1 Si m t TtJ lJ r ri St is fc I kjr r LH I tf V t r McCook Market Quotations Corrected Friday morning Corn j u Wheat rs C6 Oats 5 H J 60 Barley 24 foga rj00 ggs U Good But to l 15 Burlington Round Trip Rates Chicago and return on sale daily 831 40 St Louis and return on sale daily S2735 Portland Tacoma and Seattle and re turn on sale daily 54500 Portland Tacoma and Seattle and re turn one way via California on sale July 14 26 27 28 S5600 San Francisco and Los Angeles and return on sale July 14 26 27 23 36 00 On sale August 7 to 15 inclusive 85000 Denver Colorado Springs and Pueblo and return on sale daily 12 00 On sale August 12 13 15 8940 On sale August 30 to September 4 8510 Salt Lake and Ogden nud return on sale daily 2790 Yellowstone Park through and in cluding hotels and stage nd return on sale daily 7500 Detroit and return on sale Aug 13 14 29 25 Pittsburg Pa and return on sale Aug 17 and 18 34 00 Kansas City and return on sale Aug 28 to 31 1170 Cody Wyo Black Hills and Hot Springs S D approximately half rates all summer Milwaukee and southern Wisconsin points Michigan resorts on Lakes Michi gan and Huron Canada Maine and New England St Lawrence and Lake Champlain regions very low tourist rates daily If you will call or write it will be a pleasure to advise you about rates train service to reserve you a berth and to try to make your trip a comfortable one 8 4 Geo Scott Aent C B Q Ry You cant do better anywhere on earth than at Marshs meat market in any article usually for sale in ac up-to-date market Just try him Variety quality price treatment all guaranteed HOLLISTERS Rocky Mountain Tea Nuggets A Busy Medioine for Busy People Brings Golden Health and Eenewed Vigor A specific for Constipation Indigestion Live ad Kidney Troubles Pimples Eczema Impure Blood Bad Breath Sluggish Bowels Headache and Bflekarrhn Its Roekv Mountain Tea in tab let form S5 cents a box Genuine made by Holuster Dauo Company Madison Wis GOLDEN NUGGETS FOR SALLOW PEOPLE Ay ers Pills Want your moustache or beard abeautiful brown or rich black Use Barnctt Lumber Company ljBjIP A -woman worn out who never has to lift a hand for herself who does not know the meaning of the word worry How can it be possible That it is possi ble is proved by the experience of many a woman who because of sleeplessness nervousness backache and other wom anly ills becomes an utter physical wreck Dr Pierces Favorite Prescription gives new life and new strength to weak worn out run down women It establishes regularity dries unhealthy drains heals inflammation and ulceration and cures female weakness It makes weak women strong and sick women well I suffered for five years with inflammation which caused violent pain and often torture so bad at times that I could not be about to attend to my daily duties writes Mrs Julius C Bell of BathroadKinffSton Ont Lite was simply misery to me and I did not know which way to turn tor relief Had tried doctors but found they did not help me My druggist advised me to try Dr Pierces Favorite Prescription eulo gizing it in glowing terms I decided to give it a trial and brought a bottle home I am nappy to say that after the use of the first bottle I felt so much improved I decided to take another and after that a third bottle I have good reasons to be pleased for I am to day a well woman work is asy and the world looks bright I have per fect health thanks to your medicine Sick women are invited to consult Dr Pierce by letter free Address Dr R V Pierce Buffalo N Y Favorite Prescription makes weak women strong sick women well Ac cept no substitute for the medicine which works wonders for weak women Dr Pierces Pleasant Pellets should be used with Favorite Prescription when ever a laxative is required NEW BARBER SHOP NEWLY FURNISHED AND FIRST CLASS IN EVERY WAY Rear of First Nafl Bank Earl Murray rWWtVVVfWVW rWAA -JOB jtinjfcLr Contractor and Builder Farm Buildings a Specialty SATISFACTION GUARANTEED TWr rnnu tsttrrapc - Ayer s Pills UCKINOHAM VN ClAV The greafrule of health Keep the bowels regular And the great medicine J C Ayor Co Lowell Mass H iinr cis of DBuiiGisra ob b p call t po kasuua s h SELL THE BEST POSTS TANKS LUMBER COAL WOOD GIVE US A TRIAL SISSBIS W m 1000 or More p3 Clothing Shoes B and Furnishings a few ladies ready-to-wear apparel such as SHIRT WAISTS SHIRT WAIST SUITS washable WRAPPERS COLLARS of every description BELTS etc etc All these goods will be offered at your own price We must raise the money to buy fall and winter goods It may be of interest to our patrons and customers to know that good wool clothing has advanced in price and to retain our reputation of underselling all others for the highest grade of goods we must have S1000 or more to buy for cash and gain our liberal cash discount enabling us to give our customers the benefit at the old fig ures Any article you need in our line will be greatly reduced Farmers Attention See us fr 7 your work ing clothes gloves etc Call on us any old time Open evenings no need to quit work during the day Diamonds pf2 The Working Mans Friend If wanted ax unce gy We are offering until AUGUST 1 our entire stock of 3 H H n H m Jill Time Card McCooK Neb fliil MAIN LINE EAST DEPAKT No 6 Central Time llMr v I CJ0am 12 900 A m 14 1015 p jr MAIN LINE WE8T DEPAKT No 1 Mountain Time 1200 r si 3 1195pM 13 810 am 5 045pm No 5 local to Wray IMPERIAL LIKE No 176 arrives Mountain Timo 5 40 p M No 175 departs 645 am Sleeping dining and reclining chair cars Beats freol on through trains Tickets sold and bagBURO checked to any point in tho United States or Canada For information iimo tables maps and tick ets call on or write George Scott Agent Mc Cook Nebraska or J Francis Genoral Passen ger Agent Omaha Nebraska RAILROAD NEWS ITEMS VV R Gareh is now located in Denver Brakeman J W Ransdell is off duty William Smibh an old employe is in the city this wpelr General Supt Byram was in the city Tuesday on his way west Brakeman G E Denton is off duty on account of on injured back Fireman Ira Huett was up from Orleans close of last week a few days John Arnell of Orleans entered the train service this week as a new brake man New extra conductors this week are C W Dewey C M Kent M S Parks and George Martin Brakeman W T Wilcott is on the re lief with a mashed finger and meanwhile visiting in North Platte Engineer and Mrs Will Koll of Re publican City were in town last of past week and early days of this Conductor AL Knowland returned to work Thursday after being off duty about a month with rheumatism Agent and Mrs C E Engstrom of Holdrege passed through here Wednes day on their way to Portland Oregon Conductor P A Stark of the St Francis Orleans line is taking a little vacation and Conductor H R Childress is substituing Conductor John Morris went over to Norcatur Kansas this morning to superintend the threshing on a farm of his over in that neighborhood Conductor Frank Quigley of the Hastings-Red Cloud run has returned to his run and Conductor Will Turley is back on the main line out of McCook Conductor Al Lyman Engineer Wil liam Koll and Engineer Antony Clark were at headquarters yesterday from the Oberlin Republican City line Mrs F L Traver will go to Lincoln in the morning to visit her parents Nina Tomlinson will accompany her and will be the guest of Mrs Bingham of that city Conductor and Mrs C W Bronson and sister went down to Minden today on a visit to his mother Susie Walters and the boys went- up to tho ranch near Hiawatha also on t visit to the family Mr and Mrs A Barnett arrived home Wednesday night from Curtis where they have been for the past week while Mr Barnett was superintending the installing of a new yard at that place Brakeman C E Bryan recently left town between days and leaves not a few mourning creditors in the city This is another warning to tradespeople agains giving indiscriminate and excessive credit It neither blesses him who gives or the receiver Brakeman C M Kent arrived home Sunday from his visit to Truro Nova Scotia where he recently witnessed the marriage of a brother of his and made a visit of some length to relatives in that part of the Dominion Mrs Kent and children are still visiting in Nova Scotia Reduced Rates toKansasCity St Louis Savannah Ga Ft Worth Texas Bristol Tenn Mil waukee Toronto Indianapolis Balti more Buffalo and numerous other points east west north and south will be on sale in the near future Call on agent for particulars Rome for Families of Bandit Not actuated by remorse but 07 pure philanthropy Jim Jenkins hunter of outlaws has concluded to devote all his money to the maintenance of a nome for tne orpnans and widows of men he has run to earth in particular and of criminals of tho great South west in general Jim Jenkins now of Kansas is now 65 years old and has spent forty years as a scout and hunt er of bandits and train robbers In this way he has made about 50000 Among the distinguished outlaws he has chased were Jesse James and his broth er Bob Ford Bill Dalton and Bill Cook while he was the leader of the band that caught Cherokee Bill in 1895 In the Dalton raid in Coffeyville Kas Jenkins was shot eight times He esti mates his hag of bad men at about 150 The homfc which is being built on a farm owned by Jenkins near Pryor Creek I T is to cost 20 000 Buffalo Express Within 800 Miles of Pole Dr G E Borchgrevink has made a great advance into the colder and more perilous Antarctic regions- carry ing the line of exploration to within 600 miles of the south pole Tomik a Ualrersltr Town A technological Institute has bees opened at Tomsk Thr3 is the second institution for higher education in Si era Tonwfeis riowunlverslty town- Acids of Wheat keep it sweet and preserve all its flavor and nutrition In making Cal ifornia Wheatose all the moisture as well as the hull is re moved leaving only the meaty kernel Flaked wheat food for breakfast All good grocers INDIAN0LA E J Mitchell of McCook was in town Tuesday E B Perry of Cambridcro was in town Wednesday Miss May Moore is a now clerk at J C Pucketts Locke Burton of Cambridge the city Sunday Miss Nettie Eno of McCook was in was in town Wednesday Roy Mann is at home now and will remain some time Mr Banks has gone to Danbury to work at his trade painting Mike Mizel had his hand badly crushed in a threshing machine Tuesday I MvSmith of McCook was in town on business Friday and Saturday Miss Florence Moore was the guest of her brother Frank Moore last week An uncle of D W Schoenthal who is here from Bennett Neb is quite sick Miss Flossie Andrews of McCook is visiting at the home of D W Schoen thal Orin Cramer who has been in Califor nia for the last few years returned Sat urday Mrs Christina Stephensen of Hol brook is visiting her sister Mrs M Lawritson Geo Woods who represents R G Dunn and Co of Omaha was in town Wednesday Miss Mabel Carmichael and a lady friend of Cambridge visited Miss Bertha Smith Sunday Otis Farrer one of our mot substan tial farmers living north of Bartley was in town Thursday Mr Wallace one of our city draymen has been off duty a part of this week on account of sickness Miss Fay Hostetter of Blue Hill Neb stopped off between trains last week and visited with friends Frank Lackey has purchased the In dependent from S R Smith Mr Lack ey takes possession Aug 1 Work is progressing nicely on W H Smiths new furniture store and it will soon be ready for occupancy Threshing is in full blast Those who have threshed report a good yield and wheat of an excellent quality Mrs Galloway who has been visiting relatives in the eastern part of the state returned home Sunday A lawn social will be given by the Congregational church Friday evening at the home of Thos Duncan Mrs M Lawritson and children went down to Holbrook to visit her sister Mrs Bert Stephenson Tuesday Mrs Jennie Hendershott of McCook came down Thursday morning to at tend the funeral of Grandpa Russell Bell and Haas have sold out their con fectionery store to Orin Cramer who will continue business at the old stand A few of our young people attended a party at the home of Ida Donnelly Sat urday evening All report a good time A fine rain fell here Thursday night which will be of great benefit to the corn and will also have a tendency to settle the dust A game of ball was played here Wed nesday afternoon between the first and second nines resulting in a score of 20 to 4 in favor of the former Mr and Mrs I S Walker and baby of Douglas Okla arrived Friday morn ing for a visit with Mrs Walkers par ents Mr and Mrs W H Smith The Seventh Day Adventists who have been holding services in a tent here for several weeks have taken down their tent preparatory to leaving town Babndie to Support Art The government of Bavaria has voted a considerable sum for the main tenance of art institutions throughout the kingdom during the coming year The allowances for the purchase of paintings and their preservation is particularly liberal The various art Institutes In Munich receive handsome subsidies and the Germanic museum in Nuremberg gets an Increased allow ance Various other Institutions have been voted large amounts for repairs and maintenance These art allow ances in all reach 3108163 marks 739741 Emil Hensel In Chicago I Every Piece THE SAVING HABIT cess of WASH DRESS GOODS in our stock has been larked Down 3kw Less than 20 per cent from Former Price All desirable goods too At the present price it will pay you to buy for next seasons use if you have bought all you can use for this sea son What we have left in SILK SPURT WAIST SUITS AND SILK COATS WE WILL SELL AT COST and gains some at less than cost Call and see them DeGroff They are bar- Co V FRANKLIN President A C EBERT Cashier W B WOLFE Vice President CITIZENS BANK OF McCOOK NEB Paid Up Capital 50000 Surplus 4000 V FRANKLIN DIRECTORS W B WOLFE A C EBERT Should be encouraged in all possible ways Like good morals and manners the instruction should begin in the home As early habits mold the future character so do those who early acquire the saving habit lay the foundation for future suc Many a boy has saved enough from his small earnings to give him a liberal education or to make a start in business of his own Persistent saving opens the way to countless possibilities in success and many a young man owes his start in life to hi having opened a savings accouut and adhered to a strong determination to add to regularly and systematically the first deposit made We invite your savings accounts The First National Bank riccook The ficCook Tribune Xnly One Dollar the year fc