is now drawing 41 and 42 between Lin
coln and Ravenna and is said to be do
ing good work
John Stevens formerly a member of
the Burlingtons machinist force here
has been down from Denver part of
this week on business
Over one hundred men were examined
during December by Dr Fahnestock of
the Burlington relief for admission into
the companys service in its several de
partments And still they come
Engineer Charlie Milligan was up
from Oxford first of the week having
some work done on his engine He re
turned to Oxford Wednesday night He
is on 13 and 14 Oxford to Red Cloud
Floyd M Berry had his left hand
painfully mashed last Thursday after
noon by an engine spring and will
spend some time nursing the injured
member before returning to work again
They had a car load of Italians for
the east Sunday morning on No 12
The Italians insisted upon going on No
2 but were persuaded to wait until 12
A rose by any other name would smell
as sweet
Henry Moers of the repair track force
received an injury to the left knee Mon
day while operating a jack under a still
car The jack gave away or slipped
He will be off a few days until the mem
ber recovers
Six new passenger engines have been
purchased by the Burlington and are
being set up at the Havelock shops
They will bo completed in a few weeks
ready to be placed in Jervice The en
gines came from the Baldwin Locomo
tive works They are the P3 class
balance compound and will be the
largest and fattest on the road Some
of the largest switch engines in the ser
vice of theG6 type are being made
at the Havelock shops Two of them
have been completed and placed in ser
vice One will be used in Lincoln
Several more of these will be completed
umm nun linn ihimi nim irrwnrri Trunin mm im irmiM
Bald Scalp shiny and thin
Then its probably too late
You neglected dandruff If
you had only taken our ad
vice you would have cured
the dandruff saved your hair
and added much to it If
not entirely baldnow is your
opportunity Improve it
I have used Arert Hair Vleor Tor OTerlO
years I am now 9l yearn old and have a heavy
growth of rich brown hair due I think en
tirely to JiTeri Hair Vluor
Mrs M A Kkitfi Belleville III
0100 a bottle
Lowell Mm
Gobd Hair
P C Eickhof of Havelock is a now
Conductor and Mrs W H Brown
were brief Hastings visitors Tuesday
Floyd Berry arrived home this morn
ing from his short visit to Carl in Pueb
lo Colo
Five Great Northern locomotive en
gineers have been transferred to the Al
liance division to assist during the rush
on that division
Engineer A J Dillon has resigned
from tho servico on account of that af
fair with 177 Tuesday night wiring his
action into headquarters same night
Another Familiar Face Missing
Master Mechanic R B Archibalds
official connection with the Burlington
railroad at this place ceased Monday of
this week
About twenty five years ago before
there was any Burlington in tnis operat
ing this far west R B Archibald op
erated a steam shovel for the Burling
ton at Plattsmouth coming to the Bur
lington from tho Northwestern railroad
where ho was a machinist and locomo
tive engineer When the road opened
up its line into Denver in the winter of
1831 18S2 he was one of the trusted and
ablest passenger engineers on the line
runing on the road until he was made
master mechanic in 18S4
His official career has been through
the most strenuous years in the Bur
lingtons history a strenuosity mude
more tense even during the past year
or so the policy of the company in
economizing repairs and demanding the
utmost limit of service from motive
po wer
A machinist and locomotive engineer
both he has been able to give the ser
vice hardly possible to a less practical
and resourceful man
Felix E Kennedy succeeds him en
tering upon his duties Tuesday morn
ing of this week Kennedy is well
known here having been formerly at
the head of the boilermaking depart
ment here for years afterward in the
same capacity at Sheridan Wyoming
and later a chiet boiler inspector for the
lines west of the Missouri river He is
considered an expert in the boiler line
and comes to his new position with
large and varied experience in that im
portant part of his business
To Extend Wymore Division
Wymore Neb Dec 14 Yesterday
morning all waycars of tho Burlington
in the yards here were ordered into re
pair and to be fully equipped It is not
known whether the company wiil send
them to another division or expects an
increase of business There is talk to
the efiect that the road from Red Cloud
to McCook or Oxford will be taken into
the Wymore division under CBRogers
This lacks confirmation Lincoln Jour
Manager Perktns Goes East
C E Perkins chairman of the board
of directors of the Burlington railroad
and his party returning from a hunting
expedition out in the state passed
through Lincoln this morningeastward
While here Mr Perkins reported to the
police the loss of his brown and white
pointer which strayed away from the
car and did not return It had a collar
bearing the name of the owner Tues
days Omaha Bee
Two Burlington Promotions
F E Kennedy boiler inspector for
the lines of the Burlington west of the
river has been made master mechanic
of the McCook machine shops H B
Keeper is made chief piece work inspec
tor for the Havelock shops Lincoln
Read Ludwicks ad on page eight
Mrs D C Shaw visited
friends Saturday
Henry Pate and George Kane have
purchased a corn sheller
Mr Proctor arrived from Iowa this
week and is visitiDg his daughter Mrs
Joseph Harr and Joseph Kennedy
were business visitors in McCook Sat
urday last
Martin Kennedy had a very sick horse
with the cornstalk disease but treat
ment brought the animal out O K
George Henderson has boucht a six-
hole corn shelter and is running the
same with his threshing machine engine
Miss Ethel Middleton teacher in the
Kennedy district will give an entertain
ment Friday today She will have a
Christmas tree for the little folks
Fred Carter will move first of March
to the Baker farm having purchased
the same from William Byfield last
fall He bought 120 acres more last
week which gives him 440 acres of land
Walter Hickling sold two farms the
past week His 160 acre timber claim
no improvements for 2700 and the
farm where James Malen lives 160 acres
for 3000 He bought the Bame farm
four years ago from Mr Skelton for
Values that Overtop Them All
Exclusive designs Handsomely trimmed Manufactured by the most exclusive high grade slipper
manufacturers in the country
But slippers are not the only good things we have in stock Come in and let us show you some
thing else if you dont want slippers Well help you choose and save you money
Petty s Shoes Go With Christmas Stockings
The Model Shoe Store
Webster Dowler is hero from Wilsou
villo visiting
Wm Eifort has sold his town place co
Mr McGuire
James Robinson has sold his farm to
Joseph Murphy
Rev Hall will spend Christmas at his
Stockville home
Mr3 Milfred Pew is very sick with
tho typhoid fever
Mrs Hawkins of Marion is very low
with tho measles
Born to Pearle Stiort and wifea baby
boy December loth
Miss Alta Morgan returned home
from Lincoln to spoud tho holidays
Herman Wintjens nephows from Wis
consin are visiting at hisplace
Miss LeddieShaffert returned to her
home in Bartley until after tho holidajs
James Jones and family who have
been visiting in Washington and Oregon
have returned
The school entertainment which was
to be given Friday was put off until
after Christmas
John Newmann shipped thiee car
loads of hogs to Kansas City He then
returned to his home in Iowa
Mr Adams got badly hurt Saturday
night while he was putting his horses
in the barn one kicked him lie was
unconscious but is now better
W B Sexson helped G H Harrison
shell corn Tuesday
Younger and Foyo are building a
house for R llauxwell
D B Doyle lost five head of cattle in
the stalks last Wednesday
Mrs II Y Johnson was a Box Elder
visitor last Tuesday evening
Virgil Gordon left last Tuesday night
for his old home in New York
Mrs Isaac Atkinson of Maxwell Iowa
is here on a visit to her daughter Mrs
Fred Lakin
G N Henderson shelled corn for G
H Harrison and John White Tuesday
and Wednesday
C I Hall of McCook was in this vi
cinity last Moday and received a num
ber of signers for a telephone line from
McCook to Box Elder
School commenced Mondavin district
No 82
Urban Bartholomew drove to Bartley
Ernest Fiechters have moved into
their new home
Mr Sheldon was a Bartley visitor
Sunday adjusting the damaging of
some goods in their shipment here last
We understand that John WSlutts
has traded his elevator and residence in
Creston Iowa to a Lincoln man for a
ranch in Thomns county Neb Mr
Slutts gives possession Mi 1st it be
ing in the contract that i got this
years crop and part of the si nek
Office of Grand Chaucellur Knights of
Laurel Neb Oct 3 1903
This is to certify that I bouunt of Dr
T Albert Jones eye specialist a pair of
glasses which have given m mtire sat
isfaction in every particular Dr Jones
is well versed iu his chosen profession a
man of very marked ability and of good
learning Any one wanting work done
in his line cannrt mi- it in pmploying
him He is agiritlt niiti in every respect
and iniderbtjuuis his I cheer
fully introduce am rei ninmend him to
you Rkv Jon L Phillips
At the Palmer lloue
Fifty Years fh Standard
Made From Grapes
A E riHTY Proprietor
gTTO ptJjuimMiiijimiit hum j
Land Wanted
At the very best figure that you will
sell for L H Lindem nn
BMijror Wis April 8 1901
Dr T A Jones eyesight specialist is
in my opinion ono of the foremost re
fractionists in the profession The con
dition Hypermetropic Astigmatism from
which I have suffered for some timehas
been moat s atisfaotoriiy corrected and
treated by the doctor His work is thor
ough and very conscientious
Aiphonzo DkPxerkeMAMD
At Palmer Hotel
Farm Buildings a Specialty
McCook Neb
Your EyeSight
He is Here for a Week Beginning
Friday Dec 22
Eyesight Specialist at the Palmer
House McCook
From the Northern Illinois College of Opthal
mology and Otology
People of McCook and vicinity just
one brief message about your eyes and
myself If you have ailing eyes you
need me and I need you but I am not
here to take your money without giving
an equivlent in good big eye-sight-saving
value increased eye comfort
perfect eye ease and entire satisfaction
We all know 1 acknowledge it with
regret and shame for my beloved profes
sion there are some unscrupulous
traveling men who take the peoples
money and oft times their eye sight
Others who work inestimable harm to
this priceless organ are the located
men in the city or town who ignorantly
fit strong harmful lenses which only
serve to weaken and destroy eyesight
rather than preserve it This latter
class may be honest often are but
but still work great harm to the eye be
cause they fail to realize the truth of
that old saying A little knowledge is
a dangerous thing These empirical
and haphazard methods of fitting glasses
are responsible for much of the present
day eye trouble No person should
wear glasses unless prescribed by one
thoroughly acquainted with anatomy
physiology disease of the eye laws of
light and science of optics
Dr Jones improved method of eye
examination and flitting glasses and
the wonderful relief afforded thousands
in his twenty years practice is little
less than marvelous in results By the
proper application of lenses without
the use of medicines he corrects all de
fects of visiom such as Hypermetropia
Myopia Presbyonia and those nerve
and sight destroying ailments Astigma
tism Heterophoria and Strabismus
Bangor Wis April 8 3901
Dr T A Jones eyesight specialist
is in my opinion one of the foremost
Refractionists in profession The condi
tion of Hypermetropic Astigmastism
from which I have suffered for some
time has been most satisfactorily cor
rected and treated by the doctor His
work is thorough and very conscient
ious Alponso De Pierre M A M D
Mrs L A Gilmore wife the Presi
dent of the village of Eandolph says
that she would have been blind within
a short time had she not received treat
ment from Dr T Albert Jones
Cambria Wis Mch 17 1901
Dr Jones Dear Doctor I have now
worn my glasseB for some time and 1
well pleased with them They are all
that one could desire Thanking you
for your painstaking and your superior
professional skill Continue to do to
others as you did for me in giving them
light and the multitudes will bless you
Our I
i n
Exquisite means Nice Deli
cate Exact Choice Kare
Mikado E
9 -V
and Drawn Worl
is all that as a gift A piece
from our selection would
please most any lady Try it
Or perhaps one of the
from our Amiis line would
suit better Anyway dont
put it off any longer Come
in today
iDeGroff Co
Catholic Order of services Mass
8 a m Mass and sermon 1000 a m
Evening service at 8 oclock Sunday
school 230 p m Every Sunday
J J Locghran Pastor
Methodist Sunday school at 10 am
Sermons 11 and 730 Class at 12 Junior
League at 3 Epworth League at 630
Prayer meeting at 8 Wednesday Xmas
tree Saturday night December 23 at
eight oclock
M B Carman Pastor
Congregational Sunday school at
10 a m Christmas services at 11 a m
and 730 p m Christian Endeavor at
630 Special music by choir and others
in the evening Christmas cantata tree
and Santa Claus for the Sunday school
Monday evening December 25 at 730
Geo B Hawkes Pastor
Episcopal Services in St Albans
church as follows Every Sunday in the j
month Sunday school at 10 oclock am
Morning prayer at 11 a m and evening
prayerand sermon at 8 The third Sun
day in the month Holy Communion at
730 a m All are welcome
E R Eaple Rector
we are rushed with Xmas
business we will have
some IDEAL New Years
Look for Them
The Ideal 5 10c Store
Opposite Poatoffice McCook
McCook Market Quotations
Corrected Friday morning
Corn j SO
Wheat C6
Oats 25
Eye 1
Barley 22
Hog3 440
Eggs 2T
GoodBnttei 20
A Sound Argument
The one that blows without any
thing to blow about wastes time and
energy The excellence of our goods
and delivery service warrant us for
blowing Always the best always
the greatest variety always the
highest quality
Phone 14 t Ejresb and Salt Meats