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About The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936 | View Entire Issue (June 30, 1905)
li c wt ft S ft j i TWENTY FOURTH YEAR Let Us Help You We want to assist you in the choice of your wall decorations furniture polish enamels stains and other house cleaning necessi ties If you need a painter or paper hanger let us know we save you the trouble of finding him Remember wo are headquarters for wall paper in all grades and that our prices are the most at tractive evor offered you for such goods We know we can please you and also save you money on your wall paper purchases See our windows for soma of the things you need in spring house cleaning campaign and remember that we carry only the best of everything in such goods and at the same time you save money when you give us your orders Cone linos Druggists Will Explain New A O U W Schedule Next Monday evenings meeting July 3rd will be important meeting for Mc Cook Workman and there ought to be a full attendance of members On this occasion Special Deputy James Farrell of Lincoln recorder of Capital City lodge No 80 and private secretary of United States Senator E II Burkett will be here and will make it his special business to explain th new schedule recently adopted by the grand lodge of A O U W which dispenses with the guarantee fund and provides for an em ergency and reserve fund Let every Workman who can possibly be out be present at this meeting It is important that all understand the workings of the new schedule and that all misunder standings and wrong impressions and the like be explained Burned Several Acres of Wheat Freight train No 145 Tuesday after noon about 330 set fire to a wheat field on the Frank Stillman farm just east of town and before the fire could be con trolled between four and five acres of wheat was destroyed The engine set fire at a half dozen or more places in the field after the manner of the famous ignitecoal The east end section gang on their hand car went to the scene as soon as the crew of 145 reported the fire Later a gang was sent from the round house on an engine but the section men had the fire extinguished before their arriv al A Phonograph For Summer An Edison Phonograph should have an important place in every home It is an ideals entertainer It provides music of every description from operas to ragtime It plays and sings without complaint and helps banish the cares of the day you can sing with the phono graph for it plays in perfect time If you will call we will be glad to show you tho machines At least call and listen to a concert McConnell druggist Northrup Snyder At the home of Mrs E Spangler in Kansas City Mo Thursday June 22 1905 Mr Charles Cheaviler Northrup and Miss Althea Snyder were united in marriage by Dr Mason pastor of the First Congregational church of that city The wedding was a quiet home affair Tho young couple went direct to their new home at 1305 Locust street after the ceremony The groom has a host of warm friends in McCook and he and his bride have the wishes of all for a happy and prosperous voyage Judges of Delegations Hon J S LeHew city attorney Hon F P Eno county assessor and Hon Frank Monre county judge will sit from 9 to 12 m Central time at the Judges stand at the court house to judge the delegations loads and families for which prizes are offered on the 4th of July They will pay out the prizes in cash at 1230 oclock New Barber Shop Earl Murraythe well known and pop ular barber will open a shop in the rear of the First Natic bank recently vacatedjby MissVanDepoel the milliner and would be pleased to greet his old customers and as many new ones as may desire his services in that line Remember the Big Dance July 4th in the evening in the Mc Cook skating rink Music by the K of P orchestra Best dancing floor in the city and the music will be superb Re member the big dance Desirable Residence For Sale My residence on corner of Marshall and Dakota streets Inquire at resi dence M U Clyde Helpful Rest can be secured by purchasing a com- fortable hammock at McMillens drug store The well dressed woman is noticeably neat about her neckwear All the right the bright things in ribbons Jaces and made up neckwear are at Thompsons Very lady like cool and sensible are those linen colored shirt waist suits for 150 at Thompsons Ludwick is now the queensware man - - Our Paints The Lincoln absolutely pure are giv ing entire satisfaction and sold on a guarantee If you -want the best mixed Paint or Lead and oil var nishes and stains we would like to figure with you McMillen Druggist - r lic - -it MOVEMENTS OF THE PEOPLE W C Bullard waH out from Omaha Monday on business Mks II H Miller is down from Denver guest of relatives C II Tanner barrister Stockville has been in tho city this week Dr O C Mastin of Indianola was a city visitor Monday on business Mr and Mrs Albert Barnett arriv ed home Monday from a brief visit in Chicago Miss Nellie Bennett is home from Concordia Kansas where she has been attending a convent school Mr and Mrs S A Miller and family of Limon Colorado are visiting in the home of J H Bennett Mrs Jennie A Barrett and daught er Nannie of Omaha are guests of the formers sist r Mrs W P Bross Dr A P Weeles is in Chicago at tending the national association meeting of the Homeopathic Medical association Misses Edith and Georgia Moon of Ashland Nebraska are guests of Miss Stella Fuller arriving in the city Wed nesday night Miss Louise Leppert who has been a guest of Mrs A C Wiehe for several months departed mid week for her home in Cherokee Iowa Miss Mary Heafey who has been taking music lessons at Concordia Kan sas for the past two years is with her sister Mrs J H Bennett Mrs I M Beardslee anc new daughter-in-law Mrs Fred Beardslee were guests of her daughter Mrs Will A Dolan of Indianola Monday Mrs J B Meserve arrived on 13 last Saturday morning from Beaumont Tex as to remain during the summer guest of Her daughter Mrs F M Kimmell Mrs Peter Carty and brother Mr Farrell were over from Lebanon part of the week Miss Bertha who has been attending the normal went over to Lebanon Sunday Wm Archer of Indianola has ac cepted a position with W F Heckman in the latters livery stable in this vil lage vice Claude Fleming resigned Wilson ville Review Miss Fanchon Duncan of North Platte is a guest of her father Dr C M Dunc an Miss b anchon was graduated from the North Platte high school at the re cent spring exercises D C Palmer and daughter Mrs W E DeWitt went down to Hastings Wed nesday morning on No 2 being sum moned there by the serious illness of a brother-in-law of Mr Palmers Mrs C H Bixler and little daught er went down to Holdrege Tuesday morning on 12 to join Mr Bixler who is now running a skating rink at that place having quit the railroad service Mrs G W Norris at the late chapter meeting at Clay Center was chosen one of the delegates to the supreme conven tion P E O to be held in Thorntown Indiana during tne second week in com ing October Misses Cleo and Bernice Rector of McCook stopped off here Wednesday night on their way home from the east to spend a few days with their aunt and uncle Mr and Mrs W H Cowgil and family Holdrege Progress I B Nutt of Danbury was in town Tuesday on his way east Mr Nutt has been in the confectionery business in Danbury and had thought some of locating in Wilsonville and engaging in the same business Wilsonville Review Miss Alice Harris daughter of Asst Supt Frank Harris of Aurora spent the early days of the week in the city guest or iUrs v u fcjolliday while on her way to Denver for a visit and recrea tion Miss Alice was a graduate of the Aurora high school this spring Mrs Frank Kendlen of the Palmer was in Lincoln close of last week visit ing relatives She returned home last b nday night accompanied by Celestme who has been attending school in a convent in the capital city and will spend the summer vacation at home Dr and Mrs J D Hare Hazel and Max arrived home last Saturday night on No 3 from Chicago where the fam ily has been for several months while Miss Hazel has been studying music on the violin The doctor recently joined them there and was present when Miss Hazel completed her studies Rev and Mrs M B Carman and daughter Dorothy departed Wednesday night for the east to be absent about five weeks They will visit his mother in Boston and at the old home in Ver mont on Lake Champlain a few miles from the Canadian line The boys will visit down in Franklin county during their absence Arrangements have been madeto have the local pulpit filled dur ing his vacation by brethren from neigh boring points Increase of 82 over Last Year Enumerator T F Rowell has just completed the work of taking the census of children between the ages of 5 and 21 in this school district and reports the total to be 1041 This is an increase of 82 over last year The yearly count of the number of children makes a satis factory showing of the sure and sub stantial growth of McCook The fig ures for the several years past are as follows 189S 834 1899 872 3900 90S 1901 92S 1902 931 1903 967 1904 959 1905 1041 The upholsterer that is working for Ludwick has work for three weeks booked now If you have pieces you want upholstered hand your list in now at the store At the school election in district 8 this week Mrs L J Burtless was re elected moderator and R M McDonald director also reelected Silk waists lawn waists in black in white in colors 8100 to 400 at Thompsons Silk gloves in blues browns black and white at Thompsons Stco0 330 oo fSSbWJsrtlWWlWTW PROGRAMME 800 Ii0O 1100 1200 100 130 200 to OF SPECIAL EVENTS July 4th 1905 ncCOOK NEBRASKA Chairman 4th of July Committee Q E THOMPSON Marshal FRANK EVERIST Aide WM ACKERMAN The Glorious Fourth will open With six cannon shots Salute to LIBERTY 900 to 1000 Concert by Cambridge Band 1000 Grand Metropolitan Cosmopolitan and Calithumpian Parade led by Band and participated in by the citizens merchants calithumpians and farmers of McCook and vicinity Ball Game Culbertson vs McCook at City Ball Park Commemorative and Celebrative Exercises at City Park Music Band Invocation Rev Carson Address of Welcome Mayor Waite Reading of Declaration of Independence Miss Ethel Barnett Chorus led by Prof Miller of Lincoln Star Span gled Banner Introduction of the Speaker of the Day by Prof Thomas followed by Oration HON J S HOAGLAND of North Platte Nebraska Music Chorus band and audience America Grand Barbecue of Prize Beef Chef Harry Barba zett assisted by the ladies of McCook Band Concert at City Park Cambridge Band Display of Chinese Day Fireworks consisting of fan tastic figures floating in mid air 300 A heterogeneous galaxy of mirth producing prize winning muscle hardening breath shortening Sports consisting of slow races fast races thin races fat races funny races serious races obstacle races barrow races two- three- and four legged races for all races Bring in your ponies bring in your mules there will be contests for all Master of Ceremonies H H Tartsch Cash prizes for winners of races Event Extraordinary special engagement of the dar ing aeronauts and aerial navigators Profs Curtis and Bales of Kansas City Mo who will make a Monster Balloon Ascension Ball Game at City Ball Park Hayes Centre vs McCook An awe inspiring death defying Parachute Drop will be made by Prof Curtis who will ascend thousands of feet in his Monster Balloon and will then jump into space and plunge downward hold ing only to a Parachute to break his terrible jour ney through the air 630 Automobile Race These self propelled marvels of mechanical ingenuity traveling at the rate of a mile a minute will contest for supremacy on Den- nison Street finishing at the intersection of son and Main 700 Fire Department Race between Company No 1 and Company No 2 Geo Scott Chief of Depart ment An alarm of fire will be turned in and the two contesting companies will race to Dennison Street near Main Ave couple to the hydrant and turn on the water the company water winning the first prize 730 Water Fight between Companies 1 and 2 on Den nison Street This is a mirth producing contest and will prove that we have plenty of water in this country 830 first obtaining The day will close with a Superb Display of Fireworks at terminating with a beautiful and artistic set piece in letters of fire Good Night lr Several Holdrege School Items Holdrege is completing arrangements to spend 17000 in a new high school building Her estimate of expenses for the next school year calls for 12400 and the tax levy is 31 mills Stokes the grocer See that road wagon at Colemans for 3850 its a peach All shoe repairing promptly and neatly done Bring in your work The Bee Hive The mills of the Gods grind slowly but never grind finer flour than Doans mills produce W Meyers an old time shoe maker from Lincoln has accepted a position at The Bee Hive McConnells Blackberry Balsam is a certain cure for cramps colic and cholera morbus no matter what the cause may be Messrs pray and Vanderhoof of the east Dennison street livery barn are im proving their business property considerably- A new shingle roof etc are among the items Celery Plants for Sale 25000 choice celery plants for sale and now is the time to plant for fall and winter use S2 50 per 1000 30 cents per 100 Large tomato cabbage and sweet potato plants 35 cents per 100 McCook Greenhouse McCook Neb Will Stop on July Fourth Agent Scott informs The Tribune that trains No 13 and 14 will both stop at Cambridge July Fourth to accom modate those who wish to come from that place and celebrate the day with us The cream business is becoming so heavy on the McCook division that a cream train two or three times a week will soon be necessary The largest line of dinner ware ever shown in the ture store - city at Ludwicks - Special on Wall Paper We have some desirable patterns in better grade papers at special prices Come in and see then A McMillen Druggist - ical biJurauy ribttne McCOOK RED WILLOW COUNTY NEBRASKA FRIDAY EVENING JUNE 30 1905 Llttle One Falls From Train 6 Little Helen Margaret Bales daugh ter of Mrs William C Bales of 1643 Humboldt street Denver fell out of tho window of a Pullman on passengor train No G Tuesdpy evening four miles oast of Hudson Colorado sustaining a mreu sKuu anu minor injuries about tho face A telegram received here yester day however announces that tho littlo girl is getting along very nicely The baby its mother and grandmoth er Mrs Copeland of Denver were en route for New York and Boston on a visit to relatives The mother is a rnu 1 1 u 1 -1 uuuy wuo is due two years and four months old was playing on the lap of its grandmother who was dozing at the time when suddenly the little oho ien oacKwards out of tho open window of the Pullman The trainmen were informed immedi ately and the train was brought to a stop about a mile east of tho place of the accident Backing up the little one was found at tho foot of an embankment about ten feet hierh kicking and m vinr luaiuy iBB injured uaoy was placed on the train and came as far east as Mc Cook where it received temporary sur gical attendance being taken back to Denver on train No 3 tho sanio night and placed in St Josephs hospital for treatment The company is doing construction work in the neighborhood of tho acci dent and that the baby missed striking some of tho rails ties etc is remark able and doubtless saved its life The fact that it fell out backwards and rolled down the embankment doubtless saved the baby from terrible injuries if not fatal ones Conductor P F McKenna was in charge of tho train and tho distracted women were very grateful to him and the company for tho every kindness and assistance shown g SAM JONES IS COMING to town FRIDAY JULY 21 IS TilE DATE METHODIST CHURCH The lecture by Rev Sam P Jones at the city hall drew a large audience which nearly filled the spacious aud itorium It is always tho unexpect ed that happens and this is what kept the throng laughing over the speakers witty sayings or thinking when he let fly among them a keen shaft of truth The lecture was at once entertaining and elevating awakening the nobler sentiments and impulses of the mind The large audience in attendance assures a good financial outcome for the benefit of the church Fort Worth Morn ing Register TICKETS 50 CENTS AT MCCONNELL S City Council Acts City council met in regular session Mondajv evening present Council men Ward Lawritson and Custer Minutes of previous meeting were read and ap proved Reports of police judge for May was read and accepted Total fines 7900 The street commissioner was on mo tion instructed to have sidewalk grade reestablished from J A Wilcox corner west and from tho Nicholas PlmiRsnrrl corner north mu i ti - uibv marsnai was instructed to see P Walsh and ask him to remove the barn recently put on lot 16 also to ve neer the building recently moved on to lot 16 by permission of the city council or remove same from said lot The city marshal was also instructed to inestigate the matter of removing old buildings within the fire limits and to report at the next meeting of the council On motion the McCook Electric Light Co was requested to instal eight addi tional incandescent street lights This makes ten new street lights The in stalments are to be at light companys expense Mrs Sylvester Cordeal A Campbell and Rev J J Loughran were re-appointed members of library board Con firmed Adjourned Cherries for Sale at the Morlan farm Pickers bring your scissors R M McDonald phone Y135 When you take your vacation this summer dont forget to take a fountain penvith you They are very convenient if not a necessity We have the Parker Lucky Curve and the Laughlin Pens and guarantee both to be perfect McConnell druggist Childrens Buster Brown belts 25c at Thompsons The W C T U meets with Mrs Thorgrimson July 7th Dazzling variety of attractive new belts for the 4th at Thompsons Shoes repaired and work guaranteed at the old stand The Bee Hive White muslin underskirts and corset covers in large assortment at Thomp sons Dont forget to step in to Paul Antons new meat market and patronize the Baptist church July 4th We have now in our employe a first class shoemaker who will attend to all your shoes needing repair The Bee Hive 4 j H0 V A Vr ROBERSON Could not keop his engagement with tho junior normal school on ac count of tho critical illness of his wiie no win como later A aato will bo announced Queensware store Twilled silk umbrellas 225 at Thompsons A second band surrey at W T Colemans Remember phone No want nice fresh groceries Neck ribbons and great variety for the Thompsons 81 to now Tho Fnmous SLAYTON JUBILEE SINGERS will appear in tho Junior Normal Course WEDNESDAY EVENING JULY 12 1905 at tho Opera House EIGHT TUNEFUL AKTI8T3 Romombrancoof them from last sum mer will fill tho opora houso Holders of season tickots can secure reserved seats Friday July 7 at 730 nm Sale of seats Saturday July 8 MINOR ITEMS OF NEWS McConnoll for drugs Stokes grocer phono No 30 Everything in drugs McConnoll Try Stokes for groceries Phono 30 McConnells Lightning Corn Cure 10c at Ludwicks furniture V200 lor sale cheap 30 when you That sliced halibut will canturo von if you try it once Stokes grocery Our Mr Meyers will get your shoes repaired promptly at Tho Beo Hive Wanted a girl for light houso work Mrs C L Walker rf All shoes bought of J II Grannis will be repaired free at Stulken Bauers Photographs ton cents a dozen till July 5th only Gallery over Knipplos store McConnells Foot Powder your feet more comfortable will make 25 cents French canned goods peas mush rooms sardines etc at Stokes groc ery Gauze underwear and union suits for men women and children at Thomp son J II Grannis sale of summer dress goods dress skirts etc is now on Do not miss it sash ribbons 4th of July Water coolers at W T Place one in your store and help your trade in at Colemans see if wont Silk fans feather fans lace trimmed fans spangled fans for the 4th of Julv at Thompsons Lost A black waist jacket with rais ed ziz zag stripe in it Pleaso leave at DeGroffs store The only bier railroad show whinh will make this town this summer is a familiar advertising lie Sunburn tan or freckles need not bother you this summer if you will use McConnells Fragrant Lotion We take pride in getting your shoi repairing done promptly and at reason able prices The Bee Hive Paul Anton has generously handed his new meat market over to the Bap tist ladies to serve refreshments July 4th Farmers You will be wanting extra dishes for harvest Ludwicks Furni ture Store now has the largest stock in town The II S C social in the Congrega tional church Tuesday evening was a fair success socially and financially con sidered Why not get one of those oak water three gallon kegs to carry water to the field in Take a look at those at W T Colemans The fire department had a meeting Tuesday evening and completed ar rangements for their participation in the events of July 4th Our living friends are not our only advertisers- Competitive importations resort to devious methods to decry tho merits of Doans 91 patent When you are wondering on the 1th where to get something good to eat dont forget the Baptist ladies in the new Paul Anton meat market Dress skirts for ladies and girls large variety including Mohairs and Pana mas 200 to 850 Alternations with out extra charge at Thompsons The reduction prices on those summer dress goods dress skirts etc at J H Grannis are moving them fast Get in before the best values are taken McCook has an enviable reputation as the foremost city of enterprise in the western country Doans 91 patent has been one of McCooks best advertise ments The baseball game Friday afternoon last between Trenton and McCook on the local diamond was easy money for the home aggregation The score was IS to 12 in McCooks favor Beginning with July 1st E M Bige low will be the new financier for the A O U W McCook lodge No 61 to suc ceed C J Ryan who has for several years been financier for the local lodge NUMBER 5