The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, December 01, 1905, Image 1

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McCarl Barnelt Wedding
The union of Mies Ethel Barnett and
Mr J Raymond McCarl was most hap
pily consummated on last Sunday after
noon at five thirty oclock at the resi
dence of the brides father Mr Albert
Barnott in tho presence of relatives of
the high contracting parties and a few
near friends of the families Rev M
B Carman of the Methodist church
officiated using tho impressive ring
ceremonial of tho church in making one
these two most estimable young people
A wedding bell decorated with small
chrysanthemums and smilax and illu
minated with small electric lights was
suspended from the ceiling in the parlor
bay window and under this pretty em
blematic effect the ceremony was per
formed Mrs W B Mills played Men
delssohns wedding march as tho nuptial
party approached and during the cere
Master Frank Barnett was ring bearer
The bride was gowned in white crepe
do cbene over white silk and looked
everv inch the charming and accom
plished daughter she is The going
away dress was a plum color cloth
with hat and gloves to match
The parlors were simply decorated
-with bouquets of carnations and chrys
A sumptious wedding dinner was
served in four courses Plates were
laid for twenty two
The dining room decorations were in
red poppies a large basket filled with
red carnations occupying the centre of
the largo dining table
Ethel Morrissey Viva Phelan Mildred
Berry and Elsie Campbell served the re
freshments under direction of Mrs Lot
tie Brewer and Mrs Clara Snyder
Mrs Frank Hardesty of Chanute Kan
sas an aunt of the bride and Mr and
Mis T E McCarl of Rod Cloud were
the out-of-town guests
The happy couple took their departure
Monday morning on No 2 for Wash
ington D C where they will pass the
winter the groom serving Congressman
Norris of the Fifth Nebraska district as
private secretary during the session
The young friends have the boundless
esteem of a wide circle of friends whose
hope and wish is that much of joy and
prosperity may come to them in their
wedded estate
Chicago Lady Entertainers
Kryl gave very general satisfaction in
the opening number of the Citizens En
tertainment Course but the Chicago
Lady Entertainers Monday evening
went that musical aggregation one better
in local popular estimation Their
music numbers solo duet and quartette
were especially enjoyed and appreciated
Miss Clarks King Robert of Sicily
was worthful and most of her hearers
would have been pleased to have ex
changed her lighter vein monologue
and negro impersonation for numbers of
like merit Miss Hitchcocks soprano
was very sweet and birdlike and her
vocal effort in high and difficult tones
notably easy and smooth Miss Mer
cers rich and low contralto was a delight
and captured a ready approval Miss
Moorehead accompanied splendidly and
filled strongly as did also Miss Clark in
the quartette work The Minuet
was one of the prettiest and most grace
ful numbers McCook audiences have
ever seen It was altogether high class
and meritorious
Talcum Powder
When buying a Talcum powder always
ask for BY LO Borated Talcum Powder
Absolutely the purest sweetest and best
Talcum Powder manufactured
McConnell Druggist
Heaters Colemans
The careful buyer is always a money
saver Money saved is money made
See Colemans goods and note his prices
For Sale
Make me an offer on 10 acres fine
smooth land half mile east of brick
school house McCook
F Harris Aurora Neb
The very best feed grinders on the
market can be had at W T Colemans
and five different kinds and patterns to
select from It pays to grind your feed
A number of second hand organs for
sale at H P Suttons jewelry and
music store at prices ranging from 15
S20 25 30 and upward
They are going to reduce their stocK
before the first of the year inventory
Dont you want to have a share in the
McConnells 13 Liniment is the
remedy you need in tho house for all
minor injuries aches and pains 25c
At Suttons Jewelry and music store
you buy a good second hand organ at
from 15 20 25 30 and upwandi
rf - jc 1
George LeIIkw is in Denver
William Sullivan is spending this
week in Alma on business
Mrs II C Smith went up to Denver
last Saturday on a visit to her son Roy
and wife
N J Campbell and A W Berry saw
the Illinois Nebraska game in Lincoln
Mrs C Middleton of Tecumseh was
a guest of her daughter Mrs Lucy Ken
drick last week
Mrs F M Kimmell and Schell went
down to Ashland this morning to visit
the Magees a few days
Mrs W A Dolan of Indianola was a
guest of her parents Mr and Mrs I M
Beardsleo Saturday last
L RHileman arrived froq t Joseph
Mo Wednesday on 13 to be with the
family over Thanksgiving
Mrs Peter Havsted of Minneapolis
Minn is visiting with her brother LH
Lindemann and wife this week
Mrs Belle Stephenson returned to
Oberlin Kansas parly in the week
after spending several weeks here
C W Hamilton of Garden City
Kansas and E L Means of Orleans
Nebraska are business visitors this week
Mrs Frank Boyd who has been visit
ing her sister Mrs H P Sutton depart
ed on 2 Saturday for her Omaha home
Misses Tillie and Albertina Phil
lippi spent Thanksgiving at Culbertson
with their cousin Operator H Phillippi
and wife
Mrs A B Wood left close of this
week for Livingston Mont after an
enjoyable visit of a few weeks with the
home folks here
Supt and Mrs G H Thomas left
Thursday night for Harvard to spend
Thanksgiving with his parents They
will return Saturday night
Ernest W Eller arrived from Butte
Montana first of the week and is visit
ing awhile with his parents Mr and Mrs
CT Eller of the South Side
J M Bartlett and F A Murphy of
Omaha L S Harper of Osceola Iowa
and J J Fay of Allen town 111 were
all city visitors close of last week
MrsTAWilburn and family depart
ed this week for the farm just a short
distance east of Wilsonville in Furnas
county McCook friends all wish them
contentment and prosperity on the farm
E Mullen of Cheyenne attqrney
general of the state of Wyoming spent
Thanksgiving morning in the city with
the homefolks going on to Denver on
No 13 He was on his way home from
the east
Rev A B Carson late pastor of the
Baptist church here who recently went
to Philadelphia to attend a Baptist semi
nary has returned west passing through
McCook last week on his way to Den
ver where he is now located
Mr and Mrs J E Kelley and Mr
and Mrs A G Bump departed on 14
Tuesday night for Mexico to be gone
until December 20th They will visit
the City of Mexico and other points in
the republic during their three weeks
From Far and Near
they come to Duy our lzzer bed comforts
Each cold spell sweeps out the accumu
lation of them and nimble fingers keep
up the knotting and the finishing 6 feet
by 7 feet 11 yards cloth 6 lzzer batts
well tied and hemmed 185 to 250 at
Thompsons only
Handkerchief Sale
The Young Ladies Aid of the Chris
tian church will hold a handkerchief
sale at Mrs McFarlands millinery store
Saturday and Monday Dec 16 and 18
Bear Skin Coats
All sizes in childrens white bear skin
coats again received at Thompsons
100 each
Bissell sweepers have won a distinct
reputation for strength durability ease
of running and their perfect sweeping
qualities See W T Coleman
For Sale Cheap A small cottage
two blocks east of Commercial hotel
Call at Tribune office for particulars
Knives for father brother or sister
What makes a more appropriate Christ
mas gift W T Coleman
There is nothing new or good in all
the lines that druggists handle but what
we have it McConnell Druggist
You will find the largest assortment
of Christmas toys at W T Colemans
Kitty hoods in white and in grey
100 at Thompsons
Use McMillens Cream Lotion for
chapped face and hands
Majestic 42 inch Gloria silks 100
at Thompsons
Have you
sean the fancy china at
McConnells Balsam cures coughs
McMillen Druggist is now
displaying some of his holiday
goods and next week will have
out his full line
Death Comes to Tony Droll
Word came from Excelsior Springs
Missouri last Thursday announcing
tho deathpf Anthony Droll who went
down to tho springs a tow weeks since
in the hope of improving his health
which has been in a discouraging state
for a year past His ailment was
Brights disease and heart trouble
The remains arrived bore last Satur
day on No 13 and were at once taken
to the home of his father August Droll
a few miles northwest of the city where
services were held by Rev E J Mal
laly Sunday afternoon after which the
body was interred m Calvary cemetery
of St Patricks parish ths city Quite
a company of relatives neighbors and
friends from country and city attended
the funeral
Anthony Droll was born in Putnam
county Illinois September 22 1867
The family also resided in Iroquis county
Illinois coming from that county to Mc
Cook in 1889 where they have since re
sided on the well known Droll farm just
northwest of this city Died of Brights
disease and heart complications Thurs
day November 23 1905 in Excelsior
Springs Mo
The deceased is survived by parents
brothers and sisters the father now
being in Germany on a visit to the
fatherland This is the second death in
the family in two weeks and the sorrow
ing family has tho tender sympathy of
all in this multiplied bereavement
card of thanks
We are most grateful to the kind
neighbors and friends for every assist
ance rendered us in the recent death
and illness of our daughter and sister
Louise and our son and brother Anthony
Mr and Mrs August Droll and
Regular Councilmanlc Session
The muncipal fathers were in regular
session Monday evening with the full
official directorate present Minutes of
last regular and special meetings were
read and approved Bills following
were read and ordered paid from proper
G W Furrow road fund 3300
W C Bullard general fund 570
Lincoln Land Co cemetery water 6300
P Walsh offered a petition signed by
property owners of block 21 asking per
mission to move bis frame building now
on Dodge street to lot 18 block 21 ori
ginal McCook the same to be veneered
with bricK and covered with a metal
roof Permission was given Adjourned
Union Thanksgiving services
The unipn Thanksgiving services in
the Congregational church at 1030
oclock in the morning were but in
differently attended Rev M B Car
man of the Methodist church preached
the sermon giving ample reasons for a
larger gratitude and thanksgiving than
was evidenced by the attendance A
splendid solo by Mrs A P Bonnot and
an anthem by the quartette choir were
the enjoyable music features of an oc
casion which should attract more at
tention interest and audience
Brittainr Jacobs
Alva Brittain and Daisy Jacobs two
very estimable young people of Valley
Grange precinct were united in mar
riage Thanksgiving day at five oclock
in the afternoon Rev M B Carman
performing the ceremony at the Method
ist parsonage
November Mortgage Record
Farm filings 81923500 releases 27
23510 City filings 766500 releases
8532450 Chattel filings 2561947 re
leases 2397913
For rent Three farms near McCook
If you want to sell your farms list them
with me I have the buyers
J Fletcher
Immigration Agent Burlington Route
Bartley Nebraska
The Only Furs
to buy are cold climate furs Our De
troit furs are superior to other kinds
Scarfs muffs and setts in all the popular
skins 100 to 81250 at Thompsons
Chafing Disnes
We have the largest line we have ever
shown from 325 to 1500 We can
please you in price and quality
L W McConnell
If you are acquainted with our stock
of books you already know how complete
it is Many new books have been ad
ded recently McConnell Druggist
Watch Us Grow
We are buying potatoes in any quantity
at 25c cash or 30c in trade Open even
ings Diamond
Working Mans Friend
New pillow Tops
Tapestry pillow tops with inwoven
figures of birds etc just received at
Theres mont y for vou in J A Wil
cox Sons StocK Reducing Sale
High class bargains in high class goods
Horses for Sale
Onehundred head of draft and driv
ing horses for sale
Frank Stillman McCook Neb
Wanted A man and wife to work
on the farm Call or write
Frank Stillman
For Sale 2840 acres in a fine ranch
None better for the price
Farmers Institute
At McCook Nebraska Friday
Saturday December 15 16 1905
Following is the program on discussion
of farm topics
eriday afternoon 130
The Breeding and Selection of Seed
Corn DPAshburn Gibbon Neb
Dairying inSouth Western Nebraska
Prof ATHoackerExperiment Station
friday evening 730
The Farmers School Prof Heacker
The Farm Home Mr Ashburn
Growing Small Fruits
C HBarnard Table Rock Neb
Dry Land Farming Mr Ashburn
The Sugar Beet Industry
Propagation of Plants Mr Barnard
Wo hope to have tho program complete
by next week and will then present to
tne public wnat wo believe will be a
most profitable one Dr Jones inspec
tor of cattle and sheep for the gover
ment in this territory has been secured
to give to the public his experience on
diseases current in this locality Wo
hope to secure tho presence of Hon
Hugh Scilley of Leavitt
It is desired that those of our farmers
who have what they believe to be well
bred seed of any kind bring the same
to the Farmers Institute as the Experi
ment Station will leave some here for
comparison E A Buruett assures us
that the above program will be a very
profitable one-
L H Lindemann Secretary
Pythian Officers Elect
At their regular meeting on Wednes
day eveningthe following named officers
of McCook lodge were chosen for the en
suing term
Stewart B McLean chancellor com
Robert W Devoe vice chancellor
Samuel C Beach prelate
Fred A Pennell master of work
Louis Thorgrimson master of ex
Daniel J OBrien master of finance
Henry H Tartsch master at arras
John F Cordeal keeper of records
and seal
Alonzo Cone inside guard
J Earl Ludwick outside guard
Charles W Barnes trustee
Installation ceremony will occur
first meeting in January
Special to Telephone Subscribers
Sometime during December we will
be able to furnish service on the new ex
change which throughout is the most
up-to-date and best equipped system
known to the telephone business It
being necessary to change all common
Blake telephones now in residences to
long distance instruments in order to
give this service Mr H H Smith of
the Omaha contract department is here
re writing the old and also taking new
contracts and as the workmen are now
wiring the houses for the new instru
ments it is necessary that we have all
contracts signed in the near future 60
please sign with Mr Smith at the office
or call up No 315 and make an appoint
ment The rates have not been
raised No charge for wiring houses
or installing instruments
C I Hall Manager
In Prosperous Condition
The November reports of the several
national and state banks of Red Willow
county reveal the following excellent
condition of these institutions and a
most satisfactory state of the finances
of the people of the county
First National McCook 252707 24
Citizens Bonk McCook 213421 IS
State Bank of Indianola 101071 10
Bank of Danbury 72393 13
State Bank of Bartloy 51074 71
State Bank of Lebanon 36276 57
267302 42
250167 S6
130786 01
Totals 756946 93 955001 15
It will be noted that the bank deposits
of this county exceed the loans and dis
counts by 19805422 or almost two
hundred thousand dollars
Real Estate Dealer
Call and give me a list of your proper
ty and I will try to dispose of same for
you at a reasonable charge Office with
J E Kelley A G Bump
New Time Card Sunday
A new time card becomes effective
Sunday morning at two oclock Note
changes in the printed schedule in this
Cut glass and silverware are the most
acceptable gifts for ladies Our assort
ment is complete W T Coleman
BlTt3iri4Ji wuwii lSMMMgLiawwiMtfiMwwuiuwiyw
McConnell for drugs
Bread mixers at W T Colemans
McConnells Balsam cures cougho
List your farms with L II Linde
Delicious chocolates in all size boxes
McConnell Druggist
Best apron ginghams five cents a yard
at Thompsons
McMillen has now
dolls See them
a nice display of
If you want any fancy Painted China
see McMillens lino
Best prints Simpsons etc five cents
a yard at Thompsons
See Tartsch the leading clothier
about that 5 suit of clothes free
Cream in sealed 10c anjl 20c bottles
for sale at Marshs meat market
The Germans will do well to deal
through Lindemann the Land Man
Fine wool batiste dress goods in
good shades 65 cents at Thompsons
160 acres all of which is smooth
cept 20 acros for 1200 Lindemann
A suit of 5 extragood clothes free
to tho best boy detective at Tartschs
Removed Dr Kays office is now
over Pades furniture store Phono 98
W T Coleman has a nice assortment
of chafing and baking dishes now on
McMillen is closing out a nice assort
ment of parlor decorated lamps at very
low prices
Be happy while you live and get one
of those roasters and carving sets at W
T Colemans
Lindemann land office is now located
north of Commercial hotel Get his
prices before you buy
Get one of thoso chaffing dishes at W
T Colemans They make a handsome
present for Christmas
Quite crimpy near the zero mark
Wednesday morning early with a search
ing north-by-west wind
The elegant Palmer Gamlents in
ladies empire coats 950 to 1800 No
vember styles at Thompsons
A hot water bottle that requires no
The Thermalite bag
McConnell Druggist
Wanted To rent two or three rooms
furnished for housekeeping or a small
iurmsned House
Inquire at this office
Old iron lead brass and copper want
ed at from 15c to 400 per hundred
pounds by The Gurney Poultry Co of
McCook Neb
There is a good bargain in all kinds
of heaters and over seventy five to select
from and at greatly reduced prices at
W T Colemans
There is a 85 suit in it for the first
boy under 16 years of age who finds the
man See Tartschs advertisement else
where for particulars
The lot north of The Tribune office
has been purchased by Enos Rishel and
a brick or cement block store building is
an early probability
Are you going to have a turkey
Thanksgiving If you do you will
need one of those roasters and carving
sets at W T Colemans
We have always led in perfumes and
toilet articles This season we increase
our lead Come and see the array
McConnell Druggist
Rev Mallalys lectures in the Catholic
140736 18 church this week to non Catholics are
rn vis cl
IUV U- ijj J -- - -
95923 14
Baptist Church Service
Rev W L Riley who is a brother of
Dr W B Riley well and favorably
known as the pastor of the First Baptist
church of Minneapolis Minn and who
assisted in special meetings in McCook
two summers ago will preach Sunday
morning and evening Dec 3rd also the
10th Friends and especially the mem
bership are urged to be present Mr
Riley is called to this fiield because of
the excellence of his work with the Im
manuel Baptist church of Minneapolis
and the First church of Detroit Minv
nesota Come and hear him
ueuuireu mourn expositions oi tue iaitll
he so zealously and eloquently preaches
Estrayed Came to my place No
vember 7th a calf Owner can have
same by proving property paying for
this notice and paying exppnses
S D Dulany
Thirty five different kinds of cook
stoves and ranges to select from at W
T Colemans ranging in price from
1550 to 5500 Among these is the
Great Majestic
Few citizens of McCook appreciate
the magnitude of the output of the Mc
Cook brick works During the past
year tne company nas manufactured
and sold about a million bricks
We know of no other article to suggest
as a Christmas gift for mother wife
sister or friend that gives as much gen
uine pleasure and comfort as a Bissell
carpet sweeper Sold by W T Cole
The first boy under 16 years who finds
the right man and says to him You
are from Ederheimer Stein Co Chi
cago and sell extragood clothes
gets a free suit of clothes at Tartschs
clothing store
The Tribune can show you an elegant
display of calendars for 1906 Now is
the time to order We are making out
an order to go to the wholesale dealers
first of next week Let us include yours
in that shipment
fcfi1 M
Fine Perfumes
Nothing is of more interest
to a lady than tho quality of tho
Perfume she uses and wo desiro
to mention the superiorexcollenco
of the odors wo handle In addi
tion to all tho best odors mado by
Palmer tho Now York porfumor
we havo thoso of Roiger tho fa
mous California perfumer and for
purity in preparation fragrance
lasting qualities and tho true odor
of tho flower nothing equals
PasadeNa Rose Royal Chorry
Blossom Mariposa Lily or
Palo Alta Pink You should
try some of tho perfumes mado
where the flowers grow
Conk Bros Druggists
Everything in drugs McConnell
See Colemans Christmas presents
McMillens Cough Cure is right Try
Oil heaters of all kinds at W T Colo
in books and Bibles at Mc-
If you wish
to buy a farm call on
Best table oil cloth 15 cents a yard at
Fresh butter of bestriualitvatMnrsfiq
meat market
McMillen has now
dolls See them
a nice display of
Sewing machine needles of all kinds
at W T Colemans
Best 2 bushol seamless grain bags 18
cents at Thompsons
For Rent Desirable furnished room
Inquire of S S Garvey
Mens overcoats 500 700 1000
1500 at Thompsons
First of this week C F Lehn moved
his office into the Walsh block
Valley and divide farms largo and
small tracts for sale by Lindemann
Get busy and find The man Its a
5 suit on your back my wideawake lad
Heros an ideal Christmas present A
Bissells carpet sweeper
W T Coleman
Your land should be listed with Linde
mann the Land Man if you want to
Twenty different patterns in dinner
ware to select from at Ludwicks furni
ture store
Lindemann listed a tract of valley
land for 100 per acre net to the owner
What say you of land prices
Second hand organs atSis 20525
30 and up at Suttons jewelry and
music store
McConnells Fragrant Lotion cures
all skin troubles due to cold raw weath
er or harsh soaps Delightful to use
25 cents
Remember you will find Mike Walsh
just across the street from his old loca
tion ready to buy your poultry eggs
old rubber copper brass at tho highest
cash market price
The ladies of St Albans church will
hold a bazar at H C Ciapps store
Monday December 18th afternoon and
evening for the sale of plain and fancy
articles and items of cookery
Drop a card to box 595 and tho Mc
Cook Stove and Range Repair Co will
give your repairs prompt and careful at
tention Repairs for every stove made
Examinations free of charge
You cant do better anywhere on earth
than at Marshs meat market in any
article usually for sale in an up-to-date
market Just try him Variety quality
price treatment all guaranteed
You can depend upon it every time
the quality of meat you get at Marshs
market Always the best and no high
er than the cheaper kinds No need to
experiment just remember the reliable
The first boy under 16 years who finds
the man who will be here soon to repre
sent extragood clothes at Tartschs
clothing store will receive a suit of 500
extragood clothes frpe See adver
In his new location just across the
street from his old place in tbe P
Walsh building Mike Walsh wants to
see you if you have poultry eggs etc
for sale He will pay you the best cash
market price for them
xne uurney 1ouitry people tell us
They want a thousand rabbits and pos
sums for Thanksgiving trade and five
times as many more for the Xmas and
New Year trade for which they will pay
75c to 125 a dozen for rabbits and 3
to 6 a dozen for possums They all
must be fresh clean kills They want
your egg3 badly Take em all youve
got for a Big Cash Price
PI W A Minstrels
Dont forget the date December 21st
Up-to-date ideas in minstrelsy The
very latest songs Newest gags Just
out dances Also juggling and hand
balancing You cannot afford to miss
seeing the White Prince of Zanzibar
in the second part nor the laughable
after piece On His Uppers which
will be given in McCook first time Re
member at Menards opera honse De
cember 21st