The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, August 11, 1905, Image 1

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The Last Number Junior Normal
8 30 p m
This company is the successor
of the famous Wesleyan Male
Quartette which sang here two
summers ago Their last engage
ment was for five days this week
on the big Nebraska Epworth As
sembly program at Lincoln
Reserved seats Tuesday August
8 at McConnells sale on
This numbor takes the place of
i Roberson who could not come
The Liye Stock Show
Indications point to an extensive ex
hibit of live stock at the approaching
show to be held in connection with the
street fair Monday and Tuesday Aug
28 29 Good frame sheds will be erect
ed on the street for free use of exhibi
tors Entry blanks and premium lists
are now ready and may be had by ap
plying to the superintendent EJMitch
ell or any of the class superinten
dents Entries close Saturday Aug
26 at l p mt and parties who intend
to make a showing are urged to make
their entries early that suitable stall
rcom may be provided If you have any
good stock bring it out and help make
the grandest stock exhibit ever brought
before the people in this part of Nebras
ka E J MiTCHELLSuperintendent
Decorate Your Vehicle
All who desire to decorate their vehi
cles for Carnival week will find snmples
from which selections can be made at
McConnells drugstore where orders for
whatever is required may be left As
these decorations are manufactured only
on special commissions and the time is
short it is important that orders be
placed at once It is the desire of the
Carnival committee thatasmany as pos
sible avail themselves of the opportunity
offered so that a meritorious showing
may be made
To Our Many Friends and Customers
We would like to extend you our best
thanks for the liberal patronage given
us during the sale which exceeded our
expectations and thereby assisted us to
go to market and buy direct from the
manufacturers earlier than we anticipat
ed Hoping for a continuance and again
thanking one and all we are
Yours truly
Diamonds Clothing and Shoe Store
Thorgrimson Shut Them Out
A special telegram from St Charles
Michigan of August 8th announces
that on that date in a game between the
Nebraska Indians and the St Charles
club the locals were held to no hits and
no runs by Pitcher Thorgrimson of the
Indians Only two of the locals reach
ed first base The score was Indians 6
St Charles 0 Albert is going some
Local Register Vital Statistics
W A Middleton this week received
notice of his appointment by the state
board of health as local register of vital
statistics for McCook and vicinity em
bracing Red Willow and Perry and sur
rounding precincts His appointment
carries with it the authority to appoint
sup registers
Renewal of Charter
The First National Bank of McCook
on August 5 1905 received a certificate
from the treasury department extending
the corporate existence of the bank to
August 6 1925 the old charter having
expired The full text of the certificate
appears elsewhere on this page
W H Ferguson Sells
Pictou Maitland lump coal at 775 ton
Best lump threshing at 700 ton
Best nut threshing coal at 650 ton
Best egg coal at 575 ton
He also pays the highest market price
for all kinds of grain Try him
Doans 91
is the Cream of all thats good The
sensitive touch of the most experienced
miller can produce no better flour
1000 to Hot Springs S D
and return Dead wood and Lead 1500
These tickets will be on sale on August
25th only Ask the agent
August 14th in the Congregational
church Dr Fox the commencement
orator of 1905 Those he delighted then
will be more than pleased to hear him
again Tickets 50c
Dinner sets tea sets toilets sets plain
ware decorated ware good cheap dishes
fine dishes everything in the line at
Helpful Rest
can be secured by purchasing a com
fortable hammock at McMillens drug
Dr J D Hare was in consultation
with Dr Miller of Culbertson Monday
and with Dr Armstrong in Cambridge
Watch for W T Colemans adver
tisement for McCooks Carnival Week
Watch for W T Colemans advertise
ment for McCooks Carnival Week
Go to Hubers for fresh and wholesome
home made bread
Use McMillens Cream Lotion for sun
burn and tan
Miss Jeannette VanDepoel is in St
Joseph Mo
Mrs Jacob Metz is visiting relatives
in Denver this week
Rev M B Carman and the boj s will
arrive at home today
G E Thompson is in eastern markets
making fall and winter purchases
H C Clapp departed on 2 Tuesday
morning for Chicago on business
Mrs Fred S Harris left Monday
night for their home in Kansas City
Mrs Pearl Pettygrove of Oxford is
a guest of Mrs H C Kiser this week
Peter Carty was over from Lebanon
early in the week on business matters
Mr And Mrs S R Smith of Indian
ola were city visitors on business Tues
Mrs R M Douglass went down to
Republican Monday to visit her hus
Mrs Roseland Parsons went to Colo
rado last Friday night to visit her son
D G Haines the Benkelman attorney
had business of the law in the city
Harry Campbell went up to Denver
on No 1 Tuesday on a
ness trip
Mrs H A Beale went down to Lin
coin Monday night on a short visit to
her sister
Mrs L S VieiieENand children have
been visiting Oberlin friends the past
week or so
Miss May Morgan of Colorado City
Colorado is a guest of her sister Mrs
F M Dickey
Frank Fider and George Hertz both
of Trenton were Sunday guests of the
valleys metropolis
Mrs G W Norris and children ar
rived home Wednesday night from
their Wisconsin outing
Dr and Mrs H J Pratt arrived
home Thursday from their visit of a
few months in England
Miss Genevieve Feeny of the New
Idea Millinery Co left on Monday for
Chicago to make fall purchases of goods
Dr and Mrs C L Fahnestock left
on 13 Saturday to join the McCook con
tingent in Colorado on a short vacation
David Diamond left on last Saturday
for Chicago to make his fall and winter
purchases of clothing shoes and fur
Mrs Frank Harris and daughter
Rena of Aurora Nebraska are guests of
Mrs A L Knowland and other McCook
friends this week
C H Boyle arrived home Monday
night from a business visit in New
Mexico stopping over in Denver to visit
the family en route
Mrs Augusta Anton and children
arrived home close of last week from
visiting relatives in Des Moines Iowa
for the past month
Mrs H G Phelps and Miss Lona
departed Wednesday morning for Lin
coln Kansas City and other Missouri
points to be absent several weeks
C W Turner state representative of
Silver Burdett Co school book pub
lishers stopped over last Friday on his
way to Denver to visit the normal
Mrs A Campbell and Elsie departed
last Thursday evening for Michigan to
be absent several weeks They stopped
over in Chicago en route to briefly visit
Mr Campbell
Mrs Mary Mullen and Miss Mullen
mother and sister of Attorney General
W E Mullen are visiting at the home
of Mr and Mrs W E Mullen Sheri
dan Wyo Post
Miss Elizabeth Bettcher arrived
from Indiana Tuesday on No 1 and
will be book keeper and cashier in Gran
nis store Miss Bettcher taught in the
city years since
Mr and Mrs Clyde Dutton of Mt
Pleasant Iowa were guests of Mr and
Mrs W G Dutton Friday and Satur
dayof last week en route for Salt Lake
City Utah and other points west
Miss Jeannette Dutton entertained
a few friends last Thursday evening in
honor of her guest Miss Lulu Alexand
er of Hastings Mrs W R Starr as
sisted in serving the refreshments
S M Cochran arrived from Seattle
Wash Sunday night He will go -on
east to Indiana to visit hi3 aged mother
and will afterwards return here to re
main until after the carnival week Sam
is vocal and enthusiastic over Seattle
The Mclntyre Lecture
Dr Mclntyres lecture on Buttoned
Up People in Menards hall last Fri
day evening was one of the most inspir
ing numbers of the Junior Normal
course Notwithstanding the quite in
sufferable heat of the evening the at
tendance was good and the profit and
pleasure account of the hearers very
generous and evident even to those who
heard the doctor deliver the same lec
ture several years since without appre
ciable variation
New Idea Millinery Co
Mrs Auna Colfer has sold her inter
est in the millinery establishment of
ODonnell Colfer and is succeeded by
Miss Genevieve Feeny the well known
trimmer The new firm of ODonnell
Feeny will do business under the title
of New Idea Millinery Co at the old
place of business
Public Sale of Cattle
W H Benjamin Sons advertise a
public sale of 50 head of cattle otc to be
held on August 25 1905 commencing at
10 in the forenoon at the ranch 14 miles
south west of McCook Usual terms
Free lunch at noon H H Berry auc
toineer V Franklin clerk
E S Wood is up from Syracuse on
business this week
Watch for W T Colemans advertise
ment for McCooks Carnival Week
Try my Gold Medal coffee from 15
to 35 cents per pound Ed Huber
Quarterly conference of the McCook
M E church Friday evening the 18th
Watch for W T Colemans adver
tisement for McCooks Carnival Week
Jtlc00 E
Mr A L McLaughlin D C Heath
Cos state representative was a visitor
Mr J O Lyne of Juniata mingled
with the teachers at the normal school
The agriculture class treated them
selves and their friends to a picnic in the
city park Wednesday evening
Miss Pearle Wagey of Cambridge and
Miss Mary Williams of McCook en
tered Monday for the last weeks work
The enrollment reached a total of 238
This is not quite so large as in previous
years yet conditions and results are far
more satisfactory
Miss CEstella Goodwin superintend
ent of Dundy county spent last Friday
with her teachers at the Normal and
attended the Mclntyre lecture
Professor W L French a member of
the state normal school faculty at Peru
spent the day Tuesday with junior nor
mal school friends here He was on his
way to Trenton his old home
This last week of the junior ncrmal
school work has been in part devoted to
the closing examinations A few classes
were examined each day the regular
work being conducted at the same time
with but little interruption
President J W Crabtree was not able
to spend last Friday at the normal
school as he intended to do He reach
ed town the evening before from Hold
rege An important matter of business
caused him to take the midnight train
back to Lincoln
One of the happiest chapel exercises
of the summer was that held yesterday
morning when the resident clergy ad
dressed the students All have been
frequent visitors and interested in the
work and progress of the school It was
therefore a pleasure to everyone to listen
to this group of short talks There were
present Revs A B Carson George B
Hawkes L F Sanford and J J Lough
Dr J A Beattie of Cotner Universi
ty faculty Lincoln gave two helpful
addresses to the normal school teachers
Wednesday At the morning chapel
hour he spoke on Unconscious Educa
tion while in the evening at the East
Ward assembly room to a small audi
ence of interested auditors he discussed
The Need of Education Because We
Are Americans Both were greatly en
joyed Miss Jessie Miller rendered a
piano number and Mrs Thomas sang
The junior normal school instructors
will leave tonight or in the morning for
their several homes Mr Miller with
his wife and daughter will go to Lincoln
Mr Miller will later proceed to Chicago
to spend a few weeks in special music
study Miss OSullivan will visit at her
West Point home before taking up her
school duties at South Omaha Mr
Barr will take charge of the Wahoo
schools while Messrs Hooper and O
Connell will at once return to their homes
at Clarks and Trenton
Rev Luther P Ludden spent Tues
day at the McCook junior normal school
In the afternoon he addressed the teach
ers upon the subject Agriculture in
the Common Schools and gave them
much profitable help as to how they can
make popular this branch of instruction
The subject had new meaning after he
had discussed it and the dignity and in
dependence of farm life were ennobled
Mr Ludden as a member of the legis
lative committee of the state teachers
association was instrumental in bring
ing to pass the requirement that agri
culture be taught as one of the subjects
in which the teachers shall be examined
In the evening he delivered a magnifi
cent lecture to a fair sized audience at
the East ward assembly room His sub
ject was the The Pendulum Swings
It was a far more interesting and de
lightful address than is frequently heard
upon very pretentious courses A brief
program of music was rendered consist
ing of a chorus a piano solo by Mrs W
B Mills a vocal solo by Ruth Wiehe
and one by Mr C H Miller
Lindemann Jones
Mr L H Lindemann and Miss Win
ona Jones were united in marriage
Thursday evening August 10th at the
home of her parents a few miles south
west of McCook Rev G A Conrad of
ficiating There were present about
forty guests relatives and friends from
home and abroad
After the ceremony a splendid marri
age feast was spread
The bride and groom are both too well
Khown to warrant a word from The Tri
bune two more sterling young people
the county does not contain and we wish
them every good thing that fond heart
can imagine
The youug friends left on the mid
night train for Denver and Colorado to
be absent on a brief honeymoon
Advertised Letters
The following letters were advertised
by the McCook postoffice Aug 7 1905
R M Helton Douglas Kennedy Al
bert Overlay Frank Pico Mrs Katie
When calling for these letters please
say they were advertised
F M Kimmell Postmaster
A few good big strong hammocks left
just what should be on your porch or
lawn We have different styles and
and sizes all very comfortable and
cheaper than ever Come in and look
them over
McConnell Druggist
New Hair Brushes made to last for
years long strong bristles solid real
wood backs 25 cents to 300
McConnell Druggist
First in the hearts of all good bread
lovers is Doans 91 patent You need
the flour to Keep weil fed Doan needs
your trade to knead your bread
Miss Dessie Barger of Denver is a
guest in Ed Hubers home this week
Pastor California Avenue Congrega
tional church of Chicago
Vho was high school commencement
orator this spring
will deliver his celebrated lecture
characters we have all met
Congregational Church
830 pm
- Scores of friends with delighted re
membrance of Dr Foxs lecture of
last May will be glad to greet him
upon his return He is a masterly
man eloquent entertaining with a
fare command of language and pos
sessing noble and worthy ideals
Robert Mclntyre says Dr DF
Fox my Congregational co worker
of Chicago is a man with a message
It is an unfeigned pleasure to speed
the work of such a speaker Let
that man be untroubled who intro
duces him to an audience He never
fails to moye and uplift I say do
not miss his lecture unless you have a
a grudge against yourself Hear
For the Benefit of the McCook Con
gregational church
Tickets on sale by solicitors and at
McMillens and McConnells drug
stores 50 cents
Friday September 1st will be Trave
ling Mens Day and over a hundred
Knights of the road are expected to be
present to make their day a rousing suc
Though aside from the main issue
there is every reasonable expectation
that the stock show and agricultural ex
hibit will hustle the main show The
season is particularly propitious for a
splendid showing in agriculture and in
fine stock we take no second place in the
Contract has been closed this week
with the Pan American Decorating Co
of Denver by rhe businessmen of Mc-Cook-
which insures the skill of pro
fessional artists with a wealth and va
riety of special and appropriate materials
and means that the business part of the
city will be handsomely and tastefully
decorated for carnival week
The Parker Amusement Co which is
under contract to entertain the people
carnival week are unexcelled in their
line There are 250 people in the
pany and require twenty cars to move
their effects of all sorts They make a
specialty of electrical display bring
their own plant Have a large superb
band and are thoroughly equipped in
every particular with a large variety of
shows acts etc
The flower parade promises to be one
of the most attractive features of the
carnival and a special effort is being
made to have this a crowning success
A spirit of good natured rivalry is all
ready manifesting itself among those
who expect to take part in this event
the consequence of which will be a dis
play that will be worth seeing Only
thosi who have witnessed a parade of
this character can form any conception
of its possibilities With slight expen
diture of money and the employment
of no extraordinary talent astounding
results may be obtained This exhibi
tion should not be confined to the town
people Those living in the country
have equal if not superior opportunities
to participate in this feature of the fes
Death of John Hatfield
James Hatfield was summond to De
catur Illinois Thursday of last week
by the fatal illness of his aged father
John Hatfield who has been ailing for
several years Later word cams that
the father had passed away on Sunday
August 6th
Deceased is known to many readers of
The Tribune He has been a large land
holder and cattle breeder and dealer in
Red Willow county for more than twen
ty years the Hatfield ranch being one
of the best known ranch properties in
this section of the state His was a
character of the most sterling sort with
an optimistic outlook upon life While
not unexpected his death will be regret
ted by many friends he has made here
duringhis quiet frequent visits to Mc
Cook and his ranch a few miles east of
the city
Died of Brights Disease
The Lima Ohio Republican Gazette
of Sunday August 6h contains the fol
lowing brief account of the death of
Lettie Potter by Brights disease
At a few minutes after nine oclock
last night death mercifully relieved the
sufferings of MissLetitia Marian Potter
daughter of Mr and Mrs C G Potter
of 612 south West street after an acute
illness of three weeks duration De
ceased was nineteen years of age
Lettie was born in McCook and lived
here during her girlhood Her visit
here with her parents a year or two
since will be remembered by many
She was an accomplished charming
girl Her parents and the family have
tho sinnerest svmnathv of a host of
McCook friends of the olden times
McCook in Sheridan Society
One of the largest and most interest
ing events of the week was a high five
party given in honor of Miss Mullen and
MissRowell of McCook Neb at the
spacious home of Mrs C B Godwin on
Sumner street The splendid parlors
were beautifully decoarted with an
abundance of sweet peas and nastur
tiumsblended beautifully with the dainty
asparagus ferns Mrs Godwin gra
ciously received tho following guests
luescinmes w ju Mullen JJMullen
Kennedy Floyd Bentley Booth Early
Camplin Levers Clancy Taylor White
Lobban Ellery Foster Hall Brooks
Garrard French Sumption Patrick
Frank Tschirgi Metz Green tho Misses
Lafferty Hall and Jennie Cooper The
out-of-town guests were Miss Mullen
Miss Rowell and Mrs Mullen McCook
Neb Miss Hopkins Miss CarwileBil
lincs Miss Gentle Kansas MiBS E G
Cooper ranch After a refreshing colla
tion tho guests were requested to guess
the number of sweet peas in a certain
bouquet Mrs Lobban and Mrs Brooks
guessed the nearest to tho right number
and in cutting for the prize Mrs Lobban
was the fortunate lady She was award
ed a pretty little landscape Mrs Clancy
and Mrs Metz cut for the prize for
games in high five and Mrs Clancy was
awarded a pretty after dinner cup and
saucer Mrs Lobban and Miss Rowell
cut for tho consolation prize and Mrs
Lobban was consoled with a dainty olive
dish Sheridan Wyo Post
Certificate of Succession
Treasury Department Oilice of
Comptroller of the Currency Wash
ington August 5 1105
Wiiekeas by satisfactory evidence
presented to the undersigned it has
been made to appear that The
First National Bank of McCook
in the City of McCookin the County
of Red Willow and State of Nebras
ka has complied with all the pro
visions of tho Act of Congress to
enable National Ranking Associa
tions to extend their corporate exist
ence and for other purposes ap
proved July 12th I8S2
Now TnuKEFORI Thomas PKane
Deputy and Acting Comptroller of
the Currency do hereby certify that
The First National Bank in
the Citv of McCook in the County of
Red Willow and State of Nebraska
is authorized to have succession for
the period specified in its amended
articles of association namely until
close of business on August 6th 192
In testimony whereof witness
my hand and seal of oilice this Fifth
day of August 1905 T P Kane
Deputy and ActiugComptroller of
seal tho Currency
Have just received word that Anthony
Hopes long story Miss Cladwins
Chance will appear in tho September
Century Magazine
This number will contain ten stories
by prominent writers and the first article
in the series on Historic Palaces in
Paris with illustrations by Castaigne
and Guerene
In October Century Horace Porters
own story of his recovery of the body of
Paul Jones will be issued A more inter
esting article has seldom appeared
gTheScandinavianCrisis which has been
one of the leading topics is fully ex
plained under the articles Norways
Right to Independence and The
Ground of Swedens Protest written
by Karl Staaff a member of the Swedish
An extended character sKotch of II
Rider Haggard the explorer author and
land commissioner is one of William T
Steads contributions to the Review of
An interesting item of religious toler
ntion and the Jewish question in Russia
may be found in the August Review of
All these are to be loaned at the city
May Hileman Acting Librarian
Cash Offer Wanted
On lot 3 block 7 1st addition to
McCook Neb and the southeast quart
er of 22-3-29 Vz miles east of McCook
Neb Address owner Benj Hammer
1958 Emerson st Denver Col
A Picture
Bargain Sale
Wo have a large line of subjects in a
21x25 in Veneered Oak Frame which
we are selling at 98 cents
McCoxxell Druggist
There is no reason why you should
buy a stove or range said to be just as
good as a Charter Oak There are
none just as good The test of time 51
years of it stamps them the most dur
able and economical stoves made We
have them in all sizes at prices you can
not duplicate Polk Bros sale agents
McCook Neb
Lost A black silk jacket with appli
que collar Please return to Mrs R E
Benjamin or leave it at the Bee Hive
Reward offered
The mills of the Gods grind slowly
but never grind finer flour than Doans
mills produce
Farmers Have you enough dishes for
harvest Ludwick has the assorment to
select from
Lincoln Mixed Paint will give entire
satisfaction Sold by McMillen Drug
Watch for W T Colemans adver
tisementfor McCooks Carnival Week
Here Dr Fox in the Congregational
church Monday evening August 11th
Watch for W T Colemans advertise
ment for McCooks Carnival Week
Characters you have all met at the
Congregational church August 11th
Wedding Breakfast coffee only 25
cents a pound at Hubers
The Round Oak Chief steel range at
Stokes the grocer
Miss Edna M Barr y
Miss Hazel Hake
assisted by others
at 830 p m
Admission 35c
A real musical treat is assured
by these two artists and assisting
friends A full house should
greet them
Ludwick for dishes
McConnell for drugs
Stokes grocer phone No 30
Everything in drugs McConnell
Detroit gasoline stoves at Waites
Try Stokes for groceries Phone 30
Fresh fruits and vegetables at Hulors
Cups and saucers 15c per sot at Lud
Turnip and winter radish seed at
Vegetables and fruits fresh and crisp
at Hubers
Fresh butterof best quality at Marshs
meat market
Special prices on Hammocks at Mc
Millens drug store
Hear Dr Fox in the Congregational
church August 11th
Remember phone No 30 when you
want nice fresh groceries
The new Press cut glassware at Lud
wicks Have you seen it
II P Waite Co have a large stock
of bundle and header forks
A pair of pitless scales will be on ex
hibition during the carnival
Cream in sealed 10c an 20c bottles
for sale at Marshs meat market
McMillen Druggist has a large as
sortment of souvenir postal cards
That sliced halibut will capture you if
you try it once Stokes grocery
Watch for W T Colemans advertise
ment for McCooks Carnival Week
For Rext the cottage just south of
my residence L W Stayxer
Watch for W T Colemans adver
tisement for McCooks Carnival Week
To trade or sell A new sewing ma
chine Inquire at The Tribune office
French canned goods peas mush
rooms sardines etc at Stokes groc
Wanted To store a piano for use of
same or will rent Inquire at Tribune
This is weather to naturally remind
you of the comfort of a lawn swing
See Coleman
The firm of ODonnell Colfer ha3
dissolved Mrs Colfer retiring and Mis3
Feeny succeeding her
Correct Stationery to appeal to all
tastes McConnell has the daintiest
stock of stationery in McCook
I want to buy two or three good Jer
sey cows not over five years old at fair
but not fancy prices S R Smith In
dianola Neb
Our living friends are not our only
advertisers Competitive importations
resort to devious methods to decry the
merits of Doans 91 patent
Out-of-town products are not in com
petition when quality and excellence are
considered as factors in flour Theres
none so good as Doans 91
Diarrhoea ch ol e r a rmorbus and
cramps are speedily stopped with Mc
Connells Blackberry Balsam the sure
relief for summer bowel troubles 25c
Dr Fox at the Congregational church
Monday evening August 11th The
doctors address to the graduates of 1905
marks him as a lecturer of the highest
merit Tickets 50c
McCook has an enviable reputation
as the foremost city of enterprise in the
western country Doans 91 patent has
been one of McCooks best advertise
You can depend upon it every time
the quality of meat you get at Marshs
market Always the best and no high
er than the cheaper kinds No need to
experiment just remember the reliable
Saturday last A E Boyer and W E
White both of Danbury appeared be
fore Postmaster Kimmell of McCook and
took the carriers examination for rural
free delivery service which will be estab
lished west out of Danbury Septem
ber 1st
There is no dealer out of town or in
town that will offer you a Stove or
Range of same grade and quality as
low in price as we sell our Charter
Oak Stoves and Ranges We buy them
for cash direct from the factory and will
sell them below all possible competition
Sll lts Investigate
Polk Bros McCook Neb