The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, August 04, 1905, Image 5

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McCook Market Quotations
Corrected Friday morning
Cora a
Wheat 6C
Onts 25
Rye 50
Barley -
t 24
ogn 5 00
EgB8 J4
Good Buttot 25
Keauced Rates
to KansasCity St Louis Savannah Ga
Ft Worth Texas Bristol Tenn Mil
waukee Toronto Indianapolis Balti
more Buffalo and numerous other points
east west north and south will be on
sale in the near future Call on agent
for particulars
Doans 91
is the Cream of all thats good The
sensitive touch of the most experienced
miller can produco no better flour
You cant do better anywhere on earth
than at Marshs meat market in any
article usually for sale in an up-to-date
market Just try him Variety quality
price treatment all guaranteed
It will not wash and rub off
This complexion all envy me
Its no secret so Ill tell
Take thou Rocky Mountain Tea
L W McConnell
Plumber and
am Fitter
Iron Lead and Sewer Pipe Brass
Goods Pumps an Boiler Trimmings
Estimates Furnished Free Base
ment of the Postoffice Building
The best of every
thing in his line at
the most reasonable
prices is Harshs
motto He wants
your trade and
hopes by merit to
keep it-
HA i
B J9
IJLiJLifiR f
The Butcher
Phone 12
No 6
j Time Card MfM
McCook Neb
Central Timo 1150 pm
620 a si
900A 31
1015 pm
No 1 Mountain Timo 1200 p M
3 1125 pm
W 8S0am
5 6J5pji
No 5 local to Wray
imperial line
No 176 arrives Mountain Timo 540 pm
No 175departs 045 am
bleeping diuinp and reclining chair cars
seats free on through trains Tickets sold
and baggage checked to any point in tho United
Statesor Canada
For information time tables maps and tick
ets call on or writo George Scott Agent Mc
Cook Nebraska or J Francis General Passen
ger Agent Omaha Nebraska
Ed Kates was up from Lincoln over
The pay roll boys are up to the neck
in business just now
Brakeman P F Neubauer was indis
posed and off a trip this week
C C Brown is subbing for Clarence
Stokes in the trainmasters office
Brakeman P C Roberson had a fin
ger pinched at Wray Colo Wednesday
Brakeman G L Burney was off a trip
this week and John Arnell was out with
Joe Hegenberger
Flagman Q W Davis arrived home
Wednesday on 1 from visiting the home
folks in Nebraska City
Switchman M M Fisk and Flagman
Wilber Fisk are visiting their mother at
Wray Colo Sort of a family reunion
Entire mnv equipment is now being
run on Burlington numbers 1 and G and
these trains are said to be as fine as any
in the country
Conductor F A Stark returned to
work Wednesday and his substitute
Conductor Childress returned to head
quarters on 13 Thursday
Conductor and Mrs H C Kiser are
spending a week or so in Oxford hav
ing a little familj reunion Conductor
C W Dewey has the 14198
Conductor R M Douglass has the
14148 at Republican City vice Conduc
tor Al Lyman who has been let out of
the service on account of the Kanona af
The Denver dailies announce that the
company will expend 500000 in a 60
stall roundhouse shops etc for that
city in Tacomo addition to Denver
abandoning tho old plant
Conductor L C Wolff came in on 13
yesterday sick and Conductor EL A
Beale has the 141 142 run a while going
down to Republican City Thursday
on 2 Conductor L M Best hasBeales
Mrs C B Sawyer and Miss Kate
Mrs Geo Willetts and children Mrs
H P Waite and daughters Mrs W S
Perry Emma and Galen Mrs Jennie
Cann Engineer andMrsBosworth Ralph
and Bessie and Clarence Stokes are all
camping at Arrowhead Colo the west
ern terminal of the Moffat road
It is announced that the Burlington
will equip its main line from Lincoln to
Denver with P3 passenger engines for the
passenger service This class of engine
is now in service west of McCook and is
designated technically as a balanced
compound It is said to be capable of
hauling greater tonnage with less coal
consumption than any other machine
made It is fast too so fast that on the
west end where it is in use it was found
necessary to put speed registers on the
engines so a record can be made and in
spected by the master mechanics at the
end of the run Out there a speed limit
of sixty miles an hour has been put on
passenger trains to prevent too rapid
running Lincoln Journal
w SCOTTS EMULSION wont make a
hump back straight neither will it make
a short leg long but it feeds sott bone
and heals diseased bone and is among
the few genuine means of recovery in
rickets and bone consumption
Send for free sample
409 415 Pearl Street New York
50c and itoo all druggists
1000 or More
Wanted at Once
The Working Mans Friend
We are offering until AUGUST 1 our entire stock of S3
Clothing Shoes
and Furnishings
a few ladies ready-to-wear apparel such as SHIRT
WRAPPERS COLLARS of every description
BELTS etc etc All these goods will be offered at
your own price We must raise the money to buy
fall and winter goods It may be of interest to our
patrons and customers to know that good wool
clothing has advanced in price and to retain our
reputation of underselling all others for the highest
grade of goods we must have 1000 or more to buy
for cash and gain our liberal cash discount enabling
us to give our customers the benefit at the old fig
ures Any article you need in our line will be
greatly reduced
Farmers Attention See us fr
your work
ing clothes gloves etc Call on us any old
time Open evenings no need to quit work
during the day
H MMiMhs SdSfSsyJ
Lee Roundtree is a new brakeman
R V Cadman is at Inavalo for a few
Havelock shops have an order to build
four new switch engines
BrakemanJ J Laughlin is off duty
with a sprained wrist C W Martin is
also among the ailing
Agent Scotts little daughter Wilma
fell out of the swing at the house a few
days since and is nursing a beut collar
bone as a result of its mishap
Eph Benjamin resumed his run yes
terday on 47 48 Conductor M S
Parks had been doing tho local stunt
meanwhile There is always something
doing on these strenuous runs
Advertised Letters
The following letters were advertised
by the McCook postoffice Aug 1 1905
Bill Mr Ross Uriels Mr Fred
Cain Mr Et DuUiuld C C
EnsiiiinKer E Grant K M
Harm MrE C Koons Mr K C
Kaplan John Lyou Mss Ethel
McCarty Earl McCnbo Miss Cabsio
Odell S F MilliisinMiPs Gertrude
Nichols J L fcCo Piurson Wilbur
Stevens Mr Cornell Smith J W
ShtilTer Miss Rosettu Thompson S E
Weavor T C Williams M J
When calling for these letters please
say they were advertised
P M Kijimell Postmaster
Burlington Round Trip Rates
Chicago and return on sale daily 31
St Louis and return on sale daily
Portland Tacorna and Seattle and re
turn on sale daily 4500
Portland Tacorna and Seattle and re
turn one way via California on sale July
14 26 27 28 5600
San Francisco and Los Angeles and
return on sale July 14 26 27 28 56
00 On sale August 7 to 15 inclusive
Denver Colorado Springs and Pueblo
and return on sale daily 12 0- On
sale August 12 13 15 940 On sale
August 30 to September 4 510
Salt Lake and Ogden and return on
sale daily 2790
Yellowstone Park through and in
cluding hotels and stage and return on
sale daily 7500
Detroit and return on sale Aug 13
14 S2925
Pittsburg Pa and return on sale
Aug 17 and 18 3400
Kansas City and return on sale Aug
28 to 31 1170
Cody Wyo Black Hills and Hot
Springs S D approximately half rates
all summer
Milwaukee and southern Wisconsin
points Michigan resorts on Lakes Michi
gan and Huron Canada Maine and
New England St Lawrence and Lake
Champlain regions very low tourist
rates daily
If you will call or write it will be a
pleasure to advise you about rates train
service to reserve you a berth and to
try to make your trip a comfortable one
8 4 Geo Scott
A0eut C B Q Ey
A Guaranteed Cure For Piles
Itching Blind Bleeding or Protrud
ing Piles Druggists refund money if
Pazo Ointment fails to cure any case
no matter of how long standing in 6tol4
days First application gives ease and
rest 50c If your druggist hasnt it
send 50c in stamps and it will be for
warded postpaid by Paris Medicine Co
St Louis Mo
To Cure a Cold in One Day
Take laxative bkomo quinine tablets
All druggists refund the money if it fails
to cure E W Groves signature is on
each boi 25c
Dear Gus I have solved
inl aw problem just give her regularly
Hollisters Rocky Mountain Tea It
will make her healthy happy and docile
as a lamb 35 cents Tea or Tablets
L W McConnell
Notice is hereby given to all persons having
claims and demands against Anna C Woods
late of Red Willow County deceased that the
time fixed for filing claims against said eatate
is six months from the 13th day of July 1803
All such persons are required to present their
claims with the vouchers to the County Judge
of said county at his office in the city of Mc
Cook Nebraska on or before the 13th day of
January 1906 and all claims so filed will be
heard before the said judsre at his otflre in said
city on the ISth day of January 1906 at ten
oclock a m
Dated this 13th day of July 1905
seal Feank Moore County Judg
Boyle Eldred Attorneys 20 4ts
The nan who would sit on a cake of
ice to cool off would be considered crazy
Yet it is a very common thing for a per
son heated by exercise to stand in a cool
draught just to
cool off This
is the beginning
of many a cough
which ultimate
ly involves the
bronchial tract
and the lungs
For coughs in
any stage tVere
is no remedy so
valuable as Dr
Pierces Golden
Medical Discov
ery It cures
deep seated ob
stinate coughs
bleeding of the
lungs and like
conditions which if neglected or unskill
fully treated terminate in consumption
There is no alcohol in Golden Med
ical Discovery and it is entirely free
from opium cocaine and other narcotics
Accept no substitute for Golden Med
ical Discovery There is nothing just
as good
I took a severe cold which settled in the
bronchial tubes writes Rev Frank Hay of
Nortonville Jefferson Co Kansas After try
ing medicines labeled Sure Cure almost with
out number I was led to try Dr Pierces Golden
Medical Discovery I took two bottles and was
cured and have stayed cured
When I think of the great pain I had to
endure and the terrible cough 1 had it seems
almost a miracle that I was so soon relieved
That God may spare you many years and
abundantly bless you is the prayer of your
grateful friend
Dr Pierces Common Sense Medical
Adviser containing 1008 large pages is
sent free on receipt of stamps to pay ex
pense of mailing only Send 21 one
cent stamps for the book in paper covers
or 31 stamps for it in cloth binding Ad
dxess Dr H V Pierce Buffalc VNY
me ijroer
or woody fibre is
removed by our
special process
before the wheat is
crushed But only
the hull is taken
all the nutriment
remains in Cal
ifornia Wheatose
Flaked wheat food for breaklast
All good grocers
Real Estate Filings
The following real estate filings have
been made in the county clerks office
since last Thursday evening
Sarah Nufct to E E Ervin icd to 11 w
E M Clarke to E E Ervin wd to nw
qr 27-2-27 1 100 00
D C Eaton to C B Gray qcel to hf
int nw qr 00 00
N F Recouveir to J Schmitz wd to
ne qr 12-2-30 2300 00
J Williamson to L S Lovitt wd to
shf sw qr
H A Wjman to C E Cooper td to u
hf swqr
C E Cooper to G Traphagen td to o
hf swqr 13-3-30 -100 00
United States to the Public pat to nw
qr 23-1-30
Ira Sheets to R Cox wd to pt nw qr
41-3-27 2725 00
H C Flower to P F McKenna d to
mvqr 23-1-30 300 00
F T Walker to L R DeWolf wd to
2000 00
L S Lovitt to J W Hoppe wd to pt
b hf sw qr and und 1 3 of lot G 4-3-20 1 100 00
W E Corwin to C F Lehn wd to sw
423 00
United States to J Peake pat to se qr
United States to J II Becker pat to
swqr 8-1-30
Miss Katie Keolign is visiting in
Mr Barnett of McCook was a city
visitor Monday
There is a medicine show coming to
town this week
Miss Lucy Miller went to Endicott
Friday morning
W Andrews of McCook was an Indi
anola visitor Sunday
Prof Walker made a business trip to
Cambridge Thursday
Mrs Etta Paine of Bartley visited her
parents las Thursday
W D Williams of Bartley was on
our streets Wednesday
The Misses Wymore of Freedom were
Indianola visitors Monday
L C Johnson of Shelton Neb is a
guest of Indianola friends this week
Miss Rosa Meyers went down to Be
atrice Friday morning for a short stay
Mrs E S Hagar of Omaha is in
town on a visit to friends and acquaint
Miss Cora Mann of Central City is at
home now for a months visit with her
Another big rain Tuesday that soaked
things generally Plenty of moisture
this year
Mrs M S Calvin was on the sick
list a few days last week but is able to
be out again
Miss Anna W Smith went to McCook
Wednesday night to visit a day or two
with relatives
R S Smith returned to Danbury
Sunday afternoon after a two weeks
visit with the home folks
W D Williams and Cecil Mathews
of Bartley are doing the inside work on
W H Smiths new building
Miss Grace Smith of McCook came
down to Indianola Sunday and spent
the day with her uncle and aunt
Gennette Short returned home from
Cambridge Friday evening after a few
days visit with friends at that place
R Mullis of the depot force has left
for more congenial parts Wo under
stand he overlooked a few little unpaid
E Day and A Keys new building is
looming up slowly but surely and will
soon present a nice appearance on
Main street
Mr Lawritson and family came down
from McCook and spent Monday with
Agent Lawritson and family returning
in the evening
Mr Beedle and niece Miss Bertha
Schoenthal who have been visiting D
W Schoenthal for the past few weeks
left for their home at Bennett Saturday
Mr I S Walker went up to McCook
Monday night where he was joined
later by Mrs Walker and baby They
will visit for a few days with relatives
in McCook
John Slutts has painted his barn
The heavy rain washed out some of
the railroad bridges again as well as a
number of bridges in the country
During these times of floods and wash
outs when train service is an unknown
quantity the people appreciate the Star
route from the main line that brings the
mail every day
S E Ralsten has sold his drug store
and good will to L W Robinson who
took possession Tuesday Mr Ralsten
is building a new postofiice north of H
E Waughs hardware Mr Robinson
used to be the druggist in Lebanon when
the town first started
Wo nnmmprir Mr Sims of thfl Dir-
bury News in his effort to keep the
farmers irom rusning inco an organiza
tion that takes their money out of the
country ana in nis lavonng nome com
pany that will be presided over by home
officers Lebanon has such a company
and they seem to be doing fine
ami fcfTTirihiiiMiiiTriWMiiiif mrifii innitramPM Iit i
very Piece
in our stock has been
Marked Down
Less than 20 per cent
from Former Price
All desirable goods too At the present price
it will pay you to buy for next seasons use if
you have bought all you can use for this sea
son What we have left in
and some at less than cost They are bar
gains Call and see them
p V FRANKLIN President A C EBERT Cachier
B WOLFE Vice President
Paid Up Capital 50000 Surplus 4000
Should be encouraged in all possible
ways Like good morals and manners
the instruction should begin in the home
As early habits mold the future ch eracter
so do those who early acquire the saving
habit lay the foundation for future suc
cess Many a boy has saved enough from his small earnings
to give him a liberal education or to make a start in business
of his own Persistent saving opens the waj to countless
possibilities in success and many a young man owes his start
m life to his having opened a savings accouut and adhered to
a strong determination to add to regularly and systematically
the first deposit made We invite your savings accounts
The First National Bank nccook
The flcCook Tribune
Only One Dollar the year