The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, August 04, 1905, Image 4

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    Hot Weather Shoes
can be paid off in
monthly payments of
i r
AT Hot Weather Prices
We are slashing the prices on Summer Shoes The
season is just right for them but we must get rid of
them quick and you get bargains in consequence
Canvas Oxfords
Patent Leather Oxfords
Tan Oxfords
Vici Oxfords
An elegant stylish seasonable shoes this summers
stock but we wont carry them over to next summer and
to close them out now we are cutting prices from twenty
to thirty three percent from regular prices Come quick
for first choice
22 Model Shoe Store
A 1000
with the McCook Co operative
Building Savings Association
If you are paying more you pay too much We can
mature your loan on smaller monthly payments and
less the than association
money -in aggregate any comepting
tion Call on the secretary who will explain our
system Office in First National Bank
McCook Building Savings Association
Hair Renewer
Is it true you want to look old Then keep your gray hair If not
then use Halls Hair Renewer and have all the dark rich color
of early life restored to your hair U3m81iFilZgyiuOU
Fie JH4B0 pkp
Largest Circulation in Red Willow Co
Subscription 1 a Year in Advance
Official Paper of Redwillow County
Republican County Convention
The Republican electors of Red Willow coun
ty are hereby called to meet in delegate conven
tion in the city of Indianola on Wednesday
August 23rd at ono oclock p m for the pur
pose of selecting twelve delegates to the state
convention and of placing in nomination candi
dates for the following offices One county
treasurer one connty clerk one county judgo
one county sheriff ono county superintendent
ono county coroner one county surveyor and
to transact such other business as may properly
come before the convention
Representation to the convention will be bjsjd
on the votes cast for the Hon Norris Brown for
attorney general at tho 1901 election allowing
one delegate for each 10 votes or major fraction
thereof together with one dolegate at largo from
each voting precinct On the above basis the
several precincts will be entitled to representa
tion as follows
Mlianco 4
Beaver 7
Bondvillo 3
BoxEldor 4
Coleman 3
Danbury 3
Driftwood 4
East Valley 11
Fritsch 3
Gerver 4
Grant 3
Indianola 8
Lebanon 11
Missouri Ridge 2
North Valley 3
Perry 3
Red Willow 5
Tjrone 3
Valley Grange 5
willow grove
1st Pro 1st w 1G
2nd Pro 1st w 15
1st Pre 2nd w 15
2nd Pro 2nd w 9
Total 144
It is recommended that the primaries in tho
several precincts and wards bq held on Satur
day August 19th at the hour and placo desig
nated by tho committeeman It is recommend
ed that no proxies be allowed and that the dele
gates present from each of tho respective pre
cincts be authorized to cast tho full vote of their
delegation By order of Republican county
central committee Lon Cone Chairman
C B Gray Secretary
The caucus of tho Republican voters of Bond
ville precinct to elect three delegates to tho
county convention in Indianola August 23 will
bo held at the usual voting place known as the
Sim Billings placo on Monday August 14th at
S oclock in the evening
Charles Skalla Committeeman
The Republican electors of Valley Grange
precinct will hold a caucus in tho Pickens
school house Saturday afternoon August 19th
at three oclock for the purpose of electing five
delegates to the county convention to bo held in
Indianola August 23rd
A D Johnston Committeeman
The voters of Driftwood precinct will hold a
caucus in tho Frederick school house Tuesday
oventng August 22nd at eight oclock for tho
purpose of selecting four delegates to tho Re
publican county convention to bo hold in In
dianola August 23rd
W S Fitch Committeeman
The caucus of the Republican voters of Terry
precinct to elect three delegates to tho county
convention in Indianola August 23 1905 will
be held in my residence on August 22 1905 at 7
p m central time
C H Harman Committeeman
The Republican voters of Willow Groe pro
duct are hereby called to meet in caucus at tho
following designated places in said precinct at
8 oclock p m Tuesday August 22nd 1905 for
the purpose of nominating 55 delegates to the
county convention at Indianola Nebraska and
to transact such other business as may properly
come before such caucus The number of dele
gates to elect in the several wards and precincts
are apportioned as follows
1st wardlst precinct 10 Basement Commer
cial Hotel
2nd ward 1st precinct 15 City hall
1st ward 2nd precinct 15 office of Barnctt
Lumber Co
2nd ward 2nd precinct 9 office of HHBorry
Lon Cone
A Barnett
C G Coglizer
C B Gry
Republican voters of Gorvcr piecinct will
caucus in the Dodge school house Tuesday
evening August 22 1905 at eight oclock for
the purpose of electing four delegates to tho
county convention to bo held in Indianola Au
gust 23 F S Lofton Committeeman
Coleman precinct Republican olectors will
hold a caucus in tho Coleman school house nt
five oclock August 22nd for tho purpose of se
lecting threo delegates to the convention to bo
held in Indianola Angust 23rd 1905
Jacob Betz Committeeman
Tho Republican primary for Tjrone precinct
will be held at tho school houso in district 2G
Monday August 21st 1905 at oight oclock p m
J C Moore Committeeman
Tho Republicans of Grant precinct will hold
their caucus on the evening of August 21st at
eight oclock to select threo delegates to tho
I county convention to bo held in Indianola Au
gust 23 1905 H I Peterson
There is no immediate danger of
Governor Mickey calling out the state
militia to suppress chunh fairs
J P A Black a Hastings lawyer-banker-politician
late of Bloomington
is already mentioned as one of the Bur
lingtons strings to its gubernatorial
Judge Letton of Fairbury at present
ono of the supreme court commissioners
will not object it is stated on authority
if the people should name him a sure
enough judge of the supreme court
Catholic Order of services Mass
8 a m Mass and sermon 1000 a m
Evening service at 8 oclock Sunday
school 230 p m Every Sunday
J J Loughran Pastor
Congregational Sunday school at 10
oclock Sermon at 11 Christian En
deavor society at 7 Preaching at 8
Prayer and conference meeting Wednes
day night at 8 oclock Cordial invita
tion to these services
George B Hawkes Pastor
Episcopal Services in St Albans
church as follows Every Sunday in the
month Sunday school at 10 oclock am
Morning prayer at 11 a m and evening
prayer and sermon at 8 The third Sun
day in the month Holy Communion at
730 a m All are welcome
E R Earle Rector
Methodist Sunday school at 10 am
Preaching at 11 a m Junior League
at 3 Epworth League at 7 Preach
ing at 800 p m Prayer meeting on
Wednesday at 8 Rev J W Taylor of
Cambridge will fill the pulpit both
morning and evening Good music at
all services All are invited
M B Carman Pastor
Christian Sunday school at 10
Preaching at 11 Subject The Holy
Spirit Y P S CE at 715 Sermon
at 815 Subject Salvation Bible
study Wednesday evening at 8
L P Sanford Pastor
First Baptist Sunday school at 10
a m Preaching at 11 a m and S p m
Evening subject The Hour of Judg
ment or the Golden Opportunity
Junior society at 3 p m Prayer
meeting Wednesday evening at 730
All are cordially invited
A B Carson Pastor
Rocky Mountain Tea Nuggets
A Busy Medioine for Busy People
Brings Golden Health and Benewed Vigor
A specific for Constipation Indigestion Live
and Kidney Troubles Pimples Eczemn Impure
Blood Bad Breath Sluggish Bowels Headache
and Backache Its Rocky Mountain Ten in tab -let
form 35 cents a box Genuine made by
Hollister Drug Company Madison Wis
iJLJl 1 J
Beginning Saturday Horning August 5
Buys any Dress Skirt in my window
Stop and look at them they are going
Dont overlook but LOOK OVER my
Extreme Bargains
N Summer Dress Goods
Unheard of reductions on every piece
Only a few
Tan Shoes and Oxfords
left but the balance must
go and cost is not conskU
ered when the closing out
price is given on them
AH Straw Hats Going Cheap
Call and see those 75c and 100
hats which are going for 50c
Phone 16 McCOOK NEB
jLWKfeitAfl3ffATjiufri a
Consign Yowr Live Stock To
We also have our own houses at
Read our market letter In this paper Write us for any special Information desired
We will offer and sell at greatly reduced prices our entire stock of Summer Goods to make room for the oncoming Fall and Winter stocks Every yard
garment and item must move out and be gone The following reductions will interest everybody
We Always Sell
Am A 2 bushel grain bags 16c
Large gingham aprons 20c
Ladies Gauze Vests
5c kinds reduced to 3c
10c kinds reduced to 6c
15c kinds reduced to lie
20c kinds reduced to 14c
25c kinds reduced to 17c
35c kinds reduced to 23c
50c kinds reduced to 39c
Ladies Gauze Pants
25c kinds reduced to 19c
35c kinds reduced to 23c
35c extra sizes reduced to 28c
Misses Gauze Vests and Pants
15c sizes reduced to lie
20c sizes reduced to 15c
25c sizes reduced to 19c
Misses Gauze Knee Pants
20c quality now 14c
Childrens Gauze Union Suits
25c sizes now 19c
30c sizes now 23c
35c sizes now 28c
Short Kimonos
175 fine crepe ones now
Sun Bonnets
15c kinds reduced to 9c
20c kinds reduced to 14c
25c kinds reduced to 17c
35c kinds reduced to 23c
Colored Shirt Waists
50c grades now 29c
75c grades now 44c
S3 00 grades now 59c
135 grades now 99c
175 grades now 129
White Lawn Shirt Waists
100 grades now 69c
125 grades now 89c
150 grades now 99c
175 grades now 129
We Always Sell
Six Turkey red handkerchiefs for 25c
Six pairs seamless sox for 25c
Ladies Shirt Waist Suits
150 linen colored lawn now 6119
165 percale suits now 119
375 mercerized Louisine now 269
Boys Balbriggan Union Suits
50c extra quality now 39c
Boys Balbriggan Shirts Drawers
25c extra quality now 19c
Embroidered Waist Patterns
75 cent extra desirable now 59 cents
Mens Helmet Harvest Hals
20c good article reduced to 14 cents
We Always Sell
Best prints Simpsons for 5c
Best shirting prints 4JjjC
Mens Alpaca Coats
175 plain black ones now 139
300 fancy black ones now 229
Fancy Parasols
200 lace trimmed now 100
Mens Balbriggan Union Suits
125 fine quality now 89c
Ladies Pongee Silk Coats
375 very latest now
Dressing Sacques
44c fancy lawn ones now 29c
85c India Linen ones now 49c
We Always Sell
Best white carpet warp per lb 19c
Best colored carpet warp per lb 21c
Long Kimonos
135 Japanese style now 99c
225 Japanese crepe now 169
275 Japanese crepe now 199
300 Japanese crepe now 229
325 Japanese crepe now 239
Ladies Gauze Union Suits
35c grades now 19c
50c grades now 39c
65c grades now 46c
100 grades now 69c
Ladies Wash Dress Skirts
100 grades reduced to 69c
150 grades reduced to 119
175 grades reduced to 129
275 grades reduced to 199
Mens Balbriggan Shirts Drawers
35c balb or black now 23c
50c balb or black now 39c
Ladies Wrappers
50c calico wrappers 39c
Colored Wash Fabrics
This includes lawns dimities voiles
mikado cloths Goponne cloths Victoria
Taffetas Papillions Ribolines Dotted
Swisses etc
6c qualities reduced to 4c
10c qualities reduced to 6c
12c qualities reduced to 8c
15c qualities reduced to 10c
20c qualities reduced to 14c
25c qualities reduced to 17c
35c qualities reduced to 23c
Silk Mousselines
35c extra fine plain now 25c
50c embroidered now 33c
Silk Waists
300 China silks now 199
350 embroidered silks now 269
450 Peau deSoie 349
500 Black Taffeta silks now S389
600 Black Taffeta silks now 489
675 Peau de Soie 499
We Always Sell
Best table oil cloth for 15c
Best apron check ginghams 5c
PLEASE NOTE This sale will close our fourteenth season in HcCook during which our stock has been the largest and best assorted ever shown by
us and our list of customers largely increased At our regular prices we save you from 10 to 25 per cent We leave the above sensational reductions to
speak for themselves You are invited to participate