The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, June 16, 1905, Image 5

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Reduced Rates
to KansasCity St Louis Savannah Gn
Ft Worth Texas Bristol Tonn Mil
waukee Toronto Indianapolis Balti
more Buffalo and numerous other points
east west north and south will be on
sale in the near future Call on agent
for particulars
Do You Want to Try
Postmaster Kimmell wants to seo a
number of persons who are desirous of
taking an examination for carrior of a
proposed rural free delivery route out
of McCook Report to him promptly
and secure application blanks
a a i m
I will sell at public sale at my farm four miles
north of McCook on
Tuesday June 20 05
at ten oclock a m the following described
property to wit
One driving team 3 years
One span pony mares 3
years old
One 2 year old mare colt
One yearling mare colt
One brood mare
Fifteen head milk cows
One good bull 3 years
22 head of yearling steers
and heifers
Five spring calves
One top buggy
One spring wagon
Two lumber wagons
One wagon with hayrack
Two sets double harness
One disc
One riding lister
Two riding cultivators
Two Deering binders
One 3 section steel har
One Buckeye mower
One hay rake
Two 1 -horse drills
One saddle
One water tank
One grind stone
One lot corn cribbing
One end gate seeder
Many other implements and tools too numerous to mention
Tprrrm of Sale- 0n a11 sums of and under
cash on sums of over ioco a
credit to September 15 1905 wfll be given without interest
if paid when due but if not paid when due notes to draw
ten per cent interest from date Approved security required
on all time purchases A discount of five per cent will be
given for cash on sums over 1000
H H BERRY Auctioneer
Vr Aumn Clerks
BMMTMJrTliii - I BgBEMg1 t rTfi in - lL
June Weddings and
Diamonds June
Clothier and
Gents Outfitter
Sale H
During the month of June we are going to run a special sale
of first class merchandise including Mens Boys Childrens
Clothing Shoes for all Gents Furnishings Hats Trunks Suit
Cases etc To those who live at distance it will pay them to at
tend this sale Note the following prices
Mens all wool suits in fancy cheriots and mixed goods
1500 values now 81000
All wool worsted splendid quality 810 values now S798
All wool nobby and black good quality 8750 at 8500
Young Mens Suits all wool black Thibet highest
gradegoods ages 11 to 18 815 values S1000
Childrens all styles both in wash goods and wool from
50 cents to 8500
Mens fine all wool pants pegged top and every other
style from S200 to 8400 all sizes
Our line of
Furnishing Goods is Complete
Mens pleated pink shirts 8100 ones 49c
Mohair fancy shirts 8250 ones 8125
Silk string ties 10c
Mens faacy underwear blue pink cream 25 cents
Our special line of
Shoes and Slippers is Complete
for Men Women and Children
Mens slippers tan and black seamless Kant Kip 8250
values 8190 8500 hand made dress shoes in three dif
ferent leathers 8350
Ladies 8250 dress shoes 8195 8200 every day shoes 8155
8350 easy slippers best fit 8225
Little folks best 82 shoes S115 S150 slippers 79c
This is a bona fide sale and would ask everyone to investigate and
compare prices Tour trade solicited Our goods are all new
and up-to-date at
F M Berry was a Hastings pilgrim
last Saturday
Conductor II C Brown returned to
duty Thursday
Charles Wesley is a now sweeper in
the round house
J Press round house sweeper re
signed on Monday
M E Wells boiler inspector was
hero first of week
Engine 3103 a now D4 arrived from
Havelock Thursday
Machinist W A Smith of back shop
resigned Thursday
F Ploussard is a new apprentice in
Egans gang this week
Ben Crawley is a now wiper in the
round house this week
C F Douglas and F W Knapo are
new helpers in the machine shop
II Blackmoro of the round house
force is visiting in Denver this week
Fireman H F Connolly is visiting
relatives in Nebraska City this week
Clydo E Lylehas deen helping in the
agents force at headquarters this week
The great officers special passed east
through McCook Tuesday about noon
Rumor has it that one of our young
machinists is about to become a Bene
Conductor A G Bump injured him
self in carrying a bull chain and is
off duty
Engineer W A Clino is taking En
gineer Clarks run a few days on the
Conductor and Mrs O R Amick are
visiting in Giand Island during his in
Floyd and Fay Stnyner are visiting
in Edgar and Lawrence during part of
their summer vacation
Conductor Eph Benjamin returned
home Wednesday and is serving on
the grievance committee now
Engines 1662 and 644 went in the
back shop Wednesday and Engine 1334
came out of back shop Monday
Heavy rains Thursday afternoon
resulted in four washouts between Kene
saw and Juniata which delayed trains
several hours
A E Keating has been transferred
from the boiler gang to the machine
shop and will be shown on the rolls as
an apprentice
C A Deloy has purchased the Smith
cottage on Manchester street now oc
cupied by E M Bigelow and will short
ly occupy the same
Switchman J L Crotty and Con
ductor G L Ellis are down from Denver
in attendance on a general grievance
committee meeting
Engineer J E Sanborn was at head
quarters on Wednesday He is off duty
at present and may not return to the
Burlington service
A slight fire on the new Red Willow
bridge now in course of construction
was quickly extinguished last week
without much damage
The clever artist who worked that
Kimono Kod on Johnnie Morrissey in
last weeks Republican evidently over
looked the LadiesHome Journals copy
Clyde Lyle telegrapher returned
from a visit to his home at Skidmore
Mo close of last week and expects to
resume work in the service and be as
signed to duty soon
F B Weidenheimer of General Supt
Byrams office is at McCook division
headquarters holding an examination of
all employes in the companys service
connected with the running of trains
trainmen enginemen dispatchers etc
Conductor P F McKeuna had the
presidents special over the McCook di
vision returning from Hastings on
Thursday evening in charge of the pay
car special Conductor F M Wash
burn had McKennas regular runs mean
The Burlington bridge over Sand
Creek five miles east of Denver was
partially destroyed by fire Tuesday
afternoon A temporary structure was
soon cribbed up and the delay to trafic
was but slight The financial loss is
not large The officers special was for
tunate in being on this side of tbe bridge
The Pennsylvania railroad made a test
run of train from New York to Chicago
distance 910 miles in seventeen hours
flat on Monday last This it is said
broke all records for that distance This
remarkable test was accomplished by
two special trains both carrying officials
of the Pennsylvania system The run
from New York to Pittsburg was made
in eight hours and fifty minutes and the
trip from Pittsburg to Chicago was timed
at eight hours and twenty minutes The
test thoroughly demonstrated the ability
of the Pennsylvania to make the run be
tween Chicago and New York daily in
eighteen hours The special from Pitts
burg to Chicago was pulled by engine
No 7167 one of the latest and fastest
pattern locomotives in the world and
was made up of exactly the equipment
which the regular daily special will
carry six cars four of which were heavy
Pullmans The run from New York to
Pittsburg which necessitates mountain
climbing was made at an average of
forty eight miles an hour The whole
distance was made at an average rate of
53 7 miles per hour which is the fastest
on record between the two cities
Double Wedding of Officials
Norfolk Neb June 14 Special
Telegram State Veterinarian C A
McKim of Norfolk and Federal Veter
inarian W F Jones of McCook Neb
surprised their friends today by a double
wedding to Miss Mamie Maniau and
Miss Mattie McNish respectively at
Trinity church The brides are Norfolk
girls prominent in society DrMcKim
is about to assume bis duties at Lincoln
Omaha Bee
McCook Market Quotations
Corrected Friday morning
Wheat S
Rye JO
Barley 35
Hoks 4 C5
Eggs 10
GoodButter 15
I will pay the highest market price
Inquire at Diamonds
Miss Blanche Casten is vititing rel
atives and friends in Kearney
J R Makbh of King City Mo is a
guest of II II Bandy of Coleman pre
Mits L W Staynek and Mrs J W
Lino went in to Omaha Wednesday on
6 on a short visit
Miss Hazel Rocch has gone to Rol
linsvillc Col on a visit to her aunt Mrs
llolton Longnecker
Peter Foxen is entertaining his moth
er and brother in law Ben Myer and
wife all of Dubuque Iowa
Rev M B Carman was up in Fron
tier county this weekperforming a mar
riage ceremony for old time friends
Mr and Mrs W T Coleman and
two sons are visiting relatives in Yale
Iowa expecting to return home by Sun
day next
Mr and Mrs Joseph Harrison
Harlow W Keyes Bob Thomas and
other Indianolaites were in town Wed
nesday on business
Will L Brown his father Will A
Brown and aunt Miss Lizzie Brown will
depart Sunday for California where
the father and aunt expect to make
their home The Browns have been
residents of McCook for about twenty
years and the best wishes of many
friends accompany them
City Council Proceedings
Regular session of city council Mon
day evening all members present
Bills as follows were allowed
F M Kimmell 13 50
Harnett Lumber Co 172 00
McCook Electric Light Co 99 90
RJ Predmoro 3 25
Thomas Burge CO 00
Ed Fitzgerald 50 00
John Eketedt GS 40
G F Kinghorn 33 30
Adam ttowera 30 CO
CDCuster 12 50
CJRyan 12 50
L Lawritson 12 50
CAWard 12 50
JSLeUew 18 75
II PWaito 18 75
ACEbert IS 75
W A Middleton 25 00
W A Gold 40 00
Report of ordinance committee was
adopted it being against allowing the
Bartley Mutual Telephone Company to
run their line into the court house
Annual report of library board was
read accepted and placed on file
By laws of McCook Volunteer Fire de
partment were read and approved
Report of police judge for month of
May was read and referred to city at
Report of cemetery board was read
and referred to cemetery committee
The annual estimate of expenses of
the city of McCook for 1905 was made
The total for all purposes is 810850 00
McCook lodge 135 conferred the mas
ter masons degree on C D Kenady
Monday evening for an Oklahoma lodge
On Tuesday evening chapter 35 confer
red the royal arch on Judge R C Orr
Representative Hill of Imperial and C
A Ready of Hayes Center
Burlington Bulletin of Round Trip Rates
Chicago and return on sale daily
St Louis and return 82735
Portland Tacoma and Seattle and re
turn one way via California 85600 on
sale June 1 2
San Francisco and Los Angeles and
return 85000 on sale June 1
Denver Colorado Spriugs and Pueblo
and return 81200 on sale daily On
sale June 30 to July 4 8940 On sale
Aug 30 to Sept 4 8510
Salt Lake and Ogden and return
82790 on sale daily
Yellowstone Park through and in
cluding hotels and stage and return
S7500 on sale daily
Milwaukee Wis and return 82375
on sale June 15 to 18
Toronto Ont and return 83540 on
sale June 18 19 21 22
Indianapolis and return 82610on sale
June 19 to 22
Baltimore and return 84040 on sale
July 1 to 3
Buffalo N Y and return 83650 on
sale July 7 8 9
Asbury Park and return 34435 via
New York or direct on sale June 28 to
July 1
Niagara Falls and return 83605on sale
June 17 IS 19
Cody Wyo Black Hills and Hot
Springs S D approximately half rates
all summer
Milwaukee and southern Wisconsin
points Michigan resorts on Lakes Michi
gan and Huron Canada Maine and
New England St Lawrence and Lake
Champlain regions very low tourist
rates daily
If you will call or write it will be a
pleasure to advise you about rates train
service to reserve you a berth and to
trv to make voi r trip a comfortable one
Geo S Scott Agent C B Q Ry
Rocky Mountain Tea Nuggets
A Busy Medicine for Busy People
Brings Golden Health and Bonewed Vigor
A sDeciflc for Constipation Indigestion Live
and Kidney Troubles Pimples Eczema Impure
Blood Bad Breath Slujrijish Bowels Headache
and Backache Its Rocky Mountain Tea in tab
let form S5 cents a box Genuine made by
HomsTEa Dhuq Company Madison Wis
Items of
u a
Oxford Ties and Low Shoes of all Kinds
Mens Cool Comfortable
Canvas Blutcher Ties 150
Ladies 150 to 225
Hisses 100 110 125
Mens unlined alpaca and serge coats also coat
and pants suits for hot weather wear
Better Panama Hats
than you can buy elsewhere
See our 500 hat
r r
rfHv vrfk
k TrTf
V FRANKLIN President A C EBERT Cashier
W B WOLFE Vice President A
Paid Up Capital 50000 Surplus 4000
Should be encouraged in all possible
ways Like good morals and manners
the instruction should begin in the home
As early habits mold the future character
so do those who early acquire the saving
habit lay the foundation for future suc
cess Many a boy has saved enough from his small earnings
to give him a liberal education or to make a start in business
of his own Persistent saving opens the way to countless
possibilities in success and many a young man owes his start
in life to his having opened a savings accouut and adhered to
a strong determination to add to regularly and systematically
the first deposit made We jnvite your savings accounts
The First National Bank nccook
The ricCook Iribune
Only One Dollar the year