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About The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936 | View Entire Issue (July 7, 1905)
f M gawsa BANKSVILLE We said it was getting dry Inst week but wo got n Methodist rain sinco and lota of wind with tbo rain and the rain Sunday cup for tho mensuro for Friday and Sat urday was 3 SO inches and that was wot Some of tho Grant precinct people celebrated at McCook some at Ilerndon Kan and some at home Win Relph of Cedar Bluffs Kansas Was at Banksvillo the Fourth Jacob Wesch did his celebrating in his wheat field running his binder Tho high water played eavoy with Mr Rowlauds well and ho got B W Benjamin to help him Monday to clean it out so he could get down to water BOX ELDER Miss Ida Modrell spent Sunday with Miss Maude Wilson Mrs Albert Barnes of McCook visited with Mrs Georgo Shields one day last week Mr and Mrs W AStone visited with Mr and Mrs George Shields last Sun day On last Wednesday afternoon Thomas Graves quietly away after about three weeks suffering with lung fever Fu neral services were held in the churcli on Thursday afternoon conducted by Rev Kerr after which tho body was laid to rest in the Box Elder cemetery The deceased leaves a wife and three children who have the deepest sympathy of the community in their bereavement They are comparative strangers having com here only about three months ago SCHOOL CREEK Harvest is in full blast A good many spent their in the harvest field Gene Dutcher has a new binder The high water last week overflowed all the alfalfa and corn fields on tho creek bottom Dr Mastin was called out to see Grandma Kilgore Thursday LT A Talcott came up from Crete Wednesday to look after his farm inter- i sta here A son and daughter and their families are visiting their parents Mr and Mrs James Frye this week They were de ist yed three days in the washouts east Valentine Gray is helping Harry Korb through harvest First in the hearts of all good bread lovers is Doans 91 patent You need the flour to keep well fed Doan needs your trade to knead your bread A Sound Argument The one that blows without any thing to blow about wastes time and energy The excellence of our goods and delivery service warrant us for blowing Always the best always the greatest variety always the highest quality DAVID MAGNER Phone 14 Fresh and Salt Meats ike Walsh DEALER I3T POULTRY and EGGS 1 Old Rubber Copper and Brass Highest Market Price Paid in Cash Block West of Citizens Bank I McCook - Nebraska j Chamberlain s COLIC CHOLERA AND Diarrhea Remedy A f ew doses of this remedy will invariably cure an ordinary at tack of diarrhea It has been used in nine epi demics of dysentery with perfect success It can always be depended upon even in the more severe attacks of cramp colioknd chol era morbus It is equally successful for summer diarrhea and cholera infantum in children and is the means of saving the lives of many children each year When reduced with water and sweetened it is pleasant to take Every man of a family should keep this remedy in his home Buy it now It may save life Price 25c Large Size 50c sgamntmrnrrr LEBANON Bessie Slutts Aurotta Daffer and Miss Welborn camo homo from institute They took -dinner Sunday at Mr and Mrs Walter M Penningtons while waiting for tho water to go down so the roads would be safe Clarence Dott drove to Bartloy Sat urday and met Mrs Grace Livingston from Durpee Oregon Stove Austin is building an addition on the west side of his elevator Ed Morris was up from Central City tho 4th v Thos Wilburn was over and located the site for the Farmers elevator east of Stove Austins elevator Mrs Lizzie McKinnon was up from Hickman the 4th Messrs Saylers Deo and Park Smith are home from Montana When Say lers camo home last Christmas ho per suaded bis father and mother to sell out and go with him to the wonderful state of Montana His sale brought about 5000 more than expected and their friends tried to got them to buy a farm and stay here but they must see that country of which their son had told such wonderful stories Their tickets to Montana cost them 25000 besides other expenses Now all but the youngest boy are here and the parents in Mon tana several hundred dollars poorer The rain last Friday night was one of the heaviest ever William Cumming lost over 100 hogs and a field of barley ready for the reaper that now lies al most flat on the ground Tho loss was nearly 1200 Mrs James Springer lost over 200 chickens all she had but seven and the cellar fell in and covered up large boxes of fruit R M Coulters cellar fell in also The railroad bridges are washed out so badly that train traffic is com pletely abolished and farmers can ship no cream or butter Mr A C Bartholomew drove to Bartley Monday bringing his son-in-law home for the 4th Tho Fourth was a urand elorious day People were here from Bartley Danbury Indianola McCook and Ober lin The heavy rains of last week had spoiled the grove so the speaking was held in the Presbyterian church Rev W H Scofield delivering the address Floyd Abbott gave a recitation and E E Devoe road the Declaration of Inde pendence the music being furnished by tho choir The crowd in the morning was small as harvest is in full svvingbut in the afternoon they came all of em to see the ball game The purses were fifty and twenty five dollars The line up for the game was as follows In dianola Horton catcher Hedges pitcher Simmons 1st base McClung 2nd base Kennedy 3rd base gan short stop Burbridge left field Mrs S E Ralstens sister left on the 4th for Mount Vernon Iowa The scoop house and lot belonging to the Farmers were sold at auction last week and was bid in by the new associ ation for 15000 the lot sold to R M Coulter for 5000 The building would have sold for more money had they sold the lot first making it sure that t he buyer of the building would not have to move it The new shipping association will build as soon as they can get a contract or to do the work DANBURY Nathaniel Hethcote has sold his place to John Remington Perry Johnston walked from Herndon Tuesday to attend the dance Mrs Young and two younger boys and Clifford Burbridge spent the 4th in Herndon Quite a number of Danbury people spent the 4th in Lebanon Win Henton is building a new house 34x34 two stories high J L Sims has got the frame work of his new house put up Its dimen sions 32x36 and two storyhigh J L Sims is going to ship 3 car loads of hogs when they get the track fixed J L Sims nephew came from Ohio Saturday Most of the farmers spent tho 4th in the harvest field Mrs Bodwell of Lebanon was visiting friends in Danbury last week Wm Greenways family Mr and Mrs J L Murr and Mr and Miss Douglas spent the Fourth over on the Sappa Clifford Naden and Soren Simonsen are going to burn a kiln of brick Quito a number of the interested people celebrated at Marion Our living friends are not our only advertisers Competitive importations resort to devious methods to decry the merits of Doans 91 patent JffijftBjBgtffyB After the Hull of the wheat is removed the kernel is steam -cooked and crushed into edible flakes not powdered When packed in cartons and sealed the delicacy and flavor the nutri ment and good taste of the wheat remains in California Wheatose Flaked wheat food for breakfast All good grocers INDIANOLA Peter Miller and family went to Cul bortson the 4th for a few days visit James McClung has gone to Montana to visit his son Frank Mrs J J Wilson is in Hastings on a pleasure trip combined with business She expects to be gone five or six weeks The north side people gathered to gether and had a picnic north of town July 4th All report a good time And still it rains No complaint of dry weather this year Lewis Enfield of Wilsonville was in town awhile last week on his way to McCook Bernard Ilillers has returned from his trip to Oregon and California He was away for over a month and visited great many places of interest during his ab sence The Misses Peakeof Indianola attend ed the Burton Hoover wedding at Bart ley last Wednesday evening Quite a number of Indianola young people went over to Lebanon the 4th to help celebrate It rains every night aad Sundays these days thus fulfilling the old ladys wish so that tho men folks could get their regular rest The ladies of the M E church served ice cream and cake to a large crowd of people on Saturday afternoon A hand some sum was realized There is a likelihood that tho demand for harvest hands will be greatthis sum mer as the wheat is ripening very fast and there is much of it Last Saturday afternoon was the 25th anniversary of the existence of the State bank of Indianola and in celebration of the event a bounteous dinner was served to its friends and customers Miss Zora Shumakor is staying in town since last week that her child may receive treatment Sometime ago the little one was kicked on tho head by a horse and thought to be fatally injured Brown center field Hayden right field I T but under the doctor Lieoanon ljear catcner Winecup pitcher Newland 1st base Threlkill 2nd base Perfected base Weatherwax short stop Devoe left field Weather wax center field Cumming right field Campbell umpire Score 6 to 9 in favor of Lebanon who had another half inn ing at the bat but did not need it In dianola was shut out five times and Lebanon three times Mr and Mrs James Ferrel Mr and Mrs Ed Ferrel Mr and Mrs Peter Carty and Jack Ferrel returned home the 4th from attending their sisters funeral in Montana along nicely s care is getting and it is thought will re- cover Mr and Mrs Irving Andrews are en tertaining a young friend from Guide Rock Indianola did not celebrate this year but the stay-at-homes had a little cele bration of their own at night in the way of fireworks George Cramer has bought the Bell Haas restaurant Quite a number of Indianola young people went over to Lebanon the 4th to help celebrate The Indianola band boys played in Arapahoe the 4th A large delegation from Indianola boarded the special on Tuesday the 4th and spent a very enjoyable day in our sister city Misses Lydia and Gladys McCool are rusticating on their fathers farm this week Mr Schoenthal and niece of Bennet Neb are the guests of DWSchoenthal and wife They will make an extended visit with them The delay of the trains this week on account of washouts are greatly to be deplored and are a source of great an noyance to the traveling public but it cannot be helped however and we will havo to make use of the old maxim that what cannot be cured must be endur ed There is talk of several new brick business houses being built this fall in Indianola Let the good work go on We are to have a new resident dentist in Indianola His name is Gatewood and hails from Arapahoe We believ that we have the best binding twine to be obtained in the American Hemp and Plymouth brands Call and examine them H P Waite Co CHICHESTERS ENGLISH PENNYROYAL PILLS Jefse fo f Safe Always reliable Xiadies ask Druggist for CIIICIIKVTEirS ENGLISH In Kod and Gold metallic boxes sealed with blue ribbon Take no other Refuse dangerous ubtl tatlonaand imitations Buy of your Druggist or send 4c in stamps for Particulars Testi monials and Keller for Iadie in Utter by return Mall 10000 Testimonials Sold by all Druggists CHICHESTER CHEMICAL CO 8100 aiadlson Square FHUuA PA Mention tM ssser CULBERTS0N O P Simmons operator at Danbury was visiting his friends in Culbertson Monday Presbyterian young people intond giv ing a music entertainment in the near future The social and entertainment given by tho Epworth League Friday evening was well attended considering the bad weather A great many of our young people spent the Fourth in McCook Mrs Kugler of Hayes qpunty was trading with our merchants Wednes day Mr and Mrs Tom Plummer spent Sunday with D L Shumaker and fam ily Paul and Mabel Porter of Hayes county were in town Wednesday Mr Bruce the insurance man spent the Fourth at his homo near Juniata McCormick mowers and rakes with dain sweeps and stackers give best satis faction in tho hay field II P Waite Co sell them Small Voice Would Do Little Clareuce Pa money talks dont it- Mr Callipers I guess so my son Little Clarence Well then pa gimme a penny sos I can hear it whis per to me a little Puck Vienna Police A policeman in Vienna must be able to swim to row a boat and to under tand telegraphy FOR WOMEN WHO CANNOT BE CURED Backed up by over a third of a century of remarkable and uniform cures a record such as no other remedy for the diseases and weaknesses peculiar to women ever attained the proprietors of Dr Pierces Favorite Prescription now feel fully warranted in offering to pay 500 in legal money of the United States for any case of Leucorrhea Fe male Weakness Prolapsus or Falling of Womb which they cannot cure All they ask is a fair and reasonable trial of their means of cure The Vice President Independent Order of Good Templars An experience which many -women have was related by Miss Agnes Steobings of 231 East 30th Street New York City as follows I had very poor health for a year until life looked dark and dreary to me Had head aches backache also pain my sleep was broken and fitful I longed for health Tried several medicines but none were of any last ing benefit until I took Doctor Pierces Fa vorite Prescription I soon realized that I had found the right remedy It helped nature to throw off the poisons that saturated the system removed all pains and strengthened the digestive organs and brought the roses of health back to my cheeks This medicine if taken occasionally keeps the system in perfect condition helping it to throw off the disease and consequences of exposure to dampness I am pleased to give it my endorsement Favorite Prescription makes weak women strong sick women well Ac cept no substitute for the medicine which works wonders for weak women Dr Pierces Common Sense Medical Adviser is sznt free on receipt of 21 one cent stamps for the paper covered book or 31 stamps for the cloth bound Ad dress Dr R V Pierce Buffalo N Y SSEI iTXSii 53gJ4fKggia30CSS53 A 1000 LOAN Out-of-town products are not in com petition when quality and excelleuco are considered as factors in flour Theres nnnn or frnnrJ nfl nnnno Ol WW WV WWU J rw H V9 A fow years ago all machinery was made from wood and today any pioco of farm machinery that is not made of steel is out of date Tbo latest is the sloel wagon In a fow years there wilUbe nothing but steel wagons W T Cole man has them now You should call and see them NOTICE TO LAND OWNERS To Nuls J Johnson C II Lnno Alia CSeoley and Henry Wykoff and to all whom it may con ceru The commissioner appointed to locate n roud commencing at north east comer of sec tion eighteen 18 town one 1 range tweuty nine29 in Qerver precinctRod Willow county Nebraska running thence west along the sec tion lino and eutering road along rouge lino at the north west corner of section oightoen IS town ouo 1 raugo twonty nino 29 wostCth P 31 Tho said road to bo 06 feet wide has re ported in favor of tho location thereof and all objections thoroto or claims for dumnges mut t bo filed in the county clerks ollico on or boforo noon of the 23rd day of August IJO iorsaid road will bo established without roforonce thereto E J Wilcox County Clerk ORDER OF HEARING State of Nebraska Red Willow county ss At a county court hold at the county court room in and for sail county of Red Willow June 23 1005 PresontFrank Moore county judge In tho matter of the estate of Anna C Woods de ceased On rending and filing the petition of Fh Fraley praying that administration of said estate may bo granted to James Q Ward as administrator Ordered that July 15 A D 1905 at ten oclock a in is assigned for hear ing said potition when all persons interested in said matter may appear at a county court to be held in and for said county and show cause why tho prater of petitioner should not bo grautedj and that notico of the peudoncy of cuiu iwuuuu aim uiu ntiiriiij uiuruui nu givuu to all persons interested in said mntter by pub lishing a com or this order in Tho McCook Tri bune a weekly nowspaper printed in said coun ty for throe successive woeks prior to said day of hearing A true copy seal Frank Mooee County Judge Boj lu Eldred attornejs NOTICE To George C Gray and to whom it may con cern Notico is hereby ghen tliuton tho 21th day of November 1901 tho undersigned John Wentz Sr purchased of O L Thompson tho then couuty treasurer of Red Willow county Nebraska at public salo for taxes lot iivoblock eight in the town of West McCook Red Willow county Nebraska for tho taxes levied and as sessed therpon for the j ears 1896 to 1902 inclus ive That I have paid the subsequent taxes levied and assossed on said lot for tho years 1905 and 1901 That said lot was assessed for taxes for the year 1901 and 1905 in tho name of Georgo C Gray The timo allowed in which to redeem said lot from said purchase will expire November 24th 1903 John Wextz Sk NOTICE OF CHATTEL MORTGAGE SALE Notico is hereby given that by virtue of a cer tain chattel mortgage dated July 10th 1905 and duly filed in the ollico of tho county clerk of Hitchcock county Nebraska on the 15th day of July 1903 and also filed in the oflico of tho count clerk of Red Willow county Nebraska on July 1 1903and executed by Felix Raumgart and Lawrence M Baumgart to A W Stevens Co to secure tho payment of tho sum of 00 00 and upon which there is now duo tho -um or o6971 default having been made in tho pay ment of said sum and no suitor other proceed ings at law having been instituted to recover said debt or any part thereof except on one note for 25000 duo November 1 1905 secured thereby on which judgment was rendored June 14 1904 for 2GG0O and costs S493 on which judgment execution was issued June 190aud returned wholly unsatisfied June 8 190 also by virtue of a certain chattel mortgage dated July 27 1903 and duly filed for record in tho office of the county clerk of Hitchcock county Nebras ka on July 30 1903 and also filed in the office of the county clerk of Red Willow county Ne braska on July 11903 executed bj Felix guart to A W Stevens Co to secure the pa- ment of tho sum of 1000 00 upon which there is now due tho sum of SI 130 11 default having been made in the payment of said sum and no suit or other proceedings at law having been instituted to recover said debt or any part thereof excepc on one note for 53400 due No vember 15 1903secured thereby on which judg ment was rendered on tho 21st day of March 1901 for 31950 and costs 173 on which judg ment execution was issued June 7 1905 and re turned wholly unsatisfied June 8 1905 therefore wo will soil the following property described in said chattel mortgages to wit One In horse power Stevens traction engine No 1843 togother with appurtenances and fix tures belonging thereto One rebuilt 30x56 Stevens Separator No 9215 One rebuilt Sattlej Stacker No 318 One Peoria Weigher No 459s6 together with attachments and fixtures belonging thereto One 12 horse power Minneapolis Engine No 830 At public auction at thp south end of Man chester Avenue adjacent to tho right of way of tho Burlington Railway Company in the city of McCook Red Willow county Nebraska on the 29th day of July 1905 at the hour of ten oclock a m of said day Dated July 7 1903 A W Stevens Co Boylo Eldred its agents Mortgagee y tfeVi g vvv y t Live Stock To 1 miV Mi fa iutativa 117 a s g nva We also have our own houses at CH3GAGO SOUTH OPAHA SSOUX C8TY SOUTH ST JOSEPH DENVER Read our market loiter In this paper Write us for any special Information desired sgggas ajMg with the McCook Co operative Building Savings Association can be paid off in monthly payments of 122 If you are paying more you pay too much We can mature your loan on smaller monthly payments and less money in the aggregate than any comepting associa tion Call on the secretary who will explain our system Office in First National Bank McCook Building Savings Association To Cure a Cold In Take Laxative Bromo Qiiinme Tablets Seven Minion boxes sold In past 12 months TillS Signature Not a cent wanted unless jou are cured If you are sick and ailing tako Ilollisters Rocky Mountain Tea A great blessing to the human family Makes you well keeps you well 33 cents Tea or Tablets Dr Herbert J Pratt Registered Graduate Dentist OOlco over McConnells Drug Store McCOOK NEB Telephones OQico 130 rosidonco 131 Former location Atlanta Georgia L H LINDEMANN Real Estate Insurance Phono 56 OQico over McMillens drug storo H P SUTTON McCOOK s McCOOK NEBRASKA JEWELER MUSICAL GOODS NEBRASKA DR H M IRELAND Osteopathic Physician Kelley Office Bldg Phono No 13 McCOOK NEB Consultation free J F Hart IVI D McCOOK NEBRASKA Oflico hours 9 to 12 a m 2 to 5 and 7 to 9 p in Phones Office 155 residonce 15 DR A P WELLES Physician and Surgeon Oflico Residence 521 Main Avouuo Office and Residence phone 53 Calls answered night or day McCOOK NEBRASKA JOHN E KELLEY ATTORNEY AT LAW and BONDED A3STEACTEE McCook Nebraska Sargent of Lincoln Land Co and of McCook Waterworks Office in Postollico building C II Boyle C E Eldeed Co Atty BOYLE RDRED Attorneys at Law Long Distance Phone 1 1 Rooms 1 and 7 second floor Postollico Building McCook Neb Hi h J G 0 N N DENTIST rnosEHU Office over Grannis store McCook Neb F D BURGESS Plumber and Steam Filler Iron Lead and Sewer Pipe Brass Goods Pumps an Boiler Trimmings Estimates Furnished Free Base ment of the Postoffice Building McCOOK NEBRASKA WE GUARANTEE To Prevent Hog Cholera From appearing on your farm Be prudent this year and pre vent a repetition of the losses of previous years Call and See Us and Get Written Guarantee ppg4l w l f0W rPSTTMfllMTAT s yr- mM PelJaatSli Dec 17 1902 I used L K for hog cholera and it was all r - - u inreo sick ones 1 SSrfr l eot lT and dono fine I also used it for chicken hce and mites and it is all you claim for it Itis the only Medicine for hog cholera I think Gotlieb Jeeke Harrington Xeb Dec 111902 T I am using Liquid Koal and am woll pleased with it I am sure I saved my hogs witit last year and am going to keep it in stock all the time as it is tho best thing I ever had on Ihl Place for everything it is intended for It2 good for chicken cholera lice on stock in4cta of all kinds it will destroy all kinds lnect3 F W Woman JAI1ES CAIN PSfflbiah0 NaU1 Medici Com Cures Grip la TWo Days or everv rznn dox 35ct i i X Jkl r i t 2- 7 V 1 1 1 u ft v fs