The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, December 08, 1905, Image 8

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    Dont forget to come in
and look through the
It is
and see
They cost you no more than the ordinary kind from 1 up
Kimonas and Bath Robes
We have had such an enormous sale on KIMONA SILKS
TERNS with cord and tassels to match that duplicate
orders have been rushed to the eastern markets and you
will find SOMETHING NEW EVERY TIME you call
at the New Store
H C Clapp
New Walsh Block - Phone 56 - flcCook
f 1
for you to begin looking for your Christmas presents Did you know
that there is nothing that pleases a lady so much as fancy china
If you do not know what to get for your wife sister sweetheart
or friend just decide on a piece of hand painted china and it will
always be a thing of beauty and a joy forever
This store has added a new department within the past three
the largest line ever shown in the city Notice too that this is a
WHOLE NEW LINE everything on the shelves and racks are this
seasons latest No last years goods to mix with them It is impos
sible to describe the line You are invited to come in and take your
time in looking through the stock
has also been increased by many fancy pieces suitable for Xmas gifts
A good easy rocking chair makes the most welcome present to the
whole home
J E Ludwick
The House Furnisher
fefcl lfefefefe k
At our store you will find an abundance
of beautiful and useful
Lunch Cloths Doilies Tray Cloths Pillow
Tops Hardanger Mont Mellic
and Eyelit Embroidery Patterns Batten-
berg Patterns Threads Silks
Needles Hoops etc
BEADING YARNS etc is in complete readiness for
Christmas shoppers and you should call at once and see
our assortment of
Wide Pillow Ribbons
for 1 Oc a yard
The come in all colors on cream scrim and have the
shir string at one edge to make fullness
Charlie Downs is suffering with
severe cold -
John Leibbrandt has just abou com
pleted his new house
Joseph Downs has lost three calves
since turning his cattle in the cornstalUs
Earl Notley arrived home from Curtis
Wednesday and says he has come to slay
This paper and The Weekly Inter
Ocean 105 gets both for one year
Special deal
Eudolph Podolski and Wm Baum
back are visiting with friends and rela
tives in Canada
The wind has been so very quiet the
last few days that a number of farmers
had to pump water by hand for their
Born to Mr and Mrs Gerald Wilcox
a baby girl Dec 6th There isnt any
sign of race suicide there for it is their
ninth child
It is coming the time of the year when
pennies left in the bottom of the box
freeze tight in a very short time and it
would be convenient to the carrier for
the patrons to lay in a Stock of stamped
envlopes or stamps to help alleviate his
The Brittain Jacobs bridal party of
last Thursday came near ending disas
trously The team became frightened
at the switch engine and before they
were quieted broke a couple of spokes
out of one wheel besides doing other
damages but nothing serious
C H Mundy is husking nnm fnr
Stephen Bolles
Lern Triflett ieftlast Saturdayfor his
home at Cambridge
Mr and Mrs John White visited with
Mr and Mrs N Tubbs last Sunday
Plans are being made for an entertain
ment and Christmas tree at the church
A W Campbell leftlast Saturdayfor
Beatrice for a business and pleasure
Mrs Stephen Bolles and son Orla re
turned last Saturday from their visit in
Mrs Ward and son-in-law George
Shepherd were callers in this vicinity
one day last week
Miriam Loomis an old settler of this
county now a resident of Wyoming has
been visiting old acquaintances in this
Dynamos Drlren from Car Axle
The Great Western Eailway of Eng
land Is lighting Its corridor trains by-
electricity obtained from dynamoH
driven from the car axle Storage bat
teries are carried for use -when the
running speed is slow and for stops
It In the Nnflonal Diversion of the
SLuzucae People
Betel nut chewing Is the national di
version of tne Siamese Every one
fvom high to low is addicted to Uio
habit and preparation of the quid for
those too poor td own ingredients and
boxes is In every town qnite a busi
ness of Itself In the smallest settle
ments one sees peddlers squatting be
fore their trays of little hoses holding
limo and seeds of tobacco and pack
ages of syrah or green betel leaves
The betel tree is among the most coin-
j mon In Slam sending up a trunk some-
times full sixty feet always like the
cocoauut umbiesd except for Its bush
of a top where again like the cocoa
the nuts -grow in closely attached
bunches to harden anil redden before
The cardamom seed or clove Is an
extra of the well to do and especially
of the women The common habit
among men of the country is to add a
pinch of tobacco after first rubbing It
over their gums The bright red saliva
from chewing is In the town house
carefully deposited In a handsome sil
ver receptacle In the up country
house silts between the open bamboo
flooring obviate the necessity for such
niceties But always on formal occa
sion even In the jungle edge the betel
nut chewer carries his box for the free
ly flowing juice that stains the teeth
a deep red which among the better
class with care and attention becomes
a highly polished black
And this is true even of Siams most
enlightened classes whom contact witli
the outside world appears not to win
from the betel nut and discolored teeth
In Bangkok I talked with one of royal
blood and his wife both of whom had
lived several j ears In England yet the
teeth of each were black as ebony and
the woman frankly expressed her dis
gust at the white teeth of foreigners
Dogs and other four footed animals
she declaped have white teeth Bless
ed Is contentment Outing
According to Dr 3Innn They Are
Perfectly IIiirmlesK
Dr Mann an enthusiastic lover of
snakes contributes to a recent Eng
lish volume a letter which goes to
show that the larger kinds of these
creatures may have far more charac
ter and emotion than they are general
ly credited with
My present boa he writes al
ways sleeps in my bed around my feet
He is perfectly clean lies still and very
seldom disturbs me Occasionally he
crawls to my face to lick it I fre
quently take a python to bed but at
present she is timid and If she cannot
find my feet crawls out of the bed aud
curls herself on the floor
1 do not myself believe that any
python or boa is savage but they are
dreadfully timid especially from the
ill treatment they receive when first
caught and pie misery and terror they
endure on the voyage There is anoth
er thing They have no eyelids and on
being suddenly uncovered and dragged
forth to the light suffer from the glare
very acutely It is best therefore to
hide their heads in your hand or under
your coat
Handle them often and give theni
water pressing tlieir heads gently
it I feed my boas frequently from
my hand but the last time I offered a
python a guinea pig the prey escaped
and the python took in the whole of
my hand Instead He soon discovered
his mistake and was greatly distress
ed rubbed his head against my hand
and seemed to fear some sort of pun
Since that time I hae had great
difficulty in persuading him to eat un
less I nurse him or take him to bed
when he will lie the whole night with
his head in my hand
Pets That Cannot Walk
In oriental countries it is customary
to have valuable fish as household
pets in the same way as we have
cats and dogs and in almost every
house in Japan one can find jars con
taining some fine specimens Japanese
nobles have large acquaria in which
are to be found species of odd and
curious fish that have been bred and
cultivated for the last 500 years and
more In China the paradise fish is a
good example of the result of careful
cultivation for it is nowhere found in
a wild state and is remarkable for its
colors which surpass in beauty those
of any other fish extant Another
household pet is the Chinese comet
goldfish which is equipped with im
mense caudal fins that spread out like
sails when the creature is swimming
Put on the Brake
If the people about you are carrying
on their business or their benevolence
at a pace which drains the life out of
you resolutely take a slower pace be
called a laggard make less money ac
complish less work than they but be
what you were meant to be and can
be You have your natural limit of
power as much as an engine ten
horsepower or twenty or a hundred
You are fit to do certain kinds of work
and you need a certain kind and
amount of fuel and a certain kind of
handling George S Merriam
The Best Guide to Readlnp
Of all the gifts an older brother or
alster can confer upon a younger child
none can compare with the taste for
good reading It Is an easy matter for
the elder to bring the right book to the
little reader at the right time and no
lasting benefit can be given with so
little effort See that you are able to
act as a wise guide when the little
brothers or sisters hand is put so con
fidingly In yours St Nicholas
A curiosity In the shape of a puff
ball as big as a mans head is on ex
hibition in a store at Bowdolnham Me
Stock Reducing
In order to reduce our grocery stock largely
by the first of the ccming year we have de
cided to give our patrons the advantage of a
Reduction of
to 20 per cent
on many items in our large line of fresh
and first class goods such as
California Fruits
Coffees Etc
You will save 5c a pound on your coffee and
proportionately more on other items
Take Advantage of
This Opportunity
The IN-ER-SEAL CADETS will be with
us Saturday aweek
Never Fail 5 gallon Oil or Gasoline Cans
for 150 They are world beaters
5 Suit of XTMGoop clothes
FREE to the Best Boy
The man who sells XTRAGOOD boy
clothes for Ederheimer Stein Co
Chicago is coming to see us within ten
days We will give free any XTRAGOOD
suit in our store to the first clever boy
under 16 years of age who finds THIS
man before he leaves town
What You Must Do
When you think you have found the
right man say to him You are from
Ederheimer Stein Co Chicago
and sell xTRAGOOD Clothes Re
member these words If you say any
thing else he will not answer
The Clothier
ll i
Hair Renwpd
A onlnnIJ 11 - V J I
owium iuuim iu me nair mases tne nair grow long and heavv
Alwavs restores co nrfoornvhnir o1lfhat t fnav
Stops falling hair also Sold for fifty years pjrrcSiS
The McCook Tribune
Only One Dollar the year