The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, October 06, 1905, Image 7

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i Stars JPJ
It is Easy to Order
this Outfit
VPe posillrdjr guana
tec to lit yea perfectly
feiS i - ite53 r JlPiU 1 W
rS SSv i
Frank S Curry Mrs Frank S Curryhis wife
first name unknown and John Hegenberger de
fendants will tako notice that on tho 19th day
of September 1903 E C McKay plaintiff filed
his petition in tho district court of Red Willow
county Nebraska against them the object and
prayer of which are to foreclose a mortgage for
SG0U00 given by the defendant John Hegenberg
er to said plaintiff upon lot twelve block
thirty three in the second addition to the town
now city of McCook Red Willow county No
braska that no part of aid debt has been paid
except the sum of 1S175 and there is now due
plaintiff from said defendants upon said note
and mortgage and the interest thereon and for
tho taxes for tho years 1902 and 1901 and first
quarter water tax for the year 1905 paid by
plaintiff the sum of J02r9 for which sum with
interest and costs plaintiff prays for a decree
that defendants be required to pay the sameor
that said premises be sold to satisfy the amount
found due the plaintiff
Yon are required to answer said potition on
or before Moudaj October j0th190i
Dated September 19 1905
E C McKay Plaintiff
Boyle Eld red Attorneys for plaintiff
State of Nebraska Red Willow county ssf
At a county court held at the county court
room in and for said county October Urd A D
1905 Present Frank Moore county judged In
the matter of the estate of Paulino Phillippi
deceased On reading and filing the petition of
Edward A Phillippi praying that the instru
ment filed on tho Hrd day of October 1905 and
purporting to be tho last will and testament of
the said deceased may be proved approved
probated allowed and recorded as tho last will
and testament of the said Pauline Phillippi de
ceased and that the execution of said instru
ment may be committed and tiie administra
tion of said estate may be granted to Benjamin
Strine as executor
Ordered that October 25rd A D 1905 at 2
oclock p m is assigned for hearing said peti
tion when all persons interested in said matter
maynppear at a county court to be held in and
for said county and show cause why the prayer
of petitioner should not bo granted and that
notice of the pendency of said petition and tho
hearing thereof be given to all persons inter
ested in said matter by publishing a copy of this
order in the McCook Tribune a weekly news
paper printed in said county for three success
ive weeks prior to said day of hearing
A true copy Frank Mooki
seal County Judge
Reduced Rates
to KansasCity St Louis Savannah Ga
Ft Worth Texas Bristol Tenn Mil
waukee Toronto Indianapolis Balti
more Buffalo and numerous other points
east west north and south will be on
sale in the near future Call on agent
for particulars
A 2150 Mans Outfit Gomplete for
Suit absolutely pure all wool -worth - 1300
Fine soft Hat any style or color -worth -Pair
of stylish Shoes -worth ------
Madras or Percale Shirt -worth - - - -
Par of Fine -worth
Suspenders - - - -
Pair of funcy or plain Socks -worth - - -Nice
Handkerchief colored border -worth
Four-in-hand or male up silk Te -worth
Leatherette Suit Case -worth
Fine - - -
you can do more work enabling you to earn
more money so that you can buy more
5 mi e
do zot work and earn still more money
To Ira Chandlr nnil tlio Nebraska Loan
Hanking Company defendants You will tako
nolico Hint the plaintiff Lawrence H Roonoy
has filed his petition against ou in the district
court of Rod Willow county Nebraska tho ob
ject and prayer of which are to cancel and dis
charge of record the cloud cast upontho plain
tiff b title to lots numbered fire and six in block
numbered twenty five 25 in the first addition
to the town now city of McCook Nebraska by
certain mortgage given May 1 lb90 for the sum
of 5900 00 to tho Nobraska Loan Banking
company and recorded in book 19 page 471 of
tho mortgage records of s aid county anil tho as
signment thereof by said company to Ira C
Chandler on May 5 1890 which as signmout was
recorded July 10 1890 in book 20 page s of the
mortgage records of said county plaintiff al
leging that said mortgage and the notes -secured
thereby have been fully paid and satisfii d
Plaintiff prays for a decree that said mortgage
may be canceled and discharged of refold and
that tho cloud on his title caused thereby be re
moved You are required to answer s aid peti
tion on or beloro Monday the 30th day of Octo
ber liXKi
Dated this 20th day of September A D lOOIi
La whence H Roonet
By J E Kelley his attorney
1 11 Men
mm s h
In all departments
of active service
stand in need of the
readiness of mind
and -promptness of
action which depend on a healthy nerv
ous system Let a railroad man be rat
tled and every life depending on him
is in danger A great many railroad
men have found in Dr Pierces Golden
Medical Discovery a valuable tonic for
the overstrained nervous sjstem It
builds up the body purifies the blood
nourishes the nerves and induces a
healthy appetite and refreshing sleep
I suffered for sir years with constipation and
indigestion during which time I employed sev
eral physicians but they could not reach my
case writes Mr G Popplewell of Eureka
Springs Carroll Co Ark I felt that there
was no help forme could not retain food on my
stomach had vertigo and would fall helpless to
the floor Two years ago I commenced taking
Dr Pierces Golden Medical Discovery and lit
tle Pellets and improved from the start Af
ter taking twelve bottles of the Discovery I
-was able to do light work and have been im
proving ever since
Send 21 one cent stamps to pay ex
pense of mailing and get Dr Pierces
Medical Adviser in paper covers free
Address Dr R V Pierce Buffalo N Y
James O Hammond Josephine MHammond
James O Hammond as guardian of Josephine
M Hammond a minor and Ardeu H Purvis
defendants will take notice that on t tie 0th day
of August 1905 the plaintiff herein Milton 11
Hammond Ada A Hammond and Mary E
Hammond filed a petition in the district court
of Red Willow ccmnty Nebraska the object
and prayer of which are to obtain a judgment
confirming tho undivided one sixth interest
each of tho said plaintiffs and defendants un
der the will of Mirelda E Hammond deceased
in and to the northwest quarter section thirty
five towiihhip fwo north range thirty Red
Willow counl Nebraskaaud for the partition
of said realestate according to the respective
lights of said parties or if the same cannot bo
equitably divided that said premises bo sold
and tho proceeds thereof divided between tho
parties according to their respective rights
Yon are required answer said petition on
or before Moiula tO loberiinl 190
Dated this 12tl da of September 190i
MiitonH Hammu i Ada A Hammond and
Mary E Hammond Plaintiffs
By Boyle and Eldr d their attorneys
pfcfijmgtr m in gp
If you will eat more
11 rA
n JfA
Ma S
B f sk iiiia i
CCUn IIC flUC nfll I AR with order and e will send this outfit complete In
OUlU UO UllL UULLHU suitcase by express to any address subject to examin
ation una n everytmng is satisfactory pay express agent
U1S5 bainnce and express chorees
Slzas and Measuramants Coat comes In S5 to 12 chest
give chest measurement Pants come 30 to 12 waist and 30 to
34 inseam give both measurements Shirts come It to llXi
Hats come 6 V to 7H Socks come 9K to 11 Shoes come to 11
Give sizes of all and state whether you wish suit of fine
casslmero or cheviot cloths
Real Estate Filings
The following real estate filings have
been made in the county clerks office
since last Thursday evening
E A Williams to J A Huber swd to
nwqr2l W0 2500 00
P E Reeder to J A Huber wd to so
1000 00
E A Williams to J A Huber swd to
lot 0 blk 6 McCook
F Plasmycro to A B Bower wd to s
hf 2100 CO
J N Clarke to C G Wilhelm rec d to
1000 00
Ida B Hupp to K Jones wd to so qr
13-1-24 ir00 X
Buffalo Pitts Co to M Motoric
wd to w hf no qr w hf so qr 1 l G lr 00
W E Bryson to F B Duckworth wil
to lots 15 1G and 17 blk 2i
ola 00
H L Maugus to H GalowdtolotO
and part lot S blk 10 Willow Grove 400 00
L L Co to A G Bump wd to lots 7
to 12 blk 21 1st McCook 700 00
C E Benedict to W J Evans to
lot 4 blk S0 2nd McCook 1522 50
J Waters to D St Gorman wd to lot
13 blk 3 1st South McCook 20 00
A A Hyde to J Havens qcd to s hf ne
qrnhf 1050 00
S M Cochran to J Heinlein wd to sw
qr n hf se qr 25IM0 4000 00
H Temma to P Podolski ehfnwqr
600 00
Lincoln Land Co toE C Brittwd to
lots 5 and 6 blk 8 4th McCook 273 00
United States to G Spinner pat to nw
United States to M LScarrow pat to
nw qr ne qr sw qr and ne qr so qr 245-
1 26
United States to M B Brown pat to
ne qr sw qr and lots 5 6 and 7
United States to EJ Lawthers pat to
United States to J Lawthers pat to
ne qr 17-1-29
W W Archibald to TL Rathbun wd
to sh f lot 2 blk 3 1st McCook 125 00
Frees Hocknell to TL Rathbun wd
to lot 3 blk 5 1st McCook 1300 00
T L Rathbun to J J Curran wd to
lot 3 and s hf 2 blk 3 1st McCook 1800 00
Clara P Pease to J E Kelley wd to
lot 1 and 2 blk 14 1st McCook 175 00
Sarah J Jones to B A Jones wd to n
hf se qr ne qr nw qr and lot 1 31-3-27 1600 00
M A Dayton to Kate Selleck wd to
lots 3 to 12 blk 71 Bartley 123 00
Lincoln Land Co to W Gossard wd
to n hf lot 8 blk 18 Indianola
W G Lambright otal to G Renner
qcdtoptlot8and9blkl8Ind 1 00
Helen M Charles to J Broomfiold wd
to lots 11 and 12 blk 23 Indianola SO 00
W C Bullard to W A Mapes wd to
lot 2 blk 9 Willow Grove 33 00
Sarah E Ruby to Mary A Davis wd to
pt lot 2 blk 15 Danbury 40 00
To Cure a Cold in One Day
Take laxative bromo quinine tablets
All druggists refund the money if it fails
to cure E W Groves signature is on
each box 2oc
14 OC JU l m
Kan ynL2W KEjb
FOR llllllll Srl
s295 vvl I Mm
a i
Wmf M I I I i 4
amC a
ioal ry jB i i i i i
xM JSr i i I I i
Jobs f l
T 3 r Ml i I i
mwmir jfj i i
1 f ToiCifeeajEMinOiieDay -
II I Seven MMon Bores sold in poitf 2 rannth This nature TW bOXr25C
A Troubled One
It is said that the expression Tlier
is n skeleton in every closet arose
from the following incident A young
italian student linding lie was dying
fearing to break the news to his moth
er adopted the following device lie
Informed her that lie was III and that
it had been foretold lie would not re
cover until he had worn n shirt made
by a woman who had no trouble The
widow soon discovered it was no easy
task to find such a person but at length
was referred to a lady who seemed
surrounded with every comfort and
happiness and possessed a husband
who seemed devoted to her The wid
ow made known her request and for
an answer was shown a closet where a
skeleton hung suspended from a beam
She was told it was the remains of the
ladys former lover who from motives
of jealousy had been slain by her hus
band and that lie compelled her to vis
It it every day The widow concluded
that no one was without trouble that
there is a skeleton in every closet
and became reconciled to the approach
ing loss of her son
WnHhliiKtoiiM Illrtlidny
The first known celebration of Wash
ingtons birthday was on Feb 11 17S4
The old style date was still adhered to
This was during the lifetime of the
first president and completed his fifty
third year The following Is from the
Pennsylvania Packet of Philadelphia
of the date of Tuesday Feb 17 1784
New York Friday Feb 13 Wednes
day last bM the birthday of his ex
cellency Geil Washington the same
was celebrated by all the true friends
of American independence and consti
tutional liberty with that hilarity and
manly decorum ever attendant on thJ
sons of freedom In tho evening an
entertainment was given on board the
East India ship in this harbor to a
very brilliant and respectable company
and a discharge of thirteen cannon was
fired on the joyful occasion The ob
servance of the day was not confined
to New York city
IVevrfonVs Tolexcope
Newton fashioned a concave mirror
from a mixture of copj er and tin
which gives a surface with almost the
luster of silver An image of the star
was produced in the focus of this mir
ror and then this image when exam
ined by a magnifying eyepiece permits
the astronomer to study the star at
what is equivalent to a greatly reduced
distance Such is the principle of the
famous erecting telescope which bears
the name of Newton The little reflect
or which he constructed is still pre
served as one of the treasures of the
Royal society The telescope tube had
the very modest dimensions of an inch
in diameter It was however the pre
cursor of a whole series of magnificent
instruments each outstripping the oth
er in magnitude
A Soft Answer
Here Is a story about Sir Patrick
Talbot sergeant at arms In the house
of lords He had been private secre
tary to the great Lord Derby when
prime minister and afterward married
one of his daughters One day when
a large party was present at Knowl
sey Lord Derby burst out at table with
tlie remark Its a curious thing one
never knows what a lot of fools there
are in England until one becomes
prime minister Thereupon Talbot at
the other end of the table said Yes
and one never knows what a fool a
prime minister may be until one be
comes his private secretary Lord
Derbys reply was Thank you Pat
Dnndee Advertiser
The RudcMt Man of Ills Arc
John Hunter the famous British sur
geon anatomist physiologist and med
cal writer who died in 1793 was one
of the rudest men of his age He re
turned home late one evening from his
round of professional calls and found
his wife entertaining a few friends
Grimly he walked into the center of the
room stopped and looked around I
knew nothing of this kick up he said
and ought to have been Informed As
I have returned home for the purpose
of studying I hope the present com
pany will retire at once They retired
A Freak of Death Valley
Saratoga springs is one of the freaks
of Death valley and lias probably
caused more profanity than anything
else in the region The waters are as
clear as crystal and they bubble up
from a deep sandy basin like a well
spring of joy But they are strongly
impregnated with sulphur and other
minerals are tepid in temperature and
act instantly like an emetic upon any
one who drinks them
He Was Xo Settler
I suppose that old chap with the
long white whiskers over there is one
of your old settlers isnt he said the
grocery drummer
I reckon hes what yew might call a
old resident rejoined the village mer
chant but he aint no old settler Hes
been a owin me for nigh on to thirty
years Chicago News
Baseball In the Bible
Johnson lou say that you knows
about the Bible Well whats in It
about baseball do yer knows Walters
Why dey aint nuflin in the Bible
bout baseball Johnson Dey certainly
am Didnt Noah put the dove out on
a long fly New York Times
Coquetry and Civilization
It Is In a country in which the wo
men are most coquettish that civiliza
tion has attained its zenith It is to
the coquetry of women that one owes
the refinement of manners Boudoir
The Parvenu
Wlfie What is a parvenu Hublet
Thats what the man who got rich ten
years ago calls the man who got rich
yesterday w
YontjR Falcon itt School
The young of falcons and hawks are
well trained by their parents From
the time they are strong enough to pull
nt and break up the quarries brought
to them it is one long course of instruc
tion The old birds know perfectly
well what the young ones will have to
do and they get them fit for dolug It
as soon as they can They compel them
to take longer flights day after day
and teach them how to stoop that Is
strike at Uieir quarry One or the oth
er will shoot up witlin portion of feath
er or it may be fur followed by the
young hopefuls Then the morsel is
dropped from the clutch Down tiioy
dash for it and the one that makes the
quickest stoop secures the prize before
it reaches the ground When the old
birds think the young can fend for
themselves off they go Tills is not a
case of choice but necessity for they
are simply cuffed and buffeted off So
well is this known in the country that
it is a common thing to hear a lad say
Them ere hawks has druv their young
uns off Blackwoods Magazine
A Woiulerrul Ilnnt Family
There is a family of microscopic
plants called diatoms which swarm in
all oceans In every clime They are
coated with pure silica or flint and
are found in the most delicate and love
liest forms So tiny are they that it
takes 41000000000 of them to fill a
single cubic inch and 1SG000000 to
the naked eye would just look like a
speck of dust and weigh only a grain
They multiply so fast that within forty-eight
hours one may become S000
000 and Us offspring fill two cubic feet
in four days As they die they sink to
the bottom falling in a constant show
er In the course of ages they fill up
harbors the deposits formed of them
being many miles in extent and hun
dreds of feet in thickness The deep
est deposit known is that on which the
city of Berlin stands which is eighty
four feet thick At St Petersburg
there is a deposit of thirty feet and at
Richmond Ya is one of eighteen feet
The Cool 3Imi
The superiority of those men who
keep their tempers in public bodies is
so apparent that coolness should be
one of the first virtues to be cultivated
there The discreet member will re
gard public life of this kiid as a
school for such a purpose There are
trials for nervous or impulsive men
often In these positions but a part of
their tactics must be to resist them if
they are to have hope of success Noth
ing can be clearer than that it is for
their interest to do so The debater
who keeps cool is sure to have his op
ponent at a disadvantage The cool
man is usually a master of sarcasm
which is an effective weapon in an
noying an adversary but a dangerous
one also because there is always the
temptation to carry it too far The
men who have tho widest influence
are the good natural men whose words
leave no sting behind them
An Awe IiiNpirliiK Spectacle
Of the overpowering magnificence of
the suns corona as seen in a total
eclipse some idea may lie gathered
when it is considered that even matter
of fact scientists are stricken speech
less with awe in its presence Sir Fran
cis Galton was once assigned to meas
ure the heat of that strange halo lie
recounts that he experienced a feeling
of supreme exultation when he discov
ered that his instrument was broken
and that he would be permitted a few
moments in which to revel in the re
markable spectacle So carried away
was he by the glory of the panorama
that he even forgot to note down the
beginning of the first contact
Overreached Himself
The wives of two British army of
ficers who had been stationed for a
long time in India met recently In Lon
don and went to a restaurant to take
luncheon together As their talk was
of a personal and somewhat private
nature they fell to conversing in nin
doostanee This aroused the curiosity of
the waiter attending them to bursting
point He presently came forward and
said gravely Excuse me madame
but I think it only right to inform you
that I understand French
The Toes
The second toe should be longer than
the others to denote an artistic temper
ament Here sentimentaiism dwells
and romance and imagination If the
larger toe is strong and broad the in
clination toward realism will be check
ed by a good amount of practical
sense Jn the purely artistic foot the
little member of the five should curl
inward Its arching upward denotes
a passionate nature The women of
southern countries are noted for this
Indolent RomsIui
Rossini was one of the most indolent
men that ever lived yet lie wrote op
eras against time as it The
Barber of Seville for instance was
written and mounted in less than a
month which fact gave rise to Doni
zettis cogent witticism Upon being
told that Rossini had finished his opera
in thirteen days Donizetti replied It
is very possible He is so lazy
The Cores of n Home
Dear rue said young Mrs Hunui
mune I must see our grocer right
What for asked her husband -I
have some instructions to give
him I want to tell him to make our
coffee a little stronger and our butter a
little weaker
Conner vntlMm
In Samuel Pepys period a bill wa3
brought into parliament to restrain
the excessive and superfluous use of
coaches London Outlook
Disgrace is Immortal and living eves
when one thinks It dead Plautus
Teacher of Piano
McCook Nebr
Mrs A C Wiehes Dearborn St
n3 Bi Je 0
Rear of First Natl Bank
Earl Murray
riioNi 112
Olllco over Grannis 8tort McCook Nob
Attorneys at Law
Look Distance Phono 11
Rooms 1 and 7 pecornl iliuir
Iostollico KuilditiK
Oilice RoBideiu 2I
Residence iIhio 5X
McCook Neb
and Surgeon
Main Avcnuo Uilico and
Tails answered liiIit or
Real EstateInsurance
Phone r0
Ollicc ovor
McMillenb drug btoro
McCook Nehraska
C5ABeiitof Lincoln Land Co and or McCoot
Water Works Oilico in Iotitollice building
WilirCry YourjSale Right
Hi can Ret Coinioti iit alo clerk
jour notes cashed furnished
Osteopathic Physician
Kelley Office Bldg Phone No
Consultation free
r Herbert J Pratt
Registered Geadiate
Ofiice over McConnells Drue Store
Telephones Ofiice 1G0 residencr131
Former location Atlanta Georcia
and Builder
Farm Buildings
a Specialty
To Prevent Hog Cholera
From appearing on your farm
Be prudent this year and pre
vent a repetition of the losses
of previous years
Call and See Us and Get Written Guarantee
Y 2
Delmont S D- Dec K
I lev
I used L K for hog cholera and it was all
right It cured my hoes I had thre sick onea
and they all Kot well and done line I also
ased it for chicken lice and mites and it is all
yon claim for it Itis the only Medicine for ho
cholera I think Gotlieb Jebke
Harrington Neb Dec 11 1902
I am using Liquid Koal and am well pleased
with it I am sure I saved my hogs with it last
year and am going to keep it in stock all the
time as it is the best thing I ever had on the
place for everything it is intended for It ia
good for chicken cholera lice on stock insects
of all kinds it will destroy all kinds
F W Woman
Manufactured by the National Medical Com
pany Sheldon Iowa