The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, October 27, 1905, Image 5

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- AVhati we advertise
Not once -
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Come fdxii e
r t a
at least will retire from the railroad
business and devote himself to farming
and stock raising and a large company
of railroad friends will join The Tribune
in wishing him abundant success
As to the new trainmaster well Pat
McKenna is one of the old guard on the
McCook division of the Burlington He
has been here since the year one and
has been one of the Burlingtons beat
passenger conductors a fact which will
be of large value to him in handling
the difficult business of that office He
experienced faithful rail
is a seasoned
roadman and will do his utmost to
make good Heres hoping he will
F D Weidenhamer Gets New Job
HnrPrintendent Gillette of the Sheri
dan division of the Burlington has re
signed and Fred D Weidenhamer as
sistant superintendent of transportation
at Omaha to which place ho was ap
pointed a few weeks ago has been named
as his successor It is understood this
change will be effective on Monday next
It is said that Chief Clerk Dickinson
from the office of W L Barnes super
intendent of transportation at Chicago
will take the Omaha position
Mr Gillette has been in charge of the
Sheridan division which extends from
Newcastle to Billings for a nnmber of
years first as assistant superintendent
and later as superintendent icissaia
that he helped build the road through
that part of the west Mr Weidenham
er is well known in Lincoln where he
has served the company for a number of
years Lincoln Journal
It makes no difference how long you
have been sick if you are troubled with
indigestion constipation liver and kid
ney troubles Hollisters Rocky Moun
tain Tea will make you well 35 cents
L W McConnells
McCook Tribune
ioo per year
So 6
Time Card
McCook Neb
Contral Timo 1150 PM
020 AM
850 am
955 pm
Mountain Timo 1200 rM
ll5r M
925 AM
No 17G nrrivoa Mountain Timo 540 P M
04 A M
Sloopinp dining aud reclining cuiur can
seats free on through trains Tickets Fpid
and baggage checked to any point in the United
States or Canada
For information time tables maps and tick
ets call on or write George Scott Agent Mc
Cook Nebraska or J Francis General Passen
ger Agent Omaha Nebraska
Engineer M R Gates was home over
Sunday to see the family
E W Fitt was nt McCook division
headquarters Friday last
Engine 612 is in the roundouse for re
pairs on her broken frame
A F King blacksmiths helper will
leave tomorrow for Arkansas - -
Engine 2998 is being given a thorough
overhauling in the backshop
Guy Oldham and Guy Battershall are
new helpers in the blacksmith shop
Sam Rogers was down from Denver
Monday on some matters of business
Guy Tomlinson was out from Omaha
part of the week visiting the homefolks
About 300 sheep were reported miss
ing after the Eckley wreck Monday
The Burlington has ordered 75 new
engines 50 D4s and 25 balanced com
W S Tomlinson went down to Lin
coln this morning and will assist in
the claims department awhile
John Stevens formerly a machinist in
the McCook shops was down from Den
ver Saturday on matters of business
Engine 61G is having her cyclinders
and valves repaired this week and the
1062 is getting some additional staybolts
Fay Brewer has been promoted to out
side messenger and Woolard is back in
the telegraph office as inside messenger
Conductor C W Bronson is confined
to bed with an attack of pneumonia He
went to work from his late illness too
Tom Malloy of Hillrose Colorado
was the victim of the Eckley wreck He
s quite a well known stockman of that
Engines 1107 and 1031 were in the
shop early in the week for repairs to
pilots The 1031 was in a slight wreck
on the Orleans St Francis line
G W CooleyFred Hendershot and S
T Hamsher left this week for Chey
enne Wyoming where they have secur
ed positions in the Union Pacific rail
way service
C A Ward foreman of the carpenter
shop returned home Tuesday night
from his visit in Seattle Portland and
other points in the northwest He was
well pleased with that country
Dispatcher T B Campbell departed
Wednesday morning for Chicago where
he will make a short stop and visit go
ing from there to Shepherd Michigan
tovisit an aged uncle His son Harry
will accompany him to Chicago remain
ing there until the fathers return home
ward from Shepherd
Engineer H E Culbertson arrived
home last Saturday from Chicago
where he has been in attendance upon
an important meeting of high Burlington
officials with members of the B of LE
Mr Culbertson is led to believe that
conditions with enginemen will be im
proved by the company
The people of Red Cloud will be sorry
to learn that Station Agent Tom Mc
Carl has decided to give up the position
and re enter the train service Mr Mc
Carl has made many friends here espec
ially in musical circles and his place in
Mercers orchestra will be hard to fill
Mr McCarl has the same objection to
the agents position here as that which
caused Agent Conover to resign too
long hours and too much work for one
man Itis a sample of Jim Hills econ
omyincreasing the dividends a few
dollars at the cost of the health of the
employes of the road Red Cloud Argus
The grand old McCook division is
shedding drops of blood these days of
multiplied wrecks Truly the glory of
Israel has departed
Mr and Mrs Hugh Brown came down
from McCook to attend the funernl of
Homer Bayles In the Twenty Years
Ago column in last weeks issue we told
of Mr Brown having been seriously
burned in a firo at the depot no after
ward became an engineer and lost a foot
in the service and is now switching in
the yards at McCook RedCloud Argus
Troubles Didnt Come Singly
Fast freight No 76 had troubles of her
Hill Gets Chicago Road
Chicago Oct 17 James J Hill it
was definitely stated today has secured
control of the Chicago Terminal Trans
fer Railway company and will shortly
use the Grand Central passenger station
as a terminus for the Burlington system
Official announcement to that effect is
expected tomorrow at a postponed meet
ing of the board of directors of the Ter
minal Transfer company which holds
and operates the Grand Central station
A meeting set for today was suddenly
The Hill people are said to have made
a purchase of practically all the termin
al bonds and a large amount of stock
from J Pierpont Morgan Co The
change of terminus of the Burlington
from the Union station to the Grand
Central station will add ninety two daily
trains at the Grand Central station
This includes suburban service and
means about 10000 passengers a day
At the Grand Central station only forty
trains in and out are at present handled
for the four railway companies using the
The Old Coal d Route
Lottie the 16-year-old daughter of
Fred Teel Burlington section hand at
Bladen last week undertook to start
a fire with coal oil She and her four-year-old
sister are in heaven and the
mother i3 not expected to live Tho
house and contents were also destroyed
There was some fire in the stove when
the oil was poured in an explosion re
sulted and a terrible tragedy followed
flakes of finest wheat
Flaked Wheat Food
Cooks in two minutes
All the indigestible fibre
and impurities removed
All the nutriment retained
In two pound packages Sealed to protect Its
purity and flavor All good grocers
Dr O C Reynolds
Rooms 19 20 Bnrr Block
Surgery and Gynecology
Fh0n jjtuto 1 Bell g UnCOllI Neb
11 m MivvnwTBgra
T- IMi imiit n iwri i wTV ilfJ i r i
- Jimiwn mjmm
Burlington Will Bulla to Pacific
Sheridan Wyo Oct 24 General
Manager Holdrege of the Burlington ar
rived hero last night with a large party
of Burlington officials and several confer
ences have been held with local officials
relative to construction of new lines in
Wyoming during the coming year Gen
eral Manager Holdrege confirms the re
port that the Burlington will extend
from Guernsey Wyo across the state
but would not say how much further
they would go his manner indicated
however the Burlington intends to push
on to the Pacific coast just as soon as
het work can be done It has been
ed to go ahead with the Frannie
own Saturday and Sunday nights last iand extension which will evititiwilly
Saturday night at Otis Coloiadoalight
engine Engineer W 11 Dungan in
charge ran into her rear end smashing
up the way car injuring two stockmen
one of tbem being burned quite severe
ly about the legs by the way car stove
against which he was temporarily
pinioned and otherwise damaging the
train somewhat
Sunday night at Eckley Colorado
about twenty five miles farther east
another freight train Engineer Tram
mell pulling it ran into the rear end
again this time killing Tom Malloy a
stockman killing a large number of
sheep smashing up the way car and
otherwise damaging the train heavily
Monday night at Platner Colorado a
blind siding just this side of Akron a
freight eugine pulling slag ran through
a switch and pilled up eight cars of
slag blocking the main line No 6
which is due to arrive here from the
west at 1040 p m was sent east via
Brush and Alliance but no 2 arrived
here about on time the road being clear
ed in time to let her through No one
was injured in this wreck
Disasters seem to be coming to the
McCook division in troops Fortunately
none of them have been very serious
Another New Trainmaster
On Sunday last Conductor P F Mc
Kenna became trainmaster on the east
end of the McCook division succeeding
Trainmaster T A Wilburn resigned
who has served in that capacity since
the office of trainmaster on this division
was divided
Mr Wilburn has a fine farm over in
the Beaver country and for the present
on to Basin Therinorolis and pushed
the Wind River n MMvation stud the
Yellowstone Park
The Burlington official are investigat
ing the congested condition along the
line from Alliance Neb to Billing-
Mont and steps will taken at once
to relieve the strain
Tie Siding Wyo Oct 24 The corps
of Burlington surveyors that started
from Cheyenne a few days ago to run a
line westward have reached this place
and are working near here They will
not say a thing about their work but it
is learned that they are running a line
from connections with the
line on the west
across the state to intercept the line
running from Guernsey westward This
will give the Burlington a shorter cut
from the south by running via Cheenne
and connecting with its transcontinent
al line west of Guernsey Denver Post
- v
Open to Everybody Everywhere
The Model Shoe Store
There Is AlirayH a Demand For the
Exceptional Man
Progressive employers are always
looking for the exceptional man or
woman one who can step out from
the crowd unci do things in an original
way who cai economize in processes
who can facilitate business They are
always looking for the earmarks of
leadership of superior ability They
are looking for the progressive em
nlovee with new ideas who can help
them to be more of a success They
know very well that they can get any
number of automatons multitudes
who will do a thing just well enough
to keep their places but they are look
ing for originality individuality for
up to date methods They want em
ployees who can put things through
with vigor and determination without
lagging whining apologizing or ask
ing questions Nothing can bar the ad
vancement of employees of this kind
Nobody can keep them down If by
chance some one above you is actually
trying to prevent your promotion for
selfish reasons it ought to be very
flattering to you to know that he is
trvintr to keen you back and should
make you all the more determined to
get ahead It is a pretty good indica
tion that there is some reason for his
fear and that you have material in you
for a better place This should en
courage you to redouble your efforts to
do your work so well to stamp such
superiority upon everything you touch
to acquit yourself so much better than
the man who is trying to keep you
down to be so much pleasanter so
much more of a man that it Avill be
only a question of time when you will
get the position you are striving for or
perhaps a better one Orison Swett
Marden in Success Magazine
The generosity and forbearance of
the poor are to me astonishing Mrs
I can conceive of no more degrading
profession for a woman than the pro
fession of husband hunting Jerome
K Jerome
If only we could emancipate our
selves from the perpetual fear of the
opinion of others how splendidly free
life would become Robert Hicnens
There is no power without clothes
It Is the power that governs the human
race A policeman in plain clothes is
one man in his uniform he is tern
Mark Twain
No one is ever bored unless he is
comfortable Thats the great princi
ple There isnt time for It You can
not be bored and something else at the
same time E F Benson
Yery few girls in the present day re
quire books with imagination I wrote
books for them which would have de
lighted me at their age but nowadays
the majority of girls read boys books
Katharine Tynan
IUnprs at Wedding
There is a popular idea that- a ring
made of gold is the only one that can
be legally used in a wedding ceremony
That is however a fallacy Any and
every kind of ring may be used and
though gold ones are customary there
is no reason whatever why silver or
any commoner metal should not be
called into requisition Numerous in
stances are on record of runaway mar
riages in which a brass ring has play
ed the all important part and the legal
ity of the ceremony has never been
questioned In some cases a piece of
hurriedly tied string has answered the
same purpose as have also circles cut
out of card or paper In not a few
weddings where consternation has
reigned on the discovery that the ring
has been forgotten a door key has been
used instead or a hastily severed link
of a silver chain It is only required
that a ring be used but of what nature
it is not stipulated London Answers
A MtiiUed Slight
She How that woman we just pass
ed does hate me
He She looked pleasant enough
She Thats all done for effect but
If you noticed she never turned to take
In my new suit and hat Detroit
Free Pres3
A PlauBlble
Hison I wonder
managed to live to
Dixon Probably
how Methuselah
such a ripe old
because ther
Kere no bacteria and disease germs la
fcls dav
who led to believe they can buy cheaper from distant
We have learned that there are many in this vicinity are
mail order houses than they can from THE MODEL SHOE STORE While we do not class our goods
with those of mail order houses we want to prove to everyone that they can buy footwear here for just as little
money get a better fit and better goods than they can from a mail order hpuse Let us show you
Make out a list of what shoes you need for this fall and winter bring it to us- and bring along your mail
order book compare the goods and prices If we do not convince you we do as well if not better and save
you postage you are under no obligation to buy of us These are facts we want to demonstrate to you
A H IKTTY Proprietor
T r
We want to show you
our line of
Ladies and Misses
We not only sell
good shoes as cheap as others
but make good any defect
in them
without cost
Does any mail order house
j i iv
such an- offer
TMm i 1 miM fife u w
Mm wui Iff r 4 1 WWL
V if r II v nil 1L fjnJi irf Pj i wi W 4 ttt lji ir I Si i T
DeGroff Co
Burlington Bulletin Rates
Special Homeseskers Kates Greatly
reduced round trip rates to the Xorth
Platte Valley and the Big Horn Basin
October 17th November 7th and 21st
December 5th and 19th This is an un
usually good chance for you to look at
lands in these new regions which offer
a big profit to those whb secure them
Home Visitors Excursion Visit the
old home when you have cleared up the
seasons work Cheap excursion rates
to various sections of the East The
only excursion November 27th limit
twenty one days
Winter Sunshine in the Mountains
Daily low excursion rates to Colorado
A Cheap Way to Spend the Winter
in California The very lowest one way
rates daily to California and Puget
Sound when you add the one way rate
eastbound in the spring you have se
cured a very low round trip rate
Through tourist sleepers to the whole
Coast region
Chean Homeseekers Rates to t j
West Southwest and South theirs-
and third Tuesdays of each month
Write me just what trip you jbffvfe in
mind and let me advise you thoTcnst
cost and the best way to mn ttrrtrrs saat
GEOSScoTTAgent GBrtfe QRy
T WWavetev G P A
McCook Market Quotations
Corrected Friday morning
Good Butte
0 51OHtl
4 73
hi i i
r far r iWiwr I
- a i a a t
i i ii i - r I j
rA dSoundrArgumnt
thing to blow aboutwastgsJjrnearidI
energy The excellence of our goods
anddelivexx service warrant us for
ihldi ilJLllwaJstho best
- - jT
AHAMO a xH a03i 303X103 83JYOS
Girls if you waoMSi aTHSi ISSSSv Si
eyes sweet breatircaa epwoom fyfLUA f
greatest beautifier kW tcuiSteJ JJne 14 oSS
m rr i i - 1 11- llx I M M
i Jea ur xauieis x i rxewwuusi