The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, July 07, 1905, Image 7

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9 iflfiBB
SB rv lUf -
Women Obtain Mrs Pinkhams
Advice and Help
Sho Hm Gnldod Thousands to Health
How Lydia K Pinkhams Vegetable- Com
pound Oared Mrs Fred Seydel
It is a great
satisfaction ior a
woman to feel that
she can write to
another tellingher
the most private
and confidential
details about her
illness and know
that her letter will
he seen by a wo
man only a wo
man full of sym
pathy for her
sick sisters and
above all a woman who has had
more experience in treating female ills
than any living persqn
Over one hundred thousand cases of
female diseases come before Mrs Pink
ham every year sorao personally
others by mail and this has been go
ing on for twenty years dajr after day
Surely women are wise in seeking
advice from a woman of such experi
ence especially when it is absolutely
Mrs Pinkham never violates the con
fidence of women and every testimo
nial letter published is done so with
the -written consent or request of the
writer in order that other sick women
may be benefited as they have been
Mrs Fred Seydel of 412 North 54th
Street West Philadelphia Pa writes
Dear Mrs Pinkham
Ovorayoaragol wrote you a letter asking
advice as I had female ifis and could not
carry a child to maturity I received your
kind letter of instructions and followed your
advice I am not only a well -woman in con
sequence but have a beautiful baby girl I
wish every suffering woman in the IanrTwould
write you for advice as you have done so
much for me
Just as surely as Mrs Seydel was
cured will Lydia E Pinkhams
Vegetable Compound cure every
woman suffering from any form of
female ills
No other medicine in all the world
has such a record of cures of female
troubles as has Lydia E Pinkhams
Vegetable Compound Therefore no
prudent woman will accept any substi
tute which a druggist may offer
If you are sick write Mrs Pinkham
Lynn Mass for special advice It is
free- and always helpful
ft HMHLMHHfaKiLi bBIljcbI
For Preserving Purifying
and Beautifying the Skin
Scalp Hair and Hands
Cntlcnra Sotp combine delicate medicinal and emol
lient properties derired from Cutlcura the peat SUa
S- ita the purert of cleaating icgndleati and the
moitrefrcihlag of flower odor Two Soapi la 00 atoms
frice namely a Medicinal and Toilet Peap tor Ste
2ST CorPt Sole Prop Boiton
Mailed rtte ill About the SHa Seal p and Hair
100 Weekly Easily Made
writing health and accident Insurance -experience un
neccMaryTTrlte Bankers Accident CoDes HoisetIa
2 Cream
mA 3 Separator
FOR325QQ w a ell the
celebrated DUNDEE CREAM
SEPARATOR capacity 200
pounds per hour j 350 pounds ca
pacity per hour for 2900
MO rounds caDacltT nerhoar tar
53400 Guaranteed th
equal of Separators that RE
rater on our SO days free trial
plan with the binding under
standing and agreement ltyoa
ao not una uy comparison
1 test and use that It Trill a Mm
closer aum comer nunc
dkim easier run tighter and
aklm one half more mlUc
than any other Cream Sepa
rator made you can return
the Separator ts us at our
expense and we will Imme
diately return any money
you may hare paid far f relent
cherf te er otherwise Cut
this ad out at once and mall
to us and tou will receira
by return mil free postpaid our LATEST SPECIAL
big offer and oar free trial proposition and yon will re-
m owii
an FMMmkm MUL03DR
t 2ti6raf 77se 2ereriv a PeinretZrf 7enenett TZapecryrJffifJe
Copyright 1905 by Charles Morris Butler
CHAPTER IX Continued
Your chief is out of danger fin
ally said the doctor turning to Pear
eon and Sharkey With proper care
he will be able to be moved on a
stretcher in two or tlvree days
Your duty is done then doctor
replied Pearson who seemed to be the
leader now that the captain was dis
abled Now in the matter of your
joining our band which would you
prefer to depart or to continue with
I am willing to join you provid
ing began the doctor
Providing we will guarantee you
protection an ample salary and a
chance at some future time to obtain
revenge upon a certain doctor whom
you have a grudge against Is that It
Interrupted Pearson
That is it said Schiller
Are you willing to take the oath of
allegianceto our cause
I am
Tis well
Evidently they had prepared for
such a ceremony as that which fol
lowed for they escorted the doctor into
yet another room leading off from the
one they were in Here were fully as
many horses stabled as there were
men accommodated in the other room
In one corner was a pile of brushf md
decayed corn stalks
You will now repeat after me the
oath that binds us together bearing
this in mind that our promises to you
will be fulfilled only after you have
proved yourself worthy of it
I do solemnly swear said Pearson
I do solemnly sweary repeated the
doctor in a firm voice
That I wilL not betray any of the
secret signs haunts modes of gain
ing a livelihood the character of a
brother to anyone who is not entitled
to know them nor will I let any one
else betray any of the secrets if in
my power to prevent even if I have to
kill or be killed in the defense of the
same That I will never see a worthy
brother wronged nor knowingly wrong
ihirn that I will do everything in my
I power to promote the interests of my
associates to upbuild and hold to
gether my kind That I will abide by
the laws and in every way do my best
to improve the common lot of my fel
lows That I will yield up my life to
them my body to molder and rot
should I fail in my duty to you
Amen Do you so promise
I promise was the answer
Then I will create you a member
of the CONVICTS CLUB Bare your
Two of the desperadoes stepped to
the doctors side while he feebly at
tempted to carry out the order but
through this ordeal he was as helpless
as a child
A red hot branding iron was brought
from the stove and before the doctor
could cry out or offer resistance he
was seized and held securely while on
his bared breast was burned in the
living flesh the initials C C
You are now the equal of any of
us and your life belongs to the king
of the convict country
Abduction of Doctor and Pearl Hunt
Dr Huntington heard of the pardon
of Dr Schiller and was gratified in
one sense of the word He was not a
hard hearted man and really felt sorry
for his guilty brother Dr Hunting
ton recalled the words spoken by Dr
Schiller in reference to being re
venged and was constantly In fear
of the result But as the years went
by after Schillers release and no sign
was made Huntington felt easier
Dr Huntington was now a prosper
ous man anda very successful prac
titioner He had tasted the fruits of
honest toil and enjoyed the flavor He
owned a beautiful residence furnished
throughout in sumptuous styles was
blessed with a handsome and worthy
Helpmate and still more handsome
daughter He has ceased to care
for old England and hir aristo
cratic family and had passed them
from memory a happy and content
ed man engrossed in his profession
working for the best interests of his
fellow townsmen and neighbors
The daughter grew up to be an hon
or and credit to her parents She was
most beautiful refined and simple
such as are all good girls brought up
by pure parents Her heart and hand
had been sought for by many but she
was fancy free and heart whole as yet
Thus far in life her path had been
strewn with flowers and the thorns
had been carefully hidden from sight
A vision of beauty and grace and as
sweet as she was beautiful
Having introduced the main person
ages of our story we shall now take
the liberty of inserting a clipping
taken from the Plankinton Plaindealer
of Friday June 7th
Dr Huntington the well known
practitioner and genial leader of so
ciety and his daughter the beautiful
Miss Pearl have very mysteriously
disappeared from the haunts which
know them so well as completely as
if the earth had opened and swallowed
them The facts of the case are these
as near as we can learn
At 730 oclock last evening the
doctor was engaged with his patients
in his office when the door bell rang
Mrs Huntington answered the sum
mons The caller is described by her
as a man of medium build and height
wearing a heavy beard and mustache
He said he wished to see Dr Hunting
ton immediately A man has been
nearly killed through a railroad acci
dent and the doctor must come right
The wife informed Dr Huntington
and the visitor was admitted to the
doctors presence Dr Huntington
hastily secured his medicine and in
strument cases a roll of cotton bat
ting some linen and prepared band
ages and left the office with the man
bidding his patients good bye for the
day In front of the door stood a bay
horse hitched to an open wagon The
stranger got in first and held out his
hand for the cases
Just then Thaddeus Whalen of
On his bared breast was burned in living flesh the initials C C
Forest avenue came along and asked
if the doctor was to appear at Miss
Reynolds reception which was held
last evening at which the doctor was
to speak The doctor replied
Ah Thad glad you came along
as I dont know when I can get off
Im called to attend a man who has
been hurt down at Squire Briggs
Dr Huntington jumped into the
wagon the impatient driver whipped
the horse into a spirited gait and dis
appeared This is the last time Dr
Huntington was seen
Mrs Huntington and daughter were
preparing for the reception only wait
ing for the return of the doctor An
old friend of the family Mrs Lillie
Thompson of Oak street dropped in
shortly afterward and the two older
heads getting tired of waiting re
solved to walk on toward the hall
thinking that the doctor and his
daughter who was to wait for him
would overtake them before their des
tination was reached But neither
the doctor nor his daughter attended
the reception
At 9 oclock no word having been
received from the doctor Mrs Hunt
ington grew uneasy Unable to- enjoy
herself on account of the strange ab
sence of her husband Mrs Huntington
requested Mr Whalen to escort her
home Arriving they were surprised
to find the house deserted but upon
the center able in the parlor was
found a note from Miss Huntington
It read
ci luauima x apa nas Deen
hurt in crossing the railroad track
and I have gone to him
Upon reading the letter Mrs Hunt
ington became greatly excited and ex
claimed E
This is Schillers work
Schiller you will recollect was the
doctor who was convicted of malprac
tice and sentenced to ten years in the
penitentiary upon the testimony of
Dr Huntington
Oh fudge said Mr Whalen
But Mrs Huntington even from the
first would not believe that her hus
band was hurt
Mr Whalen succeeded in tempora
rily pacifying Mrs Huntington and
calling upon Sylvester Smith the two
proceeded to the home of Squire
Briggs to see if any one really had
been hurt at his home and were
ror struck on hearing that such was
not the case and that they had not
sent for the doctor
Armed citizens have patrolled the
railroad track up and down for miles
but could find no trace of blood to
bear out the statement of the girl that
her father had been hurt In crossing
the track and up to this time all is
wrapped in mystery as to the disap
pearance of the two
The True Facts of the Disappearance
of Dr Huntington and Daughter
Dr Huntington after his interview
with Thaddeus Whalen was driven off
In the carriage of the driver down
well lit Main street then off on Forest
avenue crossed the railroad track
which circumscribed the town and
as the las rays of the summer sun dis
appeared behind the high trees at the
edge of the wood the twain came in
sight of Squire Briggs house As the
driver made no sign of slacking up
to allow the doctor to alight the medi
cal man attempted to get out while
the vehicle was in motion
The wounded person is at the hired
mens quarters down at the far end
of the farm said the driver placing
a restraining hand upon the doctors
Why I thought the old cabin was
deserted too dilapidated to be of ser
vice as a dwelling said the doctor
suspiciously He did not recollect of
having ever seen the driver his rig
or his team before If it had not
been for fear of making a mistake he
would have refused to go further and
it was not without misgiving that he
rode the few rods further through a
narrow lane running through a nar
row strip of timber
The cabin sponen of was situated at
the edge of the wood in a far corner
of the vast farm field It was an old
fashioned log hut of one room size
about forty by fifty feet with a fire
place in one end andji window on one
side The house and yard that en
closed it had not been tenanted for a
considerable period The former look
ed as if tumbling to decay while
grass had grown over the path leading
from the tumbled down gate to the
front door The window was boarded
up but through the cracks in the win
dow and the cracks in the walls caus
ed by the mud falling away from be
tween the logs shone a dim light
which could not have been seen very
Arriving at the end of the lane the
team was hitched to the fence and the
doctor and driver walked toward the
house door There was a sound as of
shuffling feet on the inside of the
house then the driver opened the
door motioning to the doctor to enter
The scene presented to the gaze of
the doctor was one gotten up especi
ally for his benefit and calculated to
mm uumjjieieiy uu ilia guiiiu
which it did On a rude bunk placed
before the fireplace rested the form
of a man supposed to be wounded
Near the head of the bunk on a three
legged stool sat a tin cup containing
what looked like water On the head
of an upturned barrel in a candlestick
burned a candle that furnished the
flickering light which illumined the
rude interior All these things were
apparent to Dr Huntington because
plainly seen but he did not see the
form of a man behind the door
The driver motioned again to the
doctor to enter and the doctor did so
As he crossed the threshold the door
was closed behind him The sup
posed dying man quickly turned and
blew out the light and while the doc
tor stood undecided how to act ho
was pounced upon from behind his
arms pinioned a rough gag thrust
into his mouth and he was thrown
roughly upon the floor
The candle was lit again and over
the doctor stooped Dr Schiller the
hated enemy and one time rival to
the love of the woman Dr Huntington
had married
To be continued
Likely to Do Things on a Large Scale
When He Operates at All
Uncle Sam may not set up as a busi
ness man but when he does go into
business he is likely to do it in a large
way as he does for instance at the
New York navy yard where are lo
cated the largest naval storehouses in
the United States
In the general storehouses there is
carried a stock of material merchan
dise and supplies of the most varied
character including lumber cordage
and provisions clothing shoes and li
braries including many articles of
ship supplies and everything required
for the sailors personal wants amount
ing in value to upward of 10000000
The business done in these store
houses during the fiscal year ended
in 1904 amounted to more than 30
Supplies are received here from
many sources and from here they are
shipped to all parts of the world The
shipments in the course of the fiscal
year 1904 aggregated 21000 gross tons
and comprised more than 450000 pack
The official who administers this
business of a volume that would be
counted big among the biggest busi
nesses done by private concerns is
known as the General Storekeeper
this post being occupied by a pay di
rector of the United States navy
She Was It
Miss Gaddie Your brother and I
were partners in a little game of whist
at Hoyles house last evening
Miss Knox Oh I thought it might
be you
Miss Gaddie Why what did he tell
you about it
Miss Knox He just said he had had
a rubber at whist
The Patriot
A resident of Ava N Y was talk
ing about tho late Hiram cronk the
last survivor of tho war of 1812
At tho age of 100 said the Ava
man Mr Cronk still had an alert
mind Above all things he was a pa
triot He believed firmly in the su
premacy of our republic
An English traveler out of curios
ity came to Ava to see Mr Cronk one
day The old patriot praised America
extravagantly and condemned Eng
land as an outworn and dying nation
Tho Englishman stocfl this talk as
long as he could Then ho said hotly
Suppose our superb fleet wero to
land 25000 British marines in New
York what would you Yanks do
Do said Mr Cronk Why dern
It our police would arrest lllem
Now Orleans States
Profits of the Packers
There has been a great deal of dis
appointment because the Garfield re
port Bhows that the profits of the
packing industry only amount to
about two per cent of the volume of
business transacted There is no
doubt however that the report is cor
The census reports compiled by tho
government in 1900 before the agita
tion regarding the beef trust began
throw considerable light on this ques
tion It appears from the census that
the packing industry is conducted on
a smaller margin of gross profit than
any other industry In America The
gross margin of profit of 871 flour and
grist mills in Illinois in the census
year was nearly seven per cent on
the volume of business The gross
margin of fifty one waolesale slaugh
tering and meat packing establish
ments in Illinois was only about one
third as large or a little more than
two per cent on the volume of busi
Tho millers have not been accused
of bein in a trust and combina
tions would seem impossible in a busi
ness where there are several thousand
mills in the United States competing
actively for the flour trade but it ap
pears that the gross profits of the mill
ers are larger than the gross profits
of the packers it may turn out that
the agitation regarding the packing
industry will show the same result as
the devil found in shearing the pig
All squeal and no wool American
Ill Natured London Journal
Americans says a London journal
are coming over in greater swarms
than ever and soon the streets will
bo full of curiously quiet looking men
In wierd coats with padded shoulders
ending on the hips long boots blobby
at the tips and straw hats wit no
roofs and women with brown faces
and eyes with Very white whites
green veils floating in the breeze and
accents that sets ones teeth on edge
Important to Mothers
Examine carefully every bottle of CASTORIA
a safe and sure remedy for infants and children
and see that it
Scars the
In TJee For Over 30 Years
The Kind You Have Always Bought
We suffer most from ills that never
happen Gascoigne Proverb
Those Who Have Tried It
will use no other Defiance Cold Water
Starch has no equal in Quantity or
Quality 16 oz tor 10 cents Other
brands contain only 12 oz
If canes were to go out of fashion
some young men would have no vis
ible means of support
I am sure Pisos Cui ror Consumption saved
my life three years ago Mrs Tnos Bobbins
Maple Street Norwich N Y Fob 17 1900
One kind word a day is some mens
Kir tHttI
K IV e aV
s US
NHksLriw TLmJie
A Great Family Newspaper
Tho American Homostead An Ideal
family newspaper Serial and short
stories All tho Important news
Homo farm and agricultural depart
ments conducted by editors of na
tional roputationy Regular prlco 1
Special rate of 10 cents per year for
30 days Address
Omaha Neb
to know tho great merits of Alabastine tho
Sanitary Wall Coating Not a hot or cold
water disease breeding kalsomino bearing
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Wrlto for our artists freo color plans different
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grays greens pinks bines and yellows uslrg
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min does not rub or scale No washing of
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es mixed with either hoc or cold water
do not have tho cementing proper
ty of Alubastine They are stuck on
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rubbing scaling and spoiling
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Buy Alnbantlno only In 3 lb pkgn prop
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Hints on Decorating and tint cord freo
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Follow the Flagl r
v ci y
mm u
weMSi Kound
South and Southeast ono faro plus
Hot Springs Ark daily 2300
St Louis Mo daily 1850
Chautauqua N Y July 28 S400
Detroit Mich August 13th
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Long limits stopovers and other
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All Agents can sell you through
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All tickets reading over the Wa
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tional with passenger via Lake or
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Call at Wabash City ofnee 1C01
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give you all information maps de
scriptive matter folders etc
G A P D Wabash R R Omaha
troubled with ills peculiar to riE
their sex used as a coucno is marveiousiy suc
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stops discbarges heals inflammation and local
soreness cures leucorrhcea and nasal catarrh
Paxtine is in powder form to be dissolved in pare
water and is far more cleansing healing germicidal
and economical than liquid antiseptics for all
For sale at druggists 00 cents a box
Trial Box and Book of Instructions Free
THF flAKV PI V Ill I CD destroy all the flies and
inCUMIOl iLl MLLCn aironlscomrorttoevery
home In dining room sleeping room and places where
ffiV B
nies are irouDie
Jure anything
Try them once
you will never bo
without them It
not kept by deal
ers sent prepaid
for 20c Harold
homrni 1 19 IltKalb
STRAIfiHi5CIGAR always reliable
Your jobber or direct irom Factory Ieorla IU
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No 271905
1 1 ii u li ifirinac3MaraqaaattgganegHBiMmg gwggFEjnja
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I II rlJpjL 1
No matter how big the bird no matter how heavy its plumage or swift its
you n bn ne Xto ba with a lon strong straight shooting
Winchester Repeatme Shotgun Results are- whnt fount Th
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FREE Send name and address on a postal card for onr large illustrated catalogue
Mueller Pianos
Are Sent Free
to responsible people on trial If you
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send it back at our expense
Our Prices Are Way Down
because we have no agents or travelers
Our terms are cash or 2000 down and
500 monthly Write today for cata
log and prices
Address the makers
Entnbllshcd 1S50
Will fit every foot In yonr family and tho price will please yon aa welL They mre made of
best leather for loner wear h nnrl Brian- Aufc vtmr dealer to hrrer th Farallv
line IX he does not handle it write to ns direct and we will aee that yon are supplied
iiiiiiiiilii nun m i iiTiil nfaiiiiitir7fTiif1atrifljUalM