The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, October 06, 1905, Image 4
fc ZMiSva aakjksaafc afaaayrfMB55555 By F M KIMMELL Largest Circulation in Red Willow Co Subscription 1 a Year in Advance Official Paper of Redwillow County Senator Millard seems to be putting his ear dowu closo to hear the people Among his recent utterances on the great question now before the American people aro tho following quite whole somo words I believe that all corporations en gaged in interstate commerce should be under the supervision of tho national government I do not believe in taking steps hastily or harshly and it may be that all that is necessary in the immedi nto futuro is to pass an interstate com merce bill conferring upon some branch of tho executive government the power of effective action to remedy the abuses in connection with railway transporta tion It may be that we shall Gnd that tho only effective way of exercising supervi sion is to require all corporations engag ed in any monopoly in interstate traffic to produce proof satisfactory say to the Department of Commerce that they are not parties to any contract or com bination or engaged in any monopoly in interstate trade in violation of the anti trust law and that their conduct on cer tain other specified points is proper and moreover that these corporations shall agree with a penalty of forfeiture of their right to engage in such commerce to furnish any evidence of any kind as to their trade between the states when ever so required by the Department of Commerce Organize Anti Saloon League Dr John Cams superintendent of the Nebraska anti saloon league was iu the city last Sunday and organized a local branch of tho league in McCook with Dr A P Welles as president Koswell Cutler as secretary and Dr H M Ire land as treasurergThe usual committees were selected and the league placed in shape for service in the temperance field A morning meeting was held in the Methodist church an afternoon meeting in the Baptist church when the business of the league was commenced and a meeting a union affair in the Congregational church in the evening when the organization was completed On Monday the doctor collected some of the sinews of war in the city for the use of the league in its work which among other activities will hold several public meetings in the city during the coming year in the furtherance of the temper ance movement in the city and state and country Democratic County Convention A Democratic county convention will be held in Indianola Ked Willow coun ty on Friday October 13 at two oclock in the afternoon for the purpose of plac ing in nomination candidates for the various offices to be filled at the ensuing election and for the purpose of transact ing such other business as may properly come before the convention All Demo crats are requested to be present and to participate in the proceedings Marion Plummeb Chairman Co Central Com P Walsh Acting Secretary Rally Day and Communion Last Sunday was rally day in the Con gregational church Sunday school and the event called forth a special and en joyable program by the children and a special collection At tho morning service of the church there was the usual quarterly commu nion service and the reception of mem bers six persons entering tho fellow ship of the church Take advantage of The Tribunes ex traordinary subscription offer found on second page of this issue FOR BOTH One disease of thinness in children is scrofula in adults consumption Both have poor blood both need more fat These diseases thrive on lean ness Fat is the best means of overcoming them cod liver oil makes the best and healthiest fat and SCOTTS EMULSION is the easiest and most effective form of cod liver oil Heres a natural order of things that shows why Scotts Emulsion is of so much value in all cases of scrofula and consumption More fat more weight more nourish ment thats why Send for free sample l SGOTT BOWNE Chemists iJtt Wi5Vwl Street Nctf York CARTS IN SCOTLAND Thvjr Were a Caue of Wonder In tlie Eighteenth Century In Scotland at the beginning of the eighteenth century produce was car ried in sacks on horseback or on sledges or later In the century on tumbrels which were sledges on tum bling wheels of solid wood with wood en axletrees all revolving together These machines were often so small that in a narrow passage the carter could lift them bodily for they held little more than a wheelbarrow They had wheels a foot and a half in diam eter made of three pieces of wood pinned together like a butter firkin and which quickly wore out and be came utterly shapeless so that a load of COO pounds was enormous for the dwarfish animals to drag Yet even such vehicles were triumphs of civili zation when they came Into use when the century was young Carts are a later invention still and when one In 1723 first carried Its tiny load of coals from East Kilbride to Cambuslang crowds of people It Is reported went to see the wonderful machine They looked with surprise and returned with astonishment In many parts of the lowlands they were not in ordinary use even till 17G0 while In the northern districts sledges or creels on the backs of women were chiefly employed to the end of the cen tury The wretched condition of the roads was the chief cause of the re luctant adoption of carts In the driest weather the roads were unfit for carriages and in wet weather almost Impassable even for horses deep In ruts of mire covered with stones winding up heights and down hills to avoid swamps and bogs It was this precarious state of the roads which obliged judges to ride on cir cuit and a practice began as a physic al necessity was retained as a dignified habit so that in 1744 Lord Dun re signed his judgeship because he was no longer able to ride on circuit Scottish Review LIFE IN ANCIENT GREECE No Hcmnins Whatever of Grecian Domentic Architecture Of the domestic architecture of the Greeks nothing whatever remains writes Jean Schoepfer in the Archi tectural Record Magazine In ancient Greece private houses never had any architectural interest A citizen of Athens or Sparta was too busy with state affairs to spend much time at home lie wanted to be in the public place where he could find his friends and fellow citizens Moreover the climate allowed him to live in the open air during the greater part of the year It was on the agora that the citizens assembled in public meeting It was there from a rostrum that the orators harangued the crowd hence the need of a good voice and a clear enuncia tion hence too the famous pebbles of Demosthenes It was in the open air that Socrates and the sophists held their discussions alongside the Ilyssus under the plaue trees or on a public place It was in the academy gardens that Plato patronized and in open air gymnasiums that the youths practiced their athletic games There was no raison detre for a domestic architec ture with such a people and in such a climate It is not necessary to have palatial administrative buildings for governing a people that live in the pub lic places Besides what significance would the term comfort which is so full of meaning to us twentieth cen tury westerns living in cold damp cli mates where fog wind and rain pre vail during half the year what sense we ask would this word have for the robust Greeks of the fifth century B C whose children Aristophanes pictures to us on their way to school barehead ed in spite of the falling snow and singing as they go Took the Lfint Chance An old Scotch gravedigger was re monstrated with one day at a funeral for making a serious overcharge for digging a grave Well ye see sir said the old man in explanation making a motion with his thumb toward the grave him and me had a bit o a tift twa er three years syne owre a braw watch I selt him an Ive never been able to get the money out o him yet Now says I to myself this is my last chance and Id better tak if Was It St Mark or Lamrnsf As Jesus was being led captive from the garden back of Jerusalem one form followed the guard It was white In the moonlight and looked like an ap parition When the guard noticed the figure they sought to lay hands upon it when the figure cast off the cloth around its form and escaped St Mark Is the only historian who mentions this and some writers think St Mark was the figure Others think it was Lazarus Graphic The end of a novel compressed by the editor owing to lack of space Ot tokar took a small brandy then his hat his departure besides no notice of his pursuer meantime a revolver out of his pocket and lastly his own life Deutsche Leschalle The Thrown Im taking my riding lessons in strict privacy Why not In public So as to avoid the fierce white light that beats about the thrown Louis- ville Courier Journal y i - Breaking Her Word She Would you believe it When the bride came to the word obey In the wedding service she stuttered terribly jHe Well she might just as well break her word one time bb another Yon- kers Statesman- EARLY CALIFORNIA SHIPS Hovr Commerce Grew In rioneer Day of the Golden State The first European vessel to enter the port of San Francisco of which there is any record was the Eagle in 181l commanded by Captain William J Davis She sailed from Boston via the Sandwich Islands and Alaska She carried an assortment of goods which were a revelation to the natives and their garments of skins and hides were substituted by the clothing of civiliza tion Payments were made in hides tallow soap and fish The Eagle then became engaged in the sea otter trade and was very successful as otters were plentiful in San Francisco bay and all along the coast She made three trips netting about 25000 on ach trip This stimulated others and this discovery no doubt gave an im petus to commerce which made this port known to the world Commerce in those days of manna was carried on in what might be term ed a free and easy manner On many articles the duty was 100 per cent which practically amounted to confiscation or made smuggling neces sary in self defense The Mexican of ficials generally opened the door Fre quently vessels were permitted to pass Monterey the port of entry going to Yerba Buena and after selling as much of the cargo as possible to re turn to Monterey for entry and dis pose of the remainder The shippers were not sworn as to the value of the cargj They gave fic titious invoices and by this means would get off on the payment of 5000 on a 20000 cargo It became so customary to swindle the government as scarcely to excite comment except in cases where goods were concealed in false linings of the vessels and the government officials were outwitted URIC ACID IN THE SYSTEM A Medlcul Opinion on Thla Foe to Health and Life Haig holds that the man of average weight elaborates twelve grains of uric acid in twenty four hours and woe be tide him if he does not excrete the full amount with due celerity A little re tained uric acid will give rise to head ache lethargy and mental depression A greater retention will give rise to arthritis lumbago and sciatica The uric acid miser will end his days through bronchitis Brights disease apoplexy diabetes or cancer Man cannot avoid his fate and cease being a uric acid producer lie can avoid to some degree swallowing the wretch ed stuff What he cannot avoid swal lowing he can with care excrete If man had beeii wise and had continued to live where he belongs near the equator and had fed on fruit and nuts all might have been well But having wandered from the tropics he must be wise or perish EEere are the rules that one must follow to be healthy ani live long First swallow no uric acid and pass out each day regularly and punctually all that is formed in the body Second excretion of uric acid may be obtained by clothing warmly by avoiding exposure to cold in every way tho morning cold tub is an espe cial abomination by eating freely of potatoes especially in cold weather and by avoiding fruits Bicarbonate of sodium night and morning for peo ple who live in a climate similar to Londons is a fine habit In addition to all this it is also advisable to se cure the proper distribution of time between bodily and mental exertion and to dispense with dependence on tonics stimulants and bracing cli mates New York Medical Journal Water Thieves Water thieves are not unique Their prototypes existed at least as long ago as 1479 At that time a Londoner wrote This yere a wax chandler in Flete strete had bi craft perced a pipe of the condit withinne the grounde and so conveied the water Into his selar wherefor he was jugid to ride thrugh the CItee with a condit upon his hedde There were other difficulties too A century later 1374 it is re corded that owing to a sudden shower of rain the water In the Dowgate chan nel had such a swift course that a lad minding to have leapt over It was taken by the feet and borne down with the violence of that narrow stream till he came against a cart wheel that stood in the water gate before which time he was drowned and stark dead The Suns Corona Thus far we know the corona of the sun to be a sort of outer envelope so shielding us from the Intense solar light and heat that it may be said without exaggerating that the sun has never really been studied comprehen sively Within the corona is an ocean of gas 5000 miles deep stained a ruby red by the crimson blaze of hydrogen Flashes of flame leap from this ruddy mass often to a height of a hundred thousand miles and more In a Bad Way It was a New England parson who announced to his congregation one Sun day Youll be sorry to hear that the little church of Jonesville is once more tossed upon the waves as sheep with out a shepherd Boston Christian Register Done In Advance Artist I sold a picture yesterday Friend Ah What are you going to do with the money Artist Its already done with My landlady bought it for half the board bill I owed her A long alow friendship Is the best a long slow enmity the deadliest Merrlam - Having been poor Is no shame but being ashamed oMMs Franklin THE DOMESTIC HOsSAND One Vievr of the Sinn Who Ilnnnta Hid Own Home Circle Tlw foolishness of wives Is shown in their warfare against lie club be It good or bad and their indiscriminate laudation of the domestic man The latter is not apt to be an alluring per sonality for oscillating between down town and home his circle of interests is necessarily narrow and he inevita bly takes up with more or less petty matters and becomes a domestic mar tinet or a tame cat All the big civic interests that engage the energies of public spirited men in their leisure from business he ignores as he does association with men identified with other worthy interests The petty gos sip of the home and the evening paper constitute the typical domestic mans mental sustenance in his moments of relaxation from the grind of money making and apart from merely hav ing him within reach it is hard to un derstand what pleasure the wife can take in this variety of husband for he apparently feels under no obligation to make himself agreeable It is not he who makes the meal cheerful by set ting the conversational pace in the di rection of amusing stories or interest ing information his usual contribution being fussy comment on some trivial domestic incident More often he eats in silence and departs In the shortest time possible for the most desirable chair in the living room there to re main for the remainder of his evening Such a man however good a provider he may be for his family is a social vegetable merely in whom no woman Is justified in taking pride at this day when the need In public affairs is for citizens who bear their share of the burdens peculiar to our nation and times Vogue POINTED PARAGRAPHS Do so well today that you need not long for tomorrow Some men only want your confi dence to give it to others If a man were his own enemy what stories he could tell on himself Dont judge a man by his first friend ships in a town judge him by his last Dont give your friends indigestion by trying to poke people you like down their throats When we think of the ease with which we deceive others we should think of the ease with which others may deceive us Good news travels not so rapidly as bad news of course but it travels Do a good thing and people will hear of it In time Everybody understands that an old boiler must be treated with care but very few understand that an old stom ach is as dangerous as an old boiler Atchison Globe Spencer and the Great Riddle To every aspect of the problem of life Herbert Spencer must have given thought but he has plainly declared that the human intellect as at present constituted can offer no solutiou The greatest mind that this world has yet produced the mind that systematized all human knowledge that revolutioniz ed modern science that dissipated ma terialism forever that revealed to us the ghostly unity of all existence that re established all ethics upon an im mutable and eternal foundation the mind that could expound with equal lucidity and by the same universal formula the history of a gnat or the history of a sun confessed itself be fore the riddle of existence scarcely less helpless than the mind of a child Lafcadio Ilearn in Atlantic Queer IlookH Among the worlds queerest books Is Pharamond or The History of France A Famd Romance In Twelve Tarts It was written originally by the au thor of Cassandra and Cleopatra and it was Englished by J Phillips Gent and published in London in folio in 1G77 Pharamond runs to 1173 closely printed folio pages which con tain In all some 1073293 words That is to say it equals in length ten mod ern novels of about 100000 words apiece Sir Philip Sidneys Arcadia works out Interspersed poetry and all at some 400000 words or four modern novels Dodola and Rnln The Servian peasants have a curious old ceremony of Invoking rain which they carry out during dry weather The women of the village dress a girl in leaves and grass from head to foot and lead her from house to house At each door the occupant pours a bucket ful of water over her head while her companions who are mostly girls of her own age chant prayers for the wished for showers Invisible clouds of rain are believed by the peasants to follow the girl whom they name Do dola and to refresh the fields and vineyards It Pays to Advertise An Oklahoma girl advertised for a husband and got him The total ex- Lpense for advertising wedding outfit etc was 11 He died within a year leaving her an Insurance policy of 10000 And yet some people claim that it doesnt pay to advertise Sparks Okla Review Unanswered Papa little Johnny began Now what do you want asked his suffering father with the emphasis on the now Will my hair fall off when Its ripe like yours The world which took but bIx days to make is like to take 6000 to make on k Browne A Matter of HeedtH There is a quality in Royal Baking Powder which pro motes digestion This pecu liarity of Royal has been noted by physicians and they accordingly use and recommend it exclusively ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO NEW YORK CITY CHURCH ANNOUNCEMENTS Catholic Order of services Mass 8 a m Mass and sermon 1000 a m Evening service at 8 oclock Sunday school 230 p m Every Sunday J J Loughban Pastor Christian Sunday school at 10 a m Preaching at 11 a m subject Pro crastination Y P S C E at 715 p m Preaching at 815 p m subject Temptation All are welcome L F Saxford Pastor Methodist Sunday school at 10 Sermons 11 and 8 Class at 12 Juiiior League at 3 Elpworth League at 7 Sunday school and preaching next Sun day in South McCook Everybody in vited M B Carman Pastor Baptist Kev A B Carson will close his pastorate with this church next Sun day He will speak in the morning on The Romance of the Way In the evening upon The Highest Mission of Memory A cordial invitation to all A B Carson Pastor Congregational sunday School at 10 Preaching at 11 a mJand 8 p m C E at 7 p m Morning subject The Welsh Revival Evening subject j Origin of IsraelsProphets All are cordially invited Geo B Hawkes Pastor Episcopal Services in St Albans church as follows Every Sunday in the month Sunday school at 10 oclock am Morning prayer at 11 a m and evening prayer and sermon at 8 The third Sun day in the month Holy Communion at 730 a m All are welcome E R Earle Rector Try HUBERS U V FRANKUH FOR GROCERIES JFreshJFruitiVegetables Agentfor GOLD HEDAL WEDDING BREAKFAST COFFEES V FRANKLIN President a C EBERT Cashier W B WOLFE VicePresident CITIZENS BANK OF McCOOK NEB Paid Up Capital 50000 Surplus 4000 DIRECTORS W B WOLFE A C EBERT 2tti t g Challenge From Lon Cone Bro tj - - i i i g Lon Cone Bro are seeking the worst case of dyspepsin or constipation in Mc Cook or vicinity to test Dr Howards new specific for tho cure of those diseases So confident aro they that this re markable medicine will effect a lasting cure in a short time that they offer to refund the money should it not be suc cessful In order to secure the quickest possi ble introduction Lon Cone Bro will sell a regular fifty cent package of this medicine at half price 25 cents This specific of4Dr Howards will cure sick headache dizzy feelings con stipation dyspepsia and all forms of malaria and liver trouble It does not simply give relief for a time it makes permanent and complete cures It will regulate the bowels tone up the whole intestinal tract give you an appetite make food taste good and di gest well and increase vigor Joy and happiness will take the place of that dont care whether I live or die feel ing 5 Take advantage of Lon Cone Bros challenge and secure a bottle of Dr Howards specific at half price with their personal guarantee to refund your money if it does not help you Typhoid Rate and Turn TVatar In Vienna the typhoid rate of I2 deaths to 10000 inhabitants fell to il alter a pure water supply was ob tained In Dantzig the mortality fell from 10 per 10000 to 15 In Munich after the introduction of a good water supply and proper sewerage the rate fell from 21 per 10000 to 63 and In Boston from 174 to 56 It 4 h V V