The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, August 04, 1905, Image 7

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ttf PtJiWiM WBAB
- tjSi sfeiSa1 M S
aTfesSSalg jrLSSsegS
Vgefable Preparalionfor Asr
ung me aioinacns anatJowcis 01
liH B H7Hn r Ig i
Promotes DigeslionCheerfur
nessandltestContains neither
OpiumMbrpliine norMinerai
famptun SceJ
Exuiriottah Sbt
Aperfecl Remedy forConstipa
Tion Sour StomachDiarrhoea
Worms Convulsions Feverish
ness and Loss of Sleep
Facsimile Signature of
South and Southeast one fare plus
Hot Springs Ark daily 2300
St Louis Mo daily 1850
Detroit Mich August 13th
and 14th 2150
Pittsburg Pa Aug 17tn
and 18th 2525
Richmond Va Sept 8th to
11th inclusive 3375
Philadelphia Pa Sept 14th
to 16th inclusive 3275
Long limits stopovers and other
features offered in connection with
the above rates
All Agents can sell you through
tickets and route you Wabash
All tickets reading over the Wa
bash from Chicago east are op
tional with passenger via Lake or
Rail either or both directions
Call at Wabash City office 1601
Farnam St or write and let me
give you all information maps de
scriptive matter folders etc
G A P I Wabash R R Omaha
100 Weekly Easily Made
writing health and accldentinsuranceexperlence un
DeceaarjWrite BankenAccHent CoBes Hoinecla
and Wood Frames anu up write
us before you buy We save you
monev Also Pumps and Wind
BECKMAN BROS Des Moines lows
When answering advertisements
kindly mention this paper
I IHfS WHhHF All f AlLa
Best Conch Syrnn Tastes Good TJK5
in time Sold br drueiflsts
Tor Infants and Children
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears the i 4
Signature p
For Over
Thirty Years
The Secret of Good Coffee
Even the best housekeepers cannot make a good cup of
coffee without good material Dirty adulterated and queerly
blended coffee such as unscrupulous dealers shovel over their
counters wont do But take the pure clean natural flavored
LION COFFEE the leader of al package coffees
the coffee that for over a quarter of a century has been daily
welcomed in millions of homes and you will make a drink fit
for a king in this way
Use LION COFFEE because to get best results yon must use the best coffee
Grind your LION COFFEE rather fine Use a tablespoonful to each enp and ono
extra for the pot First mis it with a little cold water enough to make a thick paste and
add white of an egg if egg is to be used as a settler then follow one of the f ollowmg rules
1st WITH BOILING WATER Add boiling water and let It boil
THREE MINUTES ONLY Add a little cold water and set aside live
minutes to settle Serve promptly
2d WITH COLD WATER Add your cold wafer to the paste and
bring it to a boll Then set aside add a little cold water and in live
minutes if s ready to serve
3 Dont boil it too long
A Dont let it stand more than ten minutes before serving
DOIvFS LUorit use water mat nas Deen dombq wwiurtj
let With Eggs Use part of the -white of an egg mixing it with the ground LION
COFFEE before boiling
Sd With Cold Water instead of eggs After boiling add a dash of cold water and set
aside for eight or ten minutes men serve inrougu a strainer
Insist on getting a package of genuine LION COFFEE
prepare it according to tais recipe and yoa will only use
LION COFFEE In future Sold only in 1 lb sealed packages
Iiion head on every pacKageJ
Save these Lion heads for valuable premiums
w 1 1 inw 1 n mil
LBmv SbbjvLOvH flHjtBsSitt EV HsB IBs Af twm tWI kmS JHbbbWvlvsHi
Follow the Rao rr
ex y
PPN Round
Do Yon Know
That death may lurk in your walls
In the rotting paste under wall paper
in the decaying glue or other animaj
matter in hot water kalsomines bearing
fanciful names Uso nothing but
Destroys disease germs and vermin
ffQ w6FRnl delicate tints
Does not rub or scale Tou can brush it
on mix with cold water Exquisitely
beautiful effects produced Other finishes
mixed with either hot or cold water do
not have the cementing property of
Alabastine They are stuck on with slue
or other animal matter which
rots feeding disease germs rub
bing scaling and spoiling walls
clothing etc Buy Alabastine only
in five poand packages properly la
beled Tint card pretty wall and ceiling
design Hints on Decorating and our art
ists services in making color plans free
Grand Rapids Mich or 105 Water St N Y
ik ILi JliI HAM
Si ilH I e J UJIWiK
tmnMea with ills recnliar to
their sex used as a doacne is marveiousiy suc
cessfal Thoroughly cleanses kills disease germs
stops discbarges heals inflammation and local
soreness cures leccorrhcea and nasal catarrh
Paxtine is in powder form to be dissolved iapnre
water and is far more cleansing healing germicidal
and economical than liquid antiseptics for all
For sale at druggists 00 cents a box
Trial Box and Book of Instructions Free
THc R Paxton Company Boston Uass
7iiiitrriiifflfeilJfei 3Ea
Frank Alliger the veteran brick
layer of Seward had the honor of lay
ing the first brick on the court house
foundation at Seward lie is 72 years
The Chicago Burlington Quincy
company is building a 300000 gallon
reservoir in the yards at Wymore
The water will be used at the shops
and roundhouse
The real estate assessment in Box
Butte Colfax and Dakota counties
has been raised 10 per cent 2 per
cent and 10 per cent respectively by
the state board of equalization
A freight conductor and brakeman
had a fight with some tramps at Wood
River the other evening whom they
tried to put off the train During the
mixup one of the tramps was badly
A barn on the farm of Lambert Van
Hamert five miles southwest of Bea
trice was struck by lightning and con
sumed together with a small amount
of grain and hay Loss 600 par-
ially insured
Based on the returns from seventy
one counties the total assessment of
all property in Nebraska this year
will be in the neighborhood of 301-
000000 an increase from a total valu
ation last year of 294779244
At Monterey Mexico Hays Tomson
formerly of Lincoln was drowned
while swimming A hasty burial was
necessary because of the climatic con
ditions The mother was almost
prostrated by the sudden calamity
The Wymore Driving Park associa
tion is making extensive preparations
for their racing meet next month
Over 2000 has been spent in im
proving the grounds and track and
plenty of sport is promised the public
Secretary Bassett of the State Fair
board feels much encouraged at the
number of entries at the country rac
ing meets now being held over the
state and believes this is an indica
tion of what will happen at the State
The Gage county old settlers pic
nic will be held on the Chautauqua
grounds Thursday August 24 Sena
tor Burkett will be present and de
liver an address A most interesting
program is being prepared for the oc
At Republican City the new hall of
the Womans Relief Corps and the
Grand Army of the Republic was ac
cepted from the contractor and will
soon be ready for occupancy It is an
ornamental public building and a
credit to the town
The first complaint from Dawes
county under the new inebriate law
was laid before the Insanity board
W A Simmons is charged with being
an habitual drunkard He is now
under bonds in the sum of 500 not to
become drunk for ninety days
Gurdon W Wattles of Omaha has
been chosen as the speaker of the day
at the coming annual picnic of the
Cuming County Old Settlers associa
tion and has signified his acceptance
of the invitation extended to him
The reunion takes place August 24
John Fankhauser and John Rist
two well known farmers of Richard
son county took their departure for a
visit of several months at their native
town Grindelwald Switzerland The
first named party has not visited
home scenes since he emigrated to
the United States in 1847
Charles Vaneka of Table Rock was
arrested on the charge of petty lar
ceny and fined 50 and costs He was
suspected of stealing merchandise
from a store in Humboldt A search
warrant revealed a wagon load of
plunder evidently taken from Table
Rock people and other places
John Mattes jr and John Mattis
sr president and vice president of
the Mattes Brewing company Ne
braska City were arrested on a com
plaint sworn to in the county court
by Mrs Ruth Schoonover charging
that her 14-year-old son had purchased
beer in the Mattes Brewing compa
nys Ninth street saloon The case
has been continued until August 15
Only a few years ago says an Au
burn dispatch it was thought that
beavers were becoming extinct in this
section of the country but recent de
velopments bring light that they are
really becoming more numerous
Those who are familiar with the hab
its of these little animals have found
numerous evidences of their work
along the Little Nemaha in this
Hon T B Dinsmore of Sutton
grand treasurer of the Masonic lodge
of Nebraska visited Ashland and pre
sented to Father C P Hackney the
medal recently voted him as the old
est Mason in the state This medal
was held until his recent death by
ex Governor Robert W Furnas With
the voting of the honor to Father
Hackney the grand lodge also pro
vided him with a pension of 25 per
month as long as he lives the pen
sion to go to his wife at his death
The board of directors of the Bea
trice Chautauqua association held a
meeting last week and allowed out
standing claims against the associa
tion After all bills were paid there
will be a balance of about 2000 in
the treasury
Frank Kudrna of Colfax county has
been obliged to pay a fine of 25 and
costs amounting to 2850 for illegal
fishing in a stream near Schuyler He
had not yet caught any fish but the
state game and fish commission charg
ed him with imprisoning fish in a
seine when water was let out of a
mill dam intending to spear them
Preparations for a Fine Educational
LINCOLN The board of managers
of the state fair has issued the follow
ing information concerning the big an
nual show The south wing of Mer
chants hall including the center
space has been reserved for the edu
cational exhibit This gives three
times the space before allotted to the
schools of the state Five times the
usual amount is offered in prizes The
amount of cash prizes is unusually
large Eight hundred and twenty dol
lars worth of prizes and ninety two
diplomas are offered Of the total 721
prizes twenty six are general 219 are
for town and city schools and 47C are
exclusively for rural schools Col
leges also come in for prizes and in
dividual work has not been overlook
Several new departments are added
In addition to the regular school work
an exhibit of improvements in school
grounds and buildings will show the
best school buildings and grounds in
the state One department will ex
hibit by photographs the best rural
school building and grounds in each
The school gardening department
will show school and home gardening
by pupils of the public schools and
school gardening by teachers in the
summer normal schools An exhibit
will be made from the five junior nor
mal schools
Colleges and academies also have a
department where photographs of
buildings and grounds class work
etc will show what is being done in
the colleges of the state
The Girls Industrial school at Ge
neva and the Boys Industrial school
at Kearney will have a full exhibit
showing manual training cooking
sewing and other lines of domestic
A model rural school will occupy
the center space opposite the south
entrance This will be up-to-date in
seating lighting heating blackboards
maps charts libraries wall finishing
decorations desks etc Work of pu
pils will be on exhibition as m an
ideal rural school and teacher who
will explain to visitors any features
A school teacher made of Rock
county grasses will be in position to
keep an eye on all who enter and a
school boy made of York county corn
products will be present every day
Box Butte county will illustrate its
products of horses cattle and pota
toes by figures made of potatoes and
Perkins county will be on hand with
the staff of life represented by the
castus plant as trained in the west to
furnish food for hogs cattle and
Union Pacific Says All Property But
ltc Own is Valued Too Low
LINCOLN The Union Pacific rail
road company represented by Robert
J Clancy assistant tax commissioner
stood up for Nebraska by protesting
against the low valuation of all the
property in the state except the Union
Pacific Railroad company and in the
matter of this latter named property
the company demanded of the board
that its assessment be reduced from
said excessive valuation and assess
ment The railroad company also
demands of the board that it give
force and effect to the rule of uni
formity prescribed in the constitution
The protest was filed with the secre
tary of the board and it was signed
by Robert J Clancy assistant tax com
missioner Vice President and Gen
eral Manager Mohler and W R Kel
ley general solicitor
The protest asserts that the grand
assessment roll for 1905 in respect to
property other thin railroads is an
assemblage of under valuations there
by doing great wrong to the Union
Pacific railroad and intensifying its
burden of taxation It is asserted that
real estate was valued and assessed
in 1904 at not more than one fifth of
70 per cent of its actual value so that
instead of real estate being assessed
at 20 per cent of its actual value it is
assessed at not to exceed 14 per cent
New State Bank
The Commercial State bank of Es
tina Saunders county has filed its
articles of Incorporation with the
state banking board The capital
stock is 15000 of which 5000 is
paid up and the stockholders are E
E Lyle L H Lyle B E Hendricks
H A Lyle and Anna J Lyle
Nebraskas Exports Growing
Statistics on shipments compiled by
the State Bureau of Statistics show
that Nebraska has exported surplus
products to the amount of 208110
57695 during the year 1904 This is
a nincrease of 3426136995 since
1901 when the last report was made
of 173849207
Alliance Sailor a Victim
ALLIANCE L M Kennedy receiv
ed word from the Agnew sanitarium
San Diego Cal that his son Ward
V one of the Bennington victims was
very low but still had a fighting
chance Mr Kennedy was one of five
young men who entered the naval
service from here last February Three
of them are on as many different ves
sels while Ward Kennedy and Ches
ter Mumper also of this city were
assigned to the ill fated Bennington
Mr MumDer was uninjured
m i iVm m i Vi llnTi 1 1 Wl I liVM Mhm slTWMlt 11
the Remedy That
Miss Ella Off 1127 Linden St Indi
anapolis Ind writes
I suffered with a run down consti
tution for several months and feared
that I would have to give up my work
On seeking the advice of a physi
cian he prescribed a tonic I found
however that it did me no good On
seeking the advice of our druggist he
asked me to try Peruna In a few
weeks I began to feel and act like a
different person My appetite In
creased I did not have that worn out
feeling and I could sleep splendidly
In a couple of months I was entirely
recovered I thank you for what your
medicine has done forme Ella Off
Write Dr Hartman President of The
Hartman Sanitarium Columbus Ohio
for free medical advice All corres
pondence is held strictly confidential
P Jj
omach Trou
iii r f
I L Vk
ing the
Physicians nurses pharmacists
and chemists throughout the world
endorse Cuticura Soap because of
its delicate medicinal emollient
sanative and antiseptic properties
derived from Cuticura the great
Skin Cure united with the purest
of cleansing ingredients and most
refreshing of flower odors For
preserving purifying and beauti
fying the skin as well as for all
the purposes of the toilet and bath
Cuticura Soap assisted by Cuti
cura Ointment the great Skin
Cure is priceless Guaranteed
absolutely pure and may be used
from the hour of birth
Two Sopi in one at one price namely a Sledlelnal
and Toilet Sbp for 25c Potter Drus U Chem Corp
Sole Propi Boston Mailed iree Zlow to Caro for
Baby Skin Scalp and Hair
When you are at a loss to know what to serve for luncheon dinner or supper
when you crave something both appetizing and satisfying try
Libbys Food Products
Onco tried you will always have a supply on hand
Ox Tongues Chili Con Carne
Veal Loaf Brisket Beef
Ham Loaf Soups
your Grocer has them
Libby McNeill Libby Chicago
1 At
9 J
Last Dont Miss It
Science declares it to be the only way
A New Method
3y Absorption
No Drugs
to all who are tortured by
Stomach Troubles
Anti Belch
Sold at
Your Druggists
If not
Send to us at
Do You BeSeh
It means a diseased Stomach Are you
afflicted with Short Breath Gas Sour
Eructations Heart Pains Indigestion
Dyspepsia Burning Pains and Lead
Weight in Pit of Stomach Acid Stomach
Distended Abdomen Dizziness
Bad Breath
Let us send you a box free to convince
you that it cures
Nothing else like it known Its sure
and very pleasant Cures by absorption
Harmless No drugs Stomach Trouble
cant be cured otherwise so says Medical
Science Drugs wont do lhey eat up
the Stomach and make you worse
We know Mulls Anti Belch Wafers
cure and we want you to know it hence
this offer
Bend this ad with vonr same and addrett and ths name of a drueriit who does HOT tell it
for a fKEE box of mulls Anti Belch Wafers to HULLS GHAPS TONIC CO 148 Third
Aye Eock Island 111 Give full address and write plainly Write to day as this offer may
not appear again SOLS AT SEXTO STOKES 50 cent per box
Our biff removal sale is now on Everythinsr reduced in price to sell quick We move into
our large new building- Aupust 15th In the meantime everything- marked at extreme re
ductionsthis means everv thinj
Now at After Aujnist 13th
loth and Douglas Streets Iloward and lGth Streets
Orchard El Wilhelm Carpet Co