The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, December 01, 1905, Image 8

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Will Wights brother visited hero for
several days recently
Fred Pnlmers new house is enclosed
nd being rushed to completion
Indianola and Bartley are organizing
to bore for coal and oil at Indianoln
Mrs A L Cochran visited over Sun
day with her sister Mrs Guy Curlee
Elder Wilson and Dr Arbogast made
a business visit to Indianola Monday
Rev W W Gitlysof Cambridge visit
ed Tuesday with Rev and Mrs Kirby
Charley McCullom has bought the
Tiarness and hIioo business of Clarence
Ed Curlee of Lincoln visited in Bnrt
ley this woek coming down from Mc
C Jok on 12
John Jones has bought two lots in tho
north part of town and will build as
soon aB carpentors can be secured
Mrs Annie Strubo of Lincoln with
her children are visiting at the home of
her parents Mr and Mrs G W Ritchie
Dr and Mrs Brown entertained Mr
and MrsFrank Hodgkin and family and
Mrs Mary Hodgkin at a Thanksgiving
Misses Leva and Mable Williams wont
to Curtis to visit n few days and spend
Thanksgiving with Mr and Mrs Hnny
Mrs F G Stilgebouer this week be--came
ho possessor of a fino six octave
piano case organ of tho best and most
tnodern style and finish
Mr and Mrs McCord returned Tues
day evening from the eastern part of
the state where they had been visiting a
sick sister of Mrs McCord
Perry Premer foreman of the B M
carpenter crew is here with his men
putting up a new depot to replace the
xyao that burned a short time ago
Rae Hodgkins returned Tuesday
eveniug from Lincoln where he has
been attending business college and has
accepted a posision in Dr Browns drug
John Reiter of Indianola was a busi
ness visitor this week It is the second
timo in two years Mr Reiter has been in
Bartley and he was greatly surprised at
tho improvements made and being made
Will Kite of Puillipsburg Kansas has
purchased the Ira Ritchie residence and
will soon move to Bartley Mr and
Mrs Kite were residents here several
years while they were young people and
will be gladly welcomed on their return
Jklrs Kites mother who has beeu in
Uoseville 111 will soon return to Bart
W F Miller has resigned his position
as postmaster and the resignation has
been accepted Everyone who has
received mail at this office will exceed
ingly regret this action of Mr Miller
It is doubtful if anyone ever has or ever
will attend to the business better than
Mr Miller and his daughter Miss Maude
vhose careful correct and courteous
manner has been pleasing to all Mr
S W Clark has a petition signed by
nearly everyone who receives mail at
this offfce for appointment in Mr Millers
stead Sam has had experience in the
business and will prove very satisfactory
to all
Mrs Longnecker is still bedfast
There have been a few pleasant parties
Mr Clark is visiting his daughters in
Mrs S G King has been visiting her
son Ben
Mr Clark and William Myers have
put in phones
Mrs Clark expects to take dinner
with the Stewarts
There will be great sociability in Red
Willow at Thanksgiving
There will be McCook friends to take
dinner with Owens Longnecker and his
ftll are cordially invited to attend the
meetings which will be given the first
Tuesday in December
When Joy Holland heard of his fath
ers accident he came home from Den
ver and is now at home
The young married peoples club will
meet with Will Myers From the way
Will and Lon are preparing they will
3iave plenty to eat
Mike Esch had a fine horse cut by the
wire fence last week
John S Brittain has gone to Savannah
Mo on a protracted visit
P H Blunck is confined to the house
with severe throat trouble
Carrier Byfield enjoyed Uncle Sams
gift of a full holiday Thanksgiving
T A Endsley attended the teachers
association meeting in Indianola last
W N Rogers and son Henry spent a
couple of days hunting near Cambridge
iast week
Wednesday morning it was ten de
grees above zero and about the same
Thursday morning
Mrs Frank Freelove returned from
Tier western trip the 21st bringing with
her some samples of fruit which were
xtra fine making one wish they could
live where such things grow
Fifty Years the Standard
lade From Grapes
Will Devoe is lit ro from Utah visit
Harvey Burgess is erecting a new barn
in town
Mr and Mrs Walter Devoo have a
baby boy
Mr and Mrs Frank Horton have a
baby girl
J P Kinue is on a visit to his brother
in Lincoln
Mrs Kate Haskius will make a visit
in the east
Clyde LBodwell has torn out the par
titions in his dtore
Agent and Mrs Cooly have taken a
trip to the Black Hills
Charles Threylkill has purchased a
farm near Atwood Kansas
Ernest Feichtt r has his nw house
plastered Ditto Frank Elkerd
J W Turner has gone to his old home
in Tennessee to spend the wintur
Frank Jully has been visiting his
sister Mid Bert MuUariy south of
Prairie fire burned several tons of
hay for Walter Devoe on his farm south
east of town
Mrs Mattie Kinkaid has built an ad
dition 16x30 three btories high on the
back of her hotel
H E Waugh attended the hardware
mens convention in Omaha going from
there to visit his parents in Iowa
Mrs Hannah Johnson has repaired
her town property and moved in to take
advantage of our splendid schools
Mr and Mrs John Hoag were Bartley
visitors Saturday They called briefly
at Mr and Mrs Walter MPenningtous
Chas Blair is having quite a lot of
improvements consisting we under
stand of double corn crib barn and hog
McCart Brothers had a stock sale the
29th ou E M Penningtons farm Her
bert Garret from Colorado has rented
the farm for next year
J W Childres3 and brother were out
from Iowa last week J W bought the
L E Ralsteu farm some time back and
the brother expects to locate here
Rev Brooks of Superior preached a
splendid sermon Sunday in the Presby
terian church He has been helping
Rev W H Scofield in revivalmeetings
Frank Wiggins is here on a visit from
Texas His brother Wise is also down
from Benkelman bringing his fathers
cattle Earl Pritchart and Bert McCarty
helped drive them
Skunks under the school house drove
the scholars out in Miss Myrtle Chevills
school last Friday They dug a hole
under the foundation burned sulfur
sugar etc and it is hoped scent the
skunks away
William Staples is recovering from
getting caught under the scoop house
He was under the house to fix some
thing and one of the jacks slipped let
ting the building fall on him They
moved the scoop house down near the
farmers elevator to use for coal
Will Abbit is here visiting Mrs Manda
Nichols and son Lawrence and Miss
Beda Horton have returned from their
eastern trip They report lots of weath
er in Indiana with muddy roads etc
Mrs Mary Nichols who went with them
stopped to visit with her son Robert and
family at Brock Neb
W H Benjamin is on the sick list
Corn husking has commenced in the
Frank Cain has put down a well for
G W Sigwing
F W Wesch and C W Hass are
building a corn crib
Wesch and Blunck were buying Here
ford cattle last week
Harvey Rowland pulled his steam
thresher in last Wednesday
Mr and Mrs P H Blunck visited
the home of Jocob Wesch Sunday
We understand that George Sigroing
is going to give the young people a dance
Harvey Rowland threshed 100 bushels
of cane and kafir corn for Jake Wesch
and son last week
Charley Fowler who has been clerk
ing in T J Kennedys store at Cedar
Bluffs Kansas has left his job
wyreyg --
Let us be thankful
I M Smith was in Indianola between
trains Monday
Mr Strcff is hauling brick with which
to build his new house
John Grovert of McCook hns purchas
ed the T Duncan property
Miss Edna Reynolds has resigned her
position as teacher in the schools
B B Duckworth arrived home from
his Kansas trip Wednesday eveninp
Wm Mullinix took the train forHaig
ler Friday night where he goes in quest
of land
Services wpre held nt tho Methodist
church Thursday morning sermon by
tho pastor
Father Kelloy went to Cambridge
Sunday morninc returning on No 5
same evening
W A Dolan and family wont to Mc
Cook Friday night to visit Mr and
Mrs Beardslee
There was a dance at the hall Satur
day morning It was sparsely attended
and let out early
Frank Burbridge came down from Mc
Cook Sunday on No 12 and spent the
day with friends
The series of lectures to be given at
the Catholic church will begin Sunday
the 26tb and last all week
Floyd Welborn and wife of Denver
came in on No 14 Wednesday night for
a Thanksgiving visit with home folks
Sarah D Blotcky dramatic reciter
and monologist gave an entertainment
at Shorts opera house Saturday night
The Modern Remedy Company was
on exhibition Wednesday night nt the
opera house Another show is billed for
next week
Ward Quigley and Ethel Kennedy
were married Sunday evening at tho
residence of the lntter Judge Moore
Miss Pearl Lyman of Bartley came up
on No 5 Wednesday night to spend
Thanksgiving with her friends Edna
and Clara Thompson
A bad accident occurred last week
when a number of lads living north of
town were out hunting A rabbit was
scared from its retreat and some of the
boys with their usual haste shot at it
but missed the mark and a young man
named Hill received the charge of shot
in his face which has destroyed the
sight of one eye
Donald Ruby is on the sick list
The farmerselevator is near comple
G B Morgan is putting up a resi
dence jpf
Born to Mr and Mrs Oscar VanVleet
Nov 24 a baby girl x-
Mrs S W Stilgebouer and Liddie
Shaffert aro on the sick list
John Newman shipped two car loads
of hogs to St Joe Mo this week
Oman Smiley and Cliff Burbridge
went to Wilsonville to spend Thanks
An insurance man from Hastings was
here adjusting the damage by the fire
in J E Dolphs house
Ten above zero Wednesday morning
and as cold Thursday
Uncle Sams holiday was enjoyed by
Carrier Clark Thanksgiving
Mr and Mrs Wilson Glover and her
mother attended the golden wedding an
niversary celebration of Mr and MrsB
N Leisure of Danbury recently
Home for Families of Bandits
Not actuated by remorse but 07 pure
philanthropy Jim Jenkins hunter of
outlaws has concluded to devote ill
his money to the maintenance of a
home for the orphans and widows of
men he has run to earth in particular
and of criminals of the great South
west in generaL Jim Jenkins now of
Kansas is now 65 years old and has
spent forty years as a scout and hunt
er of bandits and train robbers Iu this
way he has made about 50000 Among
the distinguished outlaws lie has
chased were Jesse James and his broth
er Bob Ford Bill Dalton and Bill
Cook while he was the leader of the
band that caught Cherokee Bill in 1895
In the Dalton raid in Coffeyville Kaa
Jenkins was shot eight times He esti
mates his bag of bad men at about 150
The homfc which is being built on a
BOOO asre farm owned by Jenkins
near Pryor Creek I Tf is to cost 20
000 Buffalo Express
This Mormiu
Ge tie Laxative
nd spetizer
11 In Worn In Ceremonial Dnncex
and In Often Grotesque
The masks or false flicks that Indians
tiso in ceremonial dances are often gro
tesque in the extreme The specimen
shown in tho accompanying picture is
one that was once used by British Co
lumbia Indians and It has a mouth
that opens and shuts and eyes that roll
nt tho will of the wearer thus adding
much to the weird effect the mask
gives when worn In the performance of
a wild and strange ceremonial The
average American boy would give any
thing he possessed to have such a mask
to wear on Halloween and indeed
there is some appropriateness in don
ning such a disguise on such an oc
casion for It is then that spirits are al
leged to be abroad perpetrating strange
and whimsical acts and terrifying the
wicked or superstitious and these false
faces are commonly believed by their
Indian owners to be the dwelling places
of spirits Amongsome tribes they are
worn In dances which are Intended to
drive away the bad spirits
The British Columbia Indians who
are famous for their totem poles are
quite expert in the making of false
faces of exceptionally grotesque aspect
Their strange form of construction Is
not caused by the Indians desire to
make something which will appear
queer or funny to the white man but
Is due to his aim to create something
carrying out the Ideas of the tribe about
mythological characters or the animals
that are held in special regard or rever
ence The masks which the Zunis of
Arizona and New Mexico make are as
grotesque in their way as those of the
British Columbia Indians though of
altogether different appearance The
false face was a popular Institution
among the Iroquois tribes and to this
day on the reservations in New York
and Canada the false face takes a
prominent part in certain ceremonials
At the New Years festival which the
Iroquois observe in February the false
face dance is an important function
and in connebtion with It ashes are
sprinkled on the heads of the sick to
drive away the bad spirits supposed to
be afflicting them with disease
New Yorlc Society Lender Who Is
Fond of Dors nnd Horse
Mrs James Burke Roche the society
leader of New York and Newport is
very fond of dogs and horses and at
the fashionable shows In which these
animals are on view is usually ex
pected to make a fine display of her
pets Mrs Burke Roche was Miss Fan
nie Work daughter of the millionaire
Frank Work and in 18S0 married the
Hon James Boothby Burke Roche re
puted at the time the handsomest man
in London and scion of a family dating
back 300 years
It wasjin unhappy union and a di
vorce resulted Mr Roche recently at
tained notoriety by smuggling a tor
pedo boat destroyer out of England
and safely delivering it into the hands
of the Russians a feat for which he is
said to have received 100000 This is
not the only exploit credited to him
He has fought Indians in North Amer
ica and headed revolutions in South
America Perhaps he is the only liv
ing man to whom is erected a tomb
stone This stands in the wilds of
Montana and is neatly inscribed Sa
cred to the memory of the Hon James
Roche It was erected in 1879 by his
mother Lady Fermoy who was under
the belief that her son had been killed
Curing on Indian raid
lock Rcducin
In order to reduce our grocery stock largely
by the first of the ccming year we have de
cided to give our patrons the advantage of a
Reduction of
to 20 per cent
Take Advantage of
This Opportunity
on many items in our large line of fresh
and first class goods such as
California Fruits
Coffees Etc
You will save 5c a pound on your coffee and
proportoinately more on other items
The IN-ER-SEAL CADETS will be with
us Saturday aweek
Never Fail 5 gallon Oil or Gasoline Cans
for 150 They are world beaters
mv1lwmv1vmtvvv F ftTVTT p
Ay ers Pills
A 5 Suit of XTRAGooi Clothes
FREE to the Best Boy
The man who sells XTRAGOOD boy
clothes for Ederheimer Stein Co
Chicago is coming to see us within ten
days We will give free any XTRAGOOD
suit in our store to the first clever boy
under 16 3ears of age who finds THIS
man before he leaves town
What You Must Do
When you think you have found the
right man say to him You are from
Ederheimer Stein Co Chicago
and sell xTRAGOOD Clothes Re
member these words If you say any
thing else he will not answer
The Clothier
1 T
The dose is one just one pill
at bedtime Sugar coated
mild certain They cure
constipation aICSg
l 2
The McCook Tribune
Only One Dollar the year