The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, June 16, 1905, Image 7

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Si v
Mrs Mary Dimmick of Washington tolls
How Lydla E PInkhams Vegetable
Compound Made Hor Woll
It is with great pleasure we publish
the following letters as they convinc
ingly prove the claim we have so many
times made in our columns that Mrs
I llBi gfSBBKBflL 1 I
H 7 tPSr
JMrjAtary Dimmick g
Pinkham of Lynn Mass is fully quali
fied to give helpful advice tosickwomen
Bead Mrs Dimmicks letters
Her first letter
Dear Mrs Pinkham
I have been a sufferer for tho past eight
years with a troublo which first originated
from painful menstruation tho pains were
excruciating with inflammation and ulcera
tion of the womb Tho doctor says I must
have an operation or I cannot live I do not
want to submit to an operation if I can possi
bly avoid it Please help me Mrs Mary
Dimmick Washington D C
Her second letter
Dear Mrs Pinkham
You will remember my condition when I
last wrote you and that tho doctor said I
must have an operation or I could not live
I received your kind letter and followed your
advice very carefully nnd am now entirely
well As my case was so serious it seems a
miraclo that I am cured I know that I owe
not only my health but my life to Lydia E
Pinkhams Vegetable Compound and to your
advice I can walk miles without an ache or
a pain and I wish every suffering woman
would read this letter and realize what you
can do for them Mrs Mary Dimmick 59th
and East Capitol Streets Washington D C
How easy it was for Mrs Dimmick to
write to Mrs Pinkham at Lynn Mass
and how little it cost her a two cent
stamp Yet how valuable wasthereply
As Mrs Dimmick says it saved her life
Mrs Pinkham has on file thousands
of just such letters as the above and
offers ailing women helpful advice
P laltllH T iff III iLlKi JkWl
troubled with ills peculiar to
itSteiS 2rtf
thai fav ncaj aa fl Arnf1ik 1a W5riTfftncl ti
cessful ThorouEolvcleanses kills disease eerms
etops discharges heals inflammation and local
60reness cures leucorrhoea and nasal catarrh
Paxtine is in powder form to be dissolved inpure
trater and is far more cleansing healing germicidal
and economical than liquid antiseptics for all
For sale at druggists GO cents a box
Trial Box and Book of Instructions Free
The R Paxton Company Boston Mags
You Can Doable Your Money
By investing in Texas farm land now
Fertile soil abundant rain fall mild
climate and good markets Write or call
Bank Bldg Omaha Nebr
Grace for Both
A theological student being urged
by some young ladies to join a quad
rille declined and turning to a young
lady near by asked with rather an
imposing air Do you think Mrs
that a man ought to dance who ex
pects to fill the pulpit The lady re
plied I dont see why he should not
provided he has grace for both
Here is Relief for Women
Mother Gray a nurso in New York dis
covered a pleasant herb remedy for womens
ills called AUSTRALIAN LEAR It is tho
only cortain monthly regulator Cures
femalo weaknesses and Backache Kidney
Bladder and Urinary troubles At all Drug
gists or by mail 50 cts Samplo mailed
FREE Address Tho Mother Gray Co
The hottest and coldest months for
the ocean are August and Februaiy
Dont you know that Defiance Starch
besides being absolutely superior tc
any other is put up 1C ounces in pack
age and sells at same price as 12
ounce packages of other kinds
Acting a part possesses the dangei
of being carried too far
The well earned reputation and increas
ing popularity of the Lewis Single
Binder straight 5c cigar is duo to tbi
maintained high quality and appreciation
of the smoker Lewis Factory Peoria HI
Kissing and shaking hands are rare
ly practiced in Japan
If you dont get the biggest and best
its your own fault Defiance Starch
is for sale everywhere and there is
positively nothing to equal it in qual
ity or quantity
The tone of the voice carries deceit
quite as much as does the utterance
A patriot is a politician who is try
ing to break into office
Dr Dnvitl Kennedys Favorite Remedy
cured me of Ii rights Ilscne and Urn el Able physicians
failed Mrs E P Jllzner Burshlll O 1 00 a bottle
A woman may lose her mind but
she is never at a loss for words
San Franciscos Destiny
Statistics derived from the highest
possible authorities are sufficient to
establish the claim of San Francisco
that it is the financial New York of
the Pacific coast They also point
clearly to the observing person the
fact that much greater things are in
store financially for San Francisco
Many prominent persons in all parts
of the world believe that San Fran
cisco is destined to become eventually
one of the great money centers of the
world There are sufficient facts to
make interesting and possibly instruc
tive a consideration of the possibili
ties of the future in this direction
David H Walker in Sunset Magazine for
A mans affidavit as to his own
character is not evidence
Important to Mothers
Examino carefully every bottle of CASTORIA
a safe and euro remedy for infants and children
and see that it
Bears tho
Signature of
la Use For Over 30 Years
The Kind You Have Always Bought
A plain face is its own chaperon
Twice as Good
One Third the Cost
Every day is bargain day in the
Wave Circle Come in and get ac
quainted K C will help you cut
down the living expenses and make
doctors bills a thing of the past Do
you realize that you can get the best
and purest baking powder in the world
at one third what youve been paying
for anywhere near K C quality A 25
ounce can costs 25c Think of the saving
Can you make money any easier Get
at to day The grocer returns the
price of can if you are not satisfied
Jill Grocer
Send postal for the beautiful
Book of Presents
un cago
I lift tH W gn k i m a M
Will fit every foot In yonr family and the price Pill please you as well They are made of
ucaw m car nave style ana snap ask your ueaier so snow yon me Family
uiie u no uuoo uui uanoje it write to ns airecc ana ire wm boo tnai yoa are snppued
mrm iSSSiiiii I
recently added to the popular Mueller
pianos make them the greatest piano
value known
From oar factory to the home
SAVES 7500 to 15000
Our illustrated booklet free for the
asking tells you why Write for It
today -well answer tomorrow
Address the makers
We have no agents
1313 Pamnm St OMASA WEB
Queer Prank Played by Lightning In
During a severe electrical storm
yesterday afternoon lightning did some
queer stunts about the farm home of
Peter Jordan eight miles northwest
of this city His three boys were
sitting in the barn doors two below
and one in the haymow watching
the big hailstones fall Suddenly a
bolt of lightning shot down Itshat
tered the sill on which the two boys
were located tearing big isplinters
from one end Earl the youngest lad
had his back badly burned and his
hair caught fire The other brother
was not injured in the least and was
not long in going to the relief of Earl
The lad in the hayloft received a
pretty severe shock his limbs being
numbed to such an extent that he had
to be carried into the house
A physician was at once summoned
by telephone from this city When he
arrived at the farm home he found
only the youngest boy had suffered
injury the other two having recovered
from the shock But little Earl fareu
badly Besides the painful burns his
eyesight is affected and up to a late
hour last night he could not see at
all But it is thought the boy will
not permanently lose his eyesight
A very strange thing in connection
with the freak bolt is that on one
side of the barn two horses were stand
ing in a stall and one of them was
killed On the other side of the barn
two other horses were eating hay
One of these was also killed while the
other was knocked down There was
no hay in the barn loft and no fire
ensued Vermillion Correspondence
St Paul Dispatch
Gift to Civil Service Commission
Starts Departments Working
Can a government department re
ceive donations is the question that
has been raised by the reception at
the Washington city postoffice of an
international money order to the
credit of the civil service commission
The amount contributed or intend
ed to be contributed to the commis
sion is twenty cents but the matter
is held to involve a precedent
Accordingly the advice of the con
troller of the treasury was sought
and that official after due considera
tion decided that it would be illegal
for any branch of the government to
receive money outside its regular ap
propriations by congress but that it
would be permissible to return the
money into the treasury where it
would find its place either in the con
science fund or appropriations unpro
vided for
The controller further remarked
unofficially that the amount so gen
erously donated might on account of
its magnitude be put to such uses as
the commission decided
The latter through its custodian
turned the order over to the post
office and that institution will in its
turn endeavor to give it back to the
sender a citizen of Austria or to the
Austrian government New York
The Maidens Lament
The wind rocks the forest
The clouds gather oer
The maiden sits lonely
Beside the green shore
The breakers are dashing with might
with might
And she mingles her sighs with the
gloomy night
And her eyes are dim with tears
The earth is a desert
And broken my heart
Nor aught to my wishes
The world can impart
Thou Holy One call now thy child from
I have known all the joys that the world
can bestow
I have lived and have loved
In vain oh how vainly
Flows tear upon tear
Human woe never waketh
Dull deaths heavy ear
Yet say what can soothe for the sweet
vanished love
And I the Celestial will shed from above
The balm for thy breast
Let ever though vainly
Flow tear upon tear
Human woe never waketh
Dull deaths heavy ear
Yet still when the heart mourns the
sweet vanished love
No balm for its wound can descend from
Like loves sorrows and tears
Schiller Bulwers translation
Bankers Kindness to Mrs Grant
An incident lately made public re
veals one of the leading bankers of
Denver David H Moffat in a favor
able light Mr Moffat was formerly
the partner of the late United States
Senator Chaffee whose daughter mar
ried U S Grant Jr After Mr Chaf
fees death his estate suffered re
verses and in the panic of 1893 a
large business block in Denver a part
of Mrs Grants inheritance was
threatened with foreclosure The
amount of the mortgage was 150
000 Mr Moffat advanced the sum
needed to save the block and then
carried it along for Mrs Grant until
all danger of loss had passed Re
cently Mrs Grant sold the property
for 300000 leaving her after repay
ing Mr Moffat an equity of 150000
Many Pictures of Paul Jones
Paul Jones says a writer was
portrayed in every costume that a
pirate could be expected to masquer
ade in and his whiskers were of the
longest blackest and curliest He is
portrayed in all degrees from the sar
donic gentleman cutthroat to the
blood-and-wounds Bill Bowline type of
tar but always with as much sofa pil
low stuffing as possible One portrait
presents him in a neat militia uniform
something like that of the time of the
Mexican war and with the pattern of
whiskers afterward known to fame as
Burnsides There seems to be one
point of accuracy in all these pictures
if they are of the three quarters or full
length Jones is always represented
with a girdle full of pistols a habit of
dress to which he was accustomed
A Former Pronounced Dyspeptic IIo Now
Rejoices In 1erfect Freedom from
Miseries of Indigestion
Thousands of sufferers know that tho
reason why they are irritable and de
pressed and nervous and sleepless is be
cause their food does not digest bnt how
to get rid of tho difficulty is the puzzling
Good digestion calls for strong diges
tive organs and strength comes from n
supply of good rich blood For this
reason Sir Baysson took Dr Williams
Pink Pills for tho euro of indigestion
They have been my best doctor ho
says I was suffering from dyspepsia
The pains in my stomach after meals
were almost unbearable My sleep was
very irregular nnd my complexion wns
sallow As tho result of using eight
boxes of Dr Williams Pink Pills about
tho merits of which I learned from
friends in France I havo escaped all
these troubles and am able again to take
pleasnro in eating
A very simple story but if it had not
been for Dr Williams Pink Pills it
might havo been a tragic one When dis
comfort begins with eating fills up tho
intervals between meals with pain and
prevents sleep at night there certainly
cannot bo much plensuro in living A
final general breaking down must be
merely a question of time
Mr Joseph Baysson is a native of
Prance but now resides
at No 2139 Larkin street San Francisco
Cal Ho is one of a great number who
can testify to the remarkable efficacy of
Dr Williams Pink Pills in tho treatment
of obstinate disorders of the stomach
Xf you would get rid of nausea pain or
burning in the stomach vertigo ner
vousness insomnia or any of the other
miseries of a dyspeptic get rid of tho
weakness of the digestive organs by tho
use of Dr Williams Pink Pills They
are sold by druggists everywhere
Proper diet is of course a great aid in
forwarding recovery once begun and a
little book What to Eat and How to
Eat may bo obtained by any one who
makes a request for it by writing to the
Dr Williams Medical Co Schenectady
NY This valuable diet book contains
an important chapter on tho simplest
means for the cure of constipation
Crystal Palace Largest Building
The Crystal palace accommodates
more people than any other building
in the world It will hold 100000
Covered Head Neck and Shoulders
Suffered Agony for Twenty five
Years Until Cured by
For twenty five years I suffered ag
ony from a terrible humor complete
ly covering my head neck and shoul
ders discharging matter of such of
fensiveness to Bight and smell that I
became an object of dread I con
sulted the most able doctors far and
near to no avail Then I got Cuti
cura and in a surprisingly short time
I was completely cured For this I
thank Cuticura and advise all those
suffering from skin humors to get it
and end their misery at once S P
Keyes 149 Congress Street Boston
It is not always well to declare you
are getting less than you deserve
100 Reward 100
The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn
that there I at least one dreaded disease that science
has been able to cure In all Its staces nnd that Is
Catarrh Halls Catarrh Cure Is the only positive
cure now known to the medical fraternity Catarrh
being a constitutional dlieae requires a constitu
tional treatment Halls Catarrh Cure is taken in
ternally acting- directly upon the blood and mucous
surfaces of the system thereby destroying the
foundation of the disease and giving the patient
strength by building up the constitution and agist
ing nature in doing Its -work Tho proprietors ha e
so much faith in Its curative powers that they offer
One Hundred Dollars for any case that It falls to
cure Send for list of testimonials
Address F J CHENEY A CO Toledo O
Sold bv all Drugglel 75c
Take Halls Family rills for constipation
This world owes every man a
hance to earn an honest living
Sirs Winaloxvs Soothlnp Syrnp
For children teething softens the guras reduces In
Sammatlon allays pain cures wind colic 25c a bottle
Small souls often cast big shadows
was IlHwii Km mm BBB
a journey save
money and trouble
cy using
sa3l vf W
Er m
ttmgfe3f m
JMtetM I
yiAiM Frfe
-v It 1
n a Inta rt nfnmnHnn nbont the South
west valuable alike to tho Investor and
want bow much you have to invest and we wlU
ridly furnish the Information
The opportunity today Is brighter and better
la the Southwest than anywhere else
Write today for a copy of onr book The
Comlns Country and particulars about ratea
Competent men In the
printing trades San
Francisco pays the
highest wages In the
United States Permanent Jobs given to good non
union men who can furnish satisfactory recommend
ations This la not a strike breaking proposition
the Pacific Coast Typothetae has decided to go to the
OPEN SHOP and that means jobs for competent
men and absolute protection Address W E
ALEXANDER Secretary CitizensAlliance
SOI Croasley Building San Francisco
For the Nursery
A plain green cartridgo paper is
used as tho basis of a pretty wall cov
ering for a nursery On it are pasted
at intervals figures of children of tho
Kate Greenaway order cut from a
special paper furnished for tho pur
pose Around the top Is a deep frieze
of jolly looking cats looking down
over a wall The idea of pasting any
suitable pictures on a plain green
background for a childs room is
worth carrying out
A Centenarians Breakfast
A New Yorlc man who died at the
ago of 104 years a few days ago had
tho samo things for breakfast during
tho last ninety years coffeo and
doughnuts or cullers followed by a
pipe of tobacco This is a sad case
for dietary reformers to consider but
probably they will maintain that he
would have lived twenty years longer
but for the coffee doughnuts and to
Real Absent mindedness
As for absent minded men said
the youth with red hair who had just
been reading a Live Topic about one
the best sample I ever saw was a
man who was lighting his cigar on tho
platform of a car lie had a silver
match safe When the cigar was lit
he threw away the match box and
carefully folded up tho wax match and
put it in his pocket New York Sun
Attractive Garden Caprice
The lovely gardens of Lady Wind
sor in England are rendered doubly
attractive by an ingenious little de
vice Big holes are bored at regular
intervals in the sides of an upright
barrel This is filled with rich sl
and plants are put in so that they
grow out of the holes These ban els
are covered with blooms of ivy geran
Second- hand Goods
Tho reason that widows have so
much attention and have so much dif
ficulty in getting married is because
a man usually objects to paying a
fancy price for shop worn goods
Hundreds of dealers say the extra
quantity and superior quality o De
fiance Starch is fast taking place of
all other brands Others say they can
not sell any other starch
Some people are so anxious to
spring a joke that they seem to have
the spring fever
oP oJ
His Health Was Wrecked
Gave New Life
Assembly -man Tighes letter should
be read by every brain worker leading
a strenuous life
Hon John Tighe No 93 iicmsen St
Cohocs N Y Membor of Assembly
from the Fourth district Albany
county X Y writes as follows
Ieruna has mj hearty indorsement
as a restorative tonic of superior merit
At times when I have been completely
broken down from excess of work so
that my faculties seemed actually at a
standstill leruna has acted as a heal
ing restorer starting the machinery of
mind and body afresh with new lifo
and energy
I recommend it to a man tired in
mind and body as a tonic superior to
anything I know of and well worthy
serious consideration 1 Tighe
Excess of work so common in our
country causes impaired nerves leading
to catarrh and catarrhal nervousness
a disease that is responsible for half of
all nervous troubles
leruna cures this trouble because it
cures catarrh wherever located
If jou do not derive prompt and satis
factory results from the use of Peruna
write at once to Dr Ilartman giving a
full statement of your cise and he will
be pleased to give ymi his valuable ad
vice gratis
Address Dr Ilartman President of
The Ilartman Sanitarium Columbus O
BSeoVWor Thompsons Eye Water
When Answering Advertisements
Kindly Mention This Paper
Let Common Sense Decide
Do you honestly believe that coffeo sold loose in bulk exposed
io uusl jjexjua uiiu msec is jasaiu
through many hands some of
thorn not over clean blended
you dont know how or by whom
is fit for your uso Of course you
dont But
is another story The green
berries selected by keen
judges at the plantation are
skillfully roasted at our fac
tories where precautions you
would not dream of are taken
to secure perfect cleanliness
flavor strength and uniformity
From the time the coffee leaves
the factory no hand touches it till
it is opened in your Jdtchen
Millions of American Homes welcome LIOX COFFEE daily
than continued and increas
of merit
There is no stronger proof
ing popularity Quality survives all opposition
Sold only in 1 lb packages Lion head on every package
Save your Lion heads for valuable premiums
ftg HP
Kothing pleases the eye so much as
a veil made dainty
ml II m H
WaV fJr 7 fl If H25
m HI v VWl
if properly laundered
To get the best results it
is necessary to use the
best laundrv starch
gives that finish to the
clothes that all ladies
desire and should obtain
It is the delight of the
experienced laundress
Once tried they will use
no other It is pure and
is guaranteed not to in
jure the most delicate
fabric It is sold by the
best grocers at 10c a
package Each package
contains 1G ounces
Other starches not nearly so good sell
at the same price per package but they
contain only 12 ounces of starch Con
sult your own interests Ask for
DEFIANCE STARCH get it and we
know you will never use any other
Detenu Sfereta mpanw mate Mh
100 Weekly Easily Made
writing health and accident Insurance jexperience un
necessary Write Banken Accident Co Dei Homes la
W N U Omaha
No 241905
Best Coush Syrup Taste Good Use
in time Sola by drnscuts