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About The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936 | View Entire Issue (July 7, 1905)
f - i t t vT 5 H LASTING RELIEF J W Walls Su perlntend cnt of streets of Lebanon Kyf says My nightly rest was broken owing to Irregular action of the kidneys I was suffering Intensely from sever pains In the small of my back and through the kidneys and annoyed by painful passages of abnormal secre tions No amount of doctoring reliev ed this condition I took Doans Kid ney Pills and experienced qiIck and lasting relief Doans Kidney Pills will prove a blessing to all sufferers from kidney disorders who will give them a fair trial Foster MIlburn Co Buffalo N Y proprietors For sale by all druggists price 50 cents per box Be Topical There has been an article received at this office in the first part the writer gave a mournful decratlon of his dead mother and then ending with a hot discussion in politics by mud slinging and vituperation that he is throwing upon his colleagues I would advise the party when he has two sub jects to write one give them under two headings Hyden Thousandstlcks The Fool and the Lazy Man The fool doesnt know a good thing when he sees it the lazy man doesnt seize a good thing when he knows it Philadelphia Record The Union Pacific Railroad Passen ger Department has put before the public a folder of the Lewis and Clark Exposition at Portland It is wonder fully neat and attractive colors having been employed in the printing Con tents embrace a very complete de scription of the exposition and its at tractions including a birds eye view of the beautiful grounds and buildings done in numerous colors Scenes in and around Portland are strikingly portrayed and all contemplating visit ing the exposition this summer should have a copy of the folder in order that they may know of points where the greatest enjoyment and satisfaction may be found IRONICAL IFS If some men were to conceal what they know they would be more popu lar If you think life isnt worth living you should take something for your liver If you are ambitious to become a prominent citizen locate in a country towrn If a female alligator could talk she would probably insist that she had a small mouth If a man is smart he can always manage to catch on and if he is wise he will also know when it is time to let go What He Was Doing Joseph Jefferson stocked the lake on his Louisiana farm with bass and other game fish Not long ago he came upon astranger fishing in his lake See here said the great come dian what do you mean by catching my fish Begorra replied the fisherman slowly removing his pipe from his mouth Im not fishing Im teaching these worms how to swim A Mean Fling Well said a young doctor fresh from the hospital I suppose the next thing will be to hunt a good location and then wait for something to do like Patience on a monument It wont be long said a friend after you do begin before monuments will be on the patients IN COLONELS TOWN Things Happen From the home of the famous Keyh nel Keeyartah of Cartersville away down South comes an enthusiastic let ter about Postum I was In very delicate health suf fering from indigestion and a nervous trouble so severe that I could hardly sleep The doctor ordered me to dis continue the use of the old kind of coffee which was like poison to me producing such extreme disturbance that I could not control myself But such was my love for it that I could not get my own consent to give it up for some time and continued to suffer till my father one day brought home a package of Postum Food Coffee I had the new food drink carefully prepared according to directions and gave it a fair trial It proved to have a rich flavor and made a healthy wholesome and delightful drink To my taste the addition of cream great ly improves it My health began to improve as soon as the drug effect of the old was removed and the Postum Cof fee had time to make its Influence felt My nervous troubles were speedily re lieved and the sleep which the old cof fee drove from my pillow always came to soothe and strengthen me after I had drunk Postum in a very short time I began to sleep better than 1 had for years before I have now used Postum Coffee for several years and like it better and find it more benefi cial than when I first began It is an unspeakable joy to be relieved of the old distress and sickness Name given by Postum Company Battle Creek Mich Theres a reason Read the little book The Road to Wellvllle in each pkg BIG TRE PLANTING PLANS Pikes Peak Reserve to Have 50000 to Save the Water The United States bureau of forestry-has begun three extensive projects under its forestry planting operations for the season Fifty thousand trees are to be planted in the Pikes peak forest reserve 300000 along the lines of the Delaware Hudson River rail road planted In co operation with the railroad tbmpany while a similar co operation with the Northern Pacific railroad Is under way The Pikes peak forests are for water conserva tion while the railroad- projects are to supply crossties for the roads In co operation with officials of New Hampshire agents of the bureau of forestry have commenced to make maps of the southern part of that state which will show the timber land the agricultural land and the barren areas suitable for tree-planting It Is proposed to map 4000 acres this summer Forest work in the state will be done chiefly with the view of advising farmers and owners of second growth forest as to the best management for the production of pulpwood boxboards firewood etc Another object is to complete a for est policy for the state covering legis lation upon fire and forest taxation also a system to protect timber land and to encourage conservative forest management Under the supervision of the Unit ed States bureau of forestry a forest of 35000 trees has been planted on the slopes of the San Gabriel moun tains of California for the purpose of conserving the water of the mountain streams for irrigation purposes The entire cost of raising and transplant ing the new forest has been but 1 485 The experiment the first of its kind is regarded as satisfactory MUNICH THE CITY OF BEER Consumption of Beverage In That Town 700000 Barrels a Year Munich is the great beer city of the world said Fritz Sommersen Mem phis who has recently returned from a continental trip There are nearly 6000 breweries in Bavaria big and little or about one to every 1000 in habitants The largest are in Munich one of which produces annually 7000 000 gallons of beer and there are two others not far behind The city of Munich drinks every year 700000 barrels of beer or nearly two barrels to every man woman and child in the place and pays more than 6000000 for it Taking the whole country the consumption of beer is 260 quarts a head of population Mu nich alone has nearly 300 breweries there having been a steady increase in the number for the last 200 years In 1600 there were sixty breweries in the capital but the first records con cerning the brewing of beer date back to 1150 For several centuries after that time mead a concoction of water and fermented honey was the com mon drink of the people In 1615 the hofbrau or royal brew ery was established which is still a flourishing institution and puts a great deal of money yearly into the kings coffers When Gen Grant was in Munich the hofbrau was the only one of the citys sights that he chose to see and he was so well pleased with the beer that he gave the wait ress a 50 cent tip Milwaukee Free Press A Prayer to Love Pray you my master let me keep m dream Of all sweet things have I not been be reft Of very youth of very happiness Why should you covet this one fairing left Nay grant me this What slave could ask for less Pray you my master let me keep my dream Pray you my master leave to me this thing I -who was rich one day to day am poor Beyond mens envying save but for this This dream for whose glad sake I still endure All else you filched in that one Judas kiss Pray you my master leave to me this thing Pray you my master let me keep my dream O Love I gave It to you so much so much Desire of joy yea and desire of tears Leave me this one dear solace in my touch This little lamp to light the desolate years Pray you my master let me keep my dream Theodosia Garrison In Harpers Bazar Why He Paid the Fare Three small boys who were in a crowded car going to a suburban ball game were discussing the effect the cost of the trip would have on their supply of pocket money and reached the point where they were deciding if they wouldnt have to walk home if they had to pay to get into the grounds I wont declared one of the boys Why not asked his incredulous companions The boy with the five cent surplus jerked his head In the direction of a young man on the end of the seat and explained He paid my fare Oh I know what he did that for commented one of the youthful cynics Hes after your sister New York Press Railway Mail Clerks Hotel The clerks of the railway mail ser vice who work in the traveling post offices that run in and out of New York have a lodging house at 26 Vesey Street which they maintain at a cost of 12 a year for each of the 700 clerks who put up there at the New York end of their runs This is a tri fle over 3 cents a night for each clerk ITHE MONTHLY TRIAL HEADACHE DIZZINESS BEARING DOWN PAINS A Woman Tells How She Han Become Well and Strong after Years of Misery Due to Irregular Functions The fact that one woman is bright eyed rosy cheeked strong and cheerful while another is pale weak and de pressed is duo more often than other wise toitho regularity in the one case and the irregularity in the other of tfie functions that are peculiar to the sex When these are disturbed everything goes wrong pain and discomfort are felrall over the body the sensations are often terrifying For four years said Mrs Davis re cently I suffered indescribable misery from sick headache every mouth ac companied by fainting spells shortness of breath and severe pain in my left side There were also bearing down pains at times so acute that I could not stand up and my head was full of ringing sounds It seemed as if everything was going to hit me in the eyes I was compelled to lie down with closed eyes for hours to get a little relief When I attempted to arise everything would whirl arouud and it would grow so dork that I could scarcely see any object Couldnt your doctor help you Five doctors in all treated me but I got no lasting benefit Besides I used a lot of advertised remedies The only medicine however that had the de sired effect was Dr Williams Pink Pills and they are truly a godsend to women I did not have much faith in them when I began to tako them I found myself however so much better after using two boxes that I began to believe in them They checked right away the decline into which I was going My troubles kept lessening and finally disappeared altogether How long did it take for a cure After I had used several boxes my health was all right I had taken on flesh and was strong and hearty I feel today in spirits more like a girl of six1 teen than a woman of my years Mrs O H Davis address is Carmel Maine R F D No 2 Dr Williams Pink Pills are confidently offered to women for the cure of anaemia chloro sis painful and irregular periods and all forms of weakness They are sold by every druggist Mother Nature is the only woman who never changes styles Her ap ple blossoms are of the same old shade and pattern E7ITC permanently cured No fits or nervousness atte rl S w first days use or Dr Klines Great Nerve Kestor er Send for FREE 8200 trial bottle and treatise Da B H Kuxe Ltd 831 Arch Street Philadelphia Fa Too many women look upon a mar riage certificate as a license to oper ate a hold up game Sirs InilowB Soothing Syrnp For children teething softens the gums reduces In flammation allays pain cures wind colic 25c a bottle Few husbands care whether or not they are tied to apron strings unless the apron strings show on i r Decrease on Selling Fish Fish because of its tendency rapid ly to decompose holds a peculiar posi tion among foods In England It is the subject of a special act of parlia ment So long ago as 1698 men knew the evil consequences resulting from eating mackerel of uncertain post mortem age So they passed an act providing that except during the hours of divine service this fish could not be sold on Sunday That act has never been repealed Every housekeeper should know that If they will buy Defiance Cold Water Starch for laundry use they will save not only time because it never sticks to the iron but because each package contains 16 oz one full pound while all other Cold Water Starches are put up in -pound pack ages and the price is the same 10 cents Then again because Defiance Starch is free from all injurious chem icals If your grocer tries to sell you a 12 oz package it is because he has a stock on hand which he wishes to dispose of before he puts in Defiance He knows that Defiance Starch has printed on every package in large let ters and figures 16 ozs Demand De fiance and save much time and money and the annoyance of the iron stick ing Defiance never sticks A woman may not be able to sharp en a lead pencil but just watch her sharpen a mans wits 1MPERIALHERNIA CURE Dr O S Wood cures Rupture by a new process in a few weeks with out loss of time or inconvenience Rectal diseases cured without the knife Send for circular O S Wood M D 521 N Y Life Bldg Omaha If you have a horseshoe nailed over your door and it doesnt fall on your head you are very lucky Insist on Getting It Some grocers say they dont keep Defiance Starch because they have a stock in hand of 12 oz brands which they know cannot be sold to a cus tomer who has once used the 1G oz pkg Defiance Starch for same money Man is an open hook only some women never learn their letters No chromos or cheap premiums but a better quality and one third more of Defiance Starch for the same price of other starches One way to he clever is not to think you are too all fired clever More Flexible and Lasting wont shake out or blow out by using Defiance Starch you obtain better re sults than possible with any other brand and one third more for same money If the pockets are deep enough a hoys first pair of trousers always fit Superior quality and extra quantity must win This is why Defiance Starch is taking the place of all others Intellectuality is a hopeless spin ster MR and MRS WILBERT THOMPSON 801 Main St Peoria III MULLS GRAPE TONIC CURED HIM r Mills Conviction Follows Trial When buying loose coffee or anything your grocer happono to have in his bin how do you know what you are getting Some queer stories about coffeo that is sold in bulk could bo told if the people who handle it grocors cared to speak out Could any amount of mero talk have persuaded millions of housekeepers to use Lion Coffee UlC leader Of all package coffees for over a quarter of a century if they had not found it superior to all other brands in Purity Strength Flavor and Uniformity Thin nnnular success ol LION COFFEE can be due only to Inherent merit There Is no stronger proof ol merit than con tinued and increasing popularity If the verdict ol MILLIONS OF HOUSEKEEPERS does not convince you of the merits ol LION COFFEE It costs you but a trifle to buy a package It Is the easiest way to convince yourself and to make you a PERMANENT PURCHASER LION COFFEE is sold only In 1 lb sealed packages and reaches you as pure and clean as when ft left oar factory Lion head on every package Save these Lion heads for valuable premiums SOLD BY GROCERS frVFUVWHlTDin WOOLSON SPICE CO Toledo Ohio 9 m Natural TTaror lFwl wJfS y0m 1MmmML WKwjCmJT V wTSSBKNSm Dainty Delicious Attractive to the Eye and satisfying to the appetite Libbys SS Food Products Ox Tongue Potted Chicken Deviled Ham Dried Beef Brisket Beef Lunch Tongues Soups Corned Beef Hash all as good as I Ad they are wholesome Easy to serve The Booklet Eow to Make Good Things to Eat sent free Address Lribby McNeill Libby Chicago SEND TEN CENTS 75he American HomesteLd Nebraskas oldest and best Fninlly Fnnn nml Story Ijiiier All the news of the world Current events illustrated by noted Artists Serial and Short Stories of the highest class Farm Garden Agricultural Horticul tural Dairy and Home departments AN IDEAL FAMILY NEWSPAPER Regular price 5100 Special price for 30 days 10 cents per year Ad dress AMEUICA HOMESTEAD Omalm Xeh MOLES and WARTS REMOVED Without pain and without leaving mark or scar GUAiiAXTEED Peumaxext 100 per bottle by mall Miller Manufactures Co LincolnNeb TiriBi PIT PITLESS SCALES For Steel and Wood Frames 525 and up Write tis before vou buv We save vou t Imonev Also Pumos and Wind BECKMAN BROS Des Moines Iowa When answering advertisements kind ly mention this paper A m J L A ffl 1 m jSfc His Life Wilbert Thompson never knew a well day he had been constipated all his life many doctors treated him but all failed to even help him his health failed rapidly and on January 21 1903 Mrs Thompson asked us to suggest a treatment for her husband We thought the case too serious and recommended that a specialist be consulted but he also failed to help the patient NOW HE IS WELL Mulls Grape Tonic Cured Him Mrs Thompson first wrote us as follows My husband aged 23 suffers from sharp pains in his stomach and sometimes thinks it is his heart Let me know by return mail what causes the pain if you can Mr Thompson has been treated by several doctors but they have given him up We promptly advised that a first class specialist be consulted Wequote We want to sell Mulls Grape Tonic because we know it will cure constipation but 0ca bottle is no object to us when a human life is at stake and if your husbands case is as serious as you state we suggest you consult a reliable specialist not the adver tising kind promptly At the same time knowing that Mulls Grape Tonic could dc no harm we advised its use until a physician could be consulted January 25th Mrs Thompson wrote that a physician had been con sulted He diagnosed the case as being chronic constipation and dyspepsia His treatment was followed faithfully but there was no perceptible improvement in Mr Thompsons health Then he began taking Mulls Grape Tonic and on September 3 1903 we received the following letter from Mrs Thompson You will remember that I wrote to you last January In regard to my husbands health It is four months since he quit taking Mulls Grape Tonic for constipation which he suffered from since birth He took Just 24 bottles of it and is perfectly cured He is much stronger and has gained considerably In flesh I cannot thank you enough for Mulls Grape Tonic It is worth its weight In gold Just SI2 cured him and he has spent hundreds of dollars with doctors who did him no good It did all you claimed It would Very respectfully yours MRS W H THOMPSON 801 Nrain St Peoria III Mr Thompson stopped taking Mulls Grape Tonic in June 1903 He has been completely cured and has taken no other medicine since that date Almost two years and no return of the disease should prove a permanent cure LET US GIVE YOU A BOTTLE For Hot Weather Ills CONSTIPATION Stomach Troubles Indigestion Dyspep sia Blood Poison Skin Diseases Sores Sudden Bowel Trouble Diarrhea Cholera Etc No one whose bow els are healthy and ac tive contracts these complaints Invari ably they are the re sult of Constipation which means decayed poisoned and dying bowels or intestines Check diarrhea and you are liable to fatal blood poison a physic makes you worse There isonly one right course and that is to treat the cause Re vive and strengthen the bowels and intes tines We will prove to yon that Mulls Grape Tonic cures Constipation and all these terrible Stomach and Bowel troubles because it cleanses the Blood and makes the intestines practically new It feeds the starved condition and brings them back to life notbingelsewill WRITE FOR THIS FREE BOTTLE TODAY Good for ailing children and nursing mothers The SlOO bottle contains nearly three times as xntxclx as the 50 cezxt size FREE COUPON Send this coupon to Mulls Grape Tonic Co 14S 3rd Ave Rock Island 111 and receive an order on your druggist for a free bottle of Mulls Grape Tonic Blood Tonic and Constipation Cure My Name Addressc City State Write yours and your druggists name and address plainly on a separate piece of paper and mail at once with this coupon CAUTION Do not accept MULLS 8RAPE TONIC unless it has a date and number stamped with indelible ink on the label o U SIZES FOR SALE OR REST Z Bend for Catalogue No 105 m Omaha Tent Awning Co X Omaha Nebraska