The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, June 09, 1905, Image 5

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See Knipple right nway nnd secure
some of that baled bay just shipped in
Per ton 950
Wo wsiut your shoe repairing and will
attend to it promptly The Bee Hive
1 VrcF in
New tans
aiid othei
light we i glits for
Spring and
Summer have
avrived and are
being inspected
by our customers
We ourselves are
m uch pleased with
the new line and
are enjoying the
it is giving others
Brand new styles
that have never
before een shown
250 to 600
Tic Model
Any ones having mares they wish
to breed to a good jack said to be
largest breeder in the county should
bring them to my ranch where free
pasture will be given until mares are
known to be in foal
TERAIS S8 00 to insure S10 00
for standing colt
A W Campbell -
Box Elder
McCook Market Quotations
Corrected Friday morning
Corn 45
Wheat 55
Oats 35
Rye i v 50
Barley as
Horb 4 Cj
Eggs 13
Good Batter 15
I will pay the highest market price
Inquire at Diamonds
Real Estate Filings
The following real estate filings have
been made in the county clerks office
since last Thursday evening
J T EdliiiK to C O Edlinjf wd to n
Iif be qr 100
C F Lolin to E S Wulter wd to lots
2 and 3 blk 0 Willow Grove 100 00
G F Kendall ot nl to J W Downy
deed to so qr 17-2-27 500 00
Elizabeth Crandall to J Junker Jr
wdtowhfno Qr 7-2-27 500 00
E P Hubcr to E B Odoll wd to lot
1 blk 12 McCook lfeOO 00
S Odoll to E B Odell lot 14 blk 10
West McCook 30 00
C M Pato to N E Wheeler wd to o
hf uw qr 1500 00
CL Wright to A J Lohr wd lot 3 blk
i7 Bartloy 12 CO
J XV Taylor to F and R Troester wd
to s hf no qr n hf so qr 13-2-29 1AsO 00
F Troester to F Wagner wd to s hf
no qrnhf so qr 13-2-29 1 00
E B Sopor to P F McKenna wd to
swqr 14-1-30 320 00
X O Duff to J MallicR wd to ne qr
nw qr w hf sw qr of 33 w hf nw qr
4 SOU 00
W J Fowler to P F McKenna wd to
seqr 11-1-29 1250 00
U S to J A Hammond pat to se qr
A Guaranteed Cure For Piles
Itching Blind Bleeding or Protrud
ing Piles Druggists refund money if
Pazo Ointment fails to cure any case
no matter of how long standing in Gtol4
days First application gives ease and
rest 50c If your druggist hasnt it
send 50c in stamps and it will be for
warded postpaid by Paris Medicine Co
St Louis Mo
Shoes half soled for 35 cents by
Stulken Bauer
Advertised Letters
The following letters were advertised
by the McCook postoflice May 31 1 905
Baker Mr Homer H Clark Mr Roy
Groves G W G H Gibson
Johnson D L Marshall XV L
Teel Mr F E Wiege Mr Will
Walker M J
When calling for these letters please
say they were advertised
P M Kimmell Postmaster
Makes disgestion and assimilation
perfect Makes new red blood and bone
Thats what Hollisters Rocky Moun
tain Tea will do A tonic for the sick
and weak 35 cents Tea or Tablets
Rocky Mountain Tea Nuggets
A Busy Mediolae for Busy People
Brings Golden Health and Eenewed Vigor
A specific for Constipation Indigestion Live
and Kidney Troubles Pimples Eczema Impure
Blood Bad Breath Sluggish Bowels Headache
and Backache Its Rocky Mountain Tea in tab
let form 85 cents a box Genuine made by
Hollister Ditua Company Madison Wis
g June Weddings and gj
DiAnoNDs June Sale
During the month of June we are going to run a special sale
of first class merchandise including Mens Boys Childrens
Clothing Shoes for all Gents Furnishings Hats Trunks Suit
Cases etc To those who live at distance it will pay them to at
tend this sale Note the following prices
Mens all wool suits in fancy cheriots and mixed goods
1500 values now S1000
All wool worsted splendid quality 10 values now 798
All wool nobby and black good quality 750 at 500
Young Mens Suits all wool black Thibet highest
grade goods ages 14 to 18 15 values 1000
Childrens all styles both in wash goods and wool from
50 cents to 500
Mens fine all wool pants pegged top and every other
style from 200 to 100 all sizes
Our line of
Furnishing Goods is Complete
Mens pleated pink shirts 100 ones 49c
Mohair fancy shirts 250 ones 125
Silk string ties 10c
Mens faacy underwear blue pink cream 25 cents
Our special line of
Shoes and Slippers is Complete
for Men Women and Children
Mens slippers tan and black seamless Kant Rip 250
values 190 500 hand made dress shoes in three dif
ferent leathers 350
Ladies 250 dress shoes 195 200 every day shoes 135
S350 easy slippers best fit 2 25
Little folks best 2 shoes 115 150 slippers 79c
This is a bona fide sale and would ask everyone to investigate and
compare prices Tour trade solicited Our goods are all new
and up-to-date at
Clothier and
Gents Outfitter
drag timimMtmMsm Msmtsm g
Red Willow Creek Bridge Burned
ThoBurlingtons bridge over Tied Wil
low creek midway between McCook and
Indianola was entirely consumed by fire
Monday afternoon The structure was
115 feet long including the approaches
and nothing remained after the flames
bad finished
The bridge took fire while William By
field and some of his employ es were burn
ing off some driftage along the right-of-way
to allow the possible flood water
greater freedom of movement An un
successful effort was made to get prompt
telephonic connection with McCook and
word was then phoned to Indianola from
which point the section hands came on
their hand car But by the time they
arrived tho bridge was practically de
A repair train was sent from McCook
later in the afternoon with materials
and a temporary bridge was cribbed up
and traflic was resumed about midnight
This bridge was partially destroyed by
fire last summer aud the possibilities
are that tho new structure will be more
substantial in character
Fireman O G Coppam is on the sick
W D Medlock is a new wiper this
Engine 2704 left Wednesday for Ilave
Engine 311 and 2703 are here from
Mrs II Baumgart is visiting relatives
in Belvidere
W P Redifer and family are now liv
ing in Alma
G W Wilson is a new helper in the
machine shop
J Schlagel spent Sunday with relat
ives in Culbertson
J A Colfer of store house force spent
Sunday in Holdrege
J Coffey is a new helper in the ma
chine shops this week
II Wentz is a new machinist in the
machine shop this week
J A Harman of machine shop force
resigned first of the week
Engineer Thad Shepherd is up from
Fairbury Neb on a visit
Engineer W D Burnett was a Red
Cloud visitor first of the week
Mr F C Fuller wife and daughter
Gladys are visiting in Havelock
Conductor and Mrs Will Turley are
visiting relatives in Greeley Neb
Mrs George Martin is in Hastings
again at the bedside of sick father
Mr Gaarsh of telegraph office- spent
Sunday with his parents in Denyer
A T Fitt is a new handy man em
ployed in the round house this week
Conductor 11 C Brown arrived home
today from a visit of two or three weeks
Mr F Rolfe of carpenter force was
working in Denver a few days this week
Con Brening started to work as mach
inist in the back shop first of the week
Mrs Webster Josselyn of Omaha is a
guest of Trainmaster and Mrs J F
Fireman C D Purinton of Lincoln is
visiting his sister Mrs H D Bayles
this week
Fireman F W Alves was on the sick
list first of the week having a boil on
his right wrist
Miss Marion V Anderson of Fullerton
Nebraska is a guest of Master Mechanic
and Mrs R B Archibald
Conductor O E Amick was taken
sick after his return from Omaha and
T E Lunberry is on the 14220
Mrs G R Frey of Lockesburg Ar
kansas is visiting her parents Master
Mechanic and Mrs R B Archibald
Conductor Benjamin was called to
Hendley Wednesday by the illness of
his children Best had the 14148 mean
C F Heber Western Union local
manager and line chief spent Sunday
at the Burlingtons pretty and popular
resort at Lyons Colorado
Engineer G R Frey is here from
Lockesburg Arkansas and with his
wife and child guest of Master Mechanic
and Mrs R B Archibald her parents
Big Cut
In Prices
Lasting till the 20th
2 50 and 300 hat at 1 50
150 and 225 hat at 100
Slaughter prices on patterns
and up to date mid summer
wear Located on Dennison
street in the Citizens bank
J VanDepoel
All who are owing me will call and
settle before my partner Mrs L Mc-
Farland takes charge of the store which J
will be soon
Mr Theobald has moved into his new
Alfalfa harvest will begin last of this
Fine strawberries are selling for 10c
per box
Small crop looks well and promises a
Jarge yield
Mrs Ed Tibbitsjs recovering from
her recent illness
Miss Rico of Lincoln is visiting here
with her sistor Mrs Corbin
Mr Webber has tho stone work of his
new house about completed
G W Jones laid tho comer stone of
his new building Monday morning
Mr Clyde Clements is yet confined to
his b6d bufhopes to be out again soon
One of Mr Moons children had the
misfortune of breaking an arm this
Corn is growing rapidly now and the
farmers are busy cutting weeds and cul
C E Mathews came up from Arapa
hoe and visited over Sunday with the
The signs of the zodiac indicate
there will be a series of weddings in
Bartley soon
Dr Mackechine was down from In
dianola Saturday on a professional call
to Mrs Ora Stevens
Gordon A they is in charge of the
Bartley Telephone Central office with
Frank Clark as assistant
Rev Ilardcastle of Lincoln preached
in the Christian church at 11a m Sun
day to a fine audience
Work in the beet fields began this
week All the boys and some of the
girls are earning good wages now
Mr and Mrs Will Stilgebouerof Dan
bury visited here over Sunday with
Mr F G Stilgebouer and family
The Black Heifer dramatic com
pany gave their play to a Danbury aud
ience Friday evening of last week
The businessmen were introduced
Mondayto Clifford Coxthe new proprie
tor of the Bartley transfer company
The barber shop received a fresh coat
of paint this week on the inside the
outside needs a touch of the same kind
Miss Lena Flint returned home on 5
Monday evening from Oak Neb where
she recently closed a successful term of
S W Clark took a trip to the east
this week in search of more light as
delegate to the A F A M Grand
Lodge at Omaha
Bartley ball team played at Cam
bridge Saturday a second game with
Pea Ridge nine and with the same
old story Defeat
Miss Etta Burton has resigned her po
sition with Smith and Cochran It is
rumored she will accept a much more
important position soon
Presiding Elder Wilson held quarterly
meeting at Mount Zion Saturday Sev
eral members of the M E church of
Bartley attended the services
James Williamson and family who
have been visiting friends and relatives
here for the past week left for their
home at Colby KausasMonday morning
Mrs Hamilton returned Sunday
evening freni her visit in Louisiana
Her niece Miss Minnie Williams of Crow
ley La came with her and will visit
during the summer in Bartley
G C Johnson formerly minister of
the Christian church here and at Indian
ola is now located at Wray Colorado
He visited friends in Bartley Saturday
returning to Wray in the evening on 5
The eleventh annual commencement
exercises of he Bartley high school were
held in the M E church Thursday
evening The decorations of the church
with class colors green and white dis
played the fine taste of tho tenth grade
class who were the decorators The re
gular exercises opened with a march
played by Mr Fletcher during which
the four lady graduates and Prof Galla
tin marched to the rostrum and took
their places Invocation by Rev Kirby
followed by a vocal duet by the Misses
Williams and quartette by Bartley male
quartette Instrumental music by Miss
Lutie Untiedt and by Messrs Fletcher
and Fischer was enjoyed and a vocal
solo by Grace Brown ended the program
The vocal and instrumental music was
pleasing to all and received many com
pliments Miss Nellie Rittenberg Miss
Grace Brown Miss Mattie Beeson and
Miss Lillian Lohr were the graduates
In the choice of their subjects and rend
ering of the same did themselves much
credit The diplomas were presented by
J E Hathorn The exercises closing
with a short talk by Prof Gallatin
Reduced Rates
to KansasCity St Louis Savannah Ga
Ft Worth Texas Bristol Tenn Mil
waukee Toronto Indianapolis Balti
more Buffalo and numerous other points
east west north and south will be on
sale in the near future Call on agent
for particulars
Do You Want to Try
Postmaster Kimmell wants to see a
number of persons who are desirous of
taking an examination for carrier of a
proposed rural free delivery route out
of McCook Report to him promptly
and secure application blanks
Rainy Days
That is why you should
look over our stock of
Rain Proof
and the new lot of UHBRELLAS which we
have just received We have the
50c to 500
We have some good SILKS suit
able for thepopular Shirt Waist
Suits Also black TAFFETA SILKS the wear
guaranteed kind at 75C 100 and l5o
The latter two are 36 inches wide
DeGroff Co
o 6
V FRANKLIN President A C EBERT Cashier
W B WOLFE Vice President
THE- ft
Paid Up Capital 50000 Surplus 4000
Should be encouraged in all possible
ways Like good morals and manners
the instruction should begin in the home
As early habits mold the future character
so do those who early acquire the saving
habit lay the foundation for future suc
cess Many a boy has saved enough from his small earnings
to give him a liberal education or to make a start in business
of his own Persistent saving opens the way to countless
possibilities in success and many a young man owes his -tart f
in life to his haing opened a savings accouut and adhered to f
a strong determination to add to regularly and systematically
the first deposit made We invite your savings accounts
The First National Bank riccook
The flcCook Tribune
Only One Dollar the year