The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, June 09, 1905, Image 7

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    m i
Every Woman in America js Interested
in This Young Girls Experience
it v ipffliiif
L S 7jLa Jjn i
Miss Maria Ducharme 183 St Eliza
beth street Montreal Can writes
I am satisfied that thousands of
women suiter because they do not real
ize how bad they really need treat
ment and feel a natural delicacy in
consulting1 a physician
I felt badl3r for years had terrible
pains and at times was unable to at
tend to my daily duties I tried to cure
myself but finally my attention was
called to an advertisement of Peruna in
a similar case to mine and I decided to
give it a trial
My improvement began as soon as
I started to use Peruna and soon I was
a well woman I feel that I owe my
life and my health to your wonderful
medicine and gratefully acknowledge
this fact Maria Ducharme
Address Dr Hartman President of
The Hartman Sanitarium Columbus
Ohio for free medical advice
All correspondence strictly confi
Yohf Childrens
A largo part of their time is spent in ths
schoolroom and it becomes tho duty of
every parent and good citizen to see to it
that the schoolrooms are free from disease
breeding germs Decorate tho walls with
Cleanly sanitary durable ar
tistic and safeguards health
a Reck Gemejit u5totiS
Does not rub or scale Destroys disease
germs and vermin No washing of walls
after once applied Any one can brush it
on mis with colli water The delicate
tints are non poisonous and are made with
special referenco to tho protection of pu
pils eyes Bewaro of paper and
and disease breeding kalsomines
bearing fanciful names andmixed with iiot
water Buy Alabastinc only in live
pounrl packages properly labeled
Tint card pretty wall and ceiling design
Hints on Decorating and our artist3
cervices in making color plans free
Grand Rapids Mich or 105 Wnter St N Y
TUP HA1CV CI V IMI I CD destroys all the flies and
inuUHIOI rLl IVlLLCn airorUscoiiirorttoevery
lioine In dining room sleeplnp room ami places where
nies are irouiue
someCIeanil eat
will not soil or In
jure anything
Try them once
you will never bo
without them It
not kept by deal
ers sent prepaid
for 20 p Harold
Somen 11 Dekalb
Sandholms Eczema
and Skin Remedy
Purifies Then Heals
Positively cures Eczema Pimples
Eruptions Insect Bites and nil dis
eases of the skin An absolute cure
for Dandruff or Scalp diseases
jAsk Drupglst or Barber or send for TREE
SAMPLE and BOOKLET Write to day
Dept 6 SANDHOLK DRTTG CO Des Moines la
00 WeeKiy Easily Made
Trritlnc health and accident insuranceeiperlence un
necessary Write Bankers Accident Co Des Moines la
When answering advertisements
kindly mention this paper
B 3 fcfaftteTEr
I Best Cough Syrup Tastes Good Vta
in lime bold or arnisrists
Beer and Cop
E Fisher who holtlB an off beer
license in Rawlinson street Barrow
was fined 20s and costs for supply
ing a constable on duty with beer
without an order from his superior
officer Fishers defense was that he
was drawing the beer for himself and
the constable had called in for p pies
He caused some astonishment when
he added They often call in for a
pie English Exchange
Proposals Not Plentiful
It Is a popular fallacy that propos
als grow like fruit on the Santa Ciaus
tree merely waiting for us to put out
our hand and pluck one But- tho
young woman who has worked like a
stoker in the social engine from 9 in
the morning until 12 at night to attain
a house a carriage a hu band and a
baby could tell Laura Jean X ibby and
others a different tale Helen Row
lands Digressions of Polly
Drinking Water for the Study
A useful article in a study is a small
filter for drinking water which should
be filled and run off every day Peo
ple are often fever with hard work
and when the appetite languishes in
warm weather and they are pressed
for time they can take a glass of cold
water with a little lemon juice
squeezed into it and find it most re
viving then when nothing else will
tempt them
Improving an Old Phrase
An English instructor in a rather
comprehensive talk to the wise young
women referred to the period that ex
tends from the cradle to the grave
Then he stopped abruptly No he
went on that is an obsolete phrase
There are no more cradles and soon
there will be no more graves The
modern form should be from the bas
sinet to the crematory New York
Tea Used as Medicine
Before tea become cheap enough to
be considered a drink it was largely
used as a medicine A familiar ad
vertisement in the Tatler used to pro
claim a famous chymical quint
essence of Bohea tea and cocoanuts
together wherein the volatile salt oil
and spirit of both formed the high
est restorative that either food or
physic affords
Unbelief and Decadence
The most daring agnostic cannot be
found- to content that he is morally a
better man through being an agnostic
whilst from the beginning of the
world millions of millions of our fel
low being have attained to a higher
ideal of life through the fact that they
have earnestly striven to follow one
form of faith or another Referee
Sweet Oil and Olive Oil
Sweet oil is another name for olive
oil Both are obtained from the olive
tree though much of what is sold to
day as olive oil is no doubt produced
from cotton seed What is sold as
sweet oil is a low grade of olive oil
Princesses Well Taught
The princessses of Siam are taught
to cook wash and iron bake and per
form other household duties At the
age of fifteen they have completed
their studies in the lines indicated
and are ready for matrimony
Its dangerous not to notice a new
dress your -wife has because she
thinks you are not interested and its
dangerous to notice because it may be
a new one you forgot to notice before
It is modesty that places in the fee
ble hand of beauty the scepter that
commands power Helvetius
Time isnt money otherwise a man
wouldnt have to spend so much time
trying to borrow a little money
Sensible Housekeepers
will have Defiance Starch not alone
because they get one third more for
the same money but also because of
superior quality
When You Buy Starch
buy Defiance and ret the best 1G 02
for 10 cents Once used always used
A womans idea of good luck is to
find a pair of socks in the pile that
doesnt need darning
The most successful hunters shoot Winchester
New Rival Factory Loaded Shotgun
Shells blue in color because they can kill
more game with them Try them and you
will find that they are sure fire give good
pattern and penetration and are satisfactory
in every way Order Factory Loaded New
Rival Shells Dont accept any substitute
Will fit every foot In yonr family and tho price will please you as well They are made of
r TjrDDv t fu jvuvo aj
iiuu o h uufc asnaie id write to us direct ana we win bob mas yon are suDDuea
fRanj who formerly smoked 105 Qfars now smote
Tonr Jobber or direct from Factory Peoria II
Had Been a Sufferer for a Long Time
Sought Quarters In Lincoln for
Treatment but Collapse Came After
LINCOLN Ex Governor Robert W
Furnas died at 11 oclock Thursday
night at the Lindell hotel of chronic
diabetes Since the night before he
had been in a comatose condition not
able to recognize those at his bed
He came to this city for medical
treatment and soon after his arrival
here collapsed
s When he left his home at Brown-
ville his family sought to dissuade
him but he said that he was well
enough to make the trip and took his
stenographer along in order that he
might attend to the state fair busi
ness For many years he has been
secretary of the state board of agri
culture and in immediate charge of
much of the work connected with the
Ex Governor Furnas who is one of
the pioneers attained his 81st birth
day May 5 He has attended to his
business as secretary of the board
almost constantly although for a few
weeks last fall he was obliged to go
to the hospital
Robert W Furnas came to Nebraska
from Ohio fifty years ago in the
prime of his young manhood and
from that time until he was incapaci
tated by age and infirmities was an
active figure in the affairs of the
state He was elected president of
the State Agricultural society in 185S
its first president and was later
elected secretary of the society which
position he continued to hold up to
the time of his death In 1SG2 he
was colonel of the Second Nebraska
volunteer cavalry and served until
that regiment was mustered out In
1S72 he was nominated for governor
by the republicans and was elected
taking his seat in January 1873 the
second governor of the state of Ne
braslta In 1S78 he was elected presi
dent of the State Historical society
and served for several years in this
capacity In every avenue of the
states life he was a prominent figure
and one of the best known and hon
ored among Nebraskas citizens
He was more active in connection
with the agricultural industries of the
state than in any other direction and
served the farmers well in several
capacities He was commissioner
from Nebraska to the Centennial ex
position at Philadelphia to the Co
lumbian exposition at Chicago and
to other expositions For the last
five years he has been practically re
tired his failing health preventing
his taking any active part in the af
fairs of the state Governor Furnas
was married to Mary McComas in
1S45 she dying at their home in
Brownville shortly after they had
celebrated their golden wedding
WASHINGTON The commissioner
of the general land office has issued
instructions to registers and receivers
of land offices throughout the country
directing that in the future no one
person shall be permitted to acquire
more than 320 acres of non mineral
public land under existing laws Here
tofore applicants have been permitted
to increase the quantity under the tim
ber and stone and soldier additional
homestead laws
Talk of the End of the War Is Now
is full of rumors of the most contra
dictory character regarding the pros
pects of peace but in the best in
formed quarters the Associated Press
was told that no definite decision had
been reached Nevertheless it is per
sistently reported that an imperial
manifesto may be expected within a
chort time
The ministers who went to the
council at Tsarskoe Selo Tuesday
were so expectant of immediate ac
tion that the editor of the official mes
senger e was instructed to hold his
forms open for an important an
nouncement but at the last moment
the editor was informed that this an
nouncement was not ready
vitch in a dispatch to Emperor Nicho
las dated May 31 says
On May 29 the Japanese began an
advance -and attacked our troops in
the valley of the Tzin river about
three miles beyond Fenshu Pass
which remained in our hands
Tokio Celebrates Victory
TOKIO Tokio celebrated Japans
great naval victory The main thor
oughfares streets and leading govern
ment buildings of the capital were
thronged with joyous cheering
crowds Impromptu processions mov
ed in various directions The parad
ers carried lanterns and went singing
through the streets following bands
Plans are on loot for an organized for
mal celebration of Togos victory to
take place as soon as all the details
are made public
Lost All His Hair S ratched Till
Blood Ran Grateful Mother
Tells of His Cure by Cuti
cura for 75c --
When our baby boy was three
months old he had the milk crust very
badly on his head so that all the hair
came out and it itched so bad he
would scratch until the blood ran I
got a cake of Cuticura Soap and a box
of Cuticura Ointment I applied the
Cuticura and put a thin cap on his
head and before I had used half of
the box it was entirely cured his hair
commenced to grow out nicely again
and he has had no return of the trou
ble Signed Mrs II P Holmes
Ashland Or
The defense of the devil usually
dides some share of his dividends
The City Savings Eank is strictly
n savings bank The distinction is
pronounced for all its investments
and this is rigidly enforced by the
State Law must be mortgages on
real estate not to exceed 50 per cent
of its value general fund warrants
bonds and securities of known mar
ketable value the larger part being
investments which are readily con
vertible into cash at any time
The strength of this plan is readily
appreciated as it provides for all
Deposits may be made at any time
and will draw interest at the rate of
four per cent per anntim for each full
calendar month which it remains
This proves a strong attraction to our
More than 6500 people have al
ready begun savings accounts with
us and we respectfully solicit inquir
ies from you and we would be pleas
ed to forward additional information
interesting to investors or borrowers
201 So ICth St Omaha Neb
It takes the touch of love to pick
even the mote out of anothers eye
Dr O S Wood cures Rupture by
a new process in a few weeks with
out loss of time or inconvenience
Rectal diseases cured without the
knife Send for circular O S Wood
M D 521 N Y Life Bldg Omaha
You may have observed that a loaf
er never considers himself a loafer
Pisos Cure for Consumption is an infallible
medicine for coughs and colds N AW Samuel
Ocean Grove X J Feb 17 1900
Hold fast to an opinion until some
thing better is found to supplant it
Defiance Starch is put up 16 ounces
in a package 10 cents One third
more starch for the same money
Many mistake their dreams about
heaven for deeds to lots up there
Dr David ICennctlys Iavorito ICemeily Is
excellent lor the liver Oired mu utter elrht years of
utlering S leprou Albany Y Y World famous tl
Before attempting to size up an
easy going man arouse his temper
Mrs Sarah Kellogg of Denver Color
Bearer of the Womans Kelief Corps
Sends Thanks to Mrs Piztkham
The following
letter was written
by Mrs Kellogg-
of 1623 Lincoln
Ave Denver
oloto MrsPink
aam LynnMass
Dear Mrs Pinkham
For five years I
was troubled with a
tumor which kept
WsSdroAMhsg SKSE
great mental depression I was unable to at
tend to my house workand life became a bur
den to me I was confined ror days to my bed
lost my appetite my courage and all nope
I could not bear to think of an operation
and in my distress I tried every remedy which j
I thought would be of any use to me and I
reading of the value of Lydia E Pinkhams j
Vegetable Compound to sick women decided
to give it a trial I felt so discouraged that I I
had little hope of recovery and when I began 1
to feel better after the second week thought j
it only meant temporary relief but to my 1
great surprise I found that I kept gaining
while the tumor lessened in size
The Compound continued to build up my
general health and the tumor seemed to be
absorbed until in seven montlis the tumor
was entirely gone and I a well woman I am
so thankful for my recovery that I ask you
to publish my letter in newspapers so other
women may know of the wonderful curative
powers ofLydia E Piukhams Vegetable
When women are troubled with irreg
ular or painful menstruation wc kn ess
leucorrhcea displacement or ulceration
of the womb that bearing down feel
ing inflammation of the ovaries back
ache flatulence general debility indi
gestion and nervous prostration they
should remember there is one tried and
true remedy LydiaE Pinkhams Veg
etable Compound at once removes such
No other medicine in the world has
received such widespread and unquali
fied endorsement No other medicine
has such a record of cures of female
troubles Refuse to buy any other
Mrs Pinkham invites all sick women
to write her for advice She has guided
thousands to health Address Lynn
Health is too valuable to risk in ex
periments with unknown and untried
medicines or methods of treatment
Remember that itis LydiaE Pinkhams
Vegetable Compound that is curing1
women and dont allow any druggist
to sell you anything else in its place
P and Wood Frames 25 and up Write
us Deiore you ouy c save you
monev Also Pumps and Wind
Mills BECKUAN BROS Des Moines lows
W N U Omaha
No 231905
Lutvll xLAPJFlf Jul has even more
than its Strength Fiavor and Qual
ity to commend it On arrival irom
the plantation it is carefully roast
ed at our factories and securely
packed in 1 lb sealed packages
and not opened again until needed
vH 1 Y
M ill PiggaaaJy
Uniform excellent quality for ovsr a quarter of a
Century lias steadily increased tho sales of LION COFFEE
The leader of all package coSfccs
lion Coffee
is now used in millions of homes Such
popular success speaks for itself It is a
positive proof that LION COFFEE has tho
Confidence of the people
Tho uniform quality of LION
COFFEE survives all opposition
LION COFFEE keeps Its old friends and
makes new ones every day
wa ca3
fi - ii 5E
VaJ feli
and its made to r too tmc neavy t ami wwj iwiuiuk
rvimnliRAtPf nnthlnc which can tctfrtrouf Has drop end shelf nickeled
T ---- j ri U J
hav to vcait for your fire ita awos pii V hot ou ought to haye a Viae Jlrai
tttii mHMir uc -- - bv
ii iuui V iYi T 1
- - - pi vi I Sfnii too
Would You Like a Fresentr something - 5
something joull like if yonll umply tell us jour aeaws name
and T whether or not ho carries V Meal bisn your name
pUiiBlu f o the present will be sure to reach jou eafelr
EinEen Stove Co Dlv Makers 415 H6tast st toms mo
lor use in the home This precludes
the possibility of adulteration or contact with germs dirt
dust insects or unclean hands The absolute purity of
LION COFFEE is therefore guaranteed to the consumer
Sold only in 1 lb packages Lion head on every package
Save these Lion heads for valuable premiums
Tho nppetizina finvor nuil sitlBfrinn quality of LIBBYS POTTED AND DFATLKD MEATS la
duo to the skill of tho Libby chefs and to the iurity aud strength of the lurodlenta uoJ
Libbys Food Products
For BroakfOkSt Dinnor evnd Svippor
Corned Beef HasK Brisket Beef Boneless Chicken
Veal Loaf Soups Vienna Sausago
They are ready 1o1jereottr Grocer haj -them
LiiiSjy McNeill a Llbby Chicago
recently added to the popular Mueller
pianos make them the greatest piano
value known
From our fiivlury to the Inline
SAVES 7500 to S15000
Our illustrated booklet free for the
asking tells you why Write for It
today well answer tomorrow
Addre lie makers
fWc have no ayents
33J3 Fnriiniu St OMAHA iVEB
iicmt gritpg Bn
03 r h wi 5 fi r
are a delight to the refined woman every
where In order to get this result see that
the material is good that it is cut in thf
latest fashion and use
i lj3i
in the laundry AH three things are import
ant but the last is absolutely necessary
No matter how fine the material or how
daintily made bad starch and poor laundry
work will spoil the effect and ruin the
clothes DEFIANCE STARCH is pure
will not rot the clothes nor cause them to
crack It sells at 10c a sixteen ounce pack
age everywhere Other starches much in
ferior sell at 10c for twelve ounce pack
age Insist on getting DEFIANCE
STARCH and be sure of results
iifoami Starefa
v o tioi D o ftfyo TofT nnH H nc oonl rnrl comfortable in rarer kitchen as your City
sister is in hers The Quick Meal makes its own gas you can use it anywhere without
connections and it s sate simple economical uuraoie 11 n ucammps
Itself and rives less trouble than a kerosene lamp Ve e looked after
that A child or an untrained hired trirl can use it szfely Fuel only costs MA
4c or 6c a day no kmdlinsr asnes soot or airt wnen yon use a
er liMICtQnY C 3U
Wrii HP If