Notice For the best of all kinds of Build ing Materials Steam and Domestic Coals see n W L MMU Phone No i Try Carney Egg W F Wilson Successor to Nick Colling Buys and Sells Second hand Goods of all kinds Furniture wanted Rear of De- Graffs Phone 316 McCook - Nebraska A Sound Argument The one that blows without any thing to blow about wastes time and energy The excellence of our goods and delivery service warrant us for blowing Always the best always the greatest variety always the highest quality DAVID MAGNER Phone 14 Fresh and Salt Meats Hi e w 1 DEALER IN POULTRY and EGGS Old Rubber Copper and Brass Highest Market Price Paid in Cash Block West of Citizens Bank cCook - Nebraska i DANBURY Mtf Jnko Roesch is on the sick list Bert Lafferty broke his arm recently Arthur Thomns baby is on the sick list Mrs John Easton visited in McCoolr last week Tb school house has been cleaned and papered Oscar Millers little girl is under the doctors care Mrs Pogue of University Place is here visiting Howard Ruby sold his confectionery to Mr Lingo Jesse Nadon has gone to Franklin to attend school Henry Hellison is going to work for Ed Stilgebouer Louis Cann has resigned his position as station agent E M Woods has given his house a new coat of paint Russell Pratt who was on the sick list is now convalescent Born to Mr and Mrs Elvin Woods twin girls August 31 Stella Pratt and Mabel Watkins are visiting in Wilsonville Mrs Delilah Annis who has been visit ing in the east is home Mrs H V Lord who was quite ill is J able to be around again J L Sims shipped a car load of hogs to St Joe Sunday night Miss Ethel Andrews returned to her home in Lincoln Tuesday Mr and Mrs Geo Welches have a new boy born September 2 Wm Harrison has purchased the hotel and taken possession Jacob Clouse has bought a piece of divide land of Mrs Wishon We understand that F P Eno has purchased land in Colorado Nellie Boyer who has been working in McCook has returned home Alvin Andrews had a piece of flesh bitten out of his leg by a horse recently S W Stilgebouer Alex Strain and E M Woods left for Denver Colorado Sunday Sam Minniear had a runawny Sun day The buggy wbs pretty badly broken up but no one hurt Miss Strain Mrs G B Morgan Mrs E M Woods O B Woods and family and Mrs W A DeMay and sons have gone to Denver Mr and Miss Douglas father and sister of Mrs J L Murr have gone to Denver and from there they expect to go to their home in Indiana Murray Johnson fell from a water wagon while hauling water for a thresh ing machine and caught his leg on a bolt tearing the flesh open to the bone Mrs H N French died at Omaha Friday The funeral was preached in Herndon Kansas Tuesday and the re mains were laid to rest in the Herndon cemetery Rev J E Wilson of Indianola gave a series of lectures in the Congregational church the first part of the week His sister Mrs Williams and four children of Pleasant Hill Mo accompanied him Cash Offer Wanted On lot 3 block 7 1st addition to McCook Neb and the southeast quart er of 22-3-29 1J miles east of McCook Neb Address owner Benj Hammer 195S Emerson st Denver Col Estrayed Last Saturday a black horse twelve years old Weighs 900 pounds A D Green McCook Neb Combination box 123 LEBANON Mr and Mrs John Huff have a new baby girl Bert Emberliug was a Bartley visitor Tuesday John Hoag expects to build a new house this fall John Meyers has quit working in the blacksmith shop Mr and Mrs A C Bartholomew drove to Bartley Sunday William Halsey has had an addition built on his residence L W Robinsons have arrived and occupy the J W Slutts property H E Waugh has rented the back part of the post office for his furniture L W Robinson is having the back part of his store overhauled and fixed up William Smith is building a residence just south of Samuel Jolly It is about 21x30 Ernest E Fiechter sent for a car of lumber and is building a new house and barn The fall rains commenced Monday night and the farmers are starting to fall plow Frank Topard has had a well put down on his farm and we understand he expects to build this fall The Sanford and George Ralsten farms on the Kansas line have been sold for 63S00 and 84000 to Iowa men Robert R Lear has purchased the H E Waugh blacksmith shop which he has been running for Mr Waugh for the past eighteen months William Halsey has just completed an addition on the north of his residence about the size of the first house and runs the long way east and west We understand that the Lebanon schools are as yet unable to procure a principal but have the lower rooms full and have started school without a pro fessor Allen E Pennington is here from Raton New Mexico He has been in a hospital for quite awhile suffering with sciatic rheumatism but is now improv ing Mr Bartholomew took No 5 for Mc Cook returning to Bartley Monday morning He expected to meet an Illi nois delegation of G A R and would likely have seen some of his old comrades but the delegation was late and he could not wait Mistakes Made at the Mint John Erhard of Philadelphia has a coin dated ISD1 which has a hea i cv either 3tde showing tht mitaHe are Made ewn -it the mint Every fin ished coin passes through the hand cf a great many experts and theie is jlt tle chance of an inperfec piece escap ing this scrutiny There ar sail to be many of treiu In circulation how ever No particular value is attached to the coins outside of their rarity as curioaitios Typhoid Bate and Pnro Water In Vienna the typhoid rate of L2 deaths to 10000 inhabitants fell to ii after a pure water supply was ob tained In Dantzig the mortality fell from 10 per 10000 to 15 In Munich after the introduction of a good water supply and proper sewerage the rate fell from 21 per 10000 to 63 and in Boston from 174 to 56 Cora Stubble Cuts Throat L T Davis a farmer living near West Union W Va had his throat cut by a corn stubhle and almost bled to death before assistance reached him While hauling fodder he fell from his wagon his throat striking the sharp pointed stubble A tearing gash was the result BANKSVILLE A M Benjamin made a trip to Cedar Bluffs today F A Olmstead was canvassing for fruit trees Saturday H I Peterson was on business at Cedar Bluffs Kans Monday Mrs W E Knobbs went over in Hitchcock county to visit Charlie Knobbs and family over Saturday John H Wesch and B W Benjamin were in luck mowing hay Monday in time for the rain that followed We had a good rain on the night of September the 4th of 125 inches and the soil is nicely moistened and will increase the yield of late corn about fifty per cent BARTLE1 Clarence McCord and wife of oming are here on a visit The enrollment will be much creased in the next two weeks Enrolled this week High school 27 grammar 39 intermediate 36 primary 39 Murry Corbin wifo and son Clare went to Lincoln Monday to take in the fair and visit Mrs Corbins parents Mrs Rice who has been visiting here for several months with her sister Mrs M Corbin returned to her home in Lincoln this week School began Monday with Mrs Mabel Ellis principal Miss Bessie Walking grammar room Miss Lillio Burton intermediate room and Miss Eugine Dutcher primary Water Supply for Tnmplco English engineers are making sur yeys and plans of Tarnpico and tho surrounding country with a view of supplying the town with drinking wa ter and a complete system of sewer age Should these works be carried out there will be an excellent opening for the sale of plumbing supplies At present there is no plumbing estab lishment In the port Iii formats n Complete Chicago Tribune You remember hat worthless little cousin of mine you knew ten years ago Well hea fiapt Harkness now United States service Salvation army or aseball club Th etter Way The tissues of the throat are inflamed and irritated you cough and there is more irrita tion more coughing You take Ml MM Ill Willi Ill III To MOTHERS and FATHERS GUARDIANS and SONS Our goods have arrived wish to the fact that our 1 1 u 1 iiucuu and Geo wneeie mixture and it eases the m attending the Htate fairj this week irritation rorawnne 1 outage Otto Webber sold his farm to John Jta cff r jmn Ba m and we 2 pieco Norfolk Suits all wool sizes 3 to 18 for SI 00 3 piece Sack Suits all wojl sizes 3 to 18 price 250 up 2 piece School Suits good quality all sizes 100 up Boys Black and White Shirts 25c Boys Sateen Shirts 45c All lot of our Gold Shirts retailed at 150 from the window slightly soiled guaranteed fast colors 50c ppj TAT A boys choice of Bat Ball or School Compan ion with each suit Come and select from the laigest variety of clothing in McCook at AMOND5 THE WORKING MANS FRIEND SCHOOL CREEK Two threshing machines in this neigh borhood H A Talcott sold a half section of land to Fred Fritz F M Goodrick returned to Humbolt last Saturday Ed Mack is sight seeing in Denver and Cheyenne Bert Rohrer has rented the Bert Mc Cracken farm J K P Frye and wife visited at John Dutchers Sunday S F Phillips and wife visited at J Seedens Wednesday Mrs E S Dutcher commenced her school in Bartley Monday S M Gray is attending the G A R reunion in Denver this week Edith and Foss Dutcher visited their grandpa and grandma Sunday Ed Vandevrort and mother visited as Ed Raymonds last Thursday H A Talcott Wheeler are 5 T vjiouse or Barney consideration 3200 w About two inches of rain fell in this neighborhood this week which stopped EMUii o m tbe tdresmn About twenty of ChasCollings friends and it cures the cold Thats gathered at his house Sunday to help what is necessary It soothes the him ceieV rate his birthday throat because it reduces the Harry and Bessie Webber left Wed- irritation cures the cold because nesday of last week for a few weeks it drives out the inflammation visit with their brother at builds up the weakened tissues Jhn Dutcher and family Sile and because it nourishes them back Ed Vandervort attended the McCook rniva1 this week They report a good to their natural strength Thats o time how Scotts Emulsion deals with a sore throat a cough a cold or bronchitis WELL SEND YOU A SAMPLE FREE SCOTT BOWNE 400 Pearl Street 3fev York I Rheumatism gout backache and I poison are results of kidney trouble iHollisters Rocky Mountain Tea goes J directly to the seat of the disease and cures when all others fail 35 cents L W McConnells m 1 CI thing Shoes and r It Jtfc Jtfm m Furnishings are complete VERY BEST MAKES HIGHEST GRADE OF GOODS We will sell our School Suits at Lowest Prices Call and see them i 1 Real Estate Filings The following real estate filings have been made in the county clerks office since last Thursday evening C Hartman to A J Holm wil to go qr sw qr 21-2-28 and nw qr 7 no qr 4 anil 10000 CO C mcntoJ Amen wd toptsoqrso 20 CO J Sharpless toWRelph deed to o Iif so 200 00 Jennie Patteo to Boyle Eldred wd to swqrswqr 25-1-30 1 21 CO L L Co to C HBurgoss wd to lot 11 folk 2 Lebanon 150 00 C Hartman to M Colling wd to w hf 1-13-23 6000 00 Sullivan Savgs to G Lang swd to e hf ne qr and o lif ao qr 19-2-29 350 00 Mena Coveny to J R Mattes wd to w hf so qr 7-1-30 150 25 Lucy Reed to E S Howell wd to lot 11 folk 10 1st McCook 1100 00 United States to A B Goodner pat to ewqr 27-1-29 United States to A H Orman pat to United States to A H Orman pat to United States to A H Orman pat to n hf neqrand n hf nw United States to T Hannan pat to e hf ne qr and o hf so qr 19-2-29 United States to J S Gerver pat to swqrswqr 25-1-30 E Ward to Wm Bryant wd to pt of lots 7 and S blk 19 orig McCook 150 00 Wm Bryant to H Winans wd to pt of lots 7 and 8 folk 19 orig McCook 100 CO R V Land Asso to Eliza Gray wd to und hf iat in lot 1 blk 15Indianola 30 00 L L Co to Eliza Gray wd to und Iif int in lot blk 15 Indianola 00 Eliza Gray to J R Xeel wd to ucrfhf int in lot 1 blk 15 Indianola COO 00 J Handel to JRXeel wd to lots 2 and 3 blk 21-3-23 U00CO J McCallnm to F Howe wd to lot 18 blk 37 und hf int in lot 3 blk In dianola Oq Margaret Lord to Jennie Howe wd to lot 3 blk 3G Indianola 25 00 G B Berry to R JGunn wd to lots 11 and 12 blk 4 1st McCook 500 00 J Heinlein to B Mejers wdtoseqo 4000 00 United States to T H Catt pat to se qr 1-1-29 C H Bojle to G W Sigwing agnjo for deed to shf sw qr 21 and se qr 23- 1 30 WmColeman to Boyle Eldred agree for deed to sw qr 5-3-29 X FREE to SCHOOL CHILDREN During the month of September we will give absolutely free to each girl and boy who buys a new pair of school shoes Box of Nice Paper and Envelopes School Companion fitted with Pens and Pencils Box of Colored Pencils NiceJHandkerchief Set Garden Tools Hoe Rake and Spade Ball Bat Baseball Mitt You have your choice of these gifts with each pair of shoes free at the time shoes are bought In our shoe line this season we give you the advantage of having yourpick from the largest manufacturers in this country namely THE BROWN SHOE CO BRADLEY METCALF KREIDER SHOE CO all of whom stand at the head for building good solid up-to-date footwear and guarantee each and every pair to the wearer We have just opened the new fall line of Kreiders footwear for infants which is the LARGEST AND BEST SHOWN IN THIS CITY with prices fully 25 percent below all competitors MOTHERS are invited to call and inspect this line Remember we have with us a most competent shoemaker who will do your repair work neatly and promptly All sewing and nailing oji shoes bought of us will always be done FREE We invite you all to come and -inspect our line Get our prices and buy when in need rHE BEE HIVE MCOOK NEBRASKA QAAtAftftrf00oxxx0OOoooOi ooodOdoodoooooodOdooodQAAAA y ter l 4 ft r J 3 I I I mi 1 r A