F tt K V T r kv 5 XX ITMIft FOUR YEARS POLLOWS MALAEIA OOFTBAOTED JJT SPANISH AMEEIOA1T WAS Victim Ilod Becomo IIclplcss When He Tried Dr Williams IInk Pills but Was Cured in Tour Months Because ho did not Icziow that thero is a remedy for ataxia Mr Ariel endured four years of weakness pain and the misery of thinking his case incurable At the outbreak of the Spanish American war ho says I went with Company B Eighth Regiment MVM into camp at Chickamauga and while there my system became thoroughly poisoned with malaria When I was mustered out I carried that disease home with me After a while locomotor ataxia appeared How did the ataxia begin I first noticed a pain in my ankles and knee joints This was followed by a numb feeling in my legs At times I had to drag myself around my lega would shake or become perfectly dead I had constant trouble in getting about in the dark I kept a light burning in my room at night as I could not balance myself in the darkness Even with the aid of a light I wobbled and would reach out and catch hold of chairs to prevent myself from falling How long were you a sufferer Four years in all During the last three years I was confined to bed some times for a week again for three or four weeks at a time When I was lying down the pain in my back was fre quently so severe that I had to be helped up and put in a chair to get a little re lief I had considerable pain in my bowels and no control over my kidneys The worst of all was that the doctor could give me no hope of recovery How were you cured I read that Dr Williams Pink Pills had cured locomotor ataxia and one or two friends spoke to mo about them In the fall of 1903 1 began to take them for myself and I had not used more than one box before I found that the pains in my knees and suikles were greatly relieved Pour months after ward I became a perfectly well man and I am today enjoying the best of health Mr Edward H Ariel lives at No 43 Powow street Amesbury Mass Every sufferer from locomotor ataxia should try Dr Williams Pink Pills without delay Any druggist can supply them Domesticity Barred The United States government has made known its decision tnat neither husband nor wife can be subordinate to the other in a government office such a state of things being considered subversive or discipline and good ser vice This was made Known on the aoccasion of the chief clerk in the United States engineering office at Seattle Wash wishing to marry one of the women clerics under Mm MARKETING POTATO CROPS In line with the classic case of the oyster shippers cited by President Hadley of Yale University in his hook on Railroad Transportation is the case of the Aroostook potato growers brought by President Tuttle of the Boston and Maine Railroad before the Senate Committee on Interstate Com merce Nothing could better show how a railroad works for the interest of the localities which it serves A main dependence of the farmers of the Aroostook region is the potato crop aggregating annually eight to ten million bushels which find a mar ket largely in Boston and the adjacent thickly settled regions of New Eng land The competition of cheap water transportation from Maine to all points along the New England coast keeps railroad freight rates on these pota toes always at a very low level Potatoes are also a considerable out put of the truck farms of Michigan their normal market being obtained in and through Detroit and Chicago and other communities of that region Not many years ago favoring sun and rains brought a tremendous yield of potatoes from the Michigan fields At normal rates and prices there would have been a glut of the custom ary markets and the potatoes would have rotted on the farms To help the potato growers the railroads from Michigan made unprecedentedly low rates on potatoes to every reachable market even carrying them in large quantities to a place so remote as Bos ton The Aroostook growers had to reduce the price on their potatoes and even then could not dispose of them unless the Boston and Maine Railroad reduced its already low rate which it did By means of these low rates making possible low prices the potato crops of both Michigan and Maine were finally marketed Everybody eats potatoes and that year every body had all the potatoes he wanted While the Michigan railroads made rates that would have been ruinous to the railroads had they been applied to the movement of all potatoes at all times to all places they helped their patrons to find markets then The Boston and Maine Railroad suffered a decrease in- its revenue from potatoes but it enabled the Aroostook farmers to market their crop and thereby to obtain money which they spent for the varied supplies which the railroads brought to them If the making of rates were subject to governmental adjustment such radical and prompt action could never have been taken because it is well established that if a rate be once reduced by a railroad company it cannot be restored through the red tape of governmental proce dure If the Michigan railroads and the Boston and Maine Railroad had been subjected to governmental limi tation they would have felt obliged to keep up their rates as do the railroads of France and England and Germany under governmental limitation and let the potatoes rot E 7umv Every time a man makes love to his wife he makes a profitable Investment i j wmzi DUTIES OF THE CITIZEN How Great Progress Can Be Made in the Constant Fight Against Tuberculosis Dr S A Knopf in an address briefly and clearly outlines the duty 3f each citizen in combating tubercu losis If you are in the presence of a con sumptive who is not yet under medi cal care teach him what you know of the prevention of the disease and ad vise him to seek the counsel of a com petent physician If he is too poor to pay for a consultation and too proud to ask it for nothing tell him to ap ply to the health department which will send one of Its physicians with out cost No tuberculosis invalid no matter in what stage of the disease whether living in a palace or in the poorest tenement house should be without a medical adviser If you meet a consumptive who is ignorant of the precaution he should take do not shun him like a leper but treat him with kindness and convince him that whatever he does to prevent the spread of the disease among others will also improve his own condition and increase the chances of his re covery Let me tell you that a clean conscientious consumptive is as safe a person to associate with as any body If in your daily life you can influence others to make themselves familiar with the necessary knowl edge of the prevention o tubercu losis do so If through your Influ ence your words and example you can combat the fearful curse of our nation alcoholism I beseech you do your duty Some individuals have by virtue of their calling a special duty to per form in the combat of tuberculosis Of these I mention first the teachers of the public schools the clergymen the editors of the public press em ployers and philanthropists Disinfection The disinfection of clothing is a matter which every one should un derstand Ordinary boiling will de stroy all sorts of dangerous germs The boiling should be continued half an hour Clothing which cannot be boiled should be burned or disinfected by sulphur or formalin Rooms must be disinfected by the last named means and by thorough scrubbing with strong hot soapsuds Open doors and windows as widely as possible so as to allow the admis sion of the largest possible amount of light and the freest circulation of air Remove the old paper from the walls and burn it Wash the bare walls with strong soapsuds and then apply whitewash to the ceiling Cleanse the woodwork with a solution of fresh chloride of lime one pound to the gallon Remove the carpet from the floor the bedding from the bed and every other fabric from the room and thor oughly disinfect them before replac ing Ordinary scrubbing whitewashing and ventilation are useful and neces sary but are not sufficient Disin fection is required One of the most convenient and effective means of dis infection is fumigation by the burning of common sulphur The following Is the best method of doing this Into a tub or a large dishpan pour water to the depth of an inch Place in the vessel two bricks laid flatwise and near together Set upon the bricks an old iron kettle Put into the kettle a proper quantity of flour of sulphur mixed with an equal quan tity of pounded charcpal The amount required is four pounds for each one thousand cubic feet of air Mix with the sulphur and charcoal a few pieces of newspaper Before the sulphur Is JIghted all clothing and other articles In the room should be so disposed of as to allow the fumes of the sulphur to come In contact with them to the fullest extent The efficiency of the fumigation is also very greatly in creased by saturating the walls and everything the room contains with steam This may be very readily done by boiling water vigorously upon a stove in the room for an hour or two previous to lighting the sulphur Dry sulphur fumes will destroy growing germs but not the dried spores which may be collected upon walls and in cracks and corners When all is in readiness light the sulphur and leave the room as soon as it is evident that It is going to burn well If the door of the room communicates with other rooms the crack around the door must be tightly closed by pasting thick paper over it The room must be kept closed for twenty four hours at the end of which time it should be opened and left to air for another twenty four hours when it mal be considered thoroughly disinfected The Modern Slave While modern civilization has abol ished involuntary servitude it has in troduced another form of slavery which is responsible for more prema ture deaths than ever was attributed to tho old time human bondage The ancient slave was often forced to sub stet upon miserable food and to eat at Irregular times and in a hurried man ner The modern slave or in other words the modern business man feels compelled to do exactly the same thing consequently he experi ences similar suffering Fully one half of our so called suc cessful business men are on the very verge of physical bankruptcy Poor management physically speaking is the common cause of the condition Some vainly attempt to tide them selves over their physical crisis by us ing stimulants thus borrowing some cf their future nerve supply and by so 1 doing i they only involve themselves still more deeply and thereby indefi nitely postpone the day for their de liverance and often make their deliv ery altogether imDossible Whether the galling yoke of disease manifests itself in the form of slavery to some drug habit or as neurasthen ia or in some terrible form of indiges tion or many of the various nerve dis orders it cannot be juggled away by simply swallowing a few drops of med icine from some mysteriously labeled bottle Such an individual must re pent so effectually that it will lead him to adopt radical changes in all the habits of his life He must un dertake to earn at least a part of hiB bread in the divinely appointed way by the sweat of his brow Instead of trying to induce nature to convert dietetic wood hay and stubble into good wholesome blood the business man who wishes to live as long as his country cousins must begin to cultivate a taste for whole some and nutritious foods He must discard pernicious drinks whether they are served over the bar in the form of whisky or in his own home in the form of tea and coffee He must recognize as an inspired truth that every tobacco user is warring against his own interest and if he instinctive ly realizes that he Is approaching physical disaster he must earnestly and energetically endeavor to give up health destroying habits no matter how dear they may be to him Food for the Sick There is no branch of the culinary art which requires more skill than that of preparing food for the sick and feeble The purpose of food at all times is to supply material for re pairing the waste which is constant ly going on in the vital economy and hence it ought always to be chosen with reference to its nutritive value But during illness and convalescence when the waste is often much great er and the vital powers less active it is of the utmost importance that the food should be of such character as will supply the proper nutrition Nor is this all an article of food may contain all the elements of nutrition in such proportions as to render 5 a wholesome food for those in health and not be a proper food for the sick for the reason that its conversion into blood and tissue lays too great a tax upon the digestive organs Food for the sick should be palatable nutri tious and easily assimilated To dis criminate as to what food will supply these requisites one must possess some knowledge of dietetics and phys iology as well as of the nature of the illness with which the patient is suf fering and such a knowledge ought to be part of the education of every woman no matter to what class of so ciety she belongs Hot buttered toast tea rich jellies and other dainties so commonly served to the sick are usually the very worst articles of diet which they could partake As a rule elaborate dishes are not suitable Scrupulous neatness and care in all the minute particulars of the cooking and serving of food for invalids will add much to its palatableness The clean napkin on the tray the bright silver and dainty china plate with perhaps a sprig of leaves and flow ers beside it thinly sliced bread toast or crackers and the light cup partly filled with hot gruel are far more ap petizing to the invalid than coarse ware thickly cut bread and an over flowing cup of gruel though the cook ing may be just as perfect So far as practicable the wants of the patient should be anticipated and the meal served a surprise RECIPES Steamed Rice Look over and thor oughly wash one cup of rice Drain spread lightly on a shallow dish and dry in the oven Even should it be done Introduce the rice into two cups of boiling water place the dish containing it in a steamer and allow it to cook one hour without stirring Serve with a sauce prepared by rub bing well cooked dried apples through a colander and afterward evaporat ing if necessary to the consistency of marmalade Graham Bread Take a little less than one fourth cake of compressed yeast dissolved in a little milk and add new milk scalded and cooled to lukewarm to make one pint Add one pint of white flour beat very thor oughly and set to rise When very light add three and one half cupfuls of sifted Graham flour or enough to make a dough that can be molded Knead well for half anyhow Place in a clean slightly oiled bread bowl cover and allow it to raise When light shape into a loaf allow It to raise again and bake Cream Crisps Into two and one half cups of cold cream or rich milk sprinkle slowly with the hands beat ing meanwhile to incorporate air four cups of best Graham flour sifted with one half cup of granulated sugar Add flour to knead about two and one fourth cups will be required When well kneaded divide into several por tions roll each as thin as a knife blade cut into squares prick well with a fork and bake Ribbon Sandwiches Spread sev eral slices of bread with buttei and some dark colored filling Pile on top of one another and gently press to gether With a very sharp knife cut rather thin slices from top to bottoms There will be a striped appearance and a decided palatahility THE NEWS IN NEBRASKA REMARKABLE BANK REPORT Deposits In Nebraska Reach Their Highest Point The condition of the state banks or Nebraska one month ago as reported by the state banking department was the best in the history of the state Tho deposits reached 44542150 the highest ever known The deposits in creased nearly 70U0000 In one year The total deposits in the state includ ing the amount in national banks was 91013 U4U0 There were 521 state banks In existence at the time or the report May 29 and ne Jly a dozen have been organized since that time The number of depositors in tne state banks was 141199 an increase of 9681 since last February The reserve held was 36091 per cent two and one third times the legal requirement Sec retary E Royse of the state banking board speaking or the report said This showing is the best that the banks of our state under state super vision have ever presented The growth and Increase of business as ehown by the following comparisons especially deposits is very gratifying and almost phenomenal Compared with the report or Feb ruary 23 1905 loans have increased 6288163 deposits have increased 2 88142717 cash and due from banks have Increased 273232205 capital stock paid in has increased 6232000 Total resources have increased 2928 25561 bills payable and notes and bills rediscounted have been reduced 21417275 The number of depositors has increased 9681 Compared with one year ago loans have increased 449048349 deposits have increased 081731472 the num ber of banks has Increased 14 The increase in the number of depositors is 18973 The total loans of all banks of the state including national banks on May 29 1905 was 9163014125 total deposits in all the banks of the state including National banks on May 29 1905 was 12011640070 total number of banks operating in the state includ ing national banks was 678 ABOUT THE STATE JAG CURE County Must Pay for Treatment of Dipsomaniacs LINCOLN No dipsomaniacs have yet been received at the Lincoln in sane asylum as the result or the new Epperson law Superintendent Green says that the cases will be properly at tended to If any are sent but that he hardly sees how room can be made for them as the Lincoln asylum is already crowded beyond Its normal capacity When the addition to the Nortolk asylum is completed there will be some improvement in this condition Dr Greene thinks that a financial provision cannily attached to the law will make the cases actually set up few The county must pay 15 per month for the care of the patient and a deposit for three months or 45 must be made when the inebriate is committed The medical treatment for the drinkers will be about the same as that for the tlrug habit Less whiskey will be given day to day until in ten days the supply is shut off Some medicine and enforced sanitary habits of living complete the cure Doctors to Be Smooth Shaven LINCOLN At the meeting of the state board of health the subject of ordering physicians to be closely shaven was informally discussed All Iowa doctors have been compelled to dispense with beards and It is possible that Nebraska may follow Iowas ex ample so far as the advise that medi cal men be shaven The idea is to les sen the possibility of spreading germ diseases Carnegie Library for Tecumseh TEOUMSiSH The Tecumseh city library board has received a proposi tion from the agent or Andrew Carne gie whereby that man Tor Mr Carne gie proposed to donate the sum or 7 500 to that city for the erection of a library building This proves that the city will take action to provide a lund of 600 per year to maintain the library Shot in Self Defense FULLEKTON Dan Dlmlcn the man who shot and killed Vosa JBosov ig in a car near the Union Pacific de pot In this city was discharged by County Judge Koblnson berore whom the preliminary hearing was held The evidence clearly showed that the de dendant was acting in self defense Grand Island Funds Debt Auditor Searle has received for reg ister 110000 funding bonds issued by the city of Grand Island The bonds run twenty years at 4 1 2 per cent The records in the auditors office show that this is a great year for the issuance of bonds MCOOK The cream business has so grown apace in southwestern Ne braska as to suggest the Idea of a milk train to the people of this sec tion as the Inevitable shouW the in crease continue at the present rate very much longer LINCOLN Members of the state board of equalization expect a general increase of 5 per cent over last year In both real and personal property Re turns from a number of counties on real and personal property indicate this increase STATE NOTES Wahoo has by its city council in- naugurated its curfew law The annual camp meeting of tho Church of God will be given at Beat rice July 5 and continue until July 15 Julius Munster a farmer living north of Beatrice sustained a broken leg through having a horse fall on him John V Morgan one of the leading attorneys of Nebraska City died last week after having been ailing for tho past two years The harvesting of wheat has begun in Otoe county and farmers say the wheat will make more bushels to the acre than for many years past Mr Harris M Childs of York has been appointed by Governor Mickey to serve on the state board of edu cation for a term of five years Dan Dimich an Austrian laborer was shot and killed at Fullerton- by Voso Bosovich a fellow workman In a box car on a sidetrack at the depot Rev J T Baird for thirty years pastor of the Presbyterian church ot Plattsmouth has resigned and the resignation has been accepted by the presbytery Samples of wheat left in Beatrice by a number of farmers of that local ity who are engaged in harvesting show the grain to be of an excellent quality The city of York is to have a new gas company It has also absorbed the York Electric Light Power com pany This company will have a capi tal stock of 80000 Woodward Burgess of Omaha have leased the Overland Theater at Nebraska City and will open the same the first of September They have se cured a lease for three years John Evard of Mitchell S D was bilked in Lincoln at the Burlington depot by a stranger -who left a 700 check in his possession and departed with 3750 belonging to Evard The American Birth Insurance com pany of Massachusetts which seeks to put a premium on the storks visits is the latest company to make appli cation to do business in Nebraska The Table Rock Fishing associa tion has erected on its grounds at Cut off lake north of town a fine summer house for the accommoda tion of the stockholders and visitors Thos Dalton while attempting to board a moving freight train in the Ashland yards was caught beneath the wheels and one foot was so badly crushed that it will have to be ampu tated Land Commissioner Eaton returned from a trip over the western portion of the state where he had been to at tend the auction of school lands At this time practically all of the school lands are under lease Miss Lucile Bloodgood living five miles east of Beatrice came near be ing killed in a runaway The team became frightened and ran nearly two miles when she succeeded in turning the animals in at a farm house John Garrison has brought suit in the district court of Dodge county against John E Andrews for libel placing his damages at 2000 The action grows out of an article pub lished bv defendant over his signa ture in a local paper Kearney people are elated over a move contemplated by the Union Pa cific which is willing and anxious to come to that city with improvements which will make Kearney one of the most important points on the line be tween Omaha and Cheyenne Marshal Coomes of Wood River held a man and team answering the description of one stolen at Madison on June 21 On telephoning to the Madison authorities their description did not tally with that of the card of the team and the fellow was released A roomy permanent building will be erected at the state fair grounds by the Nebraska department of the Ancient Order of United Workmen The new building is to be located at the head of Fraternity street and open house will be held there during the fair At the meeting of the state board of public lands and buildings plans sub mitted by Architect Berlinghoff for the new cottage at the Beatrice feeble minded institute and the new barn sheds and addition to the hospital at the Grand Island Soldiers Home were approved York county stands at the head of the list so far in the counties which have made their returns to the state board of equalization The county returned an assessment of 724000 in excess of the assessment last year after the state board had added 5 per cent to the total Royaltys Tom No 94211 one of the best Hereford bulls in the state died at Wolf Creek stock farm near Tecumseh The animal was the prop erty of Hon William Ernst and son and was bought at Emporia Kan the purchasers paying 40000 for him when he was a calf A number of prominent farmers and business men residing in the Sargent and Walworth districts were fined 5 each for taking G Mortensen out of his home and giving him fifty two stripes for wifebeating and abuse Lawrence Lee a farmer living in Cameron township was almost drown ed while returning to his home from Wood River He was crossing Ash creek which is very high at present and his horses got out of the road and his buggy tipped over One of his horses was drowned and Mr Lee was forced to cling to a tree until help name CONSTANT ACHING Back aches all the time Spoils your appetito wearies the body worries the mind Kidneys cause it all and Doans Kidney Pills relieve and euro It H B McCar ver of 201 Cherry St Portland Ore Inspector of freight for the Trans Continental Co says I used Doans Kidney Pills for back ache and other symptoms of kid ney troublo which had annoyed mo for months I lEvIffKHffTn think a cold was responsible for tho whole trouble It seemed to settle in my kidneys Doans Kidney Pills rooted it out It Is several months since I used them and up to date there has been no recurrence of tho trouble Doans Kidney Pills for sale by all dealers Price 50 cents per box Co Buffalo N Y A fortune awaits the genius who will Invent a borrowless umbrella Dr David Kennedys Favorl to Itemed ttu Great Kidney and hirer Cure World Famous Write Dr Kenned Sons Itoudout N Y for fret sample bottle Its easier not to want things than it is to get them Pisos Cure for Consumption is an infalliblo medicine for coughs and colds N W Samuei Ocean Grove N J Feb 17 1000 Women in Swiss Universities Women form nearly one fifth of the students at Swiss universities All Up-to-Date Housekeepers use Defiance Cold Water Starch be cause it is better and 4 oz more of it for same money Marriage is always a serious step or a more serious misstep A FREE BOTTLE OF iws brepe ionic ro ANYONE WHO WILL WRITE FOR IT NOW Have You Constipation Stomach Trouble Indigestion Dyspepsia Blood PoisonSkin DiseasesSores Sudden Bowel Trouble Diarrhea Cholera Etc No one whose bow- sis are healthy and ac tive contracts these complaints Invari ably they are the result of Constipation vrhich means decayed poisoned and dying bowels or Intestines Check diarrhea and you are liable to fatal blood poison a physic makes you worse There is only one right course and that is to treat the cause Re vive and strengthen the bowels and intes tines We will prove to you that Mulls Grape Tonic cures Constipation and all these terrible Bowel troubles because it cleanses the DIood and makes the intestines practically new It feeds the starved con dition and brings them back to life nothing else will For hot weather ills it has no equal WRITE FOR THIS FREE BOTTLE TODAY Good for ailing children and nursing mothers FREE COUPON Send this coupon with your name and ad dress and your druggists name for a free bottle of Mulls Grape Tonic Stomach Tonic and Constipation Cure To MuIPs Grapo Tonic Co 148 Third Ave Rock Island III Give Full Address and Write Plainly TheSlOObottle contains nearlv three times the 50c size At drug stores rhe genuine has a date and number stamped m the label take no other from your druggist EXACT SIZE Special Offer The name and address of your shoe dealer and 15c to cover costof mailing- etc will secure one of the handsome rolled gold pins illustrated above Enameled in colors and will wear for years These pins were secured by thousands of Worlds Fair visitors Only a few hundred left Write Quick fiOBEKTS JOHNSON tf AND SHOE CO ST LXXJIS MANUFACTURERS OF STAR BRAND SHOES ITl - T i neupponunnyoT loaay The opportunity for tho man -with little means Is better today In the prairie states of the South west than ever before in tho history of the nation To be sure there Is not the vast open choice of land for the homesteads that existed In the 70s The lands then taken up under Govern ment laws are now prosperous farms and ranches There Is need of more hands to develop the country In the Southwest Indian Terri tory Oklahoma and Texas are vast areas of un improved land not jet yleldlnjr the crops of which It Is capable 1ractlcally the same thlnjj Is true of the town Kew lines of business are adequately represented There are openlnes of all sorts for WIDE AWAKE MEN ARE YOU ONE If you are Interested tell us what vou want how much you have to Invest and we will gladly inraisn me lniormatlon rite for a copy of our paper The Comlnff Country Its free Address GE0RGEM0RT0NGP5TA BOX 9ft ST LOUIS MO