LJv i -3 t 3S5 - WS t f TWENTY FOURTH YEAR m Let Us Help You Wo want to assist you in the choice of your wall decorations furnituro polish enamels stains and other house cleaning necessi ties If you need a painter or paper hanger let us know wo snve you the trouble of finding him Remombor we are headquarters for wall paper in all grades and that our prices are the most at tractive ever offered you for such goods We know wo can please you and also save you ironey on your wall papor purchases See our windows for some of the things you need in spring house cleaning campaign and remember that wo carry only tho best of everything in such goods and at the same time you save money when you eive us your orders Cone linos Druggists We Dont Deserve the Name The Bartley Inter Ocean goes after McCook apropos of tho recent declina tion of tho city council to allow the Bartley Telephone Co independent to run a line into tho court house in rather too harsh terms and with too much gen erality In tho first place tho business men and citizens of McCook are not op posed to tho admission of tho Bartley line notwithstanding tho council is The bnsinessmen have already voted they were in favor of thoir admission And tho people of the city are certainly in favor Henco The Tr -bunk objects to the general termsof the Inter Oceans roast Tho request was and is a reasonable one and The Tribune hopes thecouncil of this city will do itself tho credit cf reconsidering ihe proposition at an early meeting and that they will grant the request of the Bartley com pany eazss A Musical Instrument Anyone Can Play An Edison Phonograph All you have to do is to wind it put on record and start the machine and you can have a concert of your own se lection In homes remote from tho pleasure of the city one having a phon ograph may without trouble and at small expense listen at will to the lat est music as rendered by the greatest artists or hear the voices of famous com edians in laughter provoking mono logues You may own one of these ma chines by the payment of S100 a week for a short time Come in and hear the latest songs McConnell Druggist Utter Tillotson The Tribune is in receipt of an an nouncement of the marriage of Mr Arthur J Utter and Miss Maude W Tillotson both of Chicago The wedd ing took place on Thursday June 15 in the Washington Park Congregational church The young folks will make their homo at 5333State street Heres wishing Archie and the wife of his choice much joy Desirable Residence For Sale My residence on corner of Marshall and Dakota streets Inquire at resi dence M U Clyde Doans 91 is the Cream of all thats good The sensitive touch of the most experienced miller can produce no better flour Helpful Rest can be secured by purchasing a com fortable hammock at McMillens drug store McCook has an enviable reputation as the foremost city of enterprise in the western country Doans 91 patent has been one of McCooks best advertise ments - UPHOLSTERING - I have a fine workman that will be with me for a short time who is pre pared to do the best of upholstering work It is hard to get a good me chanic to come here so while we have one you should have your work done if you have any You can have your old pieces of furniture made to look like new and covered in any grade of goods you want leather work a specialty J E LUDWICK THE HOUSE FURNISHER A complete line of Queensware is a -new department of our store - - The celebrated Oskosh J C overclothes for engine men and railroad ers S175 per suit caps 25c Thomp sons exclusive agents There is a blue sack coat at The Tri bune office for the owner It was found on the road near J A Schmitzs last Saturday Trains have all been delayed today by high waters and washouts between Bart ley and Cambridge - pl MOVEMENTS OF THE PEOPLE Robert A Cleauy has gono to New York city Mrs W J Russell is visiting in Bonkelman this week Mrs T Z Wallace and two children are in Palisade on a visit Mrs Joseph Kubick and two sons are visiting in Red Cloud Master Leo Ryan is visiting rela tives in Sutton and Grafton Neb Mrs Prank Harris of Aurora was tho guest of McCook friends Sunday Mrs Jacob Matz and sister are in Franklin this week visiting their par ents Misshs Julia and Mollie Ryan enter tained the Awl Os Tuesday evening in usual happy form Mrs A J Jackson of Johnstown Pa is a guest of Mr and Mrs W O Mar shall for the summer Mrs William Washburn is down from Holyoke Colorado guest of her mother Mrs Escher Miss Mary Muoan and Jesuline de parted this week for Rocky Ford Col orado to be absent all summer W L Sutherland visited the fore part of the week with friends inSholton Kearney and other points Miss Deborah D Brinton is here from Des Moines Iowa guest of her parents Mr and Mrs J A Brinton Mrs WillKrauter was down from Akron Colo close of last week guest her parents Mr and Mrs J S LeIIew Mr and Mrs D C Benedict cf Cul bertson were drawn to the valleys finest Wednesday on a business pleasure mis sion Rev J J Lough an held Catholic ser vices in Indianola last Sunday morn ing driving down after holding his early mass here Mrs C B Sawyer and Miss Kate ar rived from University Place close of week past and will remain here during tho summer vacation Mrs N B Bush of Almena Kansas is visiting her parents Mr and Mrs F D Burgess this week The two chil dren accompany her Mrs Anna Colfer went in to Omaha Monday night to witness the gradua tion of her son Frank from Creighton university this week B F Rector left this week for Npr catur Kansas his brother accompany ing him The brothers contemplate en gaging in business there Mrs Paulina Fjillippi has return ed from Collegeview Nebraska where she has been recuperating from her re cent severe illness in a sanitarium there Editor and Mrs Leroy Mershon of tho Wilcox Banner were guests of his sister Mrs Floyd Berry close of last week They departed for home Sun day night Charlie Weintz was over in the Bond- ville precinct neighborhood Sunday guest of Herman Reiners and others He reports crops in that section as in splendid condition and a large acreage of small grain T J Pate went up to Denver today on No 13 to attend the funeral Sunday of his brother Andrew J Pate of Denver who died Wednesday in Central City Colo from injuries received in jumping from a burning hotel Mrs Lee I Culbertson arrived home Wednesday night on No 3 from her visit in Iowa and eastern Nebraska She spent a few days in Lincoln with Mrs J W Selby on her way home Mr Culbertson spent Monday with them Mrs G W Norris andt Mrs C W Britt have been absent at Clay Center part of the week attending the Nebras ka Grand Chapter meeting P E O as representatives of chapter X of the city They left on No 12 Tuesday morning the grand chapter opening on Wednesday and continuing for two days - i Our Paints The Lincoln absolutely pure are giv ing entire satisfaction and sold on a guarantee If you want the best mixed Paint or Lead and oil var nishes and stains we would like to figure with you McMillen Druggist - Stokes the grocer - See that road wagon at Colemans for S3S50 its a peach All shoe repairing promptly and neatly done Bring in your work The Bee Hive The very newest and latest in belts just received by express blacks whites and colors at Thompsons W Meyers an old time shoe maker from Lincoln has at The Bee Hive accepted a position Boys balbriggan underwear 50c drawers either in knee or ankle length at Thompsons Panama and 350 to 850 Thonipsons Silician cloth skirts - alterations free at Junior Normal Notes J F Morris of Imperial was a nor mal visitor last Thursday Principal J A Crowl of Imperial on rolled this week Misses Emma and Mayme Kellor of Culbertson visited at the normal Tues day Supt Jas OConnoll was down from Trenton last Friday to look over tho work The total enrollment to date is 170 At tho end of tho third week a year ago it was but 141 Seats for Roberson may be reserved Monday at McConnells None will be sold until Wednesday Miss Nellie E Dick superintendent of Chase county was down from Imper ial Tuesday to inspect tho work of the normal Supt G H Pickett came down from Hayes Center Thursday to visit the Hayes county teachers in attendance at tho normal E D Lehmen of Gibbon is interview ing the teachers at the normal this week regarding supplies and materials for next years work Miss t Jora t5 Quick county superin tendent of Red Willow county conduct ed teachers examination at the East ward school Saturday Although the chapel hour unavoid ably comes at an inconvenient morning hour visitors are cordially urged to at tend and enjoy tho good things provided for the teachers Special talks and the Friday music program aro attractive State Superintendent J L McBrien was able to be in McCook Friday be tween the arrival of No 5 and the de parture of No 6 just long enough to in troduce Mr Cooke and to greet a few friends Instructor H F Hooper is this week in Milwaukee Wisconsin where he has gone as one of Nebraskas representatives at the big Woodman convention in as sembly Hn is nvDRntfirl hnnlr in I time for work next Monday Mr W E Heffelbower is conducting his classes meanwhile A particularly helpful feature of the work this summer is the music under the leadership of Mr Miller More is being made of it than last year The afternoon drill class has trebled in size and in addition a largo number stay each day and receive personal tion in voice culture The teachers of Red Willow county held a meeting last Thursday afternoon and elected association officers for tho ensuing year Mr F W Deffor of Indianola was their choice for president Mr George Fletcher of Danbury for vice president and Miss Anna Hannan of Danbury for secretary treasurer The Nebraska Public Library Com mission last week sent out from Lincoln for the use of the teachers three different collections of books a regular traveling library a set of professional and special books and a model rural school library Any of these books may be drawn out by the general public and all interested are urged to inspect them State Superintendent J L McBrien came out from Lincoln Tuesday night to make his first official visit at the nor mal He spent the entire day Wednes day in an inspection of the work and expressed himself as being well satisfied with the work of the school He spoke to the teachers at the chapel hour by wnom ne was entnusiastically and dially received The first music program of the sum mer was rendered at the chapel hour Friday morning Besides the songs and chorus work by the school there was a piano duet by Misses Emma Perry and Lillie Campbell and a violin solo b Mr Roswell Cutler Mr C H Miller sang King of the Winds by David and for an encore gave Drink to Me Only With Thine Eyes by Mozart Edmund Vanco Cooke gave a pleas ing address to the teachersFriday after noon on The Decadence of Poetry in which he sought to bring out the different qualities of poetic feeling that were in human beings He also justifi ed the so called newspaper poet Re plete with numorous stories his talk was enjoyed even though he did not quite measure up to what was expected from him Dean Henry L Southwick addressed the students Wednesday afternoon on the general subject of oratory and ex pression and for an hour held the7inter ested attention of all To make good readers is the work of every teacher and Mr Southwick rendered appreciated service to that end His remarks took a reminiscent turn also when it was a de light to come in almost personal contact with tho men who have made New Eng land famous in letters Dean South wicks was an inspiring visit - SAM JONES addressed a largo audience at Central church last ovening remarks were in tho irresistible 0 11 h Mlffr McCOOK RED WILLOW COUNTY NEBRASKA FRIDAY EVENING JUNE 23 1905 - tho iiis and unapproachable style of which Sam Jones is the only exponent Ho had his audience in tears at one momont and the next instant all present wore roaring with laughter at tho happy hit or funny story It is the same at all times and places where Sam Jones is tho speaker All who have heard him recognize tho symptoms Ro chester YDomocrat and Chron icle SAM JONES at METHODIST CHURCH JULY 21 1905 Tickets at McConnolls 50 cents Seats in auditorium reserved - Tho third in tho series of entertain ments will be F R Roberson Thursday night June 29 in a splendidly illustrat ed lecture on Russia Roberson has been in McCook three times already and everyone hero will bo glad to welcomo him again No stereopticon views could be finer than his and when it is consid ered that he has returned only this month from the scenes of the tremen dous political and social discontent in various parts of tho Russian empire new and added interest will bo aroused in what he may say The next number in the entertainment course occurs next Thursday night June 29 at tho opera house when Frank R Roberson who has just reached New York from Russia will give his beauti fully illustrated lecture on the war in the far east between Russia and Japan When Mr Roberson was in McCook last winter it will be remembered that ho represented the struggle as hopeless for the Japs and now after a series of brilliant victories it will be interesting to note how far his views have undergone a change It will bo a timely lecture brilliantly illuminated with the finest stereopticon views The Dean Was Delightful The recital by Dean Southwick of Emerson school of oratory Boston in the opera house Wednesday evening was a delightful treat The dean associ ates with his splendid ability the graces of a most attractive personality and captures his audience at the scoring line That the dean is capable of doing the humorous was well shown in the open ing minor part of his program when a number of mirth provoking and other wise selections were given the boat race was especially pleasing Rut the seiious delight of the evening was his recital of Bulwer Lyttons ro mantic and poetic dram Richelieu The Cardinal King Here the artist has full sway for his cleverness and he was not disappointing The Tribune is not enamored of the average entertainer elocutionist or reci ter but it would love to be bored by the delightful dean just as often as he can come this way I A Bam is Good Isnt It In any season a bath is good and re freshing but this is particularly so these hot days We have a great many handy little things to mike it more enjoyable Sponges brushes soaps atomizers bathosweet and many other things we have for your comfort and convenience McConnell Druggist Lost Card case containing card and 810 bill between Mrs Colfersand Mr Scotts residence Return to MrsH A Rouch Mae Sharp Ideal white black and colored waists are what the name implies per fect fitting well made stylish garments At Thompsons exclusively Mrs W S Perry and Mrs L R Hile man will give a Dorcas Kensington at the home of the former on next Thurs day at 230 p m June 30th Lace collars for neck for shoulders for yoke in jet ivory irridescent black white ecru brown navy from 25c to 375 at Thompsons The Willow was on a tear Tuesday night and caused considerable damage to crops in the valley by overflowing its banks in places There is a large ulster overcoat in the ante room of Masonic hall for the owner who will call for same promptly Plenty of pink light blue dark blue linen yellow red lavender and green lawns at Thompsons The mills of the Gods grind slowly but never grind finer flour than Doans mills produce Boys suits 125 200 275 350 500 at Thompsons J Edmund Vance Cooke Tho opening ontertainmont of tho Junior Normal courso last Friday oven ing in tho opera house drew a well fill ed house of appreciative members of the normal school and citizens of Mc Cook J Edmund Vance Cooke occupied tho platform Ho appears as an author a poet an impersonator and as each and all gives a good account of himself Ho presents a varied program with light ning changes so that he who would got all must follow quickly and wideawako Sparks of wit and flashes of merriment not excessive aro tonod by touches of tonderest sentiment and with the wholo is an admixture of understandable and wholesome philosophy until you havo an hour and a half of gonial worth while instructive stimulating entertain ment that leaves no bad taste or remem brance Painfully and Severely Injured A W Utter is laid up with quite severe and painful injuries caused by falling out of farm wagon and his tool chest falling onto him Ho was engaged in loading his work bench and tool chest onto Michael Houlihans farm wagon preparatory to doing some work on tho Houlihan dwelling out on tho farm Ho got too far back on tho load which became overbalanced He fell backward and tho load fell onto him The doctor reports no bones broken but injuries which will keep him abed for sometime Cherries For sale at tho Morlan farm R M McDonald Phone Y121 Our Mr Meyers will get your shoes repaired promptly at Tho Bee Hive - - Special on Wall Paper We have some desirable patterns in better grade papers at special prices Come in and see then A McMillen Druggist A few years ago all machinery was made from wood and today any piece of farm machinery that is not made of steel is out of date The latest is the steel wagon In a few years there will be nothing but steel wagons W T Cole man has them now You should call and see them There is renewed talk of moving for a city scales They are more satisfactory than private scales and would in time be a source of profit to the city as well The city council would doubtless move in this matter were it placed before them in proper form The virility of the Awl Os club is attributed by some crusty old bachelors to the alleged matrimonial bureau said to be a secret auxiliary of the club This is indignantly denied by the girls The Baptist ladies will servo meals lunch ice cream and cake during the Fourth To be served somewhere on the main street Watch for further notice of place of serving We are now unpacking a complete line of queensware and everything will be carried in open stock so you can get just what pieces you want at Lud wicks We have now in our employe a first class shoemaker who will attend to all your shoes needing repair The Bee Hive Shaded ribbons polka dot ribbons striped ribbons plaid ribbons lace striped ribbons in rl colors widths prices and kinds at Thompsons You surely will want one of those Quick Meal gasoline stoves or a refrig erator or an ice cream freezer at Cole man s before the hi celebration Out-of-town products are not in com petition when quality and excellence are considered as factors in flour Theres none so good as Doans 91 So popular are those 44c lawn dressing sacques that three or four to the cus tomer is the way they go At Thomp sons only of course Over eight hundred feet of shelving full of queensware is what is being opened up at Ludwicks Furniture Store We take pride in getting your shoe repairing done promptly and at reason able prices The Bee Hive Paul Antons new brick meat market building on Main avenue is about ready for occupancy Pure silk gloves with double finger tips in black navy browns and white 50c at Thompsons Shoes repaired and at the old stand work guaranteed The Bee Hive Queensware dishes crockery glass ware at Ludwicks Furniture Store Ue NUMBER 4 JAPANESE VICTORIOUS Battlo in Sea of Korea in Thoir Favor IMPENDING CLASH IN MANCHURIA Vast Armies of Russia and Facing Each Other Japan what will the issue hk May Havo Boaring on Possible Rev olution in Rusain McCook Nebraska23 1905 Tho junior normal school is pleased to an nounce that Frank R Roberson tho eminent world traveler will nrnnnt tho latest phases of tho situation in the far east in an illustrated lecture at tho opera house THURSDAY EVENING JINK 29 190 Mr Roberson is an authoratativo observer who only last week landed in Now York from an extonsivo trip abroad He has often pleased Mc Cook audiences and ho will do so again in a far happier way Jthan over before His pictures aro marvels clearly thrown on n largo canvass by an expert operator Public interest in tho Japanese Russian war will bo increased by tho remarks of ono who has just returned from the front Season tickets reserved at McCon nells Tuesday Juno 27 7 C0 a in No seats will bo sold until yday morning MINOR ITEMS OF NEWS McConnoll for drugs Stokes grocer phono No J0 Everything in drugs McConnoll Try Stokes for grocprio Phone CO McConnells Lightning Corn Cure 10c Linen colored lawn shirt waist suits 8150 at Thompsons A second hand surrey for sale cheap at W T Colemans Mens suits 500 805J tSLC 1000 13C0 at Thompsons Remember phcno No want nice fresh groceries V when you Japanese kimonos short and 135 to 350 at Thompsons long J E Ludwick is adding a complete line of queensware to his stock That sliced halibut will capture you if you try it once Stokes grocery AH shoes bought of J II Grannis will be repaired free at Stulken it Bauers Get Ludwicks prices on ilavilanc china A new stock being opened up Skating all day and a big dance in tho evening at the skating rinkJuly 4th French canned goods peas mush rooms sardines etc at Stokes groc ery J II Grannis sale of smer dress goods dress skirts etc id on Do not miss it The Citizens Bank is having a fine steel ceiling put up in the bank room this week Water coolers at W T Colemano Place one in your store and oe if wont help your trade Tape girdles gauze girdles batiste girdles American Beauty make too 35c to 75c at Thompsons Sunburn tan or freckles need not bother you this summer if you will use McConnells Fragrant Lotioa The Methodist church lol its chim ney in last nights gale The roof was slightly damaged by falling stone Farmers You will be wanting extra dishes for harvest Ludwicks Furni ture Store now has the largest stock in town An entertainment will be given at the meeting of the A O U W next Mon day evening and the publso is invited to attend Why not get one of those oak water three gallon kegs to carry water to the field in Take a look at those at W T Colemans Lost a gold cross shape broach with small diamond setting Finder will please return same to this oilice and re ceive reward 1 Our living friends are not our only advertisers Competitive importations resort to devious methods to decry the merits of Doans 91 patent For Sale My property on Melvin st No 207 seven rooms two closets and china closet Inquire of F L Traver McCook Neb The reduction prices on lnoae summer dress goods dress skirts p at J II Grannis are moving them fast Get in before the best values are taken White granite semi porcelain both American and English make Haviland china etc are some of the different classes of goods in Ludwicks new china stock Oa