The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, November 24, 1905, Image 1

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was good so will bo No 2
menards opera house
830 p in
Reserved seats checked off on
season tickets Thursday evening
November 23 7 oclock at Mc
Conuells sale begins following
Have won the approval and en
dorsementwithout a single excep
tion of the committee the press
and tho public in the various cities
of the forty two different states
where they have appeared during
the past three seasons
Possessing a high soprano voice of
groat beauty and birdiike clearness
which combined with a fine stage pres
ence makes her a star attraction She
is u charming lyric singerboth captivat
ing and artistically perfect
Is a good musician and more especial
ly an excellent accompanist playing
with groat expression and spirit She
fully understands tho art of following
and yet sustaining the voice parts so
necessary to successful solo singing
Has a rich and unique contralto voice
of unusually low rangeBuited to pathot
ic and dramatic singing and sings with
equal facility in lighter vein and never
fails to tiirill her audience
As an interpretative reader is an artist
and her impersonations form a chain of
purest gold each link without a flaw
encircling the entire list of characters
known to the art of expression
DrD F Fox a lecturer well known
and admired in McCoak says
The Chicago Lady Entertainers closed
our last seasons lecture course in such
a very satisfactory manner that they
were promptly secured for the opening
number this year Most successfully did
they fill the demand for an attraction
that would insure not only the largest at
tendance regardless of the many count
er Thanksgiving night ovents but the
greatest help in the advance sale of
season tickets as well It was tho only
re engagement of our course A more
delighted audience never went away
from our church I give them my un
qualified commendation D F Fox
lastor California Avenue Congregation
al church Chicago
Attention Comrades
The regular meeting of the J K
Barnes Post No 207 G A R will be
held Saturday December 2 at which
the officers will be elected for the ensu
ing year G W Dillon Com
Jacob Steinmetz Adj
For Sale
Make me an offer on 10 acres fine
smooth land half mile east of brick
school house McCook
F Harris Aurora Neb
a letter from Santa Claus Said he
would leave some dandy sleds dolls etc
at The Ideal
All those indebted to me will settle at
the old stand as I am under expense
now and want my business settled at
once All outstanding checks will be
redeemed by Benjamin Burnett
A number of second hand organs for
sale at H P Suttons jewelry and
music store at prices ranging from S15
520 25 30 and upward
They are going to reduce their stocK
before the first of the year inventory
Dont you want to have a share in the
At Suttons jewelry and music store
you buy a good second hand organ at
from 15 20 25 30 and upwand
Dark outings 5c 6ic 8fc 10c at
Latest in books and Bibles at Mc
Will play a return engagement
at the opera house next Wednes
day and Thursday November 29
30 On Wednesday night they
present for the first time in Mc
Cook the great five act melo
drama entitled Life for Life
New specialties between the acts
Thanksgiving matinee at 230 pf
m Old Dan Tucker Thursday
night Iast appearance for this
season the greatest comedy ever
written in three acts Bosom
3r3end of Bowser Matinee
prices 10 and 20 cents Night
prices 25 35 and 50 cents
T A Guthrie had business in Lin
coln Monday
Mrs J Frkd Jernbero is down from
Denver this week
Mrs C C Hon left last night on 3
for her home in Sheridan Wyo
Mrs L W Stayner and Mrs Ira Con
verse are Hastings visitors today
Mrs Holton Longnecker departed
on 3 last night for Rollinsville Colo
Mrs S P Dwyer has been down
from Denver this week guest of rela
Mrs C S Knodle
Pnlisade close of last
Dr S C Beach
man M A Moore
was down from
week on a short
accompanied Brake
to Denver Sunday
Mrs F M Washburn was called to
Blooinfield Sunday night by the death
of her father
Mr and Mrs Samuel Newtons baby
was quite ill recently from swallowing
some lye but has quite recovered
Mr and MrsPeter Carty were over
from Lebanon closing days of week
past going home Sunday afternoon
Rev and Mrs E R Earle came up
from Arapahoe Sunday eveningand oc
cupied the Episcopal parsonage near the
Will Huber sent his little boy Willie
to his parents in Missouri close of last
week to make his home with the grand
L H Lindemann returned home
midweek from Pawnee City and other
eastern Nebraska points where he has
been on land business
Myrtle Curran is with the children
during the absence of Conductor and
Mrs J J Curran in Eldon Iowa at
the funeral of her father
Mrs O P Yarger came in from the
west on 14 Monday night on her way
to Red Cloud visiting Boulder Colo
and McCook relatives en route
William Huber consulted a Denver
surgeon close of last week relative to
his condition His sister returned to
her home in Missouri close of last week
Howard Hileman arrived home Sat
urday morning last from Arkansas Hot
Springs where he has been for treat
ment for rheumatism He is improved
Rector and Mrs E E Earle were
tendered a reception last evening at
the residence of Dr and Mrs HJPratt
by the members of the St Albans Epis
copal church
Miss Maud Dunbar was in tfie city
over Sunday guest of Mrs Abner Clark
on her way home to Des Moines Iowa
from visiting Mrs Grace Goodwin in
Sheridan Wyo
W L Crandall Deputy district
clerk and C E Haynie have returned
from McCook where they spent two days
hunting quail A party of four secured
about one hundred birds during the
two days Lincoln Journal
Real Estate Dealer
Call and give me a list of your proper
ty and I will try to dispose of same for
you at a reasonable charge Office with
J E Kelley A G Bump
Heaters Colemans
The careful buyer is always a money
saver Money saved is money made
See Colemans goods and note his prices
For Sale Cheap A small cottage
two blocks east of Commercial hotel
Call at Tribune office for particulars
Girl wanted Steady position 350
per week no washing
Mrs L M Best
The latest tailor made belts at Thomp
Have you se
n the fancy china at
Sewing machine needles of all kinds
at W T Colemans
The latest Mocha leather belts in
colors at Thompsons
Use McMillens Cream Lotion for
chapped face and hands
Palmer Garments at Thompsons
in the very latest empire styles
The very best feed grinders on the
market can be had at W T Colemans
and five different kinds and patterns to
select from It pays to grind your feed
The public library board of our city is
taning another shy at Andrew Carnegie
it is hoped with success this time as
they feel able now to meet his condi
At Gerald Wilcoxs sale last week
about fifty head of hogs were sold at an
average of 819 a head This was Ger
alds first effort and another sale will
give better results even than this one
The cap manufacturers of this coun
try have been making a great study
during the last ten years to get some
thing for the head wear that would be
warm give good wear at the same time
be stylish Keith Bros Co of Chicago
feel that they have at last reached the
climax in cap manufacturing and are
offering the trade their new line of inside
fur trimmed bauds in all the new up to
date colors and shapes through their
special agent for McCook and vicinity
JIFlT f tiT iii irtf it
Special Called Council Meeting
Council Chamber City Hall McCook
Neb Nov 21 1905
Council met in special session pursu
ant to adjournment to the call of the
mayor Present a 1 Waite mayor
Ryan Lawritson Ward and Custer
cuunoilmen W A Middleton dork
and J S LoIIew city attorney Tho
call for the special meeting was read
and is as follows
Mayors office city of McCook Novem
ber 21 1905
To the membors of the City Council
You and each of you are hereby noti
fied that there will be a special meeting
cf the citycouhcil of the city of McCook
Nebraska at the council chamber at
the hour of eight oclock p m this 21st
day of November 1905 the object and
purpose of the meeting is to consider and
take action upon a request of the public
library board for a pledge of funds to be
levied by the city council annually for
the maintenance of the public library
H P Waite Mayorr
Received notice of the above call this
21st day of November 1905 M Lawrit
son U A Ward U J ivyan and L
Custer councilmeu J S LeHew
attorney W A Middleton city ck
Councilman M Lawritson offere
following resolution and moved itsau y
tion which received a -second from Coun
cilman Ryan
Whereas The public library board
has petitioned the mayor and council of
the city of McCook for a pledge of funds
annually tor the maintenance of the Mc
Cook public library Therefore be it
Resolved By the mayor and council
of the city of McCook Red Willow coun
ty Nebraska now in special session
that the people of the city of McCook
through its city council do pledge to the
McCook public library board a sum of
money not less than one thousand dol
lars to be appropriated and levied annual
ly upon the taxable property of the city
of McCook and collected as other city
taxes and paid over when collected to
the public library board of the city cf
McCook to bo used for tho maintenance
of said library
Shall the resolution pass The mayor
ordered the roll call which rosultedas
follows Yea Ryan Lawritson Ward
and Custer AlPof the council having
voted for the resolution it was declared
There being no further business 6n
motion the council adjourned
H P Waite Mayor
Attest W A Middleton
City Clerk
The Chicago Laay Entertainers
There are several organizations more
or less imitative but there is only one
Chicago Lady -Entertainers and thats
the one headedJjy Estelle Clark So
says Unkapupa the critic for the Ly
ceumits a magazine of the Lyceum
and he remarks further some people
travel far to avoid some lady quartettes
This quartette avoids the things that
stimulate traveling They have broken
up the half circle idea anddo some
thing more than sing They fill each
song full of expression and put in en
ough action to prove that they are live
human beings For instance a daintier
more novel and more pleasing number
can not be found on any program than
their minuet song and almost the same
thing can be said of Mammys Little
To Telephone Subscribers
Owing to the fact that the construc
tion of the new exchange is now in prog
ress subscribers will be bothered more
or less with their instruments not work
ing as good as they might until this
work is completed but I assure you our
best efforts will be used to keep out all
trouble as near as possible
C I Hall Manager
The Congregational church met the
urgent call for foreign missions funds
last week with a remittance of 25 Of
this sum the church gave 20 and the
Sunday school 500
Visit the Music and Art Department
at the Ideal 10c store A choice lot of
pictures and the latest in popular sheet
music Orders for anything in music
C C Brown
American Beauty corsets bear this
warranty Money back after four
1 weeks wear if dissatisfied All styles
colors prices at Thompsons only
Strayed or Stolen My black and
white Lewellyn dog Reward will be
paid for his return or for information
leading to his recovery C Scott
Theres money for vou in J A Wil
cox Sons StocK Reducing Sale
High class bargains in high class goods
Horses for Sale
Onehundred head of draft and driv
ing horses for sale
Frank Stillman McCook Neb
Best quality black stocking yarn 25
cents for one quarter pound skein at
Old iron lead brass and copper want
ed at from 15c to 400 per hundred
pounds by The Gurney Poultry Co of
McCook Neb
Wanted To rent two or three rooms
furnished for housekeeping or a small
furnished house Inquire at this office
For Rent Five room dwelling house
in East McCook Call on or address
T H Colling
For Sale A hard coal base burner
practically as good as new Cheap
E H Doan
McMillen is closing out a nice assort
ment of parlor decorated lamps at very
low prices
Best 2 bushel seamless grain bags lSo
cents at Thompsons
Best colored carpet warp on spools 21
F M Colson Prop of Bee Hive cents at Thompsons
Quick Consumption Claimed Her
Winifred daughter of Mr and Mrs
hi Hunter who live seven miles
fcorithwest of McCook died on last Sat
urday afternoon November 18th of
quick consumption Services were held
in the Methodist cnurch Sunday after
noon at two oclock Rev M B Car
man officiating Mildred Berry Ren a
Hiller Clara Anton Tacie DeLong and
Gladys Fuller composed the choir Bur
ial followed in Riverview cemetery
Winifred was born in Frontier county
Nebraska March 27th 1891 They
have the tender sympathy of many
neighbors and friends
We desire to express ourtbanbs to the
kind friends and neighbors who so kind
ly assisted us in the illness of our dear
daughter and sister Winifred Hunter
Mr and Mrs J M riUNTER
Mr and Mrs W E Hunter
G W Hunter
Frank Hunter
Mr and Mrs A J Hawkins
Mr and W E Kipp
A Profitable Church Fair
The ladies of tho Dorcas society of the
Congregational church closed a success
ful and profitable fair Saturday after
noon last They served supper Friday
and dinner Saturday to a numerous
clientele on both occasions besides en
joyed an active patronage of their sever
al booths The Jair -was held -in -the
Ganschow hall over the Model shoe
store The net sum realized was in
round figures about 175 upon which
achievement the Dorcas ladies are to be
Commercial House Sold
This week Harry Barbazette and J E
Kelley became the owners of the old
Commercial house property The pur
chase price was 600000 Receiver J
N Clarke of Hastings made the deed
for the Nebraska Loan Trust Co
Shaving Reflections
Get ono of those handsome three piece
mirrors They show three reflections of
the face front and both sides
The mirror for shaving
McConnell Druggist
Notice to the Public
No one is authorized to make notes or
mortgages against the real estate or
other property of the undersigned and
if any such be made they are unlawful
Mrs Wm Heun
All persons indebted to me are
quested to call at once and make pay
ment All outstanding checks must be
presented at once for redemption
Wm Sullivan
Mince Pies
The Baptist ladies will have on sale
mince pies pumpkin pies cranberry
sauce cakes bread etc at Grannis
store the day before Thanksgiving
Watch Us Grow
We are buying potatoes in any quantity
at 25c cash or 30c in trade Open even
ings Diamond
Working Mans Friend
on the farm
A man and wife to work
Call or write
Frank Stillman
For Sale 2840 acres in a fine ranch
None better for the price
See McConnells window displaysSat
urday Nov 18th
If you want any fancy Painted China
see McMillens line
Ladies long coats 500 750 1000
1200 1500 at Thompsons
Be happy while you live and get one
of those roasters and carving sets at W
T Colemans
Special ladies coat and skirt sale at
AlcAdams store onThursdayNovem
ber23 One day only
There is a good bargain in all kinds
of heaters and over seventy five to select
from and at greatly reduced prices at
W T Colemans
You can depend upon it every time
the quality of meat you get at Marshs
market Always the best aud no high
er than tho cheaper kinds No need to
experiment just remember the reliable
Thanksgiying dinner a failure This
is what one of our customers said last
year when she called at the last minute
and found that all the pretty cutflowers
had been sold In addition to our cut
flowers wo have a fine lot of choice
chrysanthemum plants in full bloom all
colors Dont be too late Phone 91
Mrs L M Best
Those planning on genuine band
painted china for Christmas
presents will please leave their
orders early as possible and avoid
the holiday rush Goods sold
from studio only 11 3 its
Mrs E M Bigelow
McConnell for drugB
Bread mixers at W T Colemans
McConnells Balsam cures coughr
List your farms with L II Linde
The handsomest dolls at McConnells
See them
Delicious chocolates in all size boxes
McConnell Druggist
Best table oil
McMillen has now
dolls See them
cloth 15 cents a yard at
a nice display of
Best apron check ginghams five cents
a yard at Thompsons
The potato crop on Deacon Morlanp
farm is placed at 0000 bushels
See Tartsch the leading clothier
about that 5 suit of clothes free
Cream in sealed 10c an 20c bottles
for sale at Marshs meat market
The Germans will do well to deal
through Lindemann the Land Man
Souvenir Post Cards A thousand to
pick from McConnell Druggist
160 acres all of which
cept 20 acres for 1200
is smooth ex-
A suit of 5 extragood clothes free
to the best boy detective at Tarlschs
Removed Dr Kays office is now
over Pades furniture store Phone 98
W T Coleman has a nice assortment
of chafing and baking dishes now on
Hello Where are you going to buy
Xmas presents Why at The Ideil of
Lindemann land office is now located
north of Commercial hotel Get his
prices before you buy
All the best prints Indigoes
black and white red pink etc
cents a yard at lhompsons
Start a savings account with what
you save by shaving yourself with a
Gillette Safety Razor
McConnell Druggist
For a that and a that the place
to convert your actual cash into dry
goods and ready to wear articles is
The library board expects to be able
to build a library building on the corner
south of the Methodist church some
time next year
There is a 5 suit in it for the first
boy under 16 years of age who finds the
man See Tartschs advertisement else
where for particulars
Bissell sweepers have won a distinct
reputation for strength durability ease
of running and their perfect sweeping
qualities See W T Coleman
We put the community to sleep every
night under our Izzer bed comforts
Home made 6x7 feet six Izzer batts
185 to 250 at Thompsons
Estrayed Came to my place No
vember 7tb a calf Owner can have
same by proving property paying for
this notice and paying expenses
S D Dulany
Dance in the skating rink Thanks
giving eve Wednesday November 29th
Dance tickets 75 cents Lady specta
tors free Gentleman spectators ten
Thirty five different kinds of cook
stoves and ranges to select from at W
T Colemans ranging in price from
1550 to 5500 Among these is the
Great Majestic
The Awl Os held their fortnightly
assembly Tuesday evening with Miss
Minnie Rowel I commingling the usual
social and gastronomic session with one
of their famous and strenuous business
The first boy under 16 years who finds
the right man and says to him You
are from Ederheimer Stein Co Chi-
and sell
gets a free
clothing store
of clothes at
Success Attends the Revival
The revival meetings are still in pro
gress at the Methodist church with
good results people coming to the altar
every night Up to this date Fridavi
51 have been converted to Christ Last
Sunday was a great day The church
was well filled in tne morning The
pastor preached from text Have Faith
in God Mark 11 22 Mrs Bertha
Berry and the Juniors held a spiritual
meeting at 3 Rev B F Eberhart of
Orleans had the League service and
many both old and young were present
The iiight service was tho climax of the
whole series Spiritual singing by the
choir and congregation The Becks
rendered two southern campmeeting
songs The pastoi preached from the
text How long halt ye between two
opinions If the Lord be God follow Him
but if be Baal then follow Him Nearly
600 people were present the largest
congregation that has ever assembled
at the church at any time After tho
sermon five more bowed at the altar and
confessed Christ as their savior Then
twenty two united with the church
The pastor and official members welcom
ed them then followed the whole con
gregation and one by one they took the
hands of the new members and made
them welcome It was a great day and the
church is very grateful to God for these
results and they pray that next Sunday
may go yet beyond it a3 the meetings
are expected to close then Rev E
Smithy pastor at lndianola has been
preaching this week to attentive con-
Fine Perfumes
XT 1
coining is or nioro
to a lady than tho quality of tho
Perfume eho uses and we desiro
to mention the superior excollenco
of the odors we handlo In addi
tion to all tho best odors mado by
Palmer the New York perfumer
wo have those of Roiger tho fa
mous California perfumor and for
purity in preparation fragrance
lasting qualities and tho true odor
of the flower nothing equals
Pasadena Rose Royal Cherry
Blossom Mariposa Lily or
Palo Alta Pink You should
try somo of tho perfumes made
where the flowers grow
Conk Bros Druggists
Everything in drugs McConnell
McMillens Cough Curo is right Try
those 5c framelettes at
Oil heaters of all kinds at
If you wish
to buy a farm call on
Fresh butter of best quality at Marshs
meat market
Heavy fleeced
McMillen has now
dolls See them
wrappers 100 at
a nico display of
Elite adjustable petticoats in all
grades at Thompsons
Twenty colors Tricot
32 cents at Thompsons
dress flannols
Mens ovdrcoats S500 750 1000
and 1500 at Thompsons
Somo heavy losses of stock aro report
ed from the corn stulk evil
Ten handsome patterns in plaid dress
goods at 35c a yard at Thompsons
Valley and divide farms largo and
small tracts for sale by Lindemann
Get busy and find The man Its a
5 suit on your back my wideawake lad
Heros an ideal Christmas present A
Bissolls carpet sweeper
W T Coleman
Your land should be listed with Linde
mann the Land Man if jou want to
Twenty different patterns in dinner
ware to select
ture store
fronuit Ludwicks f
Lindemann listed a tract of valley
land for 100 per acre net to tho owner
What say you of laud prices
For Sale One pool table two sets of
balls one half dozen cues etc
Herbert Hanens Cedar Bluffs Kans
For Sale Residence on North Madi
son street Inquire at house ono block
west of court house WHArmstrong
Second hand organs atis 20825
30 and up at Suttons jewelry and
music store
Are you going to havo a turkey
Thanksgiving If you do you will
need one of tliose roasters and carving
sets at W T Colemans
A large barn is being built by V N
Cheney of Fairmont on his farm no th
west of McCook near William Hamnieils
His son will farm the place next beason
There is a rumor current thtt E L
Means of Orleans will start a laiiunul
bank in McCook in the spring The
Walsh building is mentioned aa itu pos
sible location
Remember you will find Mike Walsh
just across the street from his old loca
tion ready to buy your poultry eggs
old rubber copper brass at the highest
cash market price
Drop a card to box 595 and the Mc
Cook Stove and Range Repair Co will
give your repairs prompt and careful at
tention Repairs for every stove made
Examinations free of charge
You cant do better anywhere on earth
than at Marshs meat market in any
article usually for sale in ac up-to-date
market Just try him Variety quality
price treatment all guaranteed
Wo know of no other article to suggest
as a Christmas cift for mother wife
sister or friend that gives as much gen
uine pleasure and comfort as a Bissell
carpet sweeper Sold by W T Cole
During W H Fergusons visit in the
city close of last week arrangements
were made to improve his valuable prop
erties over on the South Side by build
ing barns sheds etc as the case de
The first boy under 16 years whofind3
the man who will be here soon to repre
sent extragood clothes at Tartschs
clothing store will receive a suit of 500
extragood clothes free See adver
In his new location just across the
street from his old place in the P
Walsh building Mike Walsh wants to
see you if you have poultry eggs etc
for sale He will pay you the best cash
market price for them
The Gurney Poultry People tell us
They want a thousand rabbits and pos
sums for Thanksgiving trade and five
times as many more for the Xmas and
New Year trade for which they will pay
75c to 125 a dozen for rabbits and 3
to 6 a dozen for possums They all
must be fresh clean kills They want
your eggs badly Take em all youve
got for a Big Cash Price