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About The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936 | View Entire Issue (July 7, 1905)
- 1 i 7 CojTJ Whout Onta McCook Market Quotations Corrected Fridny morning Ri n 47 92 85 50 BnrJoy 5 4 5 Hoffn Eg 10 GoodUnttflr I5 WOOL WANTED I will pay the highest market price Inquire at Diamonds RAILROAD NEWS ITEMS Engine 3106 a D4A is having her cylinders bored out Asst Supt of Motive Power Pitt was a passenger on 1 yesterday Conductor Tim Foley returned home this week and wont to work on Wed nesday William Weintz has resigned his po sition as fireman out of Denver nnd re turned homo Engines 1662 2935 and 614 are in the bnckshop The 1662 is well advanced in overhauling Conductor E M Cox is on the sick list and Conductor R M Douglass has waycar 14221 meanwhile Conductor Hackett of Denver pilotted one of the Rock Island specials in from the west Thursday morning Brakoman C W Dewey in a friendly scuffle this week got a knife cut in one of his legs and has been laying off a few days on account thereof Conductor and Mrs A P Bo- not will leave close of the week for EauClaire - Wisconsin to bo absent a month on va cation visiting her parents Mr and Mrs L L Williams Beginning with July 1st the office of receiver held by L W Stayner train masters clerk was abolished f Con ductors now make their remittances direct to a bank in Omaha This is the plan in vogue on the Burlington about fifteen years since What with washouts delays etc of their own the handling of six Epworth League specials and seven Rock Island specials both ways passenger traffic on the McCook division has been decidedly strenuous this week Both Denver and Lincoln crows have been assisting the regular McCook crews HOLLISTERS Rocky Mountain Tea Nuggets A BuBy Mediolne for Busy People Brings Joldon Health and Eenowed Vigor A specific for Constipation Indigestion Live and Kidney Troubles Pimples Eczema Impure Blood Bad Breath SiuRRish Bowels Headache and Backache Its Rocky Mountain Tea in tab let form SS centi a box Genuine made by TTnrT 19TEE Dana Company Madison wis GQLDEN NUGGETS FOR SALLOW PEOPLE nAJLtiLAan Nos l and 6 Become Limited Information reached Lincoln last Fri day that Burlington Nop 1 and 6 will BDon be made limited trains In fact Bomo of the features attendant on lim ited trains have already been introduced and others will follow New equipment has been secured and will bo placed in service as rapidly as possible beginning Saturday Cars are to be electric light ed and now equipment that will fit such trains is to bo distributed along the run from Chicago to Denver for use in em ereencies The first electric train pass ed through this city Saturday morning and following that tho new trains will bo added until enough equipment is in service to complete the circulation be tween Denver and Chicago lMectnc generators and engines will be carried in tho baggage cars Speaking of speed a Burlington man calls attention to tho run of No 1 between the Missouri river and Lincoln where the speed run is not far from fifty miles au hour This tram does not come through Omaha reaching Lincoln over the Louisville lino No 6 is the fastest eastbound train in the state west of McCook and maintains a tight schedule east of that place Lin coln Journal A Possible Chief Engineer The following paragraph from remarks made by Ex Chief Engineer Wallace of the Panama canal touching W E Dau chy formerly roadmastor of the Wes tern divison will be appreciated by Mr Dauchyg friends here who admired him as a man and an engineer of high accomplishments That he should be como the chief engineer of tho canal and be the successful head of the greatest enterprise of modern or ancient times would be no startling surprise to those who knew him here Mr W E Dauchy a gentleman of high engineering attainments who has been chief engineer of tho Chicago Hock Island and Pacific Eailroad Com pany and who had occupied tho posi tion of division engineer in charge of tho Culebra division was upon my leaving the isthmus placed in charge of the work as acting chief engineer he having occupied a similar position dur ing my absence from the isthmus at the call of the Secretary during the month of April and having satisfactorily con ducted tho work through the demoral ization attendant upon the change in or ganization Doans 91 is the Cream of all thats good The sensitive touch of the most experienced miller can producft no better flour Cream in sealed 10c and 20c bottles for sale at Marshs meat market urn eBBBgaa gagEMi - f j - VEGETABLE SICILIAN R mi im mr ea Kl MVOk w A air Kenewer A splendid tonic for the hair makes the hair grow long and heavy a i ooc inrm nmv hair nil the dark rich color or voutn Stops falling hair also Sold for fifty years Rfucp 1 m t -- i Barnctt I Ik1 i it i in i m SELL THE BEST POSTS TANKS LUMBER COAL WOOD j LlUlllptlllj QIVE US A TRIAL J I I bb be be v - 0B a as fj 1000 or More jj i Wanted at Once m We are offering until AUGUST 1 our entire stock of jggg Clothing Shoes and Furnishings a few ladies ready-to-wear apparel such as SHIRT W4ISTS SHIRT WAIST SUITS washable WRAPPERS COLLARS of every description BELTS etc etc All these goods will be offered at your own price We must raise the money to buy fall and winter goods It may be of interest to our patrons and customers to know that good wool clothing has advanced in price and to retain our reputation of underselling all others for the highest grade of goods we must have S1000 or more to buy for cash and gain our liberal cash discount enabling us to give our customers the benefit at the old fig ures Any article you need in our line will be greatly reduced Farmers Attention Berfor ing clothes gloves etc Call on us any old time Open evenings no need to quit work during the day Diamond The Working Mans Friend fvJvi rvlTi LI 1 f IJALLBIUB V No 5 local to Wray imperial line No 176 arrivea Mountain Time wiuj jirrwrjiTgranjai MiaiJs THE BURLINGTON HARD HIT The Storm Center Between Holbrook and Arapahoe on the flain Line THE BRANCHES ALSO SEVERELY DAHAGED Miles of Roadbed Washed Away--A Number of Bridges and Approaches in the TotalBranch Traffic Entirely Suspended Since Friday oflast week the Burling ton has had the greatest disarrangement of service on the MoCook division over experienced since tho road was pushed through to Denver in 18S2 And at this timo distance the work of the floods is still felt As to tho main line the storm center was between Ilolbrook and Arapahoe just east of Holbrook where the Deer creek crosses the track and meanders on to empty into tho Republican river At this point on last Friday night late after tho passage of No 5 there was an un precedented flood which carried away n number of hundred feet of grade to a denth of many feet All tho rest of tho night next day and on into the night a flood of water rushed over the tracK Late Saturday night after No 13 had passed over and escaped by a scratch another flood of oven greater volume came down from Deer creek and undid everything accomplished up to that time in the way of cribbing etc and washed away additional feet of grade Then followed for many hours a great rush of water through the openings in the grade and over the grade at places coverinc about two miles m extent Nothing was accomplished in the way of repairs Saturday night or Sunday and it was Monday morning before any sort of communication was established across the washouts at this place Since Mon day however traffic has been resumed all trains being late and passage of the washouts being very slow Sunday trains from tho west delayed at the No 6 2 12 14 No 1 3 13 Time Card McCook Net MAIN LINE EAST DEPART Central Timo 110p 620 a 900a 1015 P main line wrsT depaet Mountain Time nujiwucwu Sleeping amine aim rucuuiuu h - seats free on through trains Tickets sold and baKgase checked to any point in the United annus or oiiuiiua For information timo tables maps and tick Scott Agent Mc ets call on or writo George Cook Nebraska or J Francis General Passen ger Agent Omaha Nebraska ADDITIONAL RAILROAD NEWS Ed Kates was up from Lincoln over the 4th Engineer George Frey has reentered the companys service Machinist H C Smith resumed work in the backshop Wednesday Will Weintz who recently went to Denver has secured a position on one of the roads running out of that city Traffic was resumed on the McCook division Thursday on schedule and on time the various crews taking out their regular runs G L Miller briefly entertained his father W T Miller of Oklahoma who is on his way to Portland Oregon and the Pacific coast General Supt Byram Supt English and Trainmaster Wilburn completed their work on the valley lineWednes day and on Thursday commenced open ing up the Orleans St Francis line for traffic It is estimated that it will re quire a week to ten days to clear up this branch and nut it in shape to get trains there is nothing over the road At present ing doing on the branch Superintendent McFarland Rev J E Aubrey and an expert motor car man made a trip on the superintendents new motor railway car Tuesday afternoon going up the Highlineas far as Lrover The car much resembled a big surry and is quite as comfortable to ride in The B M Company is sending out a few of these machines as an experiment intending to furnish each division super intendent with one if they prove satis factory So far as tested they have giv en entire satisfaction Sterling Advo cate A carload of surveyors supplies ar rived in Oberlin the latter part of last week and was followed by eighteen men The engineer secured the services ol six more and teams at that place and start ed to survey the road west It seems that there has been a lease on the land west of Oberlin which has been a barrier in the way of extending the road but that having expired it is now possible for an extension This will be joyful news to all who live on the line of the B M as it will give us an outlet and undoubtedly better train service Long Island Leader Reduced Rates to KansasCity StLouis Savannah Ga Ft Worth Texas Bristol Tenn Mil waukee Toronto Indianapolis Balti more Buffalo and numerous other points east west north and south will be on sale in the near future Call on agent for particulars washouts were sent back west to Brush Colorado and thence over the Alliance line to the east Trains from the east delayed on the east side of the washouts were sent west over the Alliance division until repairs of a temporary sort were ijiado Monday But this was only a part of tho com panys trouble Between Farnam and Maywood on the Chcyenne IIoldrege line about six miles of grade was washed away and traffic on tho line has been ab solutely suspended and up to this time has not been resumed On the Orleans St Francis branch in the neighborhood of Hollinger and Beaver City were large washouts both bridges Nos 5 and 6 on each sido of Hollinger were washed away At other points minor washouts occurred and no effort has been seriously attempted to resume on this branch At Carter uear Orleans on the Kansas City mam line is another big washout and trains from thesoutheasthave been run about by Hastings pending repairs which must be extensive at this point In fact everything has been side-track M M M M 1206 p M 115f m i50 am 645pM 540 pm 645 a m ed for tho main line Uhicago Uenver re pairs to open which the opening of the Epworth League rush to Denver made imperative to save an large aud addi tional loss in passenger traffic It is within bounds to state that the territory within what is known now as the McCook division of tho Burlington has never before been so hard hit and the aggregate loss to track traffic per ishable goods etc will be something immense CITY CHURCH ANNOUNCEMENTS First Baptist Sunday school at 10 a m Preaching at 11a m and S p m Junior society at 3 p m Prayer meeting Wednesday evening at 7 30 Evening subject Kingship of Thought being the fourth in series in Truths for To day All are cordially invited A B CARSONPastor Catholic Order of services Mass 8 a m Mass and sermon 1000 a m Evening service at 8 oclock Sunday school 230 p m Every Sunday J J Loughran Pastor Congregational Rev George B Hawks of Canton S D will occupy 1 the Congregational pulpit both morn ing and evening next Sunday at the usual hours Sunday school at ten in the morning Pulpit Supply Com Episcopal Services in St Albans church as follows Every Sunday in the month Sunday school at 10 oclock am Morning prayer at 11 a m and evening prayer and sermon at 8 The third Sun day in the month Holy Communion at 1 730 a m All are welcome E R Earle Rector Methodist Sunday school at 10 am Preaching at 11 a m Junior League at 3 Epworth League at 7 Preach ing at 800 p m Prayer meeting on Wednesday at 8 Rev E B Crippen will fill the pulpit both morning and evening Good music at all services All are invited M B Carman Pastor A Pleasant Time at McCook communicated On account of the washout on this di vision quite a jolly crowd was held here last Saturday After being served brak fast and dinner a pleasant afternoon was spent in out door sports such as base ball foot racing jumping etc The day was brought to a close by partaking of a banquet which had been arranged bv a voted committee for which they paid the jolly land lady one dollar per plate In spite of the washout and their several days delayed journey they left McCook with a feeling of warmest re gard for the B M Eating house and a vote of thanks to the land lady bome of us who were there A H Moses J Gerber and wife M J Cogan and wife Chas H Mehagan Chicago P R Lucke Des Moines Iowa Barney Neil F M Martin New York Wm Tressell and wife Burt Iowa O J Watkins and wife Los Angeles Cali S Mc Gurrin Salt Lake Utah E C Lucke LeMars Iowa Mrs E S Fillius Mrs E S Dewey Denver Colo Al David Philadelphia Pa E M Sabin Idaho Springs Colo Water Tax Notice Water Tax for the 3rd quarter will be due July first Patrons will please take notice that water tax is delinquent on the 10th inst and if not paid by the 20th water will be turned off Attention is called to the fact that the use of open hose or of a nozzle for sprinkling with an opening larger than three sixteenths of an inch is pro hibited by the rules of the Company and ordinances of the city of McCook June 30th 1905 3ts J E Kelley I Items of H Mercs u Oxford Ties and Low Shoes of all Kinds Mens Cool Comfortable Canvas Blutcher Ties 150 Ladies 150 to 225 Hisses 100 110 125 t I Mens unlined alpaca and serge coats also coat and pants suits for hot weather wear Better Panama Hats than you can buy elsewhere See our 500 hat tt ft I - 1 -111 i TTTTT I 1 r MrmMBa g a pa mm e m ib V FRANKLIN President A C EBERT Cashier w k viut rritbiucm a -V J - F FRANKLIN THR CITIZENS BANK1 OF MeCOOK NEB Paid Up Capital 50000 Surplus 4000 A DIRECTORS Iff B WOLFE A C EBERT xooooo THE SAVING HABIT Should be encouraged in all possible ways Like good morals and manners the instruction should begin in the home As early habits mold the future crreracter so do those who early acquire the saving habit lay the foundation for future suc cess Many a boy has saved enough from his small earnings to give him a liberal education or to make a start in business of his own Persistent saving opens the way to countless possibilities in success and many a young man owes his start in life to his having opened a savings accouut and adhered to a strong determination to add to regularly and systematically the first deposit made We invite your savings accounts The First National Bank riccook The flcCook Tribune Only One Dollar the year