The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, November 03, 1905, Image 1

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Not a money making scheme but
a public spirited enterprise to pro
vide things to see and hear that
am worth while
Five Great Attractions for 200
Good music Instructive Lectures
Profitable Entertainment for
the entire winter
All Numbers Will Be Given In the
Opera House
830 p m
Worlds Greatest Cornetist
Four Great Stars
menards opera house
Reserved scats ou sale at McConnolls
to holders of season tickets Friday
evening November 10 at 7 oclock plat
open to general sale Saturday morning
Season tickets 5 numbers 200
General admission GO cents
They introduce interpretative read
ings solos duets trios and quartets
Each member is a talented artist in her
particular sphere They have won ap
proval and endorsement without a
single exception in the vnrious cities of
tho forty two different states where
they have appeared during the past
three seasons
As a lecturer ho has been heard in a
great many of the large cities of our
own country and has also spoken in
Rome Paris and other cities of Europe
It is safe to say that no more successful
lecturer is now before the public
Father Moran ranks with tho best ora
tors of this country and his lecture tours
have been decidedly successful
He is tho popular successor of Frank
Carno at tho famous Peoples church of
Chicago Vast audiences throng Mc
Vickers Theatre every Sunday morning
in the very heart of Chicago to hear
him discuss the foremost problems of
the world He will interest and instruct
any audience
and her
As a reader Mrs Gates is capable of
giving an entire evening without a
company but this season she has been
persuaded to star at the head of a com
pany of such artistic strength as to
place them in advance of any popular
concert troupe before the public Tho
company will consist of Walter Rentley
Ball baritone Ebba Hjertstedt tho
Sweedish violinist and Grace Gilmore
pianist These three delightful artists
will with Mrs Gates give a program
uuique novel popular and artistic
A book of five season tickets will cost
200 single admission tickets 50 cents
each All tickets may be obtained at
McConnells Season tickets may also
be obtained from members of tho com
mittee and from soliciting salesmen It
is a patriotic community duty to pitch
in and help make the course a success
Lost Strayed or stolen
From pasture south of river one pure
white heifer two years old weight
about 800 pounds No marks or brands
500 reward will be paid for her return
or information leading to her recovery
Leave word at office of
J E Kelley
Cold climate furs are what you want
Our Detroit furs are the bright glossy
rich looking kind in scarfs
setts and collarettes 100 to
1250 The Thompson Dry Goods Co
Good Hot Water Bottles
We have it new stock splendid qual
ity reliable make Also atomizers
syringes and other useful household
articles McConnell Druggist
For Sale
Make me an offer on 10 acres fine
smooth land half mile east of brick
school house McCook
F Harris Aurora Neb
Alterations are made without charge
on all dress skirts sold by us Our line
embraces the popular cloths styles and
colors S200 to 8800 The Thompson
Dry Goods Co
You can buy a new piano at
Suttons at 175 a better one for
200 and still a better one for 225
Call and see them
A McMillen prescription druggist
uw -
Mrs George LeHew returned first
of the week from Denver
E E DeLong arrived home Sunday
from his trip in the west
Mrs G A Rodgers of Vilas Penna
is a guest of Mrs Sadie Fisk
Mas E S Waite arrived home yes
tordsiy from her Iowa visit
Mrs Patrick McNeil of Indianola
was a county seat visitor last Saturday
E A Sexson of Red Willow was a
visitor in the county seat tewn Satur
day last
Miss Vera Hileman departed on No
3 Wednesday morniDg for Los Angeles
Mrs C E Ryan went -up to Yuma
Colorado Wednesday on 13 on a visit
to relatives
Mrs W illiam McCallum accompan
ied Miss Quick up from Indianola last
Saturday and was the guest of McCook
friends during the day
James Williams county surveyor
left on Sunday evening last for Missouri
and Illinois to be absent two or three
weeks visiting relatives and friends
J W Andrews and family have
moved to town from the Goheen farm
southeast of the city They are occupy
ing the Webster residence in the north
eastern part of the city
Miss Regina Provance who has
been the guest of her sister during the
past summer departed on No 2 hist
Saturday morning for Baltimore Mary
land Mrs J M Trammell accompany
ing her as far east as Chicago
A Word About Former Citizens
A personal word from a member of
the family brings the good news that
the Doles former residents of Red Wil
low county and of McCook are getting
on nicely in their several homes and oc
cupations A G Dole is a justice of
the peace at Missouri Valley Iowa and
busy Leslie is located at Sloan Iowa
where he is manager for the Nye
Schneider Co he was married in June
last Harry is in Seward Nebraska is
manager for the Searle Chapin Lumber
Co Garry is employed in the shops at
Belle Plain Iowa All are doing well
and have a warm place in their hearts
for McCook friends
Shurtleff Jones
Humbolt Neb Oct 27 Mason
Shurtleff and Miss Alverda Jones two
well known young -people of this city
who left rather mysteriously last week
the former to look after business inter
ests at McCook and the latter to visit
friends at Edgar evidently decided to
form a life partnership as word comes
of their marriage which occurred early
in the week at the Hotel Hampton in
Holdrege The couple will make their
home here where the groom has for
some years been in the business of buy
ing horses The bride is a daughter of
Mr and Mrs J T Jones of this city
Gave Him Fright of His Life
James McAdams received the fright of
his life Wednesday evening He was
hauling his little daughter in the home
yard and after giving the sled some im
petus stepped aside and dropped the
rope only to observe a wire drawn
across the path but he was powerless to
stop the sled The wire cut the little
girl about the mouth and broke one
tooth elightly From the profuse bleed
ing he thought at first glance that her
throat had been cut Her iujuries are
Fowler Leader
McCook friends recently received cards
announcing the marriage of Dr James
Harmon Fowler formerly of our city
and Miss Ethel Leader of Marengo
Iowa October 12th is the date of the
happy event They will be at home in
Lancaster Wis after November 15th
the doctor having located there in May
last Warmest congratulations
In Serious Condition
Robert Suttons condition is regarded
as grave He was operated upon yes
terday afternoon by Dr Garten of Lin
coln assisted by Dr Beach of this city
for an abscess on the base of the brain
the result of an old ear trouble The
operation was successful but the serious
ness of the disease and the weakness of
tho patient are still disquieting facts in
the case
The Buying Power of Your Dollar
is greatly increased by buying the Hamilton-Brown
Shoes at Stulkens Shoe
Store In order to make room for large
stock of now shoes coming I will sell
my present line of school shoes at a dis
count of twenty per cent
Think of it A new piano for
175 200 or 225 See them at
175 200 225 will buy a new
piano at Suttons See them
were held at the home Monday after
noon conducted by Rev M B Carman
Tuesday morning on 2 the remains were
token to Superior Nebraska for burial
besides the body of his wife who preced
ed him to the home beyond eleven years
Isaac Newton Crispin was born in
Ohio on June 21 1830 Moved to Henry
county Iowa when n young man Was
united in marriage with Ellen Brewing
ton in 1852 Seven children were born
to them four surviving Owen of Super
ior Will of Helena Mont Mrs J II
Keever of Omaha Mrs D C Harsh of
McCook Deceased became a member
of the White Rock Methodist church in
in Republic county Kansas over thirty
years ago and has been an official ever
since lie was converted at the age of
seventeen years He was an ardent
Christian throughout life and leaves his
bereaved children now all grown to
womanhood and manhood a priceless
legacy in the purity and splendor of a
long life usefully and well spent
Mrs Marsh and Mrs Keever accom
panied the remains to Superior
The bereaved children are remembered
by many friends in much sympathy in
this sorrow and loss
We are mindful of every kindness and
are most grateful for the assistance ren
dered us so graciously during the illness
and after the death of Father Crispin
Mr and Mrs D C March
George Scott was born in Herkimer
county New York June 13 1821 At an
early age he entered the Baptist ministry
after being graduated from Hamilton
university of thatstateand was in active
gospel service for 55 years most of the
time on the western frontier going into
unorganized territory preaching organ
izing building a church or a parsonage
and then going on into other fields his
own hands he was a carpenter by trade
doing much of building of churches
and parsonages He served as pastor in
Dennison Cedar Rapids Des Moines
and Council Bluffs Iowa and Beatrice
and Tecumseh Neb ten years at the
latter place The remains weae taken
to Tecumseh last Friday nightand Rev
E A Russell a veteran associate offici
ated at the burial on last Saturday
Deceased is survived by four children
the wife having gone to the spirit land
some eleven years since E J of Good
land Kansas A T of Wyoming George
S and Nellie of our city and to them
goes out the tender sympathy of a host
of friends
Rev Scott was one of those rare lov
able characters one never forgets and
his whole life has been a benediction
Alexander C Drummond died at his
home in South McCook Monday Oc
tober 30th 1905 of old age He was
born in Scotland October 17th 1822
He was united in marriage with Susan
Atkinson April 16 1811 They came to
America in 1850 and located in Wiscon
sin Have been residents in McCook
since 1887 Deceased worked in the
Burlington round house here until he
was 77 years old He was the father of
twelve children five of them and his
aged wife surviving him seven having
gone on before Two daughters live in
British Columbia two sons in Wiscon
sin one son in the Ohio soldiers home
and one daughter living here Mrs R S
Brief services were conducted at the
home Tuesday afternoon byRevHarry
Shepherd and Elder H II Berry bur
ial following in Longview cemetery
Mr and Mrs R S MoDonald are
most grateful to all the kind neighbors
and friends for assistance and sympathy
Mrs Eunice Tuttle passed away
Monday October 30th 1905 on the
Tuttle ranch on Dry Creek southeast of
the city Funeral services were held on
the ranch Wednesday Rev J E Tir
rill in charge after which the remains
were conveyed to the cemetery at Cedar
Bluffs Kansas where intorment was
Eunice Tripp was born January 27
1825 Her father Isaac Tripp was born
in 1796 her mother Mary Tripp was
born in 1806 Deceaseds husband
died October 12th 1892 Five sons and
two daughters survive three sons Harry
William and George being present at
the funeral
A large wagon load of Izzer batts sold
so far this fall and another load on the
way Are they right We think they
are Made for and sold only by Thomp
j ciaitereu across np floating bridge of
JlJV u v w 41
I N Crispin who was stricken down
with paralysis about two weeks since
peacefully went home Monday morning
of this week at tho residence of his
daughter Mrs D C Marsh Services
That Chicago Rate Conference
At the recent railroad rale conference
held in Chicago to endorse President
Roosevelts stand on the railroad rate
question and upon tho general question
of railroad control by the federal govern
ment quite a number of the Nebraska
delegates bolted the regular conference
and held a separate meeting of their
This is the list of names as they wore
reported at the Chicago meeting
John T Dorgan Lincoln
John H Beekes Plattsmouth Real
Estate exchange
F Colpetzer Omaha Commercial
C II Dietrich Hastings Commercial
Charles E Jones Omaha
William Glass Omaha Commercial
G L Hammer Omaha
W C Bullard Omaha Builders club
A Barnott president McCook Com
mercial club
John W Long Loup City Commer
cial club
Euclid Martin Omaha Commercial
George L MeissnerCrete Commercial
C H Perkins Omaha
C H Stockholm Omaha
Frank H Young Broken Bow Com
mercial club
John B Watkins South Omaha Com
mercial club
So far as the McCook Commercial
club is concerned it is but fair to state
that the credentials carried by President
Barnett of the club were attested to by
the members or part of the members of
the executive committee of the club and
that no action was taken by the memb
ers of the club Hence Mr Barnetts
action in allying himself with the rail
road element which was refused admis
sion to the conference and held a sep
arate protesting meeting cannot in
any sense be regarded as representing
the sentiment of the McCook Commer
cial club on that question At least a
respectable element of the club is decid
edly opposed to such action and the
matter will very probably come to a de
cision at the first regular meeting of the
President Roosevelt should be endors
ee and if his Iriends in the club come
out as faithfully as the opposition will
he will be endorsed If his friends stay
at home he will be turned down
What shall it be
The cap manufacturers of this coun
try have been making a great study
during the last ten years to get some
thing for tho head wear that would be
warm give good wear at the same time
be stylish Keith Bros Co of Chicago
feel that they have at last reached the
climax in cap manufacturing and are
offering the trade their new line of inside
fur trimmed bauds in all the new up to
date colors and shapes through their
special agent for McCook and vicinity
F M Colson Prop of Bee Hive
It May Seem Early
but Coleman is already receiving ship
ments of holiday goods He is yearly
enlarging and improving this department
of his business and this season will of
course excel any previous one hence he
is beginning early to lay in his attrac
tions for the big holiday trade he has a
right to anticipate
Free To Men Free
A pair of blankets absolutely free
Guessing contest for gentlemen at the I
Ideal Five and Ten Cent store opposite
Horses for Sale
Onehundred head of draft and driv
ing horses for sale
Frank Stillman McCook Neb
Uid Iron
twenty cents a hundred at
The Gurney Poultry Co
McCook Neb
Free To Ladies Free
An Ideal clock Free guessing con
test for all ladies at The Ideal Five nnd
Ten Cent Store Opposite Post Office
These are bristling bargains in these
brushes tooth hair cloth and nail
brushes McConnell Druggist
Mens and womens absolutely pure
wool underwear at SI each Thompsons
Largest line of dress goods in the city
of McCook Thompsons
Have you sen the fancy china at
Those planning on genuine hand
painted china for Christmas
presents will please leave their
orders early as possible and avoid
the holiday rush Goods sold
from studio only 11 3 4ts
Mrs E M Bigelow
fly uiuggms
imtuiwn U in upmw mmwewmm Mum u mUHiJwJMwjw iwihb 1 1 WJIT
Do yor know that special gospol
meetings are boing held each night
at the Methodist church and will
continue all next week Mrs
Lucinda Bock and daughter Pearl
singers and exhorters will sing and
speak at each service
Sermon Every Night by the Pastor
Wo urge the public to attend
These meetings are for all people
Three public meetings Sunday at
11 a m 3 p m and 745 p m
We are interested in your good
McConnell for drugs
McMillens cough cure is effective
McConnells Balsam cures coughr
Horse blankets and storm robes at W
T Colemans
Best prints Simpsons and American
5c Thompsons
Boys two and three piece suits from
S125 to S500 at Thompsons
See those new 175 200 and
225 pianos at Suttons
Beet scoops beet knives and scoop
end gates at W T Colemans
Cream in sealed 10c an I 20c bottles
for sale at Marshs meat market
For Sale A six room dwelling on
Mel vin street Apply to Frank Traver
Removed Dr Kays oflico is now
over Pades furniture store Phono 98
At W T Colemans you can have your
choice of steel ranges at from S1500
Very heavy warm fleeced wrappers
100 Grey wrappers made of the best
prints 90c Thompsons
On another page you will find particu
lars of the Wilcox sale of Duroc Jersey
and Poland China hogs
The Lincoln Mixed Paints are guar
anteed pure A McMillen
For Sale A hard coal base burner
practically as good as new Cheap
E II Doan
Read display advertisement in this
issue of Wilcoxs auction sale of Duroc
Jersey and Poland China hogs
For Sale Residence on North Madi
son street Inquire at house one block
west of courthouse WHArmstrong
Mrs Griffin is prepared to do dry
cleaning satisfactorily Call up phone
306 if you have any work of that kind
The ladies of the Baptist church will
conduct an exchange the day before
Thanksgiving Look out for pumpkin
pies cakes and etc
Special attention is directed to the
fact that evening services in both Meth
odist and Congregational churches com
mencing with next Sunday evening will
begin at 730 oclock sharp Note the
change from eight oclock
To Telephone Subscribers
Owing to the fact that the construc
tion of the new exchange is now in prog
ress subscribers will be bothered more
or less with their instruments not work
ing as good as they might until this
work is completed but I assure you our
best efforts will be used to keep out all
trouble as near as possible
C I Hall Manager
Sunday morning October 29th from
farm just south of McCookmy son Alex
ander aged 13 years Had on blue coat
and overalls Wore a cap Wears spec
tacles cant do without them Is rather
short and stout Reward for information
as to his whereabouts
G A Conrad McCook Neb
Mail orders in one day this week for
25 Izzer bed comforts wanted in other
towns Their fame has gone out through
all the land and they have been ordered
as far away as Hastings and Red Cloud
Made and sold only by The Thompson
Dry Goods Co S1S5 to 8250
Dance in Skating Rink
There will be a dance -in the skating
rink next Tuesday evening November
7th W S Bixler
Wall Paper Special
We are selling one and two room rem
nants at special low prices
A McMillen Druggist
Heaters Colemans
The careful buyer is always a money
saver Money saved is money made
See Colemans goods and note his prices
You nro now doing your fall
house cleaning and wo beg to an
nounce that we have some great
bargains in one nnd two room
patterns of artistic wall decora
tions which to make room for
new stock wo will soil at a sacri
Those aro worth your inspec
tion also worth twico as much
money as wo ask for them Wo
invite you to call and bo shown
We also have a completo line of
screen paints Paint your screons
in the fall if you wish them to
stay in good condition
Try cur Ebony stovo pipo en
amel for your pipes stoves etc
It is tho best over
Cone Bros Druggists
Try McMillens cold euro
Everything in drugs McConnell
Fresh butter of best quality at Marshs
meat market
Mens and boys caps in large variety
Best apron chock ginghams five cents
at Thompson 8
Dressing sacques of flannelette and
eiderdown from G5c to 82 Thompsons
Twenty different patterns in dinner
ware to select from at Ludwicks furni
ture store
Greasy applications mako hair grow
on the face No grease in McConnells
Fragrant Lotion 25 cents
Best colored carpet warp on spools 21ct
Merchants orders not solicited Tho
Thompson Dry Goods Co
Two furnished rooms for rent for light
housekeeping Inquire at Ludwicks
residence near frame school house
Take your hides and pelts to The
Gurney Poultry House and get the best
prices paid in McCook Nebraska
See announcement of tho Wilcox Du
roc Jersey and Poland China hogs sale
on another page of this paper
The Gurney Poultry People will keep
prices up to the top notch on eggs and
poultry according to the demand
Cash offer wanted on lot 3 block 7
First addition to McCook Newman ic
Laycock 711 17th St Denver Colo
For Sale Four room house in South
McCook Easy monthly payments or
will trade for stock L M BestPhono 91
This is to acquaint you that your sav
ing in buying your broadcloth from us is
25c a yard Our price 1 Thompsons
The season for storms is nearinij See
Colemans stock of storm robe Note
substantial quality and ret onablo
Eggs 18 cents a dozen at The Gurney
Poultry house Dont hold them too
long as prices will go down with the
rush in of eggs which will be soon
Heaters for both hard and soft coal
Coleman sells the best makes the Amer
ican market affords and they cost no
more than the poorer sort See his be
fore buying
Coleman sells an improved heater
tho latest thing out for farm use It
burns cobs wood or coal Just what
you need on the farm If you see them
you will want one
Remember you will find Mike Walsh
just across the street from his old loca
tion ready to buy your poultry eggs
old rubber copper brass at the highest
cash market price
Drop a card to box 595 and the Mc
Cook Stove and Range Repair Co will
give your repairs prompt and careful at
tention Repairs for every stove made
Examinations free of charge
You cant do better anywhere on earth
than at Marshs meat market in any
article usually for sale in ac up-to-date
market Just try him Variety quality
price treatment all guaranteed
You can depend upon it every time
the quality of meat you get at Marshs
market Always the best and no high
er than the cheaper kinds No need to
experiment just remember the reliable
In his new location just across the
street from his old place in the P
Walsh building Mike Walsh wants to
see you if you have poultry eggs etc
for sale He will pay you the best cash
market price for them
uLustorlerd B UGKINfiH
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