The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, September 22, 1905, Image 4
Ei2g32 f fC If clock gVfrqp By F M KIMMELL Largest Circulation in Red Willow Co Subscription 1 a Year in Advance Official Paper of Redwillow County Have Reason to be Proud Thoro aro figures at hand to prove that Nebraskans have much to bo proud of in the states prosperity as attested by the item of exports for instance In 1901 Nebraskas exports totaled 20811057693 or an increase of 31261 3G993 over the shipments of 1901 a growth of 11420456 63 annually in the states exports By way of compari son Iii1903 the total exports of Japan were only 144751000 Mexicos exports in 1901 only totaled 79003412 Swedens in 1900 were 104869313 Spains in 1900 115818900 or 92000 000 less than Nebraskas in 1904 Our exports equaled three fifths that of all the Russias big and little and were eleven times those of Greece in 1900 And marvelous to state our exports in 1904 were equal to one seventh of the total value of the merchandise exports of the United States in 1904 The principal items are Packing house products 6045379594 cattle 43010593 hogs J154345350 com 2296601859 wheat1574176960 Nebraskas total productions in 1904 wore 501582190 63 and her shipments out of the state show that we export 40 per cent of our products And still there are 120000000 on deposit in the banks of the state or a per capital de posit of 11616 for the entire state Which shows conclusively that Ne braska is going some CITY CHURCH ANNOUNCEMENTS Catholic Order of services Mass 8 a m Mass and sermon 1000 a m Evening service at 8 oclock Sunday school 230 p m Every Sunday J J Looghran Pastor Congregational Morning service at 11 a m Sermon subject The Holiness of God Sunday school at 10 a m Evening preaching at 8 p m Prayer meeting Wednesday at 8 p m George B Hawkks Pastor Christian Sunday school at 10 a m Preaching at 11 a m subject Pro crastination Y P S C E at 715 p m Preaching at 815 p m subject Temptation All are welcome Li F Sanford Pastor Episcopal Services in St Albans church as follows Every Sunday in the month Sunday school at 10 oclock am Morning prayer at 11 a m and evening prayer and sermon at 8 The third Sun day in the month Holy Communion at 730 a m All are welcome E R Earle Rector Baptist The usual services next Sunday In the morning the pastor will preach on the theme The Increas ing Light and the Decreasing Light in the evening Watchers at the Cross At 3 p ill the pastor will speak at Pickens school house A B Carson Pastor Methodist Sunday school at 10 Sermon 11 and S Class at 12 Junior League at 3 Elpworth League at 7 Miss Gertrude Storer leader The last Sunday before the annual confer ence Everybody invited Good mu sic M B Carman Pastor Good advice to women If you want a beautiful complexion clear skin bright eyes red lips good health take Hol listers Rocky Mountain Tea There is nothinglike it 35 cents Tea or Tablets L W McConnells NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE OF TAX LIEN Alvin Brown Beulah Brown and John M Evans non resident defendants will take notice that on the 2fcth day of August 1905 Edward B Cowles plaiutifFflled his petition in the district court of Red Willow county Nebraska the ob ject and prayer cf which are to foreclose a tax purchasers lien upon the north half of the northwest quarter of section 14in town 1 north range 30 west of the 6th principal meridian for the taxes for the j ears 1901 1902 and 1903 that there was due to plaintiff at the time of filing said petition the sum of 1580 for the payment of which sum together with costs accruing in terest and attorneys fee plaintiff prays a de cree of foreclosure and a sale of said premises You are required to answer said petition on or before the 9th day of October 1905 Edwaed B Cowles Plaintiff Notice For the best of all kinds of Build ing Materials Steam and Domestic Coals see W C Wart Phone No i Try Carney Egg JAMES J HILL railroad man Mr F - r nrn i -0 In the Limelight Of Publicity Sculptor Swells Quarrel With J P Mor gan M Carey Thomas Henry James Wit Governor Haalys Work Miss Van Alens Dog Caddie - RANK EDWIN ELWELLwho -was recently suspended from his duties as curator of sculpture at the Met ropolitan museum because of a differ ence of opinion be tween him and J Pier pout Morgan frank edwin el- the foremost patron well of the institution is one of the best known of American sculptors His artistic genius has beeu recognized in the bestowal upon him of important commissions and by the award of medals and other tokens of honor Among those conversant Avith matters of art Mr Ehvell has long been known as an independent thinker who cannot brook the imposition of authority that might in any way fetter the spon taneous development of the various branches of art in this country It is supposed by his friends that his fight ing spirit was aroused by real or fan cied dictation of the multimillionaire and art connoisseur In the affairs of the museum and thus an acrimouious discussion arose in connection with the placing of a statue of ancient origin which recently arrived from Europe This led to a request for Mr Elwells resignation and the curator replied that he would not tender it until the request was preferred through the prop er channels The acting director of the museum aware that Mr Morgans blood was up in the matter decided to cut red tape with the result that some slight force was used in the ejectment of Mr Ehvell from the temple of art He has not said the last word how ever and is expected to bring his case before the full museum board of di rectors Mr Ehvell was born in Concord Mass in ISoS and studied sculpture in Paris at the Ecole des Beaux Arts under Falguiere He was the first American sculptor to model a statue in America that was erected In En rope One of his most popular works is Dickens and Little Nell in Fair mount park Philadelphia The monu ment at Edam Holland entitled Death of Strength and the statue in Paris called Awakening of Egypt are his works In the current discussion about the college bred woman and the marriage question Miss M Carey Thomas pres ident of Bryu Mawr college takes the position that a woman who possesses a diploma stands just as good a chance of a happy marriage as a man who wins a sheepskin from a higher insti tution of learning College says Miss Thomas has nothing whatever to do with it ex cept perhaps to give college Avomen the intelligence to select their hus bands a trifle more sensibly Miss Thomas was the first wo man elected a trus tee of Cornell uni versity and is one of the few Amer ican women who hold a degree from a German university Ipr MISS M CAKEY THOMAS Zurich gave her a doctorate of philosophy in 1883 She was chosen president of Bryn Mawr in 1S95 In a talk at a luncheon recently Dr Thomas related an incident showing the whimsicalities of children A friend of mine she said once shOAved me a letter that her little son had Avritten her from Andover The letter ran like this Dear Mother I am well and I hope you are well Will you please send me 2 I know the last did not last longr but It Is all spent now and I need 2 badly I hope you are well I am well Please do not forget 2 Then there was this postscript I was so ashamed to ask for money so soon after the last you sent that I sent after the postman to get this letter back but It Avas too late he had gone It is only a short time since James J Hill as president of the Great Northern railroad Avent up against the authority of the national government In connection with the formation of the Northern Securities company Now the interstate commerce commission makes the assertion that he and his railroad have violated the antirebate provisions of the interstate commerce law Whether in pushing with charac teristic energy his various enterprises Mr Hill has at any time overstepped the bounds of the laA or not it i generally conceded that he is a man of remarkable genius in his chosen field Though he has been such a success as a Hill began business life in the steamboat system of trans portation He Avas not long in desert ing it for railroading The road which he has since made so AVidely known was at that time considered the slow est in the country Mr Hill listened good naturedly to the fun that Avas naturally poked at his road and work ed the harder to improve it Meeting Mr Hill one day in the street in St Paul Diamond Joe siLr aJut Jjri nolds of upper Mississippi river steam bout fame said Jim Ill match one of my steam boats against one of your trains in a fair race for 500 a side Well I dont know hesitated Mr Hill Some of your boats are pretty fast Come Ill race you up stream urged Reynolds Oh thunder returned Mr Hill in a disgusted tone If youre going td stick to the river then you might as well drop the notion of a race I thought you meant youd bring your boat out on the prairie alongside the track and give me some show Henry James who is noAV in Amer ica lhed in England so long that when he recently returned to NeAV York he asked for an old fashioned three cent stamp as he did in days long gone by when every letter bore one of that de nomination Mr James is a true cos mopolite He Avas born in New York in 1843 was educated in the United States France and HENRY JAMES rJWSr V o rxi r V if v MISS MAY VAN ALEN Switzerland and from 1869 to 1905 made his home in England His nov els Daisy Miller The Bostonians and The Portrait of a Lady attract ed much attention years ago and he has written forty books since 1875 one of the latest being The Am bassadors According to the New York Times Mr James was recently discussing American writers Avith a literary acquaintance when he took oc casion to bestOAV warm praise upon the wrk of a certain American author of the younger school But interposed his friend the man you are admiring is by the way one of your severest critics Perhaps mused the distinguished novelist perhaps we are both mis taken A highly respected negro lawyer of Cleveland once asked Thomas Dixon the author his solution of the negro question Colonization Dixon replied But what about good negroes like Bishop Turner and myself Youve got to go and keep the others good was the rejoinder In the hunt for grafters which has been pursued so strenuously of late one of the foremost in the chase is Governor J Frank Hanly of Indiana Governor Hanly is not only hot on the trail of race track gamblers and sim ilar offenders but he Is warring against the cigarette He has deter mined to break up the practice so far as Indiana is con cerned of accept ance of railroad passes by public officials He is also trying to establish a temperance stand ard in the public service by refusing appointment to of fice to persons known to use intox icating beverages GOVERNOR HANLY In asking for the resignation of the police commissioner of Michigan City recently Governor Hanly said Under the present administration there are no privileges Disregard of official obligation will insure removal in every instance as soon as I learn of such disregard and as quickly as elec tricity can carry the order No execu tive officer has any right to do any thinking as to the propriety or wisdom of existing laws The general assem bly of the state has already done that for him The people of no city in the state of Indiana haAe the right to say that the laws of the state duly and solemnly enacted by the representa tives of the whole people of the state shall be suspended or violated Governor Hanly was born in a log cabin in Illinois in 1863 and in travel ing up the hill of life he has encoun tered a good many obstacles Energy and ambition haA e overcome them all Scarcely more than twenty years ago he was a ditch digger but even then he had a local reputation as an orator He has served in the Indiana legislature and in congress Canine caddies are the latest in the game of golf They have been intro duced at NeAvport by Miss May Van Alen daughter of J J Van Alen min ister to Italy under Grover Cleveland Banishing the small boy Avho formerly carried her golf sticks she has installed a Scotch collie as caddie When dressed for the game the dog wears a light leather harness corresponding iu color to his mis tress costume To the straps across his back are attached a bag large enough to contain six oi eight clubs and from his neck is suspended a pouch for the balls It is only natural a Scotch dog should be filled Avith the spirit of the game The collie folloAvs at Miss Van Alens heels ready to provide putter driver or cleek as needed He has also been trained to retrieve At times he shoAvs an in telligence Avhich is a reproach to his predecessor and Miss Van Alen avers he is a fine companion His sense of duty Is of the keenest So is his loyal ty for it is gravely declared that he waves his tail in pride whenever his owner makes a good stroke irjCMfflraftftflfirrw f sJewmaiaiT Reduced Railroad Fare to Omaha September 2oth to October 8th to at tend the electric parades and Street Fair alsoSchmoller Muel lers great removal piano sale Over fifty used and new upright pianos will be placed on sale at 6100 S7200 8800 810500 812200 13500 to 190 Nearly all the standard makes in this lot Over sixty used organs and square pianos reduced to 81000 812 00 S1600 2000 to 3500 none higher All guaranteed as represented or money refunded New Steinway Sons Stegor Emer son McPhail Hardman Mueller and eighteen other famous makes of the latest improved pianos known to science will be sold at astonishing cut prices saving the buyer 7500 to 15000 and on the higher priced instruments over 20000 All prices in plain figures cut out this advertisement bring it with you Make our storo open day and night your headquarters free music all the time SUHMOLLER MUELLER Largest music concern in the west Temporary location 1407 Harney St Omaha Neb Reduced Rates to KansasCity St Louis Savannah Ga Ft Worth Texas Bristol Tenn Mil waukee Toronto Indianapolis Balti more Buffalo and numerous other points east west north and south will be on sale in the near future Call on agent for particulars THE SOWERS By Henry Seton Merriman To Be Printed Serially in This Paper CS3 The Meat jttuirrrtiffTitfiitfifipjtlllh in the cocoanut is like the kernel in the hull of the grain of wheat The hull is removed before crushing Cal ifornia Wheatose Flaked wheat food for breakfast All good grocers McCook Market Quotations Corrected Friday morning Corn W Wheat 61 Onts 23 Rye Barley 20 Hogs 4 73 Eggs 15 GoodButtei IS Rheumatism gout backache and poison are results of kidney trouble Hollisters Rocky Mountain Tea goes directly to the seat of the disease and cures when all others fail 15 cents L W McConnells McCook Tribune 100 per year jujhjib ugamnmBc NEW k MILLINERY CO Will Have Their Opening Display of Fall Millinery SDAY SEPTEMBER 28 EmoaBan RUSSIAN LIFE PICTURED I r3 Bead THE SOWERS in This Paper npHE SOWERS is one of the very strongest of recent novels It is a graphic pen picture of Russian life today made from personal observation re vealing the splendor of the palace and the squalor of the hovel cc The Sowers is above everything else a powerful story of love hate and in trigue full cf human nature EEE3Z5ESaCS3XSXEE32ZmSX2 ssmsoasr EDNA BARR 1 f C II Botle Teacher of Piano McCook Nebr Studio Mrs A C WIehes Dearborn St DR R J GUNN DENTIST phone m Office ovor Grnnnis storo McCook Nob H P SUTTON McCOOK C E Eldkud Co Atty BOYLE ELDRED Attorneys at Laav Long Distance Phono 44 Rooms 1 nnrt 7 sococd Hoor McCOOk Neb Iostotlico BuildiDg DR A P WELLES Physician and Surgeon Office Residence 321 Main Aveune Office and Residenco phono Kf Calls answered night or day McCOOK NEBRASKA L 2J LINDEMANN Real Estate Insurance Phono M Office over McCOOK McMillens drug storo NEBRASKA JOHN E KELLEY ATT0HNEY AT LAW and BONDED ABSTEACTEB McCook Nebraska S3Agentof Lincoln Land Co and of McCook Waterworks Office in Postollico building DR H M IRELAND Osteopathic Physician Kelley Office Bldg Phone No 13 McCOOK NEB Consultation free -v JEWELER MUSICAL GOODS NEBRASKA DrHerhertJPratt Registered G radiate Dentist Office over McConnells Drug Store McCOOK NEB Telephones Office ltif residence IM Former locution Atlanta Georgia AAWW tJTOB Hight CoATRACTOR and Builder Farm Buildings a Specialty SATISFACTION GUARANTKED w ivr rrrrw ntttdtd a a l j F D BURGESS Plumber and Steam Fitter Iron Lead and Sewer Pipe Brass Goods Pumps an Boiler Trimmings Estimates Furnished Free Base ment of the Postoffice s McCOOK NEBRASKA WE GUARANTEE To Prevent Hog Cholera From appearing on your farm Be prudent this year and pre vent a repetition of the losses of previous years Call and See Us and Get Written Guarante I cilJc QUID I v VZkXAlXzeUZr V -- wr s im TESTIMONIAL Delmont S D Dec 17 1902 T useel l K for hog cholera and it was all right It cured my ho I had three sick and they all got well and done fine I one used it for chicken lie- aud mites and it K all you chum for it It is the only Medicine for hog cholera I think Gotlieb Jebke Harrtncton Xcb Dec 11 ion- lam usniR Liquid Koal and am well pleaded with it I am sure I aved my boss with it last year and am Koinff to keep it in stock all th time as it is the best thing I ever Imd hi on place for everything it is intended fir i good for chicken cholera lice on stock hiic of all kinds it will destroy all kinds lnsects F WWomjls JAflES CAIN 1paysnhoneinbLtb0 Nati al Nodical Com- Ji jwva 11 Ml i J i i IK i f i v