The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, August 04, 1905, Image 2

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McCook Tribune
F M KIMMELL Publisher
News in Brief I
Reinforcements for General Line
vitch are steadily being forwarded
Marshal Oyama is very careful of
his health while in the field and will
not drink any liquor
Paul Heyse Is accredited with being
one of the most famous living German
novelists who is almost as well
known in America as in the father
Sentenced to be hanged twenty
three years ago John Gales is found
to be a prisoner at Joliet with noth
ing to show how he escaped the gal
Reports from the immigration sta
tions for the month of June show that
during that month 311 Chinese ap
plied for admission and that 300 were
Ten powers signatories of the
treaty of Madrid have officially ac
cepted the sultans Invitation to the
international conference on reforms
in Morocco
Brigadier General Thomas H Barry
has been selected for president of the
war college at Washington General
Barry is now In Manchuria with the
Russian army
The St Petersburg Zeltung lays
significant emphasis on the relation
of the conference between Emperor
Nicholas and Emperor William of the
international affairs of Russia
While Sabbatino di Dominico and
his wife were working in their mar
ket garden in Retreat Park Adams
county Colorado their three youngest
children were burned to death
At Louisville Ky Jacob Solinger
and J R Duffin attorneys are
charged with conspiracy to force P
J Potters sons private bankers of
Bowling Green Ky into bankruptcy
President Roosevelt refused to ac
cept the resignation of Governor Car
ter of Hawaii and told him to go hack
to Honolulu and he should have the
full support of the national govern
During his visit at Honolulu Secre
tary Taft expressed himself as con
tinuing to hold the opinion he had
expressed before that free trade
should be established with the Phil
Baron Hayashi Japanese minister
in London declares his nation is not
confident that peace will result from
the coming negotiations and scouts
the idea that Japans demands will he
Governor Cummins of Iowa in an
address at the Little Falls Chautau
qua declared that the nation needed
a new baptism in civic honesty and if
present chances are neglected a dis
mal defeat awaits
Attorney General Rogers of Arkan
sas has filed suit in the Pulaski county
circuit court against the International
Harvester company for penalties ag
gregating 600000 for alleged in
fringement of the anti trust law
Amicable relations were restored
between the machinists and officials
of the Northern Pacific railway In
response to a demand for a 11-cent-an-hour
increase a conference was
held and a compromise effected
The Delmar Jockey club has filed
suit in the St Louis circuit court for
25000 damages against Governor Jo
seph W Folk the members of the St
Lou board of police commissioners
and Chief of Police Kelly alleging
A search for months for a regis
tered letter thief In Norway and Swe
den ended in New York with the ar
rest of John J Callahan chief clerk
of the foreign branch of the general
Scathing criticism pointed condem
nation and fierce denunciation of the
methods and course of the big insur
ance companies characterize the an
nual report of Frederick L Cutting
commissioner of insurance of Massa
A contract has been signed by the
Hawaiian sugar planters association
and the Hawaiian American Steam
ship company for the transportation
of the hulk of the Hawaiian sugar
crop to the east via the Tehuantepec
The city counsil of San Diego has
adopted a report In commemoration of
the burial of the sailors dead of the
Bennington on Point Loma last Sun
day and ordered that a copy be sent
to the nearest relative of each lad who
lost his life in the disaster
It is stated at the Navy department
that the final interment of the re
mains of John Paul Jones may not
take place this fall It is explained
that it Is the present intention finally
to deposit the remains heneath the
great memorial chapel at Annapolis
which it is said cannot be completed
this year
The famous Garden of the Gods is
to be presented to the city of Colorado
Springs Colo
William E Curtis writes of the
wonderful curative effect of Colorado
air on sufferers from the white
plague and of the enormous demand
for accommodations for patients
Otto ernheimer a member of Bern
heimer Walter cotton brokers and
reputed to be wealthy committed
suicide in New York
Princess Augusta dowager grand
duchess of Mecklenburg Strelitz is
the oldest member of the royal fam
jily and wasjjorn in 1822
Odette Tyler Famous Actress Values
Doanes Kidney Pills
Miss Odette Tyler is not only one of
the best known dramatic stars in
America but has written and pro
duced a successful play of her own
Miss Tyler has written the following
grateful note expressing her appre
ciation of Doans Kidney Pills
Foster Milburn
VtJ Udell a W
Co Buffalo
My experience
with your valu
able remedy
has been equal
ly gratifying to
both myself and
Foster Milburn Co Buffalo N Y
For sale by all dealers Price 50
cents per hox
It sometimes happens that a law
student gives up the law business to
engage in the son-in-law business
For Instant Relief and Speedy Cure of
Raw and Scaly Humour Itching
Day and Night Suffered
I wish you would publish this let
ter so that others suffering as I have
may be helped For months awful
sores covered my face and neck scabs
forming itching terribly day and
night breaking open and running
blood and matter I had tried many
remedies but was growing worse
when I started with Cuticura The
first application gave me instant re
lief and when I had used two cakes
of Cuticura Soap and three boxes of
Cuticura Ointment I was completely
cured signed Miss Nellie Vander
Wiele Lakeside N Y
Rough on Shakespeare
After a recent bank holiday in Lon
don one of the police courts the next
morning had among its drunk and
disorderly prisoners a man who said
he was William Shakespeare Is that
your real name asked the judge or
just your nom de guerre Well
your honor replied the prisoner it
is true that I was not christened Wil
liam Shakespeare but you see I
hated to bring dishonor and disgrace
upon a respected name
Hooeless Case
In a London bookshop a woman
wanted a copy of Brownings works
I havent got it madam replied the
bookseller I make it a rule never
to keep any books I cant understand
and I cant make head or tail of Mr
Browning Determined to buy a book
anyway the customer asked Have
you Praed then Yes madam
quoth the bookseller Ive prayed and
that doesnt help me
Problem of the Unemployed
On the whole says an English
statesman I am inclined to think that
the encouragement of strength of
character and the spirit of self-reliance
are the truest remedies for the
problem of the unemployed
Reservoirs Well Populated
Some of the great reservoirs in the
country districts that supply certain
English cities with their water have
become populous breeding places for
water fowl and are well stocked with
valuable fish
The Tall Enders That Follow Gen
uine Articles
It is sometimes interesting to watch
the curves imitators make to get the
public to buy imitations of genuine
Every now and then some one will
think there is a splendid opening to
fix up something like Postum Coffee
and advertise the same way and take
some of the business
An imitator is naturally ignorant of
food values and how to skillfully
make a cereal coffee on scientific
Such men first think of preparing
something that looks and tastes like
the original with no knowledge of
how the grains should be treated to
prepare them so that the starchy part
Is transformed properly and the val
uable nourishing elements made di
Such imitations may be foisted on
the public for a short time but the
people are critical and soon detect the
attempt then the imitators go out of
Something like 400 of these little
factories have been started in various
parts of this country in the past 9
years and practically all of them have
gone the long journey Just lately
a new one has come to life and evi
dently hopes to insert itself in public
favor by copying the style of the Post
um advertising in the papers
This is a free country and every
man who makes an honest product
and honestly labels it has reason for
some recognition but the public has
the right to know the facts
Po3tum Is the one original and gen
uine Cereal Coffee made skillfully
and for a definite purpose It has
stood through all the wars of the im
itators has won the approval of the
Physicians and the people
People who really seek to free
themselves from the coffee habit and
at the same time to rebuild the soft
gray matter in the nerve centers and
thus reconstruct the nervous system
broken down by coffee can rely on
Theres a reason
Dictates of Destiny Point Strongly To
ward This End Abundance and
Cheapness of Natures Production
Bound to Turn the Scale
That Americans are great meat eat
ers may be considered a fact of de
rivation from the hunting and fishing
stage of the countrys life So long
as meat was abundant and cheap it
had the recommendations which left
to Its choice as the principle article of
food The vegetarian who here and
there raised his voice in protest
against the consumption of flesh foods
was little heeded A people are guid
ed in the selection of their foods very
little by deliberate choice They eat
the things which are closest to hand
The time may come with that remote
future to which is referred everything
Utopian when nations will deliberate
ly select the predominating articles of
their diet with reference to the devel
opment of specific racial characteris
tics But at present people in general
are not even convinced that what
they eat has relevancy to what as a
nation they become
For a few centuries to come Amer
icans certainly will continue to eat
the food convenient to them while
good humoredly allowing the sereal
ists to tickle their palates with health
foods But even American independ
ence or indifference is amenable to
the dictates of destiny Just now
Americans seem destined to drift more
strongly than ever toward a fruit diet
The moving consideration is the fancy
figures with an upward tendency at
which flesh foods are sold The other
consideration is the abundance and
cheapness of fruits As wisdom takes
counsel of necessltj a third motive
which of itself would not have great
weight is the superior wholesomeness
of fruit foods
We produce the biggest apple crops
sn the world our peach crops are un
paralleled our watermelons and small
fruits respond in abundance to the
mere tickling of the soil with a hoe
The same story holds true of all do
mestice fruits But this term has be
some elastic California distributes
throughout the country great quanti
ties of tropical fruits and the area of
cultivation of these is constantly ex
tending When the Panama trench is
dug the Pacific coast fruits can be
brought to the eastern markets with
greater celerity and less cost Mod
3rn means of transportation have
made the plantations of the West In
dies also almost the same as though
they were within the country confines
It is safe to predict that the con
sumption of bananas especially will
soon be increased Oranges are being
consumed in rapidly increasing quan
tities Certainly during the summer
months fruit will be king During the
winter months the force of habit will
prevail and more fruit and less meat
will be eaten Baltimore Herald
Drove Trade in Autographs
Dr W G Grace the most famous
cricketer in England probably has
given his autograph as often as any
other celebrity Ata match not long
ago he wrote his name in the note
book of a little girl A couple of
weeks later much to his surprise the
same little lady shyly sidled up to
him with the necessary documents
and the request for his autograph
But I gave it you only a few days
ago laughingly said the veteran
Oh came the answer I changed
that one for two bishops Dr Grace
laughed heartily as he replied Well
my dear if a cricketer is worth two
bishops I dont believe I ought to give
you another autograph But your
naivette is so delicious I suppose I
must So there you are
The Professors Toast
That reminds me remarked the
fellow opposite that we are a chival
rous race At least we attempt to be
so Intention counts for considerable
especially when we give it considera
tion A few years ago I was at a din
ner this was shortly after the new
woman appeared and the staid col
lege professor who was an old-fashioned
man mentioned that while this
aew woman had ceased to be a lady
she had not become a gentleman
Then he capped it all by lifting his
glass and saying
Heres to the better sex God bless
them New Orleans Times-Democrat
From Strength to Strength
Defeat Nay verily such fato
Never can whelm thee trustful soul
As God lives some time soon or late
Thine is a splendid goal
As frosts that grip and storms that
And droughts that fire the verdant
But warp and closer interlock
The oaks reluctant bands
So are they friends not enemies
Who seem to work thee foulest wrong
Scorn buffet and rebuff though these
Thou growest but more strong
Irue night may find thee sick forspent
Fain to give oer the strife but dawn
Will nerve thee with more brave intent
For all these hurts foregone
Henry Jerome Stockard
May Command in India
It is probable that should Lord
Kitchener resign his position as com
mander in chief of the British forces
in India he will be succeeded by Lieu
tenant General Sir William Nicholson
The latter has seen a good deal of
active service including campaigns in
Afghanistan Egypt Burmah and
South Africa He was British attache
with the Japanese army during the
early portion of the Russo Japanese
Many a man will wear wings who
cannot tie an Ascot tie
payments J MULHALL Sioux City la
If you cannot see heaven here you
will never see it anywhere
More Flexible and Lasting
wont shake out or blow out by using
Defiance Starch you obtain better re
sults than possible with any other
brand and one third more for same
To the hypocrite one mans religion
is another mans revenue
BITC permanently cured No fits or nerrenraws arte
r 1 1 d first day i nuot Dr Kline Great Nerre Kestor
Br Send for FBEE S300 trial bottle and treatlM
OS BH Kline LW 931 Area Street Philadelnaia Fa
The cream of the base ball club
should be found in the pitcher
Dr David Kennedys Favorite Remedy
are me prompt and complete relief from dyspepsia antf
8 tct derangement B T Trowbridge Harlem R K XX
The religion that lacks sunshine is
all moonshine
Every person thinking of visiting the
Uintah Indian reservation in eastern Utah
to be opened for settlement August 2Sth
should have a Homeseekers Guide and
sectional map It tells everything Sent
postpaid for 50c Address W H Em
mons 700 17th St Denver Colorado
Stained glass in the windows can
not make up for putty in the pulpit
I do not believe PIsos Cure for Consumption
has an equal for coughs and colds Jony 3
Boyeu Trinity Springs Ind Feb 15 1900
There are more gold brick trans
actions in this world than the most
able computer can calculate
Started Newspaper and Left it
Practically nothing is known of the
founder of one of the most prosperous
newspapers In England the Sheffield
Telegraph It was started In June
1855 G Benson a stranger appeared
in Sheffield when the Crimean war
was at its height arranged with a
local printer to start a daily paper
bought it out looked after it for ten
days and then disappeared forever
Damage Done by Volcano
In 1698 the summit of Carguairazo
a burning mountain near Quito 1800
feet high crumbled together so that
nothing more than two enormous
rocky horns of the craters edge re
mained and the country for nearly
two square miles was desolated with
liquid tufa and argillaceous mud en
closing dead fishes
Hardly Too Much to Ask
Of the Due dAumont this story is
told His father was the most orig
inal and the most slovenly man in
iTance Once when looking at him
self in a mirror he said DAumont
God made you a gentleman the king
made you a duke You might do
something in your turn at least you
might go and shave
Voice from Arkansas
Cleveland Ark July 31st Spe
cial Nearly every newspaper tells
of some wonderful cure of some form
of Kidney Disease by the Great Amer
ican Remedy Dodds Kidney Pills
and this part of Arkansas is not with
out its share of evidence that no case
is too deeply rooted for Dodds Kidney
Pills to cure
Mr A E Carlile well known and
highly respected here tells of his cure
after nearly a quarter of a centurys
suffering Mr Carlile says
I want to let the public know what
I think of Dodds Kidney Pills I
think they are the best remedy for
sick kidneys ever made
I had Kidney Trouble for 23 years
and never found anything that did me
so much good as Dodds Kidney Pills
I recommend them to all sufferers
There is no uncertain sound about
Mr Carliles statement He knows
that Dodds Kidney Pills rescued him
from a life of suffering and he wants
the public to know it Dodds Kidney
Pills cure all Kidney ills from Back
ache to Brights Disease
Early Mirth Not Advisable
If you sing in bed you will cry next
day If you sing before breakfast you
will cry before night
Why do we lead all the nations of
the earth in prosperity happiness and
Individual contentment
Why are we as a people regarded as
an invincible power of impregnable
And why do we compel the admira
tion of the whole world at times
grudgingly given but given anyhow
It is because we are free and inde
lendent in the truest meaning of the
We think for ourselves act for our
selves govern ourselves more than the
people of any other nation
We are absolutely self reliant a na
tional trait that renders us independ
ent of all other nations Independence
is the keynote of our supremacy
And this is the reason why up-to-date
grocers and storekeepers appreci
ate the fact that Americans of both
sexes have strong wills of their own
and do not need -interested advice
Every up-to-date grocer knows per
fectly well that for more than a quar
ter of a century Lion Coffee has been
the leading package coffee and a wel
come drink at the tables of millions of
American homes
He knows and everybody else knows
that it has always kept its old
friends and steadily made new ones
Good reliable trustworthy grocers
willingly acknowledge this and all in
dependent housekeepers will insist up
on having Lion Coffee and no other no
matter what kind of an argument gro
cers of obstinate principles may ad
Americans want the best and they
get the best and purest in Lion Coffee
Most men can get more real enjoy
ment out of a street piano for a dime
than they can out of a 3 opera ticket
airs V Inslows Soothing Syrnp
For children teething- softens the gurus reduces In
flammation allays pain cures wind colic 25c a bottle
Mental Faculties Greatly Disturbed by
Noise in my judgment is one of
the most powerful and most success
ful disorganizers of the mental facul
ties in the world said a thoughtful
citizen to a representative of the
New Orleans Times Democrat and
when we reflect on the enormous in
crease in noises of all kinds we will
probably be convinced that the time
is rapidly coming when the race will
be in no small danger mentally on ac
count of noise Progress is noisy
necessarily so I suppose But when
I speak of progress of the noisy type
I of course mean material progress
We cant build in a material sense
without making noise Intellectual
progress even is not always along
quiet lines But I was thinking of
noise in a lighter aspect Have you
not noticed how some men become
mentally reckless on account of loud
talking Have you not noticed that
children will sometimes shriek them
selves into a highly nervous state
They become mentally disorganized
on account of the noise they make I
was a rather close observer of a man
at a game of baseball the other day
He started to yelling gently and grad
ually worked his way up to the alti
tude of the shrieking rooter Before
that game ended that fellow was as
mad as a March hare He had been
crazed by his own voice Noise Is a
dreadful distractor when you come to
think of it and the trouble about the
noisy rooter at a ball game is that
in driving himself to the madhouse he
is likely to take a few other fellows
with him
Pup He Thought Worthless Turned
Out First Class
I am an unscrupulous dog dealer I
had for sale a very fine Irish terrier
His mother cost me 500 and his sire
cost 750 I thought their get my
pup now a year old worth 200 and
so advertised him
I was incensed by an offer of 10
over the phone
Party never saw the dog and said
any good ratter would do him this I
had claimed for mine he did not
care for pedigree breeding or cost of
parent dogs
A bright idea struck me I knew a
curley haired alley dog I could get
for 25 cents I told the fellow I would
accept the 10 offer He asked me to
meet him at depot with the dog He
was going home on a suburban train
I met him with the curly haired alley
dog on which by the way I had an
option but at 50 cents not 25 cents
as I expected My customer sneered
when he saw the dog but handed me
a 10 note
I smiled when I thought of my joke
Next week I received a postal card
from my customer that read Your
dog is the best ratter I ever saw He
caught forty two rats the first two
days He is worth all you advertised
him at 200 I would hot sell him for
300 Pittsburg Dispatch
Kentucky Yarn
Out on the veranda of a little Ken
tucky hotel several colonels were
sipping mint julip and telling yarns
about the weather
When Ah was up in thaw moun
tains sah said a lanky old gentle
man it began to rain one aftahnoon
and before thaw shower was ovah
thaw was fish all ovah thaw ground
Bass trout and carp fell right out of
the clouds sah
The old gentleman who was rather
corpulent placed his glass on the table
and said
Cunnel that thah was a pretty
good yahn but it dont tech thaw ex
perience I had fohty miles south of
Frankfort Why sah it began to rain
thah one day and fish came down by
thaw ton But that isnt thaw strang
est of it A thundah stohm arose th
lightnin struck thaw field fried thaw
fish just as nice as if they were fried
in youah own kitchen an
But the other colonels fled
Prof Wiener and the Peasant
Prof Wiener of Harvard university
tells a story illustrating the non-talkative
disposition of the Russian peas
ant While traveling recently in Rus
sia he found himself for a whole day
in the company of a peasant
Where did you come from asked
the peasant by way of greeting
From America replied the pro
Toward evening when the journey
was nearly completed the peasant
asked And where are you going
The professor replied To Mos
These two bits of Information were
about as much as the peasants brain
could hold
Forbidden Guest
The following verse from a recent poem
on Our Christmas Guests discloses a
delicate little hint
Come from that darkened corner Youre
the imp who in my ear
For thirty years has whispered with
feverish lips of fear
That the thing to get was money the
stuff that men most irize
Dont think Im longer blinded by the
glamor of your Hes
For youre a infghty liar and the thing
to keep Is health
And it has a value greater than all your
boasted wealth
And another one is honor and some more
are truth and right
I can hardly bear your presence amongst
my guests to night
Prizes for Inventors
Among the prizes offered by the
Paris Academy of Science to inven
tors is one of 20000 founded by
Pierre Guzmann which is to go to the
iierson who finds a way of communi
cating with the inhabitants of another
planet Another prize the Bream
awaits anyone who discovers an in
fallible remedy against Asiatic chol
ygwaaWMWi F9A
It All w wliMrii
1 1 W SWiA v MUil 11
is the only
offered to the consumer at a
Moderate Price
It should not be confused with
the cheap low grade powders
on the one hand nor the high
priced trust powders on the
Vanity has kept many from falling
into wavs which might not have been
all to the good Philadelphia Bulle
Over one million acres of land In tha
Uintah Indian reservation will bo
thrown open for settlement August 28th
Registration begins August 1st at Grand
Junction Colorado continuing till August
12 From Denver Colorado Springs or
Pueblo the Colorado Midland is the short
est route to Grand Junction or reserva
tion points Write C H Speers G P
A Denver for booklet giving informa
tion regarding land rates etc
The reward of mastering one diffi
culty is to meet another
You never hear any one complain
about Defiance Starch There is none
to equal it in quality and quantity 1G
Dunces 10 cents Try it now and save
your money
New Cattle Killing Device
Butchers at Putney England have
i new device for killing cattle which
s like an ordinary single barrel pistol
r large calibre but instead of dis
charging a shot it drives out with
reat force a bolt which has occupied
jie full length of the pistol barrel
md this entering the skull of an ani
mal produces instanteous stupefac
ion without lodging a shot in the
orainpan to lesson the sale value of
he head
Science and Immortality
The relationship of the mini to the
Drain is that of master to servant the
oiinding proving itself the rightful
master by its demonstrated ability to
substitute one servant for another and
still retain its own integrity Death is
but an eclipse while genius as differ
ing from insanity and imbecility is
merely a question of degree of energy
and its efficient control J Sanderson
Christison M D in North American
A Famous Missionary Oak
In the beautiful grounds of Stoke
Park near Guilford England stands
an oak tree under which regularly
once a year a missionary meeting is
held and people who have a desire for
work in the mission fields are invited
to step forward In almost every por
tion of the globe there are men and
women who look upon the tree as the
scene of the turning point in their
Coffee Acts the Jonah and Will Come
A clergyman who pursues his noble
calling in a country parish in Iowa
tells of his coffee experience
My wife and I used coffee regular
ly for breakfast frequently for dinner
and occasionally for supper always
the very best quality package coffee
never could find a place on our table
In the spring of 1S96 my wife was
taken with violent vomiting which we
had great difficulty in stopping
It seemed to come from coffee
drinking but we could not decide
In the following July however
she was attacked a second time by
the vomiting I was away from homo
filling an appointment at the time
and on my return I found her very
low she had literally vomited herself
almost to death and It took some days
to quiet the trouble and restore her
I had also experienced the same
trouble but not so violently and had
relieved it each time by a resort to
But my wifes second attack satis
fied me that the use of coffee was at
the bottom of our troubles and so we
stopped it forthwith and took on
Postum Food Coffee The old symp
toms of disease disappeared and dur
ing the 9 years that we have been
using Postum instead of coffee we
have never had a recurrence of the
vomiting We never weary of Postum
to which we know we owe our good
health This Is a simple statement
of facts Name given by Postum
Company Battle Creek Mich
Read the little book The Road to
WellvUle in each pkg