The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, October 27, 1905, Image 4
3 Jrfti taskhiiin - -By F M KIMMELL Largest Circulation in Red Willow Co Subscription 1 a Year in Advance Official Paper of Reowillow County REPUBLICAN TICKET HTATE Supreme JuJko Charles B Lktton Regents V G Lyfoud Feed II Abbott county Treasurer ifrf liEKJAMIN U UOSSARD Clerk v Edwin J Wilcox JuIro JoHErn C Moore Shoriff H Tua Peterhon Superintendent Flora IJ Quick - - v Coroner Br J D Hare Surveyor James Williams Commissioner 1st District Frank S Lofton Commissioner inl District Clarence H Gray c - Dont Shoot at the Flock If an investigation was started on the McCbok jail deliveries the shoriff might have some one to help him bear the bur den Bartley Inter Ocean Well Friend Brown be more specific and The Tribune will give publicity to the offenders The Sheep Industry This section of the Beaver valley is steadily growing in favor as a sheep feed ing territory The abundant crops of alfalfa and corn produced here furnishes an unlimited supply of feed and for this reason quite a number of farmers are launching out in this industry The high price of feeders this year has kept a good many from feeding this winter yet a number are going to feed anyway The first shipments of feeders are begin ning to arrive B B Smiley was one who successfully fed sheep last winter and received 1500 head Wednesday for this winters feeding Powell Nilsson of Marion have received 3500 and are expecting 3500 more in a short time Danbury News CITY CHURCH ANNOUNCEMENTS Catholic Order of services Mass 8 a m Mass and sermon 1000 a m Evening service at 8 oclock Sunday school 230 p m Every Sunday J J Loughran Pastor Christian Sunday school at 10 a m Preaching at 11 a m subject Pro crastination Y P S C E at 715 pi m Preaching at 815 p m subject Temptation All are welcome L F Sanford Pastor Congregational Sunday school at 10 Preaching at 11 a m and 8 p m C E at 7 p m leader Miss Barr sub ject Foreign Missionary Work Pray er meeting Wednesday evening at 8 p m All are cordially invited Geo B Haavkes Pastor Baptist Rev A B Carson will close his pastorate with this church next Sun day He will speak in the morning on The Romance of the Way In the evening upon The Highest Mission of Memory A cordial invitation to all A B Carson Pastor Episcopal Services in St Albans church as follows Every Sunday in the month Sunday school at 10 oclock am Morning prayer at 11 a m and evening prayer and sermon at 8 The third Sun day in the month Holy Communion at 730 a m All are welcome E R Earle Rector Methodist Sunday school at 10 Sermons 11 and 8 Class at 12 Junior League at 3 Epworth League at 7 Sunday school lesson Power Through Gods Spirit Zech 41 10 Sunday school and preaching next Sunday in South McCook Gospel meetings every night beginning October 31st Mrs Beck and daughter of Lincoln will sing Everybody invited M B Carman Pastor Do you like your thin rough short hair Of course you dont Do you like thick heavy smooth hair Of course you do Then why Hair Vior not be pleased Ayers Hair Vigor makes beautiful heads of hair thats the whole story Sold for 60 years I have used AyerV Hair Vlcorfor a long time It Is indeed a wonderful Iialr tonic restoring health to the hair and sealu and at the tatuo time proving a splendid dressing Dk J W Tatom iladill Ind T SIOO a bottle All drnccist for J C AVER CO Lowell Mass IWeak Hair The Republican State Platform 1 Endorses the administration of Koosevelt and supports his offorts to control corporations engaged in interstate commerce 2 Demands immediate relief through existing laws or legislation from re bates and discriminations 3 Endorses the declaration of Roosevelt that corporations engaged in in terstate commerce should be under the supervision of some branch of of the executive government 1 Demands that Nebraska representatives in congress support the policy of the president in the correction of corporato abuses 5 Declares for the direct primary system 6 Commends the economical administration of state offices by republican officials 7 Declares against the free pass system and recommends a law to pro hibit it Judge Lettons Acceptance Aabndles to Support Art The government of Bavaria has voted a considerable sum for the main tenance of art institutions throughout the kingdom during the coming year The allowances for the purchase of paintings and their preservation ia particularly liberal The various art Institutes In Munich receive handsome subsidies and the Germanic museum in Nuremberg gets an increased allow ance Various other Institutions have been voted large amounts for repairs and maintenance These art allow ances In all reaih S108163 marks 739741 Emil Henxel In Chicago Record Massachusetts Slngla Tax Proposal At the coming session of the Massa chusetts legislature a bill wiil be offer ed giving to each city and town the privilege of raising money for munici pal purposes by such methods as the town of city may deem best This is the single tax pioposal -which was de feated In the last bay state legislature Gentlemen of the Convention I am not in any temper of mind at the present time or have the power of voice to make a speech Iamoiot an orator at any time I want to say that I thank you from the bottom of my heart for this nomination I think no higher honor can be paid to a citizen of your state than to be nominated for the office of justice of the supreme court That court carries with it the power of lifeand death the disposition of the property of any man in the state and it is the most responsible position that can bo tendered or given to any man in tho state I appreciate the responsi bility of this position I want to say too that if elected which I expect to be I shall know neither rich or poor neither corporation or individual and that so far as in me lies I will dispense justice with oven hand to every man within the borders of the state I am told that your committee on resolutions will report to this con vention declaring against tho issuance of free transportation by tho rail roads in this state I want to say to you that I am in hearty accord with that declaration Further I understand that they have endorsed our president and 1 stand firmly with them on that proposition Further I understand they will report in favor of a direct primary The closer you get to the people the better for the interests of all I wish to thank the convention for this nomination I want to thank mv friends who made the magnificent fight upon this convention floor for me I thank you all- gentlemen Anti Cigarette Law Valid That portion of the anti cigarette law which makes it unlawful to give away cigarettes and cigarette papers is sus tained by the supreme court and the judgment of the district court of Doug las county is reversed and John Alper son who was arrested under that clause and who sought to secure his liberty by writ of habeas corpus is remanded to j the custody of the officer Alperson PUBLIC LIBRARY NOTES Some of the books sent to Hastings some time ago have been returned The November magazines are coming in now George Eliot is the greatest of modern female novelists She has the rare fac ulty of being relastic without lack of refinement xieaaers win nna a wiae range or in terest and no repetition Her easier contended tnat tne partoi luuul uvu work3 ujanets Repentance Brother made giving away ot cigareues aim jacob arette papers was unconstitutional oe cause it was a subject not suincienuy ovnroctWl Jn Hi ft titifi of the act The title prohibits the manufacture and sale of cigarettes and cigarette papers The court says If the barter and gifts of cigarettes and cigarette papers is not prohibited by the court it is manifest that the purpose and intent of the legislature is thwarted and we think that purpose and intent is plainly to be derived from the title of the act itself The court holds that the intent of the act is sufficiently expressed in the title and says The legislature undoubtedly supposed the use of cigarettes was injurious to the public in general through its effect upon the health and morals of the peo ple The intention was to remove these articles from the avenues of commerce to banish them from the state as guilty and illegitimate things that ought not to be offered to or easy of access by vic ious or thoughtless people who are or may be injured thereby PLEASANT RIDGE Clay Halverson has a sale today John Miller has sold his farm to C F Lehn of McCook Mrs Garlick and baby are visiting at her parents this week There was an enjoyable hop at Peter Smiths last Saturday night Miss Droll is staying at her sisters Mrs August Millers for awhile Mr and Mrs SE Vandervort of In dianola were visitors at E M leys last week Indigestion constipation dyspepsia kidney and liver disorders and all stomach troubles positively cured by us ing Hollisters Rocky Mountain Tea 35 cents Tea or Tablets L W McConnells and Amos Barton deal some what with mysticism religion and mo rality Adam Bede deals in the tragedy of every day life and romance Mill on the Floss her masterpiece is one of the most touching stories of the struggles of a genins nature Daniel Deronda contains one of the best treat ises on Jewish nature and character An intensely interesting book Middle march contain more philosopy but is a strong story ller works never end in the cut and dried way but deal with elemental passions and sorrows truer to life than most Her books may be found at the Public Library Library hoursMornings from 1030 to 12 oclock afternoon from 130 to 6 oclock even ings from 7 to 9 oclock Sunday after noon to 5 oclock Ida McCarl Librarian RURAL FREE DELIVERY NO 1 Earl Notley expects to go to Curtis next week W S Fitch is building a granary and tool shed combined Mrs A L Whiteford is visiting with her sister Mrs T H Brittain MrTroester is finishing his threshing now a second installment W E Bower has been visiting in Missouri and is now visiting in Wiscon sin After all W J Rogers preparations for a big bear hunt this fall the hunt ing party he had organized being unable to go with him Mr Rogers declared he was not afraid of the bears and would go by himself but having postponed his trip so many times we take it that he has been bluffed out SCHOOL CREEK E S utcher is in Bartley this week finishing his dwelling Hiram Clark the horse buyer was in these parts the first of the week Mr and Mrs S E Vandervort recent ly visited the latters sister northwest of McCook Chas Colling will move 5 miles north of Lebanon next year where he has rented a farm Fred Buller bought two car load of steers of C S Quick which he will feed for the spring market HOLLISTERS Rocky Mountain Tea Nuggets A Busy Medioino for Busy People Brings Golden Health and Eenewed Vigor A specific for Constipation Indigestion Live and Kidney Troubles Pimples Eczema Impure Blood Bad Breath Siupgish Bowels Headache and Backache Its Rocky Mountain Tea in tab -let form 35 cents a bos Genuine made by Hollister Drug Company Madison Wis GQLDEN NUGGETS FOR SALLOW PEOPLE McCook Tribune 1 the Year FEROCIOUS FRIENDSHIP An Incident In the Life of the Tra gedian 3IacrenIj Between Macready nnd my brother Charles existed a kind of ferocious friendship Macready whatever ho may have been in private life had at the theater a simply hprrible temper and he was In the habit of using at rehearsals and even In an undertone when acting the most abusive Ian- guago language which my brother sometimes passed by with a smile but which he occasionally hdtly resented He did not mind Macready constantly nddrcsshig him as beast but he ob jected to having his eyes his limbs nnd his Internal organs coupled with Invective terms Yet oddly enough the great tragedian with whom he was constantly quarreling had a grim respect and liking for him He knew iiim to be a centleman and a scholar and one who was a competent judge of picturesque effect and an acute dra matic critic On one occasion Ma cready having to play Othello and my brother not being included in the cast the tragedian thus addressed him Beast I want you to go in front to night and give me afterward a full and candid opinion as to the merits of my acting Omit nothing Tell me how I played and how I looked I have an idea that I shall surpass myself this evening Now the great actor used to go through a tremendous amount of realistic effort in the part of Othello and toward the close of the tragedy would get into such a disorganized physical condition that he was all per spiration and foaming at the mouth and presented a somewhat shocking spectacle My brother duly occupied a seat in the front row of the dress circle and narrowly watched the performance from beginning to end Then he went behind the scenes and repaired to Macreadys dressing room The artist was being disrobed by his dresser and was panting with excitement in an armchair Well beast what was It like My brother told him that he had de rived the highest gratification from the performance and he had never seen him play Othello more superbly He was magnificent in his speech to the Venetian senate the jealousy scenes with Iago were splendid the murder of Desdemona was superb and he died inimitably Macreadys face lighted up more and more as my brother answer ed his many queries Tis well beast he observed at last Tis well very well and now what was my appearance how did I look beast My brother cogitated for a moment and then with perfect candor replied Like a sweep sir G A Salas Recollections Unloaded on the Editor Soon after arriving in London Justin McCarthy obtained an introduction to an editor -who had started what was then the novel feature of publishing short stories in newspapers Mr Mc Carthy wrote a stoiy for him and sent it in A few days later he called at the office to learn its fate I hope you can see your way to ac cept it he said timidly Yes and sixty more like it replied the editor Nothing more was heard of Mr Mc Carthy for several months When he eventually put in an appearance at the office he had a large parcel with him What have you got there asked the editor seeing him untie the cord These are the sixty stories you asked me to write answered his vis itor The editor gasped for breath But I didnt ask you to write any thing like that number he said You expressed your willingness to accept sixty stories like the one I wrote on approval and here they are I merely took you at your word quoth the young Irishman The stories were not refused The Salamander In Andrews Anecdotes Ancient and Modern 17S9 one reads Should a glass house fire be kept up without ex tinction for a longer term than seven years there is no doubt but that sala mander would be generated in the cinders This probably accounts for the popular idea that a salamander lives in the fire a fallacy so far re moved from the truth that the curious lizard like beast so called cannot en dure even the heat of the sun but skulks away under stones to avoid it It will never lose its reputation for fire eating though which lingers still in the heating utensil that is named after it Dickens nnd Thackeray I once missed meeting Dickens at Chatsworth He left the day of my arrival writes Leveson Gower in his memoirs Thackeray came that same afternoon and was anxious to hear about Dickens visit He wondered whether he had toadied the duke very much My impression is that though professing to be friends these two great novelists did not care much for one another A Careful Wife Hubby desperately Give me your clothesline Im going to hang myself Wifey sweetly Oh George Im so sorry This clothesline is so rotten it wont hold you Youll have to buy one dear Cleveland Leader Sad Uesnlt of Experiment Aunt Alu You think John no longer loves you New Wife sobbing I I know it auntie I p put on an ug ugly old hat this morning and he never no ticed the Chicago Tribune Most people think when they receive a favor that it is merely a sample and that if the goods suit they can come back for more Winter Goo ds For Men Women and Children Ladies Dress Goods Good warm Wool ens Worsteds etc in latest patternsr Novelty Wool Goods Serges Chev iots Henriettas Fancy Suitings Mohair New Plaids Flannelettes in good assortment of patterns for Kimona Dressingi Sacks etc Outing Flannels in great variety Cotton and Silk Kimonas Let us show you whether you are from Missouri or any other seaport Our goods will speak for themselves and our prices will sell them Dress Trimminsrs 0ur cw ine of Dress i Trimmings is right up-to-date Braids Applique Laces All Over Laces Me dallions Insertions Embroideries etc in great variety We have never before had so many nice things in tnis line Handkerchiefs A very large line of hanker chiefs from ladies fine linen lace trimmed or embroidered handkerchiefs beautiful work to the every day work cotton ones for men and boys and at all prices Our LineCof Notions has been gone over carefully and many new things added and weahas cany Thread and Hose Supporters in a great vairety of styles Hat Pins Neck laces Combs all kinds and now have a pretty line of fan cy ones jeweled and plain Purses and Shopping Bags Neckwear Collar and Cuff sets Ask for what you wantfand see what we have HONESTJOHN will treat you right and give you the worth of your money whatever you buy Phonei6g gS g McCOOK NEB For Convenience and Safety have been worn by Forty Million Feet or more and have always given satisfaction That is why we recommend them A full line of the latest styles always in stock TDMS m you should deposit your money in a good bank As for safety we have burglary and fire insur ance time lock burglar alarms bonded of ficers and regular examinations And our continued growth is evidence of the confidence reposed in us by the people of the community TheFirst National Bank of McCook I ft BilBfl Biifl Ste 1 5KKE2S2FS2 ST rm Hi I For particulars write r x - - I -x-v Ni uifiiiiLno Phonography is so simple as to be readily leamed bv any one of ordinary capacity and the benefits to be derived from it are fncalcu fmblic John- Bright In the Bcrn Pitman Syttem of Phonography Reporting Style TAYNER Shorthand Sciioo McCook Neb J r i sM I